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[Shaktheyem] dasa mahavidyas

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jai gurudev



dear friend,



thank u for yr kind advice,i will surely take greater care,and be very careful.



om shakti





On 7/25/09, para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote:





I would like to chip in here thus:There are some Yanthras(Dristhy,prana,etc) which do not need any pujabut a pranaprathishtapana and then a small maintenance kriya every day.However, the concept that Yanthras can be kept in office,car,etc because

it is an energy field and thus mere darshan would suffice is notcorrect.One must be afraid precisely because it is an energy field.An energyfield requires maintenance,feeding,etc to maintain the energy flow in a

positive manner.Else,karmic debris of the elements would seek theYanthra first and slowly there would eb distability.Doing Kundalini meditation with Yanthras require the guidance of a Guruwho has his/her Kundalini opened and connected and not all.

Yanthras without pranaprathishtapana have a detrimental effect or atbest no effect.An Yanthra in simple layman's term is like a relative who has come home.You smile to that relative,offer him a seat,and keep watchign him

smiling.It will be good for sometime but then the relative will think,the person has gone cranky!You repeat the same behaviour the whole day,without offering him say food or water,despite him asking(meaningdespite the yanthra showing indications by various mishaps in house

ranging from sudden falling of objects to serious mishaps in the case ofpowerful yanthras like srichakra or ghandabherunda narasimha yanthra),then the relative is bound to get angry and get out of the house.

Here the poor yanthra is forced to sit in the home, as the yanthracannot get out.But the Yanthra adhishtana devatha/devi will exit andthen his/her shakthis/yoginis will start playing havoc.This point is tobe noted.

Initially everything will be a path of roses but lateron it will be apath of thorns.Yanthra normally requires the following1. Permission of one's Gurunatha2. Proper analysis whether the Yanthra will fructify for the

upasaka/person,etc and will not harm him or her.This is done seeing anddrawing a chakra(astrologically) or meditated intuitively and told(likesay Swaprakashananda Avadhutha) and meditation intuitively and cognized

for effects can only be done with Yogis of high calibre.3. Yanthra has to be properly framed,lines properly drawn,groovesproperly gridded,material properly used,etc.This is a precise science.Ifind even hollow srimahamerus doing rounds!

4. Yanthrapuja and mantra needs initiation too like ordinarymantras.Yanthra is the physical form of the mantra and thus isinfinitely more powerful than the mantra initself according to someTantras.Yogini Tantra says Devi must be worshipped according to

prathima,mandala or yanthra form.5. Only after a certain amount of mantra sadhana, the Guru givespermission to worship a Yanthra (first in 2 dimensional form and then in3 dimensional form).After this, the yanthra which is a mere crutch is

dropped too and then antar-yanthra practices start.6. Pranapathishtapana of the Yanthra is a must.Many websites andorganizations these days naively tell, " Please keep Yanthras at home,afterall they are positive energy grid creators and will Divine Mother

punish? " and all the related kibosh.The sadhaka first meditates upon the Devatha,then arouses Him or Herwithin himself and then he communicates the divine presence thus arousedto the Yanthra.When the Devatha thus aroused by the appropriate mantra

invoked into the yanthra, the vital airs(prana) of the devatha/devi isinfused therein by the pranaprathistapana ritual,mudras and mantraincantation.This is no joke.The Devatha or Devi is thereby aroused and installed in the Yanthra

which then becomes no mere gross physical matter veiling the spiritwhich has always been there but instinct with its aroused presence,which the sadhaka first wlecomes and then starts worshippingassiduously.Mantra in itself is the Devatha and the Yanthra is the

mantra in that it is the body of the Devatha who is mantra.So one musttreat this body of the devatha with the respect that it accords.Will you make your mother or father sit on the dashboard of the car? or

keep them in house without feeding them or giving water?The same goes with Yanthras.Mother and father no doubt give positivevibrations(in most cases atleast)to their children and bless them but ifyou disrespect them or teat them badly, then definitely they might not

curse(if they are really noble) but there would be a curse attachedkarmically.In my home, when the time for cleaning the srichakra comes, and I do notdo it, there ensues some misunderstanding in my family, involving me! I

immidiately know that the cause for this is the Srichakreshwari Mathaseated in the Yanthra asking me for a good bath.This ahs been theexperience of one other advanced practioner Shankaranarayanan ofSrichakra book fame.

7. Regular maintenance,cleaning,Bhogam(naivedya of a multimagnitudinalform),other upacharas are to be done.Not all are privy to this knowledge and in their greed/over-enthusiasmbehave very naively.And all I can say is be careful and take care if you

keep yanthra at home sans the essence of points mentioned above.Jaya Yanthraathmike'! Jaya Mantraathmike'! Jaya Tantraathmike'!Shreeram BalijepalliShaktheyem , gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123

wrote:>> jai gurudev>>> dear friend,>

> i have not said anything related to any commercial angel at all> i did not ask for money pls note this.>> everything has an energy field,even a yantra drawn has its own

> energy field,and this is a subject of faith,but i can assure u> that i have myself put up the yantra in my office and felt some> positive changes in myself and my work.maybe its> my mind or maybe its for real,but whatever it maybe it has

> helped me.same for many of my friends.>> even if u draw a shatkon yantra [ six pointed star ] with> bindu in centre and just hold it in yr hands u can sense> the energy has changed.if u do regular meditation and kundalini

> yog u will get the sensitivity,this is gift of mother to> every human being.all have it and no one is unique> when this is concerned.>> you r free to try or not try.>> i am not asking anyone to do prana pratishta etc,just do

> darshan of it everyday whenever one sees it,also generates> positive effect.>> simple chanting of ram nam or a beej mantra or> even praising the gods and goddesses has a> positive effect on humans,as is evident from

> many stories in puran,and of many great devotees.>> even yantra without prana pratishta if viewed with shraddha has> an effect.pls do try it for yrself.>> i request u to pls try it,and see for yrself.

