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Dear Amma,

I would not take any question little or small otherwise.No one is ignorant or knowledgable, everyone are children of Divine Mother.I have already broached upon this many times on this subject of secrecy in my past postings, do have a look at it.

Some from Ammachi's group have asked me why they should or should not chant lalithA sahasranAmA freely.Your question is also similar to that.

Let me answer this logically and spiritually(there is no contradiction).This elaborate reply is to answer people who might have such and similar doubts yet remain silent/taciturn

You must not consider me 'otherwise', similarly, for my views on your posting.I respect your views:


"guhAthi guhyA"--means 'secret of secrets'(loosely translating.Actually literally it is rhetorical 'say' as in : "Secret! Highly(very) secretive!"

God or the divine is hidden in all manthrAs, why just manthrAs mentioned "guhyAthi guhyA"?

Does that mean that manthrAs or sthothrAs which need not be held secretive or need initiation, does not need God immanent in it? Even a mere calling out with heartfelt emotion Divine Mother's name has "God" in it.Don't you think so?

I do seem parochial,villainish,selfish,brahminical and other assorted adjectives you might adduce for the same with regards to secrecy of manthrAs or rituals but it is with a reason and that is for your own good.What sort of a dIkshA can I possibly give you online?(Online dIkshA?).The person who was asking the trAilokya mOhanA kavachA was asking a really puissant manthrAical chant not an ordinary kavachA.This includes lot of bIjAs(vIjAs) which require correct guidance and pronunciation.How could I possibly touch him and give a sparshA dIkshA and guide him with all this? Unless some invention makes it possible in the future to transport me to his place instantly(Time-machine?/Distance-Time-Machine??) and then make this possible.Even otherwise, I do not act as a dIkshA-guru to anyone,just here to guide to the best possible of my limited knowledge,people.If the person was given some manusciprt scanned by me and he starts reading and gets into trouble, the karmA will be both on his head(for rejecting the rules of guru-shishyA relationship) and on me to give it randomnly to an absolute stranger(and in a sense rejecting the rules again as in his case).karmA is a double-edged sharp sword,it affects both the doler and the reciever in this case.

If one recites mantras without probity and adherence to manthra shAstrA rules:

a. without a dIkshA(an initiation)

b. without ucCHaranA(the right pronunciation)

c. without the niyamAs {observance of necessary conditions of chitta (mind), des'A (space or location) and kAla (time)}

d. Intent (or samkalpas'UdDhI)

e. s'radDhA(Concentrated focus upon one's ishTA de'vathA

Not only is the manthrA sidDHi not obtained but also the sAdhakA gets detrimental effects.


If one has immense faith but one does the manthrA improperly, the results are delayed immensely.Sometimes,the journey continues for several lifetimes.So a lifetime spent in an improper practice of a manthrA results in another janmA wherein the sAdhakA continues under the guidance of a proper guru and attains salvation/sidDHi.

ambA loves one and all.And She has framed certain rules.Doesn't lalithA sahasranAma say--"na shaTaya cha dushTAya karhichit" or in yet another place: "yo dadAti vimUDhAtmA shrIvidyArahitAya vai | tasya kupyanti yoginyaH so.anarthaH sumahAn smR^itaH |

ambA is loving, but Her manthrAs are powerful as they are shabda brAhman of the highest order.To consider and mix-up two things is but naiive. E.g: "Isn't fire useful for cooking and keeps one warm during winter? So, why not jump into it? " We do not do so, as we know and have been smitten by its power atleast in a small way while we were perhaps kids.The above example is a classic kutarkavAdhA(erroneous/illogical/logical fallacy oriented application of mind)

As far as manthrAs are concerned many people, I have seen even in their ripe old age of 80s and 90s are kids,who have not been 'smitten' by this fire and thus they talk.

hayagrIvA says thus in lalithA sahasranAmA: chaturAshramaniShThaishcha kIrtanIyamidaM sadA |svadharmasamanuShthAna vaikalya paripUrtaye ||kalau pApaikabahule dharmAnuShThAnavarjite |nAmAnukIrtanaM muktvA nR^iNAM nAnyatparAyaNam ||

The third line is very important: In kalI many commit various sins(knowingly or unknowingly) and thus leave behind dharmA and anushTAnA.The dharmA is such that it is not possible to practice perfectly anything here these days.However, to leave certain basic and important rules to airs, when they can be practiced easily creates a vAigunyA and it is in the best practices of sadgunyA(doesn't a company/industry these have 'best practices' and doesn't the corporate world stick to it assiduously come what may?) to follow these important,commonsensical and basic rules of manthrOpAsanA.


There are certain adhikArAs which are inplace for certain upAsanAs like s'rIvidhyA,bhagalAmukhI,dashamAhAvidhyA,etc.And thus only some people can truly get results and are qualified for practice.Anyone can study Accounting/Accountancy but it is only the qualified CPAs or CAs who can sign the Balance sheet of a company.(This might not be a proper upamAnA here but I hope it drives the point home).Similarly,while everyone can do nAmasankIrthanA('learn Accounting/Accountancy'), it is only a few manthrAdhikAris who can do certain things('those who qualify for the CPA license or CA exam to sign company Balance sheets').And this manthrAdhikArathwA is not the domain of any particular sect or caste.I have known my gurunAthar give manthradIkshAs to even Caucasians,Chinese,Malays and African-Americans(provided they adhere to certain niyamAs of vegetarianism,regular pUjA-pArayanA-manthrOpAsanA,abstention from alcohol,sexual probity,etc).Traditionally, the domain might have been held by a certain communities or castes but this is no reason to resist or hate the rule itself,which is but divine.One needs to study in depth atleast a few texts,when one has sometime and then try to understand the rationale behind the rule than blowing the fan of an emotional fire.

I once went to my sarvamangala-ashramA when in terrible body wrenching pain of doing kundalInI upAsanA flouting certain rules(see what happened even in my case!) and cried out to him shedding tears--"I think I have committed thousand crore sins to be suffering like this.Please ask ambA to take my life,I don't want to trouble my old parents(at that time I was not married).Please swAmi! Please swAmi!..."I was wailing out like a mad man possessed by a crying fit.Everyone there took pity on my condition.My swAmI said,"Why do you talk of sins? Don't you have belief in me and ambA? When I said you will come out of this, trust me, you will.Live every second of this pain and then you will see it running away from you."It took me few years to heal of the scars,afterall wasn't it my own wrongdoing of considering naively like you that ambA is my mother and She loved me a lot that I can do any damn thing under the sun regards Her upAsanA? And yes, She was loving too because even in that pain,She gave me an assurance that I will be saved(but not before being punished for my very karmAs).The proof of the pudding lay in me typing these words to you Amma! This group was started to prevent such a thing which happened to me.I lay in home just like the Actor Vikram(Tamizh actor) in the film "Sethu"--Numb and lost to the world, in my yOgA-avasthA(or should I say anAvasthA?)

Philosophers,Big Gurus,Pontiffs,etc say many things in talks and very beautifully too.They attract lot of people and maybe some good savants put them into right paths,some aggrandize pelf and power from their devotees.Now, Im not saying anything against Ganapathi Satchidananda Garu,I met Him twice in His ashramA and He was nice to me.However, contextual inference is what we need with such people.If one follows all He says,then one can do as He says.But many selectively quote a few and leave the rest of the great saint's teachings.Ammachi is also one such saint who is often misquoted by one and all.There is no 'buffet dinner system' with Gurus.Either you follow everything they say and consider them the be-all-and-all-to life and spirituality or do not follow them.There is no middle path in such things.If you want to live by their rules,then they become your mAnasIka gurus.

