Guest guest Posted December 11, 2009 Report Share Posted December 11, 2009 I have cut-out/edited major personal details for privacy reasons: First email from Ah: Thanks again bro! If only solutions were easier done than said I think its a safer choice to go with the vedantist perspective as it sticks to eh adwaitha philosophy of thots ( im really not sure if im making any sense here anyways.. ) Do you really think its safe to think about name changes and other alterations when you are having mood swings ?? wouldn't that tend to confuse you more and make u indecisive :-? Im jus wondering here since thats how typically I would tend to feel... Ofcorz I understand that you being the practical optimistic scientist in the list wudve experimented with the changes and results and then thot abt going ahead with it... But I was jus wondering if it would be wise to let time heal the wounds and lets not interfere with our fate as wats meant to be is meant to be.. why waste time meddling with it when we have faith and love... (ofcorz again easier said than done ) Bro seriously no offense but why did u choose 'Ambata-' nayar ?? I know I am crazy and corrupt to think of it the way it is split with the prefix that has a slang meaning in Tamil to refer to a Barber .. But I guess I wouldnt be the only tamizhian with the knowledge of the slang who wud feel so :-? Thinking of you ofcorz the context changes to spiritual meaning. But when someone who hears the name with knowing the person there could be chances of him/her letting their thoughts be distracted by the other meaning as well.. Im really sorry If I offended you with my candid opinion. But I jus took the liberty to disclose my unclean thoughts since you are close to me and I regard you as my brother. I know Im gonna need to emblazon myself eternally with the violet fire to cleanse my thots But hey im jus a human.. As it is my moms folks are losing hope on my uncles return and even on the Supreme , how can i convince them to do collective prayer :-? I wish I really cud but sadly that jus seems far fetched as of now.. Given the fact that my uncle used to be quite mentally unstable as in he would act really immature at times in public and seem to be doing silly things, folks are worried if he's really doing ok or if its worse :-? As of now Im jus gonna let Amba do whatever tats meant to be.. Any action from my side would mean more karma so atleast till i return back to India Im gonna let time heal the wounds.. My parents changed my spelling to include the 'h' in between A and a when I was in tenth grade. It used to be A(Name withheld) until tenth then they chose (again withheld). I dont how well it has or hasnt worked for me., Funny thing almost everyone at my work call me jus 'dude' including my manager Many dont seem to recognize me with my original name, they think of me when they hear the word 'dude' Imagine how my name would work then What to do..Im jus being stoical and trying to fit in... But like you said I indeed am quite indecisive when it comes to choices. Maybe thats cuz of my sign, Gemini being the two extremes. Although I am believer in the doubtless power of the Supreme, jus like you even I feel we need to put some effort in persuading the planets to favor us. So how do you suggest I re-alter this name to again ? As of now all my colleagues, lead and even my manager are calling me 'dude' at work so I dunno how much a name change can alter the vibration of a person when they are not called by the correct name, accent or the vibration. Anyways here again I am reminded of the fatalist perspective reg how it cud work given that its only meant to be. And plzz dont get me started on my elusive luck The company I have here is really cold Either people have their own plans or are apathetic to hang around. I really wud like to know if i can recite some japa for increasing luck. I know its got to do more with my attitude of taking things than tryin to change the world. But as we know japa does help in bringing about both the changes. I was told by one upAsaka to do "yOmAgnE bhAginagum.." japa for luck. I havent really been able to do much japa of it to experience its potent. Do you suggest anything else or jus take things with a pinch of salt in life and bear witness to Her play than trying to ask for things not meant to be :-? Btw are you working somewhere now anna ? How's the course coming along ? How is your daughter doing ? i hope I'm not boring or disturbing you with my windy mails..Reply me when you get time. Take care. Thanks & Regs Ah - Reply to this: Dear Ah, Vedanta is one thing but human trails are different.A perfect Vedantist is a perfect fatalist. You must leave everything,sit where you are