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[Srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 6

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Are you likely to come to HYD ?.Please try to come.dr.p.r.k.prasad--- On Tue, 3/2/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:Group Owner <para_anuloma[srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 6Srividya-Tantra , datta-yoga Date: Tuesday, 3 February, 2009, 7:38 PM



Dear VS,

After last week's 'celebrity-astro' postings, I have received lot of emails from members both appreciating and seeking astrological counsel.As it is, astrology is not my profession and thus except obliging a couple of close people, I have renegaded the rest.Also, there were other matters pending to attend to.

The craze which people show for astrology if shown for Amba would solve 95% of their problems!

Before I leave this country, I plan to go to Kerala.Chottanikara and Guruvayoor fascinate me.If everything goes well, maybe a trip can be at ready soon.I would report my experiences wherever Im be it Kerala or Kansas State(where my brother's son is studying) to you promptly.Touche' !




Last email I stopped at what the Ashubhacheshtalu one does when affected by Kethu.Actually I would start with Rahu first:

The following increases the potency of the malefic effects of Rahu creating the 4 following effects(eitherone or a combination of all or some):

1. Delays in education

2. Delays in getting back money of any sort

3. Increasing poverty (monetary)

4. Increasing mental and psychic tensions

Temptations would be high to do anyone or some or in a rare case all of the following by those affected by Rahu planet malefically during Mahardasha,Antardas ha,Prathyanthara dasha


If one has a bad placement of Rahu in one's horoscope.

I have seen these events (each one of them) happen and have checked for cross-reference their horoscopes and found the Rahu affliction.So, these might not be superstitions afterall.Maybe God gives indications for man through superstitions and 'sanghatanas' (events) to groove into a planetary affliction to be known and a divine remedial measure to be taken.

Sadly, in the name of science,logic and modernity we are losing this para-normal science.

However, there is one caveat which I would like to expound lest you take these as 'set in stone'.

Caveat:Some of the 'acts' might take placeas a random event or due to some contingency and that does not make for a Rahu-afflicted horoscope.Like in Bodylanguage, where a cluster of bodylanguage signs are taken into cognizance and then the mental framework of the person decided upon, in deciding these 'acts' too one must see for

1. Consistency

2. No contingency or emergency situation

And then decide.







Mohini decapitating the asura--Rahu- Kethu



For women:


1. Not applying Kumkuma(Those who have the 'adhikaram' and the 'Aacharam')

2. Not applying Katuka('Mai' )(------- --,,----- ------)

3. Sitting on the entrance of the house

4. Tying one's hair in a knot and entering into a fight(We see this often with women from slums)

5. Applying Kumkuma by moistening it with one's saliva using one's toungue(You can extrapolate it to mean the same for sticker Kumkuma too when the glue dries out)

For both sexes:

1. Trying to hit children with one's left hand by way of discipline or even petting.(This does not mean it is auspicous to 'hit' one's child with one's right hand.As far as possible it would not be advicable to even raise one's voice against a child as there are other better ways of parenting, love being the main ingredient in controlling a naughty child.I sometimes even tell my wife strictly not to raise voice or hit my kids in any manner whatever be their naughty deeds.)

2. Wearing clothes, after taking bath, which were already worn.

In other words, not wearing freshly laundered clothes after bath.

I used to have a friend with whom I shared my tenement in Canada, who wore a pair of jeans pant and two sets of shirts, continuously for fifteen days, until it got its 'vimochana' reluctantly by him, in the washing machine downstairs.His idea was to use his clothes as many times as possible to save $1.25 needed to launder the clothes! I have seen stingy people but he was the uncrowned-emperor among them.