I go strictly by what my gurunAthA says and whichever texts He directs me to read for further knowledge.Always a safe bet is to stick to sAmpradAyikA teachings and follow what the scripture says without hate or bias.

ammA might not stop anyone from calling Her in anyway.She is called "pashyanthI-paradevAthA".She sees All and knows All.However, this does not mean, the punishments or karmAs which come forth due to a wrong act or vibration from a wrongly pronounced manthrA or guhya sthOthrA will not come.if you want to test it, try reading all sthOthrAs wrongly or without receiving any dIkshA and see for yourself!

ammA enjoys the love from our heart more than the words which emnate from our lips.True! very true!Most of us should become then mIrAs or bhaktha kannAppAs.Even mIrA(or bhakthA kannappA in his older birth was a great s'ivA upAsakA) was a manthrOpAsakA and served Her guru most faithfully.When KrishnA tested Her bhakthi-s'radDhA towards Her Guru.She asked Him to wait patiently till she finished serving Her Guru.Why did She not think "Krishna loves my love for Him, more than any damn Guru or manthrA of this world."?

ammA loves best a devotee who is a sAdhakA,who loves Her with his/her heart,who adheres to rules of rituals and scriptures with his/her chosen deity or source of divnity,who respects traditions and does not selectively quote or act smart or misquote something to his/her conveince,who takes pains to learn the manthrAs properly and the adherent niyamAs and yamAs assidously to the best possible level(doesn't a male take all out effort to know much information about a girl he has been 'lovingly' stalking/ogling?This is more than a mere human female-biological-love response.This is something at an Athmic level).

manthrAs are tremendous sources of potent-energy,much akin to atomic bombs and in wrong hands or in wrong situations can do potential damage.I have been witness to the same.I have seen many many friends and members and even complete strangers come to me to rectify their situations and my age is not that much mind you!(In many cases,I myself am rendered helpless because of the kArmic-complexity of the situation)Most of them have come to such states following yanthrA,manthrA practices from either market place books or websites(current bane).I can quote many mistakes from many websites and books from market,except a few which I can count in my hands(and these few do not showcase any manthrAs as such).

Your alibi might also fail if you say--"Yes, I love my child and my child wants to jump from the sixth floor of this building"Isn't my love for her and her love for me most important.This aint cute! Perhaps,the child might survive a fall from the sixth floor but not a person who ventures assininely without the protection of a Guru into manthrOpAsanA.

I have mentioned that one must get it from one's preceptor(or if one has no preceptor then get one first!) but nowhere have I mentioned that it is limited only to a few people.This is reading wrongly between the lines.

You start and end with "Sairam",assuming that you love Baba of Shirdi,let me ask you onething. Has Baba been in favour of giving manthrA freely to everyone or whether he did so?Please refer to the story of Radhabai Deshmukh and His interaction with Her in SaisatcharithA.(Please see addendum below*)

I hope this much of an elaborate answer will do for now.Henceforth if anyone asks such similar queries,this posting would be referred to.

Again, if I have been harsh or erroneous in explaining anything above, it is purely my incompetence as I myself am learning under the BlueLotus feet of my GurunAThA as a student with my dull wit made even duller by the ravishes of kaliyugAMy only recourse being my gurunAthA and my gurupriyA rAjarAjes'varI paradevathA.Please excuse my ignorance too here, if it has been narrow-minded and hurt you.

jaya mama guru paramparA!

jaya sarvamangale'!

Yours Yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli.



Very rare photo of Babaji.

There was an old woman by name Radhabai, She was the mother of one Khashaba Deshmukh. Hearing Baba's fame, she came to Shirdi with the people of Sangamner. She took Baba's darshan and was much satisfied. She loved Baba intimately and resolved in her mind, that She should accept Baba as her Guru, and take some Upadesh from Him. She knew nothing else. She determined to fast herself unto death, so long as Baba did not accept her, and give her any Upadesh or Mantra. She stayed in her lodging and left off taking any food or water for three days. I was frightened by this ordeal of the old woman, and interceded with Baba on her behalf. I said, "Deva, what is this You have started? You drag so many persons here. You know that old lady. She is very obstinate and depends on You entirely, She has resolved to fast unto death, if You don't accept and instruct her. If any thing worse happens, people will blame You, and say that Baba did not instruct her, and consequently she met her death. So take some mercy on her, bless her and instruct her." On seeing her determination, Baba sent for her, changed the turn of her mind by addressing her as follows:-

"Oh mother, why are you subjecting yourself to unnecessary tortures and hastening your death? You are really My Mother and I am your child. Take pity on Me and hear Me through. I tell you My own story, which if you listen carefully, will do you good. I had a Guru. He was a great Saint and most merciful. I served him long, very long; still he would not blow any Mantra into My ears. I had a keen desire, never to leave him but to stay with and serve him; and at all costs receive some instructions from him. But he had his own way. He first got my head shaved and asked Me two pice as Dakshina. I gave the same at once. If you say that as My Guru was perfect, why should he ask for money and how should he be called desireless? I replied plainly that he never cared for coins. What had he to do with them? His two pice were (1) Firm Faith and (2) Patience or perseverance. I gave these two pice or things to him, and he was pleased.

"I resorted to My Guru for 12 years. He brought Me up. There was no dearth of food and clothing. He was full of love nay, he was love incarnate. How can I describe it? He loved Me most. Rare is a Guru like him. When I looked at him, he seemed as if he was in deep meditation, and then we both were filled with Bliss. Night and day, I gazed at him with no thought of hunger and thirst. Without him, I felt restless. I had no other object to meditate, nor any other thing than My Guru to attend. He was My sole refuge. My mind was always fixed on him. This is one pice Dakshina. Saburi (Patience or perseverance) is the other pice. I waited patiently and very long on My Guru and served him. This Saburi will ferry you across the sea of this mundane existence. Saburi is manliness in man, it removes all sins and afflictions, gets rid of calamities in various ways, and casts aside all fear, and ultimately gives you success. Saburi is the mine of virtues, consort of good thought. Nishtha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) are like twin sisters, loving each other very intimately."

"My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected Me, but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes away from him; still I never felt the want or absence of his love. He always protected Me by his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young ones, whether they are near her or away from her on the other side of the river bank, by her loving looks. Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness. Do not try to get Mantra or Upadesh from anybody. Make Me the sole object of your thoughts and actions; and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (the spiritual goal of life). Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn look at you similarly. Sitting in this Masjid, I speak the truth, nothing but the truth. No Sadhanas, nor proficiency in the six Shastras, are necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti) Incarnate."

Instructed in this way, the old lady was convinced; she bowed to Baba and gave up her fast.

