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Mathematical s'rividhyA sites ahoy!

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Came across this site. Pl refer to sriyantraresearch.com. Would like to know your thoughts. Will talk to you later.


Shree Mathre Namaha,




Dearest S Garu,


This site was long known by me.It has been revisited by me at your behest.This is a psuedo-scientific site mainly intent on sales of their products.



They quote research(mainly pop-mathematical research--concurrency,concentricity,etc),place a few images of popular scientific interest(Sir Buckminister Fuller's photo),give a few popular papers of Prof.C.S.Rao and others(to adduce credibility to the site---it is called power by association of symbolism),etc and create an ambience for 'scientific' fools who like to link srI-chakrA with Fibonacci series and what not and finally lure them to buy their products.


Yes, all the mathematical interpretations exist and can be read for entertainment and mild inspiration but the buck stops there.


Also, it is the trend of modern day people to accept something unless shown with the prop of scientific analysis.This again is the mAyAvic play by Mother to keep the general janthA away from the core concepts.


It is not a harmful trend but it does nothing as far as personal and practical spirituality is concerned.


The site creates some images like spherical mahAMerU and calls it "kUrmA",but this has no s'Astra-pramAnA of any s'rIvidhyA thanthrA.It is at best a creative whim of the person involved.


Also the other merU,purportedly given by 'A' is not correct as it suffers from many defects of s'AstrA.(The fact that it is being sold hollow in itself is abominal to say the least)


s'rividhyA is not some joke or entertainment as these people tend to procilve upon.


At one point when I read in the website "s'rIvidhyA mystery solved"--a gentle smile stole my countenance.Ha!


Your physical mother might even smile like this even though She is not lettered as these guys,because She has sat and done upAsanA for ambA.


They solve it mathematically.But, I would say, even mathematically, the possibilities for s'rIvidhyA are infinite.


If you 'solve' one, ambA will playfully give one more to solve.These are at best assinine assays best avoided.


Will you analyze on a regular basis how many bones your physical mother has,how many nerves your physical mother has and so on; just because you love your mother deeply? You will not--as it is something emotional,She is your mother.

Does not your love for your physical mother start in your heart and end in your soul?


For these analyzing mathematicians, the affair starts in their hearts and ends in their brains! Ha!(Again).

The fact is very evident by the way they theorize about the mathematical theories beneath the substratum.


The website goes by a clever title: "sriyantraresearch.com" to give it a 'scientific touch'.

and then they sell their wares!(This is 'symbolic persuation' and 'suspicion as to motive'(as my lawyer wife might putforth! Haha!)).Normal unsuspecting people are beguiled by these 'scientific' charlatans.


You have a mAthru-bhAvA towards your physical mother.You must similarly cultivate mAthrubhAvA for srIchakrA,which is nothing but a manifestation of Divine Mother.Mother and srIchakrA are not different.




s'rIvidhyA is something spiritual,loving,motherly and involves deep practical application not


1. Mere intellectualization.

2. Mere scientific analyses done for satisfaction.

3. Mere euphemistic or emotional rumination.


It goes much beyond all this gibberish, is all I can humbly say.Maybe it is my incompetence to judge them and maybe I should not judge them as they too are ambA's children,doing something constructive.




The Rudrayamala says:


gurUpadeshAt tadgamyaM nanyathA shAstrakoTibhiH.


`The mantra has to be received and learnt from the Guru directly. It cannot be picked and learnt even from crores of Shastras'.


The tantras clearly warn that a mantra, which is simply picked from a book, when practiced, creates havoc instead of doing good. The mystic evocation of the deity in front of the aspirant is achieved only by the proper employment of the sacred word. The final upliftment of the aspirant is possible only by the grace of the deity thus evoked.


The "mystery' of s'rividhyA can thus be solved only by one's precepetor not by mere mathematical analysis.


Srichakra is made into a comprehensive symbol for worship and identification with/of Mahatripurasundari who is Parabrahman-Chit Parashakti one. This allows both who follow Samayachara through the external worship of the Srichakra in the Mahakasha (external sky) as well as for the true Samayacharins who do worship internally without any external symbols and rituals through meditation in the Daharakasha.




