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Matangi Query

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Dear Deepa Amma,


You have to follow the instructions which your Guru who has initiated you into the Srividya Puja has given you. I can guide you at the maximum.




A detailed analysis of Anga Devathas is done mainly for the Puja for each deity and the total puja done in Srividya automatically should cover all the anga devathas,you need not specifically concentrate on each deity.




For example: Varahi's Angadevatha: Laghu Vaarthali Amba or Laghu Varahi is to done in conjunction in the Srividya Puja.unless you are considering Varahi Shakthi devi in seperation.





When I wrote "Among the many limbic deities", I meant the Anga, Upanga and Prathyanga Devathas who are more than the 3 set I gave. For practical Puja purposes, you may stick to just one set which your Guru has ordained.Here, i cannot comment anything as Iam not your Guru.I also dont know your parampara(which among the 3) and other details.Always Guru's word is final in this.I got confused because the other day you were mentioing over phone that you had multiple Gurus(which is not possible for Srividya Marga, by the way) and so was unclear that "Thatha" was your Srividya Guru and therefore assumed that Aiyya was your Guru.Maybe it was my mistake, please my ignorance here.






Raja Mathangi refers to the Daharaakhya part mentioned in Lalitha Sahasranama. Dahara Vidhya refers to the inner knowledge.This is where Mathangi differs from Saraswathy Devi in puissance and power.She is also called "Mantrini"(or Female version of Minister to Rajarajeshwari Devi).She governs how the mantras related to Srividya are to be chanted, with what meter, what pronunciations and articulations,svarapAthanams,etc.She is also a significator of the Gnana Kala of Rajarajeshwari Devi.





There are various histories of this deity(and various Matanginis in themselves too, Shoshika Devi is also confused with Raja Matangi, for example) and one story even says that She was born in a lower caste and rose to the status of Goddess. Green color is symbolically attributed to Her thus. Green color is also found in Goddess Meenakshi who is taken as the Amsa of Raja Mathangi and is called Raja Shyamala. Raja Shyamala is not to be confused with Raja Mathangi(who is an independent Goddess in the Srvidya pantheon and is ascribed the status of one of the Vidhyas in the Dashamaha Vidhya deca-series). Lalithopaakhyana places her along with Varahi(Dandini Devi) as Mantrini as mentioned above.(When you go to Nangainallur temple, do see the small vigrahas kept at the entrance to Amba's vigraha, both have Yanthrasthapitams beneath it and are very powerful though the idol sie looks

small-Hasthapramana eva kintu athishakthivanthaha: ) Also, we are not mentioing the Nirguna-aspect here and thus we see the Devatha-bheda here for worship purposes.





Also, the famous Ucchista Chandali mantra is attributed to Her but in the Shuddhopasana Reethi Mandala, Her upasana is the Pranava at the Nabhisthana near the Svadhisthana Chakra, Anahatham and the Naasaagram(tip of the toungue), this is symbolic and sanketha of Madhyama and Vaikhari.




There are not many tantras which have Matangi as an independent Goddess with a central worship modality.Meru Tantra, Gandhara Tantra, Gupta Siddhanta Tantra and Svatantra-tantra all make pasing and vague mentions about this deity.There is lot of confusion regarding this deity and the paddhathi, She Herself is treated usually as an anga devata of another vidya. Dakshinamurty Samhita has a mantra of Matangi, it is different to one found in Mantra Mahodadhi and gives faster mantra siddhi, if the deeksha is given properly. Parasurama Kalpataru You will find a whole chapter(6th Khanda of Shyamala) dedicated to her in Parashurama Kalpasutra as well.




Apart from what I have discussed above, the information can be gleaned from perusing the following texts also:

1. Brahmanda Purana-Lalithopaakhyanam

2. Matangi Kalpataru(of the Raurava Panchakam)

3. Kaulavalinirnaya Tantra

4. Brihadvarahi Tantra

5. Jayadrhruthayamala

6. Rudrayamala-Shyamala Khanda(just like Parashurama kalpataru Khanda(Shyama Kramam) which I mentioned supra)

7. Dakshinmurthy Samhita(Chapter 32: Patala 32 describes Matangi Ratna Devi and her worship modes)

8. Chapter/Patala 10 of Guptasadhana Tantra

9. Bruhatsara Tantra(Pariccheda 2 and 4)

10. Niruttara Tantra calls it a Siddhavidhya and gives certain rituals and mantras associated with Matangi

11. Devirahasya Tantra mentions the mantra of Matangi in the second patala.


Details the rites of Shyama, the dusky form of Tripura, who is described elsewhere in Shri Vidya tantras as Tara or Kurukulla, and who is the "mother" form, just as Varahi is the "father" form of the goddess is given in Nityotsava's Fourth Chapter(Patala).There metnion in the inner four petals of "Matangeshwari" and "Maha Matangi" there.


