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This is one important point touched by this member:

Shastras should not be quoted selectively and according to one's convinience.

If there are benefits mentioned in the texts, one must also underline the importance of the tags which go by it.

The rest has been touched upon in the previous posting itself as a reply(Please refer my earlier detailed posting.)


(Beautiful but faulty)

Mahameru fountain(where water flows from the top where a mahameru is placed!)

(Ad blurb for this special fountain reads thus: The Fountain will not get polluted by any negative energy. The Fountain with Fogger is ideal to be placed in Computer Rooms, to mitigate the ill effects of Static Energy)



Romaticism includes(The following have actually been said to me by some people):

1. A particular saint or a saint lady has extolled about the virtues of Srichakra worship and for me all is that saint or saint lady and thus there is no harm in keeping it in my puja room, afterall, I sprinkle some milk on it and throw some flowers on it.

2. Amba is present in Mahameru will She hurt Her child?

3. If I buy Mahameru it means I have brought in Amba to my house and that She willingly came to me and so why bother about all this Srividya humbug and Guru sampradaya.I will have my way.

4. I have intense devotion for Amba and I sometimes even cry before the Mahameru, won't this qualify me to have Amba in the form of Mahameru in my home? Afterall what worship did Kannappar do?(Always I find they bring in poor Kannappar into this fracas!)

The 4 above is just a small sample of what I have heard and the general sentiments of people.It "touches" my heart and maybe I can clap at the histrionics which these people display before me.They have a brilliant chance in the acting field.Im yet to come across a real Bhaktha Meera or a Kannappar.

One old man who came and sermonized me to brace up to the Kaliyuga and said emotionally "Amba will never hurt her child".I was really touched by his eloquent Telugu and the way he spoke but something was fishy.I kept quite.The next day I see him smoking and drinking before the idol and mahameru iself kept in his bedroom.I had come to submit an office file and found him quite unable to pick himself up.

I said to him, "Wow! ninna emo gundapindelaa dialogues chepparu, nannu chantaaru, ivaala mee paristhithi elaa?"(Yesterday you had given me a lenghty emotional talk and today I find you in this state, why is this so, pray tell me?)

He could not answer and was totally tipped.I left the house after placing the file on the table near the idol and mahameru and mentally praying Amba to forgive such erring children.

I for myself am an idiot and unable to comprehend the nuances of Bhakthi Yoga and Upasana Yoga as these people tell, and try my best to be sincere and would definitely only follow what my Gurunatha says and directs and what is there as per my swashatra.I maybe backward in my thinking though being an youngster n the modern world but I dont think my Guru or Amba will let me down.


Now, for some 'beautiful' examples with what type of false logical operators these sites use, which I have bracketed below:

Maybe a study of Logic and fallacies would even help many wars to break out in this world of ours!


This was the beautiful Laser-etched Mahameru etched in a Glasscube I was talking about.(One old Iyer gentleman runs an organization who doles this out.He is knowledgable a bit and quotes some sanskrit verses and talks smoothly for his sales!He himself knows it is not correct and yet he goes about his business unaffected with no scruples.He is a member of various groups too online.I met him in Rochester temple and also in Newjersey.He also sells one special homakunda, where the steps of the homakunda is etched with some symbols and beejas and he claims those who do homa in it would become instantly yogis and reach the states as mentioned Srividya.The beauty is it is operated by electricity, so one need not even start a flame.

Wow! I never knew it was so easy!Wish he informs all Siddhas and Yogis too about this new 'electric' find of his!

(The site celextel.com which sells this has the following blurb: "The north-east of the Sri Yantra / Maha Meru is the place of Agni, the North West Divine (God), the South East - Asura (Demon negative), and the South West Vayu air flow. ** Therefore they totally control the flow of energy in the puja room or meditation hall or house or office wherever it is placed and brings in all benefits to the user."I had bought a few items in the site too but I have stopped buying from them upon the advice of my Gurunathar.)

I wonder how the buyers would do archana or abhishekam to the mahameru inside the glass.Maybe you need some special siddhis to do the same!

{{Logical Operator and fallacy: Appeal to novelty:

Appeal to Novelty is a fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is new. This sort of " reasoning" has the following form:



X is new.

Therefore X is correct or better.

This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because the novelty or newness of something does not automatically make it correct or better than something older. This is made quite obvious by the following example: Joe has proposed that 1+1 should now be equal to 3. When asked why people should accept this, he says that he just came up with the idea. Since it is newer than the idea that 1+1=2, it must be better.

This sort of "reasoning" is appealing for many reasons. First, " western culture" includes a very powerful committment to the notion that new things must be better than old things. Second, the notion of progress (which seems to have come, in part, from the notion of evolution) implies that newer things will be superior to older things. Third,media advertising often sends the message that newer must be better. Because of these three factors (and others) people often accept that a new thing (idea, product, concept, etc.) must be better because it is new. Hence, Novelty is a somewhat common fallacy, escpecially in advertising.

It should not be assumed that old things must be better than new things (see the fallacy Appeal to Tradition) anymore than it should be assumed that new things are better than old things. The age of thing does not, in general, have any bearing on its quality or correctness (in this context).

Obviously, age does have a bearing in some contexts. For example, if a person concluded that his day old milk was better than his two-month old milk, he would not be committing an Appeal to Novelty. This is because, in such cases the newness of the thing is relevant to its quality. Thus, the fallacy is committed only when the newness is not, in and of itself, relevant to the claim}}


Bronze Mahameru is a "nishiddha" as far as Srividya Tantra and thus this product being sold by gift4shopping.com is very beautiful but would be dangerous to keep in home and worship.

{{Logical operator and fallacy: Fallacy of Composition(first type)

The fallacy of Composition is committed when a conclusion is drawn about a whole based on the features of its constituents when, in fact, no justification provided for the inference. There are actually two types of this fallacy, both of which are known by the same name (because of the high degree of similarity).

The first type of fallacy of Composition arises when a person reasons from the charecteristics of individual members of a class or group to a conclusion regarding the characteristics of the entire class or group (taken as a whole). More formally, the "reasoning" would look something like this.



Individual F things have characteristics A, B, C, etc.

Therefore, the (whole) class of F things has characteristics A, B, C, etc.

This line of reasoning is fallacious because the mere fact that individuals have certain characteristics does not, in itself, guarantee that the class (taken as a whole) has those characteristics.

The bronze Mahameru has the proper charecteristics and dimensions of a Panchaloha or Gold Mahameru possessing A,B,C,D,etc charecteristics and thus Bronze Mahameru(and other Nishiddha class) which looks like a Mahameru must be perfect fit.}}


Wow! What is this, beautiful but is it a Mahameru? What is that on the top? Oh! Thats Amba sitting there and so they have literally etched it there.(Maybe they need to be reminded of Her presence there!Flower arrangements are beautiful.)

{{The following Fallacies are used here:

1. Appeal to Novelty

2. Appeal to authority

3. Red Herring


4. Appeal to emotion

Appeal to Novelty: The size of the mahameru is so big, thus it must be good.The bigger the newer, the better.

