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[Shaktheyem] Vedic Numerology

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jai gurudev



om shivgoraksha



this is a really divine article.


i humble pranams to u,for showing such divine knowledge to us.



om shakti





On 11/9/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:










Dear Shreeram Pranom!


Is numerology real? I have been stunned by your analysis of my life! No one could say it merely through numerology alone.BVRaman calls it nonsense.Surley,you have something up your sleeve.I have read many books on numerology but many things keep going wrong,utterly wrong.Please elucidate.






Dear Arnab,




Yes,I used vedic numerology,a science lesser known in its authentic form.

Recently for the past two weeks,it has been a " Numerology-week " for me,with some numerology related emails,suggestions and helps for people.Infact,I myself am considering change in my name-spelling and have been trying various alternatives and dowsing for results too apart from multifarous considerations.


It is a divine science and not " nonsense " as you put(If it were nonsense,I could not have divined about you and your life merely with your Name and date of birth.You gave your time of birth and place of birth later,with which I could make a complete analysis in the next email using Vedic astrology).


Neither,did BVRaman called it a nonsense.Infact his original name is:

Talamudupulu Venkataramanayya(A Mulakanadu Telugu Brahmin whose ancestors came from my native place of Srikakulam called Chicacole in those days of British Empire(they could not pronounce " Sri " properly so they had their corrupted version of Chicacole in place)


But because his forefathers had long dropped that surname,he went by Bangalore Venkataramanayya and he thought, as a youngman that the name looked redundant and out-of-fashion and so shortened his name with the help of a numerologist by name Subbaih to B.V.Raman,despite his(BVRaman's) protests that people might be misled to think he was a Tamil.(Please refer Page 91 of his autobiography-- " My experiences in Astrology " )


I have checked his name with his horoscope and the name is most apt.I do not know whether the numeorlogist really looked into all aspects I had seen or just kept the name on an intuitive impulse after some basic calculations.


Moreover BVRaman's date of birth and month of birth comes to 8 and he is an eight person and his name also has an 8(Pythogorean) and many moronic numerologists have wrong notions about the number 8 (primarily based on fadic number concepts of Cheiro).

However, when I checked his name,his Chaldean number(based on Kabbalah range of numbers and Vedic sounds) comes to 3(Perceptive number of Guru's number of wisdom.Satya Number of Mars) and the pyramid number comes to 6(Shukra's number of creativity,wealth and arts).The hebrew pyramid number comes to 24 which is most beneficial as per Hebrew scriptures.


I have my own misgivings about Pythogorean over-simplified system as followed by some numerologists.So I deem that his name number which was determined by numerologist Subbiah is mostly a stroke of luck,because through a wrong number reasoning he came to a right conclusion.This itself shows that fate is strong(or to put in Cheiro's language the fadic vibration of BV.Raman is strong) and thus the numerologist was propelled by destiny's hands to chalk out the name,which has made a mark in the annals of astrology world-wide.


I had given in one posting before-- " Outwitting the stars " --the following conversation germane to this email discussion of ours:


" Should I, Master? I don't believe in astrology. "

" It is never a question of belief; the only scientific attitude one can take on any subject is whether it is true. The law of gravitation worked as efficiently before Newton as after him. The cosmos would be fairly chaotic if its laws could not operate without the sanction of human belief. " Charlatans have brought the stellar science to its present state of disrepute. Astrology is too vast, both mathematically and philosophically, to be rightly grasped except by men of profound understanding. If ignoramuses misread the heavens, and see there a scrawl instead of a script, that is to be expected in this imperfect world. One should not dismiss the wisdom with the 'wise. "  

Moreover, his(BVRaman's) son Sri Satchidananda Babu in Bangalore practices numerology apart from astrology,vasthu,etc.So if his father was against numerology,he would not have encouraged his son into that professional line.


Name has to be kept or corrected properly by seeing the following factors:

1. Chaldean numerology(afterall we follow English letters and not Sanskrit letters or devanagiri script)

2. Name/syllable vibrations

3. Calculation of the name number and checking the same on basic and personal level for compatibility.

4. Drawing a name horoscope(also called Name-chart by some)

5. Checking for Pyramid numbers which are bening

6. Checking for pronology of the name.

7. Using Vedic numerology(example: Shadbala ranking,Yogas,Uccha and Neecha planets in one's vedic horoscope chart,etc)

8. Dowsing to see the energy patterns.

9. Drawing a prasna chart finally to check whether one can go ahead with the name.


When the 9 factors above are seen an excellent name is selected to increase vibrations for


1. Prosperity

2. Getting a good partner

3. Fame

4. Spirituality

5. Health and General happiness.


All these take time,elaborate calculations,intuition and divine grace of Bhavany.