Srichakra is that great abode of power into which Shiva Shakti have converted themselves for blessing their children. They are ever present there and devotees can commune with them through it. This is not a mere statement and all those who have worshipped and meditated on Srichakra, having duly taken an initiation from sad guru will swear by this. Though this communion is possible in a physical sensory level, for an ardent and true follower of Samayachara this communion is purely internal. In the Manipuraka they worship Kundalini as the great mother Mahatripurasundari, who has already been awakened by the Shambhava Mahavedha done by the Guru. She is raised to Anahata where she is adored in the Daharakasha and then raised to Ajna Chakra from where she quickly unites with Shiva in Sahasrara. How a person can return back to lower Chakras and continue to live as a Jivanmukta or a Siddha depends on grace of mother Mahatripurasundari and also if the aspirant knows the secretive procedure of achieving Vijnana from Jnana. Else after 21 days of Samadhi he gives up all earthy shackles and merges with Mahatripurasundari. The process of descent again should be learnt through one's own guru directly.




shrIchakra has two forms: sthira and chara. In the Srichakra written on ground or on bhUrja, with ku~nkuma, kesara, gorochana etc., the presence of Devi is invoked by avAhana and prANapratiShThA and the presence is only till the end of archanA (i.e. till visarjanA specifically) (yAvadarchanakAlam). However, in the case of shrIchakra, drawn with precision on gold, silver, panchaloha, any of the gems or quartz, the shAstra says: nityaM sannihitA devI - without the need for avAhana etc., presence of Amba happens automatically, like of mahAdeva in bANaliMga, and the presence stays all through - sAnnidhyaM sArvakAlikaM - which though seems very encouraging, has its own implications. These days Meru is made of plastic, glass, wood etc., but as kAdimata clearly states, even copper and bronze Merus are considered inferior and if one cannot afford gold or silver, panchaloha should be used.


guruvugAru with dattavigrahA in lap meditating.


My father's guruvugAru in anakapalli (swaprakAs'Ananda gAru) used to say that modern day trend of having gold yanthrAs will not work for kali-yugA and must be at best kept in temples.People tend to think that gold is supermost metal so most auspicious(specious thinking again!).


Lets see what our erudite friend Harshaji has to say about this with his characteristic wit:


"When a Meru is kept at home, that means one has the entire shrInagaram at one's pUjA room. There are various devatAs in Amba's parivAra - like aNimA etc., DAkinI etc., dwijihvA and other yoginis, ekapAda bhairava and other Bhairavas - crores of Yoginis, Shaktis and Bhairavas. So, the sweet lady does not come alone but with her baggage! One CANNOT afford to ill-treat any of her parivara by neglecting them - which is what a person without nityopAsanA would do! When you buy a new object without clearly knowing its significance, its use or even its application, one eventually gets over the initial fascination and the object is no more of any interest to such an individual. You buy a vacuum cleaner on Asian Sky Shop, you get a free Meru. Or there was one person who was advertising Meru fountains on the net the other day. Probably we will have Meru ash-trays, Meru paperweights, Cola in Meru-shaped bottles, Meru-shaped phones with Panchadashi ring tones in near future. There may be even Meru-shaped beds promising wonderful sleep but I wonder how one would sleep on them! On a more serious note, you should question why you require the Meru first of all? Is it because you need wealth, health, happiness, removal of vastu defects (lol!) good vibrations, a promotion etc. etc.? Then, keeping a Meru, even if made of puShyarAga, without upAsana, would be useless. There is a long list of merits promised in Vamakeshwara Tantra, associated with a Meru. Sri Bhaskararaya comments thus: chakraraajaarchanena imaani phalaani bhaavayediti vidhiH pariNamati - by worship of Srichakra according to the prescribed norms alone, the said results are obtained and not by merely placing a Srichakra on the altar. This is again the kAmya pakSha.

