Guest guest Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 Namaste SriRam garu, your postings on subramanya swami is damn intresting. Right now i am running through the Budha mahadasa-ketu antardasa & my husband is going through the Rahu mahadasa-rahu antardasa.When ever we want do the SHASTHI POOJA, iam facing problems due to my monthly problem. Somebody adviced me to do the pooja for graha shanthi. But iam not able to do that. can you advice any alternative for this? Is my husband alone can do this pooja? You said in order to overcome the obstacles in education and job Ganapathy Upanishad Parayanam should be done. Can i read the upanishad in my home ? Is woman are eligible to read the upanishad? What is mukkoty plant in telugu ? please elaborate. please clarify the doubts. thanks gauthami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 6, 2009 Report Share Posted February 6, 2009 Dear Amma, Thankyou for your kind words. I understand your predicament as a woman for a satisfying performance of the Shasti Ritual.There are many methods of appeasement for your individual Graha-dashas. First, let me start with your husband's case as the effect of Rahu seems to be more for him. Rahugraha is a 'shocker' planet.Meaning, everything goes smooth and suddenly he shocks the native with some failure.He is also called deception-master in astrological terminology as he seems to create circumstances for a victory or the completion of any undertaking be it studies or work related issues and then all of a sudden he 'topples' the 'pack of cards', giving a 'shock'.This happens karmically more if the native has done such shocking type of bad karmas on other people in his past births.Shocking bad karmas might mean a simple 'shock' like cheating a longterm friend for a mere Rs.100 or a dastardly act of killing a friend from behind.The more dastardly an act, the greater the karmic implications. Since, everything seems to run according to Karma,graha sancharana,etc one finds evil people 'enjoying' and good people 'suffering'.But all that is an illusion, because once the Labha-sthana's(11th house) merits are over, then the down-swing of the person starts and he or she starts to pay karmically for misdeeds, till then they enjoy whatever poorvapunya they have done to the hilt. Evil will have recompense, Good will find light and be guided by God.This is an eternal and immutable Law and nothing can change this.We seem to mentally allow evil these days as an 'in-trend' but there are no trends to evil or good. If your husband is smoking, please ask him to stop it, It will do him no good. Grahas by themselves do not mean anything and one need be afraid of them.Prayaschitta-Bhavam is a must while doing Graha-shaantis and after carefully ascertaining why one suffers, one must not onky do the Graha-shaanthi but must also look at the intrinsic Karmic substratum which runs beneath the suffering. What I mean by the above can best be explained by one example which I encountered in my life. Rahu sculpture stored in a British Museum II Pranamaami Sadaa Rahoom Sarpaakaaram kiritinam, Saimhikeyam Karaalaasyam Bhakthaanaamabhayapradam II Gnanakarako Rahu: Param Mryutho Rahu:(Meaning Rahu gives Gnana if he functions well, else he gives what is known as 'Apamruthyu' or near death or debilitating physical experiences) I met one person who was suffering karmically due to Rahu Graha and he approached me because of my Devi-Upasana through mutual friends.I saw him and said, "Stop smoking" He was taken aback and asked me how I knew his habit.I did not reply and then I saw a correlation to his Dhoomapana sevanam(Smoking) and his 'Rahu-shocker'.This person had 'shocked' his parents first with his habit by carefully hiding it from them, then his wife and children and so on.The 'shocking habit'(used in the sense of the propensity to shock people) came as a Vasana(past birth behaviorial trait) and thus I adviced him to stop the habit and give a pleaseant shock to people whom he loved.He admitted to all his faults and that he was diagnosed with initial TB(Which was another 'whammie' he hid from his people).So, I adviced him to get both his TB and smoking habit treated ayurvedically.A herb was miraculously procured from a forest with which he was cured of his 15 year old smoking habit in a fortnight!