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Apeethakuchambika Shreepaadam Sharanam! Sharanam!

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Dear VS,


I had a fantastic time in Arunachalam the day before yesterday.Everything was unplanned and in the last minute someone brought a car and we all managed to travel to Thiruvannamalai in an airconditioned car! It seemed that some force seemed to propel the events that day.Yes, I admit I had a small yearning to see Sri Ramana's Pathala Lingam.I consider that to be more sacred than His ashram for certain reasons.This was fulfilled to my heart's content.



(View of Arunachala Hill from Ner-Annamalaiyaar temple)


Mountain to whom Guhai Namasivaya, performer of great austerities,

Makes obeisance, daily adorning him with a garland of one venba verse. Mountain who abides in the blissful hearts

Of those who have transcended the waves of desire and all the rest:



I was shown the Ahetuki Kripa of the Queen of Shree Arunachala Giri, Apeethakumchambika(popularly known as Unnamulai Amman).She being the consort of Arunachaleshwara(as Lord Shiva is known there), showered Her eternal grace on this totally undeserving person.





I will narrate that later, but first let me narrate to you what happened to Sri Ramana Maharishi there once.


Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi once recalled an interesting episode of Virupaksha cave days on the hill of Arunachala.


Ramana Maharshi


Bhagavan once thought of skipping breakfast due to the prevailing indigestion. He retreated from the cave quietly and slipped into the forest. In the forest He was approached by seven ladies who each had a bag in their shoulder and accosted to have breakfast with them. Each one competed with each other in serving Bhagavan. Bhagavan managed to partake of the food of the seven sudden visitors and managed to escape from there. While He took leave, they shouted back telling that He was entitled to have lunch as well with them and there was no way of escape.Bhagavan as customary of Him, steeped in solitude, walked deep into the jungle to avoid being spotted by the wonder women. As He rested under a tree, to His surprise the seven women once again appeared and expressed their wish to share their mid day meal with Him. As Bhagavan spurt out a few words of protest saying that breakfast was

suffice to keep Him going for three days, the three ladies engaged in getting prepared to serve Him. A variety of sumptuous dishes were served.


The women reverentially asked Bhagavan to partake of the food and to give up His protest. They asked Him to consider that the lunch was specially hosted by the queen of the place, Goddess Unnamulai, Thiruvannamalai for Him. After a while they surprisingly disappeared from the place. Bhagavan felt that perhaps they belonged to a different world.





















It seemed, having carried out the instruction of Unnamulai ( Mother Parvati as addressed in Thiruvannamalai ) they went their way. Complete surrender meets the necessities of the hour unfailingly could be the message from this episode. We may not be possessed of the devotion of thorough surrender like Bhagavan. However the most merciful Master Ramana demanded only partial surrender for our redemption from both material and spiritual issues.


Mountain who shows compassion to the wretched.

Mountain who gives without fail whatever is asked.

Mountain who flayed the elephant.

Mountain of medicine who bestowed half his form upon Parvati:

Annamalai. (Here the verse from Annamalai Venba refers Mountain to mean Lord Shiva)

In Arunachala Mahatmyam and Arunachala Puranam, Parvati, known locally as Unnamulai Amman, unites with Siva to such an extent that each shares the other's form.Unnamulai means, 'She whose nipples have never been suckled'. Traditionally, Siva and Unnamulai appear as a half-male and half-female figure, the left side being Unnamulai and the right side Siva. In this merged or unified state Unnamulai becomes Siva's sakti, the divine energy which brings into existence all manifestation. Iconographical representations of their combined form, which is known as Ardhanariswara, show a half-male and half-female body, with the dividing line being the vertical axis running down the middle of the body. Parvati(Unnamulai) earned the right to this union by performing intense tapas over two lifetimes, the first as Sati, and the second as Parvati.


The long-lived fame of the great Arunachaleswara Hill is inextricably connected to an ancient Hindu legend recorded in an important Hindu literary work entitled Skanda Puranam. According to this story, two Hindu Gods Lord Brahma, the creator, and Lord Vishnu, the preserver each claimed superiority over the other. Somewhat embarrassed that distinguished Gods of the celestial realm should be engaged in such a puerile altercation, Lord Siva, the Lord of the Universe, appeared before them as a pillar of fire, known as Sthanu or Lingodbhavamurti in Sanskrit. In an effort to somehow arbitrate or at least ameliorate their discord, He boomed forth in a deep voice, "Whosoever should find either the beginning or the end of this light of mine shall be considered, now and forever more, the superior of you two."

Upon hearing this, Vishnu took the form of a boar and dug into the depths of the Earth, seeking the beginning of the light. Alas, he returned disappointed. Brahma became a swan and flew up and up, seeking the light's top. He too was about to give up in despair when, by chance, he happened upon a falling flower who embarked upon a conversation with him.

The flower which by name was a pandanus odoratissimus, more commonly known as a screw pine asked the God what in the world he was doing flying so high. Brahma replied that he was just seeking the end of the light but had been thus far unsuccessful in finding it. Upon hearing this, the screw pine not knowing the light had no beginning or end delightedly struck upon a mischievous plan: They would tell Siva they found the end of the light and be each other's witness to the fact. Brahma liked the idea and so they returned and reported their story.

Siva, of course, was upset. He had no patience with liars. Hence, He decided and so decreed that Brahma and the flower should be provided a lesson in humility, by which they might learn the error of their ways.

Lord Brahma, He proclaimed, would not be deified in temples, and the screw pine would never be used in worship. This has indeed come to pass. There are no Brahma temples (save one), and nobody ever worships with screw pine flowers. It goes without saying that Vishnu was judged superior to Brahma. So the story goes.

Now, there is an epilogue to this which applies specifically to Arunachaleswara Hill. Apparently, Siva, who was really upset with Brahma and the flower over this lying incident, was scorching all three worlds with the roaring flames of His righteous indignation so much so that the celestials were impelled to ask Him to stop. Siva obliged by cooling down and manifesting as Arunachaleswara Hill. Both Brahma and Vishnu prayed to Siva that He take the form of a Linga on the east side of the hill and, in remembrance of the blazing fire, appear as a light further up toward the top each year on the Hindu holy day of Karttikeya Dipam. According to the legend, Lord Siva granted this prayer.

Today, the 2,668-foot-tall Arunachala Hill is regarded as Tejo Lingam, Lord Siva as a pillar of fire. Some even say that traditional worship of the Sivalingam as it is currently practiced commenced on Arunachala. The eight-mile circuit around the base of the hill is itself a pilgrimage destination. Along its way are more than 360 tirthams (holy tanks) and 400 Lingams. Ramana Maharishi's ashram is situated here on this circuit, making it all the more famous.

Every evening with great pomp and ceremony, Mount Meru Chakra(a form of Mahameru and Shivachakra combined) is taken to the Palliyarai Shrine which is its resting place within the Shiva Mandapam.There awaiting for Him is Palliyarai Ambal; Iccha Shakthi, who rests at His left side during the night.Iccha Shakthi arrives from the Inner shrine of Unnamulaiyamman where She dwells during the day. As evening approaches Palliyarai Ambal is taken in full regalia and with great ceremony, to the Annamalaiyar Shivan Mandapam, to await reunification with Her Lord and Master.



I had the good fortune of meeting Sheshadri Swamigal's brother's daughter-in-law and her child in Rochester,USA.She came on her own accord in the temple and introduced herself and her child.







Coming to my experience the day before yesterday:


We had rushed morning itself, in the car and luckily it was air conditioned saving us from cacaphonous accompaniment of our babies in the hot sun.They slept blissfully and we came at around noon.


My wife who did not have anything to eat was disappointed when the shrine was closed and vowed even stronger that she would not eat until the temple reopens at 3:30 P.M.Consequently, we waited in the temple itself.


We saw some Whites from Germany and USA taking snaps of the temple.But when they were about to take our photos, I stopped them and said,"Please concentrate on the temple sculptures and images not people who come here.We are not exhibition items for your photo albums.I understand all this is quaint and culturally new for you.But no snaps please, atleast spare us from your prying eyes" They were rather taken aback and thought that I would gleefully pose for their snaps(Slumdog Millionaire?).They apologized and said we as a family look very beautiful. I said, "Thankyou.I too appreciate your interest in Hindu Temples"


The moment I said this,one other Tamil couple who were watching all this and who were taken snaps too unceremoniously as of they were animals from a zoo, came to them and asked them to delete the snaps which they had stored digitally!


Soon, no one in the temple, even poor people did not allow them to take their snaps!I brought about a mini-revolution there! Hehe!(Srisri connection?)

(As I say always: One man is enough to change the consciousness of the world).In Churches abroad they dont allow us to take snaps of them or sometimes even of the buildings.


We went for a bit, outside the temple during the wait to give some annadanam to beggars and sanyaasis.We found one beggar and offered him the packet of Annam we bought in the temple for this purpose.


He rejected it!!! Haha! I asked, "Ennappaa? en?"(why?)

He replied, "There is no gattichutney or sambhar, who would eat these rice and Idly?, Just give me some money, I can atleast buy two beedis"(Look at that!)

I said, "Saripaa naa vera alaa paakkaren"


I finally found one old lady and gave her the annadaanam.She thanked me profusely.I also handed a few rupee notes to her.


After all these we were about to dispose of a soiled-diaper of our baby and I was looking for the nearest dustbin.


One rotund guy, who was not a beggar but a storekeeper, who saw us liberally distributing rice and idly packets, rushed to receive this "annadaanam packet"(Huggies soiled diaper).

First,I did not understand and then thanked him giving the "packet".