We have hundreds of other Yantras and hundreds of other deities to obtain petty boons such as these, don't we? Do we need Sri Rajarajeshwari and her magnificent Srichakra for this purpose alone? Do we need to setup an atomic energy plant at home to generate electricity so that we can heat water? A simple Solar heater would achieve the purpose! So, if one does not understand the significance of Meru from Guru and does not receive it from him, one should not buy a Meru hoping to achieve good things by its mere presence. Again, Rudrayamala clearly specifies that the bhUprastAra yantra can be worshipped by those initiated into Panchadashi and those with initiation into shoDashI (Rudrayamala does not talk about laghu ShoDashi, hence it would be relevant to assume that this refers to mahAShoDashi) can worship the meru. Also, from the pramANa of Parashurama Kalpasutra, chakrarAjArchana follows dIkShA and not vice versa. So, there is no pramANa allowing one to keep Meru without the eligible qualification or the required rituals. Why build a temple if you cannot organize the daily worship? Meru should come to one from Guru or unexpectedly and one needs to pursue his upAsanA till then, with patience.

Also, if one has Bhakti of an innocent child, Amba would probably forgive lack of all formalities. But if that were to be the case, there was no need for a Meru and a simple cry would fetch her. Till such a stage is reached where there is parAnurakti in Amba, it is best to stick to the norms prescribed by Guru and Sampradaya. A few years ago, a certain Meru was found in earth and a temple was established for the same - I forget the name, swayambhu meru or something like that. In spite of the publicity, people noticed a distinct bad vibe at the place and the Guru at this place underwent huge problems. A certain daivajna from Andhra Desha was brought to diagnose the problem and he immediately pointed to the Meru. This was a damaged Meru - imperfect in design - which was being worshipped. Adding to this, lack of required niyama or nishtha in worship of Srichakra, created issues. At the same time, a local Tantric performed a prayoga on this Guru and he reached his death bed. But his Guru was kind enough to cure him of his affliction and admonished him for his uncanny behavior. After recovery, a good gentleman from Guntur, a close associate of Sringeri Sharada Peetham, was requested to performed various shaanti karmas, who also did bhu-sthapana of the Meru. Of course, this was never revealed to the public for obvious reasons and they now sell, along with Srividya, Merus of imperfect dimensions, which are hollow and made of every possible material. So, unless one has the Guru to protect and firm faith in Amba, one should be careful in such things"


Side-kick:--->The product optimal 3D srIyanthrA though faulty as far as scriptures are concerned is a good creative piece of work, I would say to be watched from afar not kept in home(how will you do nithyapUjA for a revolving sriyanthrA?).LED lights and glowing in darkness, wow! it sounds like some piece from Isacc Asimov's novels.


The site is good for entertainment and looking at.But please don't buy articles from it is all I can say.

Flail me if you want for such critical views,but I would speak the truth than approve such garbage.And it is for your good.


I might be considered foolish to be honest and open, or retrograde in sticking to tradition but I guess parAmbikA loves truth and honesty more than anything else, doesn't She?(satyAnanda swarUpinI-lalithA sahasranAmA--646th nAmA).She similarly likes tradition too.(sampradAya yOginI is another name aspcribed to Her in lalithA SahasranAmA)


Paul Brunton


"And here it will be fitting to introduce the sages' defination of the term truth. It has been earlier demonstrated that without such a defination men wander in a dry wilderness of hollow fancies, unfounded opinions, worthless theories and hypostatized words. This defination may sound quite simple, but it implications are most profound. It should be graven deeply on the heart. Here it is: TRUTH is that which is beyond all contradiction and free from all doubt; which is indeed beyond the very possibility of both contradiction and doubt; beyond the changes and alternations of time and vicissitude; forever one and the same, unalterable and unaltering; universal and therefore independent of all human ideation."

Paul Brunton, Ph.D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga


I will make this a posting now,removing appropriately editing and not revealing your identity in my usual style.




Sri Mano-vachamagochara— Beyond grasp of mind and speech.--LalithA sahasranAmA— "Where words turn back." Annapurna Upanisad 2I bow down to the supreme Isvari who transcends speech and mind and who can be grasped by the wisdom of the wise alone.




Shreeram Balijepalli




«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·»




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