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Maha Meru

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I purchased a crystal 3d Sri Chakra from them , and recieved it No problems







sarikazs <iyyunnis




I would like to know where I can get to buy authentic Maha Meru (3-dimentional

sri chakra) in India.


I am looking for a 3 X 3 X 3 " dimension mahameru.




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A friend of mine recently acquired a meru from Devipuram:


It's a little larger than your specifications,

but perhaps that would be okay.


, " sarikazs " <iyyunnis wrote:

> I would like to know where I can get to buy authentic Maha Meru (3-dimentional

sri chakra) in India.


> I am looking for a 3 X 3 X 3 " dimension mahameru.


> Regards

> Sarika

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, " sarikazs " <iyyunnis wrote:


> Hi


> I would like to know where I can get to buy authentic Maha Meru (3-dimentional

sri chakra) in India.


> I am looking for a 3 X 3 X 3 " dimension mahameru.


> Regards

> Sarika


dear sarika ,

as you are intrested in maha meru. i could try to make a one for you.it takes

quite few days for making it .please let me know in what uloka ( metal) will you

like to have . if intrested contact me on sureshbabutonda

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, " sureshbabutonda " <sureshbabutonda



I am looking for a laser that can cut crystel and other stones accurately and

controlled by a computer. Does anyone know where i can find such a laser?


> , " sarikazs " <iyyunnis@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi

> >

> > I would like to know where I can get to buy authentic Maha Meru

(3-dimentional sri chakra) in India.

> >

> > I am looking for a 3 X 3 X 3 " dimension mahameru.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sarika

> >

> dear sarika ,

> as you are intrested in maha meru. i could try to make a one for you.it takes

quite few days for making it .please let me know in what uloka ( metal) will you

like to have . if intrested contact me on sureshbabutonda


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At www.karunamayi.org.







sarikazs <iyyunnis


Saturday, August 1, 2009 3:31:34 AM

Maha Meru





I would like to know where I can get to buy authentic Maha Meru (3-dimentional

sri chakra) in India.


I am looking for a 3 X 3 X 3 " dimension mahameru.












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Respected Suresh,


A small question. Any problem if the " dhanda " or the line when preparing a Meru

is uneven?


May Amma bless you





, " sureshbabutonda " <sureshbabutonda


> >

> dear sarika ,

> as you are intrested in maha meru. i could try to make a one for you.it takes

quite few days for making it .please let me know in what uloka ( metal) will you

like to have . if intrested contact me on sureshbabutonda


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Here's another for sale:


It seems it's possibly a bit taller

than what you are looking for.


, " sarikazs " <iyyunnis wrote:


> I would like to know where I can get to buy authentic Maha Meru (3-dimentional

sri chakra) in India.


> I am looking for a 3 X 3 X 3 " dimension mahameru.

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  • 1 month later...

Shreeram Garu,


Would you please give us guidance on where to obtain the best Sri Vidhya Meru in

India. I have seen many merus of different sizes , shapes and compositions and

am not sure which one to select.


Please also tell us whether only a bronze one will do or a pancha Loha one

will do or guide us on which is the best combination for the Meru.



With Best Regards,


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Dear Indeevar Garu,


First, a mahAmeru must be obtained with the express permission and sanction of one's swa-guru and must be for upAsanA uses.These days people are misguided by adverts/ads which claim multiple benefits by merely placing s'rIchakra mahAmeru in the altar without worship or upAsanA.Some people I know even place it in their cars and showcases in their living rooms.They say, it energizes the room,it protects their auras and what not! Many say: "It is ambA,our mother, in this physical form and will a mother hurt Her child?"(and other specious logical arguments).


Some organizations and temples with their founders too are propounding such horrendous concepts after reading a few books on s'rIvidhyA and saying its ok to have a mahAmeru at home.It will "radiate" good energy and one needs to just light a lamp,throw a few flowers on it and offer some milk to it. Voila! ambA smiles at you and you get all the benefits of all the 14 worlds!(A hidden message from the "Salesman": Great s'rIvidhya upAsakAs like BhAskararAyA,guhAnandhA,etc were not really intelligent, worshipping s'rIvidhya with all those procedures and rituals.You are so lucky you found a "Guru"(Read: Salesman) like me to guide you easily on the path to easy-nirvAnA!)