No wonder he used to always live in Rahu-planet- related debts.(The astro-science is so exacting that even debts can be classified according to planets.For example if debts are in the nature of spirituality or for spiritual work, it shows a 'Vakra Kethu', if for one's mother it is a Moon-related- expense,etc)

3. Sweeping the house with a broom during nights

4. Throwing away boiled rice, if it remains after consuming food,instead of giving it to one's servant maids or to some stray animal or beggar.(Annam parabrahma Swaroopam)

5. Trying to clean with water or otherwise under chairs/meditational seat upon which one is seated(The ground or space beneath empty chairs can be cleaned).I have seen in some houses when the maid is cleaning the house, the members of the family lift their legs up so that the maid can clean beneath the chair.The poor woman(mostly maids I have seen in india are women) then bends down and cleans the space beneath the chair or sofa while the person lifts up his legs like an upturned horse after a race-bout.Courtesy demands even for the maids to be treated as humans and one should get up decently from the chair and then let the person clean.Lethargy and laziness prevents many people from adhering to courtisies which differentiate a man from an animal.

This is to be avoided as it indicates Rahu-Arishtam.

6. Crossing someone's legs and going.(Unless it is really urgent.There is always time for courtisies even during emergencies, I guess)

7. Not cleaning Grinders,wetgrinder s,other kitchen utensils for the day.The more time one keeps such items uncleaned, the more the arishtam.I used to feel uncomfortable when my room-mates dumped their utensils in the sink and leave for office or college. I used to clean even their vessels sometimes, unable to bear the stench despite their shameless taunts at my fastidiousness. If someone say hypothetically, cleaned my uncleaned teacup, I would profusely apologize and see to it never happens again.

8. Eating food in the dark.(Maybe a dark restaurant too>>>???; A candlelight dinner with one's beloved might form an exception though as there is light in the form of candlelight and the face of one's beloved...Ahem,getting poetically romantic,I guess)

9. Eating food without cleaning one's feet with water.This is an ancient custom in Indian households.This can be practiced atleast in our homes, I guess.

10. Getting up all of a sudden in a 'Sahapankthi- Bhojanam' (communal feasting) and leaving in a hurry.If one sits in a communal feast, one must eat all the items served and then bless the host and then get up.This would form proper 'Annashanthi'

11. Keeping the food which has been served waiting and being busy with some work and then eating the food.('The food should not wait upon its eater, the eater should wait upon the food to be served')

12. Licking one's hands and fingers,shamelessly , while eating food.

I know one person who licks his hand till his elbow, while eating, to capture even a precious small trickle of Sambhar or any liquid item which he might be eating.I appreciate his parsimonious nature, intrepid stance, total non-adherence to dinner-etiquette and his gastronomic rapaciousness but Rahu affliction, nevertheless.

His family members had an abominable disgust(to put it mildly) for him for this but he would have his way unmindful of others inconvinience and was quite explosive, temperamentally, if anyone would even raise their eyebrows at his quixotic behaviour.

I had to enter this rumbunctious scene as I had some business to transact with him in the house and I could not bear to sit next to him and hear him slurping his elbow away.

So, diplomatically, I suggested that his horoscope to be brought and when he brought it with veneration, I put up such a histrionic show of shaking my head in dismay at his Rahu position, which would put both Shivaji Ganesan and Anthony Hopkins to shame, that the poor man thought Rahu was out to grab his life by the tail and end him.

I explained his fear away and allayed his concerns.Upon me advicing him to wear Gaya-Gomedhikam gemstone(not all would I advice thus, unless the horoscope is seen by me), his elbow(and all of us) was spared automatically! !


Rahu Gemstone- Gomedhika

People were amazed at this sudden welcome change.His wife thanked me with moist eyes, looking gratefully at me as the 'malaikallan' (Tamil version of Robinhood) who saved her life from ignominous & doomed life, and I asked her to thank Rahu Bhagavan and the Hezzonite stone which saved the day!!(for me, them and also for him in other ways too; It would be highly unethical on my part to advice him to buy the gemstone and wear it so that I can enjoy their house's Sambhar and Tomato chutney without his cacaphonous tounge. 'Malaikallan' afterall must be just-- aint he?)