Matangi is described as "Mother form" and Varahi is described as "father form" in the Nityotsava text.


Lord Shiva says in Todala Tantra thus: "Tara Devi is the blue form, Bagala is the tortoise incarnation, Dhumavati is the boar, Cchinnamasta is Nrisimha, Bhuvaneshvari is Vamana, Matangi is the Rama form, Tripura is Jamadagni, Bhairavi is Balabhadra, Mahalakshmi is Buddha, and Durga is the Kalki form. BhagavatÌ Kali is the Krishna murti."




To answer your question clearly without confusion:


These are the anga-upanga and prathyanga Devathas of Matangi


mAta~NgyA siddhamAta~NgI nakulI cha saraswatI |mAta~NgI pAdukA devi laghushyAmA cha kAminI ||vIrabhadro mata~Ngashcha pramadA mohinI parA |bhogesgayakShaH samprokto devi guptatamo manuH ||pulindinI bhairavashcha ucChiShTagaNapastathA |pishAchagaNapo devi ucChiShTabhairavo.aparaH ||mahAvashyakarI ratnavidyA vAgvAdinI tathA |mahAmnadhumatI devi tathA karNasuyakshiNI ||ekavIrA cha tvaritA ghaNTAkarNo nishAcharaH |aghoraH kullukAnAM cha pa~nchakaM parikIrtitam ||


Siddhamatangi,Nakuli,Saraswathy,Padukadevi,Laghu Shyama,Kamini,Veerabhadrini,Paramada,mohini,para,etc as mentioned aforesaid for her limbic deities(now do you understand what I meant by among the many limbic deities).So, check your Guru's advice regarding the pooja to be done fo which and including which and excluding which deities.


Vaagvadini is considered by many Schools as the Upanga Devatha of Matangi(Parasurama Kalpatru states thus in the Shyama Kramam: cakra-madhye Å›rÄ«-mÄtam uktvÄ gîśvarÄ«-mÅ«rtaye namaḥ - iti mÅ«rtiṃ kalpayitvÄ bhÅ«yaḥ Å›rÄ«-mÄtam uktvÄ gîśvary-amá¹›ta-caitanyam ÄvÄhayÄmi - ity ÄvÄhya) and Nakuli(Nakuli Devi/Nakuleshwari) is considered a Prathyanga Devatha of Matangi




Matangi also forms part of the 16 types of 'angas'(reference to parts) as proposed by Vashista Samhita: Shuddha Vidya(the same name can be found in Lalitha Sahasranama),Bala Vidya, Mahaganapathi, Turiya Gayathri,Matangi,etc till Para Shodasi and Sri Maha Paduka.Recently one "smart alec" was asking me to give Sri Maha Paduka directly! He had been troubling Harsha Ramamurthyji and myself for this.All the anga pujas have to be got strictly from one's Guru and no one else.


What Iam giving is information which many know generally. There are also some secretiveness to it with regards to specificities which can be learnt only at the lotus feet of one's Guru.


Aanandam Brahamno Rupam!



Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




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Raja Shyamala and Raja Matangi are used synonymously sometimes and so

what I had given holds good.I was not hinting that you were asking me

mantras but that you should get it from your sampradaya. Also, your

SwaGuru might change certain things too if He wills and thus you

cannot even get it from your Guru-Bhrathas or Bhaginis, leave alone



Chidanandanatha has come out with a publication long time ago

regarding the saparya Krama practices followed by his paddhadhi and

thus if you have access to it, you can know about it.


Also, there is nothing like " understanding the anga,pratyanga,upanga

and paduka mantras " , you have to receive it as a deeksha from your

Srividya Guru, ask Him once what it is meant for if possible and

practice it during the Srividya Puja.It is an experiential thing.This

is my humble take on this.


Shreeram Balijepalli


Srividya-Tantra , deepa iyer <deeparam




> Pranams Shreeram Garu: Thank you for the detailed explanation, I

just realized I made a mistake and asked about Raja Matangi instead

of Raja Shyamala for the anga devatas....my bad :(


> I am making this trip specifically to be with thatha per his

instructions. I did mean to ask your guidance only, I was definitely

not trying to get you to give me any mantras...