The run-of-the-mill nmerologists who come in VijayTV(night shows) or Telemarketing or who open shops are just good con-artists who make money out of the guillability of people.


Yours Yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli






Article by our friend Sarajith Poddar might interest you:



" For understanding numerology, one needs to understand the true meaning of satya (truth) and arudha (illusion). The whole world runs on the basis of perception, common understanding (between members of a group) and personal understanding (of a person in a group). To explain this lets say, when you see red traffic light on a street, you would not like to cross road, being a padestrian. For that matter this would be the behaviour of almost everyone, because this forms the part of common understanding and everyone trains his/ her mind to behave in those " expected " ways. However, the personal understanding would depend on the learning/ experience of each member of the community, for example, some would be daring enough to cross red lights and someone else would be too careful. However, this is a minor variation of the common understanding. The third most important thing, which would influence the behavious would be what is your perception of the situation. Perceptions are nothing but, cues which helps interpreting an event based on set personal assumptions. The perceptions are based on both common and personal understanding and forms the immediate basis of our behaviour.

Thus, whether or not a cow is a cow, if everyone believes it to be a cow, their behaviour shall certainly be affected by their belief. Note here that the belief might not reflect truth, but a common understanding. This is possible with human community as we all live in the world of illusion and only when we realise the truth, we can expect us to be free from the chains of illusion.

So when everyone believes a particular day to be Sunday, it becomes Sunday for them. Note here that, even though there is no astronomical basis for defining the lord of a weekday, the common understanding gives the basis. This shows that its only an illusion and because everyone believes in it, it exists. Thus when we talk of vedic numerology, it is the illusion, which we are talking about.

More than that the Julian/ Gregorian calendar is based more on convinience than any strong astronomical foundation. Hence, should Vedic Numerology base its conclusions on this calendar? To define time based on Astronomical Cycles, various calendars have been devised by various civilizations and some calendars which are particularly used by the vedic seers are the Solar Calendar, which measures a year with one complete cycle of Sun in the Zodiac and the Soli-Lunar Calendar, which is based on Lunar Phases. The soli-lunar calendar is again synchronised with the Solar Calendar, by adding the adhika masas (one extra month) when the difference between the two calendars accumulate to approx. 30 lunar phases. The synchronisation is done so that the Lunar Calendar doesnot fall out of synchronicity with the Seasons. More than that the philosophically, Moon has to follow the Sun as Mind cannot exist independently from the Soul. 

  However, for the purpose of Numerology, we can still consider the English Calendar as long as we have people following it with firm conviction. Who care's about what the truth, whe we all live in the world of Illusion.


INTRODUCTION When we live in the world surrounded by illusions and we know that the behavior is based more on perceptions that the truth behind an event, we need to understand our perceptions whenever we are faced with different circumstances/ events. This is worthwhile to note that our behavior is interrelated with those of others in our surroundings. For example, if I am a king, this is because, others also perceive me as a king, along with my own perception about self. Thus, the results we get in this would be more dependent on the perception of people in our surrounding, than the real truth about our own self. Thus we shall study the perception which is generated under different conditions/ situations. Here we shall study the TRUTH pertaining to a no. and the PERCEPTION of that true self. Though the truth of the numbers are based on the Weekday order, the perception is different.

  ONE TRUTH Number one represents the creative force, as this is the starting point of the numeral system. The number zero although precedes it, it represents absence of anything or vacuum and thus not represent by any planet.

The attributes of this number being the source of all creation, the king, the independent one etc. can only be attributed to Sun, the natural signification of Soul, the king, the father, the natural leader PERCEPTION

When we see the qualities of natural leadership, we also get enthused with energy feel like taking initiative in things near us. We do feel the presence of a king as protective and feel that the dharma would be protected by all means. We become righteous and dutiful under the Solar Influence. Thus, the planet, which is based on the perception of the true self, is also Sun.