Appeal to Authority: The person behind the organization is drawn as an unquestionable authority with the backing of the 'divine'.(Even Rishis can go wrong!)

Red Herring: A beautiful distraction which aids to divert the mind and make it associate the object with pleseant things as in the floral arrangement.

Appeal to emotion: Keeping Amba etched on the top."Amma is there, so why worry my child?"}}



This is the hollow mahameru being sold by one popular organization/temple near Vizag who have a branch in Rochester too.Look at the strange markings at the four corners.One must fill the hollow(which is on the backside) with plaster-of-paris it seems, while they fill their coffers with money got from the sales of this fraudulent Mahameru.

{{The following logical operator fallacies have been used:

1. Appeal to Novelty: The odd shape and design of the Mahameru

2. Appeal to authority: The person behind this organization commands respect and a bit of clout too.

3. Red Herrings: The symbols on the corners."What the hell! They look cute and quaint, so this mahameru must be good afterall!"

4. Special pleading fallacy:

Special Pleading is a fallacy in which a person applies standards, principles, rules, etc. to others while taking herself (or those she has a special interest in) to be exempt, without providing adequate justification for the exemption. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:



Person A accepts standard(s) S and applies them to others in circumtance(s) C.

Person A is in circumstance(s) C.

Therefore A is exempt from S.

The person committing Special Pleading is claiming that he is exempt from certain principles or standards yet he provides no good reason for his exemption. That this sort of reasoning is fallacious is shown by the following extreme example:



Barbaraaccepts that all murderers should be punished for their crimes.

Although she murdered Bill, Barbara claims she is an exception because she really would not like going to prison.

Therefore, the standard of punishing murderers should not be applied to her.

This is obviously a blatant case of special pleading. Since no one likes going to prison, this cannot justify the claim that Barbara alone should be exempt from punishment.

Here the organization's chief claims that this special mahameru was got from an ancient design which he unearthed and that he has full rights to sell it.}}



Look at this unique Mahameru.The creativity of this person is to be appreciated, however I would not even keep this in my home.(Courtesy: slaasramam.org)

{{Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Novelty}}


This is quite popular(Sphatika Mahameru) and this has to be got with precise dimensions from one's Gurunathar.

{{Fallacies here are 1. Biased sample fallacy:

This fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample(one sphatika mahameru kept in some temple or upasaka's house) that is biased or prejudiced in some manner. It has the following form:



Sample S, which is biased or of a particular type(sphatika mahameru with proper form and dimensions), is taken from population P.

Conclusion C is drawn about Population P(the incorrect mahamerus he sells) based on S.

The person committing the fallacy is misusing the following type of reasoning, which is known variously as Inductive Generalization, Generalization, and Statistical Generalization:



X% of all observed A's are B''s.

Therefore X% of all A's are Bs.

The reasoning used here is: Some upasakas have wonderful and proper dimensional sphatika mahamerus.It is emntioned in the texts that one can make a mahameru from sphatika and thus we make it and sell it enmasse' .The problem being that every mahameru is unique in itself and meant for the advancement of the upasaka as determined by one's Gurunatha.Also, the dimensions have to be set correct.

2. Appeal to novelty

3. Appeal to popularity: Appeal to Popularity has the following form:



Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X).

Therefore X is true.

4. Appeal to tradition

5. Appeal to other ameleorative properties:(Sphatika is cooling and thus mahameru of any shape made out of it would 'cool' the house of the vaasthu defects.)}}


This is also being sold as Mahameru and gullible customers buy this and keep it in puja room.This is madeout of crystal and I have made a energy study.There is no harm in keeping it.Infact, I have used it myself for some friends of mine for non-invasive medical procedures by clearing their auras with such sphatika rods but srividya mahameru worship for these? NAY! Thats not my cup of tea!

{{Following are the fallacies: Confusing cause and effect, appeal to novelty, generalization,appeal to other ameloerative properties}}


This is by no means a complete picture.I have just scratched the surface.The ways of the fraudulent businessmen are many.The standard rule of thumb here is avoid all such nonsense and look to a proper srividya adept to obtain a Mahameru and worship.Obtaining a Mahameru is not a passport to get into Amba's Chintamani Gruha.Many people think erroneously that by merely keeping or procuring a Mahameru one gets blessed by Amba and can never fail.Even big rishis like Vishwamitra faltered.

One must be on a constant vigil day in and day out.The mind is weak and must be kept in control.The mind must be strengthened by service,humility,proper application of tarka and logic,Guruseva, Upasana in one's chosen paths and athyantha bhakthibhavam

