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A blogger by name, 'Agniveer', has sent me a posting thus below:


Can astrolgers explain the following :1. When thousands of people die in a catastrophe like earthquake or bomb blast, does that imply that all those people had death written in their kundlis at that particular point of time?

2. When several children are born at the same place at same time (this happens in many big hospitals), why isn’t the fate of all these children the same. If one says that there was minute difference in actual time of birth, in that case, how come predictions for other people can come true even with approximate record of time of birth. If astrology has to be true and yet explain difference in fate of people born within same few minutes at a particular place, it can be based only upon a record of time which is accurate to fraction of a second.

3. Which should be the time to be considered as birth-time? The time when the first part of child comes out of womb or the time when it is completely into the world. The process of child-birth doesnt happen in a flash. What about the case of twins?And if the logic of influence of energy waves and gravitation etc is to be accepted, then this should begin from the very moment soul enters the embryo. Why not then take this time of birth? Further the science of astrology offers no place for crude approximations in time of birth. It has to be accurate upto at least the minute. And what about about children born through ceaserean operation?

4. As per the rule of famous sadhe saati of shani, the fate should repaet after 30 years since saturn travels in one house for 2.5 years and has to complete 12 houses for a full circle. But why isnt that happen with anyone.

5. As per mangal dosh, if one of the spouse is mangalik and other is not, there is unhappiness and fear of death in life. But what if the non-mangal partner has a happy marital life and long age written in his/her kundli.

6. There is a fraud of muhurat according to which work started at correct muhurat gives auspicious result. However if the right result is already written in my kundli, then muhurat should not matter. Thus either muhurat’logy is correct or astrology or both are wrong. Both contradict each other and hence cannot be true simultaneously.

7. Even in Muhurat logy, which should be the time to be considered: The time of formal beginning or time i started thinking about the task. One’s preparation of task begins the moment the first thought comes, so why should a formal beginning of task be considered as time of muhurat?

8. Why do planets influence different people with same body constitution so differently? The effect of radiations and waves can vary in degree but cannot be entirely different for people of same race, same place, same food habit, same blood group etc etc.

It is a fraud that people perperate by claiming astrology to be of vedic origin. I challenge the entire population of astrologers and their believers to show one single verse in vedas that support astrology. Read the vedas and you will find almost the entire vedas fiercely opposing minutest of concept of fatalism. Further, why could not rishis see Ram’s vanvaas and Mahabharat happenning and other such crucial events of pre-kalyug history?

As regards predictions that come out very true, there can be one of the following cases:1. They are intelligent analysis of present and projection of future based on that. This is called foresight and the truly wise do possess this quality.2. Others are random guesses. later out of several guesses made, few come true. then the proponents of fatalism just focus on guesses which came true, publicize it bit too much and remain silent about , rather hide the predictions which failed.3. Third, like those of Chiero are just false stories which you would read only in books of astrology. This is just a gimmick to sell such books.4. Another category is of prophecies of people like Nostradamus who uttered out something in the vaguest of terms. Later when some event happened, people interpreted the vague utterings accordingly. Of course such predictions do show 95% accuracy!!!

But only on events that have already happened.If any astrolger has the might, give an account of at least the major events to happen in next few months with dates and show an accuracy of 95%. .No one will be able to do so except making random guesses like there will be terrorism, death of important personality, tension at border, instability in governement, depression in market, etc etc.

All sensible persons should shed all remnants of any fatalism and get into the purusharth mode. We have to really put the gravest of efforts to reestablish the vedic order of bliss for one and all. And even the slightest of such tendency will only make the dream impossible.




Since, I too am interested in Jyotisha, let me tackle this posting alone.I do not take up any duels with anyone but if I do, yes, I like to do some justice to it intellectually.This person and his site(www.agniveer.com) seems on the face of it good but then I would term many of his articles "Intelligent stupidity".This does more harm than mere ignorance and stupidity.However, I appreciate and do support his enthusiasm to support Vedic religion.