and expect things to come and go by karmAs.You should not lift a finger to feed yourself and expect God to feed.Afterall, if it is destined to happen it would,isn't it? However,prAkruthI does not stop still.It prods the sadAshivA to keep acting. Solutions are always simple.It is only simple solutions which will work. Human mind is bent on making things complicated,engaging in high-brow philosophy to satisfy its ego and so on. When you hear Kavita, you say: That ka+vi+tha Ambatanayar is similar: Amba+tha+na+yar. (Amba+Thanaya=One who is beloved to Amba.However,"Th" comes as dhi as in "The") Its your preconcived notion that the name is not suitable which makes you think in that angle,with a coloured lens.When you remove the lens,you do find it easy to view things with clarity. Infact, shabdabrahman vibrations will not work for you as instead of a simple G(withheld),you/your parents/their numerologist have chosen for you,probably to get a 'safe-number' G.The emphasis is on second "Ga" as in "Gha",the meaning changes. Original Name: A(withheld) means the ....(withheld). Your name: Ah(name withheld) means means leader of empty sound! (This is called pronology) So, if one wants to find defects one can very well in everything. The very purpose of having a different name or modifying the name and its vibrations is to ameliorate the situation.With precise knowledge this can be achieved.How can one know without even trying,whether the Mood-swings cannot be changed? "Wise to let time heal the wounds":Hmm, Im not a raving maniac or had some emotional issues or wounds that I need a name-change now! Americans change their names at the drop of the hat but we Indians do get real sentimental about these. Also, the wounds might not heal if there is still a knife constantly at the wound site rupurting it over and over again.You cannot escape your name right? The knife here is a bad-name-vibrations. Unless the knife is removed and time taken for healing,the wound might not heal. Also, if I propose to keep this name,then I would keep it and someone being introduced to me would get a 'Hello' from Ambathanayar and later when he/she atall writes my name,I would simply say, "Hey its written Ambatanayar and not Ambathanayar"...And people who laugh at the name behind me or people who say when I submit my name for some application form(for most cases Im not in TN) and laugh at the subtle thing of the split of the name --"Ambat"+"Nayar"(Actually the word is Ambattan and not Ambat.You dont say Thacch for Thacchan or a Uzhav for Uzhavan). But,jokes apart, I have not yet decided,Im trying out names like Mythreya too and am seeking the counsel of my Gurunatha on this.This name is not set in stone.He has a bit of fever and so am dilly-dalying for him to get well and then take up this names issue with 3 or 4 names in the line-up. Unfortunately only Ambatnayar seems the perfect match. Convinced am I of a name-change, But know not the rows or the range! One thing,you must realize is that the rishis like parAsharA and kakabhujangA(who even precedes Lord Rama) were not fools,neither was their knowledge in vedhAnthA or karmA poor, when they recommended names to be kept according to ganitha-shAstrA.Vedantha is another excuse for lethargy.People take it conviniently out of their bag when they find things too uncomfortable and I find Southindian brahmins to be an expert in this. Infact, why even try for mOkshA or ambA? Should not karmA take over? If you think deeply, most of the things we do are either meaningless or intended to bribe Gods and Goddesses.If there is a karmA of becoming something or reaching somewhere, it is bound to happen,no matter what. On a personal note,the name-number and the pyramid number in your case, does show manakleshA,sanchalana,chapalabuddhi: and sandeha a lot and that is why I ventured to throw a hint at the name formation in your case.Also, there is lot of pent-up hidden anger in the persona.(I have your horosope also with me,mind you.Your vaak-sthana is being aspected by rAhu(the karaka for fowl words) and saturn(the karaka for dejected and pessimistic words)rAhu can be controlled by amba-upasana and Saturn by vishnu/shiva/brahma.)Maybe you might consult a very authentic numerologist or do some research yourself and maybe convince yourself of the science,if not changing your name.It sure is an interesting science. I have not much belief in the sidereal system(Western as it is followed now).It is not correct and consequently Geminian effects would not be there.Your lagnA is karkAtaka as per vedic system and this is ruled by Moon,the manah:-kAraka and your rAsi is Capricorn.When one reads books on Sun signs,they write it cleverly to fit everything to everyone