13. Taking bath after consuming food.

One 'brihaspathy' I know used to do this after consuming his food.He was in such a 'rush' to office that he used to take his food standing up(another inauspicious thing to do, for yet another planet) and then take a bath finally and then leave for the day.I have observed that he too was mired in Rahu-related debts.

14. Slurrrrrrrppppppppp ping and drinking coffee or tea or any drink.--This is my favourite!

Some hilariously slurp and drink tea as if they are real snakes.

One old Maama of ours used to slurp his way to the bottom of the coffee cup and the students of a Music School nearby used to adjust their shruthi boxes to his slurps, the flautists in the school had an additonal benefit of learning the fine art of handling the flute from the 'Coffee-cup- Krishnan' .There were short,loud and long slurps and then also a tukkada-styled 'medium' slurp he used to be proficient in,obviously enjoying the Kumbakonam degree coffee which my mother prepared for him with meticulousness. He could have given a Cutchery with a cup of coffee in VaniMahal easily.

But Rahu, the snake tail seeks the head of the slurper to punish.I don't know what happened to him and care the least too.I would not run behind horoscopes of elbow-lickers and coffee-slurpers, I have better things to do! Im not so granular nor do I have the time.

Logically, all this makes no sense, so VS, please leave logic aside and read my funny narrative as I keep reeling out all these points by which you being a good astrologer should know even without seeing a person's horoscope whether he or she is Rahu afflicted.

Maybe, next time I come to your place, you should surreptitiously offer me a cup of Orange Pekoe tea(one of my favourites) and observe me whether I slurp or not.I get a free tea at your expense and you get some practical exposure to astrological nuances--whatdayasa y?

15. Shaking the legs incessantly. It is also a sign of nervousness. I attended a body language workshop in USA and there was taught by videos all thse mannerisms and what to infer their state of mind from their body language.It has helped me a lot to be all the more observant of people with whom I interact.

16. Keeping the plate from which one consumes food on one's lap and eat it.

17. Here goes another favourite.

Making balls of rice or whatever one is eating and then throwing it in air and eating it.Some make small balls of rice and eat by throwing small throws(like the ones cricket players throw 'in nets') and eat the food balls.Recently, I happened to catch an ad on Tv showing a similar thing.I forget which product it was but one bearded man does it in the advert(a vague remembrance)

18. Some ladies take the Mangalasutras out for bathing and other activities and also use sharp edge for opening the rinds of orange or lemon.Mangalasutra is a sacred ornament indicating one's eternal soul-love for one's partner and not a handy kitchen tool.

19. Eating food on one's cot.(Unless one is sick)

20. Lighting a single wicked deepam

21. Extinguishing the flame of a lamp using one's breath.

22. Spitting or gnashing one's teeth with no real reason.Some keep biting their lips or inner portion of their mouth or toungue, this is also indicative of an afflicted Rahu.

23. Taking the wax out of ear incessantly and unnecessarily using some form of an earbud, be it the real earbuds or small twigs or paper or pens/pencils. (Ear hygene is important and one must do it in the bathroom is he import).

24. Eyebrow trimming(unless one is in the field of acting or some creative profession like dancing...this exception is stated in the scriptures).

25. Shaving the hair on one's chest(unless one is a creative field oriented person or one is a player(kreedaakara) which requires the removal of hair)

26. Taking bath in the afternoon.(This does not include a swim in a river or ocean in the afternoon with an intention to enjoy)



27. Buffet system of dinner for Shubhakaryas like marriage,Upanayanam ,etc.These days in marriages and wedding receptions we see lot of people adopting this buffet system because it is modern & fashionable, saves food, saves labour,etc but this does not give the necessary Annashanthi required for the event.Atleast a Prathyaamnaya Annashanthi has to be done in these buffet dinners.This is meant for shubhakaryams and even auspicous events like birthdays and engagements.