Now to the posting:

Answer to query 1: What makes you think, death cannot be predicted by a good astrologer? And what makes you think death is not imminent in all of their horoscopes? There is something called Group-karma which this person is not obviously not aware of.

He suffers from the logical misconception of "Generalizational ridiculing".


Example: A is possible, B is possible, C is possible, D is possible,etc however A-B-C-D-etc are not possible in a combined fashion because the magnanimity makes it looks ridiculous.


Unless,proper reasons are adduced as to why a combined effect is not possible,one cannot jump to any conclusions.God is an infinite principle existent as always.And finite and infinite merge into it, there is nothing impossible or magnanimous.


It is human ken and knowledge which is limited and tends to see the "sky as the limit"




Answer to query 2: Fate of a person is brought about by longitude,latitude,time of birth,his father/mother and other people who take care of him and their horoscopes,etc and thus the the fate of a person is not solely dependent on his horoscope alone and astrologers who make such claims will have to revalue their statements.


Logicality is easy to talk but indepth reasoning is necessary.If one starts with a disbelief in one's mind and then tries to reason out, then everything will look unbelievable.




Answer to query 3: Time of birth to be taken is when the baby first breathes in oxygen into its lungs.I have already broached upon this.Also, astrology accepts a bt of approximation and the blogger builds upon on an false assumption thus and cleverly argues against this concept.


Obviously I can sense some bad experience with a inefficient astrologer and thus this stance.When one supports Vedas to not support a Vedanga, is ridiculous!





Answer to query 4: There is no such rule and this is merely some kibosh presented by the blogger to distract ludicrous readers from the main point.Also, Sade-sathi/Elanatushani/Elunattushani/Sapthaardhashani is a karmic lesson for the soul nothing to fear as such.




Answer to query 5: Rules have to be understood properly be it astrology or science.The rules are seen by degrees,percentages and effect of grahas in houses etc.And not the stupid and commonplace questions like:

"What if I marry a woman who has certain widowhood to a man who has long life?"

A good astrologer would take both their horoscopes,see the compatibility on various grounds and can predict the expected longevity of the spouse most accurately.


Such questions betray the naivity of the blogger.





Answer to query 6:This again is logical chicanery.

A is possible in singularity.B is possible in singularity.Yet B and A are not present in combination.


Muhurtha jathaka and Birthnatal jathaka are not the only considerations.Infact, if something is given in the Birthnatal jathaka as something successful, then there is also an underlying caveat(condition) that such would be possible only by those who lead a vedic life to certain extent and follow some mores as to auspiciousness.


Also, the very fact that Muhurtha is being seen properly is an indication given already in Natal horoscope.


This is clever play of words by the blogger.




Answer to query 7: This is again a foolish question put forth without 'thinking'(pun unintended): Thoughts are many.A single man thinks thousands of thoughts per minute and this has been scientifically proved and it is difficult to nail anything down for muhurtha considerations.Unless the action is formally started, one does not know that the action comes fructifies and thus only a visual signal is seen by the grahashakthis.


I can think that I want to become the prime minister or president of a nation.This would perse not make for any action."Strategy without implementation is zero".Unless some concrete action is taken than mere woolgathering and armchari thinking,nothing is possible and thus the denominator seen is formal action.


This is more commonsensical.In Telugu we have a proverb: "Chadivi unna mathi kaasthe poyindhi"(By reading the already latent intelligence diminishes!).This seems to be the case of this over-enthusiastic blogger.





Answer to query 8: This is the most assinine argument ever putforth to astrologers.It is very simple.Planets are not some inanimate sources of mass to send out radition and affect the native.Planets are etheric graha-shakthis and they dole out the effects predominantly according to one's past and current birth karmas.The question of differences as to race,blood group,etc is a mere digression of facts(Fact-digression) which does not adduce or strengthen the blogger's arguments in any manner.




