Guest guest Posted May 11, 2003 Report Share Posted May 11, 2003 this is in response to kallika putri's post i think my points were mistook in wrong sense or i have not conveyed it in a proper way.I never say it should be secretive. worship is common to all and not only human beings including animals and flies( our hindu sthala puranas of our ancient temples proves this.further i never says it belongs to high caste and i never says people shold not read the books. for ur kind information the books which u have mentioned are very good books they are printing so many upanishad and nikandus and bashyams, morethan that there are books are coming from varanasi with so many technical information. even guhananda mandali prints somany books, pradhibha prasuram prints somany devi upasana books. i never says these are not be read or they are for cheap selling purpose. still ther are books, without knowing what it is simply they are printing and selling in the name of dasa maha vidhya,mantras which will give u benifit if u read for 45 days like that.i am mentioning thise books only. piece of information given to that gentleman was to improve his interest and not create any fear over the sadhanas. may be u will also agree there books any body can read and to under stand, without that a person would have not known chinna mastha. this like that just to know reading for the sake knowledge is one thing and practising that is sadhana is another important way, when u r doing a shadhana u need aperson guidence, he need not be a guru and he need not be high caste etc, but he must have practised . it is like that a person studying about a driving a car thro a book is one thing and then when starts driving he need one person's guidence, u call him guru or not that is reading itself a person cannot drive a car, a person supervison is necessary, till he builds up his hope u would have understand that knowing is one thing and practising inanother thing. even as per ur example, u r right a child has to try somany times falling and then only it walk it is absolutely right. hope every time the child falling some elderly person or their parents are watching the child ,but the child doesnot know. suppose the same child is falling in a staircase what will happen. pl imagine. the elderly person who is standing nearby is interested on that child thats why he is standing and watching. in the same ways acharyas ,pandits written so many books idont deny, and by their vimarasam only i am writing this. knwoing and practictising are entirely diffrent.whether it is the substance of MAA or even taming a books we can read how to tame an elephant, but in practice u have to take start from first step. thatis what right from adi shankara and baskrarayar and offlate so many people teaching. every SADHANAS ARE HAVING SUKSHMA ARDHAS WHICH ARE NOT VISIBLE OUTSIDE. A MERE PERSON PURCHASED A BOOK AND SAW THE CHINNAMASTHA THINK IT IS AN UGLY POSE OF A WOMEN, WiTHOUT NOT KNOWING WHAT IT IS. IF U TAKE IN HINDU MYTHOLOGY A GOD IS KEEPING A SERPENT IN HIS HEAD, OTHER ONE IS HAVEING IT IN HIS NECK,OTHER ONE IS HAVING THE SAME SNAKE AS A BELT IN HIS WAIST, OTHER ONE IS KEEPING IT HIS FOOT.DO u MEAN TO SAY IT IS FOR FUN. IF U FEEL IT IS FOR ARTISTIC VIEW THEN I AM SORRY.THERE ARE LAKSHYAARTHAS AND VASYAARTHAS WHAT I WANT TO INSIST IN ANY DEVATHA UPASANA U HAVE TO GO ONE BY ONE AT ONE STAGE U CAN REACH TO DO SADHANA'S OF CHINNA MASTHA ITSELF IF GOD WISHES. I AM INTERSTED IN HIS INTEREST IT IS REALLY WONDERFUL. U MIGHT HAVE SEEN THE PEOPLE ARE PLAYING VEENA OT GUITAR, BY SEEING WE MAY FEEL , IT IS VERY EASY. UPTO THIS IS INFORMATION LEVEL. SO U R BUYING AND KEEPING IT IN UR DRAWING ROOM, BUT WITHOUT A PROPER GUIDENCE U CANNOT PLAY,WHY U CANNOT KEEP ITS SRUTHI. SO DONT TAKE EVERYTHING IS SO SIMPLE. HERE HE NEED A GUIDENCE, CALL HIM AS GURU OR NOT IMMETERIAL.OTHER WISE HE CANNOT UNDER STAND WHAT IS SRUTHI EVEN., U CAN READ AS MANY BOOKS AND LEAVE IT.WHEN U WANT TO DRIVE A CAR U NEED APERSON, WHEN THE CHILD IS FALLING A GUIDENCE IS NECCESARY. IN THE SAME WAY WHEN U R IGNORANT, IT CAN BE CLEARED BY OTHER PERSON ONLY. IF THIS THE CASE ALL SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN NEED NOT GO TO THE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ANDSIMPLE THEY CAN READ. LEARNING IS A VERY SIMPLE BUT SADHANA IS A BIG THING.HERE NO CASTE IS COMING PL DONT DRAG ANY BODY WHO IS HAVING INTEREST IN MAA'S MANTRAS FOR UR KIND INFORMATION THERE SOME MUSILIMS ARE PRACTISING SRI VIDYA.THERE IS NOTHNG WRONG. HOPE I HAVE TOLD U ENOUGH, STILL IF U FEEL U R RIGHT THEN APOLIGISE FOR MY STATEMENTS. THE MAA CULTURE DEVELOPED NOT ONLY IN INDIA IT IS ALL OVER THE WORLD, NOBODY CAN CLAIMS THE OWNERSHIP.BECASUE WHERE EVER U CO, THE BORN CHILD WILL CALL HER MOTHER AS MAA,MUMMY, MOTHER LIKE THAT ONLY THE 'M'KARAM WILL BE THERE IN THE FIRST WORD WHILE CALLING WHICH EVER THE LANGUAGE U GO, WHO MAKES THIS. I AM ALSO WORSHIPPER OF MAA AND LET HER GIVE ENOUGH STRENGTH TO EVREYBODY. I HAVE MENTIONED THE GENTLEMEN, LET HIM START FROM PREKG, TO HIGHER COLLEGE LEVEL. THAT'S ALL. I ASLO WISH HE MUST LEARN AND DO SADHANA AND I WISH HIM SUCESS. I AM HAVING LOT OF BOOKS ON ALL THESE THINGS.DEVATHAS SADHANAS ARE ANGA, UPANGA, PRTHIANGA, UGRA, SATHWEGA IN YOUR LAST PARA U SIMPY MENTIONED PRAYING. PRAYING IS ONE THING ARCHANA IS ONTHING, SAHASRANAMA IS ONETHING, HOMAM, ONETHING ANDSADHANA IS ONE THING. I NEVER SAY THAT PEOPLE SHOULD NOT PRAY.AND I WILL NEVER SAY PEOPLE SHOULD WORSHIP, BUT I WANT THEM TO DO IT PROPERLY . WHEN I WAS IN CALLCUTTA, I LEARNT SOMANY THINGS FROM A BENGALI ABOUT KALI UAPASANA,SO I KNOW DOING ONETHING WITHOUT KNOWING NOTHING AND DOING THE SAME AFTER KNOWING EVERYTHING OR LITTLEBIT.HOPE U UNDERSTOOD WRONGLY. THE GOOD SPRIT WILL GIVE U GOOD FOR EVER HOPE I AM NOT HURTING ANYBODY'S FEELING Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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