TWO TRUTH Number two represents sustenance and represented by Moon, when seen in the weekday order. Moon rules motherly compassion, love, caring and protection. PERCEPTION

When we come under the influence of motherly affection and compassion, we feel protected. Thus the perception of number two is the Moon itself. THREE

TRUTH Based on the weekday order this no. is ruled by Mars, who governs the anger, aggression and violence PERCEPTION Whenever we are faced with such situation of violence etc., we seek divine intervention and peace. The preceptor of the gods, Jupiter, governs this and hence rules the perception related to this number.

FOUR TRUTH Mercury governs this number based on the weekday order. Mercury represents a child, humor and childish activities. 

PERCEPTION A child’s behavior is that of carelessness, laughing on something without basis, plotting pranks against someone etc. Whenever we are faced with such situation, we sometimes develop the feeling of suspicion or sometimes the feeling of disgust. Rahu rules these feelings and hence it governs the perception of this number. 

  FIVE TRUTH Jupiter rules this number, representing a teacher, who is knowledgeable and willing to bestow us with knowledge and wisdom.

PERCEPTION Whenever we are placed under the guidance of a wise teacher, the feeling which develops therein is that of a disciple and hence this no. is governed by Mercury, the learner.

SIX TRUTH Venus is the true ruler of this number and represents comfort, luxury and courtship.

PERCEPTION Comfort and Luxury make us seek the same from our surroundings and in the presence of a partner, we also seek courtship and relationship. Thus the perception is also governed by Venus, the true ruler of this number.

  SEVEN TRUTH Saturn, the ruler of this number governs Sorrow and Pain, which redeem us from the bad karma of past lives. PERCEPTION While we suffer pain and misery, we tend to understand and acknowledge our past undoing and realize that this life is a bondage and the only way we get bliss is get out of this chain of life and death. We seek liberation from both trouble and the chain of life and death. Thus Ketu, the significator for emancipation, governs this number’s perception.

EIGHT TRUTH The natural ruler of this number is Rahu as per the weekday order. Rahu signify, deception, cheating and troubles inflicted on others.

PERCEPTION When we faced with such situations of deception and all wrong doing, we do feel that such persons should be punished. Thus Saturn, the Dharmaraja (the king of righteousness), governs the perception of this number.

NINE TRUTH Ketu rules this number as the weekday order and signify emancipation, liberation and sanyasa (monk) , who has broken out of the bondage of cycle of rebirth.

PERCEPTION Whenever we see a monk or such persons, the predominant feeling which we have is that, " how determined these persons are, that they broke the strong chains of material success " . It also generates the feeling of rage on our self, that we are not as determined like them, to follow our own life’s calling are. Mars governs these feelings of determination and rage and hence governs the perception relation to this number.


After we have understood about the planets influencing different single digit numbers, we can extend their meaning to understand the composite numbers. However, we must understand that the composite numbers are like Jyotish Yogas, whereby the natural nature of the single digits undergo substantial changes to indicate completely different aspects as compared to their natural nature. To understand this we must know how each planets are disposed towards each other and can be read from any standard Jyotish Book. It is not possible to explain the meaning of each and every number as they extend to infinity. However, I shall try here to give some principles, which would help understanding the composite numbers.

PRINCIPLES Principle 1: Study the effect of the composite numbers as yoga of two or more planets. Principle 2: The unit digit (the digit in the right-hand most side) lead the whole number. The subsequent numbers takes the subsequent leadership position in tenth, hundredth position and such order. This is equivalent to strength of a planet in any combination. 

Principle 3: the root controls the basic nature of the number. Adding up the digits of a number until a single digit is obtained can identify the root. Expunging multiples of nine from the number also gives the root of the composite number. For example to arrive at the root of 987 we add the digits 9+8+7 and arrive at 24; adding the digits again 2+4, we arrive at 6, which become the root of the number. The root shows the basic drive or outcome of the number.

Principle 4: While analysing each of the digits consider the true nature of the number, however while interpreting the root, consider the planet who rules the perception of that number. With regards to the root number, while the true planet shall show the drive, the perception planet shall show the outcome.

  Principle 5: The house where the number is placed governs the environment, where the root would operate. The meaning of a number can also be derived, by placing the root number in the governing house. To arrive at the house governed by a number, expunge multiples of 12 from the number.

Principle 6: This is a self-discovering exercise and each number has it own peculiarity derived from the intermingling of the real nature, the perception, the root and the governing house. One must try finding all the inter-relationships to attain mastery on this science of vedic-numeroloy

INTERPRETATION OF SOME COMPOSITE NUMBERS 10: 0 is represented by Lagna and is the leader among these two digits. This means that this number gives a lot of focus on the self (lagna) and shows egoistic tendencies. 1 is represented by Sun and hence the meaning of the composite number can be understood from understanding Sun’s placement in the Lagna. This shows leadership quality, irritable nature, generosity etc.