I can show many verses in Vedas which support astrology.I strongly advice this blogger to read the book "Astrology in Vedas and Puranas" by K.K.Pathak before "challenging" anyone foolishly, else cut a sorry figure if someone does come down and take up this gauntlet(for most reasons convinient, people of higher evolvement would not stoop low to argue with fools!)


Many Rigvedic verses contain secrtive codes to decode predictive astrology.Ignorance about these do not mean they do not exist!


I guess the blogger is also blissfully unware of the ududasha system and Vedic connection.






Jytoisha is not a fatalistic view of life.Jyotisha is a Vedanga.(limb of Vedas).Vedas form the hymnal support in an indexical power format,jyotisha forms a decoding power format of individual and other karmas and ways to resolve them.Both help the soul to evolve and learn karmic lessons.Unfortunately, unscrupulous astrologers turn this esoteric and sacred science into something banal and abominal.They usurp positions of yogi and 'decide" the fate of the people who approach them than give them remedies, which always exists in every possible situation,unless the karma is too heavy and the soul has to exit the current body and take upon a new body.

Who said Ramayan and Mahabharatha could not be predicted.I think this blogger is not even aware of Valmeeki and when and how He penned the Ramayan.I seriously entreat this blogger to read first the Puranas and note the various chronocities involved.Also, many texts would have been hidden, vanished as it is,etc.

Jyotisha predictions are not mere "analysis of wise person"which comes out true.I see, then how can some astrologers who are not great yogis with calculated astrological rules, predict with certainity even times of death, obviously this is not some vague minstration given by a "wise person".This itself is an abstraction.If the blogger had been intelligent he would have scribed somehting like---"Predictions are possible by Yogis of high order."Then he would have made a correct statement.

Random guessers..hmm, pin down an astrologer worth his salt on giving very specific times or atleast rough dates and Im sure he or she would be able to and it would coem out correct.Varahamihira was pinned down thus by the king and in return he was "pinned down" by a varaha!(pun unintended again!)

How can you speak for someone like Cheiro, have you persnally verified the "stories"(as you say) to be untrue or followed his numerological analysis? This bespeaks of intellectual arrogance to say the least.

I think the blogger is also blissfully unware of the many nostradamus followers who give very accurate predictions of the verses too.Just because one does not understand it and reads misinterpreted texts does not mean they do not exist.

Jyothisha, I repeat is not fatalistic study.

I would not further argue on this, as I deem it a waste of time to speak with parochial people.

But felt, I have to give one such posting to show-case the many defects inherent in this blogger's posting who claims he is an ex-IITian.


Jaya Jhrumbhini!




Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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Thankyou dear friend.Your help can be directed to him directly in his

site, where is quite vociferous.Other argument of his is that Rishis

dont exist as no Vedic scripture mentions a Rishi.I dont know wherefrom

his fecund brain comes with such ideas but this to is false.I dont have

the time nor the inclination for such discussions.


Someone was saying Astrology is not Karmasiddhantha.


This is most foolish because a horoscope is not something of an

indicator as to some planets being inimical or friendly to the native.Do

they hold such cozy clubs? Far from it, every planet from Rahu to Shani

are nuetral dispositors inherently.They are Grahamunis.They act as per

the person's prarabdha, give indications as to the varthamana

karma,etc.Astrology in Vedic terms is said to be Jyotisha(Light).It

throws light onto such " Karmic dwellments " inherent in the chart.


Only if a Group-karma is there, then all the people can suddenly die in

a plane crash.All of their horoscopes naturally will have similar death



To concentrate on a few shlokas, by heart them from Parasara Shastra and

the like and regurgitate them, apply them as if it is a mere mechanical

equation bereft of spirituality and karma is not the mark of an

astrolger, who bears the onus of spiritual light too.


Unless Upasana Bala of the astrologer is there, He or She cannot give

accurate predictions all the time.Maybe some amateur astrologers can

provide for a an accurate reading now and then but to obtain real and

accurate reading everytime, the astrologer must be in an upasanic

mode,bereft of want ofpelf or power,etc.


