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Sri La Sri Siddhar Swamigal

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Dear Sankarukku


what is the purpose of this posting??


Does it diverge from the group subject??


what is this message trying to achieve??


Just very curious to know, no controversy at all so om lalitambhal please do

not misunderstand.




" om_lalithambal " <om_lalithambal



Sri La Sri Siddhar Swamigal

Wed, 27 Mar 2002 04:10:42 -0000










Every mind has a potent energy hidden in it. This energy is indeed, a

powerful energy. It has the ability to convert the mind with a hard

core attitude to a soft and sublime one. One can see the divine

light. It can give a delightful experience of the body blossoming

with fragrance and a distinct halo surrounding it. Such a person is

said to be in touch with divinity. He is the person who can make

others also experience the divinty. He is righteous and truthful

throughout his life and experience the true happiness.



Where is this super energy in the mind situated? Who identifies it?

Who spots it in us? How can we be made to feel and experience this

divinity? Who helps us achieve this ? Is he human ? Hs he divine? Is

he Gode? The answer is simple. It is the teacher or the Sathguru who

can spot this divine energy in each one of us and help us channelise

this energy into making us blossom and bloom into flowers that will

never fade.



A Sathguru is sent by the Almighty. He is born from time to time. He

is a divine creation. His duty is to nuture and look after the people

who need help. He upholds Dharma, Truthfulness and Righteousness. He

guides the people in the right path. He helps them realise and see

the Almighty. He guides them through the process of meditation and

penance to achieve their goal of experiencing divinity. He helps in

removing the restlessness in the mind of the people and helps them

live their life to attain everlasting bliss.



He is quick in identifying a true and sincere disciple and guides him

through the selected path to attain the state of tranquility, thereby

leading to the experience and feel of God. No one other than the

Sathguru can take up this stupendous task. It is a difficult task and

he decides upon different paths for different people who are his

disciples. He does not propogate or make one practise a theoretical

or mathematical formula to attian the ultimate. Instead, his is a

meticulous approach framed after careful understanding of the

disciple and his abilities. He keeps observing, following and

blessing his disciple with abundant love throughout his life span,

protecting him and making him achieve his main objective. He is

selfless beyond comprehension.



Sri Duttathreya, Sri Pathanjali, Sri Adi Sankar, Sri Ramanujacharya,

Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramalinga Swamigal, the four great Nayanmars or

great seers of Lord Shiva, the famous Vaishnavite sanits who

worshipped and sang in praise of Lord Vishnu, were all born into this

world during different eras and difficult times, to help, teach and

guide the world on the correct path of truth. These teachers were

revered then and held in high esteem and are worshipped even today.

Humanityacknowledges their knowledge and divinity They are immortal.



One each divine soul, who gave his all to mankind to help them

achieve and attain true happiness is Mayiladuthurai Parambrahmam

Sathguru Om Siddhar Swamigal.



Om Shri Siddhar Swamigal was bron on the 18th of May, in the year

1904. It was a Sunday and a New Moon dy. For the astrologically

inclined, the day he was born, the star was Krithika. Aries or Mesha

is the rasi and Mithuna the lagna or ascendant. He was born to Shri

Rathinaswamy and Smt. Dhanalakshmi Ammal in the small town of

Kumbakonam. His parents christened him Narayanaswamy. But he was more

propulary known as Sattampillai (a tamil word that means a group

leader or monitor). His ancestors were all devout followers of Lord




Sri Siddhar Swamigal was married at a very young age to an even

younger girl named Rajam. They were blessed with a daughter and a

son. In an environment that abounded in spiritualism and divinity it

was only natural that both the daughter and the sone would choose the

same path as was done by their forefathers. With the blessings of

their father, grandfather and greatgrandfather well upon him, both

the youngsters embarked on their path of trugh and selflessness and

surrendered themselves at the lotus feet of the divine and attained

divinity. We are indeed blessed, for we have them now to guide and

help thousands of devotees far and wide, at home and abroad.



