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Veda Yoga--small clarification

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Please read in the post as " Pundit Gopikrishna " and not " Pundit Gopalkrishna " as

I typed in a flow...


Shaktheyem , Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:


> Dear All,


> One clarification which needs rightful addressing before I leave for the week.

> One member(Vivek) has asked me what I meant by the term " Veda Yoga " in my last



> Veda Yoga is as the name suggests the path as enunciated by the Vedas.

> Also, when I had scribed about the 4 energy centres, I didnot mean exactly the

Kundalini 6 chakras popularly known.These are 4 mantraical centres.




> The Crown Chakra is a representation of 1000s of mantras dormant within

us.Such crown-chakra mantras are very different from the Pranic fire mantras

used to ignite the Mooladhara chakra(and other Adhara-Chakras).Without the

mastery of this Crown Chakra, it becomes really difficult to progress in



> I have personally faced terrible " inferno " for almost 2 years, with seething

heat and 'fire' coursing my veins and brain, much like Pandit Gopalkrishna of

Kundalini fame.The psychic experience transformed me at a very young age and

still I carry lot of remnants of the experience.That is why to play with

Kundalini is to play with fire.Atleast a physical fire can be extinguished but

this fire dies down on its own and even a Guru(unless He is a Rishi) cannot do

anything but assuage a bit the fires.





> Crown Chakra needs cooling and lunar energy and Panchadasi mantra gives

it.However preparation into the Vedamarga is necessary.Vedic Soma Mantras(such

as the 9th book of Rg. Veda) which are not Beeja-proclived but are a complex

pattern of sounds, tend to strengthen this fragile Thousand petalled Lotus with

cooling lunar energy.




> Veda Yoga is not merely Vedic mantras and their cultivation.It involves a way

of life.Silent meditation and contemplation in the mind, calming the senses,etc

all form part of Veda Yoga.




> In Tamilnadu due to athestic and anti-brahminical movements and wonderful

marketing and distorting the truth by 'political greats' by ignorant political

parties and people, many have shunned and ridiculed Vedas as the confine of the

brahmins and adopted what they feel as more native, the Tamil Siddhar

path.Little do these 'practitioners's realize these Siddhars have gone beyond

caste and community distinctions long long ago.





> Some still mouth dialogues most ridiculously like " Paambatti Siddhar " belongs

to my community of snake charmers and the like.The siddhars do not care for the

man-made castes and communities and other distinctions.Infact one among the 18

siddhas, Gorakkar who went to Himalayas and still roams there is called

Goraskhanatha and is now in the pantheon of the Navanathas and northindians for

their turn create stories and jingoisms again for this Natha!(Its really funny

how people want to own these 'free birds' and confine them into some region or

caste for their own insecurities.Most funny play of Paramamvyomam, I would say)




> Though it sounds very jingoistic and euphorically a very fine thing, the Tamil

Siddhar path is in itself a subtle covered path of the ancient Vedas and is

much more difficult to follow.Also anything started with a " hatred " (towards any

path or people or caste or community) will never bear fruit.Infact the Siddhars

and their energies see to it that such political elements are filtered out.That

is why I see many people in the 18 siddha paths in Tamilnadu not knowing what

they are doing or even talking and constantly fighting over which Siddha is

greater holding some book written by the Siddhar as the " Veda " !(This is most

foolish as all Siddhas consider one another brethren.Also, this itself is the

cunning play of the humanmind to create establishmentarianism to Siddhars who

are bereft of scriptures and texts and lead purely experiential lives)


> Vaidiki marga is not a solitary pursuit of a tufted Brahmin, rather it is a

way of life prescribed to attain Godhood while in the body for all.In this the

Crown Chakra energization is given prominence by way of adopting Sathwic



> Sathva tends to make the sap of soma ooze in the brain.Sathwa does not mean

weakness,infact destroying evil and ignorance with a strict hand is the

attribute of Sathwa.




> As far as the Veda Yoga is concerned one might attribute it to a 'Purusha' as

in Lord Shiva/Lord Narayana/Lord Shashta,etc and when this is achieved to some

extent in the sadhaka, then the Soma-nerves in the brain are strengthened and

then Srividya path which is nothing but the Kundalini path is adviced for the

" Shakthi "




> These are not cozy clubs and I find people thumping their chests and telling

that 'For a lifetime Im a Shivite'( or Vaishnavite) sometimes even telling, 'We

do not even look at the side of Shakthi or Shiva'.All these are the words

emnating out of immature minds.Their frames might be that of an 80 or even a 90

year old humanbeing but their minds function at 5 years of age, when they say

such things(unless out of a divine intoxication/exuberance, which almost none or

very few possess these days).Being a Shaivite,Shakta,Vaishnavite are just

gradations,steps and graduations to go deep within the Athman.