All these are again related to the astrologer's personal Karma.


The words " Karma Siddhantha " and the like,generally used by some Andhra

people, has been much beaten and abused.If some concept goes beyond

their ken, then they ascribe the words " Karma-siddhantha " and convert it

into some dry philosophy, not aware of the fact that every action they

do is governed by this " siddhantha " .


More than a mere postulate or theoretical philosophy, it is a Law.


The Law of Karma.The blogger does not the ABC of astrology and obviously

it would be useless to argue with his question which tend to be queries

of the " Karma-siddhantha " type with similar queries and not some

technical stuff from Parasari, which he would again try to foolishly

nail it down to logical bits and pieces.


" Use the weapon suited to the opponent warrior and not the proponent

warrior " would be the maxim, then.


Excuse my intrepedity of stance.






P.S. The above reply was an addendum to JSBL Narasimha's query.


Shaktheyem , gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123



> jai gurudev




> dear friend,



> i will try to help.i am doing astrology for last 20 yrs and even now

> i am just a humble student of the grahadevta and jyotish.





> On 7/18/09, Group Owner para_anuloma wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > A blogger by name, 'Agniveer', has sent me a posting thus below:

> >

> > *Can astrolgers explain the following* :

> > 1. When thousands of people die in a catastrophe like earthquake or


> > blast, does that imply that all those people had death written in


> > kundlis at that particular point of time?

> >



> when many people die in 1 spot in 1 time,many people having their

> marak dasa running gather at that spot.


> although there r 9 major planets we have also the mandi and gulika

> and many other upgrahas which also have some effect,whcih we r

> unable to dechiper easily.mandi and gulika r the satellites of lord




2. When several children are born at the same place at same time (this

> > happens in many big hospitals), why isn't the fate of all these

children the

> > same. If one says that there was minute difference in actual time of


> > in that case, how come predictions for other people can come true

even with

> > approximate record of time of birth. If astrology has to be true and


> > explain difference in fate of people born within same few minutes at


> > particular place, it can be based only upon a record of time which


> > accurate to fraction of a second.

> >



> for the child the parents,the gotra and karma of parents etc family


> etc

> etc is also important.one kid born in king's house and another to


> surely their futures maybe similar but not same.


3. Which should be the time to be considered as birth-time? The time

> > when the first part of child comes out of womb or the time when it


> > completely into the world. The process of child-birth doesnt happen

in a

> > flash. What about the case of twins?

> > And if the logic of influence of energy waves and gravitation etc is

to be

> > accepted, then this should begin from the very moment soul enters


> > embryo. Why not then take this time of birth? Further the science of

> > astrology offers no place for crude approximations in time of birth.

It has

> > to be accurate upto at least the minute. And what about about

children born

> > through ceaserean operation?

> >



> when the sperm meets the ovum and the spark of life starts that is

> the real time of horoscope,but bcoz its not practically possible,

> people use different method like time when the head is seen or

> child cry or when it is fully out of mother's womb etc.this goes for

> ceaserean section same for all.

4. As per the rule of famous sadhe saati of shani, the fate should

> > repaet after 30 years since saturn travels in one house for 2.5

years and

> > has to complete 12 houses for a full circle. But why isnt that

happen with

> > anyone.

> >



> the agniveer guy is not knowledgable i read his site,sorry to say



> the acculumulated karma action of this janma also help in the sade



> beside this the planets r constantly moving so the same astroligcal

> conditions dont apply the 2nd time.

5. As per mangal dosh, if one of the spouse is mangalik and other is

> > not, there is unhappiness and fear of death in life. But what if the

> > non-mangal partner has a happy marital life and long age written in


> > kundli.

> >



> one does not judge by lord mars alone,other planets if they have some

> strength in horoscope like lord guru,or lord venus,or lord shani etc

> they can also offset the bad effect of malafic planets.


