Guest guest Posted February 1, 2009 Report Share Posted February 1, 2009 Members: The email typed to my close relative is half-personal and half astro-spiritual,please bear with my personal digressions.I have deleted some personal and irrelevant portions and display only an edited version of an otherwise lenghty email which I normally e-scribe to my friends and known people, goodfornothing that Iam! What connection does these 'banter-series' have with lord Subramanya and Dattatreya.Wait and watch for more emails to unfold in my own tedious way.Have patience! Dear VS, You were asking last e-mail about my relationship with three greats JK,Srisri(Telugu revolutionary) and MS Subbulakshmi. Though there seems to be no relationship to that and this Rahu-kethu business, yet I find a corrolation and will now engage you in an interesting email.Onward ahoy!! As you know both JK and SriSri were close relatives of ours.Be proud of that and yet be humble as their greatness means squat to us unless you become something.I prefer to be a nobody though I would refrain from mentioning how we are related to them as you very well know it, as this email would be posted in the group and I dont want any undue attention. MS Subbulakshmi was a lady towards whom I had and still have great admiration, though I have heard,{{{{obtained from my grandfather Late Kappaganthula Gnananandulu who apart from being the oldest CA in India was also an active drama artist(and a maven in musical knowledge) in Chennapura Andhramaha sabha in Chennai in those days(Im talking of 1910s and 1920s!)}}}}},Gramaphone records even greater singers like Coimbatore Thayi, Bangalore Nagarathanammal,Thiruvaroor Rajayee,Yenadi and Dhanakoti-Kamakshi sisters. Bangalore Nagarathinammal,she belonged to the same community of Devadasis to which MS Subblakshmi owed her birth antecedents Im sure you would not even have heard thier names neither would I have but for those old gramapphone records(It is particularly amusing to hear them innocently say, like kindergarden kids, as introduction "My name is Coimbatore Thaayi" in febrile and fearful voices and start right away a Cutchery Tukkada or a soul rending song, as if they had spoken some bad words in the Mlecchabhasha(English) and trying to patch up with their divine voices the song.However the divinity was not perfunctory. There were some woman pioneer singers of that golden years where voice synchronization or a voice modulation like Bombay Jayshree was not possible, where Brahmin ladies had great cultural barriers to come to a Sabha and sing a song.It was considered ill-mannered by public in those days to even 'slap one's thighs' to keep the 'Thalam' while would women singers even make a mark those days? A far cry from the Carnatic contortionism we see on stages these days with people, with due respects to their Carnatic Knowledge before which Iam not even a whit, who knead imaginary idly batter(Shanty idly grinder),self-appreciating 'Aaahs and Shabaash',bronchital bhrashtaacharams(artists who will go 'harrrghgthghgmph' in the middle of divine music to jolt the audience into 'reality-afterall'),violinist or a ghatamist with a humungous vibhuti, bottu and fantastic wardrobe, who drives the audience (esp the kids) insane with laughter with all manner of quirky faces, grins, eyebrow waggles, and funny screechy notes, with an "I didn't do that" expressions.All these deviate the audience from experiencing the divine bliss which is sangeetha which must elevate one's soul than to create such ruckus and farces.They might belong to ancient Music paramparas and from noble carnatic families of yore and thus have even higher responsibility to elevate the art in these testing times when youngsters like us stray like prompt truants! A native tamil speaker,I know, unaccustomed to the heavy plosive consonants of other languages, especially Sanskrit. Will overcompensate by converting all consonants to their heavier versions, in the hope of pronouncing foreign words correclty: "YenDhara nee Dhana, Ghendha BhoNi, JhinDha viDhuva Jhaa Rhaa, Kshreeee Raaahaahaamaa". Usually eliciting sniggers from the audience when performing outside chennai.In Chennai the same artist is heard to by Maamis amidst their conversations intermittently with som ennui, maybe, as they dont know Sanskrit but in Vizag many were laughing at his diction as Telugu is close to Sanskrit etymologically and all the meanings get jumbled up! One singer I know