> No, I am not doing any separate Varahi / Shyamala puja...only the

Sri chakra navavarana puja along the lines of Sri vidya Saparya

paddati / vasana by Sri Chidanandanatha. I am told that we follow the

same paddati and belong to the same lineage.


> Since it was not practical at this time to get all details from him

and I wanted to understand ( not practise or receive mantras ) the

concept of anga, upanga, pantayanga and paduka mantras as part of the

amnaya puja, I chose to ask you instead.


> I do not still have a clear understanding but thank you very much

for taking the time out and sincerely sharing your thoughts and



> Pranams,

> Deepa

Srividya-Tantra: datta_gururaya; babuprema:

para_anuloma: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 11:09:00 -0700[srividya-

Tantra] Matangi Query




Dear Deepa Amma,


> You have to follow the instructions which your Guru who has

initiated you into the Srividya Puja has given you. I can guide you

at the maximum.




> A detailed analysis of Anga Devathas is done mainly for the Puja

for each deity and the total puja done in Srividya automatically

should cover all the anga devathas,you need not specifically

concentrate on each deity.




> For example: Varahi's Angadevatha: Laghu Vaarthali Amba or Laghu

Varahi is to done in conjunction in the Srividya Puja.unless you are

considering Varahi Shakthi devi in seperation.





> When I wrote " Among the many limbic deities " , I meant the Anga,

Upanga and Prathyanga Devathas who are more than the 3 set I gave.

For practical Puja purposes, you may stick to just one set which your

Guru has ordained.Here, i cannot comment anything as Iam not your

Guru.I also dont know your parampara(which among the 3) and other

details.Always Guru's word is final in this.I got confused because

the other day you were mentioing over phone that you had multiple

Gurus(which is not possible for Srividya Marga, by the way) and so

was unclear that " Thatha " was your Srividya Guru and therefore

assumed that Aiyya was your Guru.Maybe it was my mistake, please my

ignorance here.






> Raja Mathangi refers to the Daharaakhya part mentioned in Lalitha

Sahasranama. Dahara Vidhya refers to the inner knowledge.This is

where Mathangi differs from Saraswathy Devi in puissance and

power.She is also called " Mantrini " (or Female version of Minister to

Rajarajeshwari Devi).She governs how the mantras related to Srividya

are to be chanted, with what meter, what pronunciations and

articulations,svarapAthanams,etc.She is also a significator of the

Gnana Kala of Rajarajeshwari Devi.





> There are various histories of this deity(and various Matanginis in

themselves too, Shoshika Devi is also confused with Raja Matangi, for

example) and one story even says that She was born in a lower caste

and rose to the status of Goddess. Green color is symbolically

attributed to Her thus. Green color is also found in Goddess

Meenakshi who is taken as the Amsa of Raja Mathangi and is called

Raja Shyamala. Raja Shyamala is not to be confused with Raja Mathangi

(who is an independent Goddess in the Srvidya pantheon and is

ascribed the status of one of the Vidhyas in the Dashamaha Vidhya

deca-series). Lalithopaakhyana places her along with Varahi(Dandini

Devi) as Mantrini as mentioned above.(When you go to Nangainallur

temple, do see the small vigrahas kept at the entrance to Amba's

vigraha, both have Yanthrasthapitams beneath it and are very powerful

though the idol sie looks small-Hasthapramana eva kintu

athishakthivanthaha: ) Also, we are not mentioing the Nirguna-aspect

here and thus we see the Devatha-bheda here for worship purposes.





> Also, the famous Ucchista Chandali mantra is attributed to Her but

in the Shuddhopasana Reethi Mandala, Her upasana is the Pranava at

the Nabhisthana near the Svadhisthana Chakra, Anahatham and the

Naasaagram(tip of the toungue), this is symbolic and sanketha of

Madhyama and Vaikhari.




> There are not many tantras which have Matangi as an independent

Goddess with a central worship modality.Meru Tantra, Gandhara Tantra,

Gupta Siddhanta Tantra and Svatantra-tantra all make pasing and

vague mentions about this deity.There is lot of confusion regarding

this deity and the paddhathi, She Herself is treated usually as an

anga devata of another vidya. Dakshinamurty Samhita has a mantra of

Matangi, it is different to one found in Mantra Mahodadhi and gives

faster mantra siddhi, if the deeksha is given properly. Parasurama

Kalpataru You will find a whole chapter(6th Khanda of Shyamala)

dedicated to her in Parashurama Kalpasutra as well.




