Guest guest Posted February 5, 2009 Report Share Posted February 5, 2009 Dear VS, This is the last e-mail in this series, I hope you have immensely enjoyed my inputs and I fervently hope you now take to astrology with a new found respect. Astrological accuracy as per Adhiyaman depends on 8 main 'strengths' 1. Hora Balam 2. Jyotisha Balam 3. Jataka Balam 4. Shastra Balam 5. Upasana Balam 6. Deiva Balam 7. Shraddha Balam 8. Shakuna Balam I will answer your query first from last e-mail before I go ahead. You have asked me what is the significance of Grahana-Snanam(Bath during eclipse).The answer if you carefully read my postings, is obvious.The significance is to remove any malefic effect of Rahu and Kethu(primarily Rahu of the two). However, there is a 'super'-silver lining to the cloud(pun unintended). Eclipse time offers you a wonderful opportunity to energize yourself, especially when you are running a malefic graha-period.Your Mantra japa gets more Veerya-shakthi(virility) and is the best time to do austerities. Solar eclipse gives Crore times(10,000,000) the 'phala' for a single repetition of mantra or mantra-mala{and Lunar a Lakh(100,000)}. Thus sadhakas of virtuous nature, ever in aspiration of God, not giving into lethargy(again induced by Rahu-related Bhutha-Shakthis) perform small Grahana-Anushtanams. I myself did during last solar eclipse a type Mahashodasi Sadhana and had visions and other miracles, which I would not have otherwise not have had during ordinary times even if I had done a 108 mala routine.My back was breaking,after even 67 malas(67 multiplied by 108 bead repetitions) yet I managed to finish it.At the end of the sadhana, my feet became numb and I had to coax it, massage it for half hour to bring it back to life!Just imagine Siddhas and Yogis who do it on a day to day basis in Himalayas. Blessed is our Sanatana Dharma, Blessed be our country. I took a holiday which I had saved for this special occasion from the office and started my sadhana from early morning itself and it went on till the eclipse was over. The result of the sadhana was near-instant! It jolted me to hilt.But while doing the sadhana or rather at the preliminary stages, the vessels kept and other items for the Puja started moving.I knew it was the effect of the Rahu-related goblins.But I kept my cool.The moment you give an energy by even focusing/getting afraid/showing interest/even deriding an evil, the force of the evil starts to grow.(I mean while doing sadhana) Now, when I say preliminary stages of eclipse, you must understand the chronologicity of an eclipse. Eclipse has many parts to it 1. Vedhanam2. Sparshanam3. Madhyamam4. Moksham5. Shuddha Bimba darshanam Vedhanam is 12 hours or sunset and sunrise prior to actual start of eclipse whichever is earlier.During Vedhanam a temple is closed. A sadhaka does not partake any food during this period neither does he sleeps during this time.One does not go about daily chores of cleaning during this period. Eating brings in diseases,Sleeping reduces longevity,and urinating,etc brings mental disorders.By mental disorders I do not mean becoming an outright lunatic but behaving quixotically, which we find with many people these days.Why they do thus, we don't know.This is because these days, no one follows all these eclipse related procedures and no one is bothered too about Tantreeka Sadhanas during eclipse. Children ,pregnant woman and old men and women,patients and those who cannot control their hunger are all exempt from this rule.However, even they should show restraint as far as possible and if not do 'Mantra-Jala-prokshanam', invoke Vrinthaka-Varna-Agni(Violet fire) into the food they eat and then consume. Usually a bath gives a lot of punya everyday.Bath[snana] is process of offering the lord within us a worship an abhisheka.It is also a way of expressing gratitude towards lord for having given us a body to carry out our sadhana.It is always a good idea to chant the Gayathri while taking bath than singing or humming some film song.Some people do Purusha Suktham as it describes the various Angas of the body and the relationship to Paramaathman. There are many types of snana mentioned in Shastras among them 8 are very prominent 1. Varuna Snaanam: Bathing with water, Teertha Snaanam(holy water),etc 2. Kati Snaanam: Bathing till waist deep alone 3. Kantha Snaanam: Bathing upto neck 4. Godhuli Snaanam: Bathing in the dust of cow's hoofs.This is done while the cows return from their daily graze. There is a time called 'Godhuli-Samaya' which is highly auspicious to perform this kriya. Krishnaavaleeya mantras canbe chanted while doing this. 5. Mrittika Snaanam: This is nothing but a mud-bath done mainly from the mud from the pot of a tulsi plant or Tulashi vanam.Vaishnavites give great significance to this. 6. Avirbhrutha Snaanam: When someone bathes with Homa/Havana bhasma, it becomes a powerful Avirbhrutha Snaanam, very much loved by Lord Shiva. 7. When there is no water in vicinity and you have to do Sandhyavandanam or nithya puja then a mantra snanam using the mantras ''Apohistha Mayo Bhuvaha...." can be done. 8. Dhyana Snaanam: This is the highest of all snaanams.There is a certain yogic procedure in which the etheric Ganga,sarswathy and Yamuna can be brought into the Nadi system and all the 72,000 naadis cleansed.3.5 Crore rivers are brought into the system and the pores are cleaned throughly.This is an advanced procedure which involves Kundalini and Prathama Naadis like Ida,Pingala and Shushumna. 9. Vrinthakavarnaagni Snanam: This I do often many times a day.This involves invoking a violet fire surrounding my body and feeling as if the violet flames cleanse my body and mind.This is a powerful and easy way to clean yourself of mental impurities that vibrate in the air from other people to retain your purity. Only external cleansing is not the purpose of bath,bath should also give us a cleansing of mind.Some people observe certain vrata where they dont take anything to eat or drink till they take bath in the morning , when faced with water shortage or during travel mantra snana has to be followed and daily pooja can be completed but should not be skipped on the excuse or pretext of absence of water.This is the reason for so many different types of Snaanams. I see many people giving an excuse like, "Oh there is no water, I did not take bath, so today I will not light a deepam for God" Well, God does not care a whit, whether you light Him a lamp or not.It is as if they are doing something for concession which is peevy about the whole thing. Dhyana snana gives 100 crores of times the more punya than normal ganga snan ,so says Sanatkumara Rishi to Narada Maharishi. Such snan when taken at the time of sparsh of eclipse [ie when eclipse starts when sun or moon disc is affected] bears 10000 times the ususal punya. In the middle of eclipse it gives 100000 times the usual punya and while leaving [moksha] a snana is worth crores of time. If simple bath can give you so much punya than what about other austerities like daanam ,japa,tapa, homa ,shradha etc.They will be akin to performing them crores of time. Mantrasiddhi normally takes a long long time to achieve and not one but sometimes many purascharanas are needed but eclipses provide a puissant and potent wherein the effect can be concentrated to a few hours and yet one can achieve something.Some people desirous of potent mantras take upadesha during this period . Eclipse is divided into three parts, first part is for Devatas ,second portion is for Pitru , and last part is for Rakshasas, so a japa has to be conducted only till first part,shradhdha is performed during middle part,as cooking is not allowed shradhdha is done with floor paste. Dana is given in temples for nag dosha etc. The last portion is used by tantriks and evil mantriks to increase or invoke Goblins, this is to be avoided.Thus after eclipse is over having a look at the clean and free sun or moon , one can take a bath again and have his daily pooja and meals. This is the procedure,VS.Follow it next time in your hostel room in privacy.Care about no one, let your spirtual progress be primary in your mind always.For what you do this birth comes with you even after your death and these friends will not.It is easiest to study or read all my posts and talk with me over phone and email me, it is easier if you try to get initiation yourself, it is easy if you do the minimal regimen which your mantra guru imposes, however it is tough from then on when you want to achieve something in sadhanas.Forget MTY and other magazines which sell mantras and yantras.You need a Guru,Guidance,Goddess/God,Goal and Guts for all this. Ultimately, this is just a discipline and never fall for powers and keep rejecting it as and when they present before you. You might think, why then all this guts and glory? You will understand why, when you do. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa I do not like people who read from books by say Ramakrishna mutt and pout to me, "Oh powers are a waste, I dont want them.Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says they are not good for spiritual development....blah blah blah..." I ask them sometimes pointblank after hearing to their sermonizing, "Have you ever sat and did any sadhana in your life? Have you ever seen a shakthi coming before you? Have you ever ben presented with a supernatural power? Mere talk like this won't do you good. Thakurji(Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) has done immense sadhana, got the powers before Him and then rejected it. Do something, get something...then talk" Certain pointers during Grahana samaya astrologically: 1. If the Grahana falls on your Janmanakshatra, then the eclipse should not be seen. 2. One should do Japashaanthi for Swaraasi(eclipse in one's raasi) or Swajanmanakshatra(eclipse in one's star) eclipse within 27 days.Else, there accumulates a dosha(stronger if it is a solar eclipse).This dosha manifests as various obstacles and mental tensions for works.The dosha effect wears off only after 3 years. 3.When Chandra or Surya dasha(Dasha means here Mahar,Antar or Prathyanthara) is taking place for the native and an eclipse takes place(solar or lunar), the native must do a shaanti immaterial of the kind of eclipse. 4. Karkataka Lagna natives should never see a lunar eclipse. 5. Simha Lagna natives should never see a solar eclipse. 6. If any mantra deeksha takes place during Grahana samaya, Purascharana has to be done, else one must do a purascharana again.This becomes a problem especially if the native is in administrative kind of positions. 7. During eclipse one must not take food, alcohol, smoke tobacco.One must also not engage in any kind of sexual or romantic activity.Pregnant ladies should not be shown any kind of light and must be confined to a room with curtains closed and the room darkened.She must be adviced to rest in a bed and asked to touch her belly and chant any Raksha mantra known to her for the benefit of the foetus.She must also not scratch her skin even if there is an itching sensation as the Rahugraha shakthis try to enter by breaking the spiritual aura of a pregnant woman as there is a combined aura of both mother mother and weak foetus.Also she must restrict the movement of her body during this time.It is not advisable for a pregnant lady to do austrities during the eclipse time purely for health reasons and she should take food well in advance of the eclipse and take bath after the eclipse for sure.If she is in an advanced stage of pregnancy and finds herself in great difficulty then bath before the eclipse is not necessary but bath after eclipse is a must.Atleast one of the other kinds of Snanams of I have mentioned if not Varuna Snanam. The child in the womb also turns highly spiritual, as he or she hears his/her mother chant the mantra during eclipse.(Remember veerya shakthi during eclipse). Example: My mother used to chant the whole Saundaryalahiri,Trishati,and Sahasranama(if the eclipse is long enough) during eclipse times while I was in her womb.She confirmed me this.She knew them byheart. Even if one is not able to chant such powerful stotras, atleast one can do Om shree mathre' Namaha or Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra or a simple Om Namah Shivaaya according to one's preference, it would be wonderful for the baby as each repetition has the effect of creating a multiplied effect on hearing by the babies due to the naadi openings during eclipse. 8. If the eclipse falls in the star or raasi of the first son, then parents should not see the eclipse.This becomes a Prabhalaarishtam and sarva-amangalam for the parents. 