has eyes permanently fixed at indeterminate spot on ceiling of hall. While Yashoda had the privilege of seeing the world in her son's mouth, the audience now has the dubious one of seeing asteroids and other formations in the artist's nostrils. One guy popular in the carnatic circuit here came to Kalibhaari temple to sing and I was watching him sing "EndharoMahanubhaavulu".He was a fellow CA(I was all the more enthused when I heard that).But the unfortunate fact was that I forgot about all the "Endharo Mahanubhaavulu" and the bhava with which Thyagaraja sang the song, and was absorbed watching his hands alone which moved from place to place as he was struggling to keep pace with his voice.....Suddenly, it would rocket up and then come down with a thud and then suddenly he used to pour something like the Arghya we do for sandhyavandanam and then go in a fist.It was hilarious to watch.Finally, after his prehensile antics with his hands, I went to the singer after the concert was over and sang the song once with my humble knowledge and he said, "Bhesh..romba nanna paaduren".('Excellent! You sing well) I replied back in a huff, "I wanted to sing that sing once so that I do not forget it." I turned my back to him hastily and ran away in my bike which I strategically placed outside lest he shouts at me, "You carnatic infedel, off with your head.Dare insult me?"(like the Queen in Alice in wonderland)". Thyagaraya and other Mahanubhavulu, please forgive him for he does not know what he(read his hands) is doing.Please forgive this 'infidel' too for the 'Adhikaprasangithanam', my blood was hot during those days. Ofcourse, Iam not a great musician and bow to the knowledge,sadhana these people are doing in keeping this art alive but I think humility and learning a few lessons from old artistes like MS Subbulakshmi Garu will augur well for them. Im reminded of one movie scene where in an old actor Sivakumar says in a movie called 'Sindhubhairavi'---"Indha Durbaarkellam koracchal illai...Durbaar raagamaa paadugire nee?"{{(Are you singingDurbar Raga? You have no dearth in all these 'Durbar'(meaning physical style)}}Jokes and hilariousness apart... My octagonerian mother who has a startling physical resemblance with MS Subbulakshmi and who also knew Carnatic music but who is very shy and confined to this day to the kitchen and our home used to teach me my first lessons in Carnaticam.I remember with nostalgia how she taught me litlfully "Gnanamosagaraadha" of Thyagaraya Krithi and she never left me to play in my flats with my toddler friends (I was in my third std. then) till I got the song right.Those were the days when I would go with my voice,where it took me! Vocal restraint was a thing I later learnt in matters of Carnatic music(And maybe life too!), with maturity. Her voice was mellufluous,restrained and no 'over-actions and stunts' and total bhakthi involved.It used to move me to tears seeing her close her eyes amidst various duties as a housewife(Homemaker, whatever!) and yet entering into the Bhakthi mode so easily.I used to get a rare chance to hear her when she sang for some family function or while taking Aaarathi.She never entertained my entreaties to sing whenever I wished. My interest was spurred when I saw old black and white photos of my mother and it resembled someone popular. I was racking my brain, who was it??? Sukku-coffee{(No one in the world can match my mother's recipe for this Sukku-coffee(sonti-coffee as we Telugu Brahmins call)} My mother who brought my sukku-coffee(my favourtie) smiled, understood my mind intuitively and softly and shyly helped me, "MSS" I was taken aback, how did she read my mind.Maybe my face gave me away.Or was it her intuitive Rahu? I exclaimed testily, "Amma you look so beautiful.Amma! All these days I have been seeing you only as an old yet beautiful woman,now these photos make me wonder why Thathagaru did not allow you to sing in concerts???" My early remembrance of my mother was her laborious assay in the way she used to apply the Chaandu-paste from a coconut shell to her forehead adorned with fresh jasmine flowers,later replaced by a plastic Shringaar kumkuma paste.I used to sit on the bed as a kid and watch her keenly.She was the most beautiful woman even during her fifties according to me at that age.(whose mother isn't to a kid?)(Please forget Sigmund Freud for a moment,I beg you) {{{This photo bears a startling resemblance to your Attha, I will show you when you come to our home.