Yours Yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli








Shaktheyem , raghavender ganti <rganti9 wrote:>> > Sri Gurubhyon Namaha> > Having a meru is like having a nuclear reactor at home, if you dont know how to operate it, it would be a disaster that would make chernobyl look like a small kids accident, the power in a meru though big or small is infinite, just as the quality of Amba, A meru should come from one's guru, and he would decide if you are worthy of the receipt after observing you. There are tons of places which have statements like energised merus for well being, can you have a nuclear plant running if you dont jknow how to operate it, it will mess up your life as well as your family members. There are people who say the Sri vidya can be had by any one and everyone, when you want to follow shastras how can you omit some and accept some based on your convinence. > > > > We dont have to worry about people who are trying to make money by selling these as it has been demonstrated before that amba takes care about these false people, but what you and i can do is let our friends and relatives who want to buy these the outcome of having it.> > > > Sri Kamakshi> > Raghavender > > > > Shaktheyem > gopalnarayan123 Mon, 25 May 2009 20:04:11 +0530> Re: [shaktheyem] Re: Photo album added> > > > > > > > > > > > dear sir,> > > u r 2000% correct in all u said.> > every word is correct.> > i am very happy to read this divine article.> > pls keep up this dicine work,actually kundalini itself > is a represented in sri chakra and srividya sadhak> is himself or herself got awakened kundalini,> this is 100% sure.> > i loved this divine article very much.> > recently i have also observed various ppl marketing yantras,> rudraksha and what not,why this is happening ???> > i think it is the fault of us the devotees of mother that this> is happening.> > i had actually seen a guy put up a sr yantra in his car dashboad> and he was smoking next to it.> > i asked him what is this , he sais the telemarketing> said it is energised and stuff.> > also people have satrted to sell various kavach > like durga kavach etc on telemarketing channels.> > we must try to educate the public abt this.> > pls keep up the divine and good work.> > > > om shakti> > gopal> > > > > > om shakti> > > On 5/25/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma wrote: > > > > > > > > > Dear Sir,> > II Om srI mAtrE' namah: II> > > > > Mahameru has to be essentially got from one's Guru.So, obviously if one belongs to a proper sampradaya(the opposite being apasampradaya) one would not have the necessity to ask this question.> > Please note that below is not a lengthy peroration on the subject but my explanation for the good of the public on this issue.> > In a rare case Mahameru might accrue upon oneself out of fortuitous event.In that case, one must seek counsel.What I mean by that is a recent case in Karnataka wherein a mega-sized Koormaprasthara-Mahameru was unearthed while digging and that Mahameru seemed to have not just literal weight but also spiritual weight.Opinion was sought from various mutts and elders in the marga and due procedures adopted.> > In another similar case reported even in newspapers in Andhra, a villager got a Mahameru while digging and they erected a temple.However lot of problems ensued and one upasaka from Guntur was called to rectify a defect in the mahameru which was unearthed but even then the problems did not subside(both for the owner and those associated with the temple) because the Mahameru was not maintained properly('maintained' here means according proper worship procedures to Mahameru)> > I also had recently a keralite emailing me from his place stating that a temple had Bhadrakali installed and there is a Big Mahameru installed but absolutely no puja procedures are being done and on the contrary rituals like sacrifice of cock and goat are being regularly performed!Kaulachara was quoted for the same erroneously.Neither is he(being the ancestral owner of the temple) in peace nor are the events involving the dharmadhikaris and the temple affairs in peace.> > On a smilar note, someone saintly in a very rare case or two might direct a Mahameru to be given to someone, seeing the pUrvapunyA or pUrvajanma-upAsanA.This is very rare and Amba personally directs the saint that it should happen thus.> > *---------------*> > > {This Mahameru looks beautiful but is faulty.I know what the defect is but those who buy from this site, which claims vaasthu defect correction to be the reason to keep this mahameru(I would lay myself on the floor and laugh out loud at such reasons being for this mokshavidya) is doing healthy business}> > Their ad blurb goes like this: "The Meru Chakra strengthens feminine energies in the house. Placing the Meru Chakra facing north is beneficial for enhancing financial flow and good fortune and for helping to balance a closed north with no windows or doors. The Meru Chakra is also very effective is the northeast, creating greater harmony and flow. Some place the Meru Chakra in the east where it can be exposed to direct sunlight; it will be quite brilliant.Tests with skin resistance measurements have shown that the Meru Chakra harmonizes all twelve meridians in the body, so it can also useful to set it up at your working place, in your office, beside the computer, or in the living room in order to harmonize these areas."> > (I wish the guy or gal who buys this and places it near his/her office computer does not lose his job and go bankrupt!)> > Buying Mahameru online or from unscrupulous organizations many of which sell to make a quick buck or for the sake of propaganda of their organization is totally wrong and in many cases dangerous too.Some popular organizations even say that "There is no need to worship it, even placing it in home brings all comforts and happiness in the homestead"> > > > > > > What is the reasoning behind this? The following points can be adduced and additionally considered.> > > Mahameru is not a mere object but the very representation of Amba.> Not only Amba but Her retinue of Parivara Devathas like variousYoginis,Shakthis,Bhairavas,Siddhi-shakthis,etc also are represented by the Mahameru.So, when Amba sits, they too sit there.She comes there like the earthly Queen or King with Her retinue of saktis and this compounds the matter as now we have to be extra careful about the Mahameru or risk getting Yogini and other minor-shakthi shapas(which can easily and totally destroy not only the upasaka but generations of his vamsa)> Shankaranarayanan in His book on Srichakra mentions interesting aspects of Mahameru pranprathistapana and avahana and in that He mentions that Srichakra can be drawn on Bhurja,Kumkuma,Kesar or Gorochana and these have lesser time spans than say one inscribed on gold,silver,gemstones(emerald) or panchaloha.{Inferior Metals(as far as Mahameru is concerned) like Copper and Bronze merus are 'nishiddha'(not to be used)}> However, he further says for gold mahameru or srichakra Devi resides for a lifetime.And for certain metals like Gold,silver and Panchaloha(alloy of 5 metals) no pranaprathishtapanam is needed('Nithyam sannihita Devi').The Devi resides alongwith Her Shrinagara permanently which would automatically mean neglecting Her and Her retinue(as mentioned above) if the person does not have nityOpasana.> The moot-point here is immaterial of whether avahana and pranaprathistapana might or might not be needed, one has to get it as a blessing from a Srividya Guru.'Srividya Gurus' who advocate for free selling,distribution and doling out of Mahamerus saying that anyone and everyone can possess it as a representation of Amba are in reality doing more harm than good.Their 'romantic' point being if one has athyantha bhakthi then Amba is automatically pleased, there is no ritual or puja needed to be done.All this does nothing good for Upasana margam.> While in Rochester,NY,USA,I had been to one Amba temple and I was shocked when the owner(who incidentally is a well-meaning humanbeing who helps all people) displayed to me a strange kind of mahameru with all sorts of newagey kind of markings of moon and sun on it and the back side of it hollow.When I asked him, "What in good heavens is this?".He replied back, "Mahameru prepared and sold by my Guruji from Andhra".He further added that plaster-of-paris can be applied to the hollow and worshipped if one needs and that their organization was ready to help in the procurement of plaster-of-paris!! What more can be said? (I refrain from giving names of organizations or individuals for obvious reasons.)> These days all telemarketing channels have various ads of instant benefits of Mahameru made out of plastic,paper, jade,glass,etc.These have no value and moreover almost all of them are of zero precision.One well-meaning aged person who runs a spiritual business also showed me a laser-etched srimahameru in a glass pyramid.It looked very beautiful but then Srividya Upasana is something different and authentic and has nothing to do with mere superficialities.These gimmicks simply will not work in the long run before paradevatha.> There is also this latest craze of energized Mahamerus and Rudrakshas.Maybe they attach soem electrical wires and energize it like an energizer battery of the like.(This is mere use of 'power words'to market items, which is of no Upasanic use).Energization happens only due to Upasana.> There is a 'seven-day itch' as I call with any beautiful object one buys, after that 'seven day itch', the glamour of the object wears down.Maybe, the 'seven day itch' might be 10 days or even a year but then it is a mere itch and so once one buys such Laser-etched-glass pyramid Mahamerus the itch goes away and then what happens-NOTHING HAPPENS.(Or in most cases something detrimental happens).> Sri Mahameru which when consecrated by one's Swaguru and blessed and given for one's Mokshasampannam and where all prescribed norms are followed alone would yield the results as mentioned in say Vamakeshwara Tantram.(chakraraajaarchanena imaani phalaani bhaavayediti vidhiH pariNamati - by worship of Srichakra according to the prescribed norms alone, the said results are obtained and not by merely placing a Srichakra on the altar after buying it from a local shop or online.)> I recently met one energy enhancer professional who has gadgets which measure various energy levels and he was disappointed to find that true positive life-enhancing energy did not come from Srimahameru and so when I went to him he complained jocularly that all this Srividya upasana was a fraudulent affair.I had to chide him and say that no matter what 'energizations' shivirs or other srividya organizations(belonging to apasampradayas) might claim, the true energization comes from the upasaka Himself due to His upasana shakthi and to prove it took the person to a mahameru which was done nityapuja alongwith prescribed rituals and much to his consternation and longheld beliefs against Mahameru the meter shot up the maximum(infact, it cannot be measured by the help of small scientific apparatus is my humble take on it).Humbled, he asked me to initiate him into the path but I directed to him to my Gurunathar and said that Im a mere student and prefer to remain like this forever.> Upasana is not a mere intellectual rambling nor is it bhakthi alone.One lady I know in Montreal considers bhakthi as an upasana and keeps Krishna vigrahas(numbering more than 50 or so!) in her house surrounding her.I asked her,"Do you perform some form of worship for these vigrahas?" And she replied, " My Krishna is everywhere and I have Him in my heart and thus He does not need any puja.I offer puja from the heart." Wow", I thought a 'modern day Meera'.(Even Meera worshipped Her sole vigraha with utmost care and dedication-- and here was a lady who surpassed Meera).However, I took pity on Her and gave her a particular article(a kind of rare shaligrama but small in size) which I personally did some Tantrika procedures on and asked her to worship that atleast that to mitigate the ill-effects of negleting Kanhaiyyaji but then the lady gifted it someone in a temple thinking that it was a small object and that it had no utilarian or aesthetic value.I came to know this and kept quite knowing what would happen soon.A few months ago her husband died suddenly due to heart-attack.If this be so for loving Krishna then think of Mahameru and Amba.> Upasana is not mere Bhakti euphoric practices or a few bhajans.It is that and more.It is more of a process involving one's medhas and manas.Wherein puja,dhyana and japa become an integral part of one's alligeance to one'schosen upasanamurthy or devatha.This should be done not as a 'shushkam"(dry or mechanical affair) but one which throbs with Bhakthi and Shraddha.Upasana thus is infinitely more powerful than Bhakthi for it has a certain powerful effect on one's aura and mind.Upasana= Bhakthi+Bhavam+Puja+Dhyana+Japa+Yama+Niyama+Nishta.> For Srividya marga Vachika japa or puja is not allowed and only upaamshu or manah is allowed.(Vachika meaning saying mantras and puja rituals alound.Here I was shocked to find that the same temple in USA mentioned supra used blaring speakers to recite faulty srividya mantras,obviously thinking the mantric vibrations would do good if heard for miles together!).Bahir Puja must slowly evolve into the highest form of Antar puja and here the case seems to be the opposite wherein upaamshu is being slowly made into vachika which is made into ghora-vachika(as in blaring speakers and acoustic effects).Only Paramathmika must save them, I pray.> Thus where Upasana is not involved, there is no need to have objects such as Mahameru which involves Tatwa(matter),Shakthi(energy),Parampara(divine lineage),Puja and Niyama Paddhathi(sacred observances and rituals) and Guruprerana(Divine inspiration of one's preceptor) above all.So, one may have a photo or a pictoral representation of Mother and first start from that and if She wills everything would be offered to the devoted and sincere sadhaka soon.> This is the humble take of a Srividya student.I repeat these are my personal views and Im not forcing this on anyone.Everyone are free to do whatever they like with their god-given intellect either for their good or bad. And in everything there is a learning curve for the soul to learn experientially, is what I believe earnestly.There is nothing good or bad but there are lessons to be learnt at every step and stage.> > Notwithstanding this reply, if you consider it prudent to have a Mahameru, you may contact my Gurunathar,Sri Rajagopalar(the address is in the files section of this group) and procure the same from Chennai-Nanganallur(pazhavanthangal) Sri Sarvamangala Rajarajeshwari Alayam with His permission and wise counsel.> > May Amba grant all that you wish for!> > Sarveshaanga vihaarineem sakarunaam sannaadhineem naadineem,> Samyoga priya roopineem priyavatheem preethaam prathaponnathaam,> Sarvanthargatha shaalineem siva dasha sandheepineem dheepineem,> Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana paraam Sri Raja rajeshwareem!> Jayamama Guruparampara> Shreeram Balijepalli> > (The above picture though appellated as Rajarajeshwari is actually Goddess Lalitha)> > Shaktheyem , Laksman ramakrishna rk_laksman@ wrote:> >> > JEE> > > > Where do i get the mahameru you have shown below /> > > > > > > > --- On Mon, 5/25/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma@ wrote:> > > > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma@> > [shaktheyem] Photo album added> > Shaktheyem > > Monday, May 25, 2009, 11:22 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Rajarajeshwari Alankarana at home album added.(3rd album in the firstrow)> > > > You may access it here:> > http://groups. / group/Shaktheyem /photos/album/ 598275856/ pic/list? mode=tn & order= ordinal & start= 1 & dir=asc> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________> Hotmail® has a new way to see what's up with your friends.> http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/WhatsNew?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_WhatsNew1_052009>

