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[Shaktheyem] The perils of pronunciation

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hiLong back when I was in school in Mirzapur, the place blessed with Divine Mother as Vindhyachal Devi, I read this story in my school library. The book name was somewhat " Great Yogis of India" or like that. There were two parts.I guess it was in part first and He met the boy in Allahabad( Teerthraj Prayag). After coming to Vindhyachal, as you will narrate he found secret path and had Darshan of Divine Mother in Vagdevi form.If you have book in ebook format, I would request to share if its alright with you.Also, I saw in Ajtak TV channel, where they claim that Mother Sati's back has fallen here. Will you or anyone familiar, put some light on it, if it is so or some other part of Mother has been associated with it.regardsAwaneesh--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma

wrote:Group Owner <para_anuloma[shaktheyem] The perils of pronunciation"shaktheyem " <Shaktheyem >, "dattaatreyem " <Dattaatreyem >Thursday, December 3, 2009, 1:55 PM



Dear All,




Many people these days begin to read some litany or mantra to get relief from some germane malady which besets their lives.The reasons might be to pry out the malefic-effect of grahAs which grab them(grahAni grAhayanthI manIshinaha: ),or upon the advice of some saintly/elderly figure(yoginAm sUchayanthi manIshinah:) or by a chance aquaintance about the healing powers of a particular verse or mantra or litany from some book,magazine or website(s'AstrAni GhoshayanthI manIshinah:)


Whatever be the varigiated reasons which one might have for doing so,one must take extreme care and caution to chant the litany or mantra perfectly.One must also take steps to get the corrected version of the litany from either knowledgable elders or highly standardized old texts(here too again with benefit of second opinion of adepts).




I see horrible mistakes,typologica l errors,'printer' s devils',ommissions, commissions, etc in the popular stuff put up for sale,including most versions of lalithA sahasranAma and even vishnu-sahasranAmA. This is most abominal.The publishing houses are the main culprits.They see the pulse of the people for the season and publish some stuff and sell it with beautiful covers,paper quality and design,without realizing how much of quantitative bad karmA they incur, how much of damage they do to the people who read them faithfully and how much of deletirious vibrations they encourage in the atmosphere.


The case is compounded with people's ignorance or a mere smattering of samskruthA,the veda-bhAshA.


When I recently even tried to correct some people,who were priests of a particular famous and very ancient Devi temple in the outskirts of Chennai,they frowned upon me and said,"This is how we were taught and this is how it should be chanted." I could only pity them and their arrogance and prayed to the s'akthI there that She should bless the devotees who come there inspite of these ignorant priests.This was the best I could do.

Most of the(almost 90%) of the tamizh-transliterat ed texts of the samskruthA verses do not carry any sort of number notations to differentiate the syllables and the way people read them makes me quiver like an aspen leaf.


Maybe, the plight of the brahmin community in tamizhnAdu at the hands of anti-god dravidian forces, might have percolated faster because of the collective detrimental vibrations of the devabHashA being compromised. Just my two cents! Instead,they can even do a tamizh vazhibAdu(worship with the native language) and get the same blessings.Afterall, the deity understands all languages and definitely understands the underlying emotions.


SamskruthA is not be construed as a weapon to bamboozle ignoramuses by the erudite.It is a beautiful language with highly puissant and synchormistic vibrations,which has been well-researched to quench the thirst of scientific minds as to its efficacy and aura-producing abilities.(Cymatics )








Image of the srIchakra being formed when the sound "OM" was chanted continuously in the Cymatic tonoscope.




Formation of Om due to "Shreem" sounds of winds on Mount Kailash.









In Hans Jenny's tonoscope experiments the sounding of 'OM' produces the circle O which is then filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing (when last traces of sound have died away) the geometric expression of sacred vibration found in many world religions In his research with the tonoscope, Swizz scientist Hans Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Aramic(the language Jesus spoke),Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels. Experimentation with modern languages generally produced only chaos. Is it possible that the ancient Hebrews and Indians knew this? Could there be something to the concept of "sacred language?" Would other sacred languages produce similar results i.e. Tibetan, Egyptian or Chinese. These languages have always proposed that they have the capacity to influence and transform

physical reality through the recitation or chanting of sacred syllables and mantras. This proves very cohesively the existence of magic words.Creative phrases that transform the physical reality we see around us. There are legends of Navajo shaman being able to whisper words that created patterns in the sand.