}}} She replied instantly and tautly admonishing me, "Oh Subbulakshmi garu is a great woman, just because I resemble her facially or physically does not mean Im a Gaanakokila.Also, me studying in those days BSc Math in a women's college was disdained by all of our relatives and considered revolutionary it was thanks to your grandfather that you have an old yet educated mother, forget about giving cutcheries.Dont say a word against him!" I however said, "Did you not have an aching feeling that you could not give a Cutchery Amma?" She said, "Aching feeling, my foot! Iam happy the way Iam...dont be cinematic..." Without a word, she kept the sukku-coffee cup on my table and slithered to the kitchen fast lest I embarrass her with more eulogies to her physical beauty. This is MS Subbulakshmi Garu not your Attha!! Subbulakshmi Garu was conferred an honorary doctorate. I looked at her(my mother's) beautiful old Black and white photo with graduation cap with her elder brother by her side(who also graduated the same year surprisingly) and standing beside him nervously holding a roll of paper and a hairstyle which resmebled Honnapa Bhagavathar's(another great musical don of those years) hairy curls!She looked beautiful but at the same time nervous as if some press person was intruding her privacy by taking a photo of hers!(Apachaaram Apchaaram!) My mother's influence on me was great.My father though a strong influence on my spirituality was for the most part seen by me engrossed in his sadhanas, always Bhasma-Bhooshitam(covered from head to toe in sacred vibhuthi).He was however a silent yet puissant influence on me is all I can say. He used to shoo me away as a kid and silence me with his finger on his lips when I used to taunt him as a kid while doing his japa.But later after his japa was over used to take me near him and pamper me with words like"Naa Raamudni naaku iccheyandi..." I used to fear and venerate him even looking at him from distance with awe.He keeps quite to this day though sometimes opens up and used to sit silently on the bed which we have in our small living room sitting and reading "The Hindu" and an occasional Telugu spiritual magazine, after his sandhyavanadam or in the time between his sadhanas. But it was my mother who used to encourage me into Buddhitwam,Patuthwam,Adhyathmikam and Loukeekam.My taste for English litreature(She loved RK Narayan's novels and induced in me a healthy taste from my very young days in his litreature), philosophy(Marcus Arelius,Bertrand Russel,etc),Mathematics(her favourite subject),Tamil,Telugu,Sanskrit,etc were all nurtured by her.No one can believe that the demure looking woman knew so much.I remember to this day all my visits to Kapaleeshwara Kovil during my childhood catching my mother's soft palms and she narrating to me the sthala purana with her ebullient face.Even yesterday's visit to the temple made me remember that nostalgically, though I missed her soft palms as she was at home It was no easy assay to rear a naughty brat like me at that age.To this day I remain a naughty brat, what can be done? *sigh* Even these days, she walks around the home and does not allow me to do a thing.It is her own Rajyam and Raajyaangam in the house,especially Kitchen. I sometimes used to justly battle for my rights to cook something in her territory(kitchen) to help her but she used to keep my administration to the low-ebb there and comment that the best help from my side was to stay away from the kitchen and leave her and her utensils alone. My gastronomic influence on her was limited to just preparing some rare herbal decoctions/sweet juices from rare herbs or some unknown sharbaths for which I took a fancy.A guinea-pig experiment, for which she had a healthy(pun absolutely unintended) abomination for her."What is this Ram(or sometimes Subodha) Hibiscus flower juice emitiraaa nee picchikaakapothe'?"("what is this madness? Ahem, maybe my Budha was vakra at that time astrologically speaking) Yes,VS, my mother, your Attha, was humble as expected of people of that era, in brushing aside any glory directed to her but then my interest spurred in MSS even more. All the while my mother even hid her black and white photos of their marriage,BSc convocation photo and other assorted old photos in an almirah secretively.It was upon an accidental rummage from by my naughty prying hands that brought about all those memories. If there was anyone from whom humility and genuineness was to be learnt it should be from my own mother. I decided to meet the doyenne of Gaanam, The Queen of Carnatic music right away.It was like meeting another "Mother" for me. {{MSS garu stuck to HMV company for her recordings even when it was a failing company throughout her life.