Guest guest Posted October 3, 2009 Report Share Posted October 3, 2009 Namaste sriram garu,Hope everything is well on your side. I am in 5month of my pregnancy.I read your mail regarding lakshmi hrudayam. What is the meaning of pure water mixed with parimalam? Are you indicating "sugandhadravyalu" in Telugu? Please eloborate it. I would like to know what are the dharmas one has to follow when a woman is pregnant & what are the prayers to be done for the good future of the unborn baby.I heard about special lakshmi devi pooja i.e reading 108 lakshmi namas of lakshmidevi 108 times on friday. Can you please throw some light on that. Thanks G P.S. Please don not publish my query and my name.-----------Dear Sister,Congratulations on your pregnancy!May ambA bless you with a healthy, successful and a spiritual child!parimalA means that which emnates a divine fragrance(fragrance which is conducive for spiritual senses).It can refer to anything from flowers to sandal-like fragrances. "parimalamu" is a the'lugu word too.(parimaLamu landhuchu nokatE s'rI hari hari anuchunu nokatE uramuna jErchuchu nokatE payyetha jaripi ve'Dukonuchu nokate' ve'Dkaga!)What I meant is parimala theertha which is preethi to both thAyAru(Goddess LakshmI) and perumAl(Lord nArAyanA).Common version of parimala theertha as prepared by vAis'navites(References:1.Ahnika granta of (current )Srimad Azhagaiya singar. 2.SrI vaishnava dinacharya by Vishitadvaita prachaarani sabha,Madras 4. 3.Nityaanushtanakramam by Lifco ):elakkayialu(green-cardamoms)lavangamulu(Cloves)kumkuma puvvulu(deepred-saffron)pacchakarpuramu(edible camphor)dried thulasI(Holy Indian Basil)(optional) (or) one can put a thulasI leaf in the waterafter the parimalA theerthA is prepared.One vessel(s'rIkAveri-chOmbu in the'lugu)( s'rI vAishnavites call it "ThirukkAve'ri sombu") for keeping water.Mix dhravya parimalA powderThis powder is made of cardamom,saffron,edible-camphor and clove.Dry grind them in a grinder and store it in an airtight container.Receipe: 20 cardamams with out skin,20 cloves, a tiny piece of edible-camphorand little saffron will make the parimala powder for 15 days.This can be consumed devotionally after the pArayanA of the avarthi of lakshmI nArayana hrudhayamas mentioned by me.But this is for all not just for pregnant women.Pregnant women have an option of offering Anna-nAivedya(you may sprinkle a bit of parimalA onto the anna(boiled and cooked rice)to the deities and then consume it.Do this daily.On Friday if possible(Please do not strain yourself much) you may do 5 avarthis during sAyam-sandhyA time(sunset time)(One Avarthi: nArayana hrudhayam + lakshmI hrudhayam + nArayana hrudhayam) And then offer the anna-nAivedhyA to the deities and consume it.This will ensure the blessings of vAikunTa-dhivya-dhampathulu for the baby.(It is not proper to call the baby as an "unborn baby" merely because it has not come out.The baby is in your womb,which means it is already born in you!)archamUrthIs for this hrudhayam(thiruvahIndhrapuram he'mAmbhujavalli and dhe'vanAtha swAmI)I think the above most powerful pArayanA culled from atharvana rahasyamwould be more than enough(mitham-hitham), you may supplement it with a108 nAma archanA if you want.(There is also a sampath-s'ukravAra vratham for Goddess lakshmI dhe'Vi which can be peformed.However, it has some rules andmust be done for 5 years.)Pray with devtion to lakshmI dhevI and nArayana parama purus'A to give you a spirutlaly brilliant child,who will enhance the glory of your vams'A.You may also keep the parimalA theerthA before the deities while chanting and offer it to all in the family.Do not forget to name the child after the archamUrthis(boy's name: Devanatha,Shreemkar,etc)(Girl's name: Hemambhujavalli,Hemalakshmi,Hema,etc)Follow the rules of garbha samskArA normally followed in hindhU householdPerform the vAidheeka samskArAs like seemantham and the like properly.Take care of your health and this is most-important.Do not give into extremities of emotions like too much of ire,worries,etc.Listen to divine stories(rAmayanA and sAthweeka-purAnAs)Watch only pleaseant things(No movies with violence,sex,double meaning dialogues,loathsome comedy,etc)Follow Doctor's advice as far as medications are concerned(try to reduce it as much as possible)Do not drink coffee or other intoxicants.Do not expose yourself to any eclipse(Remain in a darkened room).Hear Vedic chants( We also used to keep for sometime for our baby in the womb,selected chants from vedas,mantrAs,etc)vAvileekolanu subbArAya vAsudAsa s'As'trI(also called Andhra-vAlmIki) has written one textcalled garBhiNI hithacharya, these contain the most -comprehensive and lucid rules and information for a garBhinI sthrI.