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[Shaktheyem] Kaulikaartha

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Dear Shreeram jiThanks, I did continue what was given to me even after writing the email for clarification,your clarification has taken me as well as all of us in the group to re-affirm that we are guided well by Amba & our guru Shri Rajagopal ji.I record my deep sense of gratitude to you for handling this group with lots of Love & CareAt the divine mothers feetRajiv--- On Tue, 14/7/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:Group Owner <para_anuloma[shaktheyem] KaulikaarthaTuesday, 14 July, 2009, 12:16 PM







Dear Shreeram jiI am absolute follower of various thoughts you put in to the group and you have helped me a lot on my spiritual journey.In your message #4459You have explained Varivasya Rahasya where in panchadasakshari you have given is Ka, Em, I, La, Hrim Ha, Sa, Ka, Ha, la, Hrim Sa ka la Hrim but our guru Shri Rajagopal ji has given me the mantra in writing on 7-05-08 as " <<<<<<<<<<<<<Mantra not revealed here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" I had been chanting as given to me please advice me what I should do?Hope have a reply on this ASAP ThanksAt the divine mothers feetR




Dear R and all,


Thankyou for your kind words.

Trust our Guru, not this fool who types here! Haha!


I know there was a small typo in the image but it is not mine.I find it too much of a work to keep mentioning URLs for even images I post.It was not my Image.


I'm posting this as a clarification to all who might be misguided like you.Yesterday even my wife who casually read it, pointed the same mistake out but I thought no one is going to notice it and that it was too late now to go back and edit it(as such a facility is not available in ).So, I joked to Her, "Well, maybe I escaped from Amba's eyes this time! Haha!".She too smiled.


But today, I see this e-mail and am stunned at Amba's monitoring me very minutely! It gives me jitters!






It was just a pickup(Cut-paste- copy) image from www.bhagavadgitausa .com .

The site has interesting images on Srividya, though the title seems to suggest some ISCKON influence!


Please dont go by the images I post, they are there just to prop and pep-up the content.They are rarely my own.




Sometimes what an image can covey cannot be conveyed by a verbiage of words.


Concentrate on my content which is the 'kernel'(which also has many typos and grammatical errors as I really do not have time to sit and proof-read it.Even my wife asks me to first type it out in a word document,check for errors and then post.I do not really have time for this.I just type free-flowingly in a Taoist way in the email compose message box itself and then add a few random images I have from my documents or from internet and then HIT the SEND button).




Unlike, other moderators of other groups I do not have any Shishyas or Chelas who will do the typing,editing business for me and make my messages look "perfect".It is a single-man effort and since Im not behind any shishya-brindam or praises,I leave everything else to Amba.


Please excuse my ineptness in this matter here.Im really sorry.







If you have any doubts in my content which I have typed, do ask me, I would gladly help you out.In any case, maybe you thought the image was mine since it did not bear any picture as such and just a flow chart type of diagram.






Example of images from the site:


1. http://www..bhagavad gitausa.com. cnchost.com/ TANTRA9.gif

This is the image in question picked form this site.


2. http://www.bhagavad gitausa.com/ kundal20. gif

An earlier image used by me.


Now, both these images have 'small' defects.One which you pointed out is a 'blatant' one though it looks like it is very small and addition of one small "syllabalic tone"(or was it that the person who posted it had such an initiation from his guru?)..


I will try be careful hereafter and add the caevat below if I find some mistake in the image("Do not follow the mantras/Beejas given in the image").


Thankyou for this email.I deem it as Amba correcting me,after all as I said in the earlier email Panchadasakshari and Amba are not different.It is like a 'defective' Amba(Goddess forbid) being showcased by this dullwitted person here!






One more thing:



You have showcased in your enthusiasm the mantra given by our Gurunathar to you.It will surprise you to note that it is different than that given to me or even to my wife!Why so? Let me explain to you in points below...



When I showed your email to my wife, she raised her eyebrows and do you know why? It is because--"NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, should you ever type out what has been given(in this even written by our Gurunathar) to you by your/our Gurunathar to anyone else" Even my wife does not know what combination of Beejas has been given to me and viceversa.The Guru sees the disciple and after checking his 1.Aura 2.Current birth samskaras 3.Past birth samskaras and upasana 4.Future sadhanic evolvement might add a beeja or delete a beeja or even change a beeja(s) a bit, no one can challenge Him and ask why He has done so.He has every right to 'customize' even Panchadasi and only fools naiively would argue on this aspect.He might also in a rare case give initiation into Panchadasi

as it

is but can increase or decrease the potency of the mantra during the Shakthipatha akin to a doctor increasing or decreasing the potency of a drug.Thus, this marga is totally a Gurubaddha marga and I find it foolish to attend Srividya worskhops and 'buy' mantras for $175(per day!) or so(quoting from a recent ad blurb that I saw).



Swaprakashananda, my Dattaguru, used to say "Disciples are like 'different chemical stones', the alchemist must know which chemical to be rubbed against which 'chemical stone' to transmute it to gold.Not all Gurus know this art.Not all disciples know this fact, Dattu!"(Obviously He meant it in the connection of mantras and advices being doled out by Gurus to Shishyas).Never compare what you have with what others have or what is popularly known in the 'bazaar'.One must be content with what one has and follow the inherent Dharma of the sadhana related to it and then slowly the 'Dharma' itself will show the further path.



Never suspect or doubt what your Gurunathar has given.Even if Amba comes and says, "No R, please follow this mantra.Guru Rajagopala was wrong" DO NOT FOLLOW HER.These and many are clever plays by Her and Her ganas to test the sadhakas.



