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E-mail reproduced with permission.Deatils and names have been removed for obvious reasons.





Dear Brother(Shreeram),


Just wanted to let you know that through our Guru's grace, this month I've completed 1 year in my company, this is the first time where I have stayed in one company for 1 year, earlier to which i never stayed in any company over 6 months.This is indeed His(Swami Rajagopalar's) blessing and a miracle that i've experienced in my life that has made this impossible task possible and made me grounded. He had said that I'll look after you both, don't worry and see he has made me a responsible person. Now, he's not only made my mind accept the job he has also given me the knowledge of life, though there is so much more to learn...B(wife) has been so patient with me, she stayed till I stood up, whenever I became weak she reminds of your e-mails and makes me read it again and again and I get that strength from you too thus.....Am so blessed to be in

touch with such great souls (Gurunatha, You & B(wife)) without which this soul would have no meaning in life other than being a confused individual.May mother bless every soul and make them see the truth.I felt very happy to read your mail.I must tell you,you are one of the most important person in our lives to whom we look up to.Actually you are one person who has been guiding without expecting anything in return and if we follow what you have been saying we are the ones who benefit.Every time I fall weak B.(wife) will remind me of you and your mails.You are our Light House brother.Yes she had sent our details when we were in some problem and you did reply and we followed what you had said.You had asked her to wear a...(<confidential,so removed/edited>) and she is wearing it.However you had said that you will study in detail and do some puja for us if it is required.I am sending you the details.Brother,

I again request you to please tell us everything as it will only guide us further on the path.Details: (Not disclosed for privacy reasons)Thank you, brother yet again.N.










Dear N,


This is good-news.Persistence pays.


It makes me feel happy that I have touched someone's life positively yet again.Seva to one and all without even expecting a praise,is so satisfying.However, many interact with me and once their life changes positively they go their way without even a feedback.Some like you get back to me.It makes me really feel happy as a human.


I think once,B. Ma gave her horoscope details,if Im not mistaken but that time,I was busy with exams and shelved it in some folder.Now, my exams are over and am free a bit,so please do find my analysis below for your horoscope(this is mere part-1,more would follow as an when I find time.)




I would give a series of e-mails in Parts for your and B's horoscopes;starting with yours.Most of it would be very candid and so if some words are sharp please bear with me.No one is perfect including me.




Stammering Problem would be dealt with in this email first:


Stammering is a problem with the throat chakrA psychospiritually.

kArmically,it comes if the person in previous births had hurt someone very badly by his speech.The hurt person tends to curse the person and the native gets affected this birth.

Thorat chakrA is ruled by rAjarAjeshwari de'vI's dark-side of kAli,during amAvAsyA.

Now,curse here does not mean an acutal pronouncement of a curse by the affected person.Even if the person is a dumb person,he or shecan levy a curse on you by his mere hurt look.The law of karmA looks at causes and effects and is not bothered about officialities.


All/most of our problems are due to curses or bad karmA.

Most of our blessings are due to good deeds or good karmA.

These can be either of past births or present births.


Who was the person hurt? What happens to this native(Niraj) as a concomitant result?

The person hurt last birth is one's own mother and stammering is the result of this.


We shall see presently all this and more in this horoscope delineation:


Vedic astrological precepts propounded by parAs'arA,varAhamihirA and prathyushAs(son of varAhamihirA) define speech as ruled by te 2nd house and when it is affected,it shows that the person has defects of speech.


I normally employ sudars'anA analysis to reveal health problems,than a mere checking perfunctorily the rAsi-chakrA.This has been taught and perfected by my jyOtishA guru(a hermit-sepetagunarian in Chennai).(There are also higher divisional charts which I see,which I need not describe here as they are too technical for your understanding)


In this, we take not just the radix-lagnA but also the moon and surya lagnA for health considerations.We also have a look at navAmsA for confirmation.


Radix-lagnA considerations:




2nd house is meshA(Aries) a feiry sign,which is corrupted by the malefic aspectation of rAhu.rAhu being conjoint with guru,gives guruchandAlA yOgA(not a good one) and thus debilitates the power of guru in giving a benefic effect.

