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Dear All,


Many feel that in s'rIvidhyA and on even quipped datta-mArgA,the necessity to do rituals and name-chanting is more than Guru.This is most laughable.If anyone says thus and arrogates himself or herself thus,then he or she is no good.Stay away from such people.


S'rividyA is a gurubaddha mArgA.I find some organizations from the state in which I come(AP) wheren prominence is given to the Gurus(most are fake,with just bookish knowledge) and rarely I see a display of their Gurus.


Organizations whereever they are have a large amount of mAyA.I carefully avoid "sat-sanghs","workshops"(I laugh when I hear words like "srIvidhyA workshop","Lord Shiva Immersion program",etc),etc.Spirituality to me very personal.My only interaction at large is through this small group of mine.I rarely meet anyone.


Spirituality when practiced in one's home will lead to excellent results.There is need for shivirs or such "boot-camps".This is kaliyuga mAyA at its hilt.


The main aim is


1. Money(kick derived thereof)


2. Power( kick derived thereof)


After the main person goes, the organization goes into moral bankruptcy.Legal battle,organizational plays,Power struggles,etc happen.(As I referred in one posting before "mixing rum in herbs" happens).


The relationship between Guru and Shishya is pristine.Some fools quote shAstrAs(maybe I myself am a fool sometimes like that!) and renegade one's Guru and Guru-Bhava.Some have read sanskrit well,quote even more vehemently,convert many people by their talks,assume importance as saints and figures of veneration,when inside them,there is mere hollowness.


Kabir Says:




Guru Kumhar,Shishyaa Khumbh, Gari Gari Kadhe Khot

Anthar Haath Sahar De, Baahar Baahar Chot.


The Guru is the potter and the disciple the pot.The potter hits the pot outside when He sees some blemish,but lends constantly His support from inside.






3 Experiences occur simultaneously when a True-Guru initiates someone and the person follows it sincerely.I have seen this happening in my life and all sincere disciples.


1. There is a tragedy or some major upheaveal in the disciple's life which begins to destroy the disciple from within materailly or the beginning of some exreme depression or stagnation.In my case,my faulty Kundalini practices made me undergo a real catharsis for 2 years.I was dubbed insane and was taken from witchdoctors to hospitals.Finally my soul lifted off from my body and came back in(an out-of-body-experience(OBE) as the Western foolish greenhorn of doctors call).All the while the "the hand of my potter" was inside me modifying me,correcting me,removing a defect there, a karma here....I could see it.


2. After the catharsis is over,there is divine bliss which will take the disciple throughout his life.


3.He begins to help others, serve others selflessly.Maybe h still is in the worldly life and seeks help for his worldly things too but really He has an underlying faith of the divine which can never vanish.He sees the "hand of the potter" at every juncture. He has a Srijanaathmaka(creative) and a Khandanaathmaka(critical or condemning) role to play in divine affairs.


All this can happen only with intense sAdhana,the right Guru and isolation.Solitude is a boon,really.Many people run away from loneliness but if properly put to use,can elevate a person spiritually.


One person was saying to me that some Scholar said to him that one is himself or herself one's own guru.Swa-guru...Hmm...I simply said.."That scholar is wrong." and left it at that.The person before me was not mature despite having good knowledge about spirituality.There was no point in explaining about light to a blindman.The time has to come when his eyes would open-up,I thought.Later after couple of years,he had some drastically negative experiences and he came to me and said..."One must have a Guru"

I simply said again,"You are right".He looked at me and then smiled but there were tears this time and he said..."Your comment that the scholar was wrong was so right then and your comment that Im right is so right now..."






You want sugar to add to your tea but find salt bottlesYou add salt and the tea turns sour.Will you then condemn anything that is white or looks like salt as something not suitable for your tea?


There might be a bottle of sugar lying around which you might have missed.


For 100000000 charlatans and fake Gurus there has to be atleast 1 true Guru who will guide you.Till that Guru comes,you should not rest.You should keep searching.It is this very search which will make your life meaningful.






To know the power of Guru-shishya relationship in recent times,one should read the histories of Adbhuthaananda and Turiyaananda of the Ramakrishna Mission and compare and contrast.How Adbhuthaananda became very learned in scriptures by 'mere' service of Guru and rubbing of a "lota"(glass).Whereas Turiyaananda(a Great Scholar) who was the opposite of Adbhutaananda took lot of time in 'overcoming' his knowledge and becoming really knowledgable from deep within.




Turiyananda who spread the Ramakrishna Mission's good word in USA.


Both served their roles in the Ramakrishna Mission order and both became really elevated in real spirituality.


Western soceity especially USA is corrupting spirituality like neverbefore.USA has its merits but spiritual demerits are more and Indians trying to emulate them will weaken the Sanaathana dharma here.Given the number of rogue politicians,the influence of One-Book-One-Prophet religions,etc I see the pristine relationship of Guru-Shishya taking further beatings here...


1. Rampant commercialization in all spheres.--Technological corruption(coupled with patents and stuff!)

2. Entertainment industry of USA and the whole world aping it.

3. Food "corruption"---softdrinks,surplus of meat(that too with diseases like madcow,avianflu,etc),Alcohol-party and pub culture

4. Spiritual commercialization--Buy this Guru,take him to California,build a temple or an ashram,etc.The gullible Americans fall for such fakesters there as their knowledge is abysmal in such things here.Many ayurvedic doctors and so called spiritual saints here in India who would be beaten black and blue by even Rickshawallahs in India(who has thousand times more spiritual sense than an average American) find special havens for them in USA.

5. Corruption by way of Newsmedia and litreature.

6. Educational corruption.(Yes, even education when fed too much on principles of mere logic and elimination of basic-intuitiveness and belief in God is evil).

7. Moral corruption--Girlfriends,nightstand,etc.

8. Political corruption---inner conspiracies,trying to control other nations backdoor(backstage),making them Banana republics subtly,etc


Infact, all this cannot be called even "culture",it can be called as psychological states or attitudes.Ultimately USA and other countries which wreak such evil will be caught for sure in their evil Karmic tangles as the Law of Karma spares none.


However, this does not mean all Americans are like this.

Some Caucasian Americans and Canadians I have seen in USA and Canada are more spiritual than Indians.There are very humble and are willing to learn a lot.However,Im talking of the vast majority.


To stay in such a country yet follow Sanathana Dharma and lead helpful and spiritual lives can only flower under the guidance and auspices of a highly elevated Guru.


No one else.


Srividya is a Gurubaddha maarga.I wll keep saying this till I die.It is not getting initiated into the mantra and remembering the Guru just during Gurupournima alone.


Srichakreshwari is Gurupriya and Gururupini.

Through the mouth of one's Guru She speaks,through His eyes She sees,through His hands She blesses..and His feet are Her Blissful Saffronhued Lotus feet.There is no doubt about this.


Can I ever repay my debt to my Guru?

Can this imbecile ever do it? NOPE!


Im unable to type anything more than this now as Im emotional thinking of my Guru,so please excuse me here...


Guru Sarvam,Guru Sarvam,Guru Sarvam.....!!



Balije'palli ShreerAm


«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·»





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