Shaktheyem , vani n <nvani2 wrote:>> Respected Sree Ram Garu,> > Sai Ram,> > I humbly request your opinion about the secrecy of our mantras.I heard from Sri Ganapathi Sacchidaananda Swamiji - that some of the mantras are mentioned as "Guhyathi Guhyam" only because -That the essence of god is hidden in the mantra as a secrect and as such the mantra itself is not a secret and limited to only certain people.> > I also feel -will amma stop or restrict anybody from calling her in any form or way -is it not the love from our hearts amma enjoys, more than the words we utter?> Being a mother my self ,this is what my abiliy comprehends.> > Please don't take this otherwise and hope you excuse my ignorance.> Sai Ram> Vani.> > --- On Sat, 9/5/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma wrote:> > para_anuloma para_anuloma [shaktheyem] Re: New file uploaded to Shaktheyem> Shaktheyem > Saturday, September 5, 2009, 7:12 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sir,> > > > Since the kavachA is not an ordinary one and is highly potent with> > bIjAs.> > > > Apart from initiation into s'rIvidhyA, one must also get it strictly> > from one's preceptor and do it according to guided principles of> > mantra-ucCHaranA. Some of the vIjAs are tricky and need utter guidance> > from some adept.Also, I have seen lot of typos in a popular book sold in> > the market.Now, this is very perilous and would bring about substantial> > damage to the sAdhakA.> > > > Note:> > > > Though I have a couple of rudhrayAmalA versions(of which one I'm> > chanting on certain days with the approval of my gurunAthar), I myself am> > in search of the guhya s'Odas'I upAskA-prIthi version(the version found> > in rudhrayAmalA s'Odas'I khandA) wherein 108 types of s'rI vidhyA> > manthrAs are mentioned apart from s'odas'I-dala vivaranA.> > > > If anyone has it, I request to please do pass it on to me.I would be> > really grateful.> > > > Best,> > > > Shreeram> > > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com, seetharaman vasu vasumerc@ .>> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sir> > >> > > The PDF gives the explantions and I wish to get the kavacha mantras> > Pls. Can you pls help.> > >> > > Regds> > > S.Vasu Iyer> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > "Shaktheyem@gro ups.com" Shaktheyem@gro ups.com> > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 5 September, 2009 11:08:50> > > [shaktheyem] New file uploaded to Shaktheyem> > >> > >> > >> > > Hello,> > >> > > This email message is a notification to let you know that> > > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the Shaktheyem> > > group.> > >> > > File : /trAilOkyamOhanakav achamm.pdf> > > Uploaded by : para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>> > > Description : trAilOkyamOhanakava cham-Info> > >> > > You can access this file at the URL:> > > http://groups. / group/Shaktheyem trAilOkya> > mOhanakavachamm. pdf> > >> > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:> > > http://help. / l/us// groups/original/ general.htmlfile> > s> > >> > > Regards,> > >> > > para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>> > >>

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Pranaamam Sreeramagaru,


Thank you very much for the " apt " and to the point iformation on Mantra Sadhana.


I have a small question for people like me who are into sales and travel odd

hours, for them at times it becomes difficult to maintain regularity of time!


Sreeramagaru, what is the best remedy for such persons who wants to do Mantra



May Amma bless you with Her Love!





Shaktheyem , " para_anuloma " <para_anuloma wrote:


> Dear Amma,


> I would not take any question little or small otherwise.No one is

> ignorant or knowledgable, everyone are children of Divine Mother.I have

> already broached upon this many times on this subject of secrecy in my

> past postings, do have a look at it.


> Some from Ammachi's group have asked me why they should or should not

> chant lalithA sahasranAmA freely.Your question is also similar to that.


> Let me answer this logically and spiritually(there is no

> contradiction).This elaborate reply is to answer people who might have

> such and similar doubts yet remain silent/taciturn


> You must not consider me 'otherwise', similarly, for my views on your

> posting.I respect your views:


> * " guhAthi guhyA " --means 'secret of secrets'(loosely

> translating.Actually literally it is rhetorical 'say' as in : " Secret!

> Highly(very) secretive! "

> * God or the divine is hidden in all manthrAs, why just manthrAs

> mentioned " guhyAthi guhyA " ?

> * Does that mean that manthrAs or sthothrAs which need not be held

> secretive or need initiation, does not need God immanent in it? Even a

> mere calling out with heartfelt emotion Divine Mother's name has " God "

> in it.Don't you think so?

> * I do seem parochial,villainish,selfish,brahminical and other

> assorted adjectives you might adduce for the same with regards to

> secrecy of manthrAs or rituals but it is with a reason and that is for

> your own good.What sort of a dIkshA can I possibly give you

> online?(Online dIkshA?).The person who was asking the trAilokya mOhanA

> kavachA was asking a really puissant manthrAical chant not an ordinary

> kavachA.This includes lot of bIjAs(vIjAs) which require correct guidance

> and pronunciation.How could I possibly touch him and give a sparshA

> dIkshA and guide him with all this? Unless some invention makes it

> possible in the future to transport me to his place

> instantly(Time-machine?/Distance-Time-Machine??) and then make this

> possible.Even otherwise, I do not act as a dIkshA-guru to anyone,just

> here to guide to the best possible of my limited knowledge,people.If the

> person was given some manusciprt scanned by me and he starts reading and

> gets into trouble, the karmA will be both on his head(for rejecting the

> rules of guru-shishyA relationship) and on me to give it randomnly to an

> absolute stranger(and in a sense rejecting the rules again as in his

> case).karmA is a double-edged sharp sword,it affects both the doler and

> the reciever in this case.

> * If one recites mantras without probity and adherence to manthra

> shAstrA rules:


> a. without a dIkshA(an initiation)


> b. without ucCHaranA(the right pronunciation)


> c. without the niyamAs {observance of necessary conditions

> of chitta (mind), des'A (space or location) and kAla (time)}



> d. Intent (or samkalpas'UdDhI)


> e. s'radDhA(Concentrated focus upon one's ishTA de'vathA


> Not only is the manthrA sidDHi not obtained but also the sAdhakA gets

> detrimental effects.


> * If one has immense faith but one does the manthrA improperly, the

> results are delayed immensely.Sometimes,the journey continues for

> several lifetimes.So a lifetime spent in an improper practice of a

> manthrA results in another janmA wherein the sAdhakA continues under the

> guidance of a proper guru and attains salvation/sidDHi.

> * ambA loves one and all.And She has framed certain rules.Doesn't

> lalithA sahasranAma say-- " na shaTaya cha dushTAya karhichit " or in yet

> another place: " yo dadAti vimUDhAtmA shrIvidyArahitAya vai |


> tasya kupyanti yoginyaH so.anarthaH sumahAn smR^itaH |

> * ambA is loving, but Her manthrAs are powerful as they are shabda

> brAhman of the highest order.To consider and mix-up two things is but

> naiive. E.g: " Isn't fire useful for cooking and keeps one warm during

> winter? So, why not jump into it? " We do not do so, as we know and have

> been smitten by its power atleast in a small way while we were perhaps

> kids.The above example is a classic

> kutarkavAdhA(erroneous/illogical/logical fallacy oriented application of

> mind)

> * As far as manthrAs are concerned many people, I have seen even in

> their ripe old age of 80s and 90s are kids,who have not been 'smitten'

> by this fire and thus they talk.

> * hayagrIvA says thus in lalithA sahasranAmA:

> chaturAshramaniShThaishcha kIrtanIyamidaM sadA |

> svadharmasamanuShthAna vaikalya paripUrtaye ||

> kalau pApaikabahule dharmAnuShThAnavarjite |

> nAmAnukIrtanaM muktvA nR^iNAM nAnyatparAyaNam ||


> The third line is very important: In kalI many commit

> various sins(knowingly or unknowingly) and thus leave behind dharmA and

> anushTAnA.The dharmA is such that it is not possible to practice

> perfectly anything here these days.However, to leave certain basic and

> important rules to airs, when they can be practiced easily creates a

> vAigunyA and it is in the best practices of sadgunyA(doesn't a

> company/industry these have 'best practices' and doesn't the corporate

> world stick to it assiduously come what may?) to follow these

> important,commonsensical and basic rules of manthrOpAsanA.