Sri Siddhar Swamial's grandfather took to ascetic life at an early

age of 40. He used to meditate for long hours in his little ashram

enclosed within the confinement of his garden at home. He always sat

under the vilva tree while meditating. He practised silence as a way

of life and restricted his food to once a day. Siddhar Swamigal was

greatly influenced by his grandfather during his yound and formative




Sri Siddhar Swamigal's father, Shri Rathnaswamy was a man with a very

thin body frame. He was a very pious man. He was a scholar who was

well versed with the Scriptures and Upanishads. A landlord, he looked

after his agricultural activities. He was a man of few words. A

highly respected man in the village, he was often called upon to

settle disputes and sort out legal matters. His decision was always

accepted without any comment as he always made it a point to settle

the differences in an amicable manner. The sudden loss of his wife

when he was 38 left a void in his life. He took to an ascetic life

and started wearing white clothes. He hardly ever showed his emotions

and people had never seen him angry or laugh or cry. His children,

Siddhar Swamigal and his Sister were greatly influenced by their

father too.



Om Sri Siddhar Swamigal completed his schooling and decided to follow

the footsteps of his grandfather. He was also welll versed in martial

arts. He had a majestic personality. Fairskinned, he had a golden

glow about him. He sported a pig-tail. He wore the minimum of clothes

when at home and would resort to wearing a white kurta and Dhoti or

veshti on going out. The local farmers sensed the divinity in him and

would always come to him to get their seeds blessed by him before

sowing them, so that they were assured of a bountiful harvest.



Sri Siddhar Swamigal was a deep thinker who was more spiritually

inclined and thought it to be a waste of time worrying about the

materialistic world and its mundane happenings, as he considered it

to be nothing more than mere dust! He was deeply incluenced by a

number of his teachers. He learnt various mantras undere the guidance

of Modi Abdul Khader also known as Pattalathu Vaidyar. Kumbakonam

Ucchipillaiar Kovil Subramaniya Devar taught him how to deal with

spirits and spiritual forces. The renowned 18 siddhars or seers of

Tamil Nadu have not only blessed him but have also appeared before

him. Siddhar Swamigal's grandfather who had helped him throughout his

young age through various siddhis and severe penances, gave him Gnana

Deeksha three days prior to his leaving this materialistic world.



Sri Siddhar Swamigal had a clear mind. He was quiet and at peace with

himself. He was endowed with spiritual powers which held him know and

ascertain happenings at far off places. With the help of his

spiritual powers he would also cure deadly diseases given up by the

medical world. He could read a persons mind with startling accuracy.



A big made man with a majestic and gigantic appearance, he kept

himself healthy. He had only one meal a day. His main diet consisted

of milk and fruits which he took in the morning and evening. And then

there were days when he went on a strict and rigourous fast for days




He used to meditate in the cremation ground in front of a burning

pyre. He mastered the Thaithriya Uanishad. He knew many siddhis

(super natural skills) and was soon known as the Maha Siddhar. (A

siddhar is a person who has attained a mental state that an ordinary

human being attain or even experienced).



On the 19th of May 1944, Siddhar Swamigal had a magnificient

experience of a light blue halo surrounding him. He reached the

divine ecstatic statement experienced an uncontrollable joy and

happiness. Siddhar Swamigal experienced the vast and magnificient

open space within him. His Sukhma body (or subtle body that is

immortal) travelled in that wonderful open space. It reached the

nadabrahmam. He found and experienced the divine sound of OMKARA. His

soul was blessed and he became a Sathguru.



From that day, the divine power in him started guiding him in all his

activities and endeavours. He became cool and calm, quiet and still.

Henceforth, any encounter with the evil spirits inside the bodies of

hapless humans were quickly brought under his control. Once, his own

son was on his death bed. The doctors had given up all hope of curing

him of his deadly disease. Siddhar Swamigal then administered a

medicine to his child. The next day the child was up and about, hale

and hearty much to the amazement of one and all. The disease had

vanished without a trace.



He could turn anything into gold with just his touch. This skill is

known as Rasa Vadam. He could also change the karma or fate or

destiny of a person. But, he felt that Karma was not something to be

meddled around with and thought it best left to itself. After all,

even Karma had a defined and set path to tbe followed. It was not

something to be altered at our will.



Siddhar Swamigal used to tell his disciples at the time of their

initiation, the number of births they would have to take to fulfill

their spiritual goals and attainments. He did not like people who

were self centred and worked only for themselves. He liked his

disciples to be straight forward and more importantly, be good at

heart. He asked them to meet all challenges straight and not be

afraid and run away.



