Guest guest Posted December 19, 2009 Report Share Posted December 19, 2009 jai gurudev om shivgoraksha dear sriramji, as per my humble experiencem,even reading kavach, sridurga saptashati,srimade devi bhagwat puran,etc even in hindi has a deep and profound effect on person. i have seen people with depression,and planetary affliction etc...getting good effect even ready sridurga kavach in hindi. even reading : sarvamangal hindi has shown good effect. this is only due to mother kripa as she knows us as kaliyug ke paapi and she is paapnashini and bhukti mukti pradayini. all i am saying is...let people start somewhere.reading videha geeta, sridevi geeta,etc even in hindi has changed people's lifes. khemraj srikrishnaday,chaukhamba publication,geeta press etc have very good translations. many persons who have done sri mahalaxmi kavach in hindi have also experienced positive benefit to themself. my whole point is this : mother is adi guru.she knows all,and is mahakarunya rupini. let person do things in local language and let soul time comes and soul becomes fully evoled surely some real guru will come along.till then let the person do what they can do in a nirdosha way. also this will help to fight of the ved virodhi vidharmis mlecchas,yavanas and also adharmis. it is our duty to help spread dharma,let us do it in a nirdosha way,so all benefit. also dharma is very democratic,so,even if we have different views it does not matter,what matters is bhakti to maa and serving dharma with bhakti. om shakti gopal On 12/19/09, para_anuloma <para_anuloma wrote: Im typing all this from Kerala fast...sorry for any typos or for bad english,I would not be able to reply all your emails as Im on a piligrimage cum holiday tour here.Just a few selected emails,Im typing.My wife would kill me if I spend here too on computer and internet! So let me type a few lines fast...-----------------------Dear Sir,Devi Bhagavatha Puranam is one thing whereas Sapthashati Parayana is another thing.Please do not confuse apples with oranges. Purana needs no initiation to read an enjoy the leelas of Devi.However, some serious aspirants take the permission of their Guru for this too.We can quote stories from purAnAs that such and such a person did not get any initiation,did not have any Guru,etc and yet he or she became great.But we forget certain things: 1. Puranas are inter-linked stories of curses and blessings.Just take any Vedic Purani story and you find every event and birth having a string of karma and curses or Blessings and benedictions.This is to emphasize the law of karma that such an under-current narration has ben provided.Thus we do not know what happened in previous births of Utathaya and though it is clearly mentioned in Devi Bhagavatha Purana, we fail to take cognizance of it.This is what happens when we quote selectively! What happened in the case of Uthathaya,let us take the story,epilogue,prelogue,whatever...Sri Hotrâ Govila, the excellent reciter of the Sâma hymns, began to sing in accented tones called svarita (the accents are three Udâtta, Anudâtta and Svarita) and the Rathantara Sâma in 7 tunes.Then he began to draw breath frequently; and consequently there was a break in time in the accent of Govila. Seeing this, Deva Datta(the father of Uthathaya) was angry and immediately said to Govila, " Well, Govila, you are the foremost of the Munis and still you are doing your work like a quite illiterate man. I fear obstacles may arise in the getting of my son in this my sacrifice of Puttresti " Govila then became much enraged and told Deva Datta " your son will be illiterate, hypocrite, and dumb.Behold! Every being is subject to breathing and respiring; it is very hard to control them; there is no fault of mine in the accents of my songs being thus broken; it is strange that you, being intelligent, cannot understand this minute thing too! " So, here goes the first curse, wherein Devaddatta was acursed to get a dumb child like Uthathaya.Being afraid to hear the curse from Govila, Deva Datta became very sorry and said " O Muni! I have done no serious offence; why are you so offended without any cause. See! The Munis are void of anger and they always give delight to others.O best of Brâhmans! My offence is very trifling; why have you inflicted on me so severe a curse? I was already under the mental agony, since I had no issues; and now you have made me suffer move pain. " For the Vedic Pundits in those days declare that it is better not to have any son than to have an illiterate stupid son; the more so, when a Brâhmin's son is illiterate, he is blamed by one and all.Devadatta, saying these words, fell prostrate at his feet and began to eulogise him in very pitiful words, being very much grieved and with tears in his eyes. The merciful Govila then addressed the distressed Devadatta " your son though at first illiterate, will afterwards be very learned due to the Grace of Bhagavathy due to His past birth merit " So, there you go! You have a curse,a boon and a past birth reference. So Uthathya has a past birth merit as a Devi Upasaka and Had a Guru too past birth and this birth thus is a continuation of that upAsanA.We cannot thus compare such kAranajanmAs like Uthathya,Adishankara,etc and arrogate ourselves to such states and claim that Gurus need to be rejected. There are a 100 fake diamonds and people wear them and claim them as real diamonds but then there is a real diamond too,howsoever rare or precious it might be and its lustre is permanent and more dazzling.This real diamond is what is to be search. In this search lies the Grace of Bhavany,in this search lies the fulfillment of God in you.