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lakshmInArayana hrudayA

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Dear S, Hope everything is well on your side.I received no reply for my earlier elaborate e-mail.I wish to bring to your notice one important thing in your horoscope. Your horoscope suffers from pApakartharI yOgA: When a benefic planet is hemmed in between two(or more) malefic planets,the benefic planet caught in-between loses its potency and beneficity and starts malevolent action and affects its signification. s'ukrA-a natural benefic is hemmed between suryA(a natural malefic),kethU(a natural malefic) and budhA(a nuetral rendered malefic here due to association with 2 malefics and also because it is combust and weak).Presence of budhA nullifying or diluting the avayOgA is not to be reckoned

s'ukrA indicates marital felicity/pleasures from wife/marital bliss/wife/ihabhOga-sukhAni/mAntrikA apart from many other things.


This would be in danger as s'anI in the elunAti s'anI sancharanA(sAde'sathI) would first strengthen a malefic s'anI and afflicted s'anI shows its prabhAvA on the tanu bhAva where the 3 other malefic planets are present and would give rise to the jananA of the pApakartharI yOgA.'kartharI' in sAmskruthA means scissors and it is a pair of bad scissors to have in one's horoscope.(The opposite of this detrimental yOgA is s'ubha kartharI yOgA). Moreover for karkAtaka lagnA-s'ukrA(in randhra-bhAva) is the bAdhakes'A grahA(the one who torments).Your lAbha-bhAva bAdhaka-sthAna of vrushabHA is also occupied by s'anI making it more complex.

s'ukrA indicates basically spouse and sukhA and for these,you would have to work enormously,which is but obvious in your case. What is the remedy?Every door closed will have another door unlocked nearby,but we have to push it open.This is the way of nature,the way of divine mother.

Rectify and strengthen s'ukrA(without wearing any gemstones like diamond as it is your bAdhakes'A)<and>Bolster the strength of budhA(which will turn benefic).

Take care to strengthen your lagnA lord by way of gems(pearls).I think, I remember recommending pearls in your rudrAkshA.This will save your body because sukrA has a vIkshanA on your 8th house and thus affects your lonegvity during this period. These are the side-effects of elunAti s'anI.It is not that s'anI will just harm you singularly and go,he also affects thus.''s'anI lAnti chedipe' vAru ledhu, guruvu lAnti icche'vAdu ledhu" I have adviced you to read vis'nU sahasranAmA.It can be done but there is a more powerful remedy to rectify this situation.('okka rAyithO rendu mAmidipandlU'). s'ukrA is denoted by mahAlakshmIbudhA is denoted by srImannArAyanA.


You can do the most powerful atharvana vedic hymn lakshmI-nArayAna hrudayam litany daily to combine both and thus get rid of pApakartharI yOgA,sAde'sathI effect on health,increase conjugal bliss with your wife and more of co-operation from her side,good for your children,increases your wealth,etc('ennO mAmidipandlu'!). I have been doing it at times of crisis and when my wife was pregnant with the second baby we had some complications and my wife used to sit and do the whole litany(under my guidance) and then offer annamahAnAivedyA to the deity in Rochester, in our home.I also had bought a lakshmI-nArayanA yantrA for the same(However, do not buy any yantrA unless you know the upachArAs).The fruit of it is that I have a beautiful baby who came about with no complications to it or it's mother's life,we had some tense moments in the pregnancy room though. This litany will also keep your matrimonial life intact,protect you in many ways during the 7 and 1/2 s'anI period.

Important Caveat:This litany has to be read thus:

First read nArayana hrudyam and then read lakshmI hrudayam and then again read nArayana hrudayam.

Lakshmi Devi will be ugrA with the sAdhakA if it is not done like this.Do not take the above instruction lightly.

I do not know whether this stOtrA is published in Telugu and is popularly known but I have ferreted out with great difficulty the stOtrA(in Telugu and sAmskrutham) from a srI vaishnavite site and have attached it,hoping you would benefit from the same.(I have also attached it in our shaktheyem Group files section,the litany in sanskrit)

Since, I have done this many times after been initiated and adviced to do so upon good counsel, I can act as your mantra-guru for this limited purpose,again.

Just one more caveat: Chant the beejAs properly,else srI atharvanA vedAmUrthI will hit you!



****************************************************************************************** Below is some information from a tamizh book translated into English on the subject: PREFACE : Sri Lakshmi/Narayana HridayamTRANSLATED FROM: Stothra book by 'THE LITTLE FLOWER COMPANY', Madras.CONTENTS : Contains two hidden/mysterious stothras namely SriNarayana Hridayam and Sri Lakshmi Hridayam from'Atharva Rahasyaa Utthara Baagha'.