Siddhar Swamigal possessed superhuman powers which be never exhibited

unless otherewise it was essential. . He was an authority on : 1.

Mouna Viddhai (The power of Silence. A state of highest attainment

with very high potent power.) The power of silence produces

stillness. This is a motionless state of the mind and body. The

motionless body allows the mind to concentrate. External disturbances

fail to affect the concentration. The mind slowly gets into the state

of MAHAMOUNAM where it becomes motionless and even the inner thoughts

never disturb the mind. It is at this stage, that the divine sound of

the OMKARA from within merges with the AADHI ANDHAM i.e. the

manifestation of the OMKARA in the vast, open space. Thus the person

experiences BRAHMANANDAM or the eternal happiness. From this stage a

person can never had unhappy as he is constantly in a state of

happiness. Siddhar Swamigal mastered this yoga. 2. Brahma Viddhai

(The power attained through the development of highest mental state.)

The infinite is BRAHMA. It is vast, without a boundry and limitless.

To understand this magnificent state, one has to concentrate. Yogis

and saints spent years together in forests and mountains to attain

this level of concentration. BRAHMAM is a delightful experience named

by the yogis as ecstasy...... a stage of everlasting happinessasbrha.

3. Parakaaya Viddhai (The power to work with the subtle body.) Even

though the body is mortal, it has a subtle body in it known as the

SUKHUMA DEGAM. It has the abilitiy to come out of the mortal body and

transfer itslef into various shapes and forms. It can travel infinite

distances into the vast open space. Siddhar Swamigal mastered this

yoga and could understand what was happening in far off places and

help any body in need. 4. Kaaya Viddhai (The power towork with the

mortal body and to generate superhuma deeds.) OUr mortal bodyhas 96

systems that are working within it. They form a part of the working

body system. However, either genetically from birth or over a period

of time, these 96 systems do not work properly. They become defunct.

In fact, as age progresses, for a normal person only 15 of the 96

body systems work effectively. By practising and controlling these

body systems, one can make all the 96 body systems function

effectively at all times. Such a person then develops superhuman

powers. SIddhar Swamigal was in full command of all the 96 systems

within his body. 5. Vaasi Viddhai (The control of Pranan or breathing

and generate spiritual power thereof.) Our mind and body are together

controlled by the PRANA or air, which is inhaled and exhaled. A

mastery and control of this prana gives supernatural powers to a

person. A person with such a control can have a darshan of his atma

or soul. He can control his fate as well as the fate of others. He

can also change the direction of an oncoming violent cyclone. Such a

person can control the universe at large. Siddhar Swamigal had

mastered pranayama or the Vaasi Viddhai. Siddhar Swamigal was a

staunch devotee of Lord Anjaneya (Lord Anjaneya is a devotee of Lord

Rama who is an incarnation of Mahavishnu) who possessed super human

powers. Siddhar Swamigal worked very hard and attained the divine

powers from Lord Anjaneya. He performed mirades to help some of his

devotees in distress. One such instance is narrated here.



Siddhar Swamigal would take a vessel filled with water and drop a

sharp writing instrument, a sheaf of a palm leaf, lime and some

flowers. He would then cover the vessel with a plate and spread holy

ash on it. He would light a piece of camphor in front of the vessel

and then sitting at a distance would meditate. The plate on top of

the vessel would start vibrating. At times it would even jump to a

height of five feet and yet return with accuracy to land on top of

the vessel. After half an hour one would see that the palm leaf now

had words engraved on it. These words were either a message or an

answer to a quiery posed so him.



Sometimes, the evil spirits of persons who had committed suicide

would trouble the relatives and friends. Such relatives and friends

would then seek the help of Siddhar Swamigal. Swamigal would first

pour water on the face of the person troubled. Then he would ask for

a lime, some flowers, a preparation of rice and jaggeryu, and neem

leaves, spread all these on a plantain leaf. He would then take the

leaf in his hand and throw it upwards facing the sky. The leaf would

fall down, but, the rest would disappear miraculously. The person

suffering would also be aired of his being possessed.



Siddhar Swamigal constantly worked to keep his body and mind pure. He

used to all the others that before one set out to seek the Almighty,

one had to purify oneself.



