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Subramanya Dattoham Part 3

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Members: Please excuse the informal tone of the email.It was typed to a close personof my age...




Dear VS,


Maams!--I have some time while waiting for someone, thought can cyber-scribe a few lines to you.


These are troubled times.We find scams everywhere, uncouth people, selfish brutes behind just money,sex and power, corruption.Even Kanchi Muttam was not spared.What is happening to this Jig-jig-jagath?!Why is it in such an unholy vortex? Why do people get corrupted easily? Why does it take ages to develop a good habit? Is Earth a suction plate to suck people down to Rouravaa? Ah, we have something here to ponder, I guess.


We start suspecting even genuine people.Saints of the highest order are villified.




So, your doubts about Ammachi's divnity is well-founded in Kali's dharma(Read as 'Prabhava').What are all the controversies in Her Ashram? How do I care? I do not want to waste my emotional energies into such unholy stuff.I had perused the sites which you sent but I was already aware of them.


You believe me, right? Take it from me, SHE IS DIVINE.I might not be a great devotee of Her but I know.I have experienced a miniscule part of it not just in the past few days but even much before.


You know how I shy away from people, how private Iam and how I analyze everything razor-sharp and try to remain honest.(As I type these lines some fruitseller next to my house is playing at this late hour, while I wait upon a friend from Saudi to join me online for some important work, on FM 98.3hz(Radio Mirchi?) "Theendaai Mei Theendaaai..." Hmm, lets consider this as a good shakunam, Thanks to AR Rehman! Ha!


On a serious note,why do all these happen in Her ashram? ---Simple! It is Her leela to keep people confused about Her real divinity.




<<Not many can understand His purity is all I can say.Again, Im no great devotee of Him.>>


These days even Avathara purushas and Yogis keep people absolutely confused about them.What might be the reasons?


1. Keep people who come for nefarious reasons to Ashram away.

2. To account for people's karmas--When a good person is tested in an Ashram, if his or her faith is strong, then he or she will stay on and will not leave the saint seeing all the commercialization,ill-treatment,etc

3. Her/His leela


One whose consciousness has become subtle and unmoving through prolonged spiritual discipline, can see these subtle worlds.Both benign and harmful beings exist there just as they do here.They have varying degrees of spiritual power as do people here on earth.


Whether it is such entities or people of this world, saints like Sathya Sai(upon whom lot of rubbish has been heaped by the media), Ammachi,etc know what needs to be done, what sort of a Karmic justice has to be rendered and they do it despite calumny from lower minds like us.


Sujatha eats Donuts a lot, I call it a "Do-not" because it is a useless sweetmeat just givig useless calories and cholestrol.Krispy Creme Donuts look so tempting, I advice my wife to think of fat fat fat FAT FAT when seeing it to not get carried away by the shapes.She too has a sweet tooth like Sujji.You are still in the pristine innocence of Guindy shopwallahs in IIT-Chennai but once you go to USA/Canada maybe you will sink your teeth into one 'Krispy Creme Do-Not'.


Now, what is this? From Ammachi to Donuts!! Im crazy aint I?

Hmm, lets make a neural connection here.


All Donuts look alike on the outside, but inside some have custard, others have Jam and still others, chocolate.


Similarly, the inner stuff or subtle body of living beings varies according to their spiritual evolution.All are created equal only in the sense that the spark of divnity,consciousness, and life are the same in all.Other than this, everything else differs from soul to soul.




Chapter 6 Verses 40-43 Bhagavad Geetha


The Blessed Lord said: Son of Prtha, a transcendentalist engaged in auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world or in the spiritual world; one who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil.

The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy. Or he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Verily, such a birth is rare in this world.

On taking such a birth, he again revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru.


Now, note the words I have underlined..."many,many years of enjoyment''...these words are very important.Lord Krishna goes on to say "on the planets of the pious living entites"(One example of a pious living entity: Vidhyadharas who inhabit a subtle plane who can chant many many vedas apart from the chaturvedas!)