I thought, "Great is this temple, even shopkeepers are gracious enough to help people to dispose of garbage, I thought"

But wait a second,...why did he say "Thank you"


Something was fishy.My wie who was watching all this, was laughing loudly.

She said, "Paapam, he thought it was a rice packet, it must be a shock to him when he opens it"


I said to her, "Ok, just keep quite.If I now go and tell him that, he would kill me! Haha! Dont even turn his side when we go down"


(While we left the place, he still was in smiles when he saw us.Apparently the "Annadana prasadam" had not been opened.The "diaper" still was on a table near him.

He bowed low to me like a Japanese and not to be undone I too bowed low.After all he would help me soon to dispose of the garbage!My wife was supressing her laughter to the hilt and then burst into splits when we reached our car.)




My wife was famished and tired with the crying babies and I had to engage the attention of the babies and feed them some porridge we brought.Then the temple opened and we rushed inside and had a very good darshanam of Annamalaiyaar. What was sad was, if someone put Rs.50 and above in the Aarathi Plate of the Lord, then he or she would get a liberal sprinkling of Vibhuthi and a packet to accompany.(Why do I keep telling all these misdeeds at the temple repeatedly? Because to keep silentis to acquiese evil, which I do not want to.Do I not know how the situation is in temples these days and how people cheat?)




I was satisfied with whatever Vibhuthi-Prasadam I got from the Gurukkal and did not aspire to bribe him for that.We had bought an Archana ticket(for Rs.2) and the Archana was being done for the Utsava Murthy.But the crowd was so huge and jostling that we managed to give the Archana packet but were unable to say our gothra namaas.We were shouting from behind after being pushed by an obstreperous crowd..."HARITHASAAA GOTHRAAA....SHREERAMAA SHARMAHAA....."

Finally, I told my distraught wife, "Leave it, Arunachala has seen it all, He is omniscient.He

knows we were pushed, he knows we offered the Archana ticket and the bananas,coconuts,flowers,etc"


Then we made a headway to Unnamulai Amman(Apeethakuchaambika Devi in Sanskrit) and we were holding in our hands a Rs.20 special darshan ticket, which we bought for Annamalayar but which was not valid for this temple it seems! While we nearing for the darshanam, I said mentally, "Amma, we were pushed about and could not offer our Archana properly to Appan(Lord Shiva), Europeans get royal treatment here because of their skin colour and money, is this our fate?"


The moment I said this, lo behold! to our greatest surprise, you know what happened?


The electricity went Pooooff!!! The Amba temple was plunged in sudden darkness.I shivered for sometime, I knew which shakthi Amba sent to wreak this.Stood waiting there.There was no spare generator and 'strangely' the exisiting generator was not working, I could hear the shouts of the temple mangement to remedy the situation.


Exactly at that moment, my wife who was not aware that another ticket should be bought, said, "People are going into the Garbhagruhamu(Karuvarai in Tamizh) and they hold Rs.20 tickets in their hands.Shall we too skip this queue and stand there?"


I said "Ok" still dazed from what happened.The priest automatically allowed us as he could not see the tickets properly!


We were in the Garbhagruha standing very near the idol!!!! The darkness,the Gheelamps placed next to Her, the whole atmosphere looked ancient,sacred and bereft of all western trappings like flourescent lights or AC.


My whole body shuddered when I saw the 3 ft. idol.The idol had all perfect features which could be clearly discerned by me.






I started chanting some venbas, whatever came to my mind...Om shree mathre' namaha....Tears welled up my eyes and came out profusely,no one except my Amba could see it in the darkness...


When the Aarathi was brought near, I could see my wife too crying.She looked at me and cried even more seeing the tears in my eyes.


Both our babies were sleeping on our shoulders.

I placed a fresh note of Rs.50 on the Aarathi plate.Whatever I had at the time in my front pocket. I did not bother to search for my wallet in the bag and bring any lesser denomination.


The priest saw it and was happy and went inside and brought sandalwood paste applied to the Vigraha to both of us, we have safely put it in our pooja room in a small box.We were ecstatic and offered a full prostration to Ambika there itself.


We then visited Ramanaashramam and other important places. and then we did Girivalam and then came back to Chennai rather late.


Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli


Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




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Respected Anna,


Now I understood all your verses and guidance you have been giving me

so far . Total surrender at Ambals Feet, is the only way to get her

grace , for which also, it requires ambals grace.


Please post such incidents , which shall purify our minds and nurture

good thoughts.


Jai Bhuvaneswari.


T. Srinivasan






Srividya-Tantra , Group Owner

<para_anuloma wrote:




> Dear VS,


> I had a fantastic time in Arunachalam the day before

yesterday.Everything was unplanned and in the last minute someone

brought a car and we all managed to travel to Thiruvannamalai in an

airconditioned car! It seemed that some force seemed to propel the

events that day.Yes, I admit I had a small yearning to see Sri

Ramana's Pathala Lingam.I consider that to be more sacred than His

ashram for certain reasons.This was fulfilled to my heart's content.



> (View of Arunachala Hill from Ner-Annamalaiyaar temple)


> Mountain to whom Guhai Namasivaya, performer of great austerities,

> Makes obeisance, daily adorning him with a garland of one venba

verse. Mountain who abides in the blissful hearts 

> Of those who have transcended the waves of desire and all the rest:

> Oh!Annamalai!!


> I was shown the Ahetuki Kripa of the Queen of Shree Arunachala

Giri, Apeethakumchambika(popularly known as Unnamulai Amman).She

being the consort of Arunachaleshwara(as Lord Shiva is known there),

showered Her eternal grace on this totally undeserving person.



> Thirukaatchi


> I will narrate that later, but first let me narrate to you what

happened to Sri Ramana Maharishi there once.


> Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi once recalled an interesting episode of

Virupaksha cave days on the hill of Arunachala.


>   Ramana Maharshi


> Bhagavan once thought of skipping breakfast due to the prevailing

indigestion. He retreated from the cave quietly and slipped into the

forest. In the forest He was approached by seven ladies who each had

a bag in their shoulder and accosted to have breakfast with them.

Each one competed with each other in serving Bhagavan. Bhagavan

managed to partake of the food of the seven sudden visitors and

managed to escape from there. While He took leave, they shouted back

telling that He was entitled to have lunch as well with them and

there was no way of escape.


> Bhagavan as customary of Him, steeped in solitude, walked deep into

the jungle to avoid being spotted by the wonder women. As He rested

under a tree, to His surprise the seven women once again appeared and

expressed their wish to share their mid day meal with Him. As

Bhagavan spurt out a few words of protest saying that breakfast was

suffice to keep Him going for three days, the three ladies engaged in

getting prepared to serve Him. A variety of sumptuous dishes were



> The women reverentially asked Bhagavan to partake of the food and

to give up His protest. They asked Him to consider that the lunch was

specially hosted by the queen of the place, Goddess Unnamulai,

Thiruvannamalai for Him. After a while they surprisingly disappeared

from the place. Bhagavan felt that perhaps they belonged to a

different world.















It seemed, having carried out the instruction of Unnamulai ( Mother

Parvati as addressed in Thiruvannamalai ) they went their way.

Complete surrender meets the necessities of the hour unfailingly

could be the message from this episode. We may not be possessed of

the devotion of thorough surrender like Bhagavan. However the most

merciful Master Ramana demanded only partial surrender for our

redemption from both material and spiritual issues.





> Mountain who shows compassion to the wretched. 

> Mountain who gives without fail whatever is asked. 

> Mountain who flayed the elephant. 

> Mountain of medicine who bestowed half his form upon Parvati:

> Annamalai. (Here the verse from Annamalai Venba refers Mountain to

mean Lord Shiva)


> In Arunachala Mahatmyam and Arunachala Puranam, Parvati, known

locally as Unnamulai Amman, unites with Siva to such an extent that

each shares the other's form.Unnamulai means, 'She whose nipples have

never been suckled'. Traditionally, Siva and Unnamulai appear as a

half-male and half-female figure, the left side being Unnamulai and

the right side Siva. In this merged or unified state Unnamulai

becomes Siva's sakti, the divine energy which brings into existence

all manifestation. Iconographical representations of their combined

form, which is known as Ardhanariswara, show a half-male and half-

female body, with the dividing line being the vertical axis running

down the middle of the body. Parvati(Unnamulai) earned the right to

this union by performing intense tapas over two lifetimes, the first

as Sati, and the second as Parvati. 




> The long-lived fame of the great Arunachaleswara Hill is

inextricably connected to an ancient Hindu legend recorded in an

important Hindu literary work entitled Skanda Puranam. According to

this story, two Hindu Gods Lord Brahma, the creator, and Lord Vishnu,

the preserver each claimed superiority over the other. Somewhat

embarrassed that distinguished Gods of the celestial realm should be

engaged in such a puerile altercation, Lord Siva, the Lord of the

Universe, appeared before them as a pillar of fire, known as Sthanu

or Lingodbhavamurti in Sanskrit. In an effort to somehow arbitrate or

at least ameliorate their discord, He boomed forth in a deep voice,

" Whosoever should find either the beginning or the end of this light

of mine shall be considered, now and forever more, the superior of

you two. "

> Upon hearing this, Vishnu took the form of a boar and dug into the

depths of the Earth, seeking the beginning of the light. Alas, he

returned disappointed. Brahma became a swan and flew up and up,

seeking the light's top. He too was about to give up in despair when,

by chance, he happened upon a falling flower who embarked upon a

conversation with him.

