Guest guest Posted September 29, 2009 Report Share Posted September 29, 2009 Dear Members, This e-mail is for those of you gruhasthApurushAs(married men) who would like to wear the panchagaja vasthrA(dhothi)(pancha=5,gajA=yard and vasthrA= dhOthI). The samskruthA name for the dhOthI is panchagajA but the tamizh brahmanAs call is panchakacham(obviously "ga" has been replaced by "ka" and "ja" has been replaced by "cha" as in old tamizh, "ga" and "ka" are synonymously used and since there is no syallble for "ja"(the current "ja" of tamizh is a recent linguistic invention to accomodate samskruthA words),"s'rI",etc--they use "cha" instead and thus the name "panchakacham" came into vouge and gained credence by our tamizh friends) thelugus call it gAvanchapanchA.gAvancha means a small towel used as utharIyam upon the panchA(panchA is an abbreviated form panchagajavasthrA).The term is also erroneous as "gAvancha" is an accha theulugupadha and it is juxtaposed with a samskruthapadha "panchA" and thus there is a grammatical mistake as far as thelugu grammar is concerned.However, by colloquial mores and ligua,"gAvanchapanchA" gains credence. Whatever be the etymology behind the vasthrA.It forms an important role in vAidhIka samskArAs and also in sAdhanA.Unless one is doing sams'anA and other BhrasTa sAdhanAs,one must wear a proper attire to please the deity and the yOginI s'akthIs,atleast while doing s'rIvidhya pUjA or attending religious functions and doing sandhyAvandhanA.It inculcates disciple and the "kattu"(wear) also fosters celebacy during the process of the anus'TaNa.Thoughts do not go astray into sesual realms if the proper method of wearing dhOthI is learned and one assiduously stick to it. Also, it looks really beautiful and regal when worn properly. "Andhra-kattu" is admired world-over and in a recent fashion show in Milan,Italy,it even got kudos!(Andhra-kattu is a more elaborate rAjakIya-variation of the simple panchagaja vasthrA). However, this e-mail focusses on the simple brahminical panchagaja vasthrA.This is not restricted to just brahmanAs(brAhmanathwA is not based solely on kulA(birth or lineage) but on arhathA and one's mental and spiritual outlook is what I sincerely believe) anyone who is into sAdhanAs and spiritual mArgA can try it. Since every event in a true brAhmanA's life is related to spirituality and God even tying the panchagajavasthrA has been made spiritual s'udDhajala-prOkshaNam is to be made on the 'vasthram' by saying the following vedhi manthrA "Om BhUrBhuvassuvahA(or BhUrBhuva-swahA)" "sus'Ivo havya maruthah: sus'InAm| ruthe'na sathyam ruthas'Apa Ayan| sus'IjanmAnah: suchayah: pAvakAha ||" This has to chanted with the proper vedhik meter. After the s'udDha-jalaprOkshaNam(holy sprinkling by sacred water). Take the vasthrA(raiment) in hands and show them to : Sun--during daytime and afternoon Divine lamp during evening or night-time(for any sAdhanAs after dusk) And say the following vIdhIka manthrA: " udhuthyam jAthave'dhasam dhe'vam vahanthi-ke'thavaha Dhruse' vis'vAya sUryaM." (Imagine Lord sun blessing the raiment with varChas.In the evening or night,imagine Lord sun manifest in the divine lamp) Then the vasthram is opened of the folds and shaken to prepare it to wear for the divine function by the following manthrA: "avaDhUdham rakshah: avaDhUdha ArAdhayah:" (Please do not confuse this with any avaDhUtha manthrA.Here avadhU means "to shake".So this manthrA is said while shaking the folds of the dhOthI. Interestingly, the word "avadhUthA" also shares the same root word etymologically in samskruthA.An avadhUthA is one who has "shaken-off" all worldly attachments and connections and remains in complete rebellion and yet in divine bliss.) Basically by this manthrA we mentally affirm that I would worship this vAirAgyA in me indicated by the "shaking off" and also this vAirAgya must establish itself during this religious ceremony. Tie the small utharIyam around the head(optional) and For those wearing the sacred thread tie it to the right ear and say to invite all-auspiciousness: (All the images have been picked from ahObilA Avahanthi viDhAnvAnAha KurvAnachIram Athmanah: Vasagumsi mamAGhavaChAnna PAne'cha