6. There is a fraud of muhurat according to which work started at

> > correct muhurat gives auspicious result. However if the right result


> > already written in my kundli, then muhurat should not matter. Thus


> > muhurat'logy is correct or astrology or both are wrong. Both

contradict each

> > other and hence cannot be true simultaneously.

> >



> when the moment u think of some work,that is the muhurat for that work

> if u want to buy a house,and then see a muhurat to see it,both work.


> this agniveer guy is not interested to learn astrology but simply


> to stand on the shore and cast stones into the pond bcoz he does not

> seem to be interested to learn.


7. Even in Muhurat logy, which should be the time to be considered:


> > time of formal beginning or time i started thinking about the task.


> > preparation of task begins the moment the first thought comes, so

why should

> > a formal beginning of task be considered as time of muhurat?

> >


> both r equally improtant.if u learn astrlogy u will understand,without

> learning tis not possible to know.its like doing shreevidya mantra

> once u do it,u will understand.pls take the plunge and learn it.


8. Why do planets influence different people with same body

> > constitution so differently? The effect of radiations and waves can

vary in

> > degree but cannot be entirely different for people of same race,

same place,

> > same food habit, same blood group etc etc.

> >



> everyone is geneticall and astrally different,many sukshma grahas r


> and all details r given in vedic and astrologicla books,so pls study

> before opening the mouth .


> i am not a great guru but i have studied it so i know.

It is a fraud that people perperate by claiming astrology to be of

> > vedic origin. I challenge the entire population of astrologers and


> > believers to show one single verse in vedas that support astrology.

Read the

> > vedas and you will find almost the entire vedas fiercely opposing


> > of concept of fatalism. Further, why could not rishis see Ram's

vanvaas and

> > Mahabharat happenning and other such crucial events of pre-kalyug


> >


> the agniveer is a dunderhead,sage vishishta and vishvamitra knew this.


> there r not only 4 ved but 40 ved inch ayurved,jyotishved etc.....pls


> the shastras first.





As regards predictions that come out very true, there can be one of


> > following cases:

> > 1. They are intelligent analysis of present and projection of future


> > on that. This is called foresight and the truly wise do possess this

> > quality.

> >


> if u study astrology u will understand,that even without meeting

> 1 person just seeing horoscope one can make predictions.






> 2. Others are random guesses. later out of several guesses made, few

> > come true. then the proponents of fatalism just focus on guesses

which came

> > true, publicize it bit too much and remain silent about , rather

hide the

> > predictions which failed.

> >



> pls study jyotish.

3. Third, like those of Chiero are just false stories which you would

> > read only in books of astrology. This is just a gimmick to sell such


> > 4. Another category is of prophecies of people like Nostradamus who


> > out something in the vaguest of terms. Later when some event


> > people interpreted the vague utterings accordingly. Of course such

> > predictions do show 95% accuracy!!! But only on events that have


> > happened.

> >



> in srimad bhagwat puran,srimad devi bhagwat puran etc,lord vedvyasji

> has predicted the kaliyug,incl television,phones,water will be sold,

> people will sell their body parts,people will make false claim of

> being god or only prophet and the mlecch/yavan - semitic

> people will try to denigrade ved and veduic civilisation

> and there will be nuke war,pls read ved and puran,dont

> make comments without reading mr.avniveer.


If any astrolger has the might, give an account of at least the major

> > events to happen in next few months with dates and show an accuracy

of 95%.

> > .

> > No one will be able to do so except making random guesses like there


> > be terrorism, death of important personality, tension at border,


> > in governement, depression in market, etc etc.

> > All sensible persons should shed all remnants of any fatalism and

get into

> > the purusharth mode. We have to really put the gravest of efforts to

> > reestablish the vedic order of bliss for one and all. And even the


> > of such tendency will only make the dream impossible.

> >



> yes its possible,i can do this,but need time.if u study astrology


> bias,its

> possible.



