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RE: [Shaktheyem] Another s'rIvidhyA book review(An old e-mail)

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Sri Gurubhyon Namaha

A good writeup sriram garu, about the fake book writers. A sincere request and appeal is that Just blindly follow what your guru says without using your mind or reasoning, he is lalitha parabhattarika, there is no distinction between them, if you dont have one ask mother to guide you , once the time is right you will find a able guru to guide you. If you have any questions on your sadhana seek clarification from only your guru, as he alone can guide you properly as per your sampradaya. Never discuss or divulge your sadhanas. If your guru is far away from you like mine, try talking to him on the phone or pray to him for his guidance it will come to you in ways you would not have imagined. Else resort to knowledgeble people like sriram garu or Harsha rammurthy garu or sriram or goda venkata shastry or someone who can provide you with right direction . Dont ever depend or rely on books most or 99.99% of the books are written with sole purpose of making money. Hope this helps


Sri Kamakshi



Shaktheyem From: vivekkvnDate: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 08:57:07 +0000[shaktheyem] Re: Another s'rIvidhyA book review(An old e-mail)



Pranaamam Shreeramagaru,You have time and again given a definitive answer for the bookish knowledge which has become a fad these days.But not all are so lucky to be born with a "silver spiritual spoon" or intellect to decipher the wrong and the good gurus.And add to it the pseudo spiritual solutions which is at large in the internet, people do get swayed by the well laid out colourful websites, only to find out their agony later that they have been "duped once again".So the experiments with the so called gurus go on until one finds all of them a mere fascination of mind. He / She retires to her daily chore of accepting live devoid of any spiritual ramifications.In all this paraphernalia of "spiritual supermarket" your words come along without much music, its simple easy to understand devoid of complex jargons etc.I guess people need to understand the "simplicity of spiritualism" and mantra sadhana. I guess all want to be "super gurus" these days.Good article there Shreeramagaru!May Amma Bless you with Her Radiance!VivekShaktheyem , Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:>> > > Dear L,> > > > Another book written by one "famous upAsakA"(Lets call Him S's) from andhrA who also claims He is a devotee of Shirdi Sai writes absolute,filtered nonsense in the name of s'rIvidhyA.> > He keeps grandiose-sounding names for his books.I had the dubious distinction to read one of his books and felt like puking.> > He does again introduce us to --"Ahem"-- mathematical theories to make it look very scientific.Not to mention the usual decrying of the secrecy of s'rIvidhyA and that all concepts should be laid bare to all people.Sounds very democratic and the logic putforth in it is really specious.> > He has his own band of vociferous supporters and "s'ishyAs".> > > > I should shamefully admit that it was my curiosity seeing his figures,diagrams and mathematical jargon(that too in thelugu) which made me buy the book!(Rs.125, wasted!).When I showed the book to a 'higher source', the 'source' just laughed out loud and asked me to take guidance of my gurunAthA to even buy books.> > He writes there that secercy for s'rIvidhyA should not be maintained and goes by the famous yet specious logic of> > 1. ambA calls devotees to Herself and afterall She is our Mother.> (Modern Context: A political leader of our country is afterall our "servant"--shall we call him or her to clean our house and cook for us?)> 2. There is nothing wrong to read and get initiated from books.> (Modern Context: There is nothing wrong in reading books on "How to make a nuclear pen-bomb" and try it out for ourselves)> > When we tend to read any of these statements in any book we browse,we should promptly drop even reading that book.It is a case bad vibration affecting our che'thanA.> > > > Guru is essential to the mArgA.Secrecy or not is just sidelining the main matter of s'akthi-prasarana which happens when the "sAdhakA"(a person can be called a sAdhakA if he obtains the manthrA from a proper Guru) when he or she reads even lalithA sahasranAmA.> We have seen many cases, who have taken this lightly and start reading the litany from some book on their own or do manthrAs of srIvidhyA on their own.> > Those who disregard these rules laid out by none other than s'rI de'vI Herself(consider Her as your Mother?--then follow what Mother says) disrespect what She says and will suffer or atleast whatever good has to happen further will be stalled.> > People are free to have their own views on this and can do what they like.> > These books wherein the authors claim "miracles" of their "disciples", their bravados,scientific looking concepts,etc do much disservice to the general public.> > > > General public is not aware of the arcane concepts of s'rIvidhyA.The dangers which yOginIs and other s'akthIs present to the sAdhakA if the sAdhakA gets involved.It is the responsibility of the guru to present the concepts properly.> > Humility is utmost essential in any sAdhana.It is but arrogance-predominant to do things on one own from a mere book-reading and enter into horrendous problems.