> Apart from what I have discussed above, the information can be

gleaned from perusing the following texts also:

> 1. Brahmanda Purana-Lalithopaakhyanam

> 2. Matangi Kalpataru(of the Raurava Panchakam)

> 3. Kaulavalinirnaya Tantra

> 4. Brihadvarahi Tantra

> 5. Jayadrhruthayamala

> 6. Rudrayamala-Shyamala Khanda(just like Parashurama kalpataru

Khanda(Shyama Kramam) which I mentioned supra)

> 7. Dakshinmurthy Samhita(Chapter 32: Patala 32 describes Matangi

Ratna Devi and her worship modes)

> 8. Chapter/Patala 10 of Guptasadhana Tantra

> 9. Bruhatsara Tantra(Pariccheda 2 and 4)

> 10. Niruttara Tantra calls it a Siddhavidhya and gives certain

rituals and mantras associated with Matangi

> 11. Devirahasya Tantra mentions the mantra of Matangi in the second



> Details the rites of Shyama, the dusky form of Tripura, who is

described elsewhere in Shri Vidya tantras as Tara or Kurukulla, and

who is the " mother " form, just as Varahi is the " father " form of the

goddess is given in Nityotsava's Fourth Chapter(Patala).There metnion

in the inner four petals of " Matangeshwari " and " Maha Matangi " there.


> Matangi is described as " Mother form " and Varahi is described

as " father form " in the Nityotsava text.


> Lord Shiva says in Todala Tantra thus: " Tara Devi is the blue form,

Bagala is the tortoise incarnation, Dhumavati is the boar,

Cchinnamasta is Nrisimha, Bhuvaneshvari is Vamana, Matangi is the

Rama form, Tripura is Jamadagni, Bhairavi is Balabhadra, Mahalakshmi

is Buddha, and Durga is the Kalki form. BhagavatÌ Kali is the

Krishna murti. "




> To answer your question clearly without confusion:


> These are the anga-upanga and prathyanga Devathas of Matangi


> mAta~NgyA siddhamAta~NgI nakulI cha saraswatI |mAta~NgI pAdukA devi

laghushyAmA cha kAminI ||vIrabhadro mata~Ngashcha pramadA mohinI parA

|bhogesgayakShaH samprokto devi guptatamo manuH ||pulindinI

bhairavashcha ucChiShTagaNapastathA |pishAchagaNapo devi

ucChiShTabhairavo.aparaH ||mahAvashyakarI ratnavidyA vAgvAdinI tathA

|mahAmnadhumatI devi tathA karNasuyakshiNI ||ekavIrA cha tvaritA

ghaNTAkarNo nishAcharaH |aghoraH kullukAnAM cha pa~nchakaM

parikIrtitam ||


> Siddhamatangi,Nakuli,Saraswathy,Padukadevi,Laghu

Shyama,Kamini,Veerabhadrini,Paramada,mohini,para,etc as mentioned

aforesaid for her limbic deities(now do you understand what I meant

by among the many limbic deities).So, check your Guru's advice

regarding the pooja to be done fo which and including which and

excluding which deities.


> Vaagvadini is considered by many Schools as the Upanga Devatha of

Matangi(Parasurama Kalpatru states thus in the Shyama Kramam: cakra-

madhye Å›rÄ«-mÄtam uktvÄ gîśvarÄ«-mÅ«rtaye namaḥ - iti

mÅ«rtiṃ kalpayitvÄ bhÅ«yaḥ Å›rÄ«-mÄtam uktvÄ gîśvary-amá¹›ta-

caitanyam ÄvÄhayÄmi - ity ÄvÄhya) and Nakuli(Nakuli

Devi/Nakuleshwari) is considered a Prathyanga Devatha of Matangi




> Matangi also forms part of the 16 types of 'angas'(reference to

parts) as proposed by Vashista Samhita: Shuddha Vidya(the same name

can be found in Lalitha Sahasranama),Bala Vidya, Mahaganapathi,

Turiya Gayathri,Matangi,etc till Para Shodasi and Sri Maha

Paduka.Recently one " smart alec " was asking me to give Sri Maha

Paduka directly! He had been troubling Harsha Ramamurthyji and myself

for this.All the anga pujas have to be got strictly from one's Guru

and no one else.


> What Iam giving is information which many know generally. There are

also some secretiveness to it with regards to specificities which can

be learnt only at the lotus feet of one's Guru.


> Aanandam Brahamno Rupam!



> Shreeram Balijepalli

> Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




> Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru






> _______________


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