Many people in a rush to have visions and experiences of Amba forget that Srividya is a Gurubaddha marga.Guru and Goddess are one and the same.As long as you keep seeing the human element in the Guru, you will go nowhere.This is because the mind is lulled into thinking, "Ah! he is just like me in human body with anger, irritation,etc. .he is no god!" The moment your heart truly understands that Amba and He are not seperate then Amba will start to play positively in your life..Then Mokshamarga starts unfolding to you slowly and you will understand the wheres and wherefores of all.



Do not be swayed by wonderfully wordsmithed postings or captivating images or sensuous tactile perceptions of any sort... by anyone...by any book...by any wesbite... and mainly by fools like me who have nothing better to do!



Gurunatha is the only refuge and prop in Srividya Tantra, unless this is understood by the sadhaka no progress can be made whatsoever even if he possesses the rarest or rare texts.He has written it and given you the mantra.Obviously He would have chanted it and touched your shirasa; given a small shakthipatham and then made you repeat the mantra thrice.When this has been done, you should entertain no doubts as to the authenticity of the mantra.



(Bhaktha Meera was tested by Lord Krishna for Her Gurubhakthi. When She was involved in Gurudhyana, Krishna used to play flute and dance behind Her but She never used to waver or look at Him.She used to do 'Mananam' of Her Guru, mentally offer Her prayers to Her Guru and do Guruseva when He was around and then only even look at Krishna! And that is why Kanha never left Her in the first place!)



I find almost all texts in the market and online sites(even those revealed by other upasakas) to have some fault or the other by way of beejas,procedures, etc.This is the reason why I emphasize the need for Guru and proper initiation.These days everyone are self-styled Gurus reading a few books! This is a very dangerous trend. Kaliyuga-Maya, whatelse!



Also, please do not go exclusively by the collection of files and documents we have in our Group, these too are not prepared by me(except one or two) have been picked from sanskrit document sites and might have an error or two.Have a second opinion after you download or follow the same.I have kept it all to rev-up member's inspiration.




Shastras are to be read in moderation and in line with what one is practicing after seeking the counsel of one's Guru but it is like an "appetizer" not the main course.Also, some "appetizers" might not fit the palate or stomach of the gourmet!So the 'gourmet' seeks the advice of his 'doctor' on what he can eat.(Extrapolate Gourmet and Doctor accordingly to mean Sadhaka and Guru here).



There might be soem heavy sounding names like "Varivasya Rahasya", "Kamakalavilasa" ,etc.Do not be bamboozled by such content.Your Guru is greater than all these texts.Nothing can be of an "athikrama"( overriding) nature than your Guru.




For the Srividya practitioner, the icon and the mantra of the Goddess are the signs(representamen ) that create equivalent and more devloped signs(interpretent) .The physical(sthula) and subtle(sukshma) forms of Goddess function as the interpretent of the icon and the mantra.The significance, potency and works of the icon and the mantra depends on the interpretents that create association between the mantriacal signs given to the sadhaka and his/her evolvement.For the Srividya initiate the symbols do not act merely as symbolic signs but indexical signs.An indexical sign is a sign in which resemblance or shared quality does not define the relationship between the object and the representament, instead contiguity and concurrence defines the significant powerful link between the Devi and the Sadhaka/Sadhaki. Fire and smoke,Red litmus and acidity are all indexical signs and one cannot exist without the other in the

representamen- object relationship.




Further, Mantra is not language but meta-language and does not function like a "word".Infact, after a certain stage, the mantra does not even depend on the convention meaning ascribed to it by the sanskrit language(or in the case of sabr mantras local languages) it is not a mere symbolic representation but functions as an indexical representation of divinity.




In other words, the sadhaka/sadhaki might know the possible symbolic meanings of the potential power that resides in the signs(panchadasi in this case).For instance one might learn the esoteric meanings of the Goddess's mantric names in order to know about the power of the mantra not the mantra itself.As an index, the sign creates or enhances the epoisodic power which effects worldly enjoyments(Bhukthi) and liberation(Mukthi) .Using the sign indexically ,for example would be to use a mantra ritually to create an occasion of power.Bhaskararaya implies this analytical distinction when He comments on Lalitha Sahasranama Nama(88th) as in "Mulamantraathmika" ..She is the root-mantra itself.He comments thus:"Mula root, this is the fifteen syllabled mantra,panchadasi, this is the root of the four objects of human desires(purushaarth a):Mantra, 'man';repetition ;'tra'

protection-- It

protects those who repeat it.It is declared "Mantra is said to that, with increasing repetition(Manana) of which with reflection of "I-ness", destroys one's transmigratory life(samsaara) and protects him"





Now, for the above points to flourish, our Guru(or for that matter any Srividya adept) would strive to give it as per the "artha' of the mantra in relevance to the disciple.There are many "arthas" to a mantra as in: "Bhavaartha" (existential meaning--ontologica l identity of the mantra's sounds to ultimate reality.Both 'parinama'(Absolute 's real transformation) and 'vivartha'(Neither unreal or imaginary plurality of the sadhaka/sadhaki' s being) are covered here.),"Sampradayaa rtha"(traditiona l meaning),"Nigarbhaa rtha"(Hidden meaning),Kaulikaart ha(Meaning ascribed to one's Shaktha-clan) ,Rahasyaartha( Secretive meaning--as in body centres/chakras, etc).Among these arthas "Kaulikaartha" is seen and given emphasis.To put it in Bhaskararaya' s summarizing words:"...In this way the identity of the Mother,the vidhya,the chakra, the Guru,the pupil's own self is patent.This is the Kaulikaartha of the

mantra (without

which the mantra has mere symbolic power but no indexical power for which it was meant.)"

I hope now there is more clarity.Your email also helped me to showcase in detail something else of interest to our members, hope you did not mind my verbiage above.





Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!

Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...





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