9. The natives whose star in which solar or lunar eclipse takes place must do the following 3 to remove dosha completely and earn them merit. Do Homashanti for Ravi or Chandra as the eclipse case maybe Chant Sarpasooktham Perfom Mahanyaasaka poorva Ekadasha Rudraabhishekam Ok, now back to where we left last week. What are the 'Amangalaani' of Kethu? 1. Kethu afflicted people take extreme pleasure in speaking in inauspicious things. When a man is in his death bed, they go and tell the man that his death is nearing and that it is time to inform his relatives to have a last look.Infact, the man might die from these words itself! 2. They take a pleasure in taking photos(pictures painted in days of yore) with their wives and they show these albums or online photosharing(these days) to one and all.This paves way for greater Kethu drishti creating matrimonial troubles.Nowadays, online photosharing is a common way to keep in touch with friends and relatives but these people go overboard in taking exclusive pictures in various poses with their wives and then share them. 3. In cases of extreme kethu affliction. For males: With a combination of shukra balam, Sapthamaadhipathy Balam,Kethu Balam and then ascertaining the position of Shukra and Kethu,Shani Drukbalam and other related factors, one can easily deduce that they are unsatisfied with their marital life, seek for other partners, however wishing not to affect their marital lives, keep this secret yearning secretive and engage themselves in extra marital affairs taking care not to reveal them to even their close friends.If Shani-adhwaryam is not there, then they become philosophical and force themselves to celibacy and run around saying they have become spiritual and grow beards or tonsure their their heads or grow long hair like a yogi or engage in other such physical appearance gimmicks to fool people surrounding them into believing their spirital ascendency, whereas a shrewd astrologer should see if any Gruhastha-Parivrajaka Yoga exists in their horoscope or whether it is a mere combustive effect of Kethu,Shukra and a weak Balam which turns their sexual or romantic feelings into such quixotic behaviour.In other words, their frustration in their marriage makes them do such things and most of the times they themselves are fooled into believing they are leading highly spiritual lives whereas there is a strain of Kama beneath the exterior. 4. Kethu graha afflicted people, keep changing their religious pursuits as I mentioned regarding that gentleman who kept changing his path and now it has come to my knowledge that he has been doing that from his childhood!! This is a sure sign of either heavy kethu debilitation in the horoscope or Kethu Dasha or antar dasha or prathyanthara dasha. 5. Kethu graha afflicted people also seek knowledge but do not repay back.For example, someone comes to you asks information and pesters you in various ways be it email,phonecalls,meeting in person,etc.These people show extreme interest in collecting knowledge but when it comes to repaying back even a single compliment for the effort and care which the giver takes to feed him or her the information, it is a sure sign of a weak Kethu balam in their horoscope. They gain a dosham on this count and never are satisfied with their knowledge and remain confused.They ask the same queries in various different words to gain more knowledge.They do not understand that such queries emnate from an inner sense of insecurity and lack of confidence.If one practices what one knows, one will know what to practice. In many cases the knowledge which they get is not used at all or the chance to use it is not got even if it be a simple query say to know about the names of their ancestors or Kuladeivam.(What is the use of knowing names, unless Pitrhutarpana or Kuladeiva aradhana is done?) The best method to gain happines in one's life is to not only just accumulate knowledge but also share it others, compliment profusely people who share their knowledge,make use of the knowledge,etc They give the image of information greedy monsters to Kethuchaya graha which promptly grabs them and doles them the punishment they deserve. 6. Unnecessary spiritual expenses.Even in spirituality one must use one's commonsense and spend for sat-karyams which will benefit either their grahasthithi or their adhyathmika ounathyam(spiritual progress). 7. Harming snakes or snake like creatures.Having extreme fear of snakes. 8. Behaving badly with their children,especially male children.Progeny related issues. All these and also Rahu-effects described in my earlier email form Kethu Amangalapu cheshtalu. Remedies for Kethu appeasement: 1. Ashtadravya MahaGanapathy Homam: This is a highly Tantrik procedure.I have seen many Nambudiris alone perform this these days but even in Andhradesham and Tamizham, there are prists who can perform this.One drawback with Thanthris of kerala is they chant the mantras within themselves, so you dont know whether they are authentic or not! Unless one sees results.They definitely do mudras and all but still whether they are chanting mantras or not, no one has a clue.So better to get it done with a priest who chants the mantras loud! Kerala Nambudiri priest I know who is doing the Ashtadravya Mahaganapathy Homam Maha Ganapathi Homam performed with Ashtadravya (Eight Dravyas) will prevent obstruction in all spheres of human activity and bestow on one the boons of happiness, prosperity and Ashtaiswarya Sidhi (Anima, Mahima, Lakhima, Garima, Easitwam, Vasithwam,Prapti, Prakasyam) If one were to perform Ashtadravya Maha Ganapathi Homam every month on the chaturthi Day of the bright fortnight and worship Lord Maha Ganapthi, the destroyer of all obstructions, one can be assured of long life, perfect health, happiness, progress in all spheres and limitless wealth and prosperity.This is more so for Kethugraha afflicted persons. Just yesterday I was advicing my close friend and brother in Saudi to do it and said I will soon post some information on it.This was based on seeing his Kethu position. Ashta Dravya Ganapathy Homam is done with a mixture of 8 items: dried coconut, puffed rice, jaggery, kadali plantain, honey, sesame, sugarcane and fried paddy of rice. All the 8 items are offered separately also to the holy fire amidst chanting of Moolamantra. Then Karuka leaves leaves dipped in cow’s milk are offered. After this Mukkooty plant along with its roots dipped in Thrimadhura ( a combination of three sweets) is another offering. In order to overcome the obstacles to education and work(job) ‘Ganapathy Upanishad Parayanam’ is arranged and cow’s ghee is offered right after all these in th Homaagni. This Homam is also performed for enabling early ‘Mangalya Yoga’, with lotus flower petals dipped in cow’s ghee.To realize noble desires, Mukkootti dipped in Thrimadhura is offered.According to Vedas Homam , an offer to fire God, is an offering to Surya, the Grahalord. This is to improve the energy level in the environment and to eliminate undesirable elements. The environment is purified, protected and preserved.Homam induce people to practice spirituality, by giving them a divine nature.Such divine Karmas are result oriented ; lead to overall prosperity- both material and spiritual- so say the Vedas. One god thing about Kerala is, Tantra is practiced in its purest form too.And that is why my frequent mention about some keralite Thantry rituals to you in my private emails to you.Do not think Kerala is only for Blackmagic and Vasheekarana.This is a gross misunderstanding. The other day I was showing the book "Kali's Oddiya" by Amarananda Bhairavan to my wife and she got frightened by the woman sitting with a scemeter and complained why Keralites are like this.I said to her, "Do not judge a book by its cover" 2. Subramanya remedies: Subramanya is incharge of Rahu and Kethu.I was surprised the other day when I received an email from a Tamil lady stating that she did not know Subramanya Swamy was involved in this Rahu-kethu business. Subramanya is the patron deity of the Tamils.And me being a Telugu person born and brought up in both Andhra and Tamizhnadu appreciate the significance of Muruga worship in both the states.Subramanya Swamy is worshipped even in Tamilnadu,infact more so than Andhra, for the Snake association. In fact whenever the word Snake-worship is taken in Southindia be it Kukke Subramanya of Karnataka or Dandayudhapani of Pazhani or Sarpa Kaavu of the Malayalis,Subramanya Swamy is considered the patron deity. Nagapanchami Vratham in Thiruthanni and Pazhani were observed scrupulously by Tamil Brahmins and Non-Brahmins alike. In Thirutanni, upon worshipping Lord Thanigai Murugaperuman, Serpent Vasuki got his wounds healed.The peacock is shown as belaboring a snake with one of its legs.Arunagirinathar says the Snake represents both Time(Kalam, which slithers fast like a snake unnoticed) and Lust(Which is poisonous,snake-like, for spiritual achievement, though seductive).The peacock that kills it stands for what is opposed to it. Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subramanya! Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subramanya! By riding the peacock, Murugan shows that he is beyond what is within it and outside of it.He is beyond all dualities.If snake represents lust, peacock represents chastity.If snake represents time, peacock represents timelessness. As Skanda He is the very epitome of Chastity despite having two wives. As Mayilvahanan He is the very essence of Kalaatheetham.(Beyond time) (I had multiple visions of this Lord at different phases of my life and feel indebted to my Gurunathar for the guidance I received on this count) These are Arunagirinathar 'sorpozhivugal'('gem-words') Even the peacock with its beautiful plumage on its head represents ego which Murugan snubs in His devotees from time-to-time.Unless, ego is kept down, Murugan will not 'ride' upon the sadhaka, is the significance.Many people down south in Tamizhnadu keep the names 'Nagasubramanya', 'Nagarajan',etc Subramanya and the association with snake worship began in an intense form only in Tamizhnadu and Kerala.He controls Rahu and Kethu graha to the hilt if properly worshipped. Chanting Subramanya Trishaty, Sarpa Suktham, Sarpa Homam,etc will do good.When I do a Jathakaparisheelana, I ask for the person's wife's horoscope also.(Normally when women come they give me their husband's horoscope without even me asking) The man is either shy or embarrassed that I might tell something against his wife does not give and tells me "Kunti-saakulu"(lame excuses)that he either does not have her horoscope or dos not know the timings or the like. Then my remedial measures take a backseat and I remain silent and give remedies just for him and not for his matrimonial unit(he and his wife). It is like going to a doctor for a body full body check up and feeling shy and saying to the doctor, "Doctor please just see my face,examine it and give remedies, I feel shy to open my dress before you".The doctor is not the loser.Maybe he or she might give some medication for a toothache! whereas the real pain is say in the breasts and an early detection of breast cancer could have saved the breast! Now, Im not joking here as this happened to one elderly cousin of mine who shied from breast examinations because of her puritanical upbringing and now had her both breasts taken away from her. One must be truthful to a doctor,advocate,astrologer,Guru,etc if one needs full solutions to one's life. To some of my close friends I have hinted them to ask their wives to do a Subramanya Trishathy(shatrusamhara trishati) as a general remedy when they either did not give their spouse's horoscope or shied from it. Subramanya is the disciple of Dattatreya and was given the Tripura Rahasyam by the later. He is an avadhutha in his own right and Guruswaroopa. Dattatreya Remedies: Datattreya is Guruswaroopa. In horoscopes Jupiter(Guru) acts as a mitigatory effect for Rahu's antics. Dattretreya is also a spiritual harbinger of virtuous deeds and acts and thus Kethu is kept in full check for any 'nefarious spirituality'. Rahu gives Mantrapraapthi and Kethu gives Mantrasiddhi. Datta gives both and augments it further. Dattatreya being an avadhutha can control all planets as He is Graha-teetha.He also paves way for greater spirituality and Gurutatwa Bodhana. Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham forms a spiritual armour for protecting against all malefic graha effects in one's horoscope.In 'times of the terrible' it would do well for the native to repeat it 27 times. Sri Dattatreya is also the guru to the entire universe – Vishwa Guru. He taught: - Tripura Rahasyam to Skanda Guru - Srividya to Parashurama - Dattavidya to Brahma - AdhyAtma Vidya to Prahlada - Yoga Vidya to Vasishta and - Atma Vidya to Kartaviryarjuna. He also incarnated as Sri Sripada Vallabha and Sri Nrsimha Saraswati in the age of Kali to uphold Dharma. The gross form of Dattatreya itself is a mirror to Datta Tattva. The trinity represent his three faces, his body is pure chit, the six branches of knowledge are his six hands, the four dogs are the four Vedas, the cow is Dharma, universal peace is the Oudumbara tree and the great incarnation of Brahman, complete with sixteen kalAs, which is a personification of the knowledge of the Self – is the unfathomable Murti of Sri Dattatreya. An ancient painting depecting Dattatreya in Avadhutha rupa with his 24 Gurus However, this form of Dattatreya commonly worshipped is one of his later incarnations. shAnDilyopaniShat describes Datta as having two hands – chaturbAhumudArA~Ngam. The idol of Sri Dattatreya worshipped by Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati (Tembe Maharaj) had two hands showing Vara and Abhaya Mudras, seated on siddhasana and having a single face. The same form is described in Advaita Datta mAlA mantra (varAbhayakaraM devaM sacchidAnandavigraham) and in the Dhyana Shloka of Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham of Rudrayamala Tantra (vAmahastena varadaM dakShiNenAbhayapradam). Nepal, which is reputed to be birth-place of Sri Dattatreya, has an ancient Dattatreya temple on anasUyA parvata, which houses a similar idol of Dattatreya. This idol is worshipped as Adi Dattatreya Murti. According to scriptures: 1. Sri Dattatreya sleeps in Mahura (200 Kms from Nagpur in Maharashtra) 2. Resides on Sahyadri Hills 3. Takes bath in Ganges in Varanasi 4. Performs Achamana in Kurukshetra 5. Applies Bhasma in Dhooth Papeshwar (in Maharashtra) 6. Performs Sandhya in Karnataka 7. Performs mAdhyAhnika in gANigapur 8. Bhiksha in Kolhapur 9. Wears Tilaka in Pandarapur 10. Eats the Bhiksha in Panchaleshwar (near Pune) 11. Drinks water from river Tungabhadra 12. Rests in Girnar 13. Listens to sacred chants and praises in Badari Kshetra and 14. Performs Sayam Sandhya on the West Coast. Image drawn by someone who had seen Dattareya These fourteen places are Datta Kshetras. These are the Kshetras where one can easily feel the presence of Sri Dattatreya and earn his grace by meditating on him. These are also best suited for Dattatreya Mantra Purashcharana during vipareetha Graha sthithi. Nowadays, Dattatreya is generally associated with Vama/Kaulachara. Let us examine his own words: Uttamo brahmasadbhAvo dhyanabhavastu madhyamaH |Stutirjapo.adhamo bhAvo bahiH pUjAdhamAdhamaH || This verse occurs in both Dattatreya Samhita and Mahanirvana Tantra. Is not this the same as what is expressed in Samayachara Tantras like Suka Samhita? One who identifies the real Self as the same Brahman who pervades the creation and experiences the Truth is said to be a Jnani and his very existence is the best worship of the Supreme. For those incapable of this, practices like dhyana, upAsana etc. are taught to progressively move towards Brahma Sadbhava. So, if one told you that all Dattatreya taught people was to indulge in literal Panchamakaras and freedom from all Shastric injunctions, understand that the person knows nothing about Sri Dattareya or Avadhutashrama. Dattatreya's teaching of swecchA is for an Avadhuta and not for the rest. For the rest, he has taught Bhakti, Vairagya and finally Jnana through his sixteen incarnations. It is thus incorrect to assume that Sri Dattatreya taught senseless Indriya Bhoga and Swecchachara to all. That applies to only those who are in the Turiyatitashrama where nothing matters. Sri Tembe Maharaj descries the sixteen sacred Avataras of Lord Dattatreya. By remembering these Avataras with devotion, one is immediately relieved from sins and misery. 1. Yogiraja – Appeared on Kartika Shuddha Pournami as the manifestation of the combined power of all divinities. 2. Atrivarada - Kartika Bahula Padyami – this incarnation indicates Sri Dattatreya as the essence of all Mantras. 3. Datta Prabhu – Kartika Bahula Dwitiya – Granted himself to sage Atri. 4. Kalagnishamana- Margashirsha Shuddha Chaturdashi – Took birth as Atri's son. 5. Yogijanavallabha – Margashirsha Pournami – indicates the compassion of the Lord towards his devotees. 6. Lila Vishwambhara – Paushya Pournami – appeared as a child to protect his devotees. 7. Siddharaja – Magha Pournami – Resurrected the system of Yoga as a preparatory step for Jnana. 8. Jnanasagara – Phalguna Shuddha Dashami – indicated the necessity of Jnana for liberation. 9. VishwambharAvadhUta – Chaitra Pournami – Established Bhakti Yoga. 10. MayayuktAvadhUta – Jyeshtha Shuddha Trayodashi – Grants worldly desires of his devotees. 11. MayamuktAvadhUta – Vaishakha Shuddha Chaturdashi – Destroys kAma in his devotees. 12. Adi Guru – AshAdha Pournami – Grants Brahma Jnana to Uttamadhikaris. 13. Sri Shivarupa – Shravana Pournami – Grants Sayujya to Madhyamadhikaris. 14. Sri Devadeva – Bhadrapada Shuddha Chaturdashi – grants Atmapada to his devotees. 15. Sri Digambara – Ashwayuja Pournami – to establish Vairagya. 16. Sri Krishna Shyama Kamalanayana – Kartika Shuddha Dwadashi – complete with sixteen kalAs, is the complete manifestation of the Lord. Though we celebrate Datta Jayanti only once a year, a sincere Upasaka should worship Dattatreya on the above-said sixteen auspicious Tithis to achieve Siddhi of Sri Dattatreya Anushtup Mahamantra. A Datta Yogi in Andhra Desha(not Ganapathi Satchidananda Swamy) said, "If one recites the great Dattatreya Mantra, having duly received it from Sadguru, sixteen thousand times on each of these sixteen Tithis, he will surely see Dattatreya". Datta-Yantra The Datta Anushtup Mantra itself is a concise summary of the essence of these sixteen Avataras and holds the key to the secret of Dattatreya Tattva. Uttamadhikaris should learn the significance of the Mantra and its Dharana in the sixteen Chakras in the body to achieve oneness with Vishwa Guru. This mantra is the most ancient and the king among the other 32 mantras of Sri Dattatreya. The Uttaranga mantras for Anushtup are Madhumati Mahavidya and Sri Datta Sahasrakshari. Thus Datta-Upasana help keep the malefic effects of Graha in control. Srividya Upasana is not for everyone but Dattaupasana can be had by the grace of this Avadhutha Yogiraja. May all Grahas keep everyone in their happy veekshana. May all who have read these 7 parts of my postings be helped by all the nine planets. May all things of weal dwell upon you! Jaya Sarvamangalaa! ((The end)) Yours Yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha! Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 Please ask him to visit Rameshwaram and take bath both in the temple and in the confluence of three oceanic bodies there. Things will go smoothly form then on. Shreeram Balijepalli Srividya-Tantra , jakkaraju krishnamurthi <jakkarajuk wrote: > > on 6th Friday 2009 j.krishnamurthi wrote, >  > dear SHRI Sreeramjeegaru, >  > Namesthe. At the out set pleasr accept my respects and greetings to you for the knowledge and helping many in their difficulties. We are also followers of Shri Dattaguru and visited Ganugapur several times Since I was working at Gulbarga for four years amd Pithapur right from 1980s amd also Kurugadda. Ihave been doing Parayana and Sapthaham many times. >  > I have Problem of my son's marriae who is born in 1973 Feb.27, I,as per many pandits amd my son have performed pooja in AP at Kurugadda,Pthapuram,Ganugapur,at Hyderabad,and inTN at Kumbakonam for all Navagrhas,at Madura,at Ramanathapuram,Palani etc,at Karnataka kokkr Subamanesara,had threee times blessings of HH BHarathitheerthaswami in person and Goddess of Sharadamba and third swamij of Kanchi visited my house at Tirupathi for Padapooja and like there is stil big list of prayers. But Marriage is still to be performed, My son has already in contact with you on many other subects but not of his own..Bharanikumar \\ Jakkaraj >  > May I request you to remove our worry at your leisure. >  > Yours sincerely, Jakkaraju >  > harathitheeraswami and Sharadamba,and third saint of > --- On Thu, 5/2/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote: > > Group Owner <para_anuloma > [srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 7 > Srividya-Tantra , datta-yoga > Cc: " Babu Venugopalan " <babuprema > Thursday, 5 February, 2009, 12:46 PM > > > > > > > Dear VS, >  > This is the last e-mail in this series, I hope you have immensely enjoyed my inputs and I fervently hope you now take to astrology with a new found respect. >  > >  > Astrological accuracy as per Adhiyaman depends on 8 main 'strengths' >  > 1. Hora Balam > 2. Jyotisha Balam > 3. Jataka Balam > 4. Shastra Balam > 5. Upasana Balam > 6. Deiva Balam > 7. Shraddha Balam > 8. Shakuna Balam >  > > > > I will answer your query first from last e-mail before I go ahead. You have asked me what is the significance of Grahana-Snanam( Bath during eclipse).The answer if you carefully read my postings, is obvious.The significance is to remove any malefic effect of Rahu and Kethu(primarily Rahu of the two). >  > However, there is a 'super'-silver lining to the cloud(pun unintended). >  > >  > Eclipse time offers you a wonderful opportunity to energize yourself, especially when you are running a malefic graha-period. Your Mantra japa gets more Veerya-shakthi( virility) and is the best time to do austerities. >  > Solar eclipse gives Crore times(10,000, 000) the 'phala' for a single repetition of mantra or mantra-mala{ and Lunar a Lakh (100,000) }. >  > Thus sadhakas of virtuous nature, ever in aspiration of God, not giving into lethargy(again induced by Rahu-related Bhutha-Shakthis) perform small Grahana-Anushtanams . >  > >  > I myself did during last solar eclipse a type Mahashodasi Sadhana and had visions and other miracles, which I would not have otherwise not have had during ordinary times even if I had done a 108 mala routine.My back was breaking,after even 67 malas(67 multiplied by 108 bead repetitions) yet I managed to finish it.At the end of the sadhana, my feet became numb and I had to coax it, massage it for half hour to bring it back to life!Just imagine Siddhas and Yogis who do it on a day to day basis in Himalayas. Blessed is our Sanatana Dharma, Blessed be our country. >  > I took a holiday which I had saved for this special occasion from the office and started my sadhana from early morning itself and it went on till the eclipse was over. >  > The result of the sadhana was near-instant! It jolted me to hilt.But while doing the sadhana or rather at the preliminary stages, the vessels kept and other items for the Puja started moving.I knew it was the effect of the Rahu-related goblins.But I kept my cool.The moment you give an energy by even focusing/getting afraid/showing interest/even deriding an evil, the force of the evil starts to grow. (I mean while doing sadhana) >  > Now, when I say preliminary stages of eclipse, you must understand the chronologicity of an eclipse. Eclipse has many parts to it > > 1. Vedhanam > 2. Sparshanam > 3. Madhyamam > 4. Moksham > 5. Shuddha Bimba darshanam > > Vedhanam is 12 hours or sunset and sunrise prior to actual start of eclipse whichever is earlier.During Vedhanam a temple is closed. > > A sadhaka does not partake any food during this period neither does he sleeps during this time.One does not go about daily chores of cleaning during this period. >  > > > Eating brings in diseases,Sleeping reduces longevity,and urinating,etc brings mental disorders.By mental disorders I do not mean becoming an outright lunatic but behaving quixotically, which we find with many people these days.Why they do thus, we don't know.This is because these days, no one follows all these eclipse related procedures and no one is bothered too about Tantreeka Sadhanas during eclipse. >  > > Children ,pregnant woman and old men and women,patients and those who cannot control their hunger are all exempt from this rule.However, even they should show restraint as far as possible and if not do 'Mantra-Jala- prokshanam' , invoke Vrinthaka-Varna- Agni (Violet fire) into the food they eat and then consume. >  > > > Usually a bath gives a lot of punya everyday.Bath[ Snana] is process of offering the lord within us a worship an abhisheka.It is also a way of expressing gratitude towards lord for having given us a body to carry out our sadhana.It is always a good idea to chant the Gayathri while taking bath than singing or humming some film song.Some people do Purusha Suktham as it describes the various Angas of the body and the relationship to Paramaathman. > > There are many types of snana mentioned in Shastras among them 8 are very prominent >  > 1. Varuna Snaanam: Bathing with water, Teertha Snaanam(holy water),etc > 2. Kati Snaanam: Bathing till waist deep alone > 3. Kantha Snaanam: Bathing upto neck > 4. Godhuli Snaanam: Bathing in the dust of cow's hoofs.This is done while the cows return from their daily