Guest guest Posted December 9, 2009 Report Share Posted December 9, 2009 Dear JK, This happened when we were at the KIGS.Remember? But there were certain other events which I never narrated to you. When I got down from the fly-over near Mahalingapuram those days(God! These days we have fly-overs all over the city as if someone told they would make the city look beautiful.Infact, it just gives a fabulously congested look to singAra Chennai) I caught hold of one beauty.Rather, I caught sight of one beauty. She was aptly nick-named "Pari"(angel in urdu) and she lived a few blocks off the fly-over. I got down my damn Scooty(Which was a punishment doled by my father for being reckless with bikes those days).And friends made fun of my feminine vAhanA to add fuel to the disgusting fire.It was like handing out 2 roses to Rambo and what was worse,asking him to keep it behind his ears and sing Hossanaas! Well, actually, the vAhana was good,just that I did not like it. Anyways, I parked the vAhanA lest she saw it and made a mental mockery of it.But heck! she did not even know me and I did not even know who she was,why was I making this a big issue?Was I getting over sensitive over a lissome and supra-beautiful dame? 'Control,CONTROL...'...I exhorted myself like Lord Krishna to Arjuna.The desolate days in smashAns learning some tantrA were over but still some raw nerves jangled within me.Even rishis could not keep control,where was I? My father despite being an orthodox Telugu brahmin,knew urdu and even urdu poetry because of his stay in Hyderabad or maybe because of his passion for the language.It was a strange contradiction because he did not like muslims much,especially after the Razzakar's riots in Hyderabad.(Well, thats an old sad story). I later knew that his penchant for Urdu was because of rAhu in his radix-chart(Now, thats the astrologer in me speaking).rAhu is incharge of Urdu,Arabic,Aramic and the ilk of lingos which go from right to left. So, he told me the meaning of Mehrunissa.Mehrunissa--The Moon of the World. Her face was really moon-like,well not exactly,it was more like 'The Sun of the World.' to me.It radiated a really very innocent bliss. A cup of wine and a woman beside, Oh Hiram!.... I guess she noticed me ogling her and so she gave a faint smile.I was bowled over.My day was made.The 20 year old boy was riding on cloud nine,perhaps looking at the Moon-Mehrunnissa! Shumcks!! Days of sAdhana going waste for a woman.A supra-mortal morbidity enveloped me.I stopped dead in my tracks and avoided her gaze,though courteous enough to respond back with a smile.Then I reminded myself of "Oh, yes rinAs*.I must have rinAs with her.Else,she would not smile at a perfect stranger like me" (*rinAs are past-birth connections). Her hair frolicked on her brow,which she gently brushed.I could see her rose-petally lips sigh under Chennai's sun.She must be bathing like an empress in roses and milk, I mentally deduced.For once, I wanted to act chivalrous and hand her an umbrella to ward away the scorching villany sun rays.But wait, was I drooling for her?....Damn! What was happening to me?Whither goest my philosophy on rinAs? What was all this over-reaction to a perfectly beautiful stranger? I had seen many more beautiful girls and even a few apsarAs in my sAdhana.Man goeth crazy seeing a nyphm?? *Whatever* The answer came a few days later, most miraculously.We read, novels,see movies but forget that life holds more mysteries and is stranger than fiction.We take life for granted and try to create something in vacuum to fill ourselves,while the spirit in us seeks the divine emptiness.No, that was not some loose-pravachan type of talk, I mean it JK, from the deepest of the deeps within me. I came to visit one obnoxious person with whom I shared some CA notes those days.He was really an obnoxious and stingy person,but nevertheless for a stranger like me in Commerce field(I had come from the Engineering stream,the weirdo that I was into CA field!),he was my only chum.I was not so emotionally mature those days,except practicing some tantra sadhanas and reading books.Yet, I'm kind of old-soulish* (*Now, that is a new age term,which makes sense unlike their other terms, they use for people who are precocious in their spiritual development and who have been around in human frame many times before).I could kick-ass(Excuse my Americanism here,Im using it for *effect* in that time-frame) great in tantrA. This friend of mine,saw me absent in my mind but present in my body one day as the usance goes. The 'Pari' thoughts were drifting in me,blowing like small chinese bubbles..big and steady... which kids blow from street-side vendors on Pondybazar and they were being popped again and again...disconnected blobs of cupid desires being burst by needles of a sAdhanic trained mindon auto-pilot.I was saying to myself like a mantra, "Im becoming more and more mundane Control,mn Control.". I needed to meet my father's aghOri Guru in Anakapalli badly for a good slap. But then the Pari did not leave me.Her brow,her petally lips,..