"First there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God"

(John 1:1 KJB )Words, thoughts, feelings, are all powerfully creative things. Be clear about your intent. What geometry are you making? Are you contributing to or contaminating your environment? Take charge and responsibility for what sound you create!




(If this be the power of gAyatri,then imagine the power of panchadasi said to be 15 to 64 times more powerful than the common gAyatri mantrA)


Daily repetition of a text's inspired samskruthA poetry creates within one's mind conditions into which the text's inherent spirit can be infused






When one chants and more so repeats on a daily basis a samskruthA litany one beings to immidiately create a receptive grid in the auric body(the 5 body system theory) wherein the samskrutha padhArthA(the text's inhrent meaning and spirit) is infused and lapped-up.

With defective vibrations what one has is either ineffectual results or worse, detrimental results.




We find people complaining, thereafter, "I have done such and such a verse/litany/ mantra and nothing has happened and infact the reverse has happened."Upon enquiring a bit further as to how they chant the "such and such a verse/litany/ mantra" would most definitely throw a clue to their pitiable plight.


The doctor injects medicine using a needle and a syringe.The nurse who has had no formal training in any nursing college (these days nurses have to be qualified,Im talking of good old days) who keeps observing how the does it also later on injects in a similar manner with his guidance(Nowdays Nurses are taught all these basic things in Colleges.Im just using this as a metaphor,so please bear with me without getting granular).And when any fever or illness attacks her/him,she/ he(Medical- nurse is gender nuetral these days!) too injects the syringe and the needle with the medicine into her/his arm in the same manner.


Now, if a layperson who watched the Doc just once does the same by trying it,without his guidance,either the liquid in the syringe goes out/wasted or the needle with liquid bubbles in the medicine pierces the wrong portion of his arm and injects bubbly medicine creating further troubles.


The layperson can also learn to inject himself/herself by reading from some medical manual too.The results would be even worse than that mentioned above.




Doctor = Guru,the preceptor,the manthra-guru, the one who initiates.Get a 'good doctor' for a good diagnosis and treatment is a simple commonsensical rule which many don't adhere to.Reasons:People dont have patience,they need quick-fix and instantaneous results,are not prepared to endure any amount of suffering,read a few books and consider themselves great yOgis,etc


Nurse = shishyA. Many are not nurses with lot of patience but just are impatient patients in the hands of charlatans seeking quick-fix results.


Syringe = The rishi vAk inhrent in the litany with the spirit of the healing.This has to be understood properly.But many times,simple belief in the litany without knowing the meanings too can cure,though knowledge of what is being said would greatly enhance the bhAvA.


Needle = The Chandas,swarA, and other tools needed to render the chant properly.You get a wrong needle and you can even contract AIDS!


The medicine in the syringe = God's/The deity's blessings.This can be asecrtained by the doctor alone in most cases---> what to give,when to give,to whom to give and in what dose.Thus here too the importance of having a genuine Guru is reconfirmed.




Litanies are like Fugues,in which all notes cannot be contained into a single melodic scale, rather the doer is plunged directly into the "midst" of things and follows a temporal order created by their own state of mind which revebrates with the chant and flows forward,this revebration in turn creates an aura and when the "Fugue" takes place with bhAvA,bhakthi and bhAshA,then the results are almost instantaneous.







rAg deepak lit lamps when tAnsen sung it.In shani-mAhathmyA we have King vikramAdityA who sang a song in a similar rAga and lamps were lit through out the city.

These are not mythical renditions of tales,rather a scientifically validated truth of the "Fugue" concept mentioned above.





There was one great bihAri yOgi by name Moorkhanandaji( please refer an excellent article about him in the Hindi magazine Kadambani,June 1996).His original name was vidhyAranyA( Forest/storehous e of knowledge) but he preferred himself the appellation Moorkhananda! And people like fools referred to him as Moorkhananda, while He was in reality the Wise Teacher and others who surrounded Him a pack of fools!


He was the power and blessing behind Sri KNRao's(the great astrologer) excellent predictions, which Sri KNRao ungrudgingly admits in his books.


Now, this yOgi, remained in utter simplicity,not taking any money,living without any cereals,no disciples or the presence of any shishya brindam,etc. Just some people who came to Him for guidance and help.