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Srichakra A Linear Approximation to Nonlinear Reality



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Shaktheyem , gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123



> dear sir,



> where is it available ??


> om shakti


> gopal





> On 5/26/09, P.R.K. Prasad aarkepee wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > I recommend all SRIVIDYA devotees to read the book -SRI CHAKRA -A




> > an excellent orientation & explanation on the design of the SRI



> >

> > dr.p.r.k.prasad

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On *Tue, 26/5/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma* wrote:

> >

> >

> > para_anuloma para_anuloma

> > [shaktheyem] Re: Photo album added

> > Shaktheyem

> > Tuesday, 26 May, 2009, 12:02 PM

> >

> > This is one important point touched by this member:

> >

> > *Shastras should not be quoted selectively and according to one's

> > convinience.*

> >

> > If there are benefits mentioned in the texts, one must also

underline the

> > importance of the tags which go by it.

> >

> > The rest has been touched upon in the previous posting itself as a

> > reply(Please refer my earlier detailed posting.)

> >

> > (Beautiful but faulty)

> >

> > Mahameru fountain(where water flows from the top where a mahameru is

> > placed!)

> >

> > (Ad blurb for this special fountain reads thus: The Fountain will

not get

> > polluted by any negative energy. The Fountain with Fogger is ideal

to be

> > placed in Computer Rooms, to mitigate the ill effects of Static


> >

> >

> >

> > ************ ********* ********* *********

> > ********* ********* ********* ********* ******

> >

> > Romaticism includes(The following have actually been said to me by


> > people):

> >

> > 1. A particular saint or a saint lady has extolled about the virtues


> > Srichakra worship and for me all is that saint or saint lady and

thus there

> > is no harm in keeping it in my puja room, afterall, I sprinkle some

milk on

> > it and throw some flowers on it.

> >

> > 2. Amba is present in Mahameru will She hurt Her child?

> >

> > 3. If I buy Mahameru it means I have brought in Amba to my house and


> > She willingly came to me and so why bother about all this Srividya


> > and Guru sampradaya.I will have my way.

> >

> > 4. I have intense devotion for Amba and I sometimes even cry before


> > Mahameru, won't this qualify me to have Amba in the form of Mahameru

in my

> > home? Afterall what worship did Kannappar do?(Always I find they

bring in

> > poor Kannappar into this fracas!)

> >

> > The 4 above is just a small sample of what I have heard and the


> > sentiments of people.It " touches " my heart and maybe I can clap at


> > histrionics which these people display before me.They have a


> > chance in the acting field.Im yet to come across a real Bhaktha

Meera or a

> > Kannappar.

