Guest guest Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 Jaya Guru Datta Sree Guru Datta Dear Shree Ram Garu, I read your valuable message regarding Kethu Kala Deepa Puja. Now I am in Kethu Dasa - in my horoscope ketu is in 2nd place from my rasi tula ( vrischika) with guru retrogade. I am 62 years. Swati Star. Can you suggest me how to perform the Kethu Deepa Puja and time on Sunday and Wednesday. Regards Jayarajan On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote: Dear VS, <<<Some portions of email omitted>>>> Port Credit Bridge during sunset It pains my heart to see my country become like this.On a Mississauga bridge in Canada I was crying on Lakeshore Avenue.My salty sad-laden tears fell into the river below and mixed with the freshwater Lake Ontario. Leave alone Rahu-Kethu, my dear VS.This is our country(Bharath) where millions of Siddhas,Munis and Rishis have walked and continue to walk.My tears might have been foolish as who am I but a drop, like that tear drop in the big Ontario Lake, in the cosmic ocean. Rahu-Kethu Karakatwa did not leave our own country.Given a chance, I would do certain things like change the name of our country(Astro-numerologically " India " does nothing good). The Di-snake-adhwaryam does not leave even the name. Fear is one thing respect is another thing.Both are utterly different emotions.Kethu gives chanchalatwam to one's spiritual aspirations. You might have seen people flitting from one Guru to another, one Goddess to another,one path to another and not really settling in anything.It is onething to experiment with various paths and settle in one chosen powerful path and yet another thing to keep changing one's core spirituality like fashions which keep changing year to year. Kethu connection? All this happens because of Kethu. Kethu makes the native act " without a head " One person I know came to me with enthusiasm that he was a Srividya Upasaka.He used to come to me with different email IDs asking varied queries and I used to recognize the patterns,typos,grammartical errors,tone in his emails and deduce like Sherlock Holmes that indeed he was the same person emailing me in different garbs. He used to ask me about various deities, telling one deity is great one time and another deity was great another time.This went on for quite sometime and he was proving to be a 'time-parasite' for me and so I said to him oncee, " You have come in all these emails (and listed his emails) and asked queries on various deities and claim like a multiple-personality-disordered-person that each deity is great in itself.Are you testing me? If so, Please excuse me, Im not worthy of your tests and my knowledge is poor and I myself am a learner placing toddling steps in spirituality. Whatever I know or find interesting I share with people. " I thought the matter ended there... One 'blue-moon-day'... He came to my house somehow.It really surprised me how he found out my address that too in USA!! I guess if he wants to he would find even Osama Bin laden!! He accosted me and said that he loved my postings and other " assorted stuff " .I never understood what he meant by " other assorted stuff " (Did he mean some smuggling business I was carrying on or some nefarious under world activities?) Finally, by his unbound grace towards me, he revealed that he was an ardent bhaktha of Amba.I was jubilant and clapped in glee.Atlast, my postings had some effect afterall, I had lured likepiedpiper someone as capricious and knowledgable as him into Amba Upasana and also felt that the elderly looking man was playing with me all the while.Im blessed, I thought as he stroked my head and ruffled my gelled hair(which I had so for a presentation in my B-School). " Gelled hair " who cares?? I was a true Amba Upasaka who has proselytized like these Christians into this sacred path.Glory be to me!!! Halleljuhaaa! But I was goes his Divya-charitra and maybe because of some 'rina'(karmic debt) with him past births, I used to bump into him every now and then quite accidentally!! I saw him next in Arshavidya,Philadelphia and there he said he was a staunch Shaivite and that except Lord Shiva he prayed no one these days.He was sporting a white tripundra on his dark forehead.The three white marks stood a deep contrast to his black skin and as if taunting me, " Be humble you stupid proselytizer! " I asked him sobered and humble, " What happened to your Amba devotion? " He said, " Amba is powerless before Shiva " Well, I thought, " Shakthi leni Shivamu Shavamu but here He says something different! " Hmmm, I left it at that. Few months passed by in the grace of Maheshwara's cool eyed looks from Kailasha.Once I went with my sister after my MBA was over to the local Schenectady temple in Albany,NY. Lobehold! I later found him in Schenectady temple,NY, chanting Vishnu Sahasranama with a full Namam!!! I was surprised and rather taken aback and asked him, " What happened to your Shuddha Shaivam? " He replied, " Shivaaaya Vishnuroopaya Shivarooopaya..... " And then He smiled condescendingly at me and said, " My child, Vishnu alone gives Moksha, Shiva gives just Saannidhya and thus Shiva is inferior.Iam graduating in my bhakthi and thus all these jumps in my spirituality " Yes, I could relate to the pressures of graduating.I had just then completed my MBA in USA amidst great difficulty with a family to juggle,with my assitantships in the college, my Upasana and charitable activities and also a meritorous struggle to retain and further get two more scholarships before convocating in the presence of Bill Clinton to get the coveted American MBAdegree in style before my parents and family.