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May Her soul rest in ambA given bliss.

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Dear all,


On 5 JAN 2010, I lost a dear friend, aged 31, to cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, but had recovered after surgery. But it spread and she lost her life in less than a month after the spotting was discovered.


I have been in shock because the last I spoke to her, was in November and she had said she would be rejoining work in Decmber. I was waiting for her to come back and the thought did not cross my mind until her husband called me on the mrning of 7JAN 2010, to tell me it was over.


Why am i sharing this with you? I do not know. You are the real people, who are in search of the God that created and is destroying us. I dont know why I am scared of death.

Please pray for her lost soul, that carried a lot of life. She left behind a lovely little girl of three years, and had once asked me to pray for her, because in her own words..."I want to live to see my daughter get married"..


Where is my mother Amba. I am sitting in front of her, but only with pain, and confusion and fear. Maybe even a lack of faith. I want my mother to wake me up from this miserable existence.







Dear Thangi,


Im breaking my week-end/Saturday rule to comment on your sad-posting.The rest of the emails I will answer only during Saturday/Sunday.


You speak Kannada.In Kannada, there is a proverb: "aLivudE kaaya uLivudE kIrti"

In other words She is living through your memory.No one really dies,they live through the memories of people.If they have done great things in their life,helped a lot of people,etc then they would live longer! Simple as that! No need to fear death.


It is painful, though I understand and time and ambA would heal the pain in you, my dear..


It would help to concentrate on what you can do to help that family bereft and in sorrow..Maybe you can pray for the peace of the family even if you are not able to console them with words.Pray sincerely to ambA for them,for your friend,for your friend's daughter...


It is easy to feel pity and sympathize or go into a depression or cavil and criticize but all these are negative tracks,especially when it extends beyond a given time.




Death is for everyone.Even for me death is imminent.

"Every pot has to break one day, every human has to bite dust one day"


One day your Anna Sreeraam(actually Im younger to you but since you prefer Anna despite me telling my age,I address myself like this for your sake) would also die,isn't it?


So don't bother about that right now.Concentrate on uplifting yourself spiritually.


Three responses exist for handling deaths of near and dear ones:


1. Ruminating on the memories of dead ones constantly,getting in depression and frustration(Anger),accusing everyone from Amba for not helping to Doctors for negligence,etc.(aaDidare aragiNi kaaDidare naagara kaaTa!)

(This is the most-common response taken by people)and finally resigning with a heavy sigh that this is life(rather death!).This becomes more exacerbated when the person himself/herself is suffering in life or feels he or she is generally unlucky."Oh why do such things happen to me?..."If you carefully notice, the person is now thinking of himself/herself more than the dead person.This person then goes on an ego-route.


2. Consoling oneself truly(not a false vAirAgya-smashAna vAirAgya) that all is due to karmA.One does not know what past-lives one has faced and what sins or for what wrongs one is enduring the pain or torments or diseases.

When I said consoling oneself "truly".I mean not in a fatalistic sense.People,especially,Indians who are aware of karmA use this rebirth/pastbirth/karmA philosophy to conviniently escape from the rigours of reality.


"Ok past lives have been bad.But what can I do about it now? Even if it takes this whole life to do a remedial measure(prAyaschitta karmA) from my heart.I dont care about results...even if takes a lifetime,Im prepared to suffer and do it...."

This is the right spirit of the Stoic.It is difficult I admit even for me at times,but this is verily the way.The soul has to learn and evolve itself,no outsider or "Mr.Yours Yogically"(Your foolish and cranky Anna!) can help here!


3. Well, this third response is really advanced,Thangi.In this, the person becomes even more spiritual,more energized in sorrow and tribulations.The more he encounters difficulties,the stronger he or she grows from within.He or She feels happy that a great kArmic burden is now lifting off his AthmA due to these troubles,sorrows and sufferings.He or She prays with great joy and a feeling of gratitude to ambA.

"Amma! You are benevolent to me.You give me these sufferings for my own good Amma.I realize this.I cry before you Amma.Im your child.I demand from you Oh Divine Mother to give me ever-lasting peace,spirituality and your sacred energies to carry on my life.I beseech you my Sweet Mother to relieve me from this pain of life and death.I ask you to give me more strength.I love you my dear rAjamma,my dear srichakra nagara nivAsini! Amma you are my real mother,my real father,my real everything.Amma in you I surrender,in you I revel,in you I cry,with you I get angry"


Yes, you have every right to be angry with Amma.She is your mother and just like getting angry with your own physical mother sometimes you have every right to get angry with Her.Believe me,She too will sit and cry with you.Yes,it has happened to me.I have seen Mother shedding tears when I shedded tears,when I felt the pain...but then She is a wise Mother..after the 'teary' session is over,She comes over and whispers to me, "Dear it is for your own good.You will come faster to me thus"


Is it a sin to get angry and cry before Mother.It is and it is not.