Now, all these points which I have putforth are done without the knowledge subconciously induced and some people who are highly Rahu-aflicted would even brush away what I have said as some kibosh which is not applicable these days or to them.

All I can say is "Vinasha kale' vipareetha budhihi"(At the time of destruction, the mind does erratic acts). Also, most of the items I have stated above has also a strong basis in our culture, ettiqutte,ayurveda, etc




If one indulges in such Rahu amangala cheshtamulu then one should light a lamp before Durga Amba/Rahu and seek forgiveness and then not repeat it again.This would groove it in the subconscious mind to break the habit.




One thing which used to puzzle many and still puzzles scientists is the disapperance of vehicles,ships, planes,etc in Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle.These days no one goes above these Triangles for abundant caution.

Big nuclear vessels, Thousands of tonnes of weight ships,etc have disappeared in these two triangles.

In Shivakhandam an ancient text, our Rishis have written long ago that this is due to Rahu and Kethu Maya.

Bermuda Triangle is infested with Kethu Graha successors(asura shakthis) unbeknownst to the human eye and who draw the ships unto themselves in maya.They live in another dimension(asuric) .This is the reason that this topic which vexed many scientists has now been left and they have maritime warnings on ships,airplanes, etc not to enter that part of the sea.




Dragon's Triangle also called in Japanese "Sea of the devil"

Now, when Kethu is there on one side, exactly opposite side would be Rahu.Even in astrology/horoscope , they move opposite to each other.So on the other side of the globe(to Bermuda Triangle) we find Dragon's Triangle and this is ruled by Rahu's successors.

You may Google out Bermuda Triangle and Dragon Triangle and see the mystical disappearances that happen there.

The information which I have given above is not known to many.

Nagas, Rahu,Kethu,etc are in different dimensions and live and operate from their plane.

Their Graha-Maya is something which is beyond imagination. If you carefully extrapolate all Grahana samaya and see the terrible world events, it happens in close proximity as these two grahas capture majorly using Cchaya(shadow) shakthi Maya.That is why during eclipses we advice pregnant ladies to be in home and not in the natural shadow created by the Grahana. Asuric babies with asuric tatwas(charecterist ics) are born. This is also the reason why we are adviced to chant mantras, take bath,etc.This creates an powerful spiritual aura whih protects Rahu and Kethu related asuric entities to not take possession of our auras.(Apart from the ostensible reason that the veerya of the mantra increases giving multiplies effect)


Even houses which have a huge tree before the house which provides shade on the face of house does not augur well for the house becaue of rahu and kethu effect.Thus, in vasthu it is adviced that the house face east so that the direct rays of the sun fall on the front face of the house and that no tree or other enclosure should block this. Modern science knows squat about such things and many millions of dollars have been spent for Bermuda and Dragon's triangles with not even single clue as to why it happens. The power of Rahu-Kethu Maya is such!

Rahu KetuRahu literally means 'the seizer', while Ketu stands for 'bright appearance'. In astronomy they are the ascending and descending nodes of the moon respectively. Rahu was actually a four-armed, dragon- tailed demon called svarbhanu and is believed to be the cause of eclipses and a major mischief maker. I can keep writing email after email about Rahu and kethu but next email would be the last where I deal with what Kethu-Ashubha Karyakramas are, and what Subramanya and Dattatreya can do about all this, apart from Divine Mother and then stop.The most important fact is that we as individuals should be cautious and keep our anxieties to the minimum- whether they are money related or emotional ones. Remember that Rahu Ketu bring about transformation of the best kind if we follow a spiritual path- so it is at these times that we should be focus on higher self and spiritual development and not on material issues.

Catch Amba's Divine feet, is all I can say





To be continued...


Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




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dear anna,it was very interesting to read your mail.i didn't know that such habits or manners were related to planetary afflictions.does it follow conversely too?...i.e..if one takes care and reduces/stops such behaviour mentioned above, will the affliction too reduce?it is also remarkable to find that the science of jyotishya is so detailed.phew..its just amazing.your posts are damn interesting and at the same time witty.jai ambaVarun--- On Tue, 3/2/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:Group Owner <para_anuloma[srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 6Srividya-Tantra , datta-yoga Date: Tuesday, 3

February, 2009, 7:38 PM



Dear VS,

After last week's 'celebrity-astro' postings, I have received lot of emails from members both appreciating and seeking astrological counsel.As it is, astrology is not my profession and thus except obliging a couple of close people, I have renegaded the rest.Also, there were other matters pending to attend to.

The craze which people show for astrology if shown for Amba would solve 95% of their problems!

Before I leave this country, I plan to go to Kerala.Chottanikara and Guruvayoor fascinate me.If everything goes well, maybe a trip can be at ready soon.I would report my experiences wherever Im be it Kerala or Kansas State(where my brother's son is studying) to you promptly.Touche' !




Last email I stopped at what the Ashubhacheshtalu one does when affected by Kethu.Actually I would start with Rahu first:

The following increases the potency of the malefic effects of Rahu creating the 4 following effects(eitherone or a combination of all or some):

1. Delays in education

2. Delays in getting back money of any sort

3. Increasing poverty (monetary)

4. Increasing mental and psychic tensions

Temptations would be high to do anyone or some or in a rare case all of the following by those affected by Rahu planet malefically during Mahardasha,Antardas ha,Prathyanthara dasha


If one has a bad placement of Rahu in one's horoscope.

I have seen these events (each one of them) happen and have checked for cross-reference their horoscopes and found the Rahu affliction.So, these might not be superstitions afterall.Maybe God gives indications for man through superstitions and 'sanghatanas' (events) to groove into a planetary affliction to be known and a divine remedial measure to be taken.

Sadly, in the name of science,logic and modernity we are losing this para-normal science.

However, there is one caveat which I would like to expound lest you take these as 'set in stone'.

Caveat:Some of the 'acts' might take placeas a random event or due to some contingency and that does not make for a Rahu-afflicted horoscope.Like in Bodylanguage, where a cluster of bodylanguage signs are taken into cognizance and then the mental framework of the person decided upon, in deciding these 'acts' too one must see for

1. Consistency

2. No contingency or emergency situation

And then decide.







Mohini decapitating the asura--Rahu- Kethu



For women:


1. Not applying Kumkuma(Those who have the 'adhikaram' and the 'Aacharam')

2. Not applying Katuka('Mai' )(------- --,,----- ------)

3. Sitting on the entrance of the house

4. Tying one's hair in a knot and entering into a fight(We see this often with women from slums)

5. Applying Kumkuma by moistening it with one's saliva using one's toungue(You can extrapolate it to mean the same for sticker Kumkuma too when the glue dries out)

For both sexes:

1. Trying to hit children with one's left hand by way of discipline or even petting.(This does not mean it is auspicous to 'hit' one's child with one's right hand.As far as possible it would not be advicable to even raise one's voice against a child as there are other better ways of parenting, love being the main ingredient in controlling a naughty child.I sometimes even tell my wife strictly not to raise voice or hit my kids in any manner whatever be their naughty deeds.)

2. Wearing clothes, after taking bath, which were already worn.

In other words, not wearing freshly laundered clothes after bath.

I used to have a friend with whom I shared my tenement in Canada, who wore a pair of jeans pant and two sets of shirts, continuously for fifteen days, until it got its 'vimochana' reluctantly by him, in the washing machine downstairs.His idea was to use his clothes as many times as possible to save $1.25 needed to launder the clothes! I have seen stingy people but he was the uncrowned-emperor among them.