{(Since you know the'lugu; one apt-sametha here: "chadhavaka mundhu kAkarakAyi;chadhivina tharuvAtha keekarakAyi annaDaTa evaDo-okadu!"

Let me try an English translation(literal) of the above proverb:"Before reading books --(he was saying)Bittergourd, After reading too many books--(he started appelating the same vegetable erroneously as)Buttergourd"!!(Yeah, it can be appreciated only by those who understand the the'lugu proverb and such similar proverbial-indioms involved!)

Some people get confused reading some slipshod book on s'rIvidhyA in the market and form their "erudite" opinions on the subject matter.All these people earn lot of bad karmAs for beguiling people and making it a pelfish rigmarole.

s'rIvidhyA is not business}

Harsha Ramamurthy has the following (story) to say.(You can easily guess who the person is and what temple is being referred to here!):

"Also, if one has Bhakti of an innocent child, Amba would probably forgive lack of all formalities. But if that were to be the case, there was no need for a Meru and a simple cry would fetch her. Till such a stage is reached where there is parAnurakti in Amba, it is best to stick to the norms prescribed by Guru and Sampradaya. A few years ago, a certain Meru was found in earth and a temple was established for the same - I forget the name, swayambhu meru or something like that. In spite of the publicity, people noticed a distinct bad vibe at the place and the Guru at this place underwent huge problems. A certain daivajna from Andhra Desha was brought to diagnose the problem and he immediately pointed to the Meru. This was a damaged Meru - imperfect in design - which was being worshipped. Adding to this, lack of required niyama or nishtha in worship of Srichakra, created issues. At the same time, a local Tantric performed a prayoga on this Guru and he reached his death bed. But his Guru was kind enough to cure him of his affliction and admonished him for his uncanny behavior. After recovery, a good gentleman from Guntur, a close associate of Sringeri Sharada Peetham, was requested to performed various shaanti karmas, who also did bhu-sthapana of the Meru. Of course, this was never revealed to the public for obvious reasons and they now sell, along with Srividya, Merus of imperfect dimensions, which are hollow and made of every possible material. So, unless one has the Guru to protect and firm faith in Amba, one should be careful in such things"

BhAskararAyA gAru.

"chakrarAjArchane'na imAni PhalAni bhAvaye'dhithi vidhiH: pariNamathi"(none other than s'rI BhAskararAya says thus!)

--"By worship of s'richakra according to the prescribed norms alone, the said results are obtained and not by merely placing a s'richakra on the altar"

Best scenario: Obtain the mahAmeru from one's s'rIvidhya Guru of an authentic avicChinna mArgA(unbroken lineage) in a savya-su-s'rIvidhya-sAmpradhAya and worship Her in that form as guided by Him.(Even better scenario is obtaining it by His(one's guru's) ahethuki-kripA without even asking.)



s'rIchakrA mug and Greeting Card!

Second, there might be many forms of mahAmeru as per prastharA.However,the rules of construction of a mahAmeru is detailed in the s'rIvidhyA texts and one must take care to see whether all the rules fit.Here too,if one's swa-guru sees the merit of giving a particular mahAmeru and gives it to you(after checking),it would be most salubrious for you.

It is not advisable to buy a mahAmeru from shops,whatever be their marketing pitch and assay to convince you,its ok.

There are 2 types of marketing most use(either seperately or a combination of the two): "Pull" type and "Push" type.

"Pull" type is rare and in kaliyugA, most employ "Push" type of marketing.

They"Push" their wares to you and don't care a fig about you after the transaction is over.(Some are clver though, they do lot of customer service,get even ISO certifications for the company.A day might come for ISO and other standards to be applied for even s'rIvidhyA upAsana(I fervently pray to ambA,it does not come during my lifetime atleast!)