> The flower which by name was a pandanus odoratissimus, more

commonly known as a screw pine asked the God what in the world he was

doing flying so high. Brahma replied that he was just seeking the end

of the light but had been thus far unsuccessful in finding it. Upon

hearing this, the screw pine not knowing the light had no beginning

or end delightedly struck upon a mischievous plan: They would tell

Siva they found the end of the light and be each other's witness to

the fact. Brahma liked the idea and so they returned and reported

their story.

> Siva, of course, was upset. He had no patience with liars. Hence,

He decided and so decreed that Brahma and the flower should be

provided a lesson in humility, by which they might learn the error of

their ways.

> Lord Brahma, He proclaimed, would not be deified in temples, and

the screw pine would never be used in worship. This has indeed come

to pass. There are no Brahma temples (save one), and nobody ever

worships with screw pine flowers. It goes without saying that Vishnu

was judged superior to Brahma. So the story goes.

> Now, there is an epilogue to this which applies specifically to

Arunachaleswara Hill. Apparently, Siva, who was really upset with

Brahma and the flower over this lying incident, was scorching all

three worlds with the roaring flames of His righteous indignation so

much so that the celestials were impelled to ask Him to stop. Siva

obliged by cooling down and manifesting as Arunachaleswara Hill. Both

Brahma and Vishnu prayed to Siva that He take the form of a Linga on

the east side of the hill and, in remembrance of the blazing fire,

appear as a light further up toward the top each year on the Hindu

holy day of Karttikeya Dipam. According to the legend, Lord Siva

granted this prayer.

> Today, the 2,668-foot-tall Arunachala Hill is regarded as Tejo

Lingam, Lord Siva as a pillar of fire. Some even say that traditional

worship of the Sivalingam as it is currently practiced commenced on

Arunachala. The eight-mile circuit around the base of the hill is

itself a pilgrimage destination. Along its way are more than 360

tirthams (holy tanks) and 400 Lingams. Ramana Maharishi's ashram is

situated here on this circuit, making it all the more famous.

> Every evening with great pomp and ceremony, Mount Meru Chakra(a

form of Mahameru and Shivachakra combined) is taken to the Palliyarai

Shrine which is its resting place within the Shiva Mandapam.There

awaiting for Him is Palliyarai Ambal; Iccha Shakthi, who rests at His

left side during the night.Iccha Shakthi arrives from the Inner

shrine of Unnamulaiyamman where She dwells during the day. As evening

approaches Palliyarai Ambal is taken in full regalia and with great

ceremony, to the Annamalaiyar Shivan Mandapam, to await reunification

with Her Lord and Master.



> I had the good fortune of meeting Sheshadri Swamigal's brother's

daughter-in-law and her child in Rochester,USA.She came on her own

accord in the temple and introduced herself and her child.







> Coming to my experience the day before yesterday:


> We had rushed morning itself, in the car and luckily it was air

conditioned saving us from cacaphonous accompaniment of our babies in

the hot sun.They slept blissfully and we came at around noon.


> My wife who did not have anything to eat was disappointed when the

shrine was closed and vowed even stronger that she would not eat

until the temple reopens at 3:30 P.M.Consequently, we waited in the

temple itself.


> We saw some Whites from Germany and USA taking snaps of the

temple.But when they were about to take our photos, I stopped them

and said, " Please concentrate on the temple sculptures and images not

people who come here.We are not exhibition items for your photo

albums.I understand all this is quaint and culturally new for you.But

no snaps please, atleast spare us from your prying eyes " They were

rather taken aback and thought that I would gleefully pose for their

snaps(Slumdog Millionaire?).They apologized and said we as a family

look very beautiful. I said, " Thankyou.I too appreciate your interest

in Hindu Temples "


> The moment I said this,one other Tamil couple who were watching all

this and who were taken snaps too unceremoniously as of they were

animals from a zoo, came to them and asked them to delete the snaps

which they had stored digitally!


> Soon, no one in the temple, even poor people did not allow them to

take their snaps!I brought about a mini-revolution there! Hehe!

(Srisri connection?)

> (As I say always: One man is enough to change the consciousness of

the world).In Churches abroad they dont allow us to take snaps of

them or sometimes even of the buildings.


> We went for a bit, outside the temple during the wait to give some

annadanam to beggars and sanyaasis.We found one beggar and offered

him the packet of Annam we bought in the temple for this purpose.


> He rejected it!!! Haha! I asked, " Ennappaa? en? " (why?)

> He replied, " There is no gattichutney or sambhar, who would eat

these rice and Idly?, Just give me some money, I can atleast buy two

beedis " (Look at that!)

> I said, " Saripaa naa vera alaa paakkaren "


> I finally found one old lady and gave her the annadaanam.She

thanked me profusely.I also handed a few rupee notes to her.


> After all these we were about to dispose of a soiled-diaper of our

baby and I was looking for the nearest dustbin.


> One rotund guy, who was not a beggar but a storekeeper, who saw us

liberally distributing rice and idly packets, rushed to receive this

" annadaanam packet " (Huggies soiled diaper).

> First,I did not understand and then thanked him giving the

" packet " . 

> I thought, " Great is this temple, even shopkeepers are gracious

enough to help people to dispose of garbage, I thought "

> But wait a second,...why did he say " Thank you "


> Something was fishy.My wie who was watching all this, was laughing


> She said, " Paapam, he thought it was a rice packet, it must be a

shock to him when he opens it "


> I said to her, " Ok, just keep quite.If I now go and tell him that,

he would kill me! Haha! Dont even turn his side when we go down "


> (While we left the place, he still was in smiles when he saw

us.Apparently the " Annadana prasadam " had not been opened.The

" diaper " still was on a table near him.

> He bowed low to me like a Japanese and not to be undone I too bowed

low.After all he would help me soon to dispose of the garbage!My wife

was supressing her laughter to the hilt and then burst into splits

when we reached our car.)


> Later:


> My wife was famished and tired with the crying babies and I had to

engage the attention of the babies and feed them some porridge we

brought.Then the temple opened and we rushed inside and had a very

good darshanam of Annamalaiyaar. What was sad was, if someone put

Rs.50 and above in the Aarathi Plate of the Lord, then he or she

would get a liberal sprinkling of Vibhuthi and a packet to accompany.

(Why do I keep telling all these misdeeds at the temple repeatedly?

Because to keep silentis to acquiese evil, which I do not want to.Do

I not know how the situation is in temples these days and how people





> I was satisfied with whatever Vibhuthi-Prasadam I got from the

Gurukkal and did not aspire to bribe him for that.We had bought an

Archana ticket(for Rs.2) and the Archana was being done for the

Utsava Murthy.But the crowd was so huge and jostling that we managed

to give the Archana packet but were unable to say our gothra

namaas.We were shouting from behind after being pushed by an

obstreperous crowd... " HARITHASAAA GOTHRAAA....SHREERAMAA


> Finally, I told my distraught wife, " Leave it, Arunachala has seen

it all, He is omniscient.He

> knows we were pushed, he knows we offered the Archana ticket and

the bananas,coconuts,flowers,etc "


> Then we made a headway to Unnamulai Amman(Apeethakuchaambika Devi

in Sanskrit) and we were holding in our hands a Rs.20 special darshan

ticket, which we bought for Annamalayar but which was not valid for

this temple it seems! While we nearing for the darshanam, I said

mentally, " Amma, we were pushed about and could not offer our Archana

properly to Appan(Lord Shiva), Europeans get royal treatment here

because of their skin colour and money, is this our fate? "


> The moment I said this, lo behold! to our greatest surprise, you

know what happened?


> The electricity went Pooooff!!! The Amba temple was plunged in

sudden darkness.I shivered for sometime, I knew which shakthi Amba

sent to wreak this.Stood waiting there.There was no spare generator

and 'strangely' the exisiting generator was not working, I could hear

the shouts of the temple mangement to remedy the situation.


> Exactly at that moment, my wife who was not aware that another

ticket should be bought, said, " People are going into the

Garbhagruhamu(Karuvarai in Tamizh) and they hold Rs.20 tickets in

their hands.Shall we too skip this queue and stand there? "


> I said " Ok " still dazed from what happened.The priest automatically

allowed us as he could not see the tickets properly!


> We were in the Garbhagruha standing very near the idol!!!! The

darkness,the Gheelamps placed next to Her, the whole atmosphere

looked ancient,sacred and bereft of all western trappings like

flourescent lights or AC.


> My whole body shuddered when I saw the 3 ft. idol.The idol had all

perfect features which could be clearly discerned by me.








> I started chanting some venbas, whatever came to my mind...Om shree

mathre' namaha....Tears welled up my eyes and came out profusely,no

one except my Amba could see it in the darkness...


> When the Aarathi was brought near, I could see my wife too

crying.She looked at me and cried even more seeing the tears in my



> Both our babies were sleeping on our shoulders.

> I placed a fresh note of Rs.50 on the Aarathi plate.Whatever I had

at the time in my front pocket. I did not bother to search for my

wallet in the bag and bring any lesser denomination.


> The priest saw it and was happy and went inside and brought

sandalwood paste applied to the Vigraha to both of us, we have safely

put it in our pooja room in a small box.We were ecstatic and offered

a full prostration to Ambika there itself.


> We then visited Ramanaashramam and other important places. and then

we did Girivalam and then came back to Chennai rather late.


> Yours yogically, 

> Shreeram Balijepalli


> Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




> Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru


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  • 2 weeks later...

dear anna,


i would like to know why u hold the pathala lingam in special esteem..

could u please tell me??



ur thamby




Srividya-Tantra , Group Owner <para_anuloma





> Dear VS,


> I had a fantastic time in Arunachalam the day before

yesterday.Everything was unplanned and in the last minute someone

brought a car and we all managed to travel to Thiruvannamalai in an

airconditioned car! It seemed that some force seemed to propel the

events that day.Yes, I admit I had a small yearning to see Sri Ramana's

Pathala Lingam.I consider that to be more sacred than His ashram for

certain reasons.This was fulfilled to my heart's content.