> * There are certain adhikArAs which are inplace for certain upAsanAs

> like s'rIvidhyA,bhagalAmukhI,dashamAhAvidhyA,etc.And thus only some

> people can truly get results and are qualified for practice.Anyone can

> study Accounting/Accountancy but it is only the qualified CPAs or CAs

> who can sign the Balance sheet of a company.(This might not be a proper

> upamAnA here but I hope it drives the point home).Similarly,while

> everyone can do nAmasankIrthanA('learn Accounting/Accountancy'), it is

> only a few manthrAdhikAris who can do certain things('those who qualify

> for the CPA license or CA exam to sign company Balance sheets').And this

> manthrAdhikArathwA is not the domain of any particular sect or caste.I

> have known my gurunAthar give manthradIkshAs to even

> Caucasians,Chinese,Malays and African-Americans(provided they adhere to

> certain niyamAs of vegetarianism,regular

> pUjA-pArayanA-manthrOpAsanA,abstention from alcohol,sexual

> probity,etc).Traditionally, the domain might have been held by a certain

> communities or castes but this is no reason to resist or hate the rule

> itself,which is but divine.One needs to study in depth atleast a few

> texts,when one has sometime and then try to understand the rationale

> behind the rule than blowing the fan of an emotional fire.

> * I once went to my sarvamangala-ashramA when in terrible body

> wrenching pain of doing kundalInI upAsanA flouting certain rules(see

> what happened even in my case!) and cried out to him shedding tears-- " I

> think I have committed thousand crore sins to be suffering like

> this.Please ask ambA to take my life,I don't want to trouble my old

> parents(at that time I was not married).Please swAmi! Please swAmi!... " I

> was wailing out like a mad man possessed by a crying fit.Everyone there

> took pity on my condition.My swAmI said, " Why do you talk of sins? Don't

> you have belief in me and ambA? When I said you will come out of this,

> trust me, you will.Live every second of this pain and then you will see

> it running away from you. " It took me few years to heal of the

> scars,afterall wasn't it my own wrongdoing of considering naively like

> you that ambA is my mother and She loved me a lot that I can do any damn

> thing under the sun regards Her upAsanA? And yes, She was loving too

> because even in that pain,She gave me an assurance that I will be

> saved(but not before being punished for my very karmAs).The proof of the

> pudding lay in me typing these words to you Amma! This group was started

> to prevent such a thing which happened to me.I lay in home just like the

> Actor Vikram(Tamizh actor) in the film " Sethu " --Numb and lost to the

> world, in my yOgA-avasthA(or should I say anAvasthA?)

> * Philosophers,Big Gurus,Pontiffs,etc say many things in talks and

> very beautifully too.They attract lot of people and maybe some good

> savants put them into right paths,some aggrandize pelf and power from

> their devotees.Now, Im not saying anything against Ganapathi

> Satchidananda Garu,I met Him twice in His ashramA and He was nice to

> me.However, contextual inference is what we need with such people.If one

> follows all He says,then one can do as He says.But many selectively

> quote a few and leave the rest of the great saint's teachings.Ammachi is

> also one such saint who is often misquoted by one and all.There is no

> 'buffet dinner system' with Gurus.Either you follow everything they say

> and consider them the be-all-and-all-to life and spirituality or do not

> follow them.There is no middle path in such things.If you want to live

> by their rules,then they become your mAnasIka gurus.

> * I go strictly by what my gurunAthA says and whichever texts He

> directs me to read for further knowledge.Always a safe bet is to stick

> to sAmpradAyikA teachings and follow what the scripture says without

> hate or bias.

> * ammA might not stop anyone from calling Her in anyway.She is called

> " pashyanthI-paradevAthA " .She sees All and knows All.However, this does

> not mean, the punishments or karmAs which come forth due to a wrong act

> or vibration from a wrongly pronounced manthrA or guhya sthOthrA will

> not come.if you want to test it, try reading all sthOthrAs wrongly or

> without receiving any dIkshA and see for yourself!

> * ammA enjoys the love from our heart more than the words which

> emnate from our lips.True! very true!Most of us should become then mIrAs

> or bhaktha kannAppAs.Even mIrA(or bhakthA kannappA in his older birth

> was a great s'ivA upAsakA) was a manthrOpAsakA and served Her guru most

> faithfully.When KrishnA tested Her bhakthi-s'radDhA towards Her Guru.She

> asked Him to wait patiently till she finished serving Her Guru.Why did

> She not think " Krishna loves my love for Him, more than any damn Guru or

> manthrA of this world. " ?

> * ammA loves best a devotee who is a sAdhakA,who loves Her with

> his/her heart,who adheres to rules of rituals and scriptures with

> his/her chosen deity or source of divnity,who respects traditions and

> does not selectively quote or act smart or misquote something to his/her

> conveince,who takes pains to learn the manthrAs properly and the

> adherent niyamAs and yamAs assidously to the best possible level(doesn't

> a male take all out effort to know much information about a girl he has

> been 'lovingly' stalking/ogling?This is more than a mere human

> female-biological-love response.This is something at an Athmic level).

> * manthrAs are tremendous sources of potent-energy,much akin to

> atomic bombs and in wrong hands or in wrong situations can do potential

> damage.I have been witness to the same.I have seen many many friends and

> members and even complete strangers come to me to rectify their

> situations and my age is not that much mind you!(In many cases,I myself

> am rendered helpless because of the kArmic-complexity of the

> situation)Most of them have come to such states following

> yanthrA,manthrA practices from either market place books or

> websites(current bane).I can quote many mistakes from many websites and

> books from market,except a few which I can count in my hands(and these

> few do not showcase any manthrAs as such).

> * Your alibi might also fail if you say-- " Yes, I love my child and my

> child wants to jump from the sixth floor of this building " Isn't my love

> for her and her love for me most important.This aint cute! Perhaps,the

> child might survive a fall from the sixth floor but not a person who

> ventures assininely without the protection of a Guru into manthrOpAsanA.

> * I have mentioned that one must get it from one's preceptor(or if

> one has no preceptor then get one first!) but nowhere have I mentioned

> that it is limited only to a few people.This is reading wrongly between

> the lines.

> * You start and end with " Sairam " ,assuming that you love Baba of

> Shirdi,let me ask you onething. Has Baba been in favour of giving

> manthrA freely to everyone or whether he did so?Please refer to the

> story of Radhabai Deshmukh and His interaction with Her in

> SaisatcharithA.(Please see addendum below*)


> I hope this much of an elaborate answer will do for now.Henceforth if

> anyone asks such similar queries,this posting would be referred to.


> Again, if I have been harsh or erroneous in explaining anything above,

> it is purely my incompetence as I myself am learning under the BlueLotus

> feet of my GurunAThA as a student with my dull wit made even duller by

> the ravishes of kaliyugAMy only recourse being my gurunAthA and my

> gurupriyA rAjarAjes'varI paradevathA.Please excuse my ignorance too

> here, if it has been narrow-minded and hurt you.


> jaya mama guru paramparA!


> jaya sarvamangale'!


> Yours Yogically,


> Shreeram Balijepalli.


