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sapthArdha s'anI(an e-mail conversation with a close friend--summarized)

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Dear Shreeram Garu,

You say when you recite pippalAdha s'ani stotra and the krithi, there is a chance that Sani will shower fortune on us. In that case, how does he clean the sins while giving fortune. Don't they contradict each other.. What I understand is Sani is good spiritually as it makes you toil and clean your sins and realize the significance of god but materialistically, it will take you through testing times. Just a question for discussion sake.

I am aware of elunati Sani starting from 9th of September. And as you have said, this will be trying times and also would possibly make me return to India somewhere in 2011. Coming back to me, yes the first two years will be a testing time until Sani Mahardasa goes off. I will read through the remedies and implement them. I have already started implementing some of the remedies you suggested from health perspective like chanting vishnu sahasranama (though not very consistently), but will do

these. Knowing the future and taking preventive actions is the best medicine.

I am also looking at the positive side of cleaning my sins as well as this is needed. Will have faith on Amma and Gurus (both of you) and implement these remedies. Only question: I heard somebody saying that you should not do sani homam in elunati sani instead you should pray more to a planet that is stronger in your horoscope. Can you verify? I will be also looking into it.--S



Dear S, Saturn removes sins-Yes, this is true.But He is not a cleaner alone.He is not working in a municipality department(as in India) or a garbage dept which comes and takes your garbage can as in USA/Canada!He is a graha-munI. He can dole out anything any other God or Goddess can.From valour as in sUryA to bhOgA as in rAhU.There is nothing set in stone for Him to just give one particular aspect. He doesn't come and say like a nanny or mom, "Atta! Boy! S! There you have been good boy during my tranist and das'A.So here I clean you of your sins''.No these are purely perceptions of humans trained like the Pavlov dog by astrologers(for pelf).


He cleans sins and then gives you good fortune.How does he clean sins? Does he bring a brush and scrub you well? No, he gives you mental tension,physical suffering...fearfulLy you read his stOtrA and realize the inherent nature of kArmic justice and make your soul understand that all this pursuit of bhOgA involves committing sins and paying for it and that gnAna-mOkshA-AdhyAthmikA mArgA is what is eternal(s'As'wathA).This is all there is to it(Ye' evam vedA!).

The word chinthA(worries) and chithA(funeral pyre) have just one phenomene difference of 'n'.While, chithA burns your body after it falls down dead,chinthA burns it while it is alive!So, Saturnine influence makes you worried,burns your dehA and torments it with bHouthikA and IthabAdhAs.(Physical and mundance sufferings).Best remedy is to be of good cheer during this period.

So, after this cathartic process,if you have been righteous and repentent without fearing Saturn nor disrepecting him, He sees what you have done for Him and your charyA(behaviour), gives the phalA(fruit) of the right kind.There is a difference between shreyas and preyas.

'pre'yas' is what we want.Maybe you want to setup a company and make millions of dollars(nay billions or trillions if you have it going!)--this is 'pre'yas'.Whether this coincides with your shreyas is what He looks into and doles accordingly.If your soul needs the millions, he gives it.If your soul needs something else, He gives that.He looks at the cliched dialogue of 'your needs as opposed to your wants' and gives what is shreyas karA(needs) and that would be materially enjoyable as well.

This is what is meant by good fortune(bhAgyA).

Samithadhanam reads,'Yo'mAgne' bhAginagum santhAmatha bhAgam chikeerishathuabhAghamagne' thamkuru,mAmagne' bhAginam kuru, swahA'

(bhAgyA sUkthA)

Which means,Oh! Agni, when somebody tries to snatch away, what i am rightfully entitled to, [based on my karma], please deny the snatchers, and get me what i am entitled to!

This is what you are essentially doing when doing remedies for Saturn and increasing your bhAgyA.Removal of darkness automatically ensures light to come in.

Also, everything is run by karmAs and if you have money karmA you get it, else you won't(same with wife karmA,people karmA,children karmA,etc).So, basically karmA is blocked by the sins we commit in past(births),if your sins are washed, then there is a good chance your good fortune fructifies automatically.