The popular means by which they deceive you:

1. Quoting s'AstrAs selectively.

2. Assuring you that a popular upAsakA or yOgi has approved it.

3. Deriding orthodox practitioners of s'rIvidhyA and complain/crib emotionally how they keep things secretive.(Creating a "Us Vs Them" stance.When in reality nothing of that sort exists! Maybe it is "Us the profit makers out of your ignorance" Vs "Them the people who were Graced by their swa-gurus and ambA to worship properly!" )


(They call this a mahAmeru from ne'pAl!! notice how there is a crack)


(They call this kUrma-prasthara just because we see a turtle/tortoise shape beneath the wrongly crafted 'mahAMe'ru' atop it)

4. Beautiful and attractive designs(kAdhimatha thanthrA(thanthra-rAja-thanthrA) clearly states, even copper and bronze Merus are considered inferior and if one cannot afford gold or silver, panchaloha should be used.However, shops these days sell Bronze mahAme'rUs.

5. "Testimonials"--For most part scribed by the shop-keepers themselves( *Ahem*...*Ah*... the ubiquitous "fake-testimonials

() or by overly enthusiastic customers who go ga-ga on day 1 of buying the me'ru and give favourable testimonials.

6. Quoting mundane benefits like:Correction of vAsthu,wealth,health,happiness,removal of evil-eye,progeny,employment...You name it,they have it!

(kUtividhyalu pottakorake' kAni s'rIvidhya mArgamu mAthramu athma korake'! vIllu che'se' ee product sales mAthramu ayithe' pottakorake'!)

Third, paras'urAma kalpathar, rudhrayAmalA and other scriptures(nithyAnhikam and nithyOthsavA(unabridged version otherthan Motilal Banrasidass Publication)) say mahAme'ru-archanA must follow dIkshA and not the reverse.They have a valid point here.

It is something like this: Unless we clear an entrance/Qualifying examination for a University,we do not pay the fees for the required course of our choice.We don't pay the fees,attend a few classes and then take up the entrance examination leisurely.

However similar stance is what many adopt wrt to s'rIvidhya upAsanA.

First,they read a few books and get excited about dhe'vI(mostly deep in their subconscious psyche eventhough they do not accept it openly--s'ishnA(kAmam) guides them towards dhe'vI).They read sAundharya lahiri,popular books on s'richakrA and erroneous books on upAsana,see the beautiful images of dhe'vI,something kindles their loin region and it flows to their guts and they start a udharAnve'shanA(guided by a mere wordly gut-feeling)

Second,they buy ASAP some representation of dhe'vI like s'rIchakra or mahAme'ru without giving a single thought.Afterall, will God punish?(Is their faulty reasoning)

Third,they keep it in their pUjA room or living room or some ignorant people even in their cars!

Fourth,after the initial euphoria dies down.They start experiencing some negative vibes or some calamities coming on its own accord.If they are intelligent and intuitive,they sit up and notice and finally groove into the problem-area as in:

"EUREKA! its my ignored,improperly worshipped and uncared-for s'rIchakrA or mahAmerU which is creating these problems"

Fifth,these "Eureka-few" might then realize their mistakes,do prAyasChitthA and get initiated into the path and then worship properly and live happily ever after!

(Well, I always like happy endings!)

Actually, it must be the reverse:

First one must prepare oneself to get initiation into panchadas'I(the required purascharaNas)

Then one must get initiated into the mArgA at an auspiciously selected time by a proper Guru within a proper sAmpradhAyA with an unbroken lineage.

Then, after considerable japA and upAsanA,one must slowly learn more about s'rIvidhyA and paradhe'vathA under the able guidance of one's guru or to the books/litreature guided by Him.(And nothing more).After a certain stage even knowledge becomes a donkey's burden and useless tinsel.However, we need some crutches till be get .

Then, the guru sees the necessity to give further initiations or graduate the disciple into yanthrAs like s'rIchakrA or mahAmeru as per the capacity,arhathA,propitious time,etc of the disciple.

Then finally by the kripA of one's guru and ambA parAnurakthI and layA is achieved.However,this is not a goal(in a mundane sense) but something which happens as simple as an urvArU(Muskmelon) getting severed from its stem('urvArukamivabandhanAth').

