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Mantropadesha in dream

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Dear Sriramgaru,How are you doing ?.Few years back, I got initiated in Panchadasi mantra from our Swamiji ofNanganallur temple. From then on I had beeing doing that mantra regularly.A couple of days back I had a dream in which a fierce looking sage (with sharpeyes and long beard) was holding my tongue and writing on it with a sharpobject (with a bright glowing tip) and was asking me to repeat the eightlettered Narayana mantra three times.Could you help me in interpreting this dream. I mean, what might be the purposebehind Narayana mantra upadesam when I am doing Ambal upasana. Should Iconsider this as an authentic Mantra upadesha from an unknown guru and startdoing this mantra too along with Ambal upasana or just consider it as a dreamand leave it ?. Kindly help.Best





Dear Sridhar Garu,


I'm fine by Amba's athyantha Karuna.I'm glad to note that you too are my Guru-bhratha and doing the Panchadasi regularly.


Following pointers must be taken note of:



You must never reveal any such experience ever openly in a public forum like this, not even to a Guru-Bhratha like me.Only ignorant people who do not know the mores and rules of Sadhana or who have an exhibitionist trend reveal openly such experiences.Now, I know you have revealed it out of enthusiasm to know more about this stunning dream but your first impulse in every matter must be to seek the umbrage of your/our Gurunatha.Whatever I reveal for inspiration of members/people is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg approved of by my Gurunatha,majority of my experiences,visions,dreams,powers(little that I possess),etc go unreported,unexhibited or displayed/used anywhere.Secrecy thus is the first rule of any sadhana.Hereafter follow this thumb-rule and even if you want to reveal certain experiences to your Gurubhratha(or in a rare case your Gurubhagini) then too you must seek the permission of one's Gurunatha.

You have to approach our Gurunatha for clarification about the dream and no one else.Only He knows and He would reveal it to you if He feels necessary for your spiritual growth.If He brushes aside this dream and asks you not to bother about it, then do not very well bother about it or mull as to what might be the ramifications.If on the otherhand, he instructs you on someother lines, then follow that.This is the correct approach to take here.

A person who has been initiated into some powerful mantra by a competent mantriacal adept would most certainly have dream experiences,visions,voices,even physical miracles manifesting,etc but these should be taken in one's stride.One should not get overly joyed or terribly fearful of such 'illogical' happenings nor should they be brushed aside in a psuedo-scientific manner as "hallucinations" or happenstances.Every miracle is an opportunity to test,verify,understand and absorb divinity.Every miracle is an expression of Divine Love.It is the dominant ego(not the dormant) which tries to play these games in most cases and make a mountain out of a molehill and arrogates itself to a higher stance.

The thumb rule for dream-initiations,especially when one has a Guru, is to not start the mantra given by the 'unknown person' whatever be His/Her ferociousness/Tejas.You must not let the person or the dream experience overwhelm you.If the dream is or becomes a recurring kind, you must immidiately report to your Guru.This is the most commonsensical rule to follow.The experience you have reported is a commonplace happening to serious devotee/disciple.

When even Amba or any Parivaara-Devatha comes, my Gurunatha says to me to ignore Her and concentrate on the Puja and finish it and not talk to Her, then to what to say of a dream in which some unknown person comes and gives a mantra unrelated to our marga?

Sometimes Etheric Tantriks who are watching your sincerity and arduous zeal of repetion of mantras, come in dreams and test you and see if you follow their mantras, if you do, you are doomed because they would suck your prana-power and leave you weak and you would also not get protection from Amba because you ignored your Gurunatha(by not informing Him and gaining counsel)

On the otherhand the person who came might be a genuine Vishnopasaka who wanted to attract you as an Upasaka seeing your zeal and fire.

Also, the person might have come because of some past birth connection or some karmic rinanubandhana.

One never knows why this has happened.So the best recourse is to consult with one's Guru whenever time permits and discuss this.Do not start any Ashtaakshari mantropasana and do not listen to anyone on this even if people naiively say, it is Vishnu'a nama and can very well be done.Ignoramuses do not know the depth and implications of Tantreeka sadhana and play around with words and people.Kaliyuga is filled to brim with such charlatans.

I too have encountered many many such experiences with my small baby- assays and have always stuck to my Gurunatha and have come out unscathed and wise, though tempted a couple of times to tread alone.I too am not perfect and dullwitted that Im, I feel only our MedhaGuru,Maatha and Maarga are perfect.

Whatever has happened is perfect, whatever is happening is perfect and whatever is going to happen is also perfect.Stay in this 'perfected upanishadic thought', no harm will befall you and surrender all to Guru and Goddess all wil be weal..


Rest, I leave it to your good godself to do what is best.I have only thrown some hints on what I felt was best for you. I have to put on record here that I speak the truth and do not want to tell sweet-things alone that your experience was a wonderfully divine one(there is no doubt it is a divine experience) and misguide you here nor do I suffer from any twinge of envy.I wish only the best of all whom I encounter in my life in an honest manner and try to help them if Amba gives me the power to do so.


Panchapranavaadi-Repha-Nalinyai Namaha:




Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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Many thanks Sriramgaaru. What a great and a clear explanation !.


I have always admired the way you reply to all the mails in this group, with

utmost personal attention.