He knew that the day he had to leave this world had arrived. He

predicted the day in advance. He planned the the proceedings

meticulously. He was then preparing himself to receive that day with

love and respect. Siddhar Swamigal would tell his disciples

often, " LOVE DEATH. It is a beauthfiul thing. It is part of the

divine plan. " A few days prior to the auspicious day, he instructed

his followers and devotees to follow what he said.



On 31.08.1964, the auspicious, evenful day, all his devotees and

followers arrived at his place at 03.30 hrs iteself. They chanted the

SHIVA PURANA (The holy hymn about Lord Shva) fifteen times.

Panchakshara mantra (the name of Lord Shiva) was being continuously

chanted there. The atmosphere was divine and charged. Two

kuthuvilakkus (a metallic lamp lighted with the help of oil and wick)

were burning in Swamigal's room continuously for the past three days.

An earthen lamp was also burning continuously during that period. In

all eleven lamps were lit.



It was 06.10 hrs. Siddhar Swamigal pointed to a plate and signalled

his close associate, Shri Panchamrudha Swamigal to pour plenty of

holy ash in it. Shri Nagappa Swamigal then placed a piece of camphor

in the middle of the pile of holy ash. Shri Ramamrudha Swamigal then

lit the camphor. He told his associates to ensure that the camphor

was kept burning continuously. He directed the fire towards the sky

and there was absolute silence and stillness all around the place

till 06.45 hrs. Subsequently, all his devotees and associates

maintained silence till 07.15 hrs, under prior instructions from

Siddhar Swamigal. Swamigal then through sign language instructed his

disciples to leave all doors and windows open wide. At 07.20 hrs,

Siddhananda Swamigal got up and prayed to Siddhar Swamigal. There was

eleven lamps burning in all in that room. Despite the doors and

windows being left open there was absolute stillness in the flame.

There was not the slightest flicker. There was absolutely no movement

in the room. Siddhar Swamigal blessed each and everyone of his

disciples individually. He then raised both his hands above his head,

heaven wards and prayed to the Almighty. Then he crows his arms over

he chest and closed his eyes. Exactly at 07.28 hrs. his sould

departed from this world. Instantaneously one of the eleven lamps got

extinguished suddenly. Siddhar Swamigal's body maintained its warmth

and there was a glow in the face.



As per his wishes, after performing the sacred bath, he was taken to

the RUDRA BHOOMI or the grave yard. His entire body other than his

face was covered with sandal wood logs. His prime disciple, Sri La

Sri Omkarananda Swamigal went and kissed his guru on the face. As Sri

La Sri Omkarananda Swamigal always recollects, that was an experience

of his life time. He could feel the transfer of a vibrant energy into

his body and he knowe that he had to continue from where his guru had

left off. He knows that he is being guided, adviced and monitored by

his Guru who is always beside himeven to this day. Siddhar Swamigal's

body was then confined to flames.



The great teacher of those days was Shri Rajam Iyer, who was

suffereing from a severe stomach ailment. He was a close personal

friend of Siddhar Swamigal. Shri Iyer had consulted various doctors

and has swallowed great quantities of medicine without any result

whatsoever. What was amusing was that Siddhar Swamigal used to

finance every visit of RajamIyer to the doctor and also pay for the

medicines. Fed up and unable to bear the pain any more, he turned to

Siddhar Swamigal and asked for his help. Siddhar Swamigal cupped the

soil from the road side, made a globule and aksed him to eat it.

Within a few moments, Rajam Iyer fell unconscious and was soon fast

asleep. He woke up the next day without a trace of the stomach pain,

as healthy as ever. He never experienced any stomach ache afterwards.



There were those times when 10 to 15 people would suddenly turn up at

home to meet Swamigal. His generous nature would insist on their

staying on and partaking of the food. This, when there was not a

morsel of food to be found. Siddhar Swamigal would go into a small

room, spread a white cloth and meditate. Within 5 minutes there would

appear a delicious spread enough for all who had assembled there!

Immediately after their departure, the vessels and plates would




Siddhar Swamigal often allowed his Sukhma body to travel long

distances in the open space to help to travel long distances in the

open space to help his friends and disciples. Within a 21 feet radius

around him, no body ever died till such there that he wasthere.