> The need for Vedayoga becomes imperative these days all the more with the

growing pollution in the environment the highest being mental-level





> 1. Onslaught of Mass media--in the form of cinema,politics,science and

development,SMS adverts,MMS adverts,Marketing jingoisms of all kinds,etc




> 2. Usage of computers and laptops which encourage alterations of the

bio-magnetic radiation of the humanbeing(without knowing how to protect oneself

from this current electronic pollution onslaughtone cannot progress further into

any sadhana as the mind's soma goes awry a bit and tends to not make one





> 3. Sex in all forms--be it self-abuse,actual acts,reading/viewing titllating

stuff,conversations,slang talk,jokes,etc.The Mooladhara pulls the nerve

connecting the Soma centre to the Adharam.




> 4. Distractions of other kinds --Narcotic/intoxicant influence(unless it is of

a very rare 1 in million kind of a Tantreeka swayoga which must be done strictly

under one's Guru).


> Example: In the course of one sadhana which I underwent with my father's Guru,

there was a stage, where I had to imbibe a certain alcoholic preparation made

from freshly fermented palmyra(Toddy like drink).This was done puja in a Kaula

fashion(Caveat here: Kaula does not always mean Alcohol,sex,etc as some people

think).This was done as an internal prasada kind of thing and it was done with

my Tantreeka Guru standing right behind me and infusing my brain with certain

mantras.For days I lay flat with certain visions and experiences.(Normally the

effect of the mild alcohol is not even for a few hours).Some tippler seeing this

commented to me and this Guru that I had become a " Brahmana Brashta " (fallen

brahmin) and that he(the drunkard) and me were one and the same in drinking

alcohol, all I could do was sit back and enjoy the guy's rants.


>  Fresh Toddy being tapped


> However, my Tantreeka Guru was not amused and so he asked the guy to bring 2

big bottles of the choicest alcohol he could get.The person brought it and then

asked the guy to proffer him the drink.It was given and the bottle was gulped

down by the Guru in one-go! The Guru stood unfazed and talked normally without

even a redness in the eyes or any sort of contortions,intoxicated tippling of

the body.It was as if He had drunk a bottle of water.The guy was then asked to

drink the bottle, which he drank with some relish and the guy even before he

could gulp 1/2 of it, fell flat on the ground.He was then hospitalized and

suddenly he got an aversion to alcoholic drinks.(All this obviously being the

play of this Tantreeka Guru of the highest order).


>  Hot Toddy Tapper(Southindia)


> I was ordered thus due to some poorvajanma samskaras and vasanas into that

marga,which I choose to keep quite about now and later at the goading of this

Guru and at the behest of my current Srividya Guru adopted the Veda-Vedanga path

and now into Dakshinachara.


> Not all can come through such routes, though it looks romantic,bravado-ridden

and off-beat.Infact, for days after that experience, I had to encounter

depression of sorts(vairaagya of a strange kind) and yearned for such an

experience again.This is where the Guru comes and stops.He knows how much of an

amritha to be given, to whom and when to start and stop it.


> 5. Ashuddham due to past and current births--For this Vasanakshayam alone is

the answer and for Vasanakshayam(erosion of past karmic taints) to occur one

must have the nameof the Lord and Lordess on the lips always.




> Though, I was initiated into Panchadasi directly without preliminaries or

puruscaharana recommendations, I personally did a purascharana of Gayathri

mantra,Ganesha,Navrna mantras as anushtanams to prepare the 4 energy centres.




> Mention about these procedures and why they are done are also embedded in the

Kamakalaa rahasyam and other texts.


> 6. Impurity of heart--A sadhaka/sadhaki might be of the highest kind yet if

his/her heart is impure, then his/her spirituality is bound to fail.The Yoga

Sutras III 33. regards the origin of the mind or chitta to be the heart. " Through

meditation of the heart comes knowledge of the Chitta "


> The hrudaya or the spiritual heart is the place where Athman or higher

self dwells.Here there is no distinction between a Brahmin or Chandala, rich or






> The teachings of Ramana Maharishi talk about creating this

Hrudaya-chaitanya(awareness of the spiritual heart), from which there is no

ascent or descent, no going or coming back.