> Addendum*:




> Very rare photo of Babaji.


> There was an old woman by name Radhabai, She was the mother of one

> Khashaba Deshmukh. Hearing Baba's fame, she came to Shirdi with the

> people of Sangamner. She took Baba's darshan and was much satisfied. She

> loved Baba intimately and resolved in her mind, that She should accept

> Baba as her Guru, and take some Upadesh from Him. She knew nothing else.

> She determined to fast herself unto death, so long as Baba did not

> accept her, and give her any Upadesh or Mantra. She stayed in her

> lodging and left off taking any food or water for three days. I was

> frightened by this ordeal of the old woman, and interceded with Baba on

> her behalf. I said, " Deva, what is this You have started? You drag so

> many persons here. You know that old lady. She is very obstinate and

> depends on You entirely, She has resolved to fast unto death, if You

> don't accept and instruct her. If any thing worse happens, people will

> blame You, and say that Baba did not instruct her, and consequently she

> met her death. So take some mercy on her, bless her and instruct her. "

> On seeing her determination, Baba sent for her, changed the turn of her

> mind by addressing her as follows:-


> " Oh mother, why are you subjecting yourself to unnecessary tortures and

> hastening your death? You are really My Mother and I am your child. Take

> pity on Me and hear Me through. I tell you My own story, which if you

> listen carefully, will do you good. I had a Guru. He was a great Saint

> and most merciful. I served him long, very long; still he would not blow

> any Mantra into My ears. I had a keen desire, never to leave him but to

> stay with and serve him; and at all costs receive some instructions from

> him. But he had his own way. He first got my head shaved and asked Me

> two pice as Dakshina. I gave the same at once. If you say that as My

> Guru was perfect, why should he ask for money and how should he be

> called desireless? I replied plainly that he never cared for coins. What

> had he to do with them? His two pice were (1) Firm Faith and (2)

> Patience or perseverance. I gave these two pice or things to him, and he

> was pleased.


> " I resorted to My Guru for 12 years. He brought Me up. There was no

> dearth of food and clothing. He was full of love nay, he was love

> incarnate. How can I describe it? He loved Me most. Rare is a Guru like

> him. When I looked at him, he seemed as if he was in deep meditation,

> and then we both were filled with Bliss. Night and day, I gazed at him

> with no thought of hunger and thirst. Without him, I felt restless. I

> had no other object to meditate, nor any other thing than My Guru to

> attend. He was My sole refuge. My mind was always fixed on him. This is

> one pice Dakshina. Saburi (Patience or perseverance) is the other pice.

> I waited patiently and very long on My Guru and served him. This Saburi

> will ferry you across the sea of this mundane existence. Saburi is

> manliness in man, it removes all sins and afflictions, gets rid of

> calamities in various ways, and casts aside all fear, and ultimately

> gives you success. Saburi is the mine of virtues, consort of good

> thought. Nishtha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) are like twin sisters,

> loving each other very intimately. "


> " My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected Me,

> but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes away

> from him; still I never felt the want or absence of his love. He always

> protected Me by his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young ones,

> whether they are near her or away from her on the other side of the

> river bank, by her loving looks. Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me any

> Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember

> that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness. Do not try

> to get Mantra or Upadesh from anybody. Make Me the sole object of your

> thoughts and actions; and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (the

> spiritual goal of life). Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn look

> at you similarly. Sitting in this Masjid, I speak the truth, nothing but

> the truth. No Sadhanas, nor proficiency in the six Shastras, are

> necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that

> Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of

> his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti)

> Incarnate. "


> Instructed in this way, the old lady was convinced; she bowed to Baba

> and gave up her fast.


> Shaktheyem , vani n <nvani2@> wrote:

> >

> > Respected Sree Ram Garu,

> >

> > Sai Ram,

> >

> > I humbly request your opinion about the secrecy of our mantras.I heard

> from Sri Ganapathi Sacchidaananda Swamiji - that some of the mantras are

> mentioned as " Guhyathi Guhyam " only because -That the essence of god is

> hidden in the mantra as a secrect and as such the mantra itself is not a

> secret and limited to only certain people.

> >

> > I also feel -will amma stop or restrict anybody from calling her in

> any form or way -is it not the love from our hearts amma enjoys, more

> than the words we utter?

> > Being a mother my self ,this is what my abiliy comprehends.

> >

> > Please don't take this otherwise and hope you excuse my ignorance.

> > Sai Ram

> > Vani.

> >

> > --- On Sat, 9/5/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma@ wrote:

> >

> > para_anuloma para_anuloma@

> > [shaktheyem] Re: New file uploaded to Shaktheyem

> > Shaktheyem

> > Saturday, September 5, 2009, 7:12 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> >

> >

> > Since the kavachA is not an ordinary one and is highly potent with

> >

> > bIjAs.

> >

> >

> >

> > Apart from initiation into s'rIvidhyA, one must also get it strictly

> >

> > from one's preceptor and do it according to guided principles of

> >

> > mantra-ucCHaranA. Some of the vIjAs are tricky and need utter guidance

> >

> > from some adept.Also, I have seen lot of typos in a popular book sold

> in

> >

> > the market.Now, this is very perilous and would bring about

> substantial

> >

> > damage to the sAdhakA.

> >

> >

> >

> > Note:

> >

> >

> >

> > Though I have a couple of rudhrayAmalA versions(of which one I'm

> >

> > chanting on certain days with the approval of my gurunAthar), I myself

> am

> >

> > in search of the guhya s'Odas'I upAskA-prIthi version(the version

> found

> >

> > in rudhrayAmalA s'Odas'I khandA) wherein 108 types of s'rI vidhyA

> >

> > manthrAs are mentioned apart from s'odas'I-dala vivaranA.

> >

> >

> >

> > If anyone has it, I request to please do pass it on to me.I would be

> >

> > really grateful.

> >

> >

> >

> > Best,

> >

> >

> >

> > Shreeram

> >

> >

> >

> > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com, seetharaman vasu vasumerc@ .>

> >

> > wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Sir

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The PDF gives the explantions and I wish to get the kavacha mantras

> >

> > Pls. Can you pls help.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Regds

> >

> > > S.Vasu Iyer

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > > " Shaktheyem@gro ups.com " Shaktheyem@gro ups.com

> >

> > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com

> >

> > > Saturday, 5 September, 2009 11:08:50

> >

> > > [shaktheyem] New file uploaded to Shaktheyem

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Hello,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > This email message is a notification to let you know that

> >

> > > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the Shaktheyem

> >

> > > group.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > File : /trAilOkyamOhanakav achamm.pdf

> >

> > > Uploaded by : para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>

> >

> > > Description : trAilOkyamOhanakava cham-Info

> >

> > >

> >

> > > You can access this file at the URL:

> >

> > > http://groups. / group/Shaktheyem trAilOkya

> >

> > mOhanakavachamm. pdf

> >

> > >

> >

> > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:

> >

> > > http://help. / l/us// groups/original/

> general.htmlfile

> >

> > s

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Regards,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>

> >

> > >

> >


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Dear Vivek,


There is something called ApdDharmA,where such extenuating circumstances

might thwart you from the niyamAs of adhering to a fixed time.


You may:


1. Do the japA(ajapA way) while travelling or during waiting time.


yAmalA says thus:


s'uchirvApyas'uchirvA.api gacChan thishTan svapannApi |

manthrAikasharaNo vidhvAn manasApi sadhA smaran ||


Whether one is physically clean or not, or is walking, talking, eating,

sleeping, a true upAsaka should never stop reciting his mUla manthrA.