as many qualities written would be there in most. Since, Cancer and Gemini are both Mental signs, there is lot of similarity. Cancereans are also hiding by nature,something terribly happens,they sulk a lot and go into hiding.They love Amba too very much. Mercury's influence is good in your chart,with a budha-aditya yoga(giving sharp intelligence,communicative abilities,quest to know more and accumulation of knowledge as it is in the House of gains) and this explains for the Gemini factor.It is easy to get carried away by Sun signs.Ask them to predict something as can be predicted by an authentic Vedic astrologer and they will go bonkers.They just simply write psychological crap without any predictive ability or deeper understanding of spirituality and laugh their ways to the bank. Tropical system(nirAyanA) is most accurate as it takes into account the constant movement of signs. I heard some friends of mine calling me "Dude",especially one Iyengar friend of mine.I cut him short then and there and said, "I dont appreciate being called Dude".He dint stop and thought it was some fun and continued and then I thought, "Ok this guy needs some placing" and then I started calling him, "Iyengaarwaaaaaal"(with an extra emphasis on "waal" to make it sound like "Tail" in tamizh) and all the girls in the office, laughed. He used to hate me for that, and now his name has become "Vaaal" and he calls himself "sword"(another menaing for vaaal) but as you said, people see the negative meaning first. He stopped calling me Dude and I stopped calling him "Iyengaarwaaaaal". And Im known everywhere, for my 'knowledge-bank-nature' be it spirituality or official matters.So people respect me as, if they anger me(or perceive they anger me),they gain nothing and I lose nothing.I just avoid them or "put" them in appropriate places.. nahi-gnAnea-sadrusham-iha-vidhyathe'!(Nothing is more scared(and commands more respect) than knowledge) (Even my Boss used to come for consultation of his problems both astrologically and spiritually so my collegues knowing my rapport with my Boss never messed with me much) Now, if it is your Boss or team-lead you addresses you like that,Tell him politely you have a name"Gh..." and not "Dude"(Maybe XYZ is better!).If he is an obnoxious boss and does not listen to you, then you have to bear and endure,with no choice but then you can always migrate to some other company/team at the first given chance and make sure the Boss there is not so obnoxious. Tact is prominent in any situation.Solutions are always simple--to say and to do also. In the case of your uncle:The problem is no one wants him back to help him in a real manner but looks like for their selfish reasons.To please your grandpa or not cause further embarrasment to family.These are not valid reasons.Infact, then squat can happen. Collective prayers can help only if the whole group is aligned and selfless.The "selfless" element is missing. So, then here you must categorize this as Dhrida karmA(really really fated) and leave it at that.How to convince your emotional mind is thus: Ask one singular question.Is your uncle thinking of your family or you constantly like all of you do? If he does not care, should I invest my emotional energies into him or spend my time fruitfully learning some thing mort spiritulity or concentrate on upping my career? These questions must be put and honest answers must be sought. To lose faith in your uncle's non-return,I can understand but to lose faith in the Supreme Personality of God, that too after reading so much spiritual litreature,knowing about pain and suffering,etc? Then one must have a reality-check vis-a-vis spirituality.When an uncle's disappearance much effect,then one can imagine what would be the effect when someone dies or contracts a deadly disease and dies a horrible death? I think, then they will take to streets and demolish idols of Gods! Westerners these days are becoming truly Vedantic,especially when they contract deadly diseases.I know some of them and have helped to my best extent.They pray harded for peace and solace,more than a mere problem solving and in it, I repeat, in it, lies the solution.We are burdened hesitantly like the Buridan's ass with too much useless-crap on Vedanta,Vedas,etc written by modern day authors which we lap up so much.In a way they(Westerners) are better,though maybe I seem to deride them for spoiling our ancient wisdom.They have practical spirituality. Dhrida karma: That which is really fated and unless intense,really intense prayers are done to one's Kula,istha and gurudevatha nothing can happen much. Dhridaa-adhrida karma: Things which can be changed by parihaaras,collective prayers,daanas,etc usually for