> (View of Arunachala Hill from Ner-Annamalaiyaar temple)


> Mountain to whom Guhai Namasivaya, performer of great austerities,

> Makes obeisance, daily adorning him with a garland of one venba verse.

Mountain who abides in the blissful hearts

> Of those who have transcended the waves of desire and all the rest:

> Oh!Annamalai!!


> I was shown the Ahetuki Kripa of the Queen of Shree Arunachala Giri,

Apeethakumchambika(popularly known as Unnamulai Amman).She being the

consort of Arunachaleshwara(as Lord Shiva is known there), showered Her

eternal grace on this totally undeserving person.



> Thirukaatchi


> I will narrate that later, but first let me narrate to you what

happened to Sri Ramana Maharishi there once.


> Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi once recalled an interesting episode of

Virupaksha cave days on the hill of Arunachala.


> Ramana Maharshi


> Bhagavan once thought of skipping breakfast due to the prevailing

indigestion. He retreated from the cave quietly and slipped into the

forest. In the forest He was approached by seven ladies who each had a

bag in their shoulder and accosted to have breakfast with them. Each one

competed with each other in serving Bhagavan. Bhagavan managed to

partake of the food of the seven sudden visitors and managed to escape

from there. While He took leave, they shouted back telling that He was

entitled to have lunch as well with them and there was no way of escape.


> Bhagavan as customary of Him, steeped in solitude, walked deep into

the jungle to avoid being spotted by the wonder women. As He rested

under a tree, to His surprise the seven women once again appeared and

expressed their wish to share their mid day meal with Him. As Bhagavan

spurt out a few words of protest saying that breakfast was suffice to

keep Him going for three days, the three ladies engaged in getting

prepared to serve Him. A variety of sumptuous dishes were served.


> The women reverentially asked Bhagavan to partake of the food and to

give up His protest. They asked Him to consider that the lunch was

specially hosted by the queen of the place, Goddess Unnamulai,

Thiruvannamalai for Him. After a while they surprisingly disappeared

from the place. Bhagavan felt that perhaps they belonged to a different
















It seemed, having carried out the instruction of Unnamulai ( Mother

Parvati as addressed in Thiruvannamalai ) they went their way. Complete

surrender meets the necessities of the hour unfailingly could be the

message from this episode. We may not be possessed of the devotion of

thorough surrender like Bhagavan. However the most merciful Master

Ramana demanded only partial surrender for our redemption from both

material and spiritual issues.





> Mountain who shows compassion to the wretched.

> Mountain who gives without fail whatever is asked.

> Mountain who flayed the elephant.

> Mountain of medicine who bestowed half his form upon Parvati:

> Annamalai. (Here the verse from Annamalai Venba refers Mountain to

mean Lord Shiva)


> In Arunachala Mahatmyam and Arunachala Puranam, Parvati, known locally

as Unnamulai Amman, unites with Siva to such an extent that each shares

the other's form.Unnamulai means, 'She whose nipples have never been

suckled'. Traditionally, Siva and Unnamulai appear as a half-male and

half-female figure, the left side being Unnamulai and the right side

Siva. In this merged or unified state Unnamulai becomes Siva's sakti,

the divine energy which brings into existence all manifestation.

Iconographical representations of their combined form, which is known as

Ardhanariswara, show a half-male and half-female body, with the dividing

line being the vertical axis running down the middle of the body.

Parvati(Unnamulai) earned the right to this union by performing intense

tapas over two lifetimes, the first as Sati, and the second as Parvati.




> The long-lived fame of the great Arunachaleswara Hill is inextricably

connected to an ancient Hindu legend recorded in an important Hindu

literary work entitled Skanda Puranam. According to this story, two

Hindu Gods Lord Brahma, the creator, and Lord Vishnu, the preserver each

claimed superiority over the other. Somewhat embarrassed that

distinguished Gods of the celestial realm should be engaged in such a

puerile altercation, Lord Siva, the Lord of the Universe, appeared

before them as a pillar of fire, known as Sthanu or Lingodbhavamurti in

Sanskrit. In an effort to somehow arbitrate or at least ameliorate their

discord, He boomed forth in a deep voice, " Whosoever should find either

the beginning or the end of this light of mine shall be considered, now

and forever more, the superior of you two. "

> Upon hearing this, Vishnu took the form of a boar and dug into the

depths of the Earth, seeking the beginning of the light. Alas, he

returned disappointed. Brahma became a swan and flew up and up, seeking

the light's top. He too was about to give up in despair when, by chance,

he happened upon a falling flower who embarked upon a conversation with


> The flower which by name was a pandanus odoratissimus, more commonly

known as a screw pine asked the God what in the world he was doing

flying so high. Brahma replied that he was just seeking the end of the

light but had been thus far unsuccessful in finding it. Upon hearing

this, the screw pine not knowing the light had no beginning or end

delightedly struck upon a mischievous plan: They would tell Siva they

found the end of the light and be each other's witness to the fact.

Brahma liked the idea and so they returned and reported their story.

> Siva, of course, was upset. He had no patience with liars. Hence, He

decided and so decreed that Brahma and the flower should be provided a

lesson in humility, by which they might learn the error of their ways.

> Lord Brahma, He proclaimed, would not be deified in temples, and the

screw pine would never be used in worship. This has indeed come to pass.

There are no Brahma temples (save one), and nobody ever worships with

screw pine flowers. It goes without saying that Vishnu was judged

superior to Brahma. So the story goes.

> Now, there is an epilogue to this which applies specifically to

Arunachaleswara Hill. Apparently, Siva, who was really upset with Brahma

and the flower over this lying incident, was scorching all three worlds

with the roaring flames of His righteous indignation so much so that the

celestials were impelled to ask Him to stop. Siva obliged by cooling

down and manifesting as Arunachaleswara Hill. Both Brahma and Vishnu

prayed to Siva that He take the form of a Linga on the east side of the

hill and, in remembrance of the blazing fire, appear as a light further

up toward the top each year on the Hindu holy day of Karttikeya Dipam.

According to the legend, Lord Siva granted this prayer.

> Today, the 2,668-foot-tall Arunachala Hill is regarded as Tejo Lingam,

Lord Siva as a pillar of fire. Some even say that traditional worship of

the Sivalingam as it is currently practiced commenced on Arunachala. The

eight-mile circuit around the base of the hill is itself a pilgrimage

destination. Along its way are more than 360 tirthams (holy tanks) and

400 Lingams. Ramana Maharishi's ashram is situated here on this circuit,

making it all the more famous.

> Every evening with great pomp and ceremony, Mount Meru Chakra(a form

of Mahameru and Shivachakra combined) is taken to the Palliyarai Shrine

which is its resting place within the Shiva Mandapam.There awaiting for

Him is Palliyarai Ambal; Iccha Shakthi, who rests at His left side

during the night.Iccha Shakthi arrives from the Inner shrine of

Unnamulaiyamman where She dwells during the day. As evening approaches

Palliyarai Ambal is taken in full regalia and with great ceremony, to

the Annamalaiyar Shivan Mandapam, to await reunification with Her Lord

and Master.



> I had the good fortune of meeting Sheshadri Swamigal's brother's

daughter-in-law and her child in Rochester,USA.She came on her own

accord in the temple and introduced herself and her child.

Coming to my experience the day before yesterday:


> We had rushed morning itself, in the car and luckily it was air

conditioned saving us from cacaphonous accompaniment of our babies in

the hot sun.They slept blissfully and we came at around noon.


> My wife who did not have anything to eat was disappointed when the

shrine was closed and vowed even stronger that she would not eat until

the temple reopens at 3:30 P.M.Consequently, we waited in the temple



> We saw some Whites from Germany and USA taking snaps of the temple.But

when they were about to take our photos, I stopped them and said, " Please

concentrate on the temple sculptures and images not people who come

here.We are not exhibition items for your photo albums.I understand all

this is quaint and culturally new for you.But no snaps please, atleast

spare us from your prying eyes " They were rather taken aback and thought

that I would gleefully pose for their snaps(Slumdog Millionaire?).They

apologized and said we as a family look very beautiful. I said,

" Thankyou.I too appreciate your interest in Hindu Temples "


> The moment I said this,one other Tamil couple who were watching all

this and who were taken snaps too unceremoniously as of they were

animals from a zoo, came to them and asked them to delete the snaps

which they had stored digitally!


> Soon, no one in the temple, even poor people did not allow them to

take their snaps!I brought about a mini-revolution there! Hehe!(Srisri


> (As I say always: One man is enough to change the consciousness of the

world).In Churches abroad they dont allow us to take snaps of them or

sometimes even of the buildings.


> We went for a bit, outside the temple during the wait to give some

annadanam to beggars and sanyaasis.We found one beggar and offered him

the packet of Annam we bought in the temple for this purpose.


> He rejected it!!! Haha! I asked, " Ennappaa? en? " (why?)

> He replied, " There is no gattichutney or sambhar, who would eat these

rice and Idly?, Just give me some money, I can atleast buy two

beedis " (Look at that!)

> I said, " Saripaa naa vera alaa paakkaren "


> I finally found one old lady and gave her the annadaanam.She thanked

me profusely.I also handed a few rupee notes to her.


> After all these we were about to dispose of a soiled-diaper of our

baby and I was looking for the nearest dustbin.