> To understand Yoga at a deeper level, it is important to understand the

following principle: " All the chakras open to merge back into the Crown Chakra,

which in turn opens to merge back into the spiritual heart. "


> The inner Yoga is a single process of expansion of awareness happening at a

deeper level in different rhythms and dimensions.The different chakras starting

from the root chakra(Mooladhara) are aspects of the crown chakra, which in turn

is contained in the spiritual heart.




> There are many more nuances to what I have discussed above, which I cannot

possibly reveal due to lack of personal presence(from my side) to the reader to

understand his/her depth of sadhana and evolvement.Also,most of it are rarified

topics which might have a possibility of misunderstanding due to lack of

practical sadhana and mere intellecutal understanding.


> So, here I rest my speeding fingers which type...


> Yours yogically,



> Shreeram Balijepalli

> Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...







> --- On Sun, 7/5/09, Vivek K V <vivekkvn wrote:



> Vivek K V <vivekkvn

> Thank you!

> " Group Owner " <para_anuloma

> Sunday, July 5, 2009, 5:10 PM


Pranaamam Sreeramagaru,


> Yes you have given me an apt answer to the wonderstruck " idea " of



> The mere awakening of certain tought pocess and the frequent fever attacks of

my daughter i.e once in three months and the focus on the " mantra " aspects have

led me into the same.


> An angst coupled up with fighting up the negativities has " thrown open " the

mind into believing the " unbelieved "


> You said in the group discussion, " One has to proceed from Veda Yoga to Tantra

Yoga and not directly to Tantra Yoga as many modern aspirants think they

should/can.This is because these 4 major centres need to be strengthened before

the Kundalini fire can be raised through them and reach atop the Sahasrara. "


> Sreeramagaru, it could be very helpful if you could provide more insights into

Veda Yoga.


> I look for solutions, I look for answers!


> May Amma strengthen your Upasana!


> Vivek


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Pranaamam Sreeramagaru,


Thank you very much, once again for the descriptive explanation!


May Amba bless you with her Profoundity!





Shaktheyem , " para_anuloma " <para_anuloma wrote:


> Please read in the post as " Pundit Gopikrishna " and not " Pundit Gopalkrishna "

as I typed in a flow...


> Shaktheyem , Group Owner <para_anuloma@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >  

> > One clarification which needs rightful addressing before I leave for the


> > One member(Vivek) has asked me what I meant by the term " Veda Yoga " in my

last posting.

> >  

> > Veda Yoga is as the name suggests the path as enunciated by the Vedas.

> > Also, when I had scribed about the 4 energy centres, I didnot mean exactly

the Kundalini 6 chakras popularly known.These are 4 mantraical centres.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > The Crown Chakra is a representation of 1000s of mantras dormant within

us.Such crown-chakra mantras are very different from the Pranic fire mantras

used to ignite the Mooladhara chakra(and other Adhara-Chakras).Without the

mastery of this Crown Chakra, it becomes really difficult to progress in


> >  

> > I have personally faced terrible " inferno " for almost 2 years, with seething

heat and 'fire' coursing my veins and brain, much like Pandit Gopalkrishna of

Kundalini fame.The psychic experience transformed me at a very young age and

still I carry lot of remnants of the experience.That is why to play with

Kundalini is to play with fire.Atleast a physical fire can be extinguished but

this fire dies down on its own and even a Guru(unless He is a Rishi) cannot do

anything but assuage a bit the fires.

> >  

> >

> >  

> >  

> > Crown Chakra needs cooling and lunar energy and Panchadasi mantra gives

it.However preparation into the Vedamarga is necessary.Vedic Soma Mantras(such

as the 9th book of Rg. Veda) which are not Beeja-proclived but are a complex

pattern of sounds, tend to strengthen this fragile Thousand petalled Lotus with

cooling lunar energy.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Veda Yoga is not merely Vedic mantras and their cultivation.It involves a

way of life.Silent meditation and contemplation in the mind, calming the

senses,etc all form part of Veda Yoga.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > In Tamilnadu due to athestic and anti-brahminical movements and wonderful

marketing and distorting the truth by 'political greats' by ignorant political

parties and people, many have shunned and ridiculed Vedas as the confine of the

brahmins and adopted what they feel as more native, the Tamil Siddhar

path.Little do these 'practitioners's realize these Siddhars have gone beyond

caste and community distinctions long long ago.