}} When I met her, despite my maternal uncle telling me stories of scandals about her in those puritanical days...some GNB-MSS affair of those days and some other comments on her antecedents and caste...which I brushed aside(I felt my mother was being insulted inside!, I know I was stupidly-emotional those halcyon days). Nehru is reported to have commented: "Who am I , a mere Prime Minister before a Queen, a Queen of Music " I saw in her(MSS Garu) a truly humble person.The public image she had matched her personal life. Absolutely no airs of receiving a Bharath Ratna or Magsasy Award, treating me with respect, and even suggesting names for my unborn children(Infact my second kid's name has been her 'name-choice', the first kid being my own mother's 'name-choice'). It was truly amazing how she predicted both my kids' sex even when I went to her much before my marriage!!(Rahu's mystical effect, I surmise). MS Garu with her husband and mentor, Sadashivam Garu One conversation I still remember... She(MSS Garu) asked me,"Ennappa panre' nee?" I replied with glinting eyes, "Tharadhalayaa(wastrel) ooru-suthaaren Ammaa!"(At that time I had haughtily rejected IIT and was doing 'ostensibly' BCom and CA foundation course(as it was called then) but roaming about from one spiritual camp to another, some days in Thiruvannamalai, some days in Sheshardi Swamigal Ashramam,some days in Sakori Mutt or Shirdi,etc.I was lucky to have a senior auditor under whom I was apprenticing who was also a brahmin and who knew my capricious ways and who decided to let me go scot-free much to the chagrin of my co-peers, but used to squeeze me 'Bindaas' during crunch time for audit trips and work.He used to comment,"Podiyan killadinaa! enna oorsutthinaalum CA pass pannidivaan, ennakku nambikkai irruku"...Aanaikku Thumbikkai Manishannukku Nambikkai, they say.However, I never failed his expectations in the exams, thank my lucky star(Hmm,Punarvasu,astrologically) She(MSS Garu) exclaimed," Ayyo, un mugathulla nalla tejas irrukku Nalla varuvaai.Nee unnaye thaalthikkakoodaathu"(Your face shines with Tejas, You will come up well.Never lower yourself) And then she spoke about some other topics as a reply to my rapacious requests to glean some spiritual knowledge from her.I then took her padanamaskaram and left the house.No one was there in the house at that time except one other old lady(God knows who that was, maybe her helper with daily rountines??) Both my mothers are/were shy in nature, and typical Hindu brahmin women of that era.Totally unassmuing,genuine and helpful to the core. However, Rahu and Kethu played in different ways in their lives. In the case of MSS's meteroic rise I can certainly deduce a combination of Rahu(Material-instinct giver) and Kethu(Spiritual instinct giver) predominant in her and placed well, however a Kethudosham/shapam afflicted her progeny status and thus she(MSS) did not have a child of her own. Both my mother and MSS have the Lagna which is Libra. Two malefic planets afflict the lagna lord Venus placed in the 10th house with yogkaraka Saturn (4thand 5th lord) and Ketu. However, where MSS differs is the second lord Mars in lagna is aspected by Moon and Jupiter. Association of the 2nd lord with Jupiter in a kendra makes a person very prosperous. Here, the association of the 10th lord Moon also exists and this makes the native very very prosperous. Fourth and fifth lord Saturn is placed in 10th house with the lagna lord Venus and Ketu. Association of 4th and 5th lord with the lagna lord in a kendra gives comforts, property, success, name and fame but the association of a malefic planet Ketu also foretells destruction or problems.