> One rotund guy, who was not a beggar but a storekeeper, who saw us

liberally distributing rice and idly packets, rushed to receive this

" annadaanam packet " (Huggies soiled diaper).

> First,I did not understand and then thanked him giving the " packet " .

> I thought, " Great is this temple, even shopkeepers are gracious enough

to help people to dispose of garbage, I thought "

> But wait a second,...why did he say " Thank you "


> Something was fishy.My wie who was watching all this, was laughing


> She said, " Paapam, he thought it was a rice packet, it must be a shock

to him when he opens it "


> I said to her, " Ok, just keep quite.If I now go and tell him that, he

would kill me! Haha! Dont even turn his side when we go down "


> (While we left the place, he still was in smiles when he saw

us.Apparently the " Annadana prasadam " had not been opened.The " diaper "

still was on a table near him.

> He bowed low to me like a Japanese and not to be undone I too bowed

low.After all he would help me soon to dispose of the garbage!My wife

was supressing her laughter to the hilt and then burst into splits when

we reached our car.)


> Later:


> My wife was famished and tired with the crying babies and I had to

engage the attention of the babies and feed them some porridge we

brought.Then the temple opened and we rushed inside and had a very good

darshanam of Annamalaiyaar. What was sad was, if someone put Rs.50 and

above in the Aarathi Plate of the Lord, then he or she would get a

liberal sprinkling of Vibhuthi and a packet to accompany.(Why do I keep

telling all these misdeeds at the temple repeatedly? Because to keep

silentis to acquiese evil, which I do not want to.Do I not know how the

situation is in temples these days and how people cheat?)




> I was satisfied with whatever Vibhuthi-Prasadam I got from the

Gurukkal and did not aspire to bribe him for that.We had bought an

Archana ticket(for Rs.2) and the Archana was being done for the Utsava

Murthy.But the crowd was so huge and jostling that we managed to give

the Archana packet but were unable to say our gothra namaas.We were

shouting from behind after being pushed by an obstreperous


> Finally, I told my distraught wife, " Leave it, Arunachala has seen it

all, He is omniscient.He

> knows we were pushed, he knows we offered the Archana ticket and the

bananas,coconuts,flowers,etc "


> Then we made a headway to Unnamulai Amman(Apeethakuchaambika Devi in

Sanskrit) and we were holding in our hands a Rs.20 special darshan

ticket, which we bought for Annamalayar but which was not valid for this

temple it seems! While we nearing for the darshanam, I said mentally,

" Amma, we were pushed about and could not offer our Archana properly to

Appan(Lord Shiva), Europeans get royal treatment here because of their

skin colour and money, is this our fate? "


> The moment I said this, lo behold! to our greatest surprise, you know

what happened?


> The electricity went Pooooff!!! The Amba temple was plunged in sudden

darkness.I shivered for sometime, I knew which shakthi Amba sent to

wreak this.Stood waiting there.There was no spare generator and

'strangely' the exisiting generator was not working, I could hear the

shouts of the temple mangement to remedy the situation.


> Exactly at that moment, my wife who was not aware that another ticket

should be bought, said, " People are going into the

Garbhagruhamu(Karuvarai in Tamizh) and they hold Rs.20 tickets in their

hands.Shall we too skip this queue and stand there? "


> I said " Ok " still dazed from what happened.The priest automatically

allowed us as he could not see the tickets properly!


> We were in the Garbhagruha standing very near the idol!!!! The

darkness,the Gheelamps placed next to Her, the whole atmosphere looked

ancient,sacred and bereft of all western trappings like flourescent

lights or AC.


> My whole body shuddered when I saw the 3 ft. idol.The idol had all

perfect features which could be clearly discerned by me.








> I started chanting some venbas, whatever came to my mind...Om shree

mathre' namaha....Tears welled up my eyes and came out profusely,no one

except my Amba could see it in the darkness...


> When the Aarathi was brought near, I could see my wife too crying.She

looked at me and cried even more seeing the tears in my eyes.


> Both our babies were sleeping on our shoulders.

> I placed a fresh note of Rs.50 on the Aarathi plate.Whatever I had at

the time in my front pocket. I did not bother to search for my wallet in

the bag and bring any lesser denomination.


> The priest saw it and was happy and went inside and brought sandalwood

paste applied to the Vigraha to both of us, we have safely put it in our

pooja room in a small box.We were ecstatic and offered a full

prostration to Ambika there itself.


> We then visited Ramanaashramam and other important places. and then we

did Girivalam and then came back to Chennai rather late.


> Yours yogically,

> Shreeram Balijepalli


> Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...




> Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Respected Sriram Anna,


I have been sending several mails, asking you for some clarifications. Could you

pls guide me and help me. Begging to help me . Sorry if am troubling you. Jai



T. Srinivasan








Shaktheyem , " tsvasan75 " <tsvasan75 wrote:


> Respected Anna,


> Now I understood all your verses and guidance you have been giving me

> so far . Total surrender at Ambals Feet, is the only way to get her

> grace , for which also, it requires ambals grace.


> Please post such incidents , which shall purify our minds and nurture

> good thoughts.


> Jai Bhuvaneswari.


> T. Srinivasan






> Srividya-Tantra , Group Owner

> <para_anuloma@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear VS,

> >  

> > I had a fantastic time in Arunachalam the day before

> yesterday.Everything was unplanned and in the last minute someone

> brought a car and we all managed to travel to Thiruvannamalai in an

> airconditioned car! It seemed that some force seemed to propel the

> events that day.Yes, I admit I had a small yearning to see Sri

> Ramana's Pathala Lingam.I consider that to be more sacred than His

> ashram for certain reasons.This was fulfilled to my heart's content.

> >  

> >

> > (View of Arunachala Hill from Ner-Annamalaiyaar temple)

> >  

> > Mountain to whom Guhai Namasivaya, performer of great austerities,

> > Makes obeisance, daily adorning him with a garland of one venba

> verse. Mountain who abides in the blissful hearts 

> > Of those who have transcended the waves of desire and all the rest:

> > Oh!Annamalai!!

> >  

> > I was shown the Ahetuki Kripa of the Queen of Shree Arunachala

> Giri, Apeethakumchambika(popularly known as Unnamulai Amman).She

> being the consort of Arunachaleshwara(as Lord Shiva is known there),

> showered Her eternal grace on this totally undeserving person.

> >  

> >  

> > Thirukaatchi

> >  

> > I will narrate that later, but first let me narrate to you what

> happened to Sri Ramana Maharishi there once.

> >  

> > Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi once recalled an interesting episode of

> Virupaksha cave days on the hill of Arunachala.

> >  

> >   Ramana Maharshi

> >  

> > Bhagavan once thought of skipping breakfast due to the prevailing

> indigestion. He retreated from the cave quietly and slipped into the

> forest. In the forest He was approached by seven ladies who each had

> a bag in their shoulder and accosted to have breakfast with them.

> Each one competed with each other in serving Bhagavan. Bhagavan

> managed to partake of the food of the seven sudden visitors and

> managed to escape from there. While He took leave, they shouted back

> telling that He was entitled to have lunch as well with them and

> there was no way of escape.

> >

> > Bhagavan as customary of Him, steeped in solitude, walked deep into

> the jungle to avoid being spotted by the wonder women. As He rested

> under a tree, to His surprise the seven women once again appeared and

> expressed their wish to share their mid day meal with Him. As

> Bhagavan spurt out a few words of protest saying that breakfast was

> suffice to keep Him going for three days, the three ladies engaged in

> getting prepared to serve Him. A variety of sumptuous dishes were

> served.

> >  

> > The women reverentially asked Bhagavan to partake of the food and

> to give up His protest. They asked Him to consider that the lunch was

> specially hosted by the queen of the place, Goddess Unnamulai,

> Thiruvannamalai for Him. After a while they surprisingly disappeared

> from the place. Bhagavan felt that perhaps they belonged to a

> different world.

> >  

> >

> >  

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It seemed, having carried out the instruction of Unnamulai ( Mother

> Parvati as addressed in Thiruvannamalai ) they went their way.

> Complete surrender meets the necessities of the hour unfailingly

> could be the message from this episode. We may not be possessed of

> the devotion of thorough surrender like Bhagavan. However the most

> merciful Master Ramana demanded only partial surrender for our

> redemption from both material and spiritual issues.

> >  

> >                                                     

> >

> >  

> > Mountain who shows compassion to the wretched. 

> > Mountain who gives without fail whatever is asked. 

> > Mountain who flayed the elephant. 

> > Mountain of medicine who bestowed half his form upon Parvati:

> > Annamalai. (Here the verse from Annamalai Venba refers Mountain to

> mean Lord Shiva)

> >  

> > In Arunachala Mahatmyam and Arunachala Puranam, Parvati, known

> locally as Unnamulai Amman, unites with Siva to such an extent that

> each shares the other's form.Unnamulai means, 'She whose nipples have

> never been suckled'. Traditionally, Siva and Unnamulai appear as a

> half-male and half-female figure, the left side being Unnamulai and

> the right side Siva. In this merged or unified state Unnamulai

> becomes Siva's sakti, the divine energy which brings into existence

> all manifestation. Iconographical representations of their combined

> form, which is known as Ardhanariswara, show a half-male and half-

> female body, with the dividing line being the vertical axis running

> down the middle of the body. Parvati(Unnamulai) earned the right to

> this union by performing intense tapas over two lifetimes, the first

> as Sati, and the second as Parvati. 