Moon which is involved in the mental make-up,though having paksha-balA as you were born in s'ukla-ekAdas'I, is afflicted on 2 counts:

1. Ke'madruma doshA(moon uconjoint or unflanked by any planet)in an inimical sign.

2. Aspected by a vakrA shanI(retrograde Saturn)


Whenever Saturn aspects Moon,the person enters melancholy easily.Infact,he or she looks ways to enter into depression for the smallest of reasons! This would become a habit with them,that they get used to bouts of depression and the problem tends to aggravate with the waning phases of moon or Saturn's periods or both.(Example of one such period: From 2007 July to 2007 October,there might have been immense sense of depression or melancholy or stress or vAirAgyA due to some problem,especially so duing waning phases of moon,if one wants to go into granularity.*Please confirm this*)


Ke'madruma ava-yOgA(bad yogA) does is:


Make the person filled with escapist,dirty or debasing or mlechhA/chandala or atheistic thoughts,tend to make him a-ritualistic(or deep inside even anti-ritualistic),sometimes with no belief or belief varying with the phases of the moon(in other words,the person has belief in God when the moon is in its waxing phase and dwindling belief when the moon wanes!),the person has a very high ficklemind(this I have seen in many people having this yOgA) and unsteady by nature generally.


Also, a person who has vAkbhangA(stammering) would internalize his anger against people who make fun of him on tis count and this would further aggravate his sense of depression,feeling unwanted and useless.


Saturn is a loner planet,which gives vAirAgyA.Couple this with a weak moon.Then you have a person who is bent upon escaping everything and retiring to some secluded spot with a motherly figure or Divine Mother upAsanA or meditation(signified by Moon) and cry his or her heart out.(Which is exactly what the native wanted to do as confirmed by his emails earlier)


Now,this moon is in 4th house of Mother,Vehicles,Education,Happiness,Properties/Housing,etc.

So, you would be bound have lot of unhappiness and problems in these areas more than others.The mother is inimical to this native and feels he is a burden to the family.This is very sad.(This too has been confirmed)


Now, it is sad that your sukhasthAna/mAthrusthAna(4th house as is called) is afflicted thus because in kemadruma doshA, only a mother can provide relief.So, the native seeks and yearns psychologically for mother-figures to fill this need.He tends to keep these figures very sacred,lest his guruchandAla makes him enter carnal pleasure and make him feel he has become polluted and further enhance depression.This is obvious, as he looks into his wife as a mother more than a sexual mate.(This has been confirmed totally!Till date there has not been even a touch of wife with sexual intentions!)There is an under-pinning of sadness,depression,feeling of unworthiness which is defined and crystallized when the native's maternal support,love,etc are not truly there.Since kemadruma doshA affords lot of over-sensitivity, the native tends to recognize easily when someone loves him when they do not.

(So sometimes, it is good to be like a Buffalo,insensitive, I would say! )


Athma-kArakA is as per jAimini system;this would be budhA.

BudhA controls speech.(I have learnt jAimininsystem with as many as 20,000 verses from an old Telugu brahmin who wishes to remain incognito)


You have a strong attachment/liking/signification to all kinds of stationary items like pens,inks,books,etc.Learning becomes a passion for you.It is by learning you gain wisdom and drive out depression doled by Saturn-Moon combination.You like to surrounded by books or have a tendency to read books a lot.You can accumulate books and even digest all of them.Relationships with friends,colleagues,brothers,and other relatives might be a big question-mark with you.Patience always pays here.(Confirmed by emails)


BudhA AthmakAraka also makes them love children,gardens,fight for environmental issues(love for Mother earth indicated here),eating healthy food,hathayOgA,modes of communication,etc.


Caring for in-laws,relatives,friends(significations of Mercury), keep you happy.


Having books(uplifting not depressive as Saturn's aspectation is quite bad in your horoscope) around you alongwith beautiful stationery items like a nice pen,ink,white paper,etc would prove very lucky.


A change of name-RADICALLY changes their luck (for budhAthmakArakA natives) more than anyone else.However,care and caution should be taken in changing one's name.


Spiritual path defined for you kArmically is: Shaktha-GnAna(Knowledge about Divine Mother).Read as many books as possible on Mother and upAsanA with mantrA-meditation.Mantra is a word or combo of words and words are ruled by Budha and meditation is ruled by Moon.Your best bet would be to increase the japa given by Swami and do it without fail in a peaceful surrounding daily and especially during amvAsyA and the 15 days before it.This will slowly cure your Stammering problem.


Venus is exalted in your horoscope in the lagnA(with other stellar co-ordinates in tune with jAimini).Which means the native is quite handsome and white-skinned.(Confirmed yet again)However, this is aspected by Saturn and thus the native himself might feel that he is not upto mark.