Various rules of deha, sthAna shuddhi,etc. apply only to the first two

modes of japa which are vAchikA and upAms'u. These rules do not apply

for mAnasika japa, the superior-most among the three.


Lord s'ivA uses the word " manasApi sadhA smaran " which must be inferred

as for mAnasikA mode primarily.


mAnsikA is best for mumukshUs(those who are aiming for mOkshA).For the

rest with various kAma-vAnchAs, the other two modes are best.


2. When back home,resolve to compensate by doing one extra round or the

missed day's japa-sankhyA.


Most of what I say is commonsensical and since people need pramAnAs,I

offer at times selectively.Most times I say


" Do whatever little you know perfectly and slowly you will know

perfectly what to do "


Spiritual practice must be cultivated in a persistent and systematic way

but also including flexibility in the practice.I call this

" persystematic-flexibility " (p.f)(coined this word recently)


With this " p.f " , the spiritual practice itself will slowly reveal to

you,what is best for you, how you can evolve even more perfectly,the

manthra mUrthI and the devathA will guide you if your efforts are

sincere and laden with the fruit of faith and you will become mature in

spirituality and life in general.


You might work on something and it does not work for you now.You may try

something which someone else is doing and you need to make some

modifications(unless your guru has something strict to say about

it).This does not mean, you leave the whole thing in limbo and go away

from it.


-->What might work now might not work in future,what might not work now

might work in future.What is good for someone else might not be good for

you and what is good for you might not be good for someone else.


You need to fine-tune it and the best way to fine-tune any

manthrA-cultivation is by goign through it.By planning,by arranging

things around it,by going above the problems and not allowing the

problems to submerge you,etc.


You need for this a good dose of commonsense too.{Highly uncommon these

days with people :) }


7 weapons needed here are:


1. Commitment and s'radDhA


2. Time management(very crucial for success of any venture)


3. Determination and willpower.


4. Patience


5. Commonsense.


6. Adherence to niyamAs and yamAs.


7. Proper unhurried or lethargic practice.


The spiritual warrior who possesses these 7 weapons can see the light of

Mother for sure.


Persystematically i.e.!


Shreeram Balijepalli









Shaktheyem , " vivekkvn " <vivekkvn wrote:


> Pranaamam Sreeramagaru,


> Thank you very much for the " apt " and to the point iformation on

Mantra Sadhana.


> I have a small question for people like me who are into sales and

travel odd hours, for them at times it becomes difficult to maintain

regularity of time!


> Sreeramagaru, what is the best remedy for such persons who wants to do

Mantra Sadhana?


> May Amma bless you with Her Love!


> Vivek



> Shaktheyem , " para_anuloma " para_anuloma@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Amma,

> >

> > I would not take any question little or small otherwise.No one is

> > ignorant or knowledgable, everyone are children of Divine Mother.I


> > already broached upon this many times on this subject of secrecy in


> > past postings, do have a look at it.

> >

> > Some from Ammachi's group have asked me why they should or should


> > chant lalithA sahasranAmA freely.Your question is also similar to


> >

> > Let me answer this logically and spiritually(there is no

> > contradiction).This elaborate reply is to answer people who might


> > such and similar doubts yet remain silent/taciturn

> >

> > You must not consider me 'otherwise', similarly, for my views on


> > posting.I respect your views:

> >

> > * " guhAthi guhyA " --means 'secret of secrets'(loosely

> > translating.Actually literally it is rhetorical 'say' as in :

" Secret!

> > Highly(very) secretive! "

> > * God or the divine is hidden in all manthrAs, why just manthrAs

> > mentioned " guhyAthi guhyA " ?

> > * Does that mean that manthrAs or sthothrAs which need not be held

> > secretive or need initiation, does not need God immanent in it? Even


> > mere calling out with heartfelt emotion Divine Mother's name has

" God "

> > in it.Don't you think so?

> > * I do seem parochial,villainish,selfish,brahminical and other

> > assorted adjectives you might adduce for the same with regards to

> > secrecy of manthrAs or rituals but it is with a reason and that is


> > your own good.What sort of a dIkshA can I possibly give you

> > online?(Online dIkshA?).The person who was asking the trAilokya


> > kavachA was asking a really puissant manthrAical chant not an


> > kavachA.This includes lot of bIjAs(vIjAs) which require correct


> > and pronunciation.How could I possibly touch him and give a sparshA

> > dIkshA and guide him with all this? Unless some invention makes it

> > possible in the future to transport me to his place

> > instantly(Time-machine?/Distance-Time-Machine??) and then make this

> > possible.Even otherwise, I do not act as a dIkshA-guru to


> > here to guide to the best possible of my limited knowledge,people.If


> > person was given some manusciprt scanned by me and he starts reading


> > gets into trouble, the karmA will be both on his head(for rejecting


> > rules of guru-shishyA relationship) and on me to give it randomnly

to an

> > absolute stranger(and in a sense rejecting the rules again as in his

> > case).karmA is a double-edged sharp sword,it affects both the doler


> > the reciever in this case.

> > * If one recites mantras without probity and adherence to manthra

> > shAstrA rules:

> >

> > a. without a dIkshA(an initiation)

> >

> > b. without ucCHaranA(the right pronunciation)

> >

> > c. without the niyamAs {observance of necessary conditions

> > of chitta (mind), des'A (space or location) and kAla (time)}

> >

> >

> > d. Intent (or samkalpas'UdDhI)

> >

> > e. s'radDhA(Concentrated focus upon one's ishTA de'vathA

> >

> > Not only is the manthrA sidDHi not obtained but also the sAdhakA


> > detrimental effects.

> >

> > * If one has immense faith but one does the manthrA improperly, the

> > results are delayed immensely.Sometimes,the journey continues for

> > several lifetimes.So a lifetime spent in an improper practice of a

> > manthrA results in another janmA wherein the sAdhakA continues under


> > guidance of a proper guru and attains salvation/sidDHi.

> > * ambA loves one and all.And She has framed certain rules.Doesn't

> > lalithA sahasranAma say-- " na shaTaya cha dushTAya karhichit " or in


> > another place: " yo dadAti vimUDhAtmA shrIvidyArahitAya vai |

> >

> > tasya kupyanti yoginyaH so.anarthaH sumahAn smR^itaH |

> > * ambA is loving, but Her manthrAs are powerful as they are shabda

> > brAhman of the highest order.To consider and mix-up two things is


> > naiive. E.g: " Isn't fire useful for cooking and keeps one warm


> > winter? So, why not jump into it? " We do not do so, as we know and


> > been smitten by its power atleast in a small way while we were


> > kids.The above example is a classic

> > kutarkavAdhA(erroneous/illogical/logical fallacy oriented

application of

> > mind)

> > * As far as manthrAs are concerned many people, I have seen even in

> > their ripe old age of 80s and 90s are kids,who have not been


> > by this fire and thus they talk.