One very interesting and astounding experience that Siddhar Swamigal

had waswhen is he witenessed his own end much before it actually

happened. In the month of May 1939, he narrated what would happen on

the morning of 31st August 1964 at 07.28 a.. He had also witnessed

all his previous births and deaths.



On the night of 29th August 1964 at 7.30 p.m. after his small meal of

fruits and milk, he washed his hands and said that everything was

over. As predicted earlier, Siddhar Swamigal became one with the

divine on 31st August 1964 exactly at 07.28 a.m.



There is only one force that is responsible for the creation of this

universe, this world and all the living and non living objects in

this world. Hence, we should love this world and the creatures

therein created by that force. Thus spoke Sri La Sri Siddhar

Swamigal. Only love is permanent. The place where you are is the

abode of God. Understand yourself, develop self consciousness. God

will come to you. God loves your heart and not the materials that you

acquire, believed Siddhar Swamigal. He, an expert and master on the

seven sisshis, never permitted his disciples to perform them. He felt

that performing siddhis was a waste of one's effort and attainment.

He used to tell his disciples and devotees not to believe in anybody

other than God.



There were many ways identified by guns and saints to attain

happiness. One method was to read baout great saints and seers and

follow the path prescribed by them. Reading such holy scriptures

reduces the body heat and keeps one mentally and physically happy.

His physical ailments slowly disappear. Siddhar Swamigal never

allowed anyone to write about him. His prime disciple, Sri La Sri

Omkarananda Swamiji persuaded him for his permission to write about

him but in vain. Swami Omkarananda used to say that he is still to

get permission to write about his great gnani Sri La Sri Siddhar

Swamigal. But, Sri La Sri Omkarananada Swamiji felt that it was his

duty to reveal to the world the greatness of his Sathguru. Thus,

Swamiji wrote the tamil version `MAHA SIDDHAR' on his guru. Now all

of us are aware that Siddhar Swamigal has blessed his prime disciple

not only for the book but has also allowed him to build a temple.



It is difficult for anyone to write and talk about the limitless

powers and divinity of Sri La Sri Siddhar Swamigal. It is impossible

to explain in mere words his life and his attainment. The present day

world has drawn mankind away from spiritualism. We need to recognise

and think about godmen who have realised god and purify ourselves.

This english version on the Maha Siddhar containing episodes on

Siddhar is a step in this direction.



His divine persence is still felt by one and all. He continues to

bless his disciples and devotees both far and near, here and abroad.



The temple built to invoke the blessings of Maha Siddhar Swamigal and

that of the 18 Siddhars or seers, stands tall and majestic among the

swaying coconut trees, on the outskirts of Kalpakkam township, in a

little village called Pudhupattinam, on the East Coast Highway that

connects Madras City with Pondicherry.



We invoke the blessings of Sri La Sri Siddhar Swamigal on you and

your family.











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Guest guest

ok .All siththa's are ambal's upasana that is why i

have posted not for acheiving any thing.sorry for that


--- Priya Iyer <pria7 wrote:

> Dear Sankarukku


> what is the purpose of this posting??


> Does it diverge from the group subject??


> what is this message trying to achieve??


> Just very curious to know, no controversy at all so

> om lalitambhal please do

> not misunderstand.

> Pria



> " om_lalithambal " <om_lalithambal



> Sri La Sri Siddhar Swamigal

> Wed, 27 Mar 2002 04:10:42 -0000










> Every mind has a potent energy hidden in it. This

> energy is indeed, a

> powerful energy. It has the ability to convert the

> mind with a hard

> core attitude to a soft and sublime one. One can see

> the divine

> light. It can give a delightful experience of the

> body blossoming

> with fragrance and a distinct halo surrounding it.

> Such a person is

> said to be in touch with divinity. He is the person

> who can make

> others also experience the divinty. He is righteous

> and truthful

> throughout his life and experience the true

> happiness.



> Where is this super energy in the mind situated? Who

> identifies it?

> Who spots it in us? How can we be made to feel and

> experience this

> divinity? Who helps us achieve this ? Is he human ?

> Hs he divine? Is

> he Gode? The answer is simple. It is the teacher or

> the Sathguru who

> can spot this divine energy in each one of us and

> help us channelise

> this energy into making us blossom and bloom into

> flowers that will

> never fade.