Also,the native's Venus signifies wife and despite noble qualities of spouse depecited by an exalted Venus would make her suffer due to Saturn veekshanA unendingly unless recourse is done by remedial measures.(However,upa-pAdha,7th House,darapAdha and other considerations need to be seen)


Also, your upapAdha-lagnA is aspected by two spoilers as in Saturn and Mars.Thus there is bound to be tension and leaving it all(I mean even marriage) and going away).So you are adviced to fast on Tuesdays,the Lord of the upapAdha-lagnA being Mars.





Chandra lagnA:


This defines the psychological/mental/emotional aspect of the problem.


The second house is karkAtakA(kark rAshi as the Northindians say) and this is Moon's very rAsi and this is under pApa-kartharI(hemmed between malefics).


When a rAsi-in shunyA is skeined by malefics with an 'unbenefic' Jupiter spoilt by Guru-chandAla,it becomes to act adversely.


The only remedy here is to worship either Lord ShivA or LalithAmbikA or Rajarajeshwari denoted by the Moon.


Say,by reciting Lalitha-trishathi(if panchadasi has been given).This is must be done daily.





Your radix-lagnA of pisces itself becomes the 2nd house here.

Saturn aspects an exalted Venus.So even if some girl is interested in your looks comes near you, your problem keeps you depressed, anti-confident and shy to the core.(Which is a put-off for many girls, as against the normal thought that girls love shy guys!Maybe they love a shy-guy from a distance but would love to talk to confident guys!).


Venus(Asuraguru) is in the house of the arch-enemy Jupiter(Devaguru).So,naturally its significations are not fully opened.


However, Venus is nAisargikAlly a benefic and an exalted benefic being there provides good luck and the saving grace for you.


Though fear is there, it is not in the innermost core.

The person can with proper worship or focus on things denoted Venus gain confidence.Since,mercury is a prominent planet in your horoscope and it rules speech and education apart from many things.(Certain remedial measures/hints edited-out as it bears a personal charecter.)


Surround yourself with uplifting pictures,books and colours always,else risk going into the black-hole depression.


Since Venus is a benefic and that too exalted.You would have noticed that you have been lifted out of the morass of self-vindictive thoughts of depression,melancholy,etc only through your mentally strong and bold wife.So, having a benefic in lagnA helps as the person has no real inner-core fear issues to deal with like many.However, Saturn aspecting the lagnA(and the loner moon(kemadruma) makes the person an essential loner and makes the person have a mAyA peethA of being a loner among 1000 friends,feeling odd in crowds,etc.


Additionally,Venus alone has the power to break the arishtA of ke'madrumA.Before you take any serious decision,it would do you good to approach your wife for some sanguine advice.(I take the liberty of forwarding this email to your wife aswell as nothing really controversial(!) exists in it and maybe the remedial measures suggested would be prodded by your dharmapathnI for you to do!)






Additionally, your sleep denoted by 12th House has the seperative effect of rAhu's most-powerful 7th aspectation.So,sleep is affected/compromised to a great extent.The native feels listless and quality of sleep is affected.Maybe,allopathic medicines are resorted to sometimes to get sleep.(rAhu=allopathy/toxic chemicals,etc)


Mercury in such a 12th House(12house apart from many things denotes kshayA(erosion))

and that too retrograde

would indicate:


Liking but no real talent in speech or communication.

Less of education.(Confirmed yet again)



Mercury,Moon combo would mean s'rIvidhyA path would be really ideal for the native to engage in for mOkshA.(Moksha thoughts are more of an adhama-vAirAgyA(lower kind of vAirAgyA) kind than a real vAirAgyA)


Vairagya that comes momentarily/temporary periods after such accidents as the loss of some dearly loved relative,sufferings,abuse or wealth is known as kArana-vAirAgya. It will not help you much in your spiritual advancement. The mind will be simply waiting for an opportunity to catch hold of the sensual objects when an opportunity arises.


kArana-vAirAgya has many kinds like



prasUthi vAirAgya(a pregnant woman who says, "This is it! I cannot bear this delivery pangs anymore and this is the last time I will have a child or sex with my husband."