> > * hayagrIvA says thus in lalithA sahasranAmA:

> > chaturAshramaniShThaishcha kIrtanIyamidaM sadA |

> > svadharmasamanuShthAna vaikalya paripUrtaye ||

> > kalau pApaikabahule dharmAnuShThAnavarjite |

> > nAmAnukIrtanaM muktvA nR^iNAM nAnyatparAyaNam ||

> >

> > The third line is very important: In kalI many commit

> > various sins(knowingly or unknowingly) and thus leave behind dharmA


> > anushTAnA.The dharmA is such that it is not possible to practice

> > perfectly anything here these days.However, to leave certain basic


> > important rules to airs, when they can be practiced easily creates a

> > vAigunyA and it is in the best practices of sadgunyA(doesn't a

> > company/industry these have 'best practices' and doesn't the


> > world stick to it assiduously come what may?) to follow these

> > important,commonsensical and basic rules of manthrOpAsanA.

> >

> > * There are certain adhikArAs which are inplace for certain upAsanAs

> > like s'rIvidhyA,bhagalAmukhI,dashamAhAvidhyA,etc.And thus only some

> > people can truly get results and are qualified for practice.Anyone


> > study Accounting/Accountancy but it is only the qualified CPAs or


> > who can sign the Balance sheet of a company.(This might not be a


> > upamAnA here but I hope it drives the point home).Similarly,while

> > everyone can do nAmasankIrthanA('learn Accounting/Accountancy'), it


> > only a few manthrAdhikAris who can do certain things('those who


> > for the CPA license or CA exam to sign company Balance sheets').And


> > manthrAdhikArathwA is not the domain of any particular sect or


> > have known my gurunAthar give manthradIkshAs to even

> > Caucasians,Chinese,Malays and African-Americans(provided they adhere


> > certain niyamAs of vegetarianism,regular

> > pUjA-pArayanA-manthrOpAsanA,abstention from alcohol,sexual

> > probity,etc).Traditionally, the domain might have been held by a


> > communities or castes but this is no reason to resist or hate the


> > itself,which is but divine.One needs to study in depth atleast a few

> > texts,when one has sometime and then try to understand the rationale

> > behind the rule than blowing the fan of an emotional fire.

> > * I once went to my sarvamangala-ashramA when in terrible body

> > wrenching pain of doing kundalInI upAsanA flouting certain rules(see

> > what happened even in my case!) and cried out to him shedding

tears-- " I

> > think I have committed thousand crore sins to be suffering like

> > this.Please ask ambA to take my life,I don't want to trouble my old

> > parents(at that time I was not married).Please swAmi! Please

swAmi!... " I

> > was wailing out like a mad man possessed by a crying fit.Everyone


> > took pity on my condition.My swAmI said, " Why do you talk of sins?


> > you have belief in me and ambA? When I said you will come out of


> > trust me, you will.Live every second of this pain and then you will


> > it running away from you. " It took me few years to heal of the

> > scars,afterall wasn't it my own wrongdoing of considering naively


> > you that ambA is my mother and She loved me a lot that I can do any


> > thing under the sun regards Her upAsanA? And yes, She was loving too

> > because even in that pain,She gave me an assurance that I will be

> > saved(but not before being punished for my very karmAs).The proof of


> > pudding lay in me typing these words to you Amma! This group was


> > to prevent such a thing which happened to me.I lay in home just like


> > Actor Vikram(Tamizh actor) in the film " Sethu " --Numb and lost to the

> > world, in my yOgA-avasthA(or should I say anAvasthA?)

> > * Philosophers,Big Gurus,Pontiffs,etc say many things in talks and

> > very beautifully too.They attract lot of people and maybe some good

> > savants put them into right paths,some aggrandize pelf and power


> > their devotees.Now, Im not saying anything against Ganapathi

> > Satchidananda Garu,I met Him twice in His ashramA and He was nice to

> > me.However, contextual inference is what we need with such people.If


> > follows all He says,then one can do as He says.But many selectively

> > quote a few and leave the rest of the great saint's

teachings.Ammachi is

> > also one such saint who is often misquoted by one and all.There is


> > 'buffet dinner system' with Gurus.Either you follow everything they


> > and consider them the be-all-and-all-to life and spirituality or do


> > follow them.There is no middle path in such things.If you want to


> > by their rules,then they become your mAnasIka gurus.

> > * I go strictly by what my gurunAthA says and whichever texts He

> > directs me to read for further knowledge.Always a safe bet is to


> > to sAmpradAyikA teachings and follow what the scripture says without

> > hate or bias.

> > * ammA might not stop anyone from calling Her in anyway.She is


> > " pashyanthI-paradevAthA " .She sees All and knows All.However, this


> > not mean, the punishments or karmAs which come forth due to a wrong


> > or vibration from a wrongly pronounced manthrA or guhya sthOthrA


> > not come.if you want to test it, try reading all sthOthrAs wrongly


> > without receiving any dIkshA and see for yourself!

> > * ammA enjoys the love from our heart more than the words which

> > emnate from our lips.True! very true!Most of us should become then


> > or bhaktha kannAppAs.Even mIrA(or bhakthA kannappA in his older


> > was a great s'ivA upAsakA) was a manthrOpAsakA and served Her guru


> > faithfully.When KrishnA tested Her bhakthi-s'radDhA towards Her


> > asked Him to wait patiently till she finished serving Her Guru.Why


> > She not think " Krishna loves my love for Him, more than any damn

Guru or

> > manthrA of this world. " ?

> > * ammA loves best a devotee who is a sAdhakA,who loves Her with

> > his/her heart,who adheres to rules of rituals and scriptures with

> > his/her chosen deity or source of divnity,who respects traditions


> > does not selectively quote or act smart or misquote something to


> > conveince,who takes pains to learn the manthrAs properly and the

> > adherent niyamAs and yamAs assidously to the best possible


> > a male take all out effort to know much information about a girl he


> > been 'lovingly' stalking/ogling?This is more than a mere human

> > female-biological-love response.This is something at an Athmic


> > * manthrAs are tremendous sources of potent-energy,much akin to

> > atomic bombs and in wrong hands or in wrong situations can do


> > damage.I have been witness to the same.I have seen many many friends


> > members and even complete strangers come to me to rectify their

> > situations and my age is not that much mind you!(In many cases,I


> > am rendered helpless because of the kArmic-complexity of the

> > situation)Most of them have come to such states following

> > yanthrA,manthrA practices from either market place books or

> > websites(current bane).I can quote many mistakes from many websites


> > books from market,except a few which I can count in my hands(and


> > few do not showcase any manthrAs as such).

> > * Your alibi might also fail if you say-- " Yes, I love my child and


> > child wants to jump from the sixth floor of this building " Isn't my


> > for her and her love for me most important.This aint cute!


> > child might survive a fall from the sixth floor but not a person who

> > ventures assininely without the protection of a Guru into


> > * I have mentioned that one must get it from one's preceptor(or if

> > one has no preceptor then get one first!) but nowhere have I


> > that it is limited only to a few people.This is reading wrongly


> > the lines.

> > * You start and end with " Sairam " ,assuming that you love Baba of

> > Shirdi,let me ask you onething. Has Baba been in favour of giving

> > manthrA freely to everyone or whether he did so?Please refer to the

> > story of Radhabai Deshmukh and His interaction with Her in

> > SaisatcharithA.(Please see addendum below*)

> >

> > I hope this much of an elaborate answer will do for now.Henceforth


> > anyone asks such similar queries,this posting would be referred to.

> >

> > Again, if I have been harsh or erroneous in explaining anything


> > it is purely my incompetence as I myself am learning under the


> > feet of my GurunAThA as a student with my dull wit made even duller


> > the ravishes of kaliyugAMy only recourse being my gurunAthA and my

> > gurupriyA rAjarAjes'varI paradevathA.Please excuse my ignorance too

> > here, if it has been narrow-minded and hurt you.