He was a great yOgi and avadhuthA and an expert in mantrAs and shAstras,though he never quoted any much.He cured people by a mere look,could change salt to sugar,could know who was earning how(whether morally and ethically correct means or otherwise).He used to be of quite a dark complexioned skin and came from an orthodox bihAri brahmin family,but later became a sanyasi wearing just a ochre dhothi and nothing else.He used to roam from place to place and mingle with one and all.Help all and was chatercterized by His typical smile.


Now, why do I mention about Him in this posting?


Moorkhanandaji' s whole life was devoted to the investigation of mantras,which got distorted and rectify the damage done to mantras and by the recitation of wrong mantras.


The following incident took not long ago(Moorkhanandaji enetered into samAdhi(left his mortal coils) in 1985 and this incident probably took place in 1960s/70s)


In one of His pAdhayAthrAs, he heard a brahmin boy do durgA sapthashathi, the most powerful litany on chandikA devi,wrongly. The errors were mostly of pronunciation than the textual printing errors.He waited for the boy to finish and later corrected him.


The next day itself, the brahmin boy came to Him while he was resting in a lonely spot under a tree.The boy looked quite ferocious with eyes like embers and a sharp knife in hand.He addressed Moorkhanandaji most rudely,"YOU SANYAASI! Dont you have anything better to do?"


Immediately, Moorkhanandaji could see that a spirit had entered the body of brahmin boy.

So, He asked him who he was.





Instead of answering that question, the boy asked him, "Why do you want to snatch away my food?"


"What damage have I done to you? What is your name?" asked Moorkhanandaji


"My name is Shah-in-Shah" ,he said, which is an Islamic name.


"Shah-in-Shah (Arabic Meaning: Emperor of emperors), now tell me what wrong have I done to you?", asked the saint without losing his cool.


The Ghost in the body of the brahmin boy said almost ordering, "You have reversed the way the brahmin boy was doing the durgA sapthashathi. Ask him to do it as he was doing earlier."




The saint replied, "But he was doing it wrongly"


The ghost said, "I also know that what he was doing was wrong.But that distortion was my food.After you have corrected it,I have been deprived of my food."

(It is a well-known vedic principle that done rightly the mantras please god and act as their ethereal food.If done wrongly,ghosts and lower spirits become active and consume the mantraical energies as food.By a logical extention it referred that unclean clothes,impure food,bed and illgotten money can cause psychic disorders.Those who "monkey with mantras for money"(as SriKNRao humoursly describes) will not only incur great bad karmA for themselves but also cause immense damage to the society around them)


The saint replied, " How can I accept your order? A true Brahmin is the Guru of the society and a true sanyasi is a Guru of such true brahmins.My duty is right preaching and practice and not misleading people."


The ghost now tempted him, "If you want money, take it form me.I will show you ways to get much easily"


Moorkhanandaji replied humourously, "How much can you give?"


The ghost said instantly, "As much as you want."


"But what is the limit?" enquired Moorkhananda


The ghost answered, "Im a very old spirit.I have accumulated enough powers,I can feed the entire population of India for full 12 days.This is my current power(status quo)."


"Shah-in-Shah, if money was my need,why would I be a sanyAsi? I neither need your money nor your orders for me what to do.", asnwered Moorkhanandaji sternly.


The ghost kept quite for sometime.

Then Moorkhanandaji broke the silence, "I canguess from your name that you are a Muslim.Are mantra or chant distortions of followers of sanAthana-dharmA your food? Is it not a incongruity in your own life? Does it befit Islam?"


The ghost replied, "SanyAsi mahAthmA, I was not born a muslim.I was born in a highly educated Brahmin family of Varanasi.During the religious proselytization in the days of the Muslim rule,I too had to change my religion"


Moorkhanandaji replied,"If you had been a good brahmin such a fate would have happened to you.When was all this?"


"About 700 years ago", answered the ghost.


"Does that mean you have studied the scriptures of that era?", enquired the saint.


"Yes" replied Shah-in-Shah.


"Then tell me which shlokas(stanzas) of durgA sapthashati have disappeared. Why did this happen?", asked Moorkhanandaji.


The ghost did not answer.It said after a pause, "Ask the brahmin to do his durgasapthashathi as he was doing earlier and I will answer your question."


Moorkhanandaji replied, "I dont care whether you answer my question or not,I will not mislead the boy"


The ghost replied, "Allright sanyasi,my time is over,I guess.I have to go now.Im satisfied by your righteous answers."