The root of the number is 1, represented by Sun and the house arrived at is 10. Hence this shows that persons influenced by this number will attain fame and reputation. However, since zero, the leading number also represents emptiness, they shall prone to feel emptiness in their endeavors and many times, their work efforts ends up without achieving anything substantial.

11: Both the digits are ruled by Sun, however the root is ruled by Moon. This number is considered to be a very auspicious number, as the fire and brilliance of two Sun’s digits are smoothened by Moon, the ruler of the Root no. This number is often used for making monetary donations for charity and religious causes (Sun) and which make the native feel protected (Moon).

12: This is also considered to be a auspicious number as it is led by Moon and the root is that of Jupiter. Since Jupiter is the governor of Sun- Moon Yoga in Panchanga analysis and represent relationship matters, this number is particularly auspicious in those areas. This also gives knowledge of all forms as signified by the Dwadas Jyotirlingam (Jupiter), where both Sun and Moon are the significator of Shiva, the form of Rameswaram and Somnatha, one worshipped by Rama and the other by Krishna. Hence this is also known for the number which can give new life.

13: Almost all traditions of world consider this to be the most inauspicious number. This is because although, both the numbers are ruled by Two fierty planets Sun with  Mars leading, the root is governed by Rahu. This shows eclipse of Sun, representing shadowing of the Dharma. Since Mars is leading, it shows aggression and violence is leading while Sun, righteousness and justice is taking a back seat. While both of these planets rule Fiery elements, Mars is more of Tamasik (Ignorance), while Sun is that of Sattvik kind. The influence of the fiery elements and the strength of the Tamasik nature, this number shows, revolution, which can throw the established practices of the world or existing kingdom or governance (Sun), however with deception (Rahu). The only solution to get over this number is Worshipping Dakshinamurty, one who has the power to get the soul (Sun) out of the clutches of darkness of ignorance (Rahu).  

  14: Mercury represent the true nature of the number is in lead with Sun sitting behind. The root of this number is governed by Jupiter(True) and Mercury (perception). This number is known for the potency of gaining knowledge. Sun represent the source of all knowledge whereas Mercury represents a student. Thus this number represent a student who is putting all his effort (mercury in lead) to gain whatever he can. The root being governed by Jupiter, the real drive behind this effort of the student is to become knowledgeable. The planet ruling perception related to the root is also Mercury, which shall bestow the attitude of a seeker throughout.


There are numerous application of the discipline of Vedic Numerology. This is because numbers form the universal language. To understand the concept of Universal Language, one must understand what Language is! The basis of any language is symbols. These symbols carry a specific meaning, which help us communicating with each other. While we see how the language evolved; there was a time, when the things and events were shown using some or other symbols. They formed the evolution basis for the first languages of the world, which were symbol based, like that of Hieroglyphics.  From those earlier languages, many languages evolved through out the world, each having their own set of symbols and the characteristics associated with their own cultural evolution. However, what remained constant throughout is the language of numbers. This is borne out of the fact that irrespective of cultural and geographical boundaries, the numbers retained their characteristics. If number 1 mean something to us, it means the same to the whole world. Moreover, because of its consistency over time and space, it becomes the only language with which mathematics or the laws of nature can be revealed. This is why the numbers can be used to determine the flow of the destiny in our life as a part of the universal consciousness. The numbers can be used in the following ways:



1.  The predominance of a number in one's life shows the predominance of the inlfluence of a particular planet and a sign in his/ her life in the area of life where the number belongs to. For example, if a person buys a vehicle for business or work, then the planet/ signs influencing the business/ work etc. can be seen from the number of the vehicle. Similarly this can be seen from the  work telephone/ mobile/ office desk number ect.


To know the influence we do two processes related to the number, they are:


a. Finding out the root number. To know the root number keep adding the digits of number till one arrive at a single number. 


The functional as well as the natural nature of the planet along with the yogas they form shall give various clues on the persons coming to the native's life during that time. This shall also show the state of native's mind and his behaviour pattern related to the matters related to that number. This shall also show the characteristics of the thing ruled by this number.


b. Finding out the rasi (zodiac sign) ruled by this number.  The rasi can be found out by expunging the multiples of 12 from that number. If the result is Zero, then it should be replaced by 12, signifying Pisces.


