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Dear Anna,


Good things in your horoscope:

Material prosperity,good spouse,lands,vehicles,Basic education,amity with parents(with some intermittent fights due to your temper/emotionality),vanquishing enemies,foreign travel,success abroad,helpful nature,love towards ambA,higher occult secrets and quest for it,settlement for children,good and spiritual childre,possibility of one more son(who will make your vamsha shine),awards and recognition in your profession,multitude of friends**,helpful relatives,high contacts and palukubadi,vasheekarana of people,hardworking nature,intelligent(education is one thing but intelligence is another),respect and blessings of lot of saints(which is what will save you from this problem),etc.


So many there!


I was focussing on just the health problems,so don't get depressed.Devudu edho' oka maccha peduthaadu for the karmic lesson for any one.So, these health problems are the main macchalu in your horoscope.



{**(Friends vishayam:however many would cheat you sometime,so be careful with partnerships or money dealings with them--for this see the 11th house (counting from janma lagnA) of their horoscopes(wherever you have access to their horoscopes.If not,on some pretext, collect their TOB,DOB and POB and cast a computer horoscope and see the 11th House)--if it contains Guru,Venus,Mars and Mercury--then they are cool and would be helpful.Incidentally, my horoscope has 11th house Guru and yours has 11th House Mars; so we both are helpful to each other,this is as per some shukra and other nAdis which I have access to in the original form.Ofcourse some other factors are to be seen for friendship but basic/first idhi choodali--11th House matters...)




I knew the moment no email came from you that,you were not enthusiastic and were vexed internally reading so many remedies from me but believe me,all of it can be done,typing cheyyadaaniki,chadavadaaniki it looks like a big thing , but piecemeal-style and incrementally if you implement in your life(I read JEE like that only an got atleast a poor rank,though did not join...without attending any coaching class...I did not fear the big MLKhanna or OPAgarwal....just ripped the books into sizeable chunks and bound them and started going one by one...This disease must be approached in such a similar JEE prep), you will see stunning benefits!!


Just those 2 emails and taking kerala ayurveda treatment will save you believe me here.(I know both about kerala-ayurvedA treatments and astrology and thus I advice you seeing your horoscope).


rAhu gives by nature mysterious diseases connected kArmically.

(For your satisfaction,in case you suspect my words,please read the second para of this webpage written by some other astrologer: http://blog.astrolife.com/archives/25 ) I said about curses in one birth.Unless those parihArams are also done, poorthishamanam undadhu.And medical doctors will keep telling everything is OK as you have been observing.


oka mantramu oka pariharamu oka baanamu oka debba annadhi karmaalaki varthinchadhu.


If some astrologer says cook-book-"ishtyle": Just chant Hanuman Chalisaa daily 11 times and anthaa sariggaayipothundhi, then he is just lying to the "client" to take his money, make this "parihara business" easy and doable.


Going back to JEE prep example, if I say: Just read from a simplifie guide and remember formulae, then you are good to go for JEE, then do you think the candidate will make it to JEE? The good student buys the relevant guides like MLKhanna, OP Agarwal,etc; goes to Tuition centres for coaching,refers various foreign authors like Resnick and Halliday,Irodov,etc;looks at other tuition centres for their coaching material,attends and prepares for mock tests for both Main and Screening tests,bangs his head to solve tough YGFile type of problems issues by Brilliant Tutorials in Chennai,etc and then goes to JEE and gets a good rank or atleast a decent rank.{(My case was different,I was a horrible and maverick student but managed to get "some" rank to make it into MSc program in IT-BHU(as it was then called)--which I did not go!Now, with the same rank and more number of IITs I have a better chance to become even a software Engineer.}


If this be for 3 subjects as in Math,Physics and Chemistry; then think for the various sins we have done over various births,oka mantramu oka parihaaramu,oka baanamu,oka debba,etc paniki vasthundhaa?




Shraddhatho koodina stotra patanamu,prayaschitta bhavamutho koodina parihaaramaargamulu,chitta/trikarana shuddhi koraku chese' kshetra darshanamu prayojanamu untundhaa ani meere' decide cheyyandi.