> >  

> >

> >  

> >  

> > Some still mouth dialogues most ridiculously like " Paambatti Siddhar "

belongs to my community of snake charmers and the like.The siddhars do not care

for the man-made castes and communities and other distinctions.Infact one among

the 18 siddhas, Gorakkar who went to Himalayas and still roams there is called

Goraskhanatha and is now in the pantheon of the Navanathas and northindians for

their turn create stories and jingoisms again for this Natha!(Its really funny

how people want to own these 'free birds' and confine them into some region or

caste for their own insecurities.Most funny play of Paramamvyomam, I would say)

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Though it sounds very jingoistic and euphorically a very fine thing, the

Tamil Siddhar path is in itself a subtle covered path of the ancient Vedas and

is much more difficult to follow.Also anything started with a " hatred " (towards

any path or people or caste or community) will never bear fruit.Infact the

Siddhars and their energies see to it that such political elements are filtered

out.That is why I see many people in the 18 siddha paths in Tamilnadu not

knowing what they are doing or even talking and constantly fighting over which

Siddha is greater holding some book written by the Siddhar as the " Veda " !(This

is most foolish as all Siddhas consider one another brethren.Also, this itself

is the cunning play of the humanmind to create establishmentarianism to Siddhars

who are bereft of scriptures and texts and lead purely experiential lives)

> >  

> > Vaidiki marga is not a solitary pursuit of a tufted Brahmin, rather it is a

way of life prescribed to attain Godhood while in the body for all.In this the

Crown Chakra energization is given prominence by way of adopting Sathwic


> >  

> > Sathva tends to make the sap of soma ooze in the brain.Sathwa does not mean

weakness,infact destroying evil and ignorance with a strict hand is the

attribute of Sathwa.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > As far as the Veda Yoga is concerned one might attribute it to a 'Purusha'

as in Lord Shiva/Lord Narayana/Lord Shashta,etc and when this is achieved to

some extent in the sadhaka, then the Soma-nerves in the brain are strengthened

and then Srividya path which is nothing but the Kundalini path is adviced for

the " Shakthi "

> >  

> >

> >  

> > These are not cozy clubs and I find people thumping their chests and telling

that 'For a lifetime Im a Shivite'( or Vaishnavite) sometimes even telling, 'We

do not even look at the side of Shakthi or Shiva'.All these are the words

emnating out of immature minds.Their frames might be that of an 80 or even a 90

year old humanbeing but their minds function at 5 years of age, when they say

such things(unless out of a divine intoxication/exuberance, which almost none or

very few possess these days).Being a Shaivite,Shakta,Vaishnavite are just

gradations,steps and graduations to go deep within the Athman.

> >  

> > The need for Vedayoga becomes imperative these days all the more with the

growing pollution in the environment the highest being mental-level


> >  

> >

> >  

> > 1. Onslaught of Mass media--in the form of cinema,politics,science and

development,SMS adverts,MMS adverts,Marketing jingoisms of all kinds,etc

> >  

> >

> >  

> > 2. Usage of computers and laptops which encourage alterations of the

bio-magnetic radiation of the humanbeing(without knowing how to protect oneself

from this current electronic pollution onslaughtone cannot progress further into

any sadhana as the mind's soma goes awry a bit and tends to not make one


> >  

> >

> >  

> > 3. Sex in all forms--be it self-abuse,actual acts,reading/viewing titllating

stuff,conversations,slang talk,jokes,etc.The Mooladhara pulls the nerve

connecting the Soma centre to the Adharam.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > 4. Distractions of other kinds --Narcotic/intoxicant influence(unless it is

of a very rare 1 in million kind of a Tantreeka swayoga which must be done

strictly under one's Guru).

> >  

> > Example: In the course of one sadhana which I underwent with my father's

Guru, there was a stage, where I had to imbibe a certain alcoholic preparation

made from freshly fermented palmyra(Toddy like drink).This was done puja in a

Kaula fashion(Caveat here: Kaula does not always mean Alcohol,sex,etc as some

people think).This was done as an internal prasada kind of thing and it was done

with my Tantreeka Guru standing right behind me and infusing my brain with

certain mantras.For days I lay flat with certain visions and

experiences.(Normally the effect of the mild alcohol is not even for a few

hours).Some tippler seeing this commented to me and this Guru that I had become

a " Brahmana Brashta " (fallen brahmin) and that he(the drunkard) and me were one

and the same in drinking alcohol, all I could do was sit back and enjoy the

guy's rants.