graze. There is a time called 'Godhuli-Samaya' which is highly auspicious to perform this kriya. Krishnaavaleeya mantras canbe chanted while doing this. > 5. Mrittika Snaanam: This is nothing but a mud-bath done mainly from the mud from the pot of a tulsi plant or Tulashi vanam.Vaishnavites give great significance to this. > 6. Avirbhrutha Snaanam: When someone bathes with Homa/Havana bhasma, it becomes a powerful Avirbhrutha Snaanam, very much loved by Lord Shiva. > 7. When there is no water in vicinity and you have to do Sandhyavandanam or nithya puja then a mantra snanam using the mantras ''Apohistha Mayo Bhuvaha.... " can be done. >  > >  >  > 8. Dhyana Snaanam: This is the highest of all snaanams.There is a certain yogic procedure in which the etheric Ganga,sarswathy and Yamuna can be brought into the Nadi system and all the 72,000 naadis cleansed.3.5 Crore rivers are brought into the system and the pores are cleaned throughly.This is an advanced procedure which involves Kundalini and Prathama Naadis like Ida,Pingala and Shushumna. > 9. Vrinthakavarnaagni Snanam: This I do often many times a day.This involves invoking a violet fire surrounding my body and feeling as if the violet flames cleanse my body and mind.This is a powerful and easy way to clean yourself of mental impurities that vibrate in the air from other people to retain your purity. >  >  > Only external cleansing is not the purpose of bath,bath should also give us a cleansing of mind.Some people observe certain vrata where they dont take anything to eat or drink till they take bath in the morning , when faced with water shortage or during travel mantra snana has to be followed and daily pooja can be completed but should not be skipped on the excuse or pretext of absence of water.This is the reason for so many different types of Snaanams. I see many people giving an excuse like, " Oh there is no water, I did not take bath, so today I will not light a deepam for God " >  > Well, God does not care a whit, whether you light Him a lamp or not.It is as if they are doing something for concession which is peevy about the whole thing. > > Dhyana snana gives 100 crores of times the more punya than normal ganga snan ,so says Sanatkumara Rishi to Narada Maharishi. >  > > > Such snan when taken at the time of sparsh of eclipse [ie when eclipse starts when sun or moon disc is affected] bears 10000 times the ususal punya. In the middle of eclipse it gives 100000 times the usual punya and while leaving [moksha] a snana is worth crores of time. > > If simple bath can give you so much punya than what about other austerities like daanam ,japa,tapa, homa ,shradha etc.They will be akin to performing them crores of time. >  > Mantrasiddhi normally takes a long long time to achieve and not one but sometimes many purascharanas are needed but eclipses provide a puissant and potent wherein the effect can be concentrated to a few hours and yet one can achieve something.Some people desirous of potent mantras take upadesha during this period . > > Eclipse is divided into three parts, first part is for Devatas ,second portion is for Pitru , and last part is for Rakshasas, so a japa has to be conducted only till first part,shradhdha is performed during middle part,as cooking is not allowed shradhdha is done with floor paste. Dana is given in temples for nag dosha etc. > > The last portion is used by tantriks and evil mantriks to increase or invoke Goblins, this is to be avoided.Thus after eclipse is over having a look at the clean and free sun or moon , one can take a bath again and have his daily pooja and meals. >  > This is the procedure,VS. Follow it next time in your hostel room in privacy.Care about no one, let your spirtual progress be primary in your mind always.For what you do this birth comes with you even after your death and these friends will not.It is easiest to study or read all my posts and talk with me over phone and email me, it is easier if you try to get initiation yourself, it is easy if you do the minimal regimen which your mantra guru imposes, however it is tough from then on when you want to achieve something in sadhanas.Forget MTY and other magazines which sell mantras and yantras.You need a Guru,Guidance, Goddess/God, Goal and Guts for all this. >  > Ultimately, this is just a discipline and never fall for powers and keep rejecting it as and when they present before you. You might think, why then all this guts and glory? You will understand why, when you do. >  >  Ramakrishna Paramahamsa >  > I do not like people who read from books by say Ramakrishna mutt and pout to me, " Oh powers are a waste, I dont want them.Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says they are not good for spiritual development. ...blah blah blah... " >  > I ask them sometimes pointblank after hearing to their sermonizing, " Have you ever sat and did any sadhana in your life? Have you ever seen a shakthi coming before you? Have you ever ben presented with a supernatural power? Mere talk like this won't do you good. Thakurji(Ramakrishn a Paramahamsa) has done immense sadhana, got the powers before Him and then rejected it. Do something, get something... then talk " >  > >  > Certain pointers during Grahana samaya astrologically: >  > 1. If the Grahana falls on your Janmanakshatra, then the eclipse should not be seen. >  > 2. One should do Japashaanthi for Swaraasi(eclipse in one's raasi)  or Swajanmanakshatra( eclipse in one's star) eclipse within 27 days.Else, there accumulates a dosha(stronger if it is a solar eclipse).This dosha manifests as various obstacles and mental tensions for works.The dosha effect wears off only after 3 years. >  > 3.When Chandra or Surya dasha(Dasha means here Mahar,Antar or Prathyanthara) is taking place for the native and an eclipse takes place(solar or lunar), the native must do a shaanti immaterial of the kind of eclipse. >  > 4. Karkataka Lagna natives should never see a lunar eclipse. >  > 5. Simha Lagna natives should never see a solar eclipse. >  > 6. If any mantra deeksha takes place during Grahana samaya, Purascharana has to be done, else one must do a purascharana again.This becomes a problem especially if the native is in administrative kind of positions. >  > 7. During eclipse one must not take food, alcohol, smoke tobacco.One must also not engage in any kind of sexual or romantic activity.Pregnant ladies should not be shown any kind of light and must be confined to a room with curtains closed and the room darkened.She must be adviced to rest in a bed and asked to touch her belly and chant any Raksha mantra known to her for the benefit of the foetus.She must also not scratch her skin even if there is an itching sensation as the Rahugraha shakthis try to enter by breaking the spiritual aura of a pregnant woman as there is a combined aura of both mother mother and weak foetus.Also she must restrict the movement of her body during this time.It is not advisable for a pregnant lady to do austrities during the eclipse time purely for health reasons and she should take food well in advance of the eclipse and take bath after the eclipse for sure.If she is in an advanced stage of pregnancy and finds herself in great > difficulty then bath before the eclipse is not necessary but bath after eclipse is a must.Atleast one of the other kinds of Snanams of I have mentioned if not Varuna Snanam. >  > The child in the womb also turns highly spiritual, as he or she hears his/her mother chant the mantra during eclipse.(Remember veerya shakthi during eclipse). >  > Example: My mother used to chant the whole Saundaryalahiri, Trishati, and Sahasranama( if the eclipse is long enough) during eclipse times while I was in her womb.She confirmed me this.She knew them byheart. >  > Even if one is not able to chant such powerful stotras, atleast one can do Om shree mathre' Namaha or Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra or a simple Om Namah Shivaaya according to one's preference, it would be wonderful for the baby as each repetition has the effect of creating a multiplied effect on hearing by the babies due to the naadi openings during eclipse. >  > 8. If the eclipse falls in the star or raasi of the first son, then parents should not see the eclipse.This becomes a Prabhalaarishtam and sarva-amangalam for the parents. >  > 9. The natives whose star in which solar or lunar eclipse takes place must do the following 3 to remove dosha completely and earn them merit. >  > > > Do Homashanti for Ravi or Chandra as the eclipse case maybe > Chant Sarpasooktham > Perfom Mahanyaasaka poorva Ekadasha Rudraabhishekam > Ok, now back to where we left last week. >  > > > >  What are the 'Amangalaani' of Kethu? >  > 1. Kethu afflicted people take extreme pleasure in speaking in inauspicious things. When a man is in his death bed, they go and tell the man that his death is nearing and that it is time to inform his relatives to have a last look.Infact, the man might die from these words itself! >  > 2. They take a pleasure in taking photos(pictures painted in days of yore) with their wives and they show these albums or online photosharing( these days) to one and all.This paves way for greater Kethu drishti creating matrimonial troubles.Nowadays, online photosharing is a common way to keep in touch with friends and relatives but these people go overboard in taking exclusive pictures in various poses with their wives and then share them. >  > 3. In cases of extreme kethu affliction. > For males: With a combination of shukra balam, Sapthamaadhipathy Balam,Kethu Balam and then ascertaining the position of Shukra and Kethu,Shani Drukbalam and other related factors, one can easily deduce that they are unsatisfied with their marital life, seek for other partners, however wishing not to affect their marital lives, keep this secret yearning secretive and engage themselves in extra marital affairs taking care not to reveal them to even their close friends.If Shani-adhwaryam is not there, then they become philosophical and force themselves to celibacy and run around saying they have become spiritual and grow beards or tonsure their their heads or grow long hair like a yogi or engage in other such physical appearance gimmicks to fool people surrounding them into believing their spirital ascendency, whereas a shrewd astrologer should see if any Gruhastha-Parivraja ka Yoga exists in their horoscope or whether it is a mere combustive effect of > Kethu,Shukra and a weak Balam which turns their sexual or romantic feelings into such quixotic behaviour.In other words, their frustration in their marriage makes them do such things and most of the times they themselves are fooled into believing they are leading highly spiritual lives whereas there is a strain of Kama beneath the exterior. >  > 4. Kethu graha afflicted people, keep changing their religious pursuits as I mentioned regarding that gentleman who kept changing his path and now it has come to my knowledge that he has been doing that from his childhood!! This is a sure sign of either heavy kethu debilitation in the horoscope or Kethu Dasha or antar dasha or prathyanthara dasha. >  > 5. Kethu graha afflicted people also seek knowledge but do not repay back.For example, someone comes to you asks information and pesters you in various ways be it email,phonecalls, meeting in person,etc.These people show extreme interest in collecting knowledge but when it comes to repaying back even a single compliment for the effort and care which the giver takes to feed him or her the information, it is a sure sign of a weak Kethu balam in their horoscope. >  > They gain a dosham on this count and never are satisfied with their knowledge and remain confused.They ask the same queries in various different words to gain more knowledge.They do not understand that such queries emnate from an inner sense of insecurity and lack of confidence.If one practices what one knows, one will know what to practice. >  > In many cases the knowledge which they get is not used at all or the chance to use it is not got even if it be a simple query say to know about the names of their ancestors or Kuladeivam.