No wonder he used to always live in Rahu-planet- related debts.(The astro-science is so exacting that even debts can be classified according to planets.For example if debts are in the nature of spirituality or for spiritual work, it shows a 'Vakra Kethu', if for one's mother it is a Moon-related- expense,etc)

3. Sweeping the house with a broom during nights

4. Throwing away boiled rice, if it remains after consuming food,instead of giving it to one's servant maids or to some stray animal or beggar.(Annam parabrahma Swaroopam)

5. Trying to clean with water or otherwise under chairs/meditational seat upon which one is seated(The ground or space beneath empty chairs can be cleaned).I have seen in some houses when the maid is cleaning the house, the members of the family lift their legs up so that the maid can clean beneath the chair.The poor woman(mostly maids I have seen in india are women) then bends down and cleans the space beneath the chair or sofa while the person lifts up his legs like an upturned horse after a race-bout.Courtesy demands even for the maids to be treated as humans and one should get up decently from the chair and then let the person clean.Lethargy and laziness prevents many people from adhering to courtisies which differentiate a man from an animal.

This is to be avoided as it indicates Rahu-Arishtam.

6. Crossing someone's legs and going.(Unless it is really urgent.There is always time for courtisies even during emergencies, I guess)

7. Not cleaning Grinders,wetgrinder s,other kitchen utensils for the day.The more time one keeps such items uncleaned, the more the arishtam.I used to feel uncomfortable when my room-mates dumped their utensils in the sink and leave for office or college. I used to clean even their vessels sometimes, unable to bear the stench despite their shameless taunts at my fastidiousness. If someone say hypothetically, cleaned my uncleaned teacup, I would profusely apologize and see to it never happens again.

8. Eating food in the dark.(Maybe a dark restaurant too>>>???; A candlelight dinner with one's beloved might form an exception though as there is light in the form of candlelight and the face of one's beloved...Ahem,getting poetically romantic,I guess)

9. Eating food without cleaning one's feet with water.This is an ancient custom in Indian households.This can be practiced atleast in our homes, I guess.

10. Getting up all of a sudden in a 'Sahapankthi- Bhojanam' (communal feasting) and leaving in a hurry.If one sits in a communal feast, one must eat all the items served and then bless the host and then get up.This would form proper 'Annashanthi'

11. Keeping the food which has been served waiting and being busy with some work and then eating the food.('The food should not wait upon its eater, the eater should wait upon the food to be served')

12. Licking one's hands and fingers,shamelessly , while eating food.

I know one person who licks his hand till his elbow, while eating, to capture even a precious small trickle of Sambhar or any liquid item which he might be eating.I appreciate his parsimonious nature, intrepid stance, total non-adherence to dinner-etiquette and his gastronomic rapaciousness but Rahu affliction, nevertheless.

His family members had an abominable disgust(to put it mildly) for him for this but he would have his way unmindful of others inconvinience and was quite explosive, temperamentally, if anyone would even raise their eyebrows at his quixotic behaviour.

I had to enter this rumbunctious scene as I had some business to transact with him in the house and I could not bear to sit next to him and hear him slurping his elbow away.

So, diplomatically, I suggested that his horoscope to be brought and when he brought it with veneration, I put up such a histrionic show of shaking my head in dismay at his Rahu position, which would put both Shivaji Ganesan and Anthony Hopkins to shame, that the poor man thought Rahu was out to grab his life by the tail and end him.

I explained his fear away and allayed his concerns.Upon me advicing him to wear Gaya-Gomedhikam gemstone(not all would I advice thus, unless the horoscope is seen by me), his elbow(and all of us) was spared automatically! !


Rahu Gemstone- Gomedhika

People were amazed at this sudden welcome change.His wife thanked me with moist eyes, looking gratefully at me as the 'malaikallan' (Tamil version of Robinhood) who saved her life from ignominous & doomed life, and I asked her to thank Rahu Bhagavan and the Hezzonite stone which saved the day!!(for me, them and also for him in other ways too; It would be highly unethical on my part to advice him to buy the gemstone and wear it so that I can enjoy their house's Sambhar and Tomato chutney without his cacaphonous tounge. 'Malaikallan' afterall must be just-- aint he?)