"Leave the brahmin boy,this is my request" said Moorkhanandaji.


The ghost replied, "Im pleased with you.I will leave the brahmin boy now.You will get th answer to your question in the temple of Vindhyavasini"


How he got his answer in Vindhyavasini and later in Nepal will be narrated by me later.But the point I was trying drive home is the effect of wrong chanting.


(Please refer my posting Number 4565: FAT" Pronunciation clarifications" dated sept 4 2009 for more details)






In yet another recent incident:


One Telugu vaideeki brahmin from Andhra-desha came to Sringeri Acharya seeking help.His samasyA was that He was a nithyAgnihotri and vedaghanApAthi and he needed a wife to continue his upAsanA.After his first wife died suddenly,he married again but he was taken aback when his second wife too died within a fewdays! So, he married again and again his third wife too died! He was caught with a primal fear of sorts and came rushing to see Sringeri Mahasannidhanam.


Mahasannidhanam( Abhinavateerthaj i) asked his daily chants and he mentioned chandika pArayana(durgA sapthashathi) and when asked to repeat he had been reciting in the devi kavacham part(prelude to the litany):




"Bhaaryaam bhakashathu Bhairavi"(Oh Bhairavi!! Eat my wife!)

instead of

"Bhaaryaam rakshathu Bhairavi"(Oh Bhairavi!! Protect my wife!)


The results were disastrous.


Now, this was for a person seeped in samskruthA and vedas.How much more careful should we be?





If mantras become too much,one can just meditate on the effulgence that is Divine Mother and just recite in the mind for one-pointedness the name of the mother or even a simple "Om Shree maathre namaha".This is what my gurunathar says.


Yours yogically,



Ambatanayar Sreeraam Ballyjayppolle


«·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·»





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jia gurudev


om shivgoraksha


dear sir,


in srimad devi bhagwat puran 52 shakti peeth on earth r given along with

which part of mother sati body fell in which area.


u can also put the search on google.


in srimad devi bhagwat puran it is written that simply

chanting the names of the shaktipeeth as per srimad

devi bhagwat puran,it is dharma artha kaam moksha dayak

and also pitru tripti dayak.



om shakti





On 12/4/09, Avanish Upadhyay <avanish_76 wrote:









hiLong back when I was in school in Mirzapur, the place blessed with Divine Mother as Vindhyachal Devi, I read this story in my school library. The book name was somewhat " Great Yogis of India " or like that. There were two parts.

I guess it was in part first and He met the boy in Allahabad( Teerthraj Prayag). After coming to Vindhyachal, as you will narrate he found secret path and had Darshan of Divine Mother in Vagdevi form.If you have book in ebook format, I would request to share if its alright with you.

Also, I saw in Ajtak TV channel, where they claim that Mother Sati's back has fallen here. Will you or anyone familiar, put some light on it, if it is so or some other part of Mother has been associated with it.

regardsAwaneesh--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Group Owner <para_anuloma wrote:

Group Owner <para_anuloma

[shaktheyem] The perils of pronunciation " shaktheyem " <Shaktheyem >, " dattaatreyem " <Dattaatreyem >

Thursday, December 3, 2009, 1:55 PM







Dear All,




Many people these days begin to read some litany or mantra to get relief from some germane malady which besets their lives.The reasons might be to pry out the malefic-effect of grahAs which grab them(grahAni grAhayanthI manIshinaha: ),or upon the advice of some saintly/elderly figure(yoginAm sUchayanthi manIshinah:) or by a chance aquaintance about the healing powers of a particular verse or mantra or litany from some book,magazine or website(s'AstrAni GhoshayanthI manIshinah:)


Whatever be the varigiated reasons which one might have for doing so,one must take extreme care and caution to chant the litany or mantra perfectly.One must also take steps to get the corrected version of the litany from either knowledgable elders or highly standardized old texts(here too again with benefit of second opinion of adepts).




I see horrible mistakes,typologica l errors,'printer' s devils',ommissions, commissions, etc in the popular stuff put up for sale,including most versions of lalithA sahasranAma and even vishnu-sahasranAmA. This is most abominal.The publishing houses are the main culprits.They see the pulse of the people for the season and publish some stuff and sell it with beautiful covers,paper quality and design,without realizing how much of quantitative bad karmA they incur, how much of damage they do to the people who read them faithfully and how much of deletirious vibrations they encourage in the atmosphere.