{when one is spiritual,humble and open to suggestion, Rahu helps the person by providing him 'shocking pleaseant things in life'(like miracles). Rahu is verily 'planet of success', success being a boon(gift from Him) for good or meritorious deeds}His parents,wife and children, kith and kin had a pleaseant surprise at him turning a new-leaf with regards to this habit.In turn his Rahu-related debts were gone in a jiffy, everything fell in place and he even visited Thirunageshwaram(a Rahu related Kshetra) and offered Rahu Homam and had a Nagapratishta done. He also profusely thanked me for the timely advice and offered me some money and other help, which I refused. This being so, first let me concentrate on what remedies your husband can do specifically for Rahu.I will reel out a list of 22 remedial and maintenance measures(there are thousands) which can be done easily.He may choose as many as possible or atleast 2 out of the remedial measures(not maintenance measure) and do it without fail: 1. Getting Rahu graha Japam done(or best is to do oneself) and donating 'Minumulu'(17 kgs)(Since you know Telugu, Im saying thus)--rememdial measure 2. Visiting either Thirunageshwaram or if you are from Andhra--Chittooru Srikalahasthi--Rahukethu sarpadosha Pujalu or Nellore--Pedakallepalli-Durganageshwara Swamy or Vijayawada--Kanakadurga Devi Alayam.--remedial measure 3. Reading daily Rahu-Kavacham--maintenance measure 4. Remembering Aastheeka Mahamuni daily by saying ''Om Aastheekamahamunaye' Namaha''(Maintenance measure)--He might also start any undertaking in his name if he has inclination to do so like say, donating for Nagaalalayam in His name. 5. Stop eating Snakegourds(Potlakayi)--(Maintenance measure) 6. Reading daily Kanakadurgamba ashtottarashatanamavali and doing archana to Durgambika.('Minapa gaarelu ammavariki Naivedyam gaa pettandi')--Maintenance measure. 7. Shukravaram(friday) and Shanivaram(Saturday) during Rahukaalam--Ask him to light Rahudeepam before Ammavaru.--Maintenance measures 8. Wearing a Sarpaanguleeyam(snake ring) made out of silver in the middle finger of right hand.--maintenance measure 9. During parvadinamulu like Nagapanchami or Subramanya Shasti, please do pujakaryakramas for Subramanya Swamy.--maintenance measure 10. Nagapratishta can be done in some temple(a Black granite snake idol installation)--Excellent remedial measure 11. Skandapurana Parayanam--Maintenance measure 12. Not eating eggs 13. Donating a Nagabharanam(snake-shaped ornment) in silver for any shivalinga in any temple--Excellent Remedial measure 14. "Sarpasooktha-sahitha-Mahanyaasapoorvaka Ekadasha Rudrabhishekam" to be done on any shiva linga in any temple on Swathy asterism(Swathy Nakshatrapu roju)--Excellent remedial measure. 15. Go-Puja(cow worship), feeding cows, donating amounts to Goshalas.--Excellent Remedial measure 16. Getting a gold ring done with Kankadurga Devi's image etched or carved on it(in gold) or getting a locket done---and wearing it--Maintenance measure 17. Donating a Nagaprathima made out of silver--Remedial measure 18. Chanting Durga apadhudharaka stotram daily---Maintenance measure 19. Doing puja doing Devi navaratris, during Rahukala, puja to Ammavaru with Shraddha-bhakthi--Maintenance measure 20. 9 or 11 weeks--go to a Kanakadurga Ambika temple or durgambika temple and circumambulate for 108 times--Excellent remedial measure 21. After lighting the sandhya deepam(morning or evening twlight lamp) before God, if suddenly some "Muthayidhuvu"(married and auspicious lady) comes then donating that Panduthambulam--and keeping this habit as a vow.---Medium remedial measure.--You can do this on his behalf. 22. Visiting as many Shakti Peethams as possible.--The more he visits, the more meritorious the remedial measure 23. Wearing a Shakthi Kankanam on one's right hand.--Maintenance measure.(He might wear any Devi inscribed Kankanam of getting a shakthi Kankanam is difficult) Maintenance measures are smething to be done on a regular/daily basis. Remdial measures give more effect than a maintenance measure, this has been my personal observation. If both of you can perform 'Sahasra Chandika Homam"(Sahasra Chandi Yagam) at home, it will be most beneficial.''Kalau Chandee Vinayakau'', they say.She is the 'Aparajithi'(one who cannot be conquered.With Rahugraha graha shaanti is really done.By doing this and Chandi-Parayanam, Samastha Rahu Graha Dosha Shaanti is achieved and Rahu-Amrutha-Yogam is obtained.Daily if Chandi-saptha-shati Parayanam is done also acts as a fantastic remedial measure. He can also wear an Ashta-mukhi-rudraksha mala(27 beads) capped in silver and energized properly.(see my earlier posting on the topic of rudraksha energization) As I said, though I have given 22 pointers, he may do choose judiciously form the above and perform as many as possible. For you: You can do Ganapathy Upanishad Parayanam but what I meant by Ganapathy Upanishad mantras was, the mantras have to be chanted after the Ganesha mantras during ashtadravya mahaganesha homam by the priests who are perfoming it.The herbs and other items will be brought by the priest and you do not need to bother much about those minor details.