Coming back to the example of garbage man.If there is garbage(bad karmas) strewn all over your frontyard(life-future) where you have planted your seeds for rose flowers(your efforts),then the garbage man(Sri s'ani devA!--please forgive me for comparing like this gross manner.Im doing it for hitham! hitham!) comes and sees the garbage strewn.He expects you to clean up the mess and keep it in a neat bag(do remedial measures at the time of his das'A or transit) so he can throw it in his van.But he sees it all strewn.So he either takes the garbage himself (heavy fine later---that is in other transits He will punish you terribly) or leave it as it is and go(let you suffer for ignoring Him),depedning on which city you live in(station and spiritual connection and karmA of

yourself) USA/Canada.


He comes and picks up the bag and goes away.The roses start sprouting on your flowerbed in your frontyard.Isn't this an increase in your bhAgyA or good fortune? This is how s'anI helps and since this justice doling quality is inherent in this particular planet, it is called s'anIs'warA.





s'anI homA can very well be done accompanied by dAnA.Without dAnA,mere japA will not work.(mantrakAyalatho chintakAyalu rAlavU ante' idhi artham!)



s'anI pUrnAhuthI at mandhapallI in Andhrade's'am.

4 things will work very effectively(in the descending order of importance):

1. hOmA(those who have said it either cannot do it due to pecuniary constraints or to please their clients or plain do not know).Infact, they say don't wear nIlAm stone but nowhere is it mentioned don't do hOmA.Infact, this is the best remedy available,especially if done in a s'anI-KshterA like mande'swarA or the like.In s'anI mahapurAnA and dharmA sindhU there is s'Astra pramanA for this(scriptural proof).


2. mantra japA


3. dAnA


4. Increasing the benevolence of a benefic planet(especially Guru).So thats why I asked you not to remove the Yellow sapphire/Topaz(Guru's stone) you are wearing.




The order is important because you are paying lot of attention to s'anI and inviting Him to the hOmAgnI and offering Him ahuthIs and if properly done(or powerfully done with tAntrikA mantrAs) then He will be immensely pleased.It is like Im inviting you and feeding you,praising you with eulogies(read mantrAs)--won't you be pleased?

Then second in order comes mantrA japA.Yes, He is pleased by this too because His name is repeated with fear and more importantly repentence.But there is a mantra anushtAna vidhi which involves brAhmana bhOjanA also.Many miss the subsidiary aspects and do mantrAs and expect instant results and when nothing happens or little happens, they get frustrated.It is like Im calling you home and singing praises about you before you but sending you without food or water--Hmm...You would be happy but there would be something bothering your head about this sort of reception--isn't it?



Then, third in the order comes dAnA.I dont sing praises about you(mantrAs) to you but praise in front of others while you hear it from behind and do a lot of charity in your name.The receiver says, "May S Garu and this dhAthA be blessed for making this sinner do charity in His(S's) name.'.

Yes, you will hear this from afar and be pleased with me but will it be equivalent to the above 2 measures?However, dAnAchArA for this grahA is a must and must be supplemented with hOmAchArA,mantrAchArA,etc


Then, fourth, is pleasing benefic planets ignoring Saturn.This is done(said) due to paranoia about Saturn and nothing else.People are afraid when they hear the word s'anI and some keep their faces in disgust at the very word.These are best superstitious tendencies.


It is like You are angry with me and I call you for sandhI(an amicable settlement) you are coming to my house and suddenly I decide to hide in some friend's house of mine under his protection.How would you be? Proper respect has not been accorded to you.

s'anI is no friend of anyone neither anyone's bane.He is 'invited' by whatever karmAs we have done.