The case is compounded with people's ignorance or a mere smattering of samskruthA,the veda-bhAshA.


When I recently even tried to correct some people,who were priests of a particular famous and very ancient Devi temple in the outskirts of Chennai,they frowned upon me and said, " This is how we were taught and this is how it should be chanted. " I could only pity them and their arrogance and prayed to the s'akthI there that She should bless the devotees who come there inspite of these ignorant priests.This was the best I could do.


Most of the(almost 90%) of the tamizh-transliterat ed texts of the samskruthA verses do not carry any sort of number notations to differentiate the syllables and the way people read them makes me quiver like an aspen leaf.



Maybe, the plight of the brahmin community in tamizhnAdu at the hands of anti-god dravidian forces, might have percolated faster because of the collective detrimental vibrations of the devabHashA being compromised. Just my two cents! Instead,they can even do a tamizh vazhibAdu(worship with the native language) and get the same blessings.Afterall, the deity understands all languages and definitely understands the underlying emotions.


SamskruthA is not be construed as a weapon to bamboozle ignoramuses by the erudite.It is a beautiful language with highly puissant and synchormistic vibrations,which has been well-researched to quench the thirst of scientific minds as to its efficacy and aura-producing abilities.(Cymatics )








Image of the srIchakra being formed when the sound " OM " was chanted continuously in the Cymatic tonoscope.




Formation of Om due to " Shreem " sounds of winds on Mount Kailash.









In Hans Jenny's tonoscope experiments the sounding of 'OM' produces the circle O which is then filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing (when last traces of sound have died away) the geometric expression of sacred vibration found in many world religions

In his research with the tonoscope, Swizz scientist Hans Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Aramic(the language Jesus spoke),Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels. Experimentation with modern languages generally produced only chaos. Is it possible that the ancient Hebrews and Indians knew this? Could there be something to the concept of " sacred language? " Would other sacred languages produce similar results i.e. Tibetan, Egyptian or Chinese. These languages have always proposed that they have the capacity to influence and transform physical reality through the recitation or chanting of sacred syllables and mantras.

This proves very cohesively the existence of magic words.Creative phrases that transform the physical reality we see around us. There are legends of Navajo shaman being able to whisper words that created patterns in the sand.



" First there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God "

(John 1:1 KJB )Words, thoughts, feelings, are all powerfully creative things. Be clear about your intent. What geometry are you making? Are you contributing to or contaminating your environment? Take charge and responsibility for what sound you create!




(If this be the power of gAyatri,then imagine the power of panchadasi said to be 15 to 64 times more powerful than the common gAyatri mantrA)


Daily repetition of a text's inspired samskruthA poetry creates within one's mind conditions into which the text's inherent spirit can be infused






When one chants and more so repeats on a daily basis a samskruthA litany one beings to immidiately create a receptive grid in the auric body(the 5 body system theory) wherein the samskrutha padhArthA(the text's inhrent meaning and spirit) is infused and lapped-up.

With defective vibrations what one has is either ineffectual results or worse, detrimental results.




We find people complaining, thereafter, " I have done such and such a verse/litany/ mantra and nothing has happened and infact the reverse has happened. " Upon enquiring a bit further as to how they chant the " such and such a verse/litany/ mantra " would most definitely throw a clue to their pitiable plight.


The doctor injects medicine using a needle and a syringe.The nurse who has had no formal training in any nursing college (these days nurses have to be qualified,Im talking of good old days) who keeps observing how the does it also later on injects in a similar manner with his guidance(Nowdays Nurses are taught all these basic things in Colleges.Im just using this as a metaphor,so please bear with me without getting granular).And when any fever or illness attacks her/him,she/ he(Medical- nurse is gender nuetral these days!) too injects the syringe and the needle with the medicine into her/his arm in the same manner.


Now, if a layperson who watched the Doc just once does the same by trying it,without his guidance,either the liquid in the syringe goes out/wasted or the needle with liquid bubbles in the medicine pierces the wrong portion of his arm and injects bubbly medicine creating further troubles.


The layperson can also learn to inject himself/herself by reading from some medical manual too.The results would be even worse than that mentioned above.