> >

> > One old man who came and sermonized me to brace up to the Kaliyuga

and said

> > emotionally " Amba will never hurt her child " .I was really touched by


> > eloquent Telugu and the way he spoke but something was fishy.I kept

> > quite.The next day I see him smoking and drinking before the idol


> > mahameru iself kept in his bedroom.I had come to submit an office

file and

> > found him quite unable to pick himself up.

> >

> > I said to him, " Wow! ninna emo gundapindelaa dialogues chepparu,


> > chantaaru, ivaala mee paristhithi elaa? " (Yesterday you had given me


> > lenghty emotional talk and today I find you in this state, why is

this so,

> > pray tell me?)

> >

> > He could not answer and was totally tipped.I left the house after


> > the file on the table near the idol and mahameru and mentally

praying Amba

> > to forgive such erring children.

> >

> > I for myself am an idiot and unable to comprehend the nuances of


> > Yoga and Upasana Yoga as these people tell, and try my best to be


> > and would definitely only follow what my Gurunatha says and directs

and what

> > is there as per my swashatra.I maybe backward in my thinking though

being an

> > youngster n the modern world but I dont think my Guru or Amba will

let me

> > down.

> >

> >

> >

> > Now, for some 'beautiful' examples with what type of false logical

> > operators these sites use, which I have bracketed below:

> >

> > Maybe a study of Logic and fallacies would even help many wars to

break out

> > in this world of ours!

> >

> > This was the beautiful Laser-etched Mahameru etched in a Glasscube I


> > talking about.(One old Iyer gentleman runs an organization who doles


> > out.He is knowledgable a bit and quotes some sanskrit verses and


> > smoothly for his sales!He himself knows it is not correct and yet he


> > about his business unaffected with no scruples.He is a member of


> > groups too online.I met him in Rochester temple and also in


> > also sells one special homakunda, where the steps of the homakunda

is etched

> > with some symbols and beejas and he claims those who do homa in it


> > become instantly yogis and reach the states as mentioned

Srividya.The beauty

> > is it is operated by electricity, so one need not even start a


> >

> > Wow! I never knew it was so easy!Wish he informs all Siddhas and

Yogis too

> > about this new 'electric' find of his!

> >

> > (The site celextel.com which sells this has the following blurb:

" The

> > north-east of the Sri Yantra / Maha Meru is the place of Agni, the


> > West Divine (God), the South East - Asura (Demon negative), and the


> > West Vayu air flow. ** Therefore they totally control the flow of

energy in

> > the puja room or meditation hall or house or office wherever it is


> > and brings in all benefits to the user. " I had bought a few items in


> > site too but I have stopped buying from them upon the advice of my

> > Gurunathar.)

> >

> > I wonder how the buyers would do archana or abhishekam to the


> > inside the glass.Maybe you need some special siddhis to do the


> > :D]

> >

> > {{Logical Operator and fallacy: Appeal to novelty:

> >

> > Appeal to Novelty is a fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that

> > something is better or correct simply because it is new. This sort

of "

> > reasoning " has the following form:

> >

> > 1. X is new.

> > 2. Therefore X is correct or better.

> >

> > This sort of " reasoning " is fallacious because the novelty or

newness of

> > something does not automatically make it correct or better than


> > older. This is made quite obvious by the following example: Joe has


> > that 1+1 should now be equal to 3. When asked why people should

accept this,

> > he says that he just came up with the idea. Since it is newer than


> > idea that 1+1=2, it must be better.

> >

> > This sort of " reasoning " is appealing for many reasons. First, "


> > culture " includes a very powerful committment to the notion that new

> > things must be better than old things. Second, the notion of


> > (which seems to have come, in part, from the notion of evolution)


> > that newer things will be superior to older things. Third,media


> > often sends the message that newer must be better. Because of these


> > factors (and others) people often accept that a new thing (idea,


> > concept, etc.) must be better because it is new. Hence, Novelty is a

> > somewhat common fallacy, escpecially in advertising.

> >

> > It should not be assumed that old things must be better than new


> > (see the fallacy Appeal to Tradition) anymore than it should be

assumed that

> > new things are better than old things. The age of thing does not, in

> > general, have any bearing on its quality or correctness (in this


> >

> > Obviously, age does have a bearing in some contexts. For example, if


> > person concluded that his day old milk was better than his two-month


> > milk, he would not be committing an Appeal to Novelty. This is

because, in

> > such cases the newness of the thing is relevant to its quality.

Thus, the

> > fallacy is committed only when the newness is not, in and of itself,

> > relevant to the claim}}

> >

> >

> >


ahameru%2520sri%2520yantra%2520.jpg & imgrefurl=http://gift4shopping.com/3\

30/mahameru-sri-yantra-in-solid-bronze/ & usg=__9zTo-KXm30o_LpE5Vb2WMgzlHb\

4= & h=480 & w=380 & sz=52 & hl=en & start=1 & tbnid=sh6SIc-bzzohnM: & tbnh=129 & tbnw=1\

02 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DMAHAMERU%2BPRODUCTS%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den>

> >

> >

> > Bronze Mahameru is a " nishiddha " as far as Srividya Tantra and thus


> > product being sold by gift4shopping. com is very beautiful but would


> > dangerous to keep in home and worship.

> >

> > {{Logical operator and fallacy: Fallacy of Composition( first type)

> >

> > The fallacy of Composition is committed when a conclusion is drawn

about a

> > whole based on the features of its constituents when, in fact, no

> > justification provided for the inference. There are actually two

types of

> > this fallacy, both of which are known by the same name (because of

the high

> > degree of similarity).

> >

> > The first type of fallacy of Composition arises when a person

reasons from

> > the charecteristics of individual members of a class or group to a

> > conclusion regarding the characteristics of the entire class or


> > (taken as a whole). More formally, the " reasoning " would look


> > like this.

> >

> > 1. Individual F things have characteristics A, B, C, etc.

> > 2. Therefore, the (whole) class of F things has characteristics A,


> > C, etc.

> >

> > This line of reasoning is fallacious because the mere fact that

> > individuals have certain characteristics does not, in itself,


> > that the class (taken as a whole) has those characteristics.

> >

> > The bronze Mahameru has the proper charecteristics and dimensions of


> > Panchaloha or Gold Mahameru possessing A,B,C,D,etc charecteristics

and thus

> > Bronze Mahameru(and other Nishiddha class) which looks like a

Mahameru must

> > be perfect fit.}}

> >

> >

> >

> > Wow! What is this, beautiful but is it a Mahameru? What is that on

the top?

> > Oh! Thats Amba sitting there and so they have literally etched it


> > :(][image: :D](Maybe they need to be reminded of Her presence


> > arrangements are beautiful.)

> >

> > {{The following Fallacies are used here:

> >

> > 1. Appeal to Novelty

> >

> > 2. Appeal to authority

> >

> > 3. Red Herring

> >

> > and

> >

> > 4. Appeal to emotion

> >

> > Appeal to Novelty: The size of the mahameru is so big, thus it must


> > good.The bigger the newer, the better.