> om shakti


> gopal





> > Since, I too am interested in Jyotisha, let me tackle this posting

> > alone.I do not take up any duels with anyone but if I do, yes, I

like to do

> > some justice to it intellectually.This person and his site(

> > www.agniveer.com) seems on the face of it good but then I would term


> > of his articles " Intelligent stupidity " .This does more harm than


> > ignorance and stupidity.However, I appreciate and do support his


> > to support Vedic religion.

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > Now to the posting:

> > Answer to query 1: What makes you think, death cannot be predicted

by a

> > good astrologer? And what makes you think death is not imminent in

all of

> > their horoscopes? There is something called Group-karma which this

person is

> > not obviously not aware of.

> > He suffers from the logical misconception of " Generalizational

ridiculing " .

> >

> > Example: A is possible, B is possible, C is possible, D is


> > however A-B-C-D-etc are not possible in a combined fashion because


> > magnanimity makes it looks ridiculous.

> >

> > Unless,proper reasons are adduced as to why a combined effect is not

> > possible,one cannot jump to any conclusions.God is an infinite


> > existent as always.And finite and infinite merge into it, there is


> > impossible or magnanimous.

> >

> > It is human ken and knowledge which is limited and tends to see the

" sky as

> > the limit "

> > ------------------------------

> > Answer to query 2: Fate of a person is brought about by

> > longitude,latitude,time of birth,his father/mother and other people

who take

> > care of him and their horoscopes,etc and thus the the fate of a

person is

> > not solely dependent on his horoscope alone and astrologers who make


> > claims will have to revalue their statements.

> >

> > Logicality is easy to talk but indepth reasoning is necessary.If one


> > with a disbelief in one's mind and then tries to reason out, then


> > will look unbelievable.

> > ------------------------------

> > Answer to query 3: Time of birth to be taken is when the baby first

> > breathes in oxygen into its lungs.I have already broached upon


> > astrology accepts a bt of approximation and the blogger builds upon

on an

> > false assumption thus and cleverly argues against this concept.

> >

> > Obviously I can sense some bad experience with a inefficient

astrologer and

> > thus this stance.When one supports Vedas to not support a Vedanga,


> > ridiculous!

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > Answer to query 4: There is no such rule and this is merely some


> > presented by the blogger to distract ludicrous readers from the main


> > Sade-sathi/Elanatushani/Elunattushani/Sapthaardhashani is a karmic


> > for the soul nothing to fear as such.

> > ------------------------------

> > Answer to query 5: Rules have to be understood properly be it


> > or science.The rules are seen by degrees,percentages and effect of

grahas in

> > houses etc.And not the stupid and commonplace questions like:

> > " What if I marry a woman who has certain widowhood to a man who has


> > life? "

> > A good astrologer would take both their horoscopes,see the

compatibility on

> > various grounds and can predict the expected longevity of the spouse


> > accurately.

> >

> > Such questions betray the naivity of the blogger.

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > Answer to query 6:This again is logical chicanery.

> > A is possible in singularity.B is possible in singularity.Yet B and

A are

> > not present in combination.

> >

> > Muhurtha jathaka and Birthnatal jathaka are not the only

> > considerations.Infact, if something is given in the Birthnatal

jathaka as

> > something successful, then there is also an underlying


> > that such would be possible only by those who lead a vedic life to


> > extent and follow some mores as to auspiciousness.

> >

> > Also, the very fact that Muhurtha is being seen properly is an


> > given already in Natal horoscope.

> >

> > This is clever play of words by the blogger.

> > ------------------------------

> > Answer to query 7: This is again a foolish question put forth


> > 'thinking'(pun unintended): Thoughts are many.A single man thinks


> > of thoughts per minute and this has been scientifically proved and

it is

> > difficult to nail anything down for muhurtha considerations.Unless


> > action is formally started, one does not know that the action comes

> > fructifies and thus only a visual signal is seen by the


> >

> > I can think that I want to become the prime minister or president of


> > nation.This would perse not make for any action. " Strategy without

> > implementation is zero " .Unless some concrete action is taken than


> > woolgathering and armchari thinking,nothing is possible and thus the

> > denominator seen is formal action.