It is because msot of the things run by karmA and maybe if the lady had prayed really hard to Amma and sincere or taken proper care of her health or the like she might have been saved.So, is it right to accuse Mother for her death?ariyade maaDida paapa aritandu parihaara.So maybe now you realize with my words the futility and the beneficity of it all.


It is not a sin too because She is your mother.You can get angry even like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who used to abuse BhavadhArini and sometimes not feed her nAivedyA out of anger.It was then that kAli ammA used to come and beg Him to feed a few morsels.


This is a beautiful play for She,the sustainer of all the worlds and the creatrix of all things needed for sustenance, cannot live without those few morsels offered by Her child.


She too cries with you for your pain dearsy sister.

She is not found in some maragatha idol or srIchakrAs alone,She is found in your heart.

Let us bow down to the hridayanivAsini in us.In this bowing down with real-reverence, we lose the fear of our death,for death is only for this kAya(body) never for the Athman.


ambA will take care of the lady's child and the lady's mother will see her child getting married even in spirit form.So don't worry.


Na Taatho Na Maato Na Bandhur Na Daata,Na putro Na putri Na Bhrityo Na Bharta !Na Jaaya Na Vidya Na Vriteermameva,Gatistvam Gatistvam Twameka Bhavani !!(O Mother Divine! Father, Mother,Husband,Wife,Children and Friends- none ofthese are eternallymine. Knowledge,intellect,mind and will power are also noteternal. O Mother of the universe- You are myonlysaviour,my only saviour! My eternal refuge)


Yours Yogically,





Mythreya Sreeraam Bhallyjayappalle

(Email: Mythreya.Mythreya)

(Group-owner of Online Spiritual Groups:

Amba_vijayam and )

Jaya Sarvamangala! Jaya Raajaraajeshvari!

May ambA rAjarAjeshwarI de'vI bless all of us abundantly!






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Dear Sister,Its a heartfelt request from me to you to go through this reply by Anna as many times as you can. The very lesson of this earthly life is put down in so very few lines by him...it has the balm which will heal each and every soul here..it may not be easy for you right now..but take a deep breath and read these lines again and again..

For people like us who cannot see the Mother because of our own ignorance, Mother has sent us Mythreya whom we call as brother, anna, amma..so be at peace sister..She is Here with us and speaks through him!

bharatiOn Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Mythreya Sreeraam Bhallyjayappalle <mythreya.mythreya wrote:








Dear all,


On 5 JAN 2010, I lost a dear friend, aged 31, to cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, but had recovered after surgery. But it spread and she lost her life in less than a month after the spotting was discovered.


I have been in shock because the last I spoke to her, was in November and she had said she would be rejoining work in Decmber. I was waiting for her to come back and the thought did not cross my mind until her husband called me on the mrning of 7JAN 2010, to tell me it was over.


Why am i sharing this with you? I do not know. You are the real people, who are in search of the God that created and is destroying us. I dont  know why I am scared of death.

Please pray for her lost soul, that carried a lot of life. She left behind a lovely little girl of three years, and had once asked me to pray for her, because in her own words... " I want to live to see my daughter get married " ..


Where is my mother Amba. I am sitting in front of her, but only with pain, and confusion and fear. Maybe even a lack of faith. I want my mother to wake me up from this miserable existence.







Dear Thangi,


Im breaking my week-end/Saturday rule to comment on your sad-posting.The rest of the emails I will answer only during Saturday/Sunday.


You speak Kannada.In Kannada, there is a proverb: " aLivudE kaaya uLivudE kIrti "

In other words She is living through your memory.No one really dies,they live through the memories of people.If they have done great things in their life,helped a lot of people,etc then they would live longer! Simple as that! No need to fear death.


It is painful, though I understand and time and ambA would heal the pain in you, my dear..


It would help to concentrate on what you can do to help that family bereft and in sorrow..Maybe you can pray for the peace of the family even if you are not able to console them with words.Pray sincerely to ambA for them,for your friend,for your friend's daughter...


It is easy to feel pity and sympathize or go into a depression or cavil and criticize but all these are negative tracks,especially when it extends beyond a given time.




Death is for everyone.Even for me death is imminent.

" Every pot has to break one day, every human has to bite dust one day "


One day your Anna Sreeraam(actually Im younger to you but since you prefer Anna despite me telling my age,I address myself like this for your sake) would also die,isn't it?


So don't bother about that right now.Concentrate on uplifting yourself spiritually.