(Mukootti moolikamu goes by the same name in Telugu also) II DhUmravarnamDhwajakaram DwibhujamVaradaamgadham, Shat-trimsha-shubhakrCcha Barbara pathihi Kuryaatssadaa Mangalami II "Mokshakarako Kethu"--Giver of salvation. Kethu Graha shaanti: 1. Getting Kethugraha Japa Shaanti done(or do it yourself).Then donate "Ulavalu"(horse gram) in a Kanchu ginna(vessel) covered with a multi-colored cloth with money to some priest.--Good remedial measure 2. Daily do Shree Mahaganapthy Puja and particularly do not miss Vinayaka Chaturthy puja/Vratham--mainenance measure. 3. Wearing a Ganapathy ring made out of gold and chanting surya namaskara mantras while that.--Excellent maintenance measure 4. Read daily Kethu graha Kavacham--Maintenance measure. 5. Same measure as described for Aastheeka mahamuni for your husband--Maintenance measure 6. Ganesha Ashtottara Shatanamavali parayanam daily--Maintenance measure 7. Lighting kethu kala deepam(readmy earlier posting regarding that)--Maintenance measure 8. Ganapathy prathishta in some temple--Vishesha phalitham. 9. Pack half kilo Ulavalu(horse gram) in a multi-colored cloth and keep it under a pillow and sleep thus for 3 nights and then leave that ulavalu in running source of water like river,ocean,etc(not dirty water).Bury the multi-colored cloth in ground.---Good remedial measure. 10. Use Dharbaasanam for Pujas--Athyantha Shubhapradam--maintenance 11. Donate Dharbaasana--good remedial measure 12. Keep a dry date fruit always with you, say in your handbag or purse.You might also keep a dried 'Karakkai'(Kadukkai in Tamil or Myrobalan in english)--Good augurs you thus.--Maintenance measure 13. Do Sarpasuktha parayanam daily after getting initiated and practicing the chandas with a Vedic scholar and then donate a Nagaprathima--Excellent remedial measure. 14. Doing 4 times Rahu-kethu puja in Srikalahasthi and then going to Kaakani Mopi devi alayam--Excellent remedial measure. 15. Daily consume 'Ulava-chaaru'(Rasam madeout of horse gram.However, check with your doctor or ayurvedic practioner whether consuming it is good for your constitution.It creates heat in body, so if you have Pittha-constitution ayurvedically, it will not be awise thing to do).This is an ayurvedic graha remedy.--Maintenance measure only. 16. Do not eat--Snakegourds(potlakayalu),White pumpkin(Gummidi kaayi),eggs and chicken.--Maintenance measure. 17. Feed Ulavalu, Verusenagalu(peanuts),Pelalu(puffed/beaten rice) to Hen or pigeons.--Maintenance measure 18. Having a darshanam of Kanipaka Vinayaka Swamy--remedial measure.In my native place(Srikakulam) there is a place called (Raja)"Paalakonda" and there is a powerful Ganapathy temple, you may visit that too if you are in Vizag.In Vizag, there is Sampath Vinayaka Swamy Alayam and in Chodavaram near Vishaka there is a very powerful Swayambhu Vinayaka, which you prefer to visit also. 19. Chanting from Hastha star to next hastha star in ekottaravrudhi(meaning first day once, second day twice, third day three times,etc)--Sankataharana Ganapathy Stotram--Excellent remedial measure.(However, Im aware of your difficulty with periods, so you choose to ignore this, if it is not possible) 20. Using Ashtamoolika thailam and Thellajilledu vathullu(swethaarka wicks) for lighting a puja lamp.You may enquire around for these items.--Maintenance measure alone. 21. Every tuesday, in a ganapathy Alayam during durmuhurtham, doing 108 pradakshinams for Ganesha.--Excellent remedy 22. Wearing a Ganapathy Kankanam. I hope I have completely satified you, so please do not worry that you cannot do the Shasti Puja becuse of your period problems.God always provides many doors to open, if one door is close.I have provided you with 22 doors each! Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli Srividya-Tantra , "vvootla" <vvootla wrote:>> > Namaste SriRam garu, your postings on subramanya swami is damn intresting.> Right now i am running through the Budha mahadasa-ketu antardasa & my> husband is going through the Rahu mahadasa-rahu antardasa.When ever we> want do the SHASTHI POOJA, iam facing problems due to my monthly> problem. Somebody adviced me to do the pooja for graha shanthi.> But iam not able to do that. can you advice any alternative for this?> > Is my husband alone can do this pooja?> > You said in order to overcome the obstacles in education and job> Ganapathy Upanishad Parayanam should be done. Can i read the> upanishad in my home ? Is woman are eligible to read the upanishad?> What is mukkoty plant in telugu ? please elaborate. > > please clarify the doubts.> > thanks> gauthami> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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