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[Srividya-Tantra] Prayers and perfection

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Om Shree Gurubhyo NamahThank you Shreeram Bhaiya for the wonderful reply...One day while I was waiting in for my turn in the interview hall of a company I read this small article which made me feel very confident..You can live a perfectly normal life, if you accept the fact that life cannot be perfectly normal.Every one has been given this free will to live in the present which is amongst all gifts, we all are different individuals.. no matter how much a man has got he will always think he has got less than the rest , we are lucky to have somethings in life where some people don't get it easily.. We need to have an Attitude of Gratitude of being grateful to God, Parents, Teachers, Masters, Friends everyone who has come into our lives and taught us something which enlightens us suddenly and reminds us to the reality...We have got used to so many calculations in our lives that we tend to keep calculating our lives too.. Where is the need for that, we are not supposed to compare ourselves to anyone.. Each one of us are unique, we've been given different roles, different aims in life, then why do we try to become like someone else or be a perfectionist for that matter. We need to learn to Live the life the way we want to, remembering this fact Today what you are going through is because you were Yesterday and what you did in your Past and Tomorrow will depend on the actions you do Today.. After all we are not the doers, this is a paradox. isn't it???Take the name of the Mother and all will be well..At the Feet of the Mother Rajarajeshwari..II Om Shree Mathre Namah IINirajGroup Owner <para_anulomaSrividya-Tantra ; datta-yoga Sent: Sunday, 14 September, 2008 5:47:33 AM[srividya-Tantra] Prayers and perfection



Dear Shreeramji,


I find myself that Iam failing ate every stage in my life even when I try to be perfect and work hard.Is there any prayer or mantra I can do to improve my life.

(Rest of the email withheld)


J(Name withheld)



You talk about being a perfectionist and a hardworker. I would say, don't be both: Be a smart worker and a person who aspires for excellence.


The person who gave me lessons of these two was a lowly driver who taught me how to drive a car first from India. He was from a low strata of the society a bit aged too but had high wisdom.


I learnt the lessons in Westmambalam and TNagar areas when I crossed 18 years of age and being young and hotblooded, I tried to be a perfectionist and worked hard at the steering wheel trying to keep pace with his instruction but every now and then he had to press his brake.I was extra careful, overly cautious, highly sensitive to the fact that I might fail in a small thing like driving and this was affecting my performance.


He watched all this patiently and finally he said to me one class,"Ayya( a term in Tamizh for Saheb) dont try to be a perfectionist, you will screw yourself up.I know you are highly intelligent Iyer(brahmin as is called in tamizh/Tamil) but aspire for excellence not perfection. Dont work hard, work smart.I have studied only till tenth but I have made my kids both engineers by this philosophy. Life will be happy,tension- free and also fun.Take challenges but not try to be a perfectionist, dont stress out, watch the scenery as you drive, dont focus just on the steering wheel and the road in front of you."


He was right. This is a philosophy for life. "Watch the scenery as you drive"-It made sense, great sense to me and it came like a satori to me in a Zen-like way.


Do you watch the secenery at all when you drive here on these American and Canadian road?


Do you watch what joys you have in life apart from your caree here? You have a family, three lovely kids, a doting and beautiful wife, happy married life,etc. Copunt these blessings and take it easy. I can give you a mantra and wash my hands off, but I prefer to be like that

lowly driver who says "Ayya..."


You know what I said to him?


I said, "Iam not Iyer, you are "Higher"(than me) because by these words you have taught me the value of the work philosophy in this modern world so easily while driving. Never call yourself lower than me or me higher than you."


I cleared the driving exam in Chennai without paying a rupee bribe in three days from thence.


This was a true experience.He too was my Guru.


God does not teach you big things in big settings in life. Amba never does it. She teaches big things through the smallest events in life through people whom we "discard" and "passby". Never do this.You miss the joy of living, then.


If not for instruction or for ego, do heed my advice for the love and respect you have for me, it is for your own good.


You get this human birth after many crores of lower evolutions, don't waste it in a fruitless and endless pursuit for money,career satisfaction( true satisfaction comes only with a un ion with God and inner self),etc.


In your career however, be a strategic warrior not a blatant warrior trying to grab everything in an insecure mode and then losing "at every stage"(as you put it).


Just sit back and think over what you have lost? Nothing, People dont have jobs, you have a secure job, people are childless for many years--you have 3 and so on...So there is no end to desires and perfection.


Aspire on the otherhand for excellence.





Mantra: I would advice you to do Sahasra Gayathri daily.(1008 times Gayathri mantra) as you have already been initiated into the mantra, Do the mantra which you have been imparted as Brahmopadesham.


This is my Hithopadesham!


Yours yogically,



Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

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