> > This is Her majesty's way(leelAvonidhinI) of keeping anarhAs(unqualified) away from Her.> She uses two mAyAvic weapons for this:> 1. Beautiful books with false messages.> 2. Beautiful and sweet-speaking Gurus with false views.> > > > These are very essential for serious aspirants into this path:> > 1. sudhIkshA--proper initiation(not ku-dIkshA from self-proclaimed gurus)> 2. susAmpradhAyA--Good sAmpradhAyA(tradition of Gurus).Lot of apasAmpradhAyAs exist.> 3. avicChinNa-s'rIvidhyA-gurumanDala--Unbroken lineage of Gurus who connect to s'rIvidhyA guru-manDalA(guru-manDala rUpinI).--These days even kAulAchArins(or those who claim kAula mArgA affiliations taking manthrAs from dattha upAsakAs) also tend to talk a lot about s'rIvidhyA and misguide people to the hilt.(713th nAmA of sahasranAmA talks about Her virtue as gurumanDala rUpinI)> 4. gurubaddhA--one who follows and binds oneself to one's guru in the matters of s'rIvidhyA.(722nd nAmA talks of Her as gurupriyA)> > > > yOgiNI tanthrA(24th to 56th s'lOkA in the very first paTalA) says thus:> > gurumUlamidham s'Astram gurumUlamidham jagath> gurure'va parambrahmA gurure'va siva swayam> > This sAshtrA is obtained from guru,the world(s'rIvidhyA and spiritual included) is from one's guru,guru is parambrahmA and guru is Lord s'ivA--the pure.> > > > In one of the s'lOkAs mentioned in the paTalA, the following is elucidiated:> > api thanthra virudDham vA gurunA kathyathe' yadhi> svamatham sadhrusham vedhAirmahArudharavachOr yathA> sarvAirgurvAgnayA kAryam thathvasyAgamanam vinA> > If a Guru says something against some thanthrA,then too one mst consider it as vedhA and deem it as mahArudhrA's vachanA(BhAvOpethA)Even if thathvAgamam does not agree one must get one's guru's AgnA for everywork or sAdhanA.> > Now, this is quoted and many people say: "My guru has said its ok to do this...do that..."> This again is not proper application of one's latent spiritual intelligence.> > "Guru" as mentioned by the thanthrA mentions lot of qualifications for being a guru and if those are satisfied then the person becomes or gains the status of a guru.> > > > After thus gaining an appelation(not self-appelated Gurus) and status of a Guru,if He or She(ina rare case) says something thanthra-virudDhA then its ok and there would be soem reason which is known only to Him/Her based on the evolvement of the disciple.> > Nowadays everyone are "Maharishis" and "Brahmasris".Every other guy opens a s'rIvidhyA workshop,every other day we see a shivir camp opening up giving initiations to people.Yet, how many of them can qualify as Gurus?> > > > How many of the "disciples", gain real and tangible benefits?> If at all someone has really gained some real benefit> > It is because of> > 1. Past good karmA.(Which will keep eroding as the person listens to false advices and dos false practices)> 2. "Stroke of luck".(Transitory and not dependable.Infact, karma siddhanthically, this is a mAyA.There is nothing like good-luck or bad-luck as it is all our karmaphalithA of our past actions of this birth or millions of births in past)> > > > > > One popular story to mull here:> > > > One bandit who committed various henious deeds was about to be hanged was asked for one last wish(doable one) by the State-executor.> He said,"I would like to see my old mother once."> > The State-Executor felt pity and thought maybe the guy wants to cry before his mother and hug her before he goes to the gallows.So he brought his old mother.> > The bandit, hugged his old mother and cried.But then he wiped his tears and then slapped her hard!> > All were stunned.He then said to her, "When I stole a small pen as a kid, you kept quite and smiled(encouraged it).Then when I grew up, I stole things which were bigger in size and more valuable and then too you kept quite instead of chiding me.Now as an adult, I have killed many wayfarers and robebd them and instead of chiding me, you ate from my booty and kept quite."> > He paused and looked ruefully down on the ground and then continued--> > "If you had chided me strongly for stealing a pen..I would not be going to the gallows again.Next birth after my sins are washed in rOuravA(a hell plane) I would never wish to be born in your womb.This birth has been wasted by me in these deeds.Atleast something dawned in me at this hour!..."> > He smiled and went happily to be hanged!> > > > > > > anus'AsanA(discipline) is very important here.This has four parts to it:> > 1. pAlanAvidhAnam General adminitrative rules of procedure and rituals(Rules to follow and is applicable to all who follow it.Neopotism or favouritism has no place in spirituality and especially in srIvidhyA)> > 2. kramasikshanA--disciplinary rules(to induce a bit of fear of repurcussions and devotion.Yes, I know devotion cannot be induced and I know fear is bad and only love is good...*yawn*...But what is needed is a total approach here.Devotion cannot be induced but can be inspired.)--This forms the basis for the ignition of s'radDhA.> > 3. anuLLanganIyathA(flaws in a system and rectification)--This is needed to resolve any doubts in upAsanA and for general maintenance.