The moment I come out of the house, you will want to extract your revenge by atleast reviling me for my behaviour.Whether you want to do that in your real life or not, Saturn God, the doler of justice for our karmAs will do it.He will hit you in its transit for parihArAs 'undone' during the elnatu s'ani(There are many more positions where it can hit--ardhAs'tama sanI,sapthama s'anI,as'tama s'anI,etc).These blows will then be more debilitating than elunAti s'anI(elara-s'anI-sade'-sathI)



I had a look into your horoscope long time ago but now is the right time to warn you.


elunAti s'ani(7 1/2 years s'anI,sAde's s'athI,elnAdu s'anI) for you from 9.9.09 as s'anI is transitting from simhA to kanyA.Also I do not believe in people saying about first phase,second phase and third phase of elunAti s'anI for you because, you are currently running s'ani mahardasA till 2010-11-21 and it is highly unfortunate(worldly sense) to have elunAti s'anI during this period.But if you bear it with teeth clenched, you will come out with a majority of your sins cleaned by the Lord of Justice(s'Ani de'vA).

Your s'anI is sitting in 11th house(House of lAbhA) but its aspectational power is to be seen more than occcupational power for this gOchArA in your case.It aspects 3 houses basically--

Your lagnA(mental make-up,intellect,personality,etc),

your 5th house(house of progeny)


your 8th house(House of longevity and health.I would not say exactly diseases in your case).


svAthI makes you thulA lagnA and gives youe equipoise and calm.My parents are both swAthI and so is one close friend of mine.They are marked by their characteristic calm even in trying situations, so this is in your favour.

However, elunAti s'anI is elunAti s'anI you have to respect its power of maleficity and remediate it accordingly.No use being naive and jibe lines like other 'studied fools' who spout forth words like--"All this is kibosh, Saturn does good also and elunAti s'anI is not that bad'

Also your ChandrA is sitting in the AruDA lagnA and thus you might get depressed during this 7 and half years, though you would not be expressive about it.

No matter what upAsanA you do for ambA, it will have its effect.Unless, you have become a srividyA yOgI.Many people rationalize based on whatever little sAdhanAs and upAsanAs they do about elunAti sanI and its prabhAvam, that they would escape easily the brunt of s'anI.This is an "ostrich head in sand approach".

Astrologer Barbara Pinjan's words on this topic:


"Sade Sati slows one's progress in worldly affairs by generating psycho-emotional resistance in the people or environments with which one is trying to connect, communicate, control, possess, change, manipulate, or impress.

Normally Sade Sati creates a crisis or two, along with the general personal frustration and resistance, so that the person becomes rather worn down in the Sisyphean syndrome."



As the Chinese saying goes, "Crisis is Opportunity".(Infact, their character for crisis is also the same for opportunity)



The end result of Sadhe Sati -- for a spiritually conscious person -- is the usual benefit of tapasya: One accepts the resistance and stops pushing from the ego. A string of losses, failures or disappointments is often the perfect wake-up call.

Sade Sati will rarely permit one to "drop out" no matter how intense the struggle. Shani's job is keep us in the world, driven by our programming to work to survive.

As Shani bears down on the Moon, the survival instinct intensifies, and the workload increases.

Conscious survival requires that one work in partnership with the divine. The harder the work, the greater urge to survival -- the deeper the need for divine partnership.


During Sade Sati, the spirits demand one's conscious partnership as they call one's attention to finer levels of detail. Shani's purification process allows one to replace the ineffective decision-making style of crude ego (i.e., insisting things go your way) with the much more accurate directives of the spirits (i.e., the way life really is).

Of course, it's not natural for the ego to give up petty control - even when its primitive "toddler-style-I-want" demands are obviously dysfunctional. It usually takes a big blast to the ego in the guise of massive emotional exhaustion or disappointments during Sade Sati, to force the survival issue enough to make the person consider another way of life."





For those lucky few who are psychically sophisticated enough to appreciate that our lives are controlled by forces much greater than we normally acknowledge, it is fairly easy to make the transition to maturity demanded by Sade Sati.

The problem is overextended ego and you know it. The solution is partnership with the divine and you know it. It's really just a question of admitting the ego's obvious limitations and going to a higher power for help.

If one is prepared to accept a new decision-management style that incorporates both appropriate ego and divine will, one may experience -- as the direct benefit of sade sati -- an enormous boost in intelligence, intuition, and success.


However, for the psychically unsophisticated, the realization that one is actually creating the resistance through one's own unexamined ego-attachments, usually occurs only at the end of the 2.4 year intense section, if at all.