Thanks a lot for advicing and guiding me appropriately. I take all your

advices, suggestions and will act accordingly.


Best regards,



Shaktheyem , Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:


> Dear Sriramgaru,


> How are you doing ?.

> Few years back, I got initiated in Panchadasi mantra from our Swamiji of

> Nanganallur temple. From then on I had beeing doing that mantra regularly.


> A couple of days back I had a dream in which a fierce looking sage (with sharp

> eyes and long beard) was holding my tongue and writing on it with a sharp

> object (with a bright glowing tip) and was asking me to repeat the eight

> lettered Narayana mantra three times.


> Could you help me in interpreting this dream. I mean, what might be the


> behind Narayana mantra upadesam when I am doing Ambal upasana. Should I

> consider this as an authentic Mantra upadesha from an unknown guru and start

> doing this mantra too along with Ambal upasana or just consider it as a dream

> and leave it ?. Kindly help.


> Best regards,

> Sridhar.





> Dear Sridhar Garu,


> I'm fine by Amba's athyantha Karuna.I'm glad to note that you too are my

Guru-bhratha and doing the Panchadasi regularly.


> Following pointers must be taken note of:



> You must never reveal any such experience ever openly in a public forum like

this, not even to a Guru-Bhratha like me.Only ignorant people who do not know

the mores and rules of Sadhana or who have an exhibitionist trend say out openly

such experiences.Now, I know you have revealed it out of enthusiasm to know more

about this stunning dream but your first impulse in every matter is to seek the

umbrage of your Gurunatha to be on the safe side.Whatever I reveal for

inspiration of members/people is only small things approved of by my

Gurunatha,majority of my experiences,visions,dreams,powers(little that I

possess),etc go unreported,unexhibited or displayed/used anywhere.Secrecy thus

is the first rule of any sadhana.Hereafter follow this and even if you want to

reveal certain experiences to your Gurubhratha(or in a rare case your

Gurubhagini) then you must here too seek the permission of one's Gurunatha.

> You have to approach our Gurunatha for clarification and no one else.Only He

knows and He would reveal.If He brushes aside this dream and asks you not to

bother about it, then do not very well bother about it or mull as to what might

be the ramifications.If on the otherhand, he instructs you something else, then

follow that.This is the correct approach.

> A person who has been initiated into some powerful mantra by a competent

mantriacal adept would most certainly have dream experiences,visions,voices,even

physical miracles manifesting,etc but these should be taken in one's stride.One

should not get overly joyed or terribly fearful of such 'illogical' happenings

nor should they be brushed aside in a psuedo-scientific manner as

" hallucinations " or happenstances.Every miracle is an opportunity to

test,verify,understand and absorb divinity.It is the dominant ego(not the

dormant) which tries plays these games in most cases and make a molehill a

mountain and tries to arrogate oneself as someone great when one should be

really humble towards one's Guru.

> The thumb rule for dream-initiations,especially when one has a Guru, is to not

start the mantra given by the 'unknown person' whatever be His/Her

ferociousness/Tejas.You must not let the person or the dream experience

overwhelm you.If the dream is or becomes a recurring kind, you must immidiately

report to your Guru.This is the most commonsensical rule to follow.

> When even Amba comes, my Gurunatha says to me to ignore Her and concentrate on

the Puja and finish it and not talk to Her, then to what to say of a dream in

which some unknown person comes and gives a mantra unrelated to our marga?

> Sometimes  Etheric Tantriks who are watching your sincerity and arduous zeal

of repetion of mantras, come in dreams and test you and see if you follow their

mantras, if you do, you are doomed because they would suck your prana-power and

leave you weak and you would also not get protection from Amba because you

ignored your Gurunatha(by not informing Him and gaining counsel)

> On the otherhand the person who came might be a genuine Vishnopasaka who

wanted to attract you as an Upasaka seeing your zeal and fire.

> Also, the person might have come because of some past birth connection or some

karmic rinanubandhana.

> One never knows why this has happened.So the best recourse is to consult with

one's Guru whenever time permits and discuss this.Do not start any Ashtaakshari

mantropasana and do not listen to anyone on this even if people say, it is

Vishnu'a nama and can very well be done.Ignoramuses do not know the depth and

implications of Tantreeka sadhana and play around with words and people.Kaliyuga

is filled to brim with such fradulent people.

> I too have encountered many many such experiences with my small

baby- assays and have always stuck to my Gurunatha and have come out unscathed

and wise though tempted a couple of times to tread alone.I too am not perfect

and dullwitted that Im, I feel only our MedhaGuru,Maatha and Maarga are perfect.

> Whatever has happened is perfect, whatever is happening is perfect and

whatever is going to happen is also perfect.Stay in this 'perfected thought', no

harm will befall you and surrender all to Guru and Goddess all wil be weal..


> Rest, I leave it to your good godself to do what is best.I have only thrown

some hints on what I felt was best for you. I have to put on record here that I

speak the truth and do not want to tell sweet-things that your experience was a

wonderfully divine one(there is no doubt it is a divine experience) and misguide

you here nor do I suffer from any twinge of envy here.I wish only the best of

all whom I encounter in my life in an honest manner and try to help them if Amba

gives me the power to do so.


> Panchapranavaadi-Repha-Nalinyai Namaha:






> Shreeram Balijepalli

> Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

> Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...






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