(She did not die a Sumangali, if you remember.She was preceded by Sadashivam Garu).And her family peace was many times disturbed despite her calm exterior. Ninth and 12th lord Mercury is exalted in the 12th house with the 11th lord Sun and aspected by Saturn. The lord of the 9th in the 12th house gives the tendency for philanthropic action. This combination shows that religious inclinations and association with great mystics.No wonder she was blessed by everyone be it Periyawal or Sathya Sai Baba or a Old Yogi who had taught her first Grantha-Paattu when she was a kid, mysteriously in Madurai, and promptly disappeared. One common astrological aspect which I share with MSS is Harshana Yoga and my Gurunathar calls me fondly 'Harshana Yogi Subodha' and I used to scribe some random scribbles in that name.One born in Harshana yoga will be very fortunate, well versed in fine arts,worshipped by all and liked by the king(meaning influential people). What is the Rahu-Aadhwaryam in her chart? According to Manasagari, if Rahu is in the 1st, 10th, and 9th from the Moon the native will be rich and spend on charitable purposes. She has fantastic Shubhaathishubha Yogas like Budha-Aditya Yoga, Gaja-Keshari Yoga in full form(Jupiter in a kendra from the ascendant or the Moon avoiding debilitation, inimical and combustion, this Yoga is formed),Vesi Yoga,Parijatha Yoga, Partial Kendra Yoga and Vidya Yogam(Here Musical knowledge and not studies.She had completed her formal education only till her fifth form, I believe). (Seated third from left) M.S. Subbulakshmi Garu's horoscope is a brilliant one with five planets in kendras (1, 4, 7, 10). When all the kendras become strong, the person rises in life. All the planets are connected with her 10th house. Venus aspecting the 10th house from Moon indicates an excellent career in the artistic field. Saturn placed in the 10th gives success in the chosen sphere and here Saturn is in the 10th house with Venus and Ketu and the same combination influences the 10th from the Moon. Venus denotes fine arts and Ketu devotion, so this gave success in devotional music. Thus Kethu augurs both good and bad for her. Give me one horoscope and I can even predict everyone in the house as to how they are disposited.For example, her mother, the famous Vainika(Female Veena player), Shanmukavadivu.The 3rd lord from the 4th house of mother is Jupiter and in the 4th house, aspected by Mars and Saturn. The 3rd house is aspected by Sun and Mercury. The combination of Jupiter and Moon confers a proficiency in fine arts and the aspect of Mars and Saturn denotes instrument. Madurai Shanmukhavadivu(mother of MS Subbulakshmi) Her grandmother was also a violinist, see the 4th from the 7th (for motherís mother). Venus, Saturn and Ketu are placed there. Venus gives artistic talents and with Saturn and Ketu again proficiency in instrumental music is indicated. Madurai House where MS Subbulakshmi was born.Note the veena atop the door. Father Subramaniya Iyer(a leading advocate in those days) Her father(P.S. Subramaniya Iyer and not Sheshavanam Iyer as many used to think scandolously) died when she was 10 years old. The 9th lord Mercury is exalted in the 12th and conjunct with Sun and aspected by Saturn. The karaka for father, Sun, is afflicted. In the dwadasamsha, lagna lord Venus is in the 8th house and aspected by Jupiter. The 9th lord Saturn is with the Sun and aspected by Mars. All these features do not promise a long life of father. {{You can see MS Subbulakshmi with her mentor/husband Sadashivam attending a Gandhiji's Bhajan-meeting in Birla House,Mumbai.When he was informed that M.S. could not fulfil his request to sing his favourite bhajan,due to some urgent work, "Hari tumharo", Mahatma Gandhi said, shortly before he was gunned down by Godse: "I should prefer to hear it spoken by Subbulakshmi than sung by others." }} I can go on and on correlating every event in her life and people who surrounded her with the horoscope, but what is important is the influence of Kethu-Chaya graha in her horoscope which made her sing so soulfully.Even my rendezvous with her is because of this Papi-graha(Kethu) activation in my horoscope favourably for spirituality.Like attracts like! I used to consider my visits to her house as a piligrimage though brief and limited.Her death in 2004(at that time this "Tharudhalai" was in Winnipeg,Canada) was shocking to me for obvious reasons.For days I used to call my own mother using telephone-calling cards and enquire her wellbeing.Some mortal fear huh!? Srirangam Srinivasa Rao of Mahaprasthanam fame.'Maha Prasthanam' was the poet's contribution to contemporary revolutionary writing of VIRASAM (Viplava Rachayitala Sangham).He wasAndhradesham's equivalent of Subramanya Bharathi. kanabaDaleda maroprapanchapuagnikiriiTapu dhagadhagalu,errabavuTa niganigalu,homajvaalala bhugabhugalu ? 