The environment the person would be working in, the various support as well as obstacles the native would be facing can be seen from this rasi under consideration. To know the exact nature of the surroundings/ environment the following guidelines can be used:


 i. Find the yogas (both natural and functional) forming in that sign in the natal horoscope. Also look for the planets placed in that sign, the placement of the lord of the sign, in the natal horoscope.


ii.  Find how the planets placed from that sign. Malics shall be placed in the Upachayas (3/6/10/11).


iii. Benefics should be placed in the Kendras (1/4/7/10) or the konas (5/9).


iv. The Sukha Trikona (4/8/12) should not be having any malefics, otherwise the native shall face lack of happiness or contentment in that part of life.


v. There should not be papakartari yoga (hemming between malefics) in that house. Subhakartari yoga bring luck and support to that sign.


vi. The karaka of the matter under consideration should be well placed with respect to the sign.


vii. The Moon is the karaka for all activities we carry out in this world and hence should be well placed with respect to the sign. It should never be placed in the eighth house from the sign, otherwise the experience related to that matter can be a bed of thorne.



2.  The numbers can be used in Naming of the person and the influence of the name on the person. Please follow the article on the " Principles of Naming " given before in these pages.


3. The numbers can be used to find the effect of our year number, month number and the date number on our life as well as the impact of other persons (being ruled by other numbers) on our life. This area requires a considerable research, to arrive at a consistent set of principles. I am still working on it and I shall publish my findings once I am done.


Name is the result of the first tangible result which the eternal soul attains with human birth in the world of Maya. This gives us the identity and individuality. Whenever anyone calls with that name, it fills up his mind with some very unique perceptions regarding our selves. The perceptions are very subjective and very unique and the persons near us interact with us in a very specific way. This is a common occurrence that, a person might have more than one name in the home, among friends and in his work circle. This is seen that the way the people or the world behaves considerably change with the name.

Now we wouldn’t have bothered much if the name would only defined our unique images in the mind of the person, interacting with us, however, it is not limited to that. The results we accrue in the society is the results of all those numerous interactions which we have within it. Thus it is very important to know our own name is in store for us. This knowledge shall also empower us to change our name if necessary, to make the vibrations of the name positive in our life. We can keep the name of a new born not on an arbitrary basis but on well grounded principle of Jyotish, so that their life can be fruitful and prosperous.

Even if you don’t believe in this, which seems superstitious, why not give a honest try and see whether or not it works. There is nothing you lose. AKSHARAS AND NAKSHATRAS The entire gamut of Aksharas is divided into the 28 Nakshatras or asterisms. Each Nakshatra is of four padas, each pada is assigned to an akshara. The duration of each pada is 3d 20m, however this is a bit different in the case of Uttarashadha and Sravana. The duration of Uttarashadha is divided into four parts and the first three padas are assigned to Uttarashadha, which makes the duration of Uttarashadha to be 10deg with each pada to be 2d 30m. The remaining one pada of Uttarashadha is assigned to Abhijit, the intercalary nakshatra. Similarly beginning 1/15th part of Sravana is given to Abhijit, making its total length to be 253.33 min, i.e., 4d 13m 20s. The remaining 14/15th part of Sravana is assigned to the four padas of Sravana, making the total duration of Sravana to be 12d 26m 40s.

Figure 1: Nakshatra and Aksharas


The aksharas are assigned to the different rasis of the zodiac based on the assignment of the Nakshatra padas to the Rasi. Each rasi consists of 9 nakshatra padas and hence nine aksharas are assigned to each rasi, Makara being an exception, because of assignment of four extra pada of intercalary nakshatra Abhijit.

Figure 2: Rasi and Aksharas MEANING OF AKSHARAS Whenever a particular sound is uttered, it has a very peculiar and specific influence on us at various levels, physical, mental and spiritual. Thus this is very important to understand, what each of the sound signified by the various aksharas of Sanskrit signify. This shall help us know, what kind of influences we like to draw to the native when his name is called by others. Thus when a particular akshara is picked for the native’s name, it should be based on a well understood principle and not on a random manner.

The following table shows the meaning of each of the aksharas of the divine language, Sanskrit and help us in deciding what aksharas we need to chose for a name to heighten some particular influences of planet and the aksharas themselves.