Suppose someone does many good karmas but also kills some innocent people; then next birth do you think that such a person would go scot-free by God.


Dont you think that there is a greater possibility of that person being born in some high family or some "perceived lucky position" and yet facing lot of unending problems? Until some astrologer or yOgi comes and tells him some parihAras and ameliorative acts.(The yOgi and astrologer comes to him,in the first place, because of the good karmAs he has done in the past birth)


Ameliorative acts are not for law or for anything else, but for the maturity of your soul.

Your soul's natural tendency is to seek and merge God, anything else is "Bakwaaas" as Northindians say.The more a person prevents the soul from this upward movement by giving it the narcotic-drugs of:


1. Money

2. Sex

3. Sports and other distractions

4. Power and Glory

5. Even intelligence(after a certain stage) instead of divine intuition and dependence on God.

6. Other miscellaneous non-spiritual things


the more the soul is enveloped in a sheath of ignorance and acts as per the inherent tendencies of past births known as vAsanAs.Why some people tend to behave in a certain fashion even without being taught or put into an environment can only be explained in terms of vAsanAs.If the vAsanas are good,they tend to do good things, but if the vAsanas are bad, they tend to act in a similar vein.So, parihAras also have an effect of purging these vAsanas(just like the colon cleanse/liver cleanse programs which you are taking for your problem,which use purgatives like Psyllium husk for colon or Milk Thistle to clean liver) first, then some chitta-shuddhi happens and the vice-like grip of grahAs(graha comes from the word "grAhayanthi" which means that which captures or "pattukovadam") for problems to loosen a bit and then suddenly some thing happens and then the disease,affliction,problem or malady gets solved.



So, one has to not fear that one is going in a lonely boat and others are happy and must act wise and do parihArams, and ameliorate the situations one by one,graha by graha.This is what Im doing right now along with my studies.My greatest blessing is spiritual awareness




"Uddhareth Athmaanam aathmaanam..." annatugaa.,I will slowly ameliorate myself with all the measures with my own effort albeit with gurunAtha and Goddess blessings.I will clear my problems,to my karmAs,to Divine Mother,to Baba, to my parents,to my country,to all...The births we have taken is to repay such karmAs but enjoy the process and not consider it as a burden and remain as detached as possible.Remember this small thing, Anna.


See, the rudraksha cap was a good remedy but rAhu bhagavan is preventing it as the karmA is dhridhA, whereas I have no such karmA and got the cap form you! If I were near your place, I would have come and given the cap you gifted me.If you want, I will make arrangements to send the cap to you from here too.Moreover, the cap has been on my head while I was doing various mantras,so it is quite energized I should say!


So, praying to rAhu to loosen His vice-like grip, doing the parihAras,etc will pave way for a better future.


Do not be guided by caste cumpunctions and think only brahmins and other higher castes can only do so much, neither have any queasy feeling that such things are not meant for your caste.Caste is just for this birth, this dehA not for future births,past births and karmas.Caste is just man-made but ambA rAjarAjeshwari is beyond all castes, She cares not for castes but for the mental-cast! of a person.What little you are doing some members in my own family dont do,especially my <withheld>"ultra-modern" family.So, they are brashtas so to speak and you are a true brahmin.Brahmin means just one who is on a search for brAhman(God) nothing else.


So, surge ahead,slowly,incrementally accomodating somehow al the parihAra margAs I sent.Slowly you will find time somehow despite your busy schedule to accomodate this.


Energy is more of a mental concept than a physical one.You have to become strong and diamond-like,then even the <Disease withheld>,which seeks to deblitate you with fear and weakness of mind, will leave you with its tail between its legs like a tame and wounded tiger.


And dont fear about your children and family,nothing will happen to them.They are blessed.

You will have one son too,dont postpone that karma to another birth.Finish that this birth itself,when you are spiritual.


But first things first,


Amba Bless you!



Yours Tammudu,


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