13. Taking bath after consuming food.

One 'brihaspathy' I know used to do this after consuming his food.He was in such a 'rush' to office that he used to take his food standing up(another inauspicious thing to do, for yet another planet) and then take a bath finally and then leave for the day.I have observed that he too was mired in Rahu-related debts.

14. Slurrrrrrrppppppppp ping and drinking coffee or tea or any drink.--This is my favourite!

Some hilariously slurp and drink tea as if they are real snakes.

One old Maama of ours used to slurp his way to the bottom of the coffee cup and the students of a Music School nearby used to adjust their shruthi boxes to his slurps, the flautists in the school had an additonal benefit of learning the fine art of handling the flute from the 'Coffee-cup- Krishnan' .There were short,loud and long slurps and then also a tukkada-styled 'medium' slurp he used to be proficient in,obviously enjoying the Kumbakonam degree coffee which my mother prepared for him with meticulousness. He could have given a Cutchery with a cup of coffee in VaniMahal easily.

But Rahu, the snake tail seeks the head of the slurper to punish.I don't know what happened to him and care the least too.I would not run behind horoscopes of elbow-lickers and coffee-slurpers, I have better things to do! Im not so granular nor do I have the time.

Logically, all this makes no sense, so VS, please leave logic aside and read my funny narrative as I keep reeling out all these points by which you being a good astrologer should know even without seeing a person's horoscope whether he or she is Rahu afflicted.

Maybe, next time I come to your place, you should surreptitiously offer me a cup of Orange Pekoe tea(one of my favourites) and observe me whether I slurp or not.I get a free tea at your expense and you get some practical exposure to astrological nuances--whatdayasa y?

15. Shaking the legs incessantly. It is also a sign of nervousness. I attended a body language workshop in USA and there was taught by videos all thse mannerisms and what to infer their state of mind from their body language.It has helped me a lot to be all the more observant of people with whom I interact.

16. Keeping the plate from which one consumes food on one's lap and eat it.

17. Here goes another favourite.

Making balls of rice or whatever one is eating and then throwing it in air and eating it.Some make small balls of rice and eat by throwing small throws(like the ones cricket players throw 'in nets') and eat the food balls.Recently, I happened to catch an ad on Tv showing a similar thing.I forget which product it was but one bearded man does it in the advert(a vague remembrance)

18. Some ladies take the Mangalasutras out for bathing and other activities and also use sharp edge for opening the rinds of orange or lemon.Mangalasutra is a sacred ornament indicating one's eternal soul-love for one's partner and not a handy kitchen tool.

19. Eating food on one's cot.(Unless one is sick)

20. Lighting a single wicked deepam

21. Extinguishing the flame of a lamp using one's breath.

22. Spitting or gnashing one's teeth with no real reason.Some keep biting their lips or inner portion of their mouth or toungue, this is also indicative of an afflicted Rahu.

23. Taking the wax out of ear incessantly and unnecessarily using some form of an earbud, be it the real earbuds or small twigs or paper or pens/pencils. (Ear hygene is important and one must do it in the bathroom is he import).

24. Eyebrow trimming(unless one is in the field of acting or some creative profession like dancing...this exception is stated in the scriptures).

25. Shaving the hair on one's chest(unless one is a creative field oriented person or one is a player(kreedaakara) which requires the removal of hair)

26. Taking bath in the afternoon.(This does not include a swim in a river or ocean in the afternoon with an intention to enjoy)



27. Buffet system of dinner for Shubhakaryas like marriage,Upanayanam ,etc.These days in marriages and wedding receptions we see lot of people adopting this buffet system because it is modern & fashionable, saves food, saves labour,etc but this does not give the necessary Annashanthi required for the event.Atleast a Prathyaamnaya Annashanthi has to be done in these buffet dinners.This is meant for shubhakaryams and even auspicous events like birthdays and engagements.