<<See,how beautifully the cycle of births and deaths are represented in this

Tibetan Buddhist Tanka>>


Which means we have foreigners,entities from other worlds being born in our world.What you see a surge of such entities from both pious and unpious world.They have a creativity of a different sort.


{Btw,Sujji says, I come from some other planet not this earth as I do not belong to the normal pack of youngsters.......don't know whether to take it as a compliment or an abuse given the above information.She might say some 'lunatic world'.}


So you do not like something leave it but don't abuse.


My pranams to both the consciousness in you and to Ammachi's divine feet.






Now, coming to our long-abandoned discussion about grahas.


Rahu and Kethu are very important Grahamunis to consider.Their effects can be very dangerous and sinister.We always keep talking about Shani Graha.Shani Pradosha Vratam is mentioned in Datta Sampoorna Charitra(Sripadavallabha portions).We have Shani Trayodashi(by the way, today morning was Shani Trayodashi), We have Shani Dosha Nivarana Pujas and Homas.


Shani Graha has captured our imaginations and fears.


How about Rahu-Kethu Inc.,?


Let me see the effects they recently caused in their own jolly way!


1. Satyam Company's debacle

2. Lehman Brothers

3. Merril Lynch

4. Global fallout(forget about Newage/New World Order conspiracies, no cartel can do squat before these Grahamunis!)

5. Win of Obama(many ascribe to his strong Venus erroneously)

6. Jayendra Saraswathy Garu's situation(Recent accusations of an actress etal)-Sani in 6th house, Guru in 8th House,Budha-Kethu combination--Kethu being the last planet joining with Budha causes scandals,hurdles and extraordinary events.Please note that Iam not saying he is a corrupt or a bad person.Im an apolitical animal and politics is over my head always! I never understand it.Mine is just an astrological observation of his horoscope and the impact of Kethu.


Anyways, they(Rahu and Kethu Grahas) can do both good and bad like any other graha.


Remember, the other day I told what Mulugu Rameshwara Varaprasad Siddhanthi told about Rahu Kethu.


Let me jog your memory again...


In Kurukshetra Mahabharatha Yuddham,Krishnaarjuna Yuddham is the most important.That decided the fate of Pandavas.


Karna shot many divine-arrows/weapons(Divyaastraani) on Arjuna. Ashwattama also battled against Arjuna and shot the Mahanarayana Astram and Brahmashironamakaastram and yet it could do squat against Arjuna as if they were mere mosquitoes to be brushed aside.But the moment Karna left the Nagaastram(Kethu-Rahu swaroopam imbibed into it), Arjuna was taken to the Mrutyu-Mukha(face of death).


Arjuna got the Brahmavaraprasada Keeritam(Crown) from His ethereal father Devendra.Yet, when the Naagastram was left from the bow of Karna, Krishna made the chariot go down and the Astram hit the Crown and toppled it and burnt it to cinders! Lord Krishna saved Arjuna thus from 'Rahu-Kethu Prabhavam'


Ashwattama hit the baby in womb to destroy Pandava race by Brahmashironama astram.The Pinda died but Lord Krishna revived it and grew angry against Ashwattama(the third time when He grew angry in the whole of Mahabharatha) and cursed Him.Ashwattama is reported to have said, "Kethu-Rahu" won't leave Pandu-race as the pithrushaapas are great. Who is in charge of Pithrushapaas? Kethu Maharaja again!


As an epilogue:What happened to that "Pinda"? It became Pariksheeth Maharaja and then what happened? He died because of a snake!!!!--Takshaka.


It was because Krishna, Lord Vishnu's Avatara, who was present who was able to save somewhat Pandurace. Do we all have such support? Did Ramalinga Raju or Lehman Brothers have such support?








Now, now don't run to the nearest Rahu-Kethu temple and stand there quivering in your pants.Listen to me fully and then have respect, admiration and a worshipful attitude toward this science.Never have fear.


Whats the maximum going to happen to us? Death???




Paramaananda Mahashakthi OM!!


(To be continued...)


Yours Yogically,



Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




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