> >

> > jaya mama guru paramparA!

> >

> > jaya sarvamangale'!

> >

> > Yours Yogically,

> >

> > Shreeram Balijepalli.

> >

> > Addendum*:

> >

> >

> >

> > Very rare photo of Babaji.

> >

> > There was an old woman by name Radhabai, She was the mother of one

> > Khashaba Deshmukh. Hearing Baba's fame, she came to Shirdi with the

> > people of Sangamner. She took Baba's darshan and was much satisfied.


> > loved Baba intimately and resolved in her mind, that She should


> > Baba as her Guru, and take some Upadesh from Him. She knew nothing


> > She determined to fast herself unto death, so long as Baba did not

> > accept her, and give her any Upadesh or Mantra. She stayed in her

> > lodging and left off taking any food or water for three days. I was

> > frightened by this ordeal of the old woman, and interceded with Baba


> > her behalf. I said, " Deva, what is this You have started? You drag


> > many persons here. You know that old lady. She is very obstinate and

> > depends on You entirely, She has resolved to fast unto death, if You

> > don't accept and instruct her. If any thing worse happens, people


> > blame You, and say that Baba did not instruct her, and consequently


> > met her death. So take some mercy on her, bless her and instruct

her. "

> > On seeing her determination, Baba sent for her, changed the turn of


> > mind by addressing her as follows:-

> >

> > " Oh mother, why are you subjecting yourself to unnecessary tortures


> > hastening your death? You are really My Mother and I am your child.


> > pity on Me and hear Me through. I tell you My own story, which if


> > listen carefully, will do you good. I had a Guru. He was a great


> > and most merciful. I served him long, very long; still he would not


> > any Mantra into My ears. I had a keen desire, never to leave him but


> > stay with and serve him; and at all costs receive some instructions


> > him. But he had his own way. He first got my head shaved and asked


> > two pice as Dakshina. I gave the same at once. If you say that as My

> > Guru was perfect, why should he ask for money and how should he be

> > called desireless? I replied plainly that he never cared for coins.


> > had he to do with them? His two pice were (1) Firm Faith and (2)

> > Patience or perseverance. I gave these two pice or things to him,

and he

> > was pleased.

> >

> > " I resorted to My Guru for 12 years. He brought Me up. There was no

> > dearth of food and clothing. He was full of love nay, he was love

> > incarnate. How can I describe it? He loved Me most. Rare is a Guru


> > him. When I looked at him, he seemed as if he was in deep


> > and then we both were filled with Bliss. Night and day, I gazed at


> > with no thought of hunger and thirst. Without him, I felt restless.


> > had no other object to meditate, nor any other thing than My Guru to

> > attend. He was My sole refuge. My mind was always fixed on him. This


> > one pice Dakshina. Saburi (Patience or perseverance) is the other


> > I waited patiently and very long on My Guru and served him. This


> > will ferry you across the sea of this mundane existence. Saburi is

> > manliness in man, it removes all sins and afflictions, gets rid of

> > calamities in various ways, and casts aside all fear, and ultimately

> > gives you success. Saburi is the mine of virtues, consort of good

> > thought. Nishtha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) are like twin


> > loving each other very intimately. "

> >

> > " My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected


> > but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes


> > from him; still I never felt the want or absence of his love. He


> > protected Me by his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young


> > whether they are near her or away from her on the other side of the

> > river bank, by her loving looks. Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me


> > Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember

> > that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness. Do not


> > to get Mantra or Upadesh from anybody. Make Me the sole object of


> > thoughts and actions; and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (the

> > spiritual goal of life). Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn


> > at you similarly. Sitting in this Masjid, I speak the truth, nothing


> > the truth. No Sadhanas, nor proficiency in the six Shastras, are

> > necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully,


> > Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the

greatness of

> > his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti)

> > Incarnate. "

> >

> > Instructed in this way, the old lady was convinced; she bowed to


> > and gave up her fast.

> >

> > Shaktheyem , vani n <nvani2@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Respected Sree Ram Garu,

> > >

> > > Sai Ram,

> > >

> > > I humbly request your opinion about the secrecy of our mantras.I


> > from Sri Ganapathi Sacchidaananda Swamiji - that some of the mantras


> > mentioned as " Guhyathi Guhyam " only because -That the essence of god


> > hidden in the mantra as a secrect and as such the mantra itself is

not a

> > secret and limited to only certain people.

> > >

> > > I also feel -will amma stop or restrict anybody from calling her


> > any form or way -is it not the love from our hearts amma enjoys,


> > than the words we utter?

> > > Being a mother my self ,this is what my abiliy comprehends.

> > >

> > > Please don't take this otherwise and hope you excuse my ignorance.

> > > Sai Ram

> > > Vani.

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 9/5/09, para_anuloma para_anuloma@ wrote:

> > >

> > > para_anuloma para_anuloma@

> > > [shaktheyem] Re: New file uploaded to Shaktheyem

> > > Shaktheyem

> > > Saturday, September 5, 2009, 7:12 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Since the kavachA is not an ordinary one and is highly potent with

> > >

> > > bIjAs.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Apart from initiation into s'rIvidhyA, one must also get it


> > >

> > > from one's preceptor and do it according to guided principles of

> > >

> > > mantra-ucCHaranA. Some of the vIjAs are tricky and need utter


> > >

> > > from some adept.Also, I have seen lot of typos in a popular book


> > in

> > >

> > > the market.Now, this is very perilous and would bring about

> > substantial

> > >

> > > damage to the sAdhakA.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Note:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Though I have a couple of rudhrayAmalA versions(of which one I'm

> > >

> > > chanting on certain days with the approval of my gurunAthar), I


> > am

> > >

> > > in search of the guhya s'Odas'I upAskA-prIthi version(the version

> > found

> > >

> > > in rudhrayAmalA s'Odas'I khandA) wherein 108 types of s'rI vidhyA

> > >

> > > manthrAs are mentioned apart from s'odas'I-dala vivaranA.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If anyone has it, I request to please do pass it on to me.I would


> > >

> > > really grateful.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Best,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Shreeram

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com, seetharaman vasu vasumerc@ .>

> > >

> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Sir

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > The PDF gives the explantions and I wish to get the kavacha


> > >

> > > Pls. Can you pls help.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Regds

> > >

> > > > S.Vasu Iyer

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > > " Shaktheyem@gro ups.com " Shaktheyem@gro ups.com

> > >

> > > > Shaktheyem@gro ups.com

> > >

> > > > Saturday, 5 September, 2009 11:08:50

> > >

> > > > [shaktheyem] New file uploaded to Shaktheyem

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Hello,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > This email message is a notification to let you know that

> > >

> > > > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the Shaktheyem

> > >

> > > > group.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > File : /trAilOkyamOhanakav achamm.pdf

> > >

> > > > Uploaded by : para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>

> > >

> > > > Description : trAilOkyamOhanakava cham-Info

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > You can access this file at the URL:

> > >

> > > > http://groups. / group/Shaktheyem trAilOkya

> > >

> > > mOhanakavachamm. pdf

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:

> > >

> > > > http://help. / l/us// groups/original/

> > general.htmlfile

> > >

> > > s

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Regards,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > para_anuloma <para_anuloma@ .ca>

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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