*Phew* it was a struggle, worth mentioning in my personal struggle annals. I commiserated when he uttered the word " Graduation " .Here was my fellow comrade(oops that is an unpolitical term to use in USA), well a friend(ah, this sounds good) But then few days later in Newyork Vallabha Ganapathy temple, I saw him with a Kumkuma streaked face with the kumkuma flowing on his nose laden with perspiration and he ardently worshipping Ganapathy. There seemed to be no end to his " graduations " !! Wow! He was something, I thought.I wanted his horoscope(it was so precious for me, I can never see such a specimen in my lifetime), which I got with little effort as he was also interested to know when he would get Moksha! I went home and then eagerly did a sphutam of his horoscope with my jyotisha tools software on my laptop and saw his Kethu placement...BINGO!! My suspicion was right. I found out the reason for his antics.So, I told my wife, " See, the Kethu and also the Kethu Prathyaanthara dasha changes next week 17th and this person will change a god and deducing the effect of Rahu and Surya, I said ...mostly an ugra male deity this time " My wife disagreed.We had a small wager and the one who won had to cook a delectable dish.My favourite was Beerakkayi Pappu with Tomato Majjiga Pulusu.My wife's was my Capsicum Biryani with Jasmine rice. On 17th I emailed him and he emailed me pronto next day. Jaya Veerabhadra! He said, " Dont disturb me for a few days with your emails(look at that!)... Im doing Veerabhadra Upasana, it protects me from all evil planets and my Kalasarpa dosham and Im right now in Veerabhadra Deeksha.I will email you why I changed from Ganapathy(who is now weak these days anyways)(sic) to Veerabhadra this weekend " After a good meal of Beerakkaayi Pappu with rice and Tomato Majjiga Pulusu ....burp!!....I still remember my mini-victory, else I would have cringed to do the Capsicum Biryani, for once Surya, the Astrodeity incharge of correct astrological predictions did not desert me. I called him on Monday and he had his usual story. The deity grew weak, this deity grew in power, this deity is more powerful than that deity because of this, ...that,etc Atlast as an epilogue to his Divyaleelamrutha-charitra, I found him in our very own Chennai.He had a book by UG Krishnamurthi and said to me smiling, " All is maya, There is no God, just me " I wanted to roll on the floor laughing with my belly thrown upwards but somehow I maintained my dignity and poise and excused myself from him unable to supress my laughter but before I left I managed to say to him, " At least stick this " me-god " permanently " . Its been ages since I saw him and maybe next month if I bump into him again he would be sitting in some Isckon temple dancing to glory. I really appreciate his verve,energy and enthusiasm at age 55 for all these.However, I do pity him too as no real spiritual progress would me made by him.He becomes just a farce before all.!!! Kethu no doubt is Mokshakaraka but if malefically placed it makes a person go bonkers in spirituality.And the solution is not wear ---cats eye, donate Ulavalu...blah blah...what is needed is a proper remedial measure astrologically noting many factors. Maybe he is the inspiration for the latest movie " Naan Kadavul " , Bless Him! There are many methods of alleviating Kethu Peeda(affliction).Kethu Kala Deepam is one of the unique remedies available. Every Graha has a time allotted every day for it to rule.There is a hora time for Sun,Moon,Mars(Kuja),Mercury(Budha),Jupiter(Guru),Venus(Shukra) and Saturn(Shani).This Hora time is also ascribed for Rahu and that is what we know popularly/notoriously as Rahukalam. Some people worship Durgambika during Rahu-Kalam in inverted lemon rinds filled with Ghee.The Shastra Pramana for this, I do not know but this has been like a cultural more atleast in Tamizhnadu and Andhrapradesh. In Andhra, I have seen ladies doing Rahu Kala Deepa Puja for Kanakadurgamma Thalli. As belief, so the result.Shastras are very strict.Etymologically, the word " Shaastra " comes from the word " Shastra " (note the deergha difference " aa " ). " Shastra " means an instrument meant for cutting,piercing and causing pain for the good. " Shastrachikitsa " or surgical-healing/surgical operation, medically, has come from that word. " Shaastras " are scriptures or injunctions given by Rishis or Munis of yore, who have meditatively and experientially written and coded many things for our benefit.They do cause us pain(for the good), we are jolted by them and their 'cutting statements', we are thrown out of our comfort zones and yet it does good for us. However, not all can be strictly seen with Shaastra Pramaana.There are certain beliefs or mores or customs which are in place yet they induce belief in a supreme power or a higher source. I see nothing wrong in following them as long as they are beneficial. Rahu Kaaladeepam is something which I personally found to be beneficial, rather than discussing the merits or demerits of the Pramaana behind it. " Just do it " (Nike slogan) applies to certain cases like this.Maybe I can say, " Just do it and see if it works " can be taken as a thumb rule after a due amount of caution and deliberation.