-------------------------The easy-logic which says: " If we cant find an authentic Guru...we take Divine Mother as Adiguru... " is good to hear for the ears, but practically and spiritually we fool ourselves.With such a Guru, the sevabhAva will not come,without that vAirAgya or humilty will never seep in.Even people who do service under authetic Gurus themselves do not get all these virtuous qualities in proper measure, then what to say of people who do not even try to obtain a proper Guru? Sad-gurus exist in all times,even 100 years from now when maybe even India will might become ultramodern, Sadgurus might still exist in some cozy confines of Himalayas or the hillranges down south.Just that it takes the Grace of Amba to get such Gurus. Reading Kavach or Sapthashathi parayana in translated version would not pose much problem maybe(unless niyamas are really lacking) but in samskruthA, we have to be careful with the uccharana and the swara and chandas.Also, what we claim as sapthashathi is a reduced version of the original and though some claim to have it, till now no one has been able to lay hands on the full text. Sharanaagathi to Ma is good but first sharanaagathi to one's preceptor is even more important.When one does not know to surrender before God in human form and does not know the quality of humility and surrender here,then how can Devi be prepared to appear before such a devotee and bless Him in flesh and blood? ----------For the devotion to evolve,and soul to progress one can read many other litanies and puranas in abundance,why go behind something which requires certain niyamas and yamas? It is like the child asking for a sweet meat which is forbidden and kept up the loft and first asked to eat the meal before it,and then after the meal is over, the child is given surely the sweetmeat.If sweet-meats are given before the mealtime,the child develops a case of bad digestion,a dislike for food,starts getting bored even with the sweetmeat and becomes malnourished! Puranas--one can readSapthashati,sahasranama,etc need initiation and guidance of a Guru to read properly with 1. Energization(by Guru giving from his shakthi--shakthipatha) and purityand2. Proper pronunciation and swarA. Else, we just live in paradise-land and ascribe everything which happens good in our life to such parayanas and everything bad to bad luck and become the butt-of-jokes for atheists who take the first chance to give their 2 cents on everything. Being a senior upasaka you must lead youngsters like us sir.I know you are advanced and learned but lot of youngsters need guidance from you,sir.Please forgive me for any excess spoken!Just reiterated what my Guru had *thrown* in my ears longtime ago.... Yours Yogically,Mythreya Sreeraam Bhallyjayappolle , gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 wrote: >> jai gurudev> > om shivgoraksha> > i think reg guru and no guru :> > when we read srimad devi bhagwat puran,we find that> despoie not having any proper guru nor any initiation > by a human guru,utthapa,etc many devotee> > utathya son of devdutta gets does not get any initiation> from any guru still by grace of mother,he gets siddhi and> blessings of maa..> > most important,is that we must surrender to maa,as she> is the adi guru.> > yes guru is most important,but in today's world when> any real saadguurus r very difficult to find and due to > lack of time,people r unable to fully be immersed into> sadhana best is sharanagati to maa and being> devoted to her.> > i have seen many cases where even by read shlokas> translation in hindi and also sridurga kavach in hindi > many people have got very good benefit.> > yes guru is imp,but if we cant find guru,devotion to> maa,and accepting her as our divine adiguru,and> reading mother charitra in sri durga saptashati srimad > devi bhagwat puran etc even in hindi or english is> very blissful punyadayak and gives divine blessings> of maa.> > main thing is sharangati to maa,and devotion to maa.> > guru may or may not guide properly but mata is never kumata > so she will never mislead.even just reading in any language> we r comfortable in is very good.> > over time as the soul evoles surely by maa's grace we> will get a saadguru.> > till then we can always start as a first step by being> devoted and read the avrious charitras etc,so that> our evolution is speeded up.> > > om shakti> > gopal> > > > om shakti> > gopal> > > > > > > > -- > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > TRUTH PATH DESTINATION GOAL REAL ADIGURU SALVATION KARMA DESTINY AND> ALL THAT EXISTS> IS ONLY SUPREME NATURE SUPREME ENERGY DIVINE MOTHER ADI SHAKTI MAHAKAALI> MAHALAXMI MAHASARASWATI LALITA TRIPURA SUNDARI KULKUNDALINI PARMESHWARI > SHE IS THE ONLY BEING IN EXISTANCE AND WE ARE ALL PART OF HER> -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++TRUTH PATH DESTINATION GOAL REAL ADIGURU SALVATION KARMA DESTINY AND ALL THAT EXISTS IS ONLY SUPREME NATURE SUPREME ENERGY DIVINE MOTHER ADI SHAKTI MAHAKAALIMAHALAXMI MAHASARASWATI LALITA TRIPURA SUNDARI KULKUNDALINI PARMESHWARI SHE IS THE ONLY BEING IN EXISTANCE AND WE ARE ALL PART OF HER Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest uhma Posted April 5, 2014 Report Share Posted April 5, 2014 readin devi bhagwat in hindi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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