> >  

> >  Fresh Toddy being tapped

> >  

> > However, my Tantreeka Guru was not amused and so he asked the guy to bring 2

big bottles of the choicest alcohol he could get.The person brought it and then

asked the guy to proffer him the drink.It was given and the bottle was gulped

down by the Guru in one-go! The Guru stood unfazed and talked normally without

even a redness in the eyes or any sort of contortions,intoxicated tippling of

the body.It was as if He had drunk a bottle of water.The guy was then asked to

drink the bottle, which he drank with some relish and the guy even before he

could gulp 1/2 of it, fell flat on the ground.He was then hospitalized and

suddenly he got an aversion to alcoholic drinks.(All this obviously being the

play of this Tantreeka Guru of the highest order).

> >  

> >  Hot Toddy Tapper(Southindia)

> >  

> > I was ordered thus due to some poorvajanma samskaras and vasanas into that

marga,which I choose to keep quite about now and later at the goading of this

Guru and at the behest of my current Srividya Guru adopted the Veda-Vedanga path

and now into Dakshinachara.

> >  

> > Not all can come through such routes, though it looks

romantic,bravado-ridden and off-beat.Infact, for days after that experience, I

had to encounter depression of sorts(vairaagya of a strange kind) and yearned

for such an experience again.This is where the Guru comes and stops.He knows how

much of an amritha to be given, to whom and when to start and stop it.

> >  

> > 5. Ashuddham due to past and current births--For this Vasanakshayam alone is

the answer and for Vasanakshayam(erosion of past karmic taints) to occur one

must have the nameof the Lord and Lordess on the lips always.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Though, I was initiated into Panchadasi directly without preliminaries or

puruscaharana recommendations, I personally did a purascharana of Gayathri

mantra,Ganesha,Navrna mantras as anushtanams to prepare the 4 energy centres.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > Mention about these procedures and why they are done are also embedded in

the Kamakalaa rahasyam and other texts.

> >  

> > 6. Impurity of heart--A sadhaka/sadhaki might be of the highest kind yet if

his/her heart is impure, then his/her spirituality is bound to fail.The Yoga

Sutras III 33. regards the origin of the mind or chitta to be the heart. " Through

meditation of the heart comes knowledge of the Chitta "

> >  

> > The hrudaya or the spiritual heart is the place where Athman or higher

self dwells.Here there is no distinction between a Brahmin or Chandala, rich or


> >  

> >

> >  

> >  

> > The teachings of Ramana Maharishi talk about creating this

Hrudaya-chaitanya(awareness of the spiritual heart), from which there is no

ascent or descent, no going or coming back.

> > To understand Yoga at a deeper level, it is important to understand the

following principle: " All the chakras open to merge back into the Crown Chakra,

which in turn opens to merge back into the spiritual heart. "

> >  

> > The inner Yoga is a single process of expansion of awareness happening at a

deeper level in different rhythms and dimensions.The different chakras starting

from the root chakra(Mooladhara) are aspects of the crown chakra, which in turn

is contained in the spiritual heart.

> >  

> >

> >  

> > There are many more nuances to what I have discussed above, which I cannot

possibly reveal due to lack of personal presence(from my side) to the reader to

understand his/her depth of sadhana and evolvement.Also,most of it are rarified

topics which might have a possibility of misunderstanding due to lack of

practical sadhana and mere intellecutal understanding.

> >  

> > So, here I rest my speeding fingers which type...

> >  

> > Yours yogically,

> >

> >

> > Shreeram Balijepalli

> > Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> > Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

> >  

> >

> >  

> >  

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 7/5/09, Vivek K V <vivekkvn@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vivek K V <vivekkvn@>

> > Thank you!

> > " Group Owner " <para_anuloma@>

> > Sunday, July 5, 2009, 5:10 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Pranaamam Sreeramagaru,

> >  

> > Yes you have given me an apt answer to the wonderstruck " idea " of


> >  

> > The mere awakening of certain tought pocess and the frequent fever attacks

of my daughter i.e once in three months and the focus on the " mantra " aspects

have led me into the same.

> >  

> > An angst coupled up with fighting up the negativities has " thrown open " the

mind into believing the " unbelieved "

> >  

> > You said in the group discussion, " One has to proceed from Veda Yoga to

Tantra Yoga and not directly to Tantra Yoga as many modern aspirants think they

should/can.This is because these 4 major centres need to be strengthened before

the Kundalini fire can be raised through them and reach atop the Sahasrara. "

> >  

> > Sreeramagaru, it could be very helpful if you could provide more insights

into Veda Yoga.

> >  

> > I look for solutions, I look for answers!

> >  

> > May Amma strengthen your Upasana!

> >  

> > Vivek

> >


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