Doctor = Guru,the preceptor,the manthra-guru, the one who initiates.Get a 'good doctor' for a good diagnosis and treatment is a simple commonsensical rule which many don't adhere to.Reasons:People dont have patience,they need quick-fix and instantaneous results,are not prepared to endure any amount of suffering,read a few books and consider themselves great yOgis,etc


Nurse = shishyA. Many are not nurses with lot of patience but just are impatient patients in the hands of charlatans seeking quick-fix results.


Syringe = The rishi vAk inhrent in the litany with the spirit of the healing.This has to be understood properly.But many times,simple belief in the litany without knowing the meanings too can cure,though knowledge of what is being said would greatly enhance the bhAvA.


Needle = The Chandas,swarA, and other tools needed to render the chant properly.You get a wrong needle and you can even contract AIDS!


The medicine in the syringe = God's/The deity's blessings.This can be asecrtained by the doctor alone in most cases---> what to give,when to give,to whom to give and in what dose.Thus here too the importance of having a genuine Guru is reconfirmed.




Litanies are like Fugues,in which all notes cannot be contained into a single melodic scale, rather the doer is plunged directly into the " midst " of things and follows a temporal order created by their own state of mind which revebrates with the chant and flows forward,this revebration in turn creates an aura and when the " Fugue " takes place with bhAvA,bhakthi and bhAshA,then the results are almost instantaneous.







rAg deepak lit lamps when tAnsen sung it.In shani-mAhathmyA we have King vikramAdityA who sang a song in a similar rAga and lamps were lit through out the city.

These are not mythical renditions of tales,rather a scientifically validated truth of the " Fugue " concept mentioned above.





There was one great bihAri yOgi by name Moorkhanandaji( please refer an excellent article about him in the Hindi magazine Kadambani,June 1996).His original name was vidhyAranyA( Forest/storehous e of knowledge) but he preferred himself the appellation Moorkhananda! And people like fools referred to him as Moorkhananda, while He was in reality the Wise Teacher and others who surrounded Him a pack of fools!



He was the power and blessing behind Sri KNRao's(the great astrologer) excellent predictions, which Sri KNRao ungrudgingly admits in his books.


Now, this yOgi, remained in utter simplicity,not taking any money,living without any cereals,no disciples or the presence of any shishya brindam,etc. Just some people who came to Him for guidance and help.


He was a great yOgi and avadhuthA and an expert in mantrAs and shAstras,though he never quoted any much.He cured people by a mere look,could change salt to sugar,could know who was earning how(whether morally and ethically correct means or otherwise).He used to be of quite a dark complexioned skin and came from an orthodox bihAri brahmin family,but later became a sanyasi wearing just a ochre dhothi and nothing else.He used to roam from place to place and mingle with one and all.Help all and was chatercterized by His typical smile.


Now, why do I mention about Him in this posting?


Moorkhanandaji' s whole life was devoted to the investigation of mantras,which got distorted and rectify the damage done to mantras and by the recitation of wrong mantras.


The following incident took not long ago(Moorkhanandaji enetered into samAdhi(left his mortal coils) in 1985 and this incident probably took place in 1960s/70s)


In one of His pAdhayAthrAs, he heard a brahmin boy do durgA sapthashathi, the most powerful litany on chandikA devi,wrongly. The errors were mostly of pronunciation than the textual printing errors.He waited for the boy to finish and later corrected him.


The next day itself, the brahmin boy came to Him while he was resting in a lonely spot under a tree.The boy looked quite ferocious with eyes like embers and a sharp knife in hand.He addressed Moorkhanandaji most rudely, " YOU SANYAASI! Dont you have anything better to do? "


Immediately, Moorkhanandaji could see that a spirit had entered the body of brahmin boy.

So, He asked him who he was.





Instead of answering that question, the boy asked him, " Why do you want to snatch away my food? "


" What damage have I done to you? What is your name? " asked Moorkhanandaji


" My name is Shah-in-Shah " ,he said, which is an Islamic name.


" Shah-in-Shah (Arabic Meaning: Emperor of emperors), now tell me what wrong have I done to you? " , asked the saint without losing his cool.