******************************************************************************************These stothras are contained in Adharva Rahasyaa/Uttara Baagha asbeing tutored by Rishi Bharghava. Those ancestors of ours who recitedboth these stothras have been said to have acquired all kinds ofmerits, wealth, health, good children, blessings of Goddess Lakshmifor generations after generations, longevity and peace of mind. Thesestothras are not published commonly everywhere. The reason being thatthese were being hidden in Atharva Rahasyaa. Still, our ancestorshave had steadfast devotion to god and were highly moral and neverfailed to reveal these stothras to those devotees who were steadfastin devotion too. Hence, those who know about the extreme power ofthese stothras are best adviced to recite these ONLY after beingtutored by a competent Guru. The reason being that, these are 'MantraRahasyaas that are linked to Vedas'. These are highly potent andcapable of granting any wish. Those who cannot afford to beingtutored by a guru can follow different means: the one who is praisedas 'the embodiment of knowledge, the form of divine light, the onewhose body is made of mantras (mantramaya Swaroopan), Amlaana:Amruthavishadai: Amshubi:', the one who is with his consort SriMahalakshmi, who is Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva, will ensure success withthis mantras when a devotee eager to recite these stothras can payGuru dakshina at his sanctum sanctorium and worshipped as beingtutored/initiated into this mantra recitation by the very same god athis sanctorium and when started to recite on an auspicious day. It isessential to follow the Anganyasa, Karanyaasa, purashcharyaadikramaas from the wise and elderly.

Why these stothras are so important is because these speak loftily ofthe prowess of Shriya: pathi Sriman Naraayana, the devotee of SrimanNaraayana Sri Mahalakshmi and hence they have knowledge and versescontained in them that surpass the material as well as spiritualrealms in praising god of his power and capacity for sustaining usall and his kindness.

This stothra stated that Sri Mahalakshmi dwells with SrimanNaraayana, the para-brahmam in all his 5 states - param, vyuham,antharyaamithvam, vibhavam and Archai and hence goddess Mahalakshmiis equal in all ways to Sriman Naraayana. Since goddess Mahalakshmiembodes in all of bhagawan's vibhavaadhaaraa and along with thearchaamurthy at the temples, it is stated that:

"yathaa Vaikunta nagare yathaa vai Kshirasaagare |thathaa madhbhavane thishta sthiram Srivishnunaa saha ||

The above rules that in parathvaa-SriVakuntha, Sri Mahalakshmiattains a state that is equal in all ways to that of SrimanNaraayana. She also plays an equal role in Antharyaamithvam. SriAlavandaar, Sri Ramaanujar, Sri Swami Desikan, all have praisedGoddess Mahalakshmi endlessly proving that she is the one who is mostcapable of granting Moksha. Hence one who recites these slokas isable to get everything. This is so because, if a devotee recitesthese with 'parama-bhakti', if according to the 'Janma-lipihi', if weare not destined to have 'Kaarya Siddhi' or goodluck, due to thepower of these mantras, Goddess Mahalakshmi who is the embodiment ofkindness is able to erase the janma-lipihi, thus blessing us with whatwe want.

The benefits of reciting these two stothras together:

1. Even one who is stricken with extreme poverty would become verywealthy. Even a mental resolution to recite these stothras is capableof destroying all kinds of mishaps surrounding a person, since thisstothra equals to that of reciting Sri Mahalakshmi mantra 5000 times.

2. The one who recites this 5 times on each Friday or listens to it,gets immense wealth.

3. Most importantly noticeable:

When this mantra is recited in pure water mixed with parimalam, andthen consumed, in that whole kulam, a child with faint luck or bhagyaWILL NOT be born. If recited in kheer made of ghee and milk, and thenconsumed by a pregnant woman each Friday, she will beget a child whoequal Sriman Naraayana in tejas.

4. When started in As'vayuja mAsam first withSri Narayana Hridayam followed by Sri Lakshmi Hridayam and then againby Sri Narayana Hridayam, it equals reciting of this stothra once.SRI LAKSHMI HRIDAYAM SHOULD NEVER BE RECITED ALONE. Based on thetithi, everyday, once in pradamaa, twice in dwithiyaa, in this count,if recited till Poornima, that house will have the ultimate blessingsof Goddess Mahalakshmi.

Though this stothra denotes Sriman Narayana and Sri Mahalakshmi ingeneral, in specific this denotes the divine couple who havemanifested at 'Thiruvayeendrapuram' as Sri Devanadan and SriHamabjavalli Thaayaar.

Hence, one who wants to praise the divine couple with this stothra,should do so before a framed picture of the couple, after lighting alamp and offering flowers. This stothras which SHOULD NEVER BEPUBLISHED OR DISTRIBUTED FREELY(owing to this being a hidden/mysterious/secret mantra formof the Veda Shakti of Sriman Narayana and Sri Mahalakshmi in their 5divine forms as stated as Param, Vyuham, Antharyaami, Vibhavam andArchaa), have still been published due to the welfare of the world.Hence, those who want to recite this, HAVE TO RECEIVE THIS FROM ASUITABLE GURU BEFORE RECITING THEM or should start only after asymbolic reception of the same from the santum sanctorium of SriLakshmi Hayagriva as stated above, after paying Guru Dakshina to SriLakshmi Hayagriva and then started on an auspicious day. In the sameway, others should not be adviced to start reciting these mantras,but should be stated to do so by a guru only. The reason beingthat, 'Thiruvashtaakshara mantra' which is also another hidden/sacredmantra that cannot be freely recited was stated by Sriman Ramaanujaa,who did so inspite of the heavy tax and threat of having to go tohell due to pulisizing that sacred mantra. The same amount of extremerespect and caution with regards to the mantra potential has to beexercised to this stothra

Thanks and Kind Regards,Shreeram Balijepalli

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