> >  

> >

> >  

> > The long-lived fame of the great Arunachaleswara Hill is

> inextricably connected to an ancient Hindu legend recorded in an

> important Hindu literary work entitled Skanda Puranam. According to

> this story, two Hindu Gods Lord Brahma, the creator, and Lord Vishnu,

> the preserver each claimed superiority over the other. Somewhat

> embarrassed that distinguished Gods of the celestial realm should be

> engaged in such a puerile altercation, Lord Siva, the Lord of the

> Universe, appeared before them as a pillar of fire, known as Sthanu

> or Lingodbhavamurti in Sanskrit. In an effort to somehow arbitrate or

> at least ameliorate their discord, He boomed forth in a deep voice,

> " Whosoever should find either the beginning or the end of this light

> of mine shall be considered, now and forever more, the superior of

> you two. "

> > Upon hearing this, Vishnu took the form of a boar and dug into the

> depths of the Earth, seeking the beginning of the light. Alas, he

> returned disappointed. Brahma became a swan and flew up and up,

> seeking the light's top. He too was about to give up in despair when,

> by chance, he happened upon a falling flower who embarked upon a

> conversation with him.

> > The flower which by name was a pandanus odoratissimus, more

> commonly known as a screw pine asked the God what in the world he was

> doing flying so high. Brahma replied that he was just seeking the end

> of the light but had been thus far unsuccessful in finding it. Upon

> hearing this, the screw pine not knowing the light had no beginning

> or end delightedly struck upon a mischievous plan: They would tell

> Siva they found the end of the light and be each other's witness to

> the fact. Brahma liked the idea and so they returned and reported

> their story.

> > Siva, of course, was upset. He had no patience with liars. Hence,

> He decided and so decreed that Brahma and the flower should be

> provided a lesson in humility, by which they might learn the error of

> their ways.

> > Lord Brahma, He proclaimed, would not be deified in temples, and

> the screw pine would never be used in worship. This has indeed come

> to pass. There are no Brahma temples (save one), and nobody ever

> worships with screw pine flowers. It goes without saying that Vishnu

> was judged superior to Brahma. So the story goes.

> > Now, there is an epilogue to this which applies specifically to

> Arunachaleswara Hill. Apparently, Siva, who was really upset with

> Brahma and the flower over this lying incident, was scorching all

> three worlds with the roaring flames of His righteous indignation so

> much so that the celestials were impelled to ask Him to stop. Siva

> obliged by cooling down and manifesting as Arunachaleswara Hill. Both

> Brahma and Vishnu prayed to Siva that He take the form of a Linga on

> the east side of the hill and, in remembrance of the blazing fire,

> appear as a light further up toward the top each year on the Hindu

> holy day of Karttikeya Dipam. According to the legend, Lord Siva

> granted this prayer.

> > Today, the 2,668-foot-tall Arunachala Hill is regarded as Tejo

> Lingam, Lord Siva as a pillar of fire. Some even say that traditional

> worship of the Sivalingam as it is currently practiced commenced on

> Arunachala. The eight-mile circuit around the base of the hill is

> itself a pilgrimage destination. Along its way are more than 360

> tirthams (holy tanks) and 400 Lingams. Ramana Maharishi's ashram is

> situated here on this circuit, making it all the more famous.

> > Every evening with great pomp and ceremony, Mount Meru Chakra(a

> form of Mahameru and Shivachakra combined) is taken to the Palliyarai

> Shrine which is its resting place within the Shiva Mandapam.There

> awaiting for Him is Palliyarai Ambal; Iccha Shakthi, who rests at His

> left side during the night.Iccha Shakthi arrives from the Inner

> shrine of Unnamulaiyamman where She dwells during the day. As evening

> approaches Palliyarai Ambal is taken in full regalia and with great

> ceremony, to the Annamalaiyar Shivan Mandapam, to await reunification

> with Her Lord and Master.

> >  

> >  

> > I had the good fortune of meeting Sheshadri Swamigal's brother's

> daughter-in-law and her child in Rochester,USA.She came on her own

> accord in the temple and introduced herself and her child.

> >

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Coming to my experience the day before yesterday:

> >  

> > We had rushed morning itself, in the car and luckily it was air

> conditioned saving us from cacaphonous accompaniment of our babies in

> the hot sun.They slept blissfully and we came at around noon.

> >  

> > My wife who did not have anything to eat was disappointed when the

> shrine was closed and vowed even stronger that she would not eat

> until the temple reopens at 3:30 P.M.Consequently, we waited in the

> temple itself.

> >  

> > We saw some Whites from Germany and USA taking snaps of the

> temple.But when they were about to take our photos, I stopped them

> and said, " Please concentrate on the temple sculptures and images not

> people who come here.We are not exhibition items for your photo

> albums.I understand all this is quaint and culturally new for you.But

> no snaps please, atleast spare us from your prying eyes " They were

> rather taken aback and thought that I would gleefully pose for their

> snaps(Slumdog Millionaire?).They apologized and said we as a family

> look very beautiful. I said, " Thankyou.I too appreciate your interest

> in Hindu Temples "

> >  

> > The moment I said this,one other Tamil couple who were watching all

> this and who were taken snaps too unceremoniously as of they were

> animals from a zoo, came to them and asked them to delete the snaps

> which they had stored digitally!

> >  

> > Soon, no one in the temple, even poor people did not allow them to

> take their snaps!I brought about a mini-revolution there! Hehe!

> (Srisri connection?)

> > (As I say always: One man is enough to change the consciousness of

> the world).In Churches abroad they dont allow us to take snaps of

> them or sometimes even of the buildings.

> >  

> > We went for a bit, outside the temple during the wait to give some

> annadanam to beggars and sanyaasis.We found one beggar and offered

> him the packet of Annam we bought in the temple for this purpose.

> >  

> > He rejected it!!! Haha! I asked, " Ennappaa? en? " (why?)

> > He replied, " There is no gattichutney or sambhar, who would eat

> these rice and Idly?, Just give me some money, I can atleast buy two

> beedis " (Look at that!)

> > I said, " Saripaa naa vera alaa paakkaren "

> >  

> > I finally found one old lady and gave her the annadaanam.She

> thanked me profusely.I also handed a few rupee notes to her.

> >  

> > After all these we were about to dispose of a soiled-diaper of our

> baby and I was looking for the nearest dustbin.

> >  

> > One rotund guy, who was not a beggar but a storekeeper, who saw us

> liberally distributing rice and idly packets, rushed to receive this

> " annadaanam packet " (Huggies soiled diaper).

> > First,I did not understand and then thanked him giving the

> " packet " . 

> > I thought, " Great is this temple, even shopkeepers are gracious

> enough to help people to dispose of garbage, I thought "

> > But wait a second,...why did he say " Thank you "

> >  

> > Something was fishy.My wie who was watching all this, was laughing

> loudly.

> > She said, " Paapam, he thought it was a rice packet, it must be a

> shock to him when he opens it "

> >  

> > I said to her, " Ok, just keep quite.If I now go and tell him that,

> he would kill me! Haha! Dont even turn his side when we go down "

> >  

> > (While we left the place, he still was in smiles when he saw

> us.Apparently the " Annadana prasadam " had not been opened.The

> " diaper " still was on a table near him.

> > He bowed low to me like a Japanese and not to be undone I too bowed

> low.After all he would help me soon to dispose of the garbage!My wife

> was supressing her laughter to the hilt and then burst into splits

> when we reached our car.)

> >  

> > Later:

> >  

> > My wife was famished and tired with the crying babies and I had to

> engage the attention of the babies and feed them some porridge we

> brought.Then the temple opened and we rushed inside and had a very

> good darshanam of Annamalaiyaar. What was sad was, if someone put

> Rs.50 and above in the Aarathi Plate of the Lord, then he or she

> would get a liberal sprinkling of Vibhuthi and a packet to accompany.

> (Why do I keep telling all these misdeeds at the temple repeatedly?

> Because to keep silentis to acquiese evil, which I do not want to.Do

> I not know how the situation is in temples these days and how people

> cheat?)

> >  

> >

> >  

> > I was satisfied with whatever Vibhuthi-Prasadam I got from the

> Gurukkal and did not aspire to bribe him for that.We had bought an

> Archana ticket(for Rs.2) and the Archana was being done for the

> Utsava Murthy.But the crowd was so huge and jostling that we managed

> to give the Archana packet but were unable to say our gothra

> namaas.We were shouting from behind after being pushed by an

> obstreperous crowd... " HARITHASAAA GOTHRAAA....SHREERAMAA

> SHARMAHAA..... "

> > Finally, I told my distraught wife, " Leave it, Arunachala has seen

> it all, He is omniscient.He

> > knows we were pushed, he knows we offered the Archana ticket and

> the bananas,coconuts,flowers,etc "

> >  

> > Then we made a headway to Unnamulai Amman(Apeethakuchaambika Devi

> in Sanskrit) and we were holding in our hands a Rs.20 special darshan

> ticket, which we bought for Annamalayar but which was not valid for

> this temple it seems! While we nearing for the darshanam, I said

> mentally, " Amma, we were pushed about and could not offer our Archana

> properly to Appan(Lord Shiva), Europeans get royal treatment here

> because of their skin colour and money, is this our fate? "

> >  

> > The moment I said this, lo behold! to our greatest surprise, you

> know what happened?

> >  

> > The electricity went Pooooff!!! The Amba temple was plunged in

> sudden darkness.I shivered for sometime, I knew which shakthi Amba

> sent to wreak this.Stood waiting there.There was no spare generator

> and 'strangely' the exisiting generator was not working, I could hear

> the shouts of the temple mangement to remedy the situation.