Now, all these points which I have putforth are done without the knowledge subconciously induced and some people who are highly Rahu-aflicted would even brush away what I have said as some kibosh which is not applicable these days or to them.

All I can say is "Vinasha kale' vipareetha budhihi"(At the time of destruction, the mind does erratic acts). Also, most of the items I have stated above has also a strong basis in our culture, ettiqutte,ayurveda, etc




If one indulges in such Rahu amangala cheshtamulu then one should light a lamp before Durga Amba/Rahu and seek forgiveness and then not repeat it again.This would groove it in the subconscious mind to break the habit.




One thing which used to puzzle many and still puzzles scientists is the disapperance of vehicles,ships, planes,etc in Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle.These days no one goes above these Triangles for abundant caution.

Big nuclear vessels, Thousands of tonnes of weight ships,etc have disappeared in these two triangles.

In Shivakhandam an ancient text, our Rishis have written long ago that this is due to Rahu and Kethu Maya.

Bermuda Triangle is infested with Kethu Graha successors(asura shakthis) unbeknownst to the human eye and who draw the ships unto themselves in maya.They live in another dimension(asuric) .This is the reason that this topic which vexed many scientists has now been left and they have maritime warnings on ships,airplanes, etc not to enter that part of the sea.




Dragon's Triangle also called in Japanese "Sea of the devil"

Now, when Kethu is there on one side, exactly opposite side would be Rahu.Even in astrology/horoscope , they move opposite to each other.So on the other side of the globe(to Bermuda Triangle) we find Dragon's Triangle and this is ruled by Rahu's successors.

You may Google out Bermuda Triangle and Dragon Triangle and see the mystical disappearances that happen there.

The information which I have given above is not known to many.

Nagas, Rahu,Kethu,etc are in different dimensions and live and operate from their plane.

Their Graha-Maya is something which is beyond imagination. If you carefully extrapolate all Grahana samaya and see the terrible world events, it happens in close proximity as these two grahas capture majorly using Cchaya(shadow) shakthi Maya.That is why during eclipses we advice pregnant ladies to be in home and not in the natural shadow created by the Grahana. Asuric babies with asuric tatwas(charecterist ics) are born. This is also the reason why we are adviced to chant mantras, take bath,etc.This creates an powerful spiritual aura whih protects Rahu and Kethu related asuric entities to not take possession of our auras.(Apart from the ostensible reason that the veerya of the mantra increases giving multiplies effect)


Even houses which have a huge tree before the house which provides shade on the face of house does not augur well for the house becaue of rahu and kethu effect.Thus, in vasthu it is adviced that the house face east so that the direct rays of the sun fall on the front face of the house and that no tree or other enclosure should block this. Modern science knows squat about such things and many millions of dollars have been spent for Bermuda and Dragon's triangles with not even single clue as to why it happens. The power of Rahu-Kethu Maya is such!

Rahu KetuRahu literally means 'the seizer', while Ketu stands for 'bright appearance'. In astronomy they are the ascending and descending nodes of the moon respectively. Rahu was actually a four-armed, dragon- tailed demon called svarbhanu and is believed to be the cause of eclipses and a major mischief maker. I can keep writing email after email about Rahu and kethu but next email would be the last where I deal with what Kethu-Ashubha Karyakramas are, and what Subramanya and Dattatreya can do about all this, apart from Divine Mother and then stop.The most important fact is that we as individuals should be cautious and keep our anxieties to the minimum- whether they are money related or emotional ones. Remember that Rahu Ketu bring about transformation of the best kind if we follow a spiritual path- so it is at these times that we should be focus on higher self and spiritual development and not on material issues.

Catch Amba's Divine feet, is all I can say





To be continued...


Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




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