Three responses exist for handling deaths of near and dear ones:


1. Ruminating on the memories of dead ones constantly,getting in depression and frustration(Anger),accusing everyone from Amba for not helping to Doctors for negligence,etc.(aaDidare aragiNi kaaDidare naagara kaaTa!)

(This is the most-common response taken by people)and finally resigning with a heavy sigh that this is life(rather death!).This becomes more exacerbated when the person himself/herself is suffering in life or feels he or she is generally unlucky. " Oh why do such things happen to me?... " If you carefully notice, the person is now thinking of himself/herself more than the dead person.This person then goes on an ego-route.


2. Consoling oneself truly(not a false vAirAgya-smashAna vAirAgya) that all is due to karmA.One does not know what past-lives one has faced and what sins or for what wrongs one is enduring the pain or torments or diseases.

When I said consoling oneself " truly " .I mean not in a fatalistic sense.People,especially,Indians who are aware of karmA use this rebirth/pastbirth/karmA philosophy to conviniently escape from the rigours of reality.


" Ok past lives have been bad.But what can I do about it now? Even if it takes this whole life to do a remedial measure(prAyaschitta karmA) from my heart.I dont care about results...even if takes a lifetime,Im prepared to suffer and do it.... "

This is the right spirit of the Stoic.It is difficult I admit even for me at times,but this is verily the way.The soul has to learn and evolve itself,no outsider or " Mr.Yours Yogically " (Your foolish and cranky Anna!) can help here!


3. Well, this third response is really advanced,Thangi.In this, the person becomes even more spiritual,more energized in sorrow and tribulations.The more he encounters difficulties,the stronger he or she grows from within.He or She feels happy that a great kArmic burden is now lifting off his AthmA due to these troubles,sorrows and sufferings.He or She prays with great joy and a feeling of gratitude to ambA.

" Amma! You are benevolent to me.You give me these sufferings for my own good Amma.I realize this.I cry before you Amma.Im your child.I demand from you Oh Divine Mother to give me ever-lasting peace,spirituality and your sacred energies to carry on my life.I beseech you my Sweet Mother to relieve me from this pain of life and death.I ask you to give me more strength.I love you my dear rAjamma,my dear srichakra nagara nivAsini! Amma you are my real mother,my real father,my real everything.Amma in you I surrender,in you I revel,in you I cry,with you I get angry "


Yes, you have every right to be angry with Amma.She is your mother and just like getting angry with your own physical mother sometimes you have every right to get angry with Her.Believe me,She too will sit and cry with you.Yes,it has happened to me.I have seen Mother shedding tears when I shedded tears,when I felt the pain...but then She is a wise Mother..after the 'teary' session is over,She comes over and whispers to me, " Dear it is for your own good.You will come faster to me thus "


Is it a sin to get angry and cry before Mother.It is and it is not.

It is because msot of the things run by karmA and maybe if the lady had prayed really hard to Amma and sincere or taken proper care of her health or the like she might have been saved.So, is it right to accuse Mother for her death?ariyade maaDida paapa aritandu parihaara.So maybe now you realize with my words the futility and the beneficity of it all.


It is not a sin too because She is your mother.You can get angry even like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who used to abuse BhavadhArini and sometimes not feed her nAivedyA out of anger.It was then that kAli ammA used to come and beg Him to feed a few morsels.


This is a beautiful play for She,the sustainer of all the worlds and the creatrix of all things needed for sustenance, cannot live without those few morsels offered by Her child.


She too cries with you for your pain dearsy sister.

She is not found in some maragatha idol or srIchakrAs alone,She is found in your heart.

Let us bow down to the hridayanivAsini in us.In this bowing down with real-reverence, we lose the fear of our death,for death is only for this kAya(body) never for the Athman.


ambA will take care of the lady's child and the lady's mother will see her child getting married even in spirit form.So don't worry.


Na Taatho Na Maato Na Bandhur Na Daata,Na putro Na putri Na Bhrityo Na Bharta !Na Jaaya Na Vidya Na Vriteermameva,Gatistvam Gatistvam Twameka Bhavani !!

(O Mother Divine! Father, Mother,Husband,Wife,Children and Friends- none ofthese are eternallymine. Knowledge,intellect,mind and will power are also noteternal. O Mother of the universe- You are myonlysaviour,my only saviour! My eternal refuge)


Yours Yogically,





Mythreya Sreeraam Bhallyjayappalle

(Email: Mythreya.Mythreya)

(Group-owner of Online Spiritual Groups:

Amba_vijayam and )

Jaya Sarvamangala! Jaya Raajaraajeshvari!

May ambA rAjarAjeshwarI de'vI bless all of us abundantly!






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