*whew*...a few more blobs of the Chinese bubbles... My pal asked me--"What?" "What?" I replied back like a dolt. "Where are you?" "Pariland" "Excuse me..." <There was pregnant silence> He was sharp Tambram(Tamil Brahmin) and his sharp insightful comment,later, made him more obnoxious at that time. He blurted out, "Ok a love-affair" "Hell no! Just that I see one girl nearby..your house....and she looks divine...its a pity she looks muslim..." "Where did you see her?" was his next obvious question. I guess two blocks away near Malaydhur Mechanic shop. "Oh, Mehrunnissaaa" He exclaimed as if he had eaten a big Garlic potato and burped in contentment... I was irked but same time curious... and cautiously proferred,"You know her?" "Yes" he said smugly as if he were the Master of ceremonies in charge. I stopped at that. It sounded cheap,at that time, to me to persue someone really alien to my religion. Also, maybe my ego warned at that time and not become a laughing stock before him.'Stop this stupidity!',I heard a voice inside me tell. He continued looking at a small notebook blankly nearby avoiding my eyes, "She is in poor shape...poor girl" WHAT DID HE MEAN POOR SHAPE? She was a perfect 10! Maybe a quatrain by rubbayath might not even do 1% justice to her beauty...I think he had too much of Garlic potato today that he was a bit groggy. I asked him most courteously, "Did you have some Vodka gravy in your Garlic Potato today?" He replied back staccattooooo,"Nope...I mean it...She is in poor shape" I then seized the non-corporal meaning of 'poor shape' and then then said perfunctorily:"Oh some boy friend/love problem or poor grades in school..." "Nope..." I was puzzled, this time.I kept quite. Looked at the celing and there were two lizards,one dark brown and other an admixture of brown and ash... which were kissing each other goodbyes and one started hunting down a small insect.The insect kept evading the kissed 'admixtured-lizard' which kept chasing it. I said reverted my gaze back on him and said squarely, "Ok never mind..I dont even know whether you are talking about the girl,Im referring to..." He got up in a jiffy from the low-bed where we squatted to copy some class notes... He brought out a small photo a few minutes later.One guy and the same girl,alright..Pari with her brother(going by the looks of the guy...) "Oh, Im sorry, you know this girl?" "Yes, she is my best friend's sister.She is in bad trouble...and she does not know even about it..." He then told me she behaves strange in night as if someone possessed her and left.An evil spirit perhaps.Now, this was common in Islam.Do something bad and they trouble you with spirits(I mean the Muslim evil fakirs) and do something good and then too they attack!Maybe her "badness" was being so-very-jolly-bloody-beautiful. His Holiness Paramacharya of Kanchipuram recounts one such tale. A certain young boy who had studied with Paramacharya in his pUrvAshrama belonged to a Muslim family that was an adept in sorcery. As the young paramAchArya sat performing navAvaraNa pUjA in a somewhat open place near Kumbhakonam, this young chap who was passing by noticed his old classmate. He decided to play a trick and recited a certain formula, holding his taviz in his hand. Immediately the left hand of the AchArya was paralyzed. Having understood the cause, H H sprinkled the visheShArghya on his hand reciting the mahAmantra of the Supreme Queen rAjarAjeshwari,which He had perfected(siddhi in the mantrA attained). As soon as his hand regained mobility, the Muslim boy began to scream, clutching his own paralyzed hand. Years later, H H mentioned that it was his intent to reverse the abhichAra that had caused pain to the boy and felt rather unhappy about his action. He also made it a practice to recite tiraskariNI before commencing the navAvaraNa to avoid such interference. Decades ago, when the administrator of the Mutt was tormented by another Muslim sorcerer based in Ranipet, paramAchArya had commissioned Krishan Nambudari of Thrissur who was equally astonished by the power of the Islamist. It is rumored that it took nothing less than Tanjore Sundaresha Sharma and his iShTa mUrti Ucchista gane'shA to free the Mutt from this bane. Many kinds of horrible spirits exist in the islamic world too.They would gain power, if I explain them here.So, would keep mum here.The girl used to become raving mad during nights.The family kept it a big secret because her nikka'h(marriage) prospects would then become bleak. He asked me, "You talk of spirits and other-worldy things.It kind of freaks me out.Yet, I find you always the normal guy with me.Can you help here?"