'Appa' as he was known to his kids(he did not like his kids to call him 'Nannagaru' as it sounded too formal) was born on January 2nd, 1910 in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. It also happens to be the year when the Hailey's comet made its 'once' in 76 years appearance. From some of the stories I read from his son account, he had a pretty good childhood, at least till his father died. His mother expired soon after giving birth to him and just to make sure that he did not feel that "void" his father had pampered him so much that, he had literally anything he asked for.He got honours in B.A.(Zoology)(In those days there was no BSc) in Madras Christian College located near Parry's Corner during those days(Im talking of 1920s and 1930s).He used to live in Mandavalli. His original surname was Poodipeddi(our Vaideeki Velanadu Brahmin community) but was given into adoption into a Srivaishnava Srirangam Brahmin family. SriSri's Horoscope was rare to get and he never believed in it much anyways.I saw the radical influence of Rahu in it and it is a treasured horoscope in my collection.He was honest to the core and a burning fire, brought about by a strange and rare Kethu-Samrajya-Sathya Yoga. JK's horoscope also shows Kethu on a spiritual high. Devilishly handsome Jiddu Krishnamurti (Many European women used to attend his lectures just to catch a glimpse of him and his debonair ways of walk and talk and not the content of his talk) Date of birth 12 may 1895, Time of birth 00:30:00 IST, Place of birth Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India Longitude 78:34:00 East, Latitude 13:37:00 North, Lahiri's Ayanamsa My mother, being a staunch believer in Gandhian ideals, however dispproved Srisri's revolutionary ideas(maybe it was too much for her to digest pyschologically) and asked me not to interact with him much by way of books lest I become a communist but encouraged me to read our other illustrious relative JK and his books like 'Commentaries on Living'.In anycase, my interacting with him personally was out of question as he(Srisri) died in the year 1983. 1929 image of JK during a lecture... But I could not make head or tail of JK's books during my nascent years.It all sounded Greek and Latin to my young and immature mind.Iam talking about my days in eighth Form in PSBB.Many things which he said went over my head.However, I used it to make myself enter into deep sleep,which was required for my over-worked brain hehe! Apart from this sopoforic indulgence which I had in his books, I never had any great opinion about him intellectually. Now after all these years, I see the wisdom which was 'JK'. Distilled pure unsullied and flowing like Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree.I however remember him for his Lindt Choclates which he used to give me whenever he used to visit Adyar with palms outstretched with love and a strange affection for me.I have also earlier recounted my experiences with him too. {{{Lindt Choclates which were a rarity in my young days and never had I tasted such 'heaven on earth'.I was bored stiff with Parrys orange Choclate or an occasional 5star bar or Doubledecker which someone used to gift me.}}} I however feel that to sully this man with ridiculous scandals like Mary Lutens just speaks of the jealousy of people who surrounded him because I had analysed his horoscope minutely for any lust factors involving a debilitated Shukra.He emerged really pure beyond my imagination.But I should admit Mary Lutyens might have had a cupid eye on him for sure, given the Shani and shukra in his chart and a lady's influence prominent. Kethu influence in JK's horoscope can be summarized thus: The foundation of the horoscope is quite strong since lord of the ascendant Saturn is exalted (his exaltation only conflicting his personality) and in the 9th bhava Atmakaraka Sun is also exalted, Saturn and Sun are well placed in Navamsa also. These combinations are very likely to be the same for others also born nearly at the same time and will not really give the clue about the acquisition of Divine Knowledge culminating in Moksha. Hence it is required to dwelve deep into the analysis of the 12th bhava for confirmation of these aspects. The 12th cusp falls into the sign of Jupiter and star Poorvashada of Venus , another preceptor (though preceptor of Demons, what if , preceptor only) and Yogakaraka for this horoscope. If the Poorvashada of Venus comprising of 13 degrees 20 minutes in the sign of Sagittarius is again