If the person is enslaved to victim-mentality, he may waste the entire incarnation blaming others for his ego-created troubles, and living in dread of loss of external support during the next Sade Sati. "


You may also read this nice article online and enlighten yourself:





Remedial measures I can specifically suggest:


1. Buy a 14 faced rudrAkshA from rudrAksha ratnA and then 'energize'(no energization is needed for a rudrAkshA as it is but still its safe to go by scriptures sometimes.) it pouring milk chanting the mahAmryuthyunjaya mantrA (or its powerful cousin mrithasanjIvanI mantrA) and then pUjA done to it using the mantrA--

"Om Haum Namah: ShivAyA ShivAya namah: Haum Om".


Then wear this on your arm(like a 'thAyitthU' or to your existing rudrAkshA mAlA.).I wear this and other rudrAkshAs constantly! Even when I was presenting my final quarter casestudy paper for MBA here in USA,it was dangling on my chest.Some say wear it on your head/forehead or arms but it does not matter as long as you it touches your body and blesses it.

You can also couple it with two 7-faced rudrAkshAs to make it even more powerful to protect you from this phase.




2. Start chanting mryutyunjayA mantrA9or its more powerful cousin mritha-sanjIvanI mantrA) daily twice 108 times.This will save you from the elnAti s'anI prabhavam.By one year and 4 months, you roughly complet 1oo,ooo repetitions of the mantrA.

3. Take care of your health and also the welfare of your kids.

4. Stay positive at all costs(some periods during the s'anI das'A also do good to the native) and never enter into arguments with your spouse or anyone else.

5. Do not wear any other gems during this period, except Yellow Topaz(only in ring finger,right hand).Remove the gOmedhikA the moment the period starts.You can wear anything till then but after that be careful about gem stones.You may however wear rudrAkshAs of the right kind.


6. Chant PippalAda krithA shani stotra(very small when compared to das'arathA prokthA shani stotrA) daily 8 times without doubting its efficacy.

7. Saturdays, if possible fast and pray Lord Saturn to decrease maleficity.

8. Do s'anI mahA homA atleast once per year during these 7 and half years.

9. Visit s'ani kshetrAs during this period.

10. Do s'anI-related-dAnAs.

11. Read NalapurAnam on saturdays.

12. Continue your srividyA mantrA and chant lalithA sahasranAmA as initiated.This if done daily would solve a majority of maladies in life.Since you are initiated you must make every use of the opportunity.





I think this should take care of this period fully well.

Be prepared for one sad news on family front by the end of 2011,unless the person's horoscope is really good.

Be of good cheer and trust ambA's wisdom and guidance as always.





namasthe' kOna samsthAya pingalAya namosthuthe '

namasthe' bHabHrurUpaya kris'nAya cha namosthuthe'

namasthe' rOudrade'hAya namasthe' chAnthakAyacha(some websites have erroneoulsy scribed it as sankatAya cha instead of chAnthakAyacha(cha=and and it means basically one who ends "and" or one who breaks contunity-- if chanted as sankatAya cha will bring you sankatAs(troubles) instead!)

namasthe' yama-sangnAya namasthe' sAurayE'viBhO'(BhO as in kOna)

namasthe' mandha-sangnAya s'anAischara namosthuthe '

prasAdham mama deves'a dInasya pranathasya cha


Do this 8 times daily twice per day.


Then in the end chant:


kOnastha: pingalO bHabHruhU krishnO rOudrOnthakOpamaha:

s'owriH:s'anAischarO mandhaha: pipPalAde'na samsthuthaha:



das'aratha s'anI stOtram

If you chant this and then once das'arathA krithA s'anI stOtrA then, it is said the maleficity might even reduce 100% and instead Saturn blesses you with good fortune.Please read my reasonings above for the 'good fortune' aspect of Saturn.

s'radDHA,bhakthI and discipline are required to overcome the perils of Saturn.You will have a good learning curve in this period.

achintya rUpinI,gunavathI cha namOnnammaha:

Yours Yogically,



Shreeram Balijepalli

Hreem Rajarajeshwari Paradevatha!






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