The Maharishis of the yore have found through their intuition, the aksharas, which symbolises the different influences of the universe, control the power centres of the body, called the charkas. These charkas are placed along the length of the Spinal column and control various parts of the body and various aspects of our personality through the nerves spreading through out the body carrying the messages of the Brain or our thoughts. When an akshara is pronounced repeatedly, it heightens the influences of these charkas, which bring with them, myriads of effect, most of which act at a very subtle level and can hardly be objectively felt. More can be found in the literature on the Kundalini Yoga.

Figure 3: Katapayaadi Varga- Vowels



Figure 4: Katapayaadi Varga- Consonents

STEPTS IN FINDING OUT THE RASI, WHERE THE NAME HAS STRONG INFLUENCE: I. Write the word of the stanza in Devanagari script and remove the “matras” and incomplete/half letters.

II. The numerical value of the remaining letters should be written sequentially. If the name starts with “0”, it must not be ignored. III. The number so obtained should be reversed. IV. Divide this reversed number by 12. The reminder shall show the rasi ruled by the name. If the reminder obtained is “0”, then 12 becomes the reminder. The remainder when counted from Aries gives the sign on which the name has predominant influence.

The Rasi so obtained becomes the nama Arudha of the person and shows how is he perceived by those who calls him by a particular name. This can be judged when we see how the different planets are placed from the nama arudha and find out the influences of the conjunctions, aspects etc.

The Moon is the sustainer of the Arudha and when Moon is placed in the trines or 12th from the Nama Arudha, the native gains from the name. However, Moon should never be placed in the 8th from the Arudha. Such placement of Moon is called Chandrastama and is very damaging to the Arudha, which shows that the native shall get into troubles, trial and tribulations, if such things happen in his horoscope.

V. Divide the reversed no. by 9. The reminder so obtained shall show the predominating planet influencing the name. 1- Sun, 2- Moon, 3- Jupiter, 4- Rahu, 5- Merc, 6- Venus, 7- Ketu, 8- Saturn, 9- Mars

ILLUSTRATION Let’s find the Rasi obtained by the name Sanjaya I. Write the word of the stanza in Devanagari script and remove the “matras” and incomplete/half letters.

The name Sanjaya is made up of three phonemes namely Sa, nja, and ya. However, the 2nd phonemes is a compound akshara (yutkakshara) and hence the half akshara has to be ignored here. Now in a compound akshara or phoneme, the last akshara is the complete one and all others are incomplete and hence we always need to consider the last one in case of these compound aksharas, which happens to be “ja” in this case.

II. The numerical value of the remaining letters should be written sequentially. If the name starts with “0”, it must not be ignored. The numerical value of each of these aksharas are sa- 7, ja- 8 and ya- 1. Thus 781 is the no. signified by the name Sanjaya.

III. The number so obtained should be reversed. The reversed no. is 187 IV. Divide this reversed number by 12. The reminder shall show the rasi ruled by the name. If the reminder obtained is “0”, then 12 becomes the reminder. The remainder when counted from Aries gives the sign on which the name has predominant influence.

The reminder obtained when the number 187 is divided by 12 is 7. The Rasi signified by No. 7 when counted from Aries is Libra. V. Divide the reversed no. by 9. The reminder so obtained shall show the predominating planet influencing the name.

The reminder obtained when the number 187 is divided by 9 is 7. The planet which rules the name becomes Ketu. Thus the associates with the person, calling him with the name Sanjaya, shall consider him to be a spiritual person, a good mathematician etc., which is indicated by the naisargika nature of the planet. More can be judged from Ketu’s placement in the person’s horoscope, which can moderate the general nature indicated by the planet.

PRINCIPLES OF NAMINIG The following principles are to be followed while naming a baby or checking the effect of the name on someone.

Principle I: The name of the child should be based on the most auspicious planet in the chart. If The planet which is the most auspicious and bringer of yoga is chosen, the beneficence of this planet shall always one the native, whenever his/ her name is called. The aksharas of this planet shall be the starting akshara of the native.

Principle II: Among the aksharas of the most auspicious planet, chose the akshara which is placed in the Kendra/ Trikona from Moon. In case of doubt, chose the akshara of the Moon’s position. Principle III:

If the Sign, selected by the above process is Chara Rasi (Movable Sign), then two phonemes should be selected. If the Sign is Dwisvabhava (Dual), then select three phonemes name. However, if the sign arrived at is Sthira (fixed), then four phonemes should be selected.