> >

> > Appeal to Authority: The person behind the organization is drawn as


> > unquestionable authority with the backing of the 'divine'.(Even

Rishis can

> > go wrong!)

> >

> > Red Herring: A beautiful distraction which aids to divert the mind

and make

> > it associate the object with pleseant things as in the floral


> >

> > Appeal to emotion: Keeping Amba etched on the top. " Amma is there, so


> > worry my child? " }}

> >

> >

> >

> > This is the hollow mahameru being sold by one popular organization/

> > temple near Vizag who have a branch in Rochester too.Look at the


> > markings at the four corners.One must fill the hollow(which is on


> > backside) with plaster-of-paris it seems, while they fill their

coffers with

> > money got from the sales of this fraudulent Mahameru.

> >

> > {{The following logical operator fallacies have been used:

> >

> > 1. Appeal to Novelty: The odd shape and design of the Mahameru

> >

> > 2. Appeal to authority: The person behind this organization commands

> > respect and a bit of clout too.

> >

> > 3. Red Herrings: The symbols on the corners. " What the hell! They

look cute

> > and quaint, so this mahameru must be good afterall! "

> >

> > 4. Special pleading fallacy:

> >

> > Special Pleading is a fallacy in which a person applies standards,

> > principles, rules, etc. to others while taking herself (or those she

has a

> > special interest in) to be exempt, without providing adequate

> > justification for the exemption. This sort of " reasoning " has the

> > following form:

> >

> > 1. Person A accepts standard(s) S and applies them to others in

> > circumtance( s) C.

> > 2. Person A is in circumstance( s) C.

> > 3. Therefore A is exempt from S.

> >

> > The person committing Special Pleading is claiming that he is exempt


> > certain principles or standards yet he provides no good reason for


> > exemption. That this sort of reasoning is fallacious is shown by the

> > following extreme example:

> >

> > 1. Barbaraaccepts that all murderers should be punished for their

> > crimes.

> > 2. Although she murdered Bill, Barbara claims she is an exception

> > because she really would not like going to prison.

> > 3. Therefore, the standard of punishing murderers should not be


> > to her.

> >

> > This is obviously a blatant case of special pleading. Since no one


> > going to prison, this cannot justify the claim that Barbara alone


> > be exempt from punishment.

> >

> > Here the organization' s chief claims that this special mahameru was


> > from an ancient design which he unearthed and that he has full

rights to

> > sell it.}}

> >

> >

> >

> > Look at this unique Mahameru.The creativity of this person is to be

> > appreciated, however I would not even keep this in my


> > slaasramam.org)

> >

> > {{Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Novelty}}

> >

> >

> >

> > This is quite popular(Sphatika Mahameru) and this has to be got with


> > dimensions *from one's Gurunathar.

> >

> > {{Fallacies here are 1. *Biased sample fallacy*:

> >

> > This fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a

> > population based on a sample(one sphatika mahameru kept in some

temple or

> > upasaka's house) that is biased or prejudiced in some manner. It has


> > following form:

> >

> > 1. Sample S, which is biased or of a particular type(sphatika


> > with proper form and dimensions), is taken from population P.

> > 2. Conclusion C is drawn about Population P(the incorrect mahamerus


> > sells) based on S.

> >

> > The person committing the fallacy is misusing the following type of

> > reasoning, which is known variously as Inductive Generalization,

> > Generalization, and Statistical Generalization:

> >

> > 1. X% of all observed A's are B''s.

> > 2. Therefore X% of all A's are Bs.

> >

> > The reasoning used here is: Some upasakas have wonderful and proper

> > dimensional sphatika mahamerus.It is emntioned in the texts that one


> > make a mahameru from sphatika and thus we make it and sell it

enmasse' .The

> > problem being that every mahameru is unique in itself and meant for


> > advancement of the upasaka as determined by one's Gurunatha.Also,


> > dimensions have to be set correct.

> >

> > 2. Appeal to novelty

> >

> > 3. Appeal to popularity: Appeal to Popularity has the following


> >

> > 1. Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X).

> > 2. Therefore X is true.

> >

> > 4. Appeal to tradition

> >

> > 5. Appeal to other ameleorative properties:( Sphatika is cooling and


> > mahameru of any shape made out of it would 'cool' the house of the


> > defects.)}}

> >

> >

> >

> > This is also being sold as Mahameru and gullible customers buy this


> > keep it in puja room.This is madeout of crystal and I have made a


> > study.There is no harm in keeping it.Infact, I have used it myself

for some

> > friends of mine for non-invasive medical procedures by clearing

their auras

> > with such sphatika rods but srividya mahameru worship for these?

NAY! Thats

> > not my cup of tea!

> >

> > {{Following are the fallacies: Confusing cause and effect, appeal to

> > novelty, generalization, appeal to other ameloerative properties}}

> >

> >

> >

> > This is by no means a complete picture.I have just scratched the

> > surface.The ways of the fraudulent businessmen are many.The standard

rule of

> > thumb here is avoid all such nonsense and look to a proper srividya

adept to

> > obtain a Mahameru and worship.Obtaining a Mahameru is not a passport

to get

> > into Amba's Chintamani Gruha.Many people think erroneously that by


> > keeping or procuring a Mahameru one gets blessed by Amba and can


> > fail.Even big rishis like Vishwamitra faltered.

> >

> > One must be on a constant vigil day in and day out.The mind is weak


> > must be kept in control.The mind must be strengthened by


> > proper application of tarka and logic,Guruseva, Upasana in one's


> > paths and athyantha bhakthibhavam

> >

> > Yours Yogically,

> >

> > Shreeram Balijepalli

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com, raghavender ganti rganti9@


> > >

> > >

> > > Sri Gurubhyon Namaha

> > >

> > > Having a meru is like having a nuclear reactor at home, if you

dont know

> > how to operate it, it would be a disaster that would make chernobyl


> > like a small kids accident, the power in a meru though big or small


> > infinite, just as the quality of Amba, A meru should come from one's


> > and he would decide if you are worthy of the receipt after observing


> > There are tons of places which have statements like energised merus

for well

> > being, can you have a nuclear plant running if you dont jknow how to


> > it, it will mess up your life as well as your family members. There


> > people who say the Sri vidya can be had by any one and everyone,

when you

> > want to follow shastras how can you omit some and accept some based

on your

> > convinence.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > We dont have to worry about people who are trying to make money by

> > selling these as it has been demonstrated before that amba takes

care about

> > these false people, but what you and i can do is let our friends and

> > relatives who want to buy these the outcome of having it.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sri Kamakshi

> > >

> > > Raghavender

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com

> > > gopalnarayan123@ ...

> > > Mon, 25 May 2009 20:04:11 +0530

> > > Re: [shaktheyem] Re: Photo album added

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > dear sir,

> > >

> > >

> > > u r 2000% correct in all u said.

> > >

> > > every word is correct.

> > >

> > > i am very happy to read this divine article.