> >

> > This is more commonsensical.In Telugu we have a proverb: " Chadivi


> > mathi kaasthe poyindhi " (By reading the already latent intelligence

> > diminishes!).This seems to be the case of this over-enthusiastic


> > ------------------------------

> >

> > Answer to query 8: This is the most assinine argument ever putforth


> > astrologers.It is very simple.Planets are not some inanimate sources

of mass

> > to send out radition and affect the native.Planets are etheric

> > graha-shakthis and they dole out the effects predominantly according


> > one's past and current birth karmas.The question of differences as


> > race,blood group,etc is a mere digression of facts(Fact-digression)


> > does not adduce or strengthen the blogger's arguments in any manner.

> > ------------------------------

> > I can show many verses in Vedas which support astrology.I strongly


> > this blogger to read the book " Astrology in Vedas and Puranas " by


> > before " challenging " anyone foolishly, else cut a sorry figure if


> > does come down and take up this gauntlet(for most reasons

convinient, people

> > of higher evolvement would not stoop low to argue with fools!)

> >

> > Many Rigvedic verses contain secrtive codes to decode predictive

> > astrology.Ignorance about these do not mean they do not exist!

> >

> > I guess the blogger is also blissfully unware of the ududasha system


> > Vedic connection.

> > ------------------------------

> >

> >

> > - Jytoisha is not a fatalistic view of life.Jyotisha is a


> > of Vedas).Vedas form the hymnal support in an indexical power

> > format,jyotisha forms a decoding power format of individual and

other karmas

> > and ways to resolve them.Both help the soul to evolve and learn


> > lessons.Unfortunately, unscrupulous astrologers turn this esoteric


> > sacred science into something banal and abominal.They usurp

positions of

> > yogi and 'decide " the fate of the people who approach them than give


> > remedies, which always exists in every possible situation,unless the


> > is too heavy and the soul has to exit the current body and take upon

a new

> > body.

> > - Who said Ramayan and Mahabharatha could not be predicted.I think


> > blogger is not even aware of Valmeeki and when and how He penned the

> > Ramayan.I seriously entreat this blogger to read first the Puranas

and note

> > the various chronocities involved.Also, many texts would have been


> > vanished as it is,etc.

> > - Jyotisha predictions are not mere " analysis of wise person " which

> > comes out true.I see, then how can some astrologers who are not

great yogis

> > with calculated astrological rules, predict with certainity even

times of

> > death, obviously this is not some vague minstration given by a " wise

> > person " .This itself is an abstraction.If the blogger had been

intelligent he

> > would have scribed somehting like--- " Predictions are possible by

Yogis of

> > high order. " Then he would have made a correct statement.

> > - Random guessers..hmm, pin down an astrologer worth his salt on


> > very specific times or atleast rough dates and Im sure he or she

would be

> > able to and it would coem out correct.Varahamihira was pinned down

thus by

> > the king and in return he was " pinned down " by a varaha!(pun


> > again!)

> > - How can you speak for someone like Cheiro, have you persnally

> > verified the " stories " (as you say) to be untrue or followed his

> > numerological analysis? This bespeaks of intellectual arrogance to

say the

> > least.

> > - I think the blogger is also blissfully unware of the many


> > followers who give very accurate predictions of the verses too.Just


> > one does not understand it and reads misinterpreted texts does not

mean they

> > do not exist.

> > - Jyothisha, I repeat is not fatalistic study.

> > - I would not further argue on this, as I deem it a waste of time to

> > speak with parochial people.

> >

> > But felt, I have to give one such posting to show-case the many


> > inherent in this blogger's posting who claims he is an ex-IITian.

> >

> > Jaya Jhrumbhini!

> >

> >

> >

> > *Shreeram Balijepalli*

> > *Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!*

> > *Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam*...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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