> > 4. sikshA(teachings to adhere by--Lack of this gives rise to all kinds of avalakshanAs(inauspicious bodings))> > (Corporate Metaphor:> As an MBA from an American B-School, I can putforth one view here.These 4 concepts can be codified even in the corporate world as--> 1. Best practices for a company(Mission Statement included) 2. Standards and Code of conduct to follow in the company(in matters external and internal dealings) 3. Maintenance system(Marketing,Finance,Production and Kaizen approach also included) and 4.Learning environment(Continuous learning for the company employees). All these 4 have been broadly recognized as the bedrock for the success of any company.These have to be in place, else the company goes awry.These might not alone contribute to the success but lack of this leads to faliure)> > > > > On a similar note(corporate metaphor), the lack of the 4 angAs of anus'AsanA might lead to faliure in the sAdhakA.The existence alone does not gaurantee success but lack does gaurantee failure.This is the subtle point to note.> > > > > > > > manthrapradhAna kAlehi mnushOnaganandhini> adDhishTAnam Bhave'thasya mahAkAlasya s'ankari> de'vihyamAnushI che'yam guruthAnAthra sams'ayaha> > > > During the time of manthrOpade'shA, the most beneficial and superiormost paramaguru mahAkAlA comes in the form of a human form (swaguru) and gives the initiation.At that time, His presence is felt(should be felt). And thus gurukarmA is deivakarmA.> > > > manthradHAthA shirah padhme yaGgnAnam guruthe'guru:> tatgnAnam kuruthe' de'vI s'shyOyam s'Irs'apankaje'> > The auspicious siva-swarUpA guru who gains gnAnA in His sahasrAra padmA(1000 petalled lotus above indhu chakrA) imparts this to the disciple and de'vI sees to it that only such proper initiation wherein> > 1.The Guru is sAkshAth s'iva swarUpA> 2. Where the iniation has been proper(anushAsanikA),powerful(anushakthyAthmakA) and pure(amalA) alone makes the disciple too to> > get such 'knowledge blooming' in his/her sahas'rAra kamalA.> > > > > How is all this possible by mere reading books and living in a fools paradise that one has become great?> > > How is all this possible by getting manthrAs from slipshop gurus who initiate people even by phone?> > So, leave such things to adhamAs(lower calibered people who do not want to think or adhere to traditions) and agnAnAs(in this context--people who do not care for real-knowledge.The apathy for real knowledge is in itself a form of agnAnA!).Let them roll in such an unholy muck and thing they are going somewhere,when in reality they are retrograding.> > > > Indians these days go abroad, they lose(loose?) contact with age old traditions,their own family spiritual secrets,etc.Yet they aspire for the highest, through mere farcical workshops or by reading books or by adopting some psuedoguru(Gurushopping!).These very same Indians go ahead and then decry westerners and accuse them of indulging in sexual thanthrAs,or making fun of our Guru-worship(Love Guru?),etc.But are we any better? We should first mend the holes in our dress and then try to mend the holes in other people's dresses not laugh at them.{They have no clue and they are really innocent and get trapped by many charlatans.Already their(westerners)(private lifestyles are stressed out,immoral,lawless,etc and they seek some emancipation out of the mess and they fall prey to such charlatans of the first order)}.> > > > > alpagnAnOlpavignAnO gurure'va sadhAgathihi...> The Guru might not be eloquent and quote from various scriptures(My Guru for example,unlike me!) yet he is the gathI for the true disciple.His word is the vedhA{(but for most psuedo gurus their words become vedDhA(pain) instead of vedhA(knowledge)!}> > > > Guru smiles and knowledge is given through a single smile!> Knowledge is tranfered as a a continous flow through hsi mere look!> > As I type these lines, do you think, my Guru sits next to me in physical form and dictates to me?He might not quote like these or use such verbiage like this dull-witted idiot,yet He is infinitely superior to me(ALWAYS)> > Knowledge is not mere words or mental crunching about abstract concpets.> Knowledge is an essence a sakthI which flows from guru to s'is'yA through sevAbhAvam and anushAsanikA pravruthI.> > AmmavAru(ambA,ambAl) is called s'aDadDhvAthItha rUpiNi in LalithA sahas'ranAmA.This refers to the upAsanA thathwA.6 types of adDhvA(ways/margAs) are mentioned> 1. padhAdDhvam> 2. BhuvanAdDhvam> 3. varNAdDhvam> 4. thathvAdDhvam> 5. kalAdDhvam> 6. manthrAdDhvam> > These can be classified braodly into two distinctions as in:> 1.s'abdhADhvam(varNa,padha,manthrA)> 2. arthADhvam(Bhuvana,thathvA,kalA)> > > > But the nAmA says it is not possible even to realize rAjarAjes'varI through an assiduous practice of these 6 paths! That is why I said in one email--s'rIvidhyA is not mere mumbling of some manthrAs but a way of life starting from morning to night(and even during sleep!).To realize the full potency of the 6 paths and emerge out as a realized being(which is the goal of all subconsciously whether they realize it now or not!) is to catch the feet of one's sadguru> > > > adhvAitham de'vathAischaryam nadhvAitham guruNA saha> nAdhvAitham plavathe' kAryam na samOsthiha bhUthale'> > adhvAithaBhAvA is need for one's Guru.> dvAithA is not be employed upon one's Guru.(dvAithA--that Guru and God are different)> gurukAryA requires adhvAithaBhAvA again.> No one equals one's guru in this world.> > > Let us understand this first during this holy navarAthri period more than mere perfunctory worship of Mother.> > jaya mama guruparamparA!> jaya sarvamangale'!> > > > > > > Shreeram Balijepalli> > «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» > «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» > «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» > > > > >


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