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Curses on gayatrI Devi

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Dear Shreeram ji


In one of our group old email i saw an attachment regarding Srigayatri Sadhana and Shapa vimochana mantram.


Kindly tell me why vimochana mantram was attributed to Sri Brahma,Vashista & Viswamitr Maharishi. On what context SriGayatri matha incurred the shapa.










Dear Venkat,




shApamuktAhi gAyatrI chaturvarga Phalapradam I

ashApamukthAhi gAyatrI chaturvarga PhalAntakam II


There are 2 kinds of gAyatrI upAsanAs as in: vaidIkA and tAntrIkA.


vaidIkA uses it in a referential mode and tAntrikA uses it in an indexical power mode.

vaidIkA mode does not need a prop of kIlanA('nailing') due to curses by the seers.




It seems strange that the very seer visvAmitrA Himself curses gAyatrI.Actually it is very symbolic and it is not a curse in itself{(whatever be the context;The immidiate context here being seers vas'istA and vis'vAmitrA once wanted the powers of srustI,sthithi and layA/samhArA and despite aeons of tapas, they could not obtain it and thus they cursed gAyatrI devI by way of a KeelanA.Lord BrahmA is said to have cursed the Mother, when he fell into the trap of incestual thoughts against sarasvatI and married Her(some say even gAyatrI)}




I deem it to be a seal on the indexical power of gayatrI by these 3 seers and the release mantras needed to be obtained from an aviccHiNa paramparA of gAyatrI upAsakAs to obtain the chaturvarga phalA pradA.


I have seen some Pdfs and websites touting some mantras as the shapavimochana mantra for gayatrI but I do think one must get the authentic version of the mantras for unsealing the Mahamantra and then praticing it.


Even vaidIkA practiontioners would benefit immensely out of this assay.


Many details of sandhyopAsana, gAyatrI mantra, etc. can be found in shrImad devI bhAgavatam. smArta-s rely on this source for most of their sandhya rules. The 11th skandha of this text deals with this subject, and touches on many aspects like various versions of gAyatrI ( like turiya gAyatrI, hamsa gAyatrI, the 4th pAdA of gAyatrI and so on). But these special mantra-s require initiation and need to be taught by a guru.




The text also mentions about the curse but does not go into the details(in a conversation between Lord nArAyanA and seer nAradA-SkandA 11,patala 16).There are three curses on the gAyatrI japam, by brahma, vasishTa, and vishvAmitra.Once has to pray for redemption from these curses, otherwise he will not get pUrNa chaturvarga phala for the japa.


Now, some organizations propogandize this mantra and pooh-pooh the concept of a Goddess incurring a curse and say that all was a later-day concoction(truth distortion) to retain power by fuedal lords and the like.While I appreciate the organizations' efforts to spread the gayatrI mantra;I have no comments nor do I side them on these and other assorted statements made by these organizations.




Also, this becomes relevant only in the context of them ascribing emotionality to the issue and not knowing the power of kIlanA.This also explains the reason why the mantra does not give full benefits or delays the results a bit,which I have seen with many people,who seem to assininely lose belief in this mahAmantrA.


Moreover, people who claim to fructify results by chanting the mantra is because of


1. They have obtained it in a vaidIkA way and have done immense number of times to fructify the result.(Example: 10,000 times as opposed to say 1000 times with the uthkIlana mantras)


2. Have been energized by the shakti-pAthA of the Guru who does it on his behalf.This category is very rare.The run-of-the-mill Gurus or people{Brahmins who give this mantra during upanayanA(brahmOpadesA)} are not privy to such knowledge even!


IMHO, the gayatrI mantrA has a kIlanA to it and needs to be removed to reap the psychical indexical benefit of the incantation.I do chant the utkIlana mantras and the popular shApa vimOcanA mantras before I chant my extended version of the chatushpAdA gayatrI.I have found it better than chanting it without.Beyond this, I would not be able to say certain things due to oath of secrecy to one Guru who taught me these concepts.Please excuse me.




Also, there is an amritIkarana vidhI which has recently come to my privy during my stay in India,again from an adept.This has been done by me once.It is a highly tAntrikA procedure wherein a chalice of herbal mixtures is placed in the middle of a yantrA and then fermented there for a few days till it turns into a mellowed liquor.This liquor in the chalice is then again incanted to mantrically energize it to remove negativity which arises out of alcohol {(negativity here means disorientation of the manas,inertia of the buddhI,reduction of "dhi"(spiritual memory and might)}.The herbal mixture(containing 43 moolikAs) which has thus been fermented then under goes multi-level spiritual processing so to speak as in uthkIlana mantras,shApavimochana mantras,amritIkarana mantras,etc by the yantrAdhyakshA and then spiritually illuminating properties take the place of the alcoholic mixture and it

turns into a medicine for the soul.When this "liquid fire" is imbibed, it burns the sins of various births,clears the intellect of karmic-debrical thinking and induces certain powers into the drinker.The whole set of procedure is to be doen and obtained from a real adept.Not many know this particular kind of gayatrI tantra.


Though, I was initially apprehensive of drinking 'liquor' thus, I was pleaseantly surprised when the concotion gulped by me did not show the negative qualities mentioned above and it radited a serene peace with which I meditated for more than 2 hours unhindered that day.I did not repeat that procedure,as I thought too much dependence of herbs,concoctions and Tantric tool rituals would impede my souldevelopment.Nevertheless it was an eperience worth cherishing.



For that matter, even the popular vis'nU sahasranAma(Bheeshma) has an shApotkILana vidhi given in agastya samhitA to give full benefit along with rishi-nyAsA(And also a procedure to do purus'a sUkta nyAsA before the chant of the litany).Now, how many people are aware of this in kaliyugA?




Apart from this there is a big list of curses(athighOra shApAni) in the conext of gayatrI by the seer gautamA on brahmins whose power dwindles in kaliyugA if they do not take heed of these curses.This would be a lengthy discussion which I reserve for a later date.


If you notice our scriptures or purAnAs, many rishis give curses and then they do penitentiary acts for the same, they also inturn get cursed.There are also a number of boons interlinked/interspersed with curses and all this is the kArmic rendering done as Deivaleela to induce people into righteous paths and rely solely on the ultimate knowledge.


However, you may disregard what I said supra and not feel discouraged and continue with the practice of chanting gayatrI mantra as it would bring immense benefits even without the 'curse/nail' removal mantras.


ajarE amarE chAiva brahma yOne' namostutE' !


Shreeram Balijepalli



Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!






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