(I have an old text(Rs.5!!) of it in my home, it would not be possible to narrate all of the content in it here)(Try to procure it somehow from andhrA and read it for your benefit.)You may also practice yOgAsanAs and meditation but do not over-stretch(pun-unintended) yourself for anything.After 7 month it is not advisable to strain oneself too much and avoid temple-visits and other holy spot visits(manthric vibrations which might effect in some early delivery and the quanrantine is necessary to avoid infection)Avoid crowds(especially these days of swine flu!) as much as possible.Remain in a sAthwic atmosphere.Doing liKhtha japa(writing "Om s'rI mAthre' namah: or s'rI rAmajayam) will offset any evil fiends or spirits bent on devouring or causing harm to the foetus(The above has the pramanA of mArkanDeya purAnA)Do wear auspicious flowers always(example:jasmine)Subtle Spirits like virUpA and vikruthI live in trenches,trees,ramparts,abandoned buildings,smas'AnAs and seas,so avoid these places.(The above two categories are in search of pregnant ladies to cause harm physically or mentally to their foetuses)kas'yapA and adhithI discuss the dos and donts for a pregnant lady in padhmapurAnA(Some are commonsensical,some pshychological and some para-psychological):A pregnant woman according to their conversation should not sit or step on ordure(excrement of anykind)She should not sit or touch a mace,pestle or mortar of any kind.She should not go to a deserted house nor sit or touch an ant-hill.She should not scratch the earth with nails,charcoal and ashes.She should not also touch husk,coal,ashes and skull(These send biomagnetic negative vibes)She should avoid arguments with her household(The child naturally learns to be a rebel from its mother while in the womb)She should not leave her hair dishevelled(the other day I was reading some information on hairstyles of women and what effects it has biomagnetically)She should not keep her head in the north while sleeping(Best is to keep the head in the east direction)She should not remain naked or impure(without bath) for long.She should not utter inauspious words or laugh too muchShe should not always remain asleep or dormant(it gives rise to a dull child)She should remain happy and wish the welfare of her inlaws and husband.This will create a child who behaves like-wise.kAs'yapA says to dhithI in matsya purAnA thus:She should not take meals during the twilights.She should not go and remain under a tree.She should take bath with medicinal herbs(or atleast pure water)She should remain decorated(thats the reason why they keep bangles) to avoid evil spiritsShe should worship Gods and give alms to poor people(care must be taken not to give fruits though.Because sentimentally(I do not know whether this has any spiritual significance as such) a fruit is signified by a child)She should avoid climbing many-stories buildings(multi-storied buildings also existed in those halcyon days!)She should not climb a horse,elephant or exert herself too much on boardin any vehicles(This may be interpreted as going by flights these days!)She should perform the gowri-vrathA(pArvathi vrathA) on the third day of the month.She should not sit like a cock,give up sorrows,travel in a bullock cart(this maybe interpreted as Autorickshaws or Taxis in India!)She should not keep awake in nightShe should not eat highly saline,sour,pungent,stale,hot,etc food.varAha smrithI prohibits the consumption of meat during pregnancy for meat-consumers.The smirthIs,kArikAs and prayOgAs give a list of the rules mentioned above and nothing much to add(some are not relevant for our era)yagnavAlkyA in his exhortation says the first and foremost duty of a husband is to fulfillall the wishes of his pregnant wife or risk having a defective child(mentally or physically)as'valAyana smrithI lays down the rules for a husband like:After 6 months, he should avoid cropping his hair or coition,piligrimage,srAddhA or going to cemetrieskAlavidhAnA prohibits a husband from:Going in a funeral procession,paring nails,joining war,going abroad,bathing in the sea or marriage in the family(this would reduce his longevity)Another smrithI also forbids the hewing of a tree by himgruhya sUthrAs talk about sImanthOnayanA(hair-parting ceremony) and favours fourth or fifth month for the same.This is done as per sAunaka maharishi for every conception and not just first conception alone.garBhAdhAnA and other samskArAs are to be peformed at the correct intervals All the above would produce a healthy,spiritual and happy child who will succeed in life and help the soceity too.harBharakshAmbikA temple--thirukarugAvUr,tamizhnAdu. garBharakshAmikA garBharakshAmbikA paripUrnakatAksha siddhirasthU!Best wishes...anthA savymugA untundhi, meeru kangAru padakandi, ammavAru anni choosukuntAru.amma dhaya unte' anni unnatle'!!Your brother, Shreeram BalijepalliP.S.: Please direct your queries to my private email id--para_anuloma@ . ca if you want to remain anonymousYour query had come as a message posting in the group and if I had not carefully read your "P.S." I would have approved it. «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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