> >  

> > Exactly at that moment, my wife who was not aware that another

> ticket should be bought, said, " People are going into the

> Garbhagruhamu(Karuvarai in Tamizh) and they hold Rs.20 tickets in

> their hands.Shall we too skip this queue and stand there? "

> >  

> > I said " Ok " still dazed from what happened.The priest automatically

> allowed us as he could not see the tickets properly!

> >  

> > We were in the Garbhagruha standing very near the idol!!!! The

> darkness,the Gheelamps placed next to Her, the whole atmosphere

> looked ancient,sacred and bereft of all western trappings like

> flourescent lights or AC.

> >  

> > My whole body shuddered when I saw the 3 ft. idol.The idol had all

> perfect features which could be clearly discerned by me.







> >  

> > I started chanting some venbas, whatever came to my mind...Om shree

> mathre' namaha....Tears welled up my eyes and came out profusely,no

> one except my Amba could see it in the darkness...

> >  

> > When the Aarathi was brought near, I could see my wife too

> crying.She looked at me and cried even more seeing the tears in my

> eyes.

> >  

> > Both our babies were sleeping on our shoulders.

> > I placed a fresh note of Rs.50 on the Aarathi plate.Whatever I had

> at the time in my front pocket. I did not bother to search for my

> wallet in the bag and bring any lesser denomination.

> >  

> > The priest saw it and was happy and went inside and brought

> sandalwood paste applied to the Vigraha to both of us, we have safely

> put it in our pooja room in a small box.We were ecstatic and offered

> a full prostration to Ambika there itself.

> >  

> > We then visited Ramanaashramam and other important places. and then

> we did Girivalam and then came back to Chennai rather late.

> >  

> > Yours yogically, 

> > Shreeram Balijepalli

> >  

> > Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru

> >


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I have already replied to your queries many many times.The query remains the

same with you--How to concentrate on sadhana and the like.

Sadhana is something existential and experiential and thus unless you proceed

with the sadhana despite the wavering of the mind, nothing can be of more

spiritual merit.My words can help only so much.Rest is in your hands.




Shaktheyem , " tsvasan75 " <tsvasan75 wrote:


> Respected Sriram Anna,


> I have been sending several mails, asking you for some clarifications. Could

you pls guide me and help me. Begging to help me . Sorry if am troubling you.

Jai Bhuvaneswari.


> T. Srinivasan


Shaktheyem , " tsvasan75 " <tsvasan75@> wrote:

> >

> > Respected Anna,

> >

> > Now I understood all your verses and guidance you have been giving me

> > so far . Total surrender at Ambals Feet, is the only way to get her

> > grace , for which also, it requires ambals grace.

> >

> > Please post such incidents , which shall purify our minds and nurture

> > good thoughts.

> >

> > Jai Bhuvaneswari.

> >

> > T. Srinivasan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Srividya-Tantra , Group Owner

> > <para_anuloma@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear VS,

> > >  

> > > I had a fantastic time in Arunachalam the day before

> > yesterday.Everything was unplanned and in the last minute someone

> > brought a car and we all managed to travel to Thiruvannamalai in an

> > airconditioned car! It seemed that some force seemed to propel the

> > events that day.Yes, I admit I had a small yearning to see Sri

> > Ramana's Pathala Lingam.I consider that to be more sacred than His

> > ashram for certain reasons.This was fulfilled to my heart's content.

> > >  

> > >

> > > (View of Arunachala Hill from Ner-Annamalaiyaar temple)

> > >  

> > > Mountain to whom Guhai Namasivaya, performer of great austerities,

> > > Makes obeisance, daily adorning him with a garland of one venba

> > verse. Mountain who abides in the blissful hearts 

> > > Of those who have transcended the waves of desire and all the rest:

> > > Oh!Annamalai!!

> > >  

> > > I was shown the Ahetuki Kripa of the Queen of Shree Arunachala

> > Giri, Apeethakumchambika(popularly known as Unnamulai Amman).She

> > being the consort of Arunachaleshwara(as Lord Shiva is known there),

> > showered Her eternal grace on this totally undeserving person.

> > >  

> > >  

> > > Thirukaatchi

> > >  

> > > I will narrate that later, but first let me narrate to you what

> > happened to Sri Ramana Maharishi there once.

> > >  

> > > Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi once recalled an interesting episode of

> > Virupaksha cave days on the hill of Arunachala.

> > >  

> > >   Ramana Maharshi

> > >  

> > > Bhagavan once thought of skipping breakfast due to the prevailing

> > indigestion. He retreated from the cave quietly and slipped into the

> > forest. In the forest He was approached by seven ladies who each had

> > a bag in their shoulder and accosted to have breakfast with them.

> > Each one competed with each other in serving Bhagavan. Bhagavan

> > managed to partake of the food of the seven sudden visitors and

> > managed to escape from there. While He took leave, they shouted back

> > telling that He was entitled to have lunch as well with them and

> > there was no way of escape.

> > >

> > > Bhagavan as customary of Him, steeped in solitude, walked deep into

> > the jungle to avoid being spotted by the wonder women. As He rested

> > under a tree, to His surprise the seven women once again appeared and

> > expressed their wish to share their mid day meal with Him. As

> > Bhagavan spurt out a few words of protest saying that breakfast was

> > suffice to keep Him going for three days, the three ladies engaged in

> > getting prepared to serve Him. A variety of sumptuous dishes were

> > served.

> > >  

> > > The women reverentially asked Bhagavan to partake of the food and

> > to give up His protest. They asked Him to consider that the lunch was

> > specially hosted by the queen of the place, Goddess Unnamulai,

> > Thiruvannamalai for Him. After a while they surprisingly disappeared

> > from the place. Bhagavan felt that perhaps they belonged to a

> > different world.

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > It seemed, having carried out the instruction of Unnamulai ( Mother

> > Parvati as addressed in Thiruvannamalai ) they went their way.

> > Complete surrender meets the necessities of the hour unfailingly

> > could be the message from this episode. We may not be possessed of

> > the devotion of thorough surrender like Bhagavan. However the most

> > merciful Master Ramana demanded only partial surrender for our

> > redemption from both material and spiritual issues.

> > >  

> > >                                                     

> > >

> > >  

> > > Mountain who shows compassion to the wretched. 

> > > Mountain who gives without fail whatever is asked. 

> > > Mountain who flayed the elephant. 

> > > Mountain of medicine who bestowed half his form upon Parvati:

> > > Annamalai. (Here the verse from Annamalai Venba refers Mountain to

> > mean Lord Shiva)

> > >  

> > > In Arunachala Mahatmyam and Arunachala Puranam, Parvati, known

> > locally as Unnamulai Amman, unites with Siva to such an extent that

> > each shares the other's form.Unnamulai means, 'She whose nipples have

> > never been suckled'. Traditionally, Siva and Unnamulai appear as a

> > half-male and half-female figure, the left side being Unnamulai and

> > the right side Siva. In this merged or unified state Unnamulai

> > becomes Siva's sakti, the divine energy which brings into existence

> > all manifestation. Iconographical representations of their combined

> > form, which is known as Ardhanariswara, show a half-male and half-

> > female body, with the dividing line being the vertical axis running

> > down the middle of the body. Parvati(Unnamulai) earned the right to

> > this union by performing intense tapas over two lifetimes, the first

> > as Sati, and the second as Parvati. 

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > > The long-lived fame of the great Arunachaleswara Hill is

> > inextricably connected to an ancient Hindu legend recorded in an

> > important Hindu literary work entitled Skanda Puranam. According to

> > this story, two Hindu Gods Lord Brahma, the creator, and Lord Vishnu,

> > the preserver each claimed superiority over the other. Somewhat

> > embarrassed that distinguished Gods of the celestial realm should be

> > engaged in such a puerile altercation, Lord Siva, the Lord of the

> > Universe, appeared before them as a pillar of fire, known as Sthanu

> > or Lingodbhavamurti in Sanskrit. In an effort to somehow arbitrate or

> > at least ameliorate their discord, He boomed forth in a deep voice,

> > " Whosoever should find either the beginning or the end of this light

> > of mine shall be considered, now and forever more, the superior of

> > you two. "

> > > Upon hearing this, Vishnu took the form of a boar and dug into the

> > depths of the Earth, seeking the beginning of the light. Alas, he

> > returned disappointed. Brahma became a swan and flew up and up,

> > seeking the light's top. He too was about to give up in despair when,

> > by chance, he happened upon a falling flower who embarked upon a

> > conversation with him.

> > > The flower which by name was a pandanus odoratissimus, more

> > commonly known as a screw pine asked the God what in the world he was

> > doing flying so high. Brahma replied that he was just seeking the end

> > of the light but had been thus far unsuccessful in finding it. Upon

> > hearing this, the screw pine not knowing the light had no beginning

> > or end delightedly struck upon a mischievous plan: They would tell

> > Siva they found the end of the light and be each other's witness to

> > the fact. Brahma liked the idea and so they returned and reported

> > their story.

> > > Siva, of course, was upset. He had no patience with liars. Hence,

> > He decided and so decreed that Brahma and the flower should be

> > provided a lesson in humility, by which they might learn the error of

> > their ways.

> > > Lord Brahma, He proclaimed, would not be deified in temples, and

> > the screw pine would never be used in worship. This has indeed come

> > to pass. There are no Brahma temples (save one), and nobody ever

> > worships with screw pine flowers. It goes without saying that Vishnu

> > was judged superior to Brahma. So the story goes.

