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Santhanantha Swamigal

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Dear all


Sathguru Santhanantha Swamigal of Pudukkottai Bhuvaneswari Temple, Skandashramam

of Salem and Chennai has reached Sripuram on 27.05.2002 early morning at 6:30

am. Obseques and burial will be at Salem Skandashramam today afternoon.


A great yogi par excellence, a sadhaka of high order, he was a Bhuvaneswari

Upasaka through Srividya, a specialist in Siddha Bhuvaneswari, a very difficult

path. Upasana of Bhuvaneswari Maa, it may not be an exaggeration to say, he was

instrumental in making it popular. He was a specialist in Samputam (joining) of

mantras. A week back, there was a grand Homam at Pudukkottai with samputam of

Dakshina Kali and Vanadurga Mantras. Another rare characteristic of his was his

Catholicity towards other paths. He was not too possessive nor declaring that

his path was the only or best path. The world will be much better off with

siddhas like him.



S.Ashok Sundaresan




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i add my sincer respect to the swamigal. rajeshwari



> " Ashok Sundaresan " <ashokca




> Santhanantha Swamigal

>Mon, 27 May 2002 12:51:09 +0530


>Dear all


>Sathguru Santhanantha Swamigal of Pudukkottai Bhuvaneswari Temple,

>Skandashramam of Salem and Chennai has reached Sripuram on 27.05.2002 early

>morning at 6:30 am. Obseques and burial will be at Salem Skandashramam

>today afternoon.


>A great yogi par excellence, a sadhaka of high order, he was a Bhuvaneswari

>Upasaka through Srividya, a specialist in Siddha Bhuvaneswari, a very

>difficult path. Upasana of Bhuvaneswari Maa, it may not be an exaggeration

>to say, he was instrumental in making it popular. He was a specialist in

>Samputam (joining) of mantras. A week back, there was a grand Homam at

>Pudukkottai with samputam of Dakshina Kali and Vanadurga Mantras. Another

>rare characteristic of his was his Catholicity towards other paths. He was

>not too possessive nor declaring that his path was the only or best path.

>The world will be much better off with siddhas like him.



>S.Ashok Sundaresan




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At the outset, it was a sad news that Sri

Santhananadaji is no more with us. And, it is a shock

too for the Sakthas, as no one has done so much to the

worship of Her thru Havans - a powerful method. He

has researched so much that the havans now famous viz.

Atharvana Bhadrakali, Chandi, Sarabar, various

Ganapathis, were performed by Him some 45 years ago.


People might know that when he first did the Sahasra

Chandi havan, he went to Paramacharyal for His

blessings, as it required just Rs 25, 000 (40 years

ago it was a big amount). Till about 15 days before

the fixed date, no money and he was worried.

Meanwhile, Brahmasri Anantharama Dikshidhar of

Sengalipuram went to Kanchi for darshan.

Paramacharyal asked Dikshidhar to perform Navaham

(Srimad Ramayanam) at Pudukkottai. It fetched money

to more than meet the expenses of Sahasra Chandi. Two

things were clear. Paramacharyal's anugraham, and

Santhanandaji's vyragyam in performing gigantic tasks.

That was history, heard from devotees.


Bhvaneswari is adishthana devata for Saktha worship --

Sri Vidya slightly differs, where we worship

Parameswara & Parameswari together (Parameswari

occuping the Anga of Parameswara). Here one

interesting doubt. We know that Sri Chakram contains

all the devatas such that when doing Navaavarana pooja

proper, we worship trayattrikumsat koti devatas.

Also, all the modes of worship are included. In some

modes of Srividya (Sri Kulam), Chaturayatana

(Ganapati, Marthanda Bhairava, Vishnu & Samba

Parameswara) worship is left out, whereas it is found

in the Dakshina sampratayas. Some learned explained

that Srikula thinks, it is not necessary to add this

as She is all. But, in Dakshina, Vaideeka takes

prominence. Also, worship of Panchayatanam is quite

common and a must in this part. So, here we have

added Chaturaayatanam to complete. Look forward to

further notes from friends on this.


Namaskar to Devi and Her Bakhtas.


L Vaidyanathan




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Sree mathre namah


dear all,


it is really sad to know that pujya swamiji has attained siddhi. that we with

sareeras or bodies have lost another. i am sure, that he will join the Ougha

Traya ie., Divyougha, Siddhougha and Manavaugha in the Guru Mandala (the Upper

Quadrant above the Bindu in Sri Chakra) and would difinitely advise us when

required to the eligible.


He has become one with the Lord Vishnu which means that all pervading. Om Namo



all the members of the Mahasaktha Asramam are with the members of Skandasramam

in this moment.


at the feet of my guru,

saktha bandhu,

Samvidaanandanatha Saktha






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  • 9 years later...

Dear All ,


Iam a devotee of goddess bhuvaneshwari, interested in her upasana.


I would be greatful if anyone can provide me details on the works of santhananda swamigal so that it would be of benefit to sadhakas.








Dear all


Sathguru Santhanantha Swamigal of Pudukkottai Bhuvaneswari Temple, Skandashramam

of Salem and Chennai has reached Sripuram on 27.05.2002 early morning at 6:30

am. Obseques and burial will be at Salem Skandashramam today afternoon.


A great yogi par excellence, a sadhaka of high order, he was a Bhuvaneswari

Upasaka through Srividya, a specialist in Siddha Bhuvaneswari, a very difficult

path. Upasana of Bhuvaneswari Maa, it may not be an exaggeration to say, he was

instrumental in making it popular. He was a specialist in Samputam (joining) of

mantras. A week back, there was a grand Homam at Pudukkottai with samputam of

Dakshina Kali and Vanadurga Mantras. Another rare characteristic of his was his

Catholicity towards other paths. He was not too possessive nor declaring that

his path was the only or best path. The world will be much better off with

siddhas like him.



S.Ashok Sundaresan

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