But then, once the event is over and the ember of vAirAgya dies,she again cozies up with her husband for another sexual dalliance).Here you give the real emotion to the event/situation and a fake emotion to God.


smashAna-vAirAgyA:This is the dispassion and rejection of life,which one gets when one visits the smashAnA(cemetry or charnel grounds) or upon the death of one's kith or kin or parents.For some it may extend to few more years too especially if it is one's beloved father or mother.This too is not real vAirAgyA.If the mother or father suddenly pops up alive,where will their vAirAgya go?God seeks truth not all these fake emotions for Him.You give your real emotions here to parents or the dead person and dole out fake-emotion to God.Aghoris are made to sit in Charnel ground to abosrb this vAirAgya as a sAdhana and realize the ephemeral nature of things in mundane existence.However, not all can become Aghoris,howmuchever one would like to be.

Alaya/kshetra-vAirAgyA:Going to temples or punyakshetrAs or listening to discourses by saints (or even fools like me! ha!) gives a sense of temporal dispassion to the person,but once done,they are back to their normal selves.The real emotion is given to the temple or the discourse speaker.Ofcourse this is better, something is touched somewhere and they begin to vibrate with a new consciousness.

pusthaka-vAirAgyA:Reading an uplifting book gives a sudden surge of dispassion and love for God,However,oncethe book is closed and forgotten,the person goes back to the normal self again.However this should be encouraged and the book/sacred pothy(say Saisatcharitha or DeviBhagavatham or Gurucharitra) be read again and again to seep in this vAirgAya on a real basis.

mAithuna-vAirAGya: People who have sexual union or self-pleasure themselves(masturbation etal) would after the act feel a small wave of dispassion and disgust at their act.But soon this disappears for most people!



Drishtaanursravika vishaya vidrishnasya vasi-karasamyaa vairagyam–“That particular state of mind which manifests in one who does not hanker after objects seen or heard and in which one is conscious of having controlled or mastered those objects is non-attachment.†(Patanjali Yoga-Sutras 1:15)


It is only when the mind is absolutely free from the attachment of all sorts that true knowledge begins to dawn and samadhi supervenes. Secret powers, attainment of heaven, states of videha and prakritilaya, etc., are all temptations. One should be perfectly free from all sorts of temptations. Samadhi comes by itself when the yogic student is fully established in perfect vairagya. Paravairagya is the means to asamprajnata samadhi.


Viveka-vAiragyA is the best and uttama-vAirAgyA.


Stages in Vairagya

There are four stages in vairagya as enunciated by pathanjali and other yogis:




(1) Yatamanam. This is an attempt not to allow the mind to run into sensual grooves.





(2) Vyatirekam. In this stage some objects are attracting you and you are endeavoring to cut off the attachment and attraction. Slowly vairagya develops for these objects also. Then the vairagya matures. When some objects tempt and delude you, you should ruthlessly avoid them. You will have to develop vairagya for these tempting objects and it must also mature. In this stage you are conscious of your degree of vairagya towards different objects.



(3) Ekendriyam. The indriyas stand still and subdued, but the mind has either raga or dwesha for objects. Mind is, in other words, the only indriya that functions independently.



(4) Vasikaran. In this highest stage of vairagya, the objects no longer tempt you. They cause no attraction. The indriyas are perfectly quiet. Mind also is free from likes and dislikes (raga and dwesha). Then you get supremacy or independence. Now you are conscious of your supremacy. Without vairagya no spiritual progress is possible.


Vairagya is of three kinds, viz., dull (mandha) intense (theevira) and very intense (theeviratara). Dull vairagya cannot help you much in the attainment of your goal.



Vairagya is the opposite of raga. It is dispassion or non-attachment. It is indifference to sensual objects herein and hereafter. Vairagya thins out the fatty sensual mind. It turns the mind inward (antarmukh vritti) This is the most important qualification for an aspirant. It is the one and the only means to enter into nirvikalpa samadhi.

Vairagya that is born of vikalpa is lasting and steady. If you seriously think of the various kinds of pain in this samsara such as birth, death, worries, depression, suffering, disease, loss, hostility, disappointment, fear, etc., if you understand intelligently the defects of sensual life (dosha drishti) and the transitory and perishable nature of all objects of the world, vairagya will immediately dawn.

How to Develop Vairagya





Study of Vairagya Shatakam of Bartrihari and the company of dispassionate sadhus and sannyasis will also help one in developing vairagya. The temporary vairagya which one gets when he is attending the funeral of a dead person and the vairagya which a pregnant lady gets cannot help one to attain spiritual exaltation. The mind will pounce upon the objects when it gets opportunities. Aspirants generally complain to me: “We are meditating for the last twelve years. But we do not know the reason why we have not made any substantial spiritual progress.†This is due to lack of intense vairagya only. The mind will be ever thinking of objects even during meditation. Intense vairagya only can help the aspirant in attaining self-realization.