subdivided as per the Vimsottari Dasa cycle starting from the sub of Venus, we get first sub lord of Venus in the star of Venus ruling for 2 deg 13 min 20 secs in Sagittarius from 253 deg 20 min to 255 deg 33 min 20 secs (sub in Venus star is 13 deg 20 min multiplied by 20 divided by 120). The second sub lord Sun in the star of Venus rules for 40 minutes (13 deg 20 min multiplied by 6 and divided by 120) from 255 deg 33 min 20 sec to 256 deg 13 min 20 sec and so on till the last sub lord Ketu in the Venus star rules for 46 min 40 sec (13 deg 20 min multiplied by 7 and divided by 120) from 265 deg 53 min 20 sec to 266 deg 40 min. Thus the 12th cusp being 266 deg 7 min falls under the sway of sub lord Ketu, the Mokshakaraka or Kaivalyakaraka, responsible for final emancipation, what we call Moksha. This is reinforced by the placement of Ketu (146 deg 29 min) in the star of Venus and sub of Ketu similar to the situation of the 12th bhava in the star of Venus and sub of Ketu. In addition, Ketu is in the sign of Sun, Atmakaraka and responsible for psychic development. Mercury responsible for psychological development and Rahu responsible for psychology, metaphysical aspects are in the sub of Ketu. Moon responsible for mind and psycho-physiological consciousness is again in the star of Ketu. Also Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are in the star of Rahu, a complement of Ketu. Thus, the planet Ketu, the Mokshakaraka is not only the sub lord of the 12th bhava but also is in his own sub and also influencing all other planets. Again , both the preceptors, Jupiter and Venus, are in the sign and star of the 12th bhava. Hence all the energies of the native will be directed towards attainment of Divine Knowledge and teaching his experience to others and finally culminating to Moksha (enlightenment).However, some amount of seductive behaviour which he himself was not aware might be the reason why he had a huge female fan following. It is likely that the native might have got his enlightenment in the Dasa of Sun being exalted. Now, if I were to present him with all these details he would say chuckling as he used to say to me then, "Dattu forget all this garbage, take this Lindt Swizz chocolate and enjoy the 'now'." One puzzle for you today as you too are a student-astrologer endowed with fine analytical brain(no wonder you are in IIT).I will give you the details of UG krishnamurti's birth details, can you tell me which Dasha he got his 'enlightenment'? Use your horoscope software to calcuate the periods in a jiffy. UG Krishnamurti Date of birth 9 July 1918, Time of Birth 06:10:32 hrs, Place of birth Masulipatnam Longitude 81:07 East Latitude 16:11 North, Lahiri Ayanamsa (Clue 1: It was not Rahu or Kethu, so forget these two planets. There I have given you a clue!Another clue is my putting within quotes the word "enlightenment" what did I mean by it? Clue 2: The Mokshakaraka Ketu is again strongly situated I the combination of sign of Venus, star of Mars and sub of Saturn. The Atmakaraka Sun, the metaphysical Rahu are also in the sub of Saturn. The lord of ascendant, intellectual Mercury is in the star of Saturn and Moon, the Manahkaraka is in the sub of Rahu, the complement of Ketu.) I wanted to touch upon Nalaaveshti-Yogam this email before I forget in this celebrity jathaka-frenzy of my typing fingers... Vipareetha Prasoothouthu Naabhinalena Veshtithaha, Raasthrasya Nrupatheshchaiva Sanyaasi Vinaashakaha! The murthy for Nalaaveshti Yoga is Rahu.During birth some babies are born with their umbilical cords strung around their necks like a snake around Lord Shiva and the head of the baby is down(Shirobhoopathitham), in other words Nalaveshtiyogam is cancelled if the baby is a breech baby(however as a matter of abundant caution I would consider even such babies as Nalaveshti Yoga afflicted).This is refereed to as Nalaveshti Yogam.This is no good Yoga and Shaanti must be done.Rahu takes a form of Prachanda Agni-Krodha Rupa.One must do Shounaka Maharishi Proktha Nalavesthi Shaanti for the baby.The Prathyadhi-devatha for this Yogam is Sarpa! This Yoga will affect the native later on in life.The adhidevatha for this Yogam is Kala. {{{Note the Umbilical cord around the neck of the baby in this Ultrasound-scan image in the womb.May Shounaka Maharishi bless this baby.Blessed be the baby.