> > >

> > > pls keep up this dicine work,actually kundalini itself

> > > is a represented in sri chakra and srividya sadhak

> > > is himself or herself got awakened kundalini,

> > > this is 100% sure.

> > >

> > > i loved this divine article very much.

> > >

> > > recently i have also observed various ppl marketing yantras,

> > > rudraksha and what not,why this is happening ???

> > >

> > > i think it is the fault of us the devotees of mother that this

> > > is happening.

> > >

> > > i had actually seen a guy put up a sr yantra in his car dashboad

> > > and he was smoking next to it.

> > >

> > > i asked him what is this , he sais the telemarketing

> > > said it is energised and stuff.

> > >

> > > also people have satrted to sell various kavach

> > > like durga kavach etc on telemarketing channels.

> > >

> > > we must try to educate the public abt this.

> > >

> > > pls keep up the divine and good work.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > om shakti

> > >

> > > gopal

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > om shakti

> > >

> > >

> > > On 5/25/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma@ ... wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Sir,

> > >

> > > II Om srI mAtrE' namah: II

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mahameru has to be essentially got from one's Guru.So, obviously

if one

> > belongs to a proper sampradaya(the opposite being apasampradaya) one


> > not have the necessity to ask this question.

> > >

> > > Please note that below is not a lengthy peroration on the subject

but my

> > explanation for the good of the public on this issue.

> > >

> > > In a rare case Mahameru might accrue upon oneself out of


> > event.In that case, one must seek counsel.What I mean by that is a


> > case in Karnataka wherein a mega-sized Koormaprasthara- Mahameru was

> > unearthed while digging and that Mahameru seemed to have not just


> > weight but also spiritual weight.Opinion was sought from various

mutts and

> > elders in the marga and due procedures adopted.

> > >

> > > In another similar case reported even in newspapers in Andhra, a


> > got a Mahameru while digging and they erected a temple.However lot


> > problems ensued and one upasaka from Guntur was called to rectify a


> > in the mahameru which was unearthed but even then the problems did


> > subside(both for the owner and those associated with the temple)

because the

> > Mahameru was not maintained properly('maintaine d' here means


> > proper worship procedures to Mahameru)

> > >

> > > I also had recently a keralite emailing me from his place stating

that a

> > temple had Bhadrakali installed and there is a Big Mahameru

installed but

> > absolutely no puja procedures are being done and on the contrary


> > like sacrifice of cock and goat are being regularly

performed!Kaulachar a

> > was quoted for the same erroneously. Neither is he(being the

ancestral owner

> > of the temple) in peace nor are the events involving the

dharmadhikaris and

> > the temple affairs in peace.

> > >

> > > On a smilar note, someone saintly in a very rare case or two might


> > a Mahameru to be given to someone, seeing the pUrvapunyA or

> > pUrvajanma-upAsanA. This is very rare and Amba personally directs

the saint

> > that it should happen thus.

> > >

> > > *----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -*

> > >

> > >

> > > {This Mahameru looks beautiful but is faulty.I know what the

defect is

> > but those who buy from this site, which claims vaasthu defect

correction to

> > be the reason to keep this mahameru(I would lay myself on the floor


> > laugh out loud at such reasons being for this mokshavidya) is doing


> > business}

> > >

> > > Their ad blurb goes like this: " The Meru Chakra strengthens


> > energies in the house. Placing the Meru Chakra facing north is


> > for enhancing financial flow and good fortune and for helping to

balance a

> > closed north with no windows or doors. The Meru Chakra is also very

> > effective is the northeast, creating greater harmony and flow. Some


> > the Meru Chakra in the east where it can be exposed to direct

sunlight; it

> > will be quite brilliant.Tests with skin resistance measurements have


> > that the Meru Chakra harmonizes all twelve meridians in the body, so

it can

> > also useful to set it up at your working place, in your office,

beside the

> > computer, or in the living room in order to harmonize these areas. "

> > >

> > > (I wish the guy or gal who buys this and places it near his/her


> > computer does not lose his job and go bankrupt!)

> > >

> > > Buying Mahameru online or from unscrupulous organizations many of


> > sell to make a quick buck or for the sake of propaganda of their

> > organization is totally wrong and in many cases dangerous too.Some


> > organizations even say that " There is no need to worship it, even

placing it

> > in home brings all comforts and happiness in the homestead "

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What is the reasoning behind this? The following points can be


> > and additionally considered.

> > >

> > >

> > > Mahameru is not a mere object but the very representation of Amba.

> > > Not only Amba but Her retinue of Parivara Devathas like


> > Shakthis, Bhairavas, Siddhi-shakthis, etc also are represented by


> > Mahameru.So, when Amba sits, they too sit there.She comes there like


> > earthly Queen or King with Her retinue of saktis and this compounds


> > matter as now we have to be extra careful about the Mahameru or risk


> > Yogini and other minor-shakthi shapas(which can easily and totally


> > not only the upasaka but generations of his vamsa)

> > > Shankaranarayanan in His book on Srichakra mentions interesting


> > of Mahameru pranprathistapana and avahana and in that He mentions


> > Srichakra can be drawn on Bhurja,Kumkuma, Kesar or Gorochana and

these have

> > lesser time spans than say one inscribed on gold,silver, gemstones(


> > or panchaloha.{ Inferior Metals(as far as Mahameru is concerned)

like Copper

> > and Bronze merus are 'nishiddha'( not to be used)}

> > > However, he further says for gold mahameru or srichakra Devi

resides for

> > a lifetime.And for certain metals like Gold,silver and

Panchaloha(alloy of 5

> > metals) no pranaprathishtapana m is needed('Nithyam sannihita


> > Devi resides alongwith Her Shrinagara permanently which would


> > mean neglecting Her and Her retinue(as mentioned above) if the

person does

> > not have nityOpasana.

> > > The moot-point here is immaterial of whether avahana and

> > pranaprathistapana might or might not be needed, one has to get it

as a

> > blessing from a Srividya Guru.'Srividya Gurus' who advocate for free

> > selling,distributio n and doling out of Mahamerus saying that anyone


> > everyone can possess it as a representation of Amba are in reality


> > more harm than good.Their 'romantic' point being if one has


> > bhakthi then Amba is automatically pleased, there is no ritual or


> > needed to be done.All this does nothing good for Upasana margam.

> > > While in Rochester,NY, USA,I had been to one Amba temple and I was

> > shocked when the owner(who incidentally is a well-meaning humanbeing


> > helps all people) displayed to me a strange kind of mahameru with

all sorts

> > of newagey kind of markings of moon and sun on it and the back side

of it

> > hollow.When I asked him, " What in good heavens is this? " .He replied


> > " Mahameru prepared and sold by my Guruji from Andhra " .He further

added that

> > plaster-of-paris can be applied to the hollow and worshipped if one


> > and that their organization was ready to help in the procurement of

> > plaster-of-paris! ! What more can be said? (I refrain from giving

names of

> > organizations or individuals for obvious reasons.)

> > > These days all telemarketing channels have various ads of instant

> > benefits of Mahameru made out of plastic,paper, jade,glass,etc.