a period of 49 days(Mandala period) Adhrida karmas: That which can be easily changed by a mere change in perspective sometimes! Btw, Dude comes to: DUDE 4 6 4 5 1 1 9 2 1 3=Jupiter number and DUDE 4 6 4 5 19 10 1 Number wise it is ok,just that the negative element of suryA comes in the name-number. Hebrew number is ok. But what about shabdabrahman? It gives a mleccha vibe(mleccha as in an agnostic,atheist,etc).Pronology is not good to.I have not cast name-chart(nAmajAthaka for this) and thus,I dont know about that aspect really right now.Im sure, it wont have anything good to say. However, the hebrew number is good with a Jupiter and thus wisdom would prevail,sanity would prevail in people who are addressed as "Dude" I know, Im extending this a bit too much and intent upon wagging a funny bone here, but then it is insightful ain't it?(Im tempted to say Aint it Dude? but then restrain myself to not hurt you) So, if you notice here, even the word Dude has affected your psyche this much.Is there not something to the power in shabdas then? Think over carefully. Luck is not elusive for people given to viveka,vichara,gnana,dhairya,sthairya and other noble qualities. You must start anything of good search during the shukla-pakshami it will keep your mind steady.Dont even argue in krishnapakshami! The mantra-japa given is taken from the last-line of bhAgya-sUktha.Instead,the whole sUktha can be chanted atleast once daily.I do it.It has tremendous effect and when I need it,I chant many rounds of it. Maybe the ambA in you has given me an idea to come with a lucky-name after some rounds of bhAgyA sUkthA. You need not take life with a pinch of salt and witness always unhappiness or be a party to it.Luck can be changed,believe in this first.Then luck will flow.Without this basic belief,squat will happen! Take this from me. Ok a different note, if luck cannot be made, why is bhAgya-sUkthA in the first place.Each time Saurnine thoughts assails you(special aspect(3rd) of Saturn on your Moon), you must seek resort to in logicality and questioning as Saturn.Moreoever, the same Saturn is sitting in your pUrvapunya sthAna with a vakrA in your radix and this would mean,you need to exert some effort in matters of luck.Try stopping or reducing your upAsana and see, then you would know what would happen to your luck.(No was jussjokin,dont do it!). Finally, ambA and GurunAthar alone hold the key to my name change,whether it is AmbAtanayar or Mythreya! Yours Yogically, Ambatanayar ----------- Second email from Ah.: Thanks a LOT anna You have not replied anything to the last few questions I asked you about. Even I have left everything to Guru & Devi to take care. I know having said this I should be wise enough not to ask for consultation or advice or queries on anything related to mundane life. When there is total surrender I guess any sort of questioning would shatter the faith and disprove the surrender with doubt. Yet when the human mind cant attain that state of spiritual enlightenment or the untethered faith and surrender to the Supreme, it is always wise to know what works and what best not to do I was advised by many to unlearn a lot of things than try to learn more or newer things. Like I said I am sorry for misinterpreting your name that way. May be the spellings gave way to such thoughts or could be my inherent chapalabuddhi I know I wasnt making any senes in the Vedanta or any other philosophy for that matter I was writing that mail 2 am in the morn.. jus like im writing this one Im ok with anyone calling me 'dude' I jus dont care Btw thats really an interesting learning to know abt the three types of karma and makes a lotta sense altho surprising to know that we usually bond intimately with people whom we'd've had a past connection with. I am wondering if thats the reason we sometimes have to let go of some people and sometimes we depart from the ones we get close with. Regarding my uncle I guess its best that I categorize this as Dhrida karmA and leave it at that. Thanks for the clarification and insight on the emotional consolation about being concerned and worried about his whereabouts. But what worries me more is the concern and depression of the other members of the family who even if for selfish reasons are enduring emotional deterioration. Seeing them wail unfruitfully for his return every other day is really hitting on me. I wish we all could get relief soon or atleast get a mental consolation to get over this predicament. Bro could you please throw more light on search during the shukla-pakshami and krishnapakshami ? Are you saying any endeavor of mine begun during the shukla pakshami (15 days after amAvAsya - if I'm right :-? ) would be more successful