> > > Now, there is an epilogue to this which applies specifically to

> > Arunachaleswara Hill. Apparently, Siva, who was really upset with

> > Brahma and the flower over this lying incident, was scorching all

> > three worlds with the roaring flames of His righteous indignation so

> > much so that the celestials were impelled to ask Him to stop. Siva

> > obliged by cooling down and manifesting as Arunachaleswara Hill. Both

> > Brahma and Vishnu prayed to Siva that He take the form of a Linga on

> > the east side of the hill and, in remembrance of the blazing fire,

> > appear as a light further up toward the top each year on the Hindu

> > holy day of Karttikeya Dipam. According to the legend, Lord Siva

> > granted this prayer.

> > > Today, the 2,668-foot-tall Arunachala Hill is regarded as Tejo

> > Lingam, Lord Siva as a pillar of fire. Some even say that traditional

> > worship of the Sivalingam as it is currently practiced commenced on

> > Arunachala. The eight-mile circuit around the base of the hill is

> > itself a pilgrimage destination. Along its way are more than 360

> > tirthams (holy tanks) and 400 Lingams. Ramana Maharishi's ashram is

> > situated here on this circuit, making it all the more famous.

> > > Every evening with great pomp and ceremony, Mount Meru Chakra(a

> > form of Mahameru and Shivachakra combined) is taken to the Palliyarai

> > Shrine which is its resting place within the Shiva Mandapam.There

> > awaiting for Him is Palliyarai Ambal; Iccha Shakthi, who rests at His

> > left side during the night.Iccha Shakthi arrives from the Inner

> > shrine of Unnamulaiyamman where She dwells during the day. As evening

> > approaches Palliyarai Ambal is taken in full regalia and with great

> > ceremony, to the Annamalaiyar Shivan Mandapam, to await reunification

> > with Her Lord and Master.

> > >  

> > >  

> > > I had the good fortune of meeting Sheshadri Swamigal's brother's

> > daughter-in-law and her child in Rochester,USA.She came on her own

> > accord in the temple and introduced herself and her child.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > > Coming to my experience the day before yesterday:

> > >  

> > > We had rushed morning itself, in the car and luckily it was air

> > conditioned saving us from cacaphonous accompaniment of our babies in

> > the hot sun.They slept blissfully and we came at around noon.

> > >  

> > > My wife who did not have anything to eat was disappointed when the

> > shrine was closed and vowed even stronger that she would not eat

> > until the temple reopens at 3:30 P.M.Consequently, we waited in the

> > temple itself.

> > >  

> > > We saw some Whites from Germany and USA taking snaps of the

> > temple.But when they were about to take our photos, I stopped them

> > and said, " Please concentrate on the temple sculptures and images not

> > people who come here.We are not exhibition items for your photo

> > albums.I understand all this is quaint and culturally new for you.But

> > no snaps please, atleast spare us from your prying eyes " They were

> > rather taken aback and thought that I would gleefully pose for their

> > snaps(Slumdog Millionaire?).They apologized and said we as a family

> > look very beautiful. I said, " Thankyou.I too appreciate your interest

> > in Hindu Temples "

> > >  

> > > The moment I said this,one other Tamil couple who were watching all

> > this and who were taken snaps too unceremoniously as of they were

> > animals from a zoo, came to them and asked them to delete the snaps

> > which they had stored digitally!

> > >  

> > > Soon, no one in the temple, even poor people did not allow them to

> > take their snaps!I brought about a mini-revolution there! Hehe!

> > (Srisri connection?)

> > > (As I say always: One man is enough to change the consciousness of

> > the world).In Churches abroad they dont allow us to take snaps of

> > them or sometimes even of the buildings.

> > >  

> > > We went for a bit, outside the temple during the wait to give some

> > annadanam to beggars and sanyaasis.We found one beggar and offered

> > him the packet of Annam we bought in the temple for this purpose.

> > >  

> > > He rejected it!!! Haha! I asked, " Ennappaa? en? " (why?)

> > > He replied, " There is no gattichutney or sambhar, who would eat

> > these rice and Idly?, Just give me some money, I can atleast buy two

> > beedis " (Look at that!)

> > > I said, " Saripaa naa vera alaa paakkaren "

> > >  

> > > I finally found one old lady and gave her the annadaanam.She

> > thanked me profusely.I also handed a few rupee notes to her.

> > >  

> > > After all these we were about to dispose of a soiled-diaper of our

> > baby and I was looking for the nearest dustbin.

> > >  

> > > One rotund guy, who was not a beggar but a storekeeper, who saw us

> > liberally distributing rice and idly packets, rushed to receive this

> > " annadaanam packet " (Huggies soiled diaper).

> > > First,I did not understand and then thanked him giving the

> > " packet " . 

> > > I thought, " Great is this temple, even shopkeepers are gracious

> > enough to help people to dispose of garbage, I thought "

> > > But wait a second,...why did he say " Thank you "

> > >  

> > > Something was fishy.My wie who was watching all this, was laughing

> > loudly.

> > > She said, " Paapam, he thought it was a rice packet, it must be a

> > shock to him when he opens it "

> > >  

> > > I said to her, " Ok, just keep quite.If I now go and tell him that,

> > he would kill me! Haha! Dont even turn his side when we go down "

> > >  

> > > (While we left the place, he still was in smiles when he saw

> > us.Apparently the " Annadana prasadam " had not been opened.The

> > " diaper " still was on a table near him.

> > > He bowed low to me like a Japanese and not to be undone I too bowed

> > low.After all he would help me soon to dispose of the garbage!My wife

> > was supressing her laughter to the hilt and then burst into splits

> > when we reached our car.)

> > >  

> > > Later:

> > >  

> > > My wife was famished and tired with the crying babies and I had to

> > engage the attention of the babies and feed them some porridge we

> > brought.Then the temple opened and we rushed inside and had a very

> > good darshanam of Annamalaiyaar. What was sad was, if someone put

> > Rs.50 and above in the Aarathi Plate of the Lord, then he or she

> > would get a liberal sprinkling of Vibhuthi and a packet to accompany.

> > (Why do I keep telling all these misdeeds at the temple repeatedly?

> > Because to keep silentis to acquiese evil, which I do not want to.Do

> > I not know how the situation is in temples these days and how people

> > cheat?)

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > > I was satisfied with whatever Vibhuthi-Prasadam I got from the

> > Gurukkal and did not aspire to bribe him for that.We had bought an

> > Archana ticket(for Rs.2) and the Archana was being done for the

> > Utsava Murthy.But the crowd was so huge and jostling that we managed

> > to give the Archana packet but were unable to say our gothra

> > namaas.We were shouting from behind after being pushed by an

> > obstreperous crowd... " HARITHASAAA GOTHRAAA....SHREERAMAA

> > SHARMAHAA..... "

> > > Finally, I told my distraught wife, " Leave it, Arunachala has seen

> > it all, He is omniscient.He

> > > knows we were pushed, he knows we offered the Archana ticket and

> > the bananas,coconuts,flowers,etc "

> > >  

> > > Then we made a headway to Unnamulai Amman(Apeethakuchaambika Devi

> > in Sanskrit) and we were holding in our hands a Rs.20 special darshan

> > ticket, which we bought for Annamalayar but which was not valid for

> > this temple it seems! While we nearing for the darshanam, I said

> > mentally, " Amma, we were pushed about and could not offer our Archana

> > properly to Appan(Lord Shiva), Europeans get royal treatment here

> > because of their skin colour and money, is this our fate? "

> > >  

> > > The moment I said this, lo behold! to our greatest surprise, you

> > know what happened?

> > >  

> > > The electricity went Pooooff!!! The Amba temple was plunged in

> > sudden darkness.I shivered for sometime, I knew which shakthi Amba

> > sent to wreak this.Stood waiting there.There was no spare generator

> > and 'strangely' the exisiting generator was not working, I could hear

> > the shouts of the temple mangement to remedy the situation.

> > >  

> > > Exactly at that moment, my wife who was not aware that another

> > ticket should be bought, said, " People are going into the

> > Garbhagruhamu(Karuvarai in Tamizh) and they hold Rs.20 tickets in

> > their hands.Shall we too skip this queue and stand there? "

> > >  

> > > I said " Ok " still dazed from what happened.The priest automatically

> > allowed us as he could not see the tickets properly!

> > >  

> > > We were in the Garbhagruha standing very near the idol!!!! The

> > darkness,the Gheelamps placed next to Her, the whole atmosphere

> > looked ancient,sacred and bereft of all western trappings like

> > flourescent lights or AC.

> > >  

> > > My whole body shuddered when I saw the 3 ft. idol.The idol had all

> > perfect features which could be clearly discerned by me.







> > >  

> > > I started chanting some venbas, whatever came to my mind...Om shree

> > mathre' namaha....Tears welled up my eyes and came out profusely,no

> > one except my Amba could see it in the darkness...

> > >  

> > > When the Aarathi was brought near, I could see my wife too

> > crying.She looked at me and cried even more seeing the tears in my

> > eyes.

> > >  

> > > Both our babies were sleeping on our shoulders.

> > > I placed a fresh note of Rs.50 on the Aarathi plate.Whatever I had

> > at the time in my front pocket. I did not bother to search for my

> > wallet in the bag and bring any lesser denomination.

> > >  

> > > The priest saw it and was happy and went inside and brought

> > sandalwood paste applied to the Vigraha to both of us, we have safely

> > put it in our pooja room in a small box.We were ecstatic and offered

> > a full prostration to Ambika there itself.

> > >  

> > > We then visited Ramanaashramam and other important places. and then

> > we did Girivalam and then came back to Chennai rather late.

> > >  

> > > Yours yogically, 

> > > Shreeram Balijepalli

> > >  

> > > Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> > > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

> > >  

> > >

> > >  

> > > Click to join Rajarajeshwari_Kalpataru

> > >

> >


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