>> i am sorry if i hurt yr feeling,but if the intent and focus> is there,and it is aided by a positive symbol like sriyantra> or any good yantra it has a positive effect on us.>>>

> om shakti>>>> gopal>>>>>> On 7/25/09, raghavender ganti rganti9 wrote:> >> >> >

> > Sri Gurubhyon Namaha> > Dear Gopal Ji> > How can putting just an> > yantra have a positive effect, please donot pass this just like a TV> > commercial, placing in office or car. A yantra deserves some respect

and> > just as a person with some amount of spiritual sadhana can hold itit is> > like asking a small 2 year old to lift 5 kgs , he can never he mighttry and> > hurt himself, instead if you ask a teenager who has enough strength

he can> > easily lift it and would probably use it help his physique grow. Iwould> > just say follow what yopur guru says, if you dont have keep prayingto> > mother to show you one and she will when the time is right.

> >> > Sri Kamakshi> > Raghav> >> > ------------------------------> > Shaktheyem

> > gopalnarayan123 > Thu, 23 Jul 2009 12:10:53 +0530> > [shaktheyem] dasa mahavidyas [14 Attachments]> >> >[Attachment(s)<http://by107w.bay107.mail.live.com/mail/EditMessageLight.\

aspx?ReadMessageId=b00b2cd0-101e-43cf-96e4-d6d3ed30ee35 & FolderID=0000000\0-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 & CP=-1 & n=1308737106 & Action=ReplyAll & AllowUn\safe=False#TopText>from gopal narayan included below] > >> >> >> >> > jai gurudev> >> >> > dear friends,> >> >> > i have 1 humble request.we r all friends and students and children

of> > divine mother.now a days it is fashionable for many people toflaunt,> > that they r guru and give deeksha or for some people to say this and> > that.and when we want to know more,they say its a secret and stuff

> > and try to block the divine knowledge.> >> > sanatan dharma and bharatvarshan r in grave danger so much so that> > i worry in 50 yrs at the rate politicians of all parties r doing our

> > beloved> > motehrland and sanatan dharma may not exist in india anymore.> >> > that is why i request that we all help each other as brotehrs andsisters> > and friends to learn more abt sadhanas,and not have ego as it is the

> > greatest impedement in the path.> >> > if xtians and islamists spread their ideology we r lagging behinddue to> > veil of secrecy,surrounding mantra sadhana and due to this many

people> > r misusing this for their own commercial gain.> >> > there r vedic,tantric,siddha and sabar mantras.> >> > we can surely exchange simple siddha and sabar mantras for only good

> > causes like shanti,pushit,dhan prapti etc....so that we can all show> > to each other and help raise the level of our spiritual being.> >> > i hope the moderator does not feel offended nor any of my friends

feel> > offended.> >> > i have been doing sadhanas for over 20-25 yrs,and wud like to share> > some mantras,and i am not a guru not i want any money in exchange> > what i want in exchange is to keep our divine dharma alive for

generations> > to come.> >> > also there r some really good sites which r selflessly doing samefor> > dharma> > and if u dont mind i will post them for dharma labh of all.

> >> > the pics i send herewith.> >> > 1 more info :> >> > all pics r easily available on google.> >> > incl yantra also.this 1 yantra of 10 mahavidya contains mother

> > adi shakti durga yantra and with 10 mahavidya yantra around it.> >> > what i have done is took prinout on a3 paper,and laminated it andput> > the pooja rooms and office and also home.it has very positive

effect.> >> > this yantra is not available on google so i send it.> >> >> > om shakti> >> > gopal> >> >> >> >

> >> >> > On 7/22/09, *seetharaman vasu* vasumerc wrote:> >> >> >> > Dear Gopal sir> >> > I will be very happy if you could send the pictures by e-mail.

Thanks a> > million.> >> >> > Regds> > S.Vasu> >> >> > ------------------------------> > ** gopal narayan gopalnarayan123

> > *To:* Shaktheyem > > *Sent:* Wednesday, 22 July, 2009 17:14:13

> > *Subject:* Re: [shaktheyem] Dasa Maha Vidya picture> >> >> >> >> >> >> > jai gurudev> >> >> > dear friend,> >

> >> > mail means e-mail.> >> > sorry for any misunderstanding.> >> >> > om shakti> >> > gopal> >> >> > On 7/22/09, *gopal narayan* <gopalnarayan123@

gmail.comgopalnarayan123> > wrote:> >> >> >> >> > jai gurudev> >> >> > dear friend,> >

> > i have both yantra and pics of mataji in her 10 forms.> >> > if u want,i can mail them to u.> >> >> > om shakti> >> > gopal> >> >

> >> >> > On 7/22/09, *seetharaman vasu* vasumerc (AT) (DOT) co.ukvasumerc> > wrote:> >> >> >> > Dear Sir> >

> > I wish to purchase dasa maha vidya poster / picture. Can you suggestme> > where can I buy ? Or could you pls send me the pictures, so I willprepare> > the poster picture on my own. Thanks.

> >> > Best regds> > S.Vasu Iyer> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >

> >> >> >> > ------------------------------> > Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Store, access, and share yourphotos. Seehow.<http://windowslive.com/Online/SkyDrive?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_CS_SD_phot\

os_072009>> >> >> >>

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