sarvadhA| thathOme' s'riyamAvaha|| Since this wearing is done after a bath(prefarably a headbath): A small but taut kAupInA(undergarment) is worn and the wet towel is removed: Now start wearing the Big 5 yard dhOthi(panchagaja vasthram) by the following these steps: Hold the vasthram putting it behind you by left hand at one end and at 6th feet by right hand Measure exactly 3 feet from that left end Hold the new point ( 3 feet) by left hand by leaving the end move round the left hand to the point 3 inches up and 3 inches right to the 'naabhi' put the 3 feet point there and hold it there firmly by left hand now move round the right hand with the 6 feet point over left hand and place it at a point 3 inches up and 3 inches left to the 'naabhi' and tighten it as much as you can by pulling both hands in opposite directions now check there should be no shrink in the edge of the vasthram tightened around the body(now is the tricky job which is a little hard to practice and it is little more hard for persons who have bunch of hairs all over the body) now slightly curl (out) the top edge of the vasthram where holding by left hand keep hold of it do not allow to go loose while curling (it is nothing but as like as wearing a 'kaili / lungi' )then do slightly curl by right hand as did by left hand now your left hand will get free and move it some small distancetowards your back and curl there(I hope you got the idea)yes, curl all over the edges the curl of the vasthram should be very slim as much as you can to get the required tightnessnow check, where the top of the curled vasthram and move it down to the circle, 4 inches below the 'naabhi' or at 'low hip' now you will have two edges, the left side will be small and inner, the right side will be long and outertake the inner left edge to your left hand and fold it to 4 inches breath along the edge(if you want to bueatify the fold: insert it at any point in the front curl and straighten the folds by holding the top and next folds it in a straight posistion by left hand and deeply pressing at the fold edge by right hand, do it repeatedly for all the successive folds by adding one by one) send the folded vasthram between the two legs to the back side and insert it in the curl of the vasthram at the center of the back check there should be no twist in the foldsnow put the bottom edge of the vastram at the tip of the left leg on the floor and put the big leg finger on it to hold it collect the loose cloth between two thighs and shrink and twist at one point by which the vastram should get tight arround the 'jatty'(undergarment) insert this twisted end at the front curls center and leave the vastram below the left leg big finger now come to the other right end of the vasthram and fold it along the lengh wise about five to six inches breathand insert the folds above the previously inserted position now catch the remaining one corner of vastram which is hanging straightly below the insertionand take it up and make some folds on it then insert this fold also at the same place.This completes the wearing of 'Pancha Kachcham'. utharIyam is worn on the panchagajavasthrA to cover the prushTrA(buttocks) and the sides to not induce any lust feelings on the observers.The "wear" is not complete unless utharIyam is worn atop. Now bring the sacred thread to its usual place. It looks very difficult when the whole proedure is read in words but the actual procedure is simple and when one gets the hang of it,one can easily wear it anytime with the manthrAs. One feels complete with the vasthrA and a psychological sense of sankalpA is attained after wearing it.One becomes serious about one's sAdhanA whatever it might be. sandhya vandhanA done mainly by gruhastha-brahamanAs(though other varnAs are also enjoined to do it) should wear it. Let us learn to respect the wisdom of our ancient seers and put it into practice on an incremental basis in our lives to reach our 4 goals of dharmA,arthA,kAma and mOkshA. Please watch the above Youtube video(in Hindi) which deals with a simplified procedure to wear the dhOthi. Yours Yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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