than the one done during krishna pakshami ?? How best to determine the right time to begin something new anna ? Sometimes I have a really long snag in my work that the only resolution would be to take a big break and work on it later. The more I focus on obliterating the obstacle thru japa it jus doesnt seem to go away. I wonder if trying to work on it is the right thing to do or prolly jus take a break and let time work on it :-? Btw do you have the meaning of bhAgya suktA with you ? I know its there in anna's book but I havent got it here in Dallas. Would be really helpful to know the meaning and listen/chant, makes it more potent like you know. And I did not get the last note :-? You were sayin "you need to exert some effort in matters of luck.Try stopping or reducing your upAsana and see, then you would know what would happen to your luck" Does it mean whatever little luck I have is cause of the upAsana I do or I should not always resort to upAsana in order to seek fortune as in should I be more practical and use my commen sense & attitude to perceive the nature of things :-? Where are you now btw? In Chennai or some where else ? I would be returning only by February second week, where would you be then ? and did you think of other options for your name that sounds more snazzy yet spiritual like kAmEshvar or kamalEshvar or LalithEshvar or BhuvanEshvar or any such combos.. mathreya is good by where is the stress ? is it mAthrEya or mathrEyA or mAthrEyA ? without the proper stress it sounds a little androgynous .. why dont you try to choose a name with more masculine stress in it yet referring to dEvi nAma ? These are jus my two cents. But I'm sure no matter what you choose or get to choose with your Guru's blessing I am sure it would be perfect and beneficial. Good luck on that. Btw what is your dikshA nAma ? if its ok to disclose it to me .. Thanks again for your detailed and thoughtful replies bro! I need to work a lot on my luck to first get to meet you in person Thanks & Regs Ah. - Reply to the second email: Dear Ah, Don't get me wrong.The chapalabuddhI was not meant for these email-exchanges it meant upon an astro-numerological analysis of the name.If I say chapaabudhI based on your critique of my appelation,then I guess,I would be termed a 12 year old kid ! Name delenation: Ambatanayar though perfectly numerological,is not being accepted by my family.Now, name is something which others use more than ourselves.The part which is intimately connected is used by others more,unless you are a Mallu who keeps saying his name even in first person conversations.Nowadays, Mallus have stopped that.(Btw,Next week,Im off to Valliya-keralam).So, like a politician,I have to ben down to the desires of my constituency and their votes. You have said "Ambattan"(Barber) when I told my family, they were absolutely in love with you.You would been carried in a palanquin in my home and thy sang hossanas for you and said,"There the son of Lord Shiva saved our family".Infact, my mother who loves Lord Vinayaka said something similar,"Look Lord Ganesh is helping us through this blessed soul." Ambat+Nayar makes me a Mallu too! Ambatanaya means Amba+Thanaya=Beloved of Amba(and also One who is the beloved of Amba).I just took out an "h"; so guess I thought like if Kavitha was misspelt Kavita,then still people would call her the same.But then I dint have her luck So,there goes down the "Beloved Malayali Barber of Amba" down in the pages of history! Vivilla-democracie! Now, Im going with Mythreya as hinted by my gurunAthar which has to be really confirmed(Now, Mythreya is really a good-name,even if feminine.It is the name of a Rishi of great Vedic-brilliance who was the son of Divodaasa and He was the father of Somapa(Reference:Bhagavatham).The meaning of the word is: Friendly and benevolent. It also refers in Buddhism to a Bodhisatva,one who is not yet a Buddha but is on a definite to Future Buddha-hood(Reference: Jathaka Tales).Aren't we all Bodhisatvas on such a path? For some it takes 2 million births, for some just 2 births.But surely we all are on such a path. Practically, the name has come out easily from Caucasian toungues which we lookup to so much,easily. Mr.Mythreya sounds quite good and rare.(Hmm, it does not sound feminine or atleast better than Lalitheshwar,which would obviously make me Lalitha and that makes me and wife with the same name(One Lalitha is World enough to eat the world! Whaddayasay?).Also the word is obviously prounouced as "MyThreyA"--WYSIWYG(What you see is what you get!). Mythreya's etymological roots come from Mathre' which means mother.Afterall, isn't mother supposed to be benevolent and friendly? So, the ambA touch is there.Many people go with the name Mr.Athreya in USA.I knew one brilliant prof in USA with such a name.Just add an M and I join the ranks of such brilliant profs for free!