( What is the use of knowing names, unless Pitrhutarpana or Kuladeiva aradhana is done?) >  > The best method to gain happines in one's life is to not only just accumulate knowledge but also share it others, compliment profusely people who share their knowledge,make use of the knowledge,etc >  > They give the image of information greedy monsters to Kethuchaya graha which promptly grabs them and doles them the punishment they deserve. >  > 6. Unnecessary spiritual expenses.Even in spirituality one must use one's commonsense and spend for sat-karyams which will benefit either their grahasthithi or their adhyathmika ounathyam(spiritual progress). >  > 7. Harming snakes or snake like creatures.Having extreme fear of snakes. >  > 8. Behaving badly with their children,especially male children.Progeny related issues. >  > All these and also Rahu-effects described in my earlier email form Kethu Amangalapu cheshtalu. >  > > > >  > Remedies for Kethu appeasement: >  > 1. Ashtadravya MahaGanapathy Homam: This is a highly Tantrik procedure.I have seen many Nambudiris alone perform this these days but even in Andhradesham and Tamizham, there are prists who can perform this.One drawback with Thanthris of kerala is they chant the mantras within themselves, so you dont know whether they are authentic or not! Unless one sees results.They definitely do mudras and all but still whether they are chanting mantras or not, no one has a clue.So better to get it done with a priest who chants the mantras loud! >  > > > > >      Kerala Nambudiri priest I know who is doing the Ashtadravya Mahaganapathy Homam >  > Maha Ganapathi Homam performed with Ashtadravya (Eight Dravyas) will prevent obstruction in all spheres of human activity and bestow on one the boons of happiness, prosperity and Ashtaiswarya Sidhi (Anima, Mahima, Lakhima, Garima, Easitwam, Vasithwam,Prapti, Prakasyam) If one were to perform Ashtadravya Maha Ganapathi Homam every month on the chaturthi Day of the bright fortnight and worship Lord Maha Ganapthi, the destroyer of all obstructions, one can be assured of long life, perfect health, happiness, progress in all spheres and limitless wealth and prosperity.This is more so for Kethugraha afflicted persons. >  > Just yesterday I was advicing my close friend and brother in Saudi to do it and said I will soon post some information on it.This was based on seeing his Kethu position. >  > Ashta Dravya Ganapathy Homam is done with a mixture of 8 items: dried coconut, puffed rice, jaggery, kadali plantain, honey, sesame, sugarcane and fried paddy of rice. > All the 8 items are offered separately also to the holy fire amidst chanting of Moolamantra. Then Karuka leaves leaves dipped in cow’s milk are offered. >  > After this Mukkooty plant along with its roots dipped in Thrimadhura ( a combination of three sweets) is another offering. >  > In order to overcome the obstacles to education and work(job) ‘Ganapathy Upanishad Parayanam’ is arranged and cow’s ghee is offered right after all these in th Homaagni. >  > This Homam is also performed for enabling early ‘Mangalya Yoga’, with lotus flower petals dipped in cow’s ghee.To realize noble desires, Mukkootti dipped in Thrimadhura is offered.According to Vedas Homam , an offer to fire God, is an offering to Surya, the Grahalord. > >  > This is to improve the energy level in the environment and to eliminate undesirable elements. The environment is purified, protected and preserved.Homam induce people to practice spirituality, by giving them a divine nature.Such divine Karmas are result oriented ; lead to overall prosperity- both material and spiritual- so say the Vedas. >  > One god thing about Kerala is, Tantra is practiced in its purest form too.And that is why my frequent mention about some keralite Thantry rituals to you in my private emails to you.Do not think Kerala is only for Blackmagic and Vasheekarana. This is a gross misunderstanding. >  > >  > The other day I was showing the book " Kali's Oddiya " by Amarananda Bhairavan to my wife and she got frightened by the woman sitting with a scemeter and complained why Keralites are like this.I said to her, " Do not judge a book by its cover " >  > 2. Subramanya remedies: Subramanya is incharge of Rahu and Kethu.I was surprised the other day when I received an email from a Tamil lady stating that she did not know Subramanya Swamy was involved in this Rahu-kethu business. >  > Subramanya is the patron deity of the Tamils.And me being a Telugu person born and brought up in both Andhra and Tamizhnadu appreciate the significance of Muruga worship in both the states.Subramanya Swamy is worshipped even in Tamilnadu,infact more so than Andhra, for the Snake association. >  > In fact whenever the word Snake-worship is taken in Southindia be it Kukke Subramanya of Karnataka or Dandayudhapani of Pazhani or Sarpa Kaavu of the Malayalis,Subramany a Swamy is considered the patron deity. >  > Nagapanchami Vratham in Thiruthanni and Pazhani were observed scrupulously by Tamil Brahmins and Non-Brahmins alike. >  > In Thirutanni, upon worshipping Lord Thanigai Murugaperuman, Serpent Vasuki got his wounds healed.The peacock is shown as belaboring a snake with one of its legs.Arunagirinatha r says the Snake represents both Time(Kalam, which slithers fast like a snake unnoticed) and Lust(Which is poisonous,snake- like, for spiritual achievement, though seductive).The peacock that kills it stands for what is opposed to it. >  >  >  >  >  > Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subramanya! Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subramanya! >  > By riding the peacock, Murugan shows that he is beyond what is within it and outside of it.He is beyond all dualities.If snake represents lust, peacock represents chastity.If snake represents time, peacock represents timelessness. >  > As Skanda He is the very epitome of Chastity despite having two wives. > As Mayilvahanan He is the very essence of Kalaatheetham. (Beyond time) >  > >  > (I had multiple visions of this Lord at different phases of my life and feel indebted to my Gurunathar for the guidance I received on this count) >  > These are Arunagirinathar 'sorpozhivugal' ('gem-words' ) >  > Even the peacock with its beautiful plumage on its head represents ego which Murugan snubs in His devotees from time-to-time. Unless, ego is kept down, Murugan will not 'ride' upon the sadhaka, is the significance. Many people down south in Tamizhnadu keep the names 'Nagasubramanya' , 'Nagarajan', etc >  > Subramanya and the association with snake worship began in an intense form only in Tamizhnadu and Kerala.He controls Rahu and Kethu graha to the hilt if properly worshipped. >  > Chanting Subramanya Trishaty, Sarpa Suktham, Sarpa Homam,etc will do good.When I do a Jathakaparisheelana , I ask for the person's wife's horoscope also.(Normally when women come they give me their husband's horoscope without even me asking) >  > The man is either shy or embarrassed that I might tell something against his wife does not give and tells me " Kunti-saakulu " (lame excuses)that he either does not have her horoscope or dos not know the timings or the like. >  > Then my remedial measures take a backseat and I remain silent and give remedies just for him and not for his matrimonial unit(he and his wife). >  > It is like going to a doctor for a body full body check up and feeling shy and saying to the doctor, " Doctor please just see my face,examine it and give remedies, I feel shy to open my dress before you " .The doctor is not the loser.Maybe he or she might give some medication for a toothache! whereas the real pain is say in the breasts and an early detection of breast cancer could have saved the breast! >  > Now, Im not joking here as this happened to one elderly cousin of mine who shied from breast examinations because of her puritanical upbringing and now had her both breasts taken away from her. >  > One must be truthful to a doctor,advocate, astrologer, Guru,etc if one needs full solutions to one's life. >  > To some of my close friends I have hinted them to ask their wives to do a Subramanya Trishathy(shatrusam hara trishati) as a general remedy when they either did not give their spouse's horoscope or shied from it. >  > Subramanya is the disciple of Dattatreya and was given the Tripura Rahasyam by the later. > He is an avadhutha in his own right and Guruswaroopa. >  > > > >  > Dattatreya Remedies: >  > Datattreya is Guruswaroopa. In horoscopes Jupiter(Guru) acts as a mitigatory effect for Rahu's antics. >  > Dattretreya is also a spiritual harbinger of virtuous deeds and acts and thus Kethu is kept in full check for any 'nefarious spirituality' . >  > Rahu gives Mantrapraapthi and Kethu gives Mantrasiddhi. > Datta gives both and augments it further. >  > Dattatreya being an avadhutha can control all planets as He is Graha-teetha. He also paves way for greater spirituality and Gurutatwa Bodhana. >  > Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham forms a spiritual armour for protecting against all malefic graha effects in one's horoscope.In 'times of the terrible' it would do well for the native to repeat it 27 times. >  > > Sri Dattatreya is also the guru to the entire universe †" Vishwa Guru. > He taught: > - Tripura Rahasyam to Skanda Guru > - Srividya to Parashurama > - Dattavidya to Brahma > - AdhyAtma Vidya to Prahlada > - Yoga Vidya to Vasishta and > - Atma Vidya to Kartaviryarjuna. >  > He also incarnated as Sri Sripada Vallabha and Sri Nrsimha Saraswati in the age of Kali to uphold Dharma. >  > >  > The gross form of Dattatreya itself is a mirror to Datta Tattva. The trinity represent his three faces, his body is pure chit, the six branches of knowledge are his six hands, the four dogs are the four Vedas, the cow is Dharma, universal peace is the Oudumbara tree and the great incarnation of Brahman, complete with sixteen kalAs, which is a personification of the knowledge of the Self †" is the unfathomable Murti of Sri Dattatreya. >  >  > An ancient painting depecting Dattatreya in Avadhutha rupa with his 24 Gurus >  > However, this form of Dattatreya commonly worshipped is one of his later incarnations. shAnDilyopaniShat describes Datta as having two hands †" chaturbAhumudArA~ Ngam. The idol of Sri Dattatreya worshipped by Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati (Tembe Maharaj) had two hands showing Vara and Abhaya Mudras, seated on siddhasana and having a single face. The same form is described in Advaita Datta mAlA mantra (varAbhayakaraM devaM sacchidAnandavigrah am) and in the Dhyana Shloka of Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham of Rudrayamala Tantra (vAmahastena varadaM dakShiNenAbhayaprad am). Nepal, which is reputed to be birth-place of Sri Dattatreya, has an ancient Dattatreya temple on anasUyA parvata, which houses a similar idol of Dattatreya. This idol is worshipped as Adi Dattatreya Murti. >  > >  > According to scriptures: > 1. Sri Dattatreya sleeps in Mahura (200 Kms from Nagpur in Maharashtra) > 2. Resides on Sahyadri Hills > 3. Takes bath in Ganges in Varanasi > 4. Performs Achamana in Kurukshetra > 5. Applies Bhasma in Dhooth Papeshwar (in Maharashtra) > 6. Performs Sandhya in Karnataka > 7. Performs mAdhyAhnika in gANigapur > 8. Bhiksha in Kolhapur > 9. Wears Tilaka in Pandarapur > 10. Eats the Bhiksha in Panchaleshwar (near Pune) > 11. Drinks water from river Tungabhadra > 12. Rests in Girnar > 13. Listens to sacred chants and praises in Badari Kshetra and > 14. Performs Sayam Sandhya on the West Coast. >  >  > Image drawn by someone who had seen Dattareya >  > These fourteen places are Datta Kshetras. These are the Kshetras where one can easily feel the presence of Sri Dattatreya and earn his grace by meditating on him. These are also best suited for Dattatreya Mantra Purashcharana during vipareetha Graha sthithi. >  > Nowadays, Dattatreya is generally associated with Vama/Kaulachara. Let us examine his own words: > Uttamo brahmasadbhAvo dhyanabhavastu madhyamaH | > Stutirjapo.adhamo bhAvo bahiH pUjAdhamAdhamaH || > >  > This verse occurs in both Dattatreya Samhita and Mahanirvana Tantra. Is not this the same as what is expressed in Samayachara Tantras like Suka Samhita? One who identifies the real Self as the same Brahman who pervades the creation and experiences the Truth is said to be a Jnani and his very existence is the best worship of the Supreme. For those incapable of this, practices like dhyana, upAsana etc. are taught to progressively move towards Brahma Sadbhava. So, if one told you that all Dattatreya taught people was to indulge in literal Panchamakaras and freedom from all Shastric injunctions, understand that the person knows nothing about Sri Dattareya or Avadhutashrama. Dattatreya's teaching of swecchA is for an Avadhuta and not for the rest. >  > For the rest, he has taught Bhakti, Vairagya and finally Jnana through his sixteen incarnations. It is thus incorrect to assume that Sri Dattatreya taught senseless Indriya Bhoga and Swecchachara to all. That applies to only those who are in the Turiyatitashrama where nothing matters. >  > Sri Tembe Maharaj descries the sixteen sacred Avataras of Lord Dattatreya. By remembering these Avataras with devotion, one is immediately relieved from sins and misery. > 1. Yogiraja †" Appeared on Kartika Shuddha Pournami as the manifestation of the combined power of all divinities. > 2. Atrivarada - Kartika Bahula Padyami †" this incarnation indicates Sri Dattatreya as the essence of