These have

> > no value and moreover almost all of them are of zero precision.One

> > well-meaning aged person who runs a spiritual business also showed

me a

> > laser-etched srimahameru in a glass pyramid.It looked very beautiful


> > then Srividya Upasana is something different and authentic and has


> > to do with mere superficialities. These gimmicks simply will not

work in the

> > long run before paradevatha.

> > > There is also this latest craze of energized Mahamerus and

> > Rudrakshas.Maybe they attach soem electrical wires and energize it

like an

> > energizer battery of the like.(This is mere use of 'power words'to


> > items, which is of no Upasanic use).Energization happens only due to

> > Upasana.

> > > There is a 'seven-day itch' as I call with any beautiful object

one buys,

> > after that 'seven day itch', the glamour of the object wears

down.Maybe, the

> > 'seven day itch' might be 10 days or even a year but then it is a

mere itch

> > and so once one buys such Laser-etched- glass pyramid Mahamerus the


> > goes away and then what happens-NOTHING HAPPENS.(Or in most cases


> > detrimental happens).

> > > Sri Mahameru which when consecrated by one's Swaguru and blessed


> > given for one's Mokshasampannam and where all prescribed norms are


> > alone would yield the results as mentioned in say Vamakeshwara

> > Tantram.(chakraraaj aarchanena imaani phalaani bhaavayediti vidhiH

> > pariNamati - by worship of Srichakra according to the prescribed


> > alone, the said results are obtained and not by merely placing a


> > on the altar after buying it from a local shop or online.)

> > > I recently met one energy enhancer professional who has gadgets


> > measure various energy levels and he was disappointed to find that


> > positive life-enhancing energy did not come from Srimahameru and so

when I

> > went to him he complained jocularly that all this Srividya upasana

was a

> > fraudulent affair.I had to chide him and say that no matter what

> > 'energizations' shivirs or other srividya organizations( belonging


> > apasampradayas) might claim, the true energization comes from the


> > Himself due to His upasana shakthi and to prove it took the person

to a

> > mahameru which was done nityapuja alongwith prescribed rituals and

much to

> > his consternation and longheld beliefs against Mahameru the meter

shot up

> > the maximum(infact, it cannot be measured by the help of small


> > apparatus is my humble take on it).Humbled, he asked me to initiate

him into

> > the path but I directed to him to my Gurunathar and said that Im a


> > student and prefer to remain like this forever.

> > > Upasana is not a mere intellectual rambling nor is it bhakthi


> > lady I know in Montreal considers bhakthi as an upasana and keeps


> > vigrahas(numbering more than 50 or so!) in her house surrounding

her.I asked

> > her, " Do you perform some form of worship for these vigrahas? " And


> > replied, " My Krishna is everywhere and I have Him in my heart and

thus He

> > does not need any puja.I offer puja from the heart. " Wow " , I thought


> > 'modern day Meera'.(Even Meera worshipped Her sole vigraha with

utmost care

> > and dedication-- and here was a lady who surpassed Meera).However, I


> > pity on Her and gave her a particular article(a kind of rare

shaligrama but

> > small in size) which I personally did some Tantrika procedures on

and asked

> > her to worship that atleast that to mitigate the ill-effects of


> > Kanhaiyyaji but then the lady gifted it someone in a temple thinking

that it

> > was a small object and that it had no utilarian or aesthetic value.I

came to

> > know this and kept quite knowing what would happen soon.A few months

ago her

> > husband died suddenly due to heart-attack. If this be so for loving


> > then think of Mahameru and Amba.

> > > Upasana is not mere Bhakti euphoric practices or a few bhajans.It

is that

> > and more.It is more of a process involving one's medhas and


> > puja,dhyana and japa become an integral part of one's alligeance to

> > one'schosen upasanamurthy or devatha.This should be done not as a

> > 'shushkam " (dry or mechanical affair) but one which throbs with

Bhakthi and

> > Shraddha.Upasana thus is infinitely more powerful than Bhakthi for

it has a

> > certain powerful effect on one's aura and mind.Upasana=


> > Puja+Dhyana+ Japa+Yama+ Niyama+Nishta.

> > > For Srividya marga Vachika japa or puja is not allowed and only


> > or manah is allowed.(Vachika meaning saying mantras and puja rituals

> > alound.Here I was shocked to find that the same temple in USA


> > supra used blaring speakers to recite faulty srividya


> > thinking the mantric vibrations would do good if heard for miles

> > together!).Bahir Puja must slowly evolve into the highest form of

Antar puja

> > and here the case seems to be the opposite wherein upaamshu is being


> > made into vachika which is made into ghora-vachika( as in blaring


> > and acoustic effects).Only Paramathmika must save them, I pray.

> > > Thus where Upasana is not involved, there is no need to have

objects such

> > as Mahameru which involves Tatwa(matter) ,Shakthi( energy),Parampar


> > lineage),Puja and Niyama Paddhathi(sacred observances and rituals)


> > Guruprerana( Divine inspiration of one's preceptor) above all.So,

one may

> > have a photo or a pictoral representation of Mother and first start


> > that and if She wills everything would be offered to the devoted and


> > sadhaka soon.

> > > This is the humble take of a Srividya student.I repeat these are


> > personal views and Im not forcing this on anyone.Everyone are free

to do

> > whatever they like with their god-given intellect either for their

good or

> > bad. And in everything there is a learning curve for the soul to


> > experientially, is what I believe earnestly.There is nothing good or

bad but

> > there are lessons to be learnt at every step and stage.

> > >

> > > Notwithstanding this reply, if you consider it prudent to have a

> > Mahameru, you may contact my Gurunathar,Sri Rajagopalar( the address

is in

> > the files section of this group) and procure the same from

> > Chennai-Nanganallur (pazhavanthangal ) Sri Sarvamangala


> > Alayam with His permission and wise counsel.

> > >

> > > May Amba grant all that you wish for!

> > >

> > > Sarveshaanga vihaarineem sakarunaam sannaadhineem naadineem,

> > > Samyoga priya roopineem priyavatheem preethaam prathaponnathaam,

> > > Sarvanthargatha shaalineem siva dasha sandheepineem dheepineem,

> > > Sri Chakra priya bindhu tharpana paraam Sri Raja rajeshwareem!

> > > Jayamama Guruparampara

> > > Shreeram Balijepalli

> > >

> > > (The above picture though appellated as Rajarajeshwari is actually

> > Goddess Lalitha)

> > >

> > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com, Laksman ramakrishna


> > > >

> > > > JEE

> > > >

> > > > Where do i get the mahameru you have shown below /

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Mon, 5/25/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma@

> > > > [shaktheyem] Photo album added

> > > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com

> > > > Monday, May 25, 2009, 11:22 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Rajarajeshwari Alankarana at home album added.(3rd album in the

> > firstrow)

> > > >

> > > > You may access it here:

> > > > http://groups. / group/Shaktheyem /photos/album/


> > pic/list? mode=tn & order= ordinal & start= 1 & dir=asc

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


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