(He was not really obnoxious afterall.He too had a heart.But yet,I looked at him in askance.Maybe he had a deal with her brother!) Hmm, the use of "Can" for a male is most inappropriate.This was taught to me in my BSchool.Males subconsiously feel challenged of their manliness,whatever be their support for feminism.This is mainly a hormonal(biological) impulse.Words exert great power on human psyche which most people don't realize.A better use of the word would be "Would you be able to help?" But that day strangely, I was no mood to pump-up my testosterone for that girl,whatever be her beauty--Sunny or Moon-like...For once sanity prevailed in me!(or so, I thought...) I said to him bluntly, "Oh, I left all that...Im now a simple guy wanting to pass this damn exam fast....! Moreover, if the spirit is too strong,I might not be able to take it out.I lost my powers"(The last line was a white lie which was placed to distract him from any further necromantic requests from him.) "Maybe she needs a good doctor or a psychiatrist"..I added, to make it sound easy for our rational minds. We became silent.However, there are things beyond the scope of our mini-rational mind,even if the mind was encased in a 20 year old boy(like me and my friend at that time). Few days passed... I had a Red book, in which I saw his Personal scrawls a bit interspersed with Cost Acounting... and I had to give it to him back,I loved Cost Accounting(Upon God, I Swear) but not his illegible scribbles on some girl!....I took it by mistake..God knows how I made a mistake,because I normally am very careful about picking my own stuff in the Coaching class(one sopoforic affair in Mylapore,with two equally sopoforic professors).Damn! It was a waste of my time,going to his house again.Time which could have been spent on learning the F-(please read it as 'fruitful') nuances of The Indian Income Tax Act,1962 and how one can evade certain extra money payments if paid before the Assessing dates(Yes, Assessment Procedures matters to me like a life and death situation... And maybe without which I could not live or breath...Ameen!) The girl again saw me in the same spot(Well, that was stated to feed my bloated ego:Actually, I saw the girl in the same spot!). But this time,I could see really dark circles on her fair visage.It looked like the decapitated-savrbhAnu-rAhu enveloping the Sun on a solar eclipse. I looked at her and felt pity.She smiled back at me weakly and moved on.This time, no cupids or chinese bubbles flew in the air. I was touched...something was wrong...was it an Iblis? or a commonplace Shaitan? or was it the deadly Dalam Ilaahi?.I stopped on my tracks,chose a desolate sopt and prayed for some guidance.I got it....I got my relationship with the girl also...confirmed.Without which I dared not to interfere in Her karmAs.Sanity prevailed now,atlast,firmly nailed like a spirit nailed to a tree with a black nail.India is verily the veda bhumi,for once,I felt like kissing the sacred-ground. I had a mission.I called my friend to check whether he was at home.Those days I never had the ubiquitous cellphone,so used a payphone.He lifted. And before he could say "I-N-D-I-A-N-I-N-C-O-M-E-T-A-X-A-C-T-1-9-6-2",I said to him, "Im ready to help Mehrunissa.Im on my way to your home,will be there 2 minutes..tell me the whole story.Assessment procedures can come later.(Sometimes even life-or-death questions too can be postponed for a damsel in distress.Ameen again!)"I was in full-form all geared up. I saw the chinese bubble burst most compassionately on the poor girl. She was my child,I needed to help her.Karma is strong. Karma when it is dridhA(as opposed to dridhA-adhridHa,AdhridA,etc) dictate events. And most of the people do not know what relationship they had with whom in which birth.So, the dictation becomes even stronger,beyond the barriers of self-awareness... Alla'h-mAlik!... (To be continued) Yours Yogically, Ambatanayar - Group Owner: Ambatanayar Sreeraam Ballyjayppolle «·´`·.(*·.¸(`·.¸ ¸.·´)¸.·*).·´`·» «....Hreem Rajarajeshwari!....» «·´`·.(¸.·*(¸.·´ `·.¸)*·.¸).·´`·» Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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