}}} By doing Nalaveshti Shaanti, Pithrus are satisfied(ancetral manes) and even Mathrumahas(maternal ancestors) are satisfied.In the family Mukhya-Vyakthis(important people) are not affected by arishtas. Cesearian section Now, the important point which Shounaka maharishi says is that not only such babies but babies born during daytime due to Shastras(meaning surgical instruments)(He meant cesearian births, which were induced by Ayurvedic Nipunas during those Pouranic times) also to be afflicted by this Yogam.However for this type of Nalaaveshti Yogam Vaideeka Smaartha Shaanti is only prescribed.However, if the use of the surgical instrument happens after sunset then Nalaaveshti Yogam is not inferred. I thought of emailing you on the aspects of what makes one a "vipareethi budhhigatha" type of person during Kethu Dasha or an afflicted Kethu.I will reveal the symptoms, and Ashubha Chestalu(inauspicious things) he or she does and that would be an indicator for me even without even seeing his or her horoscope I an make an inferential observation on their type of Kethu affliction. See, 'Thonda, Thonda Bhoodam Kilambigiradhu....Menna Menna Vetrilaipaakku Bhoodham pol' However, even now I repeat tritely, don't fear all this information which I may spew out at this odd insomaniacal hour.Trust Amba, surrender to Her.She will take care. However be aware of all this Maya.Maya??? what the hell do I mean after all this lenghty e-lecture?Even knowledge is a burden on the buridan's ass...even it is also Maya. Do you know what a Buridan's ass is? Jean Buridan Buridan's Ass refers to a Medieval paradox concerning the logic of rationality and freewill. Jean Buridan was a 14th-century French philosopher and physicist (c.1295-1356), whose account of freewill was later parodied with the following paradox: An ass, standing equidistant between two identical bales of hay, is faced with the choice of feasting on one or the other. All things being equal, the ass starves to death because there's no rational reason for choosing one bale over the other. For Buridan, freewill entailed the ability to withhold judgment indefinitely due to lack of certainty. Whether "Buridan's ass" faithfully represents Buridan's conception of freewill remains an open question, but most scholars agree that the parable at the very least over simplifies Buridan's position. I would say here to Buridan thus: "Oh great thinker, Buridan,It all depends on the axial alignment of Rahu and Kethu of the Ass-in-dilemma.If the Rahu-aspect predominates it would choose the bale of hay close to the Rahu positional node and eat it as Rahu governs materiality as opposed to the spiritually lucent Kethu" ....There I go again with my looney wiseacre comment! Hahahaha! Merger in whatever little Rajarajeshwari Bhakthi I have alone can save this 'Tharudhalai'(wastrel) nothing else....I believe firmly in divine dispensation even in the worst cases of planetary alignment shown in a horoscope.You need proof---TAKE ME!! HAHAHA Eshwaree Rakshathu! Addendum:Listen to this song sung soulfully by MS Subbulakshmi.Forget all what I have 'frightened you with'.My mother would say, "Don't spoil his young mindwith your lunacy."It is precisely because Im a lunatic I dont meet anyone, lest they get my lunacy too! HAHAHA! Modern day terrorists must be made to hear this and absorb osmotically the meaning culled from Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad by the poet(None other than Peddayana/Periyawal). I will sing this bhajan at this odd hour and go and sleep fitfully,and approve this post tommorow,have to wake up early and finish my Sandhyavanadanam.Dont forget to do Sandhyavandanam and especially Gayathri Japa, Vedamatha will save you from all malefic grahas. (To be continued...) (Watch the video in Youtube here) Maithrim bhajataraagam: Yamuna Kalyaani 65 mEcakalyaaNi janyaAa: S R2 G3 P M2 P D2 SAv: S D2 P M2 P G3 R2 S AND Kaapi 22 kharaharapriya janyaAa: S R2 M1 P N3 SAv: S N2 D2 N2 P M1 G2 R2 S taaLam: aadiComposer: Chandrashekarendra Saraswathy(Peddyana/Periyawal)Language: Sanskrit maitrIm bhajata, akhila hrit jaitrIm |Atmavad Eva parAnn api pashyata |yudhham tyajata, spardhAm tyajata |tyajata parEShu akrama-AkramaNam || jananI prithivI kAma-dukhArtE |janako dEvah sakala dayALuh |'dAmyata, datta, dayadhvam' janatA |shrEyO bhUyAt sakala janAnAnAm ||shrEyO bhUyAt sakala janAnAnAm ||shrEyO bhUyAt sakala janAnAnAm || Yours Yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha! Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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