Guest guest Posted October 28, 2009 Report Share Posted October 28, 2009 Dear ABC(Namewith held for obvious reasons), Kantha-mAla can be worn all the time.No need to remove it. Removal however is advisable for the following: 1. Excretion/defacation.(Keep the mAlA outside the bathroom in a sacred box,but don't forget to wear it back,once you are done) 2. During sex.(Its ok to wear it, when you are in close-quarters with your wife,but not exactly when both are nagnA(naked) and in serious sexual plays.I mean just cozying up together in a sofa or before a TV is ok.So one has to essentially use common-sense.) 3. While eating meat,drinking alcohol,watching porno,etc(But the very purpose of me advicing you to wear it is to make you break from these habits.So no point in removing it everytime you do this and again wearing it! It would frustrate the very purpose.You may as well not buy it!). Wearing the rudrakshas is a semi-rajasic and semi-sathwic remedy. Wearing Gemstones and astrological bangles made of 2 or3 metals is a Rajasic remedy.They activate some nAdis/minor chakras without the native really trying hard or through meditation. Wearing Tantric talismans,Tiger/Lion claws,iron rings,elephant tusk rings/amulets,elephant hair rings,etc are Tamasic remedies Wearing the rudraksha of sathwic thoughts and nAmasmaranA of ambA(substitute it with any God you like) always in mind and heart alone is a sAthwic remedy! Wearing the gemstone of good behaviour internally first and then externally next is being sAthwic Wearing the talisman of smiling,stoically, inspite of suffering a lot and knowing that it is our karmAs being burnt and feeling grateful to God for every single joy or misshap happening is being sAthwic. However not all can go for this "sAthwic remedy" straight,they need initially crutches and when the divine is firmly placed in their Athman,then they may throw away the crutches. As far as possible one must stay away from tamasic remedies(elephant hair alone being an exception,provided the elephant has not been tortured and the hair has been done puja to.Then the elephant hair remedy becomes rajasic) Not many know the distinction between rajasic,tamasic and sAthwic remedies. Once in a while it is ok to have a tamasic remedy for some imminent and urgent mundane purpose but to depend on it solely to bring about magic relief from heavens is really assinine. Everything must start from heart. Talking and reading tomes about remedial measures or being good will not help. Practical action is what is to be seen. I have given these remedies and more importantly the above explanation to you basically because of one strange yOgA in your chart called kAhala parivarthanAmsA yOgA. Kahala Parivartamsha Yoga If one of the exchange partners = lord of domain-3, kahala yoga applies. Note: The non-L-3 partner cannot be also a dusthamsha lord. (If the non-L-3 partner would be a dusthamsha lord, the yoga would be Dainya, above.) The non-L-3 partner = lord of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11. The L-3 partner infuses the parivartamsha with courage, competitiveness, communications enthusiasm, and all of the powers of L-3. This yoga is considered beneficial with some limits. L-3(Lord of 3rd House is Venus/Sukra) and L-4(Lord of 4th House is Mercury/Budha) are in parivarthanA. The limits on benefits is that L-3 gives mentalization, which can be superficial and repetitive as well as distracting from wisdom. However,Kahala yoga will energize the talking, scheming, competing mind to go out and get stuff done.Thats why you are in marketing/creative/Communications fields(both ruled by Venus and Mercury) L-3 gives its power to Mercury in kAhala,gets yuthi with Saturn and Sun(making it difficult to break any addiction,especially sexual addiction);strengthens mercury to keep intellectualizing,analysing,talking a lot without actually sitting and doing it. So sAthwic remedies wont work in your case initially(atleast). Some force externally has to tap you each time you go on your thought train or lose focus or become fickleminded or suspicious. Only rajasic remedies can fill that lacunae' That is why my suggestions of rudrAkshAs and sphatikAs. I carefully weigh many factors before suggesting remedial measures. These might not make you a saint overnight but a process is set into motion. Slowly you will find strength to shake-off the bad habits and lead a dhArmic life. However, some effort on your part too is needed. You have to buy the stuff and wear it always without fear. Each time your mind gets tempted to vices,touch the rudrAkshas and remind yourself of Mother(ambA) and Father(shivA).It is there as a gentle reminder for spiritual progress not to make you Rudra or Lord Shiva Himself overnight. Now, puranas and upanishads say that by wearing rudrakshas one becomes verily Rudra Himself.These are said to emphasize the importance of wearing rudrakshas and indicating the strength of auras around that person. Also, serve people.Your poorvapunya is low.(Whether it is low or high, serving people pleases God.Serving someone who has no connection to you,from whom you gain no benefit,all the more pleases God.)Annadaanam,feeding beggars,giving them clothes,etc.Simple things can be started.Then once time comes,big things can be aspired. Building and maintaining temples alone is not serving God. Building a temple in your heart and maintaining it in the hearts of people whose lives you have touched, is truly serving God.In this service, make your janmA, charithArthA. ambo'smi! s'ivosmi! athmo'smi nithyam Balije'palli ShreerAma Sh'armA «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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