Principle IV: The Name chosen should have a benefic influence on the native. Thus if the name is related to the name of Ista, then each time the native is called by the name, this would remind him/ her of their Ista Devata and hence would be highly beneficial.

Principle V: Use Katapayadi Varga system to know the exact influence of the name on the native. This will show how the people around perceive the native. Principle VI: Use Achyutayadi Varga system to know the focus of the native in life, when he is surrounded by people, who calls the native with a particular name. (More on this later)


The name of lord Rama starts with the Akshara “ra”. This is lorded by Moon. In the Horoscope, Moon is very well placed in the Lagna with exalted Jupiter shows that the name shall bring the blessings of the strong Gaja-Keshari yoga in Rama’s life and give him tremendous fame and people would remember him forever.

ra akshara falls in the Taurus Rasi, which is placed in the 11th house from Moon. This is aspected by a strongly placed Moon and Taurus happens to be the exaltation rasi of moon. This shows that the name was protected and Sustained by Moon.

In Katapayadi system, Rama is ra-2, ma- 5, which when reversed and divided by 12 yields 4 as the reminder. When counted from Aries, the Nama-arudha falls in the cancer Rasi. Now this shows that he got the fruits of the Gajakeshari yoga giving him everlasting fame. Now the whole world perceived him a very righteous person and also a very compassionate one.

However, what he got from the world can be seen when we count the reminder from his Lagna. This comes at Libra with exalted and retrograde Saturn. A malefic in the fourth house is very detrimental to the happiness at home and everyone is aware of the troubles and pain, Lord Rama had to pass through to establish dharma in this world.

The name Rama falls in a Movable sign because of the two aksharas or phonemes. In the trine to the Lagna, it falls in the Lagna itself, showing that the focus of the native shall be perfection in Ideals shown by the Lagna. This is no wonder that Rama is popularly known as Purushottama, the best among purusha or human.

CASE II: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa



Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is most popularly known as Ramakrishna only. Like Rama, the initial akshara is lorded by the planet Moon. Moon is placed in the Lagna with Sun and Mercury. Moon in the Lagna expressed his pure love and compassion for the divine mother and its placement with Mercury shows that he often behaved like a child. Repetition of the name made this nature quite pronounced.

The Akshara falls in the Taurus sign, which is in Kendra to Moon, but not the best Kendra as it is placed with a strong malefic. This shows that he faced lots of pain in the life like Lord Sri Rama. In the Katapayadi scheme, the name can be broken up to Ra- 2, Ma- 5, Ka- 1 (ri is a vowel), Na- 5. The no. 2515 when reversed and divided with 12, gives a reminder of 7, which falls in Libra as counted form Aries. The whole world perceived him as a great devotee of mother goddess Kali (Saturn), some one who is always in pain, being separated from the Mother (separation- Saturn).

Whatever he received from the name can be seen from the counting the reminder from Lagna, which comes to Leo. Leo is aspected by Saturn and Mars, in the 3rd from AL, showing his tremendous amount of suffering in the life.

CASE III: Hitler


The initial akshara of the name, i.e., ha is represented by the planet Moon. Moon is under the terrible shakti yoga, destroying the benign Jupiter, which shows his mass pogrom of the Jews. Among other things, the planet of Humanity is not only destroyed by the shakti yoga, but also there is a terrible Guru-Chandala yoga along with the axis. This shows why he made his mission of life to eradicate one complete race.

The Akshara falls in the Karkata (Cancer) rasi. Now Cancer is 8th from the Moon and hence shows that it is not sustained by the natural sustainer Moon. This shows why Hitler faced such difficult times from his childhood. Not only that, his end was quite tragic and terrible, where he had to see all his dreams getting shattered one by one.

According to Katapayadi Varga, the name is broken down as hi-8; Ta-1; la-3; ra-2. This No. when divided by 12 gives a reminder of 2, which comes to Taurus Rasi. Now from Ta, moon is placed in the 8th house, causing chandrastama, which is a terrible thing to happen. This sign also happens to be the 8th house, aspected by Saturn. Now people will remember him as a mysterious character with devious intention (8th house placement from Lagna) and stern behaviour (Saturn’s aspect). As this sign is placed with HL and aspected by GL, this becomes the seat of power and money. "




         Balije'palli ShreerAm


    «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....»

    «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» 








-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++TRUTH PATH DESTINATION GOAL REAL ADIGURU  SALVATION KARMA DESTINY AND ALL THAT EXISTS


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