{One the'lugu recent 'upAsaka' had written in the end of his small book (his 2 cents!),which came to my hands from someone, on s'rIvidhya; a page titled 'amazingly' as "Bio-data"(resume') wherein he claimed various sAdhanAs done by him,his knowledge(quoting number of years of upAsanA--work experience),number of corrections he had made in published books(lol!),etc!!! He had put in his objectives column: To obtain mahAnirvAnA.I found it amazingly-amusing.So,mahanirvAnA has become a corporate objective afterall!

These are the antics of those who are filled with ego that they do upAsanA and know a lot(mere bookish-reading).Does he plan to submit the resume'/CV to ambA or the parivAra devathAs for a job in chinthAmani gruhA? It really befuddles me! I learnt a lot how to prepare a good resume' for jobs from that person!}

The sequence mentioned supra alone yields paripUrna PhalA.This is the mArga which everyone must follow.Deviate from it at your peril!

Fourth, the error which many commit is to think in synonymous terms BhakthI and upAsanA.

upAsanA is more than Bhakthi.

It includes Bhakthi without which it is a mere automated ritual("BhakthimupAsayeth" is a popular exhortation to be followed."One should conduct upAsanA with Bhakthi".If Bhakthi and upAsana were synonyms they would not have said such words.) however, upAsanA(which means literally in samskruthA:upa+Asana= "sitting near(the deity)") goes beyond this.It involves a total commitment.I have oft-repeated,this is not a mArgA where by mumbling a few manthrAs or by reciting lalithA sahasranAma and keeping at home mahAme'ru and s'rIchakrA one qualifies to become an upAsakA.

s'rIvidhyA is an upAsanabaddha and gurubaddha mArgA more than anything else.

upAsana is a commingling of Bhakthi,BhAva,japA,pUjA and finally layA.(From dvAitha-BhAva the colour changes to adhvAitha-BhAvA.AdhvAitha is not achieved by merely reading books or discussing in online forums!)

Bhakthi stratefies the nirgunA to a sagunA rUpA,BhAva seeks to enter the sagunathwA,japa and pUjA slowly breaks the sagunathwA and in layA one is absorbed in the nirgunA(the formless)(layame'shyathi-layaprApne'thi).

upAsana is of two broad kinds: prathIkOpAsana(worhipping pictorials or representations) and ahamgrahOpAsanA(self-worship).This does not mean that one is lower than the other.Just two forms.Even spiritual greats and Gods like hayagrIvA and agasthyA who have achieved lofty heights,praise ambA by litanies,do s'rIchakrArchanA,etc.Is it because they have not ahcieved the layA or aham-grahOpAsanathwA? They can easily discard all externalities and lie in the bliss of athman,when then do they worship and praise.It is because it is tempting.This is the sweetness of Mother.The famous metaphor of "Ant eating the sugar and the sugar in itself"

So, this would automatically mean as per the dictums of upAsana the mahAmeru must be worshipped.

You may keep a small photo of ammavAru and with bhakthi you may worship her.But for mahAmeru or s'rIchakra upAsanA is needed.For upAsana there are rules,certain basic rules to be followed.(Advanced rules are customized by the sAmpradhAyA)

Fifth, s'rIchakrA or mahAme'rU is kept and worshipped to induce vAsana-kshayA(erosion of past-birth karmic taints) by its very rUpA,thathwA and s'akthI.It requires the close scrutiny and guidance of a Guru,else during the vasana-kshaya period,the sAdhakA undergoes terrible mishaps and an evil kArmic strain runs.These are tests and if one clears those hurdles,then ambA and gurunAthA are pleased.One must steadfastly hold the Lotus feets of guru and dhe'vI during those stressful times.

With a mahAme'rU bought from a shop and doing self-styled upAsana this comforting-bolster does not exist.

mahAme'ru is not some astrological kavach or remedial measure for grahAs, it is not mere geometry but sacred geometry and thus one has to go about it with s'raddhA and all-seriousness, is my humble take.



Yours Yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli



Shaktheyem , "Bollampally" <indeevarvb wrote:>> Shreeram Garu,> > Would you please give us guidance on where to obtain the best Sri Vidhya Meru in India. I have seen many merus of different sizes , shapes and compositions and am not sure which one to select.> > Please also tell us whether only a bronze one will do or a pancha Loha one will do or guide us on which is the best combination for the Meru.> > > With Best Regards,> Indeevar.>

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