Tatparam purushkyatheirgunavaithrisnam–“Para vairagya or supreme non-attachment is that state wherein even the attachment to the qualities (sattwa, rajas and tamas) drops owing to the knowledge of the purusha.†(Patanjali Yoga Sutras: 116).

The vairagya described in the previous sutras is apara vairagya (lower one). Now comes supreme vairagya. In the former state, there is preponderance of sattwa. Sattwa is mixed with rajas and tamas. The yogi gets siddhis and becomes a videha or prakritilaya. But the yogi with paravairagya rejects the siddhis also and gets sakshatkara or darshan of the purusha.



In ordinary vairagya there is a trace of vasanas and desires. But in paravairagya all vasanas, samskara and desires are fried in toto. In paravairagya there will be no desire at all. Perfect desirelessness is paravairagya. In the Bhagavad Gita (11-59) you will find: “Objects fall away from the abstinent man, leaving the longing behind. But his longing also ceases, who sees the Supreme.†Note how vairagya arises in the mind. The transitory, evanescent and perishable nature of all things creates a sort of disgust in all minds and in proportion to the depth and subtlety of nature, this reaction from the world works more or less powerfully in the mind of every individual. An irresistible feeling arises in our mind, viz., that the finite can never satisfy the infinite within us, that the changing and perishable cannot satisfy the changeless and deathless nature that is ours. When you are not impressed with rich living, rich style of living cannot attract you. When you are impressed with the idea that meat and wine are not at all pleasurable, meat and wine cannot tempt you. When you are impressed that a opposite sex is nothing but a leather bag of pus, urine, bones and flesh, woman cannot tempt you. In that case, if you fail to get meat or wine or opposite sex, or to have a rich living, you will not be agonized at all in your mind. Why are you attracted towards a young beautiful lady? Have :you ever seriously thought over this life-and-death problem? The answer is: because owing to your ignorance you vainly think you will get pleasure from her. If you have got vairagya and viveka, it will at once tell you that you will get immense pain from her rather than pleasure. Then your mind will recede or withdraw from the object, viz., woman.

It is only when the mind, being divested of all its desires, is indifferent to pleasure and pain and is not attracted by any object, that it will be rendered pure, free from the grip of the great delusion, like a bird freed from a cage and roaming about freely in the akasha.


As soon as vairagya arises in the mind, it opens the gate of divine wisdom. No true and lasting satisfaction comes from the enjoyment of worldly pleasures. Yet, people rush headlong towards objects even when they know full well that the objects they are trying to seize are unreal and that the world in which they live is fraught with miseries of all sorts This is Maya. When the mind rests in atma then the only nitya-tripti or eternal satisfaction comes, because atma is paripoorna (all full). All desires are gratified by realization of atma or self.

Sometimes the mind gets disgusted with one kind of sadhana. It wants some other kind of sadhana. It rebels against monotony. The aspirant should know how to coax the mind on such occasions and to extract work from it by a little relaxation of mind. The cessation of sadhana is a grave blunder. Spiritual practices should never be given up under any circumstances. Evil thoughts will be waiting to enter the gates of the mental factory. If the student of yoga stops his sadhana, his mind will become the devil's workshop. Do not expect anything. Be sincere and regular in your daily meditation, routine and tapas. Do not deviate from the path you have chosen. The fruit will come by itself. Your efforts will be surely crowned with roaring success. It takes a long time to purify the mind and get one-pointedness. Be cool and patient my dear Niraj.


What I have typed is purely based on your horoscope. And though it takes a form of a perorative lecture towards the end, it will help you as you love reading such things in elaboration.Read it many times to understand.


I dont want to give a run-of-mill prediction like an ordinary astrologer for money and predict a few events and get away,This wont help you in any manner.I dont even care to meet the person and get praises for all these.These come to me as a natural part of my self.


To serve and help others is the greatest blessing in life.I seek your permission to reproduce this deleting some personal details and horoscope matters for general public.


Jayosthu ParaambA!


Thankyou very much,


Balije'palli ShreerAm




«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·»











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Dear Sir,


You may refer Bhartruhari's vAirAgya shathakam and understand it with an open

heart(not mind).It will infuse you with renewed spiritual energy and a

re-confirmation that the path traversed and that to be traversed are both



We live like lotuses blooming in slush,other people,howsoever respectable they

might look and whatever 'cleverisms' they speak to convince one and all fail to

grasp even a whit of what Divinity is.