> A Sathguru is sent by the Almighty. He is born from

> time to time. He

> is a divine creation. His duty is to nuture and look

> after the people

> who need help. He upholds Dharma, Truthfulness and

> Righteousness. He

> guides the people in the right path. He helps them

> realise and see

> the Almighty. He guides them through the process of

> meditation and

> penance to achieve their goal of experiencing

> divinity. He helps in

> removing the restlessness in the mind of the people

> and helps them

> live their life to attain everlasting bliss.



> He is quick in identifying a true and sincere

> disciple and guides him

> through the selected path to attain the state of

> tranquility, thereby

> leading to the experience and feel of God. No one

> other than the

> Sathguru can take up this stupendous task. It is a

> difficult task and

> he decides upon different paths for different people

> who are his

> disciples. He does not propogate or make one

> practise a theoretical

> or mathematical formula to attian the ultimate.

> Instead, his is a

> meticulous approach framed after careful

> understanding of the

> disciple and his abilities. He keeps observing,

> following and

> blessing his disciple with abundant love throughout

> his life span,

> protecting him and making him achieve his main

> objective. He is

> selfless beyond comprehension.



> Sri Duttathreya, Sri Pathanjali, Sri Adi Sankar, Sri

> Ramanujacharya,

> Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramalinga Swamigal, the four

> great Nayanmars or

> great seers of Lord Shiva, the famous Vaishnavite

> sanits who

> worshipped and sang in praise of Lord Vishnu, were

> all born into this

> world during different eras and difficult times, to

> help, teach and

> guide the world on the correct path of truth. These

> teachers were

> revered then and held in high esteem and are

> worshipped even today.

> Humanityacknowledges their knowledge and divinity

> They are immortal.



> One each divine soul, who gave his all to mankind to

> help them

> achieve and attain true happiness is Mayiladuthurai

> Parambrahmam

> Sathguru Om Siddhar Swamigal.



> Om Shri Siddhar Swamigal was bron on the 18th of

> May, in the year

> 1904. It was a Sunday and a New Moon dy. For the

> astrologically

> inclined, the day he was born, the star was

> Krithika. Aries or Mesha

> is the rasi and Mithuna the lagna or ascendant. He

> was born to Shri

> Rathinaswamy and Smt. Dhanalakshmi Ammal in the

> small town of

> Kumbakonam. His parents christened him

> Narayanaswamy. But he was more

> propulary known as Sattampillai (a tamil word that

> means a group

> leader or monitor). His ancestors were all devout

> followers of Lord

> Shiva.



> Sri Siddhar Swamigal was married at a very young age

> to an even

> younger girl named Rajam. They were blessed with a

> daughter and a

> son. In an environment that abounded in spiritualism

> and divinity it

> was only natural that both the daughter and the sone

> would choose the

> same path as was done by their forefathers. With the

> blessings of

> their father, grandfather and greatgrandfather well

> upon him, both

> the youngsters embarked on their path of trugh and

> selflessness and

> surrendered themselves at the lotus feet of the

> divine and attained

> divinity. We are indeed blessed, for we have them

> now to guide and

> help thousands of devotees far and wide, at home and

> abroad.



> Sri Siddhar Swamial's grandfather took to ascetic

> life at an early

> age of 40. He used to meditate for long hours in his

> little ashram

> enclosed within the confinement of his garden at

> home. He always sat

> under the vilva tree while meditating. He practised

> silence as a way

> of life and restricted his food to once a day.

> Siddhar Swamigal was

> greatly influenced by his grandfather during his

> yound and formative

> years.



> Sri Siddhar Swamigal's father, Shri Rathnaswamy was

> a man with a very

> thin body frame. He was a very pious man. He was a

> scholar who was

> well versed with the Scriptures and Upanishads. A

> landlord, he looked

> after his agricultural activities. He was a man of

> few words. A

> highly respected man in the village, he was often

> called upon to

> settle disputes and sort out legal matters. His

> decision was always

> accepted without any comment as he always made it a

> point to settle

> the differences in an amicable manner. The sudden

> loss of his wife

> when he was 38 left a void in his life. He took to

> an

=== message truncated ===




Lalithambal,64-4th-street,DAE Township,Kalpakkam-603102-INDIA Res-phone








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