The Ghost in the body of the brahmin boy said almost ordering, " You have reversed the way the brahmin boy was doing the durgA sapthashathi. Ask him to do it as he was doing earlier. "




The saint replied, " But he was doing it wrongly "


The ghost said, " I also know that what he was doing was wrong.But that distortion was my food.After you have corrected it,I have been deprived of my food. "

(It is a well-known vedic principle that done rightly the mantras please god and act as their ethereal food.If done wrongly,ghosts and lower spirits become active and consume the mantraical energies as food.By a logical extention it referred that unclean clothes,impure food,bed and illgotten money can cause psychic disorders.Those who " monkey with mantras for money " (as SriKNRao humoursly describes) will not only incur great bad karmA for themselves but also cause immense damage to the society around them)


The saint replied, " How can I accept your order? A true Brahmin is the Guru of the society and a true sanyasi is a Guru of such true brahmins.My duty is right preaching and practice and not misleading people. "


The ghost now tempted him, " If you want money, take it form me.I will show you ways to get much easily "


Moorkhanandaji replied humourously, " How much can you give? "


The ghost said instantly, " As much as you want. "


" But what is the limit? " enquired Moorkhananda


The ghost answered, " Im a very old spirit.I have accumulated enough powers,I can feed the entire population of India for full 12 days.This is my current power(status quo). "


" Shah-in-Shah, if money was my need,why would I be a sanyAsi? I neither need your money nor your orders for me what to do. " , asnwered Moorkhanandaji sternly.


The ghost kept quite for sometime.

Then Moorkhanandaji broke the silence, " I canguess from your name that you are a Muslim.Are mantra or chant distortions of followers of sanAthana-dharmA your food? Is it not a incongruity in your own life? Does it befit Islam? "


The ghost replied, " SanyAsi mahAthmA, I was not born a muslim.I was born in a highly educated Brahmin family of Varanasi.During the religious proselytization in the days of the Muslim rule,I too had to change my religion "


Moorkhanandaji replied, " If you had been a good brahmin such a fate would have happened to you.When was all this? "


" About 700 years ago " , answered the ghost.


" Does that mean you have studied the scriptures of that era? " , enquired the saint.


" Yes " replied Shah-in-Shah.


" Then tell me which shlokas(stanzas) of durgA sapthashati have disappeared. Why did this happen? " , asked Moorkhanandaji.


The ghost did not answer.It said after a pause, " Ask the brahmin to do his durgasapthashathi as he was doing earlier and I will answer your question. "


Moorkhanandaji replied, " I dont care whether you answer my question or not,I will not mislead the boy "


The ghost replied, " Allright sanyasi,my time is over,I guess.I have to go now.Im satisfied by your righteous answers. "


" Leave the brahmin boy,this is my request " said Moorkhanandaji.


The ghost replied, " Im pleased with you.I will leave the brahmin boy now.You will get th answer to your question in the temple of Vindhyavasini "


How he got his answer in Vindhyavasini and later in Nepal will be narrated by me later.But the point I was trying drive home is the effect of wrong chanting.


(Please refer my posting Number 4565: " " FAT " Pronunciation clarifications " dated sept 4 2009 for more details)






In yet another recent incident:


One Telugu vaideeki brahmin from Andhra-desha came to Sringeri Acharya seeking help.His samasyA was that He was a nithyAgnihotri and vedaghanApAthi and he needed a wife to continue his upAsanA.After his first wife died suddenly,he married again but he was taken aback when his second wife too died within a fewdays! So, he married again and again his third wife too died! He was caught with a primal fear of sorts and came rushing to see Sringeri Mahasannidhanam.


Mahasannidhanam( Abhinavateerthaj i) asked his daily chants and he mentioned chandika pArayana(durgA sapthashathi) and when asked to repeat he had been reciting  in the devi kavacham part(prelude to the litany):





" Bhaaryaam bhakashathu Bhairavi " (Oh Bhairavi!! Eat my wife!)

instead of

" Bhaaryaam rakshathu Bhairavi " (Oh Bhairavi!! Protect my wife!)


The results were disastrous.


Now, this was for a person seeped in samskruthA and vedas.How much more careful should we be?





If mantras become too much,one can just meditate on the effulgence that is Divine Mother and just recite in the mind for one-pointedness the name of the mother or even a simple " Om Shree maathre namaha " .This is what my gurunathar says.


Yours yogically,



 Ambatanayar Sreeraam Ballyjayppolle


    «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....»

    «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» 






-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++TRUTH PATH DESTINATION GOAL REAL ADIGURU  SALVATION KARMA DESTINY AND ALL THAT EXISTS


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