Really it is the Guru alone who can cross us and to understand this alone and

the futility of scriptures,I had asked to read certain scriptures.But unless the

scriptures are learnt and the consciousness vibrated with it, one can never

understand the futility of it vedAntically,this is the catch!


Im happy at this feedback and was thinking of you three days ago.


vAirAgyA comes automatically for kArana-janmAs who have a lofty purpose,but for

us it has to be coaxed and cultivated.


Only vAirAgyA will provide us the strength to go on in the spiritual

path,without this,nothing can happen.


When I sat for kundalini meditation during my high school days unbeknownst to

all,I used to be constantly assailed by thoughts of sex and women.I used to get



I used to see suddenly ambA's AkArA in women in whom I had a momentary

attraction/infatuation,say while passing through a street.I rushed to ask my

gurunAthA and He brushed it away in the customary way and said, as long as you

see ambA it is ok...


I even started self-punishing myself for such thoughts,to the extent of even

self-flaggelation!(beating myself with belt),it was then one Malayala

jyOtishA-Guru and my own Srividya Guru called me and told me not to over-exert

in the path and keep the mind free.


Psychologists of the Western world who are immature people writing lots of tomes

yet knowing nothing much of our spirituality would call my behaviour abberent

and extreme form of guilt-trip.


But keeping " mind free " it is easier said than done.


Then out of pity,my gurunAthA said, " Son you have karmA of sex with your future

wife,so don't fight it.Even if you manage to somehow connect your chakrAs and

attain something,again next birth you will have to be born and then marry her or

be with her...After marriage in gruhasthA, develop slowly the quality of

vAirAgyA.Really this is only the panacea and stronghold and secret of all

sAdhanAs.Sublimate the desires go to USA and study,I will take care of the

rest;forget the kundalini and the occult for the being,look what troubles it

brought you... "


He then taught me muchakin to a Taoist technique to conserve the sexual energy

of the semen through some kriyAs and take it Urdhvare'thas


I felt the blisters on my back was assuaged by his healing balm of taciturn

words. and the kriyA he taught me.

Planets do control one's destiny however,one does have will-power and God helps

those who try really really hard to change fate.Do not believe doomsday

predicting astrologers,who know nothing better.Every malady has a



I was healed.


This is the power of vAirAgya which Im slowly cultivating,yet sometimes, the cat

escapes out of the bag in the form of worldy desires and that is when the cat is

to be lured back into the bag by a bait(you chase the cat and the cat will elude

you forever).


And the 'bait' is sacred *books and company*,nothing else.

Else, the 'cat' will have the last laugh!


Yours Yogically,


Shreeram Balijepalli








Shaktheyem , sadhujag sadhujag <sadhujag wrote:




> Hari Om Sir,


> Greetings. Probably it is too early for me to come out with feedbacks, but a

communication from me is overdue. I am enjoying repeating the N.Shadgam. The

vibrations have slowly drawn me toward Dasa sloki and then onward to sloka 486

and other immediately following lines of Vivaka Choodamani. As worldly wealth

or experiences have reduced their impact, contemplation upon similar trends of

thought as expressed by Bhagawatpada is taking this on the right path; however

the progress attained could be assessed only by a higher soul.


> A couple of months ago your statement that though your postings are addressed

to one person, they are really meant for some other persons; the communication

gave a lot of affirmation, encouragement, strength and support. Likewise, the

following lines from the current posting are very good and probably well timed.


> " Sometimes the

> mind gets disgusted with one kind of sadhana. It wants some other kind

> of sadhana. It rebels against monotony. The aspirant should know how to

> coax the mind on such occasions and to extract work from it by a little

> relaxation of mind. The cessation of sadhana is a grave blunder.

> Spiritual practices should never be given up under any circumstances.

> Evil thoughts will be waiting to enter the gates of the mental factory.

> If the student of yoga stops his sadhana, his mind will become the devil's

workshop. Do not

> expect anything. Be sincere and regular in your daily meditation,

> routine and tapas. Do not deviate from the path you have chosen. The

> fruit will come by itself. Your efforts will be surely crowned with

> roaring success. It takes a long time to purify the mind and get

> one-pointedness. Be cool and patient "


> I shall always remember to get back to you on crossing milestones.


> With respects to all Noble Beings,


> jag



> N


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