(Yes, I know the stance sounds oxymoronic...Just do it but think first, eh?) In the same vein, Kethu Kaala Deepam provides very good benefits for people afflicted by Kethu related problems.This is not something which is popularly known.In the Panchaangam one must see what is the 'Durmuhurtha' for the day and that day is the Kethupaalitha-samayam(The time ruled by Kethu-Chaya-Graham). The Niyantranaa Devatha for Kethu is Mahaganapathy.Thus, Kethu Kaala Deepam is to be lit before Lord Ganapathy.This removes major hurdles on a day-to-day basis levied by Kethu Graha. This must done especially on Sundays and Wednesdays.Make sure that the Lamp is placed neatly on Garika or Dharbha grass.Lord Ganapathy likes neatness very much and so make sure not to make a mess with oil.(This does not mean other deities are slack!) Infact, there is even a Kethu Kaal Deepaaradhana Pooja Paddhathi for Lord Ganapathy and if this is done by people who are in Kethu Dasha, Kethu Antardasha, Kethu Prathyantharadasha or malefic Kethu placement then it gives excellent results. Yesterday one friend of mine who had come to visit me from Coimbatore, was saying he was doing Chaturaavruthy Tarpanam for Ganapathy.I enquired that day itself with my Gurunathar details about it as my wife too is running Kethudasha.Better to ask for a practical procedure from Him than get knowledge from the tomes of books I have. Each deity has a chosen and loving (Priya) path of worship Surya--Namaskara Vishnu--Alankaara Shiva--Abhisheka Devi--Archana Karthaveeraarjuna and Dattatreya---Mantra Japa Grahas--Daanaa(charity) Gayathri Devi--Pranayama Saraswathy--Dandakam Subramanya Swamy--Sarpaarchana,Nagasambandhitha Vasthu(snake related items) Sarpadevathas--Milk(some say erroneously eggs too but Kethu will increase the maleficity when eggs are placed near snakes and eaten by them) Rama--Parayana Hanuman---Namasmarana Krishna--Bhajanam Vyasa--Kathaashravanam & Ganapathy---Tarpana(or water libation) Thus Ganapathy loves Tarpana form of Archana.Chaturavruthy Tarpanam forms an integral part of Kethu oriented remedial measure.For one Mandala with only cow's milk one must do Chaturaavruthy Tarpana for Lord Ganesha. However, one must have had Ganesha Mantropadesham for this and if one does not have then one must call upon a priest having such a mantropadesha and then get it performed while attending, in person, upon the ritual with bhakthi and shraddha. If you are able to this for one Mandala this Tarpanam, do daily the Kethu Deepa Archana for Ganapathy and recite Ganapathy Sankata Harana Stotram, I see a major relief from Kethu related problems affecting your horoscope. You might also try adorning your forehead with Nagasindhooram, used in Sarpatantras.This Nagasindhooram is a powder which is made of Maaredu,Gandha(sandalwood),Sanjeevi,Bhoorjapatra,Ratnapurusha(its an aphrodisiacal herb from which the famous aphrodisiacal Ratnapurusha lehyam is prepared),Rudrajada,Devadaaru,Maaredu fruits,Copra(dried coconut),Chendra bark,etc are mixed and then all these are then done homam/havan with cow's ghee and then ordinary sindhooram is mixed with the Homa-bhasma(the sacred-ashes of the fire ceremony) and the homam is done for Sarpa(snake deities), Rahu,kethu and Subramanya. This divine concoction is called Nagasindhuram.I do not know whether the popular brands available in Andhra(where it is really famous) adhere to the ritualistic procedure mentioned above by me.However, I will try to procure you from one source I know, though they have stopped producing it because of their dire financial straits.Goodness is disappearing these days and commercialization is rampant everywhere! What else can I advice you? Hmm, ok...listen to Shivatandava stotram daily. Rest, next email.... (To be continued) Yours Yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha! Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 Hari Om Sir,Could you please teach me how to purify a rudraksha mala and/or a sphatika mala. I am 62, content with my sandhyavandhanam and bhajans and desire no more additional routines. Hope some day I may have the chance to see you - not to seek any manthra or astrological prediction but only to convey my regards.With kind regards,Jag Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 31, 2009 Report Share Posted January 31, 2009 Sri Gurubyon Namaha The ritual for mala sanskar is written in Nityotsava of Umanandanatha, and also in some other book dont recall if it is parashurama kalpasutram or some other recently, you may refer to that if you need the method for purification as Sri Ram has conveyed in his message all that is needed for purification, if the rudrakshas are given by a sat purusha or a guru it need no purification, but if you buy it get it purified. Sri Kamakshi Srividya-Tantra From: sadhujagDate: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 06:41:08 -0800Re: [srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 4 Hari Om Sir,Could you please teach me how to purify a rudraksha mala and/or a sphatika mala. I am 62, content with my sandhyavandhanam and bhajans and desire no more additional routines. Hope some day I may have the chance to see you - not to seek any manthra or astrological prediction but only to convey my regards.With kind regards,Jag Hotmail® goes where you go. On a PC, on the Web, on your phone. See how. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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