all Mantras. > 3. Datta Prabhu †" Kartika Bahula Dwitiya †" Granted himself to sage Atri. > 4. Kalagnishamana- Margashirsha Shuddha Chaturdashi †" Took birth as Atri's son. > 5. Yogijanavallabha †" Margashirsha Pournami †" indicates the compassion of the Lord towards his devotees. > 6. Lila Vishwambhara †" Paushya Pournami †" appeared as a child to protect his devotees. > 7. Siddharaja †" Magha Pournami †" Resurrected the system of Yoga as a preparatory step for Jnana. > 8. Jnanasagara †" Phalguna Shuddha Dashami †" indicated the necessity of Jnana for liberation. > 9. VishwambharAvadhUta †" Chaitra Pournami †" Established Bhakti Yoga. > 10. MayayuktAvadhUta †" Jyeshtha Shuddha Trayodashi †" Grants worldly desires of his devotees. > 11. MayamuktAvadhUta †" Vaishakha Shuddha Chaturdashi †" Destroys kAma in his devotees. > 12. Adi Guru †" AshAdha Pournami †" Grants Brahma Jnana to Uttamadhikaris. > 13. Sri Shivarupa †" Shravana Pournami †" Grants Sayujya to Madhyamadhikaris. > 14. Sri Devadeva †" Bhadrapada Shuddha Chaturdashi †" grants Atmapada to his devotees. > 15. Sri Digambara †" Ashwayuja Pournami †" to establish Vairagya. > 16. Sri Krishna Shyama Kamalanayana †" Kartika Shuddha Dwadashi †" complete with sixteen kalAs, is the complete manifestation of the Lord. > Though we celebrate Datta Jayanti only once a year, a sincere Upasaka should worship Dattatreya on the above-said sixteen auspicious Tithis to achieve Siddhi of Sri Dattatreya Anushtup Mahamantra. >  > A Datta Yogi in Andhra Desha(not Ganapathi Satchidananda Swamy) said, " If one recites the great Dattatreya Mantra, having duly received it from Sadguru, sixteen thousand times on each of these sixteen Tithis, he will surely see Dattatreya " . >  > > Datta-Yantra >  > The Datta Anushtup Mantra itself is a concise summary of the essence of these sixteen Avataras and holds the key to the secret of Dattatreya Tattva. Uttamadhikaris should learn the significance of the Mantra and its Dharana in the sixteen Chakras in the body to achieve oneness with Vishwa Guru. This mantra is the most ancient and the king among the other 32 mantras of Sri Dattatreya. The Uttaranga mantras for Anushtup are Madhumati Mahavidya and Sri Datta Sahasrakshari. >  > Thus Datta-Upasana help keep the malefic effects of Graha in control. >  > Srividya Upasana is not for everyone but Dattaupasana can be had by the grace of this Avadhutha Yogiraja. >  > > > > >  >  > May all Grahas keep everyone in their happy veekshana. > May all who have read these 7 parts of my postings be helped by all the nine planets. > May all things of weal dwell upon you! >  > Jaya Sarvamangalaa! >  >                                      ((The end)) > Yours Yogically, > > > Shreeram Balijepalli >  >  > Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha! > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... >  > >  > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru > > > > > > > > > > > Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger./invite/ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 Please come to the Group pages, type in Message search: Subramanya Dattoham and you will find roughly 22 messages or so and all the parts are in the group messages archive. Srividya-Tantra , Rishi Keshanand <gtbadman2001 wrote: > > Hari om all > Can some one send me all the posting, i only have 7, 6, and 4 >  > Thank you > jai mata di >  > rishi > > --- On Fri, 2/6/09, jakkaraju krishnamurthi <jakkarajuk wrote: > > jakkaraju krishnamurthi <jakkarajuk > Re: [srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 7 > Srividya-Tantra > Friday, February 6, 2009, 1:17 AM > > > > > on 6th Friday 2009 j.krishnamurthi wrote, >  > dear SHRI Sreeramjeegaru, >  > Namesthe. At the out set pleasr accept my respects and greetings to you for the knowledge and helping many in their difficulties. We are also followers of Shri Dattaguru and visited Ganugapur several times Since I was working at Gulbarga for four years amd Pithapur right from 1980s amd also Kurugadda. Ihave been doing Parayana and Sapthaham many times. >  > I have Problem of my son's marriae who is born in 1973 Feb.27, I,as per many pandits amd my son have performed pooja in AP at Kurugadda,Pthapuram ,Ganugapur, at Hyderabad,and inTN at Kumbakonam for all Navagrhas,at Madura,at Ramanathapuram, Palani etc,at Karnataka kokkr Subamanesara, had threee times blessings of HH BHarathitheerthaswa mi in person and Goddess of Sharadamba and third swamij of Kanchi visited my house at Tirupathi for Padapooja and like there is stil big list of prayers. But Marriage is still to be performed, My son has already in contact with you on many other subects but not of his own..Bharanikumar \\ Jakkaraj >  > May I request you to remove our worry at your leisure. >  > Yours sincerely, Jakkaraju >  > harathitheeraswami and Sharadamba,and third saint of > --- On Thu, 5/2/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma@ .ca> wrote: > > Group Owner <para_anuloma@ .ca> > [srividya-Tantra] Subramanya Dattoham Part 7 > Srividya-Tantra, datta-yoga@gro > Cc: " Babu Venugopalan " <babuprema (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> > Thursday, 5 February, 2009, 12:46 PM > > > > > Dear VS, >  > This is the last e-mail in this series, I hope you have immensely enjoyed my inputs and I fervently hope you now take to astrology with a new found respect. >  > >  > Astrological accuracy as per Adhiyaman depends on 8 main 'strengths' >  > 1. Hora Balam > 2. Jyotisha Balam > 3. Jataka Balam > 4. Shastra Balam > 5. Upasana Balam > 6. Deiva Balam > 7. Shraddha Balam > 8. Shakuna Balam >  > > > > I will answer your query first from last e-mail before I go ahead. You have asked me what is the significance of Grahana-Snanam( Bath during eclipse).The answer if you carefully read my postings, is obvious.The significance is to remove any malefic effect of Rahu and Kethu(primarily Rahu of the two). >  > However, there is a 'super'-silver lining to the cloud(pun unintended). >  > >  > Eclipse time offers you a wonderful opportunity to energize yourself, especially when you are running a malefic graha-period. Your Mantra japa gets more Veerya-shakthi( virility) and is the best time to do austerities. >  > Solar eclipse gives Crore times(10,000, 000) the 'phala' for a single repetition of mantra or mantra-mala{ and Lunar a Lakh (100,000) }. >  > Thus sadhakas of virtuous nature, ever in aspiration of God, not giving into lethargy(again induced by Rahu-related Bhutha-Shakthis) perform small Grahana-Anushtanams . >  > >  > I myself did during last solar eclipse a type Mahashodasi Sadhana and had visions and other miracles, which I would not have otherwise not have had during ordinary times even if I had done a 108 mala routine.My back was breaking,after even 67 malas(67 multiplied by 108 bead repetitions) yet I managed to finish it.At the end of the sadhana, my feet became numb and I had to coax it, massage it for half hour to bring it back to life!Just imagine Siddhas and Yogis who do it on a day to day basis in Himalayas. Blessed is our Sanatana Dharma, Blessed be our country. >  > I took a holiday which I had saved for this special occasion from the office and started my sadhana from early morning itself and it went on till the eclipse was over. >  > The result of the sadhana was near-instant! It jolted me to hilt.But while doing the sadhana or rather at the preliminary stages, the vessels kept and other items for the Puja started moving.I knew it was the effect of the Rahu-related goblins.But I kept my cool.The moment you give an energy by even focusing/getting afraid/showing interest/even deriding an evil, the force of the evil starts to grow. (I mean while doing sadhana) >  > Now, when I say preliminary stages of eclipse, you must understand the chronologicity of an eclipse. Eclipse has many parts to it > > 1. Vedhanam > 2. Sparshanam > 3. Madhyamam > 4. Moksham > 5. Shuddha Bimba darshanam > > Vedhanam is 12 hours or sunset and sunrise prior to actual start of eclipse whichever is earlier.During Vedhanam a temple is closed. > > A sadhaka does not partake any food during this period neither does he sleeps during this time.One does not go about daily chores of cleaning during this period. >  > > > Eating brings in diseases,Sleeping reduces longevity,and urinating,etc brings mental disorders.By mental disorders I do not mean becoming an outright lunatic but behaving quixotically, which we find with many people these days.Why they do thus, we don't know.This is because these days, no one follows all these eclipse related procedures and no one is bothered too about Tantreeka Sadhanas during eclipse. >  > > Children ,pregnant woman and old men and women,patients and those who cannot control their hunger are all exempt from this rule.However, even they should show restraint as far as possible and if not do 'Mantra-Jala- prokshanam' , invoke Vrinthaka-Varna- Agni (Violet fire) into the food they eat and then consume. >  > > > Usually a bath gives a lot of punya everyday.Bath[ Snana] is process of offering the lord within us a worship an abhisheka.It is also a way of expressing gratitude towards lord for having given us a body to carry out our sadhana.It is always a good idea to chant the Gayathri while taking bath than singing or humming some film song.Some people do Purusha Suktham as it describes the various Angas of the body and the relationship to Paramaathman. > > There are many types of snana mentioned in Shastras among them 8 are very prominent >  > 1. Varuna Snaanam: Bathing with water, Teertha Snaanam(holy water),etc > 2. Kati Snaanam: Bathing till waist deep alone > 3. Kantha Snaanam: Bathing upto neck > 4. Godhuli Snaanam: Bathing in the dust of cow's hoofs.This is done while the cows return from their daily graze. There is a time called 'Godhuli-Samaya' which is highly auspicious to perform this kriya. Krishnaavaleeya mantras canbe chanted while doing this. > 5. Mrittika Snaanam: This is nothing but a mud-bath done mainly from the mud from the pot of a tulsi plant or Tulashi vanam.Vaishnavites give great significance to this. > 6. Avirbhrutha Snaanam: When someone bathes with Homa/Havana bhasma, it becomes a powerful Avirbhrutha Snaanam, very much loved by Lord Shiva. > 7. When there is no water in vicinity and you have to do Sandhyavandanam or nithya puja then a mantra snanam using the mantras ''Apohistha Mayo Bhuvaha.... " can be done. >  > >  >  > 8. Dhyana Snaanam: This is the highest of all snaanams.There is a certain yogic procedure in which the etheric Ganga,sarswathy and Yamuna can be brought into the Nadi system and all the 72,000 naadis cleansed.3.5 Crore rivers are brought into the system and the pores are cleaned throughly.This is an advanced procedure which involves Kundalini and Prathama Naadis like Ida,Pingala and Shushumna. > 9. Vrinthakavarnaagni Snanam: This I do often many times a day.This involves invoking a violet fire surrounding my body and feeling as if the violet flames cleanse my body and mind.This is a powerful and easy way to clean yourself of mental impurities that vibrate in the air from other people to retain your purity. >  >  > Only external cleansing is not the purpose of bath,bath should also give us a cleansing of mind.Some people observe certain vrata where they dont take anything to eat or drink till they take bath in the morning , when faced with water shortage or during travel mantra snana has to be followed and daily pooja can be completed but should not be skipped on the excuse or pretext of absence of water.This is the reason for so many different types of Snaanams. I see many people giving an excuse like, " Oh there is no water, I did not take bath, so today I will not light a deepam for God " >  > Well, God does not care a whit, whether you light Him a lamp or not.It is as if they are doing something for concession which is peevy about the whole thing. > > Dhyana snana gives 100 crores of times the more punya than normal ganga snan ,so says Sanatkumara Rishi to Narada Maharishi. >  > > > Such snan when taken at the time of sparsh of eclipse [ie when eclipse starts when sun or moon disc is affected] bears 10000 times the ususal punya. In the middle of eclipse it gives 100000 times the usual punya and while leaving [moksha] a snana is worth crores of time. > > If simple bath can give you so much punya than what about other austerities like daanam ,japa,tapa, homa ,shradha etc.They will be akin to performing them crores of time. >  > Mantrasiddhi normally takes a long long time to achieve and not one but sometimes many purascharanas are needed but eclipses provide a puissant and potent wherein the effect can be concentrated to a few hours and yet one can achieve something.Some people desirous of potent mantras take upadesha during this period . > > Eclipse is divided into three parts, first part is for Devatas ,second portion is for Pitru , and last part is for Rakshasas, so a japa has to be conducted only till first part,shradhdha is performed during middle part,as cooking is not allowed shradhdha is done with floor paste. Dana is given in temples for nag dosha etc. > > The last portion is used by tantriks and evil mantriks to increase or invoke Goblins, this is to be avoided.Thus after eclipse is over having a look at the clean and free sun or moon , one can take a bath again and have his daily pooja and meals. >  > This is the procedure,VS. Follow it next time in your hostel room in privacy.Care about no one, let your spirtual progress be primary in your mind always.For what you do this birth comes with you even after your death and these friends will not.It is easiest to study or read all my posts and talk with me over phone and email me, it is easier if you try to get initiation yourself, it is easy if you do the minimal regimen which your mantra guru imposes, however it is tough from then on when you want to achieve something in sadhanas.Forget MTY and other magazines which sell mantras and yantras.You need a Guru,Guidance, Goddess/God, Goal and Guts for all this. >  > Ultimately, this is just a discipline and never fall for powers and keep rejecting it as and when they present before you. You might think, why then all this guts and glory? You will understand why, when you do. >  >  Ramakrishna Paramahamsa >  > I do not like people who read from books by say Ramakrishna mutt and pout to me, " Oh powers are a waste, I dont want them.Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says they are not good for spiritual development. ...blah blah blah... " >  > I ask them sometimes pointblank after hearing to their sermonizing, " Have you ever sat and did any sadhana in your life? Have you ever seen a shakthi coming before you? Have you ever ben presented with a supernatural power? Mere talk like this won't do you good. Thakurji(Ramakrishn a Paramahamsa) has done immense sadhana, got the powers before Him and then rejected it. Do something, get something... then talk " >  > >  > Certain pointers during Grahana samaya astrologically: >  > 1. If the Grahana falls on your Janmanakshatra, then the eclipse should not be seen. >  > 2. One should do Japashaanthi for Swaraasi(eclipse in one's raasi)  or Swajanmanakshatra( eclipse in one's star) eclipse within 27 days.Else, there accumulates a dosha(stronger if it is a solar eclipse).This dosha manifests as various obstacles and mental tensions for works.The dosha effect wears off only after 3 years. >  > 3.When Chandra or Surya dasha(Dasha means here Mahar,Antar or Prathyanthara) is taking place for the native and an eclipse takes place(solar or lunar), the native must do a shaanti immaterial of the kind of eclipse. >  > 4. Karkataka Lagna natives should never see a lunar eclipse. >  > 5. Simha Lagna natives should never see a solar eclipse. >  > 6. If any mantra deeksha takes place during Grahana samaya, Purascharana has to be done, else one must do a purascharana again.This becomes a problem especially if the native is in administrative kind of positions. >  > 7. During eclipse one must not take food, alcohol, smoke tobacco.One must also not engage in any kind of sexual or romantic activity.Pregnant ladies should not be shown any kind of light and must be confined to a room with curtains closed and the room darkened.She must be adviced to rest in a bed and asked to touch her belly and chant any Raksha mantra known to her for the benefit of the foetus.She must also not scratch her skin even if there is an itching sensation as the Rahugraha shakthis try to enter by breaking the spiritual aura of a pregnant woman as there is a combined aura of both mother mother and weak foetus.Also she must restrict the movement of her body during this time.It is not advisable for a pregnant lady to do austrities during the eclipse time purely for health reasons and she should take food well in advance of the eclipse and take bath after the eclipse for sure.If she is in an advanced stage of pregnancy and finds herself in great > difficulty then bath before the eclipse is not necessary but bath after eclipse is a must.Atleast one of the other kinds of Snanams of I have mentioned if not Varuna Snanam. >  > The child in the womb also turns highly spiritual, as he or she hears his/her mother chant the mantra during eclipse.(Remember veerya shakthi during eclipse). >  > Example: My mother used to chant the whole Saundaryalahiri, Trishati, and Sahasranama( if the eclipse is long enough) during eclipse times while I was in her womb.She confirmed me this.She knew them byheart. >  > Even if one is not able to chant such powerful stotras, atleast one can do Om shree mathre' Namaha or Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra or a simple Om Namah Shivaaya according to one's preference, it would be wonderful for the baby as each repetition has the effect of creating a multiplied effect on hearing by the babies due to the naadi openings during eclipse. >  > 8. If the eclipse falls in the star or raasi of the first son, then parents should not see the eclipse.This becomes a Prabhalaarishtam and sarva-amangalam for the parents. >  > 9. The natives whose star in which solar or lunar eclipse takes place must do the following 3 to remove dosha completely and earn them merit. >  > > > Do Homashanti for Ravi or Chandra as the eclipse case maybe > Chant Sarpasooktham > Perfom Mahanyaasaka poorva Ekadasha Rudraabhishekam > Ok, now back to where we left last week. >  > > > >  What are the 'Amangalaani' of Kethu? >  > 1. Kethu afflicted people take extreme pleasure in speaking in inauspicious things. When a man is in his death bed, they go and tell the man that his death is nearing and that it is time to inform his relatives to have a last look.Infact, the man might die from these words itself! >  > 2. They take a pleasure in taking photos(pictures painted in days of yore) with their wives and they show these albums or online photosharing( these days) to one and all.This paves way for greater Kethu drishti creating matrimonial troubles.Nowadays, online photosharing is a common way to keep in touch with friends and relatives but these people go overboard in taking exclusive pictures in various poses with their wives and then share them. >  > 3. In cases of extreme kethu affliction. > For males: With a combination of shukra balam, Sapthamaadhipathy Balam,Kethu Balam and then ascertaining the position of Shukra and Kethu,Shani Drukbalam and other related factors, one can easily deduce that they are unsatisfied with their marital life, seek for other partners, however wishing not to affect their marital lives, keep this secret yearning secretive and engage themselves in extra marital affairs taking care not to reveal them to even their close friends.If Shani-adhwaryam is not there, then they become philosophical and force themselves to celibacy and run around saying they have become spiritual and grow beards or tonsure their their heads or grow long hair like a yogi or engage in other such physical appearance gimmicks to fool people surrounding them into believing their spirital ascendency, whereas a shrewd astrologer should see if any Gruhastha-Parivraja ka Yoga exists in their horoscope or whether it is a mere combustive effect of > Kethu,Shukra and a weak Balam which turns their sexual or romantic feelings into such quixotic behaviour.In other words, their frustration in their marriage makes them do such things and most of the times they themselves are fooled into believing they are leading highly spiritual lives whereas there is a strain of Kama beneath the exterior. >  > 4. Kethu graha afflicted people, keep changing their religious pursuits as I mentioned regarding that gentleman who kept changing his path and now it has come to my knowledge that he has been doing that from his childhood!! This is a sure sign of either heavy kethu debilitation in the horoscope or Kethu Dasha or antar dasha or prathyanthara dasha. >  > 5. Kethu graha afflicted people also seek knowledge but do not repay back.For example, someone comes to you asks information and pesters you in various ways be it email,phonecalls, meeting in person,etc.These people show extreme interest in collecting knowledge but when it comes to repaying back even a single compliment for the effort and care which the giver takes to feed him or her the information, it is a sure sign of a weak Kethu balam in their horoscope. >  > They gain a dosham on this count and never are satisfied with their knowledge and remain confused.They ask the same queries in various different words to gain more knowledge.They do not understand that such queries emnate from an inner sense of insecurity and lack of confidence.If one practices what one knows, one will know what to practice. >  > In many cases the knowledge which they get is not used at all or the chance to use it is not got even if it be a simple query say to know about the names of their ancestors or Kuladeivam.( What is the use of knowing names, unless Pitrhutarpana or Kuladeiva aradhana is done?) >  > The best method to gain happines in one's life is to not only just accumulate knowledge but also share it others, compliment profusely people who share their knowledge,make use of the knowledge,etc >  > They give the image of information greedy monsters to Kethuchaya graha which promptly grabs them and doles them the punishment they deserve. >  > 6. Unnecessary spiritual expenses.Even in spirituality one must use one's commonsense and spend for sat-karyams which will benefit either their grahasthithi or their adhyathmika ounathyam(spiritual progress). >  > 7. Harming snakes or snake like creatures.Having extreme fear of snakes. >  > 8. Behaving badly with their children,especially male children.Progeny related issues. >  > All these and also Rahu-effects described in my earlier email form Kethu Amangalapu cheshtalu. >  > > > >  > Remedies for Kethu appeasement: >  > 1. Ashtadravya MahaGanapathy Homam: This is a highly Tantrik procedure.I have seen many Nambudiris alone perform this these days but even in Andhradesham and Tamizham, there are prists who can perform this.One drawback with Thanthris of kerala is they chant the mantras within themselves, so you dont know whether they are authentic or not! Unless one sees results.They definitely do mudras and all but still whether they are chanting mantras or not, no one has a clue.So better to get it done with a priest who chants the mantras loud! >  >      Kerala Nambudiri priest I know who is doing the Ashtadravya Mahaganapathy Homam >  > Maha Ganapathi Homam performed with Ashtadravya (Eight Dravyas) will prevent obstruction in all spheres of human activity and bestow on one the boons of happiness, prosperity and Ashtaiswarya Sidhi (Anima, Mahima, Lakhima, Garima, Easitwam, Vasithwam,Prapti, Prakasyam) If one were to perform Ashtadravya Maha Ganapathi Homam every month on the chaturthi Day of the bright fortnight and worship Lord Maha Ganapthi, the destroyer of all obstructions, one can be assured of long life, perfect health, happiness, progress in all spheres and limitless wealth and prosperity.This is more so for Kethugraha afflicted persons. >  > Just yesterday I was advicing my close friend and brother in Saudi to do it and said I will soon post some information on it.This was based on seeing his Kethu position. >  > Ashta Dravya Ganapathy Homam is done with a mixture of 8 items: dried coconut, puffed rice, jaggery, kadali plantain, honey, sesame, sugarcane and fried paddy of rice. > All the 8 items are offered separately also to the holy fire amidst chanting of Moolamantra. Then Karuka leaves leaves dipped in cow’s milk are offered. >  > After this Mukkooty plant along with its roots dipped in Thrimadhura ( a combination of three sweets) is another offering. >  > In order to overcome the obstacles to education and work(job) ‘Ganapathy Upanishad Parayanam’ is arranged and cow’s ghee is offered right after all these in th Homaagni. >  > This Homam is also performed for enabling early ‘Mangalya Yoga’, with lotus flower petals dipped in cow’s ghee.To realize noble desires, Mukkootti dipped in Thrimadhura is offered.According to Vedas Homam , an offer to fire God, is an offering to Surya, the Grahalord. > >  > This is to improve the energy level in the environment and to eliminate undesirable elements. The environment is purified, protected and preserved.Homam induce people to practice spirituality, by giving them a divine nature.Such divine Karmas are result oriented ; lead to overall prosperity- both material and spiritual- so say the Vedas. >  > One god thing about Kerala is, Tantra is practiced in its purest form too.And that is why my frequent mention about some keralite Thantry rituals to you in my private emails to you.Do not think Kerala is only for Blackmagic and Vasheekarana. This is a gross misunderstanding. >  > >  > The other day I was showing the book " Kali's Oddiya " by Amarananda Bhairavan to my wife and she got frightened by the woman sitting with a scemeter and complained why Keralites are like this.I said to her, " Do not judge a book by its cover " >  > 2. Subramanya remedies: Subramanya is incharge of Rahu and Kethu.I was surprised the other day when I received an email from a Tamil lady stating that she did not know Subramanya Swamy was involved in this Rahu-kethu business. >  > Subramanya is the patron deity of the Tamils.And me being a Telugu person born and brought up in both Andhra and Tamizhnadu appreciate the significance of Muruga worship in both the states.Subramanya Swamy is worshipped even in Tamilnadu,infact more so than Andhra, for the Snake association. >  > In fact whenever the word Snake-worship is taken in Southindia be it Kukke Subramanya of Karnataka or Dandayudhapani of Pazhani or Sarpa Kaavu of the Malayalis,Subramany a Swamy is considered the patron deity. >  > Nagapanchami Vratham in Thiruthanni and Pazhani were observed scrupulously by Tamil Brahmins and Non-Brahmins alike. >  > In Thirutanni, upon worshipping Lord Thanigai Murugaperuman, Serpent Vasuki got his wounds healed.The peacock is shown as belaboring a snake with one of its legs.Arunagirinatha r says the Snake represents both Time(Kalam, which slithers fast like a snake unnoticed) and Lust(Which is poisonous,snake- like, for spiritual achievement, though seductive).The peacock that kills it stands for what is opposed to it. >  >  >  >  >  > Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subramanya! Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subramanya! >  > By riding the peacock, Murugan shows that he is beyond what is within it and outside of it.He is beyond all dualities.If snake represents lust, peacock represents chastity.If snake represents time, peacock represents timelessness. >  > As Skanda He is the very epitome of Chastity despite having two wives. > As Mayilvahanan He is the very essence of Kalaatheetham. (Beyond time) >  > >  > (I had multiple visions of this Lord at different phases of my life and feel indebted to my Gurunathar for the guidance I received on this count) >  > These are Arunagirinathar 'sorpozhivugal' ('gem-words' ) >  > Even the peacock with its beautiful plumage on its head represents ego which Murugan snubs in His devotees from time-to-time. Unless, ego is kept down, Murugan will not 'ride' upon the sadhaka, is the significance. Many people down south in Tamizhnadu keep the names 'Nagasubramanya' , 'Nagarajan', etc >  > Subramanya and the association with snake worship began in an intense form only in Tamizhnadu and Kerala.He controls Rahu and Kethu graha to the hilt if properly worshipped. >  > Chanting Subramanya Trishaty, Sarpa Suktham, Sarpa Homam,etc will do good.When I do a Jathakaparisheelana , I ask for the person's wife's horoscope also.(Normally when women come they give me their husband's horoscope without even me asking) >  > The man is either shy or embarrassed that I might tell something against his wife does not give and tells me " Kunti-saakulu " (lame excuses)that he either does not have her horoscope or dos not know the timings or the like. >  > Then my remedial measures take a backseat and I remain silent and give remedies just for him and not for his matrimonial unit(he and his wife). >  > It is like going to a doctor for a body full body check up and feeling shy and saying to the doctor, " Doctor please just see my face,examine it and give remedies, I feel shy to open my dress before you " .The doctor is not the loser.Maybe he or she might give some medication for a toothache! whereas the real pain is say in the breasts and an early detection of breast cancer could have saved the breast! >  > Now, Im not joking here as this happened to one elderly cousin of mine who shied from breast examinations because of her puritanical upbringing and now had her both breasts taken away from her. >  > One must be truthful to a doctor,advocate, astrologer, Guru,etc if one needs full solutions to one's life. >  > To some of my close friends I have hinted them to ask their wives to do a Subramanya Trishathy(shatrusam hara trishati) as a general remedy when they either did not give their spouse's horoscope or shied from it. >  > Subramanya is the disciple of Dattatreya and was given the Tripura Rahasyam by the later. > He is an avadhutha in his own right and Guruswaroopa. >  > > > >  > Dattatreya Remedies: >  > Datattreya is Guruswaroopa. In horoscopes Jupiter(Guru) acts as a mitigatory effect for Rahu's antics. >  > Dattretreya is also a spiritual harbinger of virtuous deeds and acts and thus Kethu is kept in full check for any 'nefarious spirituality' . >  > Rahu gives Mantrapraapthi and Kethu gives Mantrasiddhi. > Datta gives both and augments it further. >  > Dattatreya being an avadhutha can control all planets as He is Graha-teetha. He also paves way for greater spirituality and Gurutatwa Bodhana. >  > Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham forms a spiritual armour for protecting against all malefic graha effects in one's horoscope.In 'times of the terrible' it would do well for the native to repeat it 27 times. >  > > Sri Dattatreya is also the guru to the entire universe †" Vishwa Guru. > He taught: > - Tripura Rahasyam to Skanda Guru > - Srividya to Parashurama > - Dattavidya to Brahma > - AdhyAtma Vidya to Prahlada > - Yoga Vidya to Vasishta and > - Atma Vidya to Kartaviryarjuna. >  > He also incarnated as Sri Sripada Vallabha and Sri Nrsimha Saraswati in the age of Kali to uphold Dharma. >  > >  > The gross form of Dattatreya itself is a mirror to Datta Tattva. The trinity represent his three faces, his body is pure chit, the six branches of knowledge are his six hands, the four dogs are the four Vedas, the cow is Dharma, universal peace is the Oudumbara tree and the great incarnation of Brahman, complete with sixteen kalAs, which is a personification of the knowledge of the Self †" is the unfathomable Murti of Sri Dattatreya. >  >  > An ancient painting depecting Dattatreya in Avadhutha rupa with his 24 Gurus >  > However, this form of Dattatreya commonly worshipped is one of his later incarnations. shAnDilyopaniShat describes Datta as having two hands †" chaturbAhumudArA~ Ngam. The idol of Sri Dattatreya worshipped by Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati (Tembe Maharaj) had two hands showing Vara and Abhaya Mudras, seated on siddhasana and having a single face. The same form is described in Advaita Datta mAlA mantra (varAbhayakaraM devaM sacchidAnandavigrah am) and in the Dhyana Shloka of Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham of Rudrayamala Tantra (vAmahastena varadaM dakShiNenAbhayaprad am). Nepal, which is reputed to be birth-place of Sri Dattatreya, has an ancient Dattatreya temple on anasUyA parvata, which houses a similar idol of Dattatreya. This idol is worshipped as Adi Dattatreya Murti. >  > >  > According to scriptures: > 1. Sri Dattatreya sleeps in Mahura (200 Kms from Nagpur in Maharashtra) > 2. Resides on Sahyadri Hills > 3. Takes bath in Ganges in Varanasi > 4. Performs Achamana in Kurukshetra > 5. Applies Bhasma in Dhooth Papeshwar (in Maharashtra) > 6. Performs Sandhya in Karnataka > 7. Performs mAdhyAhnika in gANigapur > 8. Bhiksha in Kolhapur > 9. Wears Tilaka in Pandarapur > 10. Eats the Bhiksha in Panchaleshwar (near Pune) > 11. Drinks water from river Tungabhadra > 12. Rests in Girnar > 13. Listens to sacred chants and praises in Badari Kshetra and > 14. Performs Sayam Sandhya on the West Coast. >  >  > Image drawn by someone who had seen Dattareya >  > These fourteen places are Datta Kshetras. These are the Kshetras where one can easily feel the presence of Sri Dattatreya and earn his grace by meditating on him. These are also best suited for Dattatreya Mantra Purashcharana during vipareetha Graha sthithi. >  > Nowadays, Dattatreya is generally associated with Vama/Kaulachara. Let us examine his own words: > Uttamo brahmasadbhAvo dhyanabhavastu madhyamaH | > Stutirjapo.adhamo bhAvo bahiH pUjAdhamAdhamaH || > >  > This verse occurs in both Dattatreya Samhita and Mahanirvana Tantra. Is not this the same as what is expressed in Samayachara Tantras like Suka Samhita? One who identifies the real Self as the same Brahman who pervades the creation and experiences the Truth is said to be a Jnani and his very existence is the best worship of the Supreme. For those incapable of this, practices like dhyana, upAsana etc. are taught to progressively move towards Brahma Sadbhava. So, if one told you that all Dattatreya taught people was to indulge in literal Panchamakaras and freedom from all Shastric injunctions, understand that the person knows nothing about Sri Dattareya or Avadhutashrama. Dattatreya's teaching of swecchA is for an Avadhuta and not for the rest. >  > For the rest, he has taught Bhakti, Vairagya and finally Jnana through his sixteen incarnations. It is thus incorrect to assume that Sri Dattatreya taught senseless Indriya Bhoga and Swecchachara to all. That applies to only those who are in the Turiyatitashrama where nothing matters. >  > Sri Tembe Maharaj descries the sixteen sacred Avataras of Lord Dattatreya. By remembering these Avataras with devotion, one is immediately relieved from sins and misery. > 1. Yogiraja †" Appeared on Kartika Shuddha Pournami as the manifestation of the combined power of all divinities. > 2. Atrivarada - Kartika Bahula Padyami †" this incarnation indicates Sri Dattatreya as the essence of all Mantras. > 3. Datta Prabhu †" Kartika Bahula Dwitiya †" Granted himself to sage Atri. > 4. Kalagnishamana- Margashirsha Shuddha Chaturdashi †" Took birth as Atri's son. > 5. Yogijanavallabha †" Margashirsha Pournami †" indicates the compassion of the Lord towards his devotees. > 6. Lila Vishwambhara †" Paushya Pournami †" appeared as a child to protect his devotees. > 7. Siddharaja †" Magha Pournami †" Resurrected the system of Yoga as a preparatory step for Jnana. > 8. Jnanasagara †" Phalguna Shuddha Dashami †" indicated the necessity of Jnana for liberation. > 9. VishwambharAvadhUta †" Chaitra Pournami †" Established Bhakti Yoga. > 10. MayayuktAvadhUta †" Jyeshtha Shuddha Trayodashi †" Grants worldly desires of his devotees. > 11. MayamuktAvadhUta †" Vaishakha Shuddha Chaturdashi †" Destroys kAma in his devotees. > 12. Adi Guru †" AshAdha Pournami †" Grants Brahma Jnana to Uttamadhikaris. > 13. Sri Shivarupa †" Shravana Pournami †" Grants Sayujya to Madhyamadhikaris. > 14. Sri Devadeva †" Bhadrapada Shuddha Chaturdashi †" grants Atmapada to his devotees. > 15. Sri Digambara †" Ashwayuja Pournami †" to establish Vairagya. > 16. Sri Krishna Shyama Kamalanayana †" Kartika Shuddha Dwadashi †" complete with sixteen kalAs, is the complete manifestation of the Lord. > Though we celebrate Datta Jayanti only once a year, a sincere Upasaka should worship Dattatreya on the above-said sixteen auspicious Tithis to achieve Siddhi of Sri Dattatreya Anushtup Mahamantra. >  > A Datta Yogi in Andhra Desha(not Ganapathi Satchidananda Swamy) said, " If one recites the great Dattatreya Mantra, having duly received it from Sadguru, sixteen thousand times on each of these sixteen Tithis, he will surely see Dattatreya " . >  > > Datta-Yantra >  > The Datta Anushtup Mantra itself is a concise summary of the essence of these sixteen Avataras and holds the key to the secret of Dattatreya Tattva. Uttamadhikaris should learn the significance of the Mantra and its Dharana in the sixteen Chakras in the body to achieve oneness with Vishwa Guru. This mantra is the most ancient and the king among the other 32 mantras of Sri Dattatreya. The Uttaranga mantras for Anushtup are Madhumati Mahavidya and Sri Datta Sahasrakshari. >  > Thus Datta-Upasana help keep the malefic effects of Graha in control. >  > Srividya Upasana is not for everyone but Dattaupasana can be had by the grace of this Avadhutha Yogiraja. >  > > > > >  >  > May all Grahas keep everyone in their happy veekshana. > May all who have read these 7 parts of my postings be helped by all the nine planets. > May all things of weal dwell upon you! >  > Jaya Sarvamangalaa! >  >                                      ((The end)) > Yours Yogically, > > > Shreeram Balijepalli >  >  > Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha! > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam... >  > >  > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_ Kalpataru > > > > > Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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