(Well not exactly,I need to pay for Gazzette office,Notary public,Newpassport and other changes) but still Hey! thats cool!--whaddayasay? Vyomn sounds good on the Indian toungue but on the untrained American toungue it goes like: "Why Omen?"--empaa sagunam paakare badavaa!-- madhiri irrukku!(Why do you look at Omens rascal?) Also, it is Vyoman,but to accomodate the surges of numerology,I had to eat the "A" and burp it out of the name! Ironically, Vyoman means one who accomodates everything(referring to paramamvyOman) but to accomodate the vagaries of numeorlogy,I had to delete the "A",so the "Omen" is no good!(*Ahem* Look the pun-nish omens!...See, this is what is called Nimitta or the science of omens which a good astrologer(and by extension even a good numerologist) must see while divining the results.) Vettypalalikku ayirathiettu velaigal...edho vetty pozhappula name-change adhi-idhu endru pannaren! (A good-for-nothing like me has thousand unimportant jobs,one being changing my name) I just enjoy sometimes my jokes which go from subtle to crude and even obnoxious(Hey! Look I still have officially Shreeram Balijepalli,so the mood numerologically gotta swing a bit lunarly... Hehe!).I enjoy verbalizing my feelings and letting everyone know.So, please don't get a vicious image of a verbal predator on the move with an extra-sized ego,like the Pattaampatti underwears which Tamizh villagers wear with glee(Now this is a crude joke a la Senthil-Goundamani team) Hmm,I thought I had answered your questions.I will answer any left-over ones now. "Even I have left everything to Guru & Devi to take care. I know having said this I should be wise enough not to ask for consultation or advice or queries on anything related to mundane life. When there is total surrender I guess any sort of questioning would shatter the faith and disprove the surrender with doubt." Reply to your statement: How does one obtain jnAnam is very clearly laid out by Bhagwan Krishna in verse 4.34 tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darshinah 4.34 Know that through prostration, inquiry and service.The wise ones who have realized the Truth or can see the Truth better will impart the Knowledge to you. Now, Krishna does not say: Those who have surrendered to me should not ask questions. Else, there would not be any Bhagavad Geetha.He could have simply said to Arjuna, "Just surrender to me and keep quite,dont ask questions of despondency" PranipAta is prostration - you prostate indicating Sharanagati or Surrender ( - I have come to you because I find no other way). Pariprashna is acknowledging one's ignorance and framing the questions appropriately - who am I? what is samsara? etc as the Vivekachudamani or the Prasnopanisad etc indicate - indicating Shraddha (- I ask because I have complete shraddhA that you have the answers and can help me understand them as well).Pariprashna must be differentiated from ordinary Prashnas which abound and maya tells through the ego that even mundane and oridnary questions are Pari-prashna,so the necessary disciple to differentiate between ordinary prashnas and pariprashnas esentially comes about only in true seva,surrender and shraddha. Only then, after Sharanagati and Shraddha, does shravanA actually begin - when the Guru starts to talk. The third aspect of this is Seva which indicates acquision of Shadsampatti - to develop a proper attitude in the mind, by service to the Guru, to build up shama dama and other such qualities, so that the knowledge that is being taught, may freely flow, unobstructed by one's Ego, and thereby actually soak ones intellect. Once there is Sharanagati Shraddha and Shad-Sampatti and there is a Guru, who is a Tattvadarshi, a Seer, then jnAnam is assured. (Shirdi Sai Baba also alludes to this...) "I was advised by many to unlearn a lot of things than try to learn more or newer things" This statement is a typical Management jargon which has no meaning.How do you unlearn something without learning it in the first place and knowing it is useless? And Can anything be unlearnt at all in a real sense of the term? The jargon is Americanish again, though sounding very sensible as if all the while people having been going in the wrong direction and we need an American Messaih Management Guru to teach us to wipe off the slate of our mind clean(which can happen with the exception of past-birth memories,only after we die and are reborn next birth) and learn the crap which Guru has to teach. This was my two cents which won me an A American B-School to the applause of the bored audience who for once had some entertainment in my name! The professors were taken aback but again Vivilla democracie won! nahignAnena sadrusham ihavidhyathe' There is nothing as sacred as knowledge. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you learn sanely, the better you become. The more you learn sanely, sane things on spirituality, your soul would evolve. The rest is all crap old by people who feel lethargic or have no clue. gnAna must be differentiated from the mundane things we learn though. "Seeing them wail unfruitfully for his return every other day is really hitting on me. I wish we all could get relief soon or atleast get a mental consolation to get over this predicament." This is their Dhrida-karmA to cry.(No,Im dead serious).Do you think Dhrida karmA is only for major things? Then God would have lot of things to take care of and not retire with the Law of karmA. Your horoscopic alignment as I said shows the Moon affliction and a highly sensitive mind(and coupled with your name pyramid number which shows an afflicted moon-number vedically,kabbalistically,etc is not good news) and this is your dridha-karmA.Atleast, you hve someone like me pointing it out to you and maybe when you are in your saner moods would carefully think over what I said now and understand the depth.Its not easy,I admit.I feel for you and am sad. The antidote for dridhakarma as given by parAsarA: Dhridatwa(very ironical)--Being strong and stoical UpasanA of one's kuladevathA UpasanA of one's ishtadevatha intensely UpasanA and sevA to one's Guru.Ultimately Guru-bhakthi,upasanA Rare case of some mahAthmA saving the person and taking on the karmA on Himself. "Bro could you please throw more light on search during the shukla-pakshami and krishnapakshami ? Are you saying any endeavor of mine begun during the shukla pakshami (15 days after amAvAsya - if I'm right :-? ) would be more successful than the one done during krishna pakshami ?? How best to determine the right time to begin something new anna ? Sometimes I have a really long snag in my work that the only resolution would be to take a big break and work on it later. The more I focus on obliterating the obstacle thru japa it jus doesnt seem to go away. I wonder if trying to work on it is the right thing to do or prolly jus take a break and let time work on it :-?" ShuklapakshamI would be beneficial in your case.However, for major things, you must start at an auspicious timing.You have to determine your "Bird"(Pakshi) and then determine your best time even on a day-to-day basis.You can buy one book in tamizh called "Panchapakshi shastram" written by one Kottayur Sivasubramanyam or even Puzhipanidasan or Brihaspathy and study it and understand.This system maximes chances for success.The snags are due to you starting some work on the time when your "Bird sleeps or inactive" (as per panchapakshi shAstram).Not all know this system and it works like miracle! I have tested it and it is also easier than the Vedic system.(Ofcourse, for major events I see Vedic muhurthA like tarabalam,chandrabalam,pachaka,panchangashuddhi,lagnashuddhi,etc) In the waxing phase of the moon, your mind grows strong,exactly from when, we can also determine seeing your horoscope.For some it starts right after Amavaasya but for many it starts later than navami. Moon being the closest,fastest,most fast-acting graha near earth,influences many matters in our life apart from our mind. " Btw do you have the meaning of bhAgya suktA with you ? I know its there in anna's book but I havent got it here in Dallas. Would be really helpful to know the meaning and listen/chant, makes it more potent like you know. And I did not get the last note :-? " Well, I have the meanings with me in tamizh,I dont know if it is available online.I dont have a scanner at home.Need to get one.But my knowledge is good and thus I know the meanings of the chant as I read it. "You were sayin "you need to exert some effort in matters of luck.Try stopping or reducing your upAsana and see, then you would know what would happen to your luck" Does it mean whatever little luck I have is cause of the upAsana I do or I should not always resort to upAsana in order to seek fortune as in should I be more practical and use my commen sense & attitude to perceive the nature of things :-?" I was showing the link between your upasana and your good luck. Upasana brings you luck even in mundane things. It was rhetorical question of sorts not to be taken literally. Upasana,attitude,commonsense,perception,practicality are not literally seperate or disparate things as many infer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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