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Baba and Miracles

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Baba and Miracles

Miracles happened during Baba's life-time and they conti-nued to happen

even after His Mahasamadhi. In fact Baba never did any miracles. It was

one of the part of the Cosmic Flow. Those, who joined the flow,

experienced them. Those, who were only spectators, saw them with awe and

doubt. " What is going to happen " , is a phrase that haunts everyone.

Nothing is happening. It is our limited understanding because of our

limited perception. It is there only we need to join it to be one with

it. There should not be separate identification. When you do not

understand your mind, you are not at its mercy; but when you understand,

you are lost in the midst of it. It is the difference between being in

bondage to thought or being liberated by it. The experience of

understanding is wisdom; but trying to capture that understanding, to

convey it in words, is knowledge. Spiritualism is to be in tune with the

supreme spirit. The journey to Spiritualism is very confusing at the

beginning. It is even more complicated compared to the journey in the

unknown space, the unknown starry-world. Baba always indicated that he

was in tune with the Supreme flow and never confronted it. His approach

was simple and direct. He did not write volumes. He never preached as a

priest. His life itself was a light-house that emitted light to all, who

came to him. Mystic incidents happened around Baba. They spoke

profoundly that Baba was in the perfect cosmic flow. Meditation is

complete friendship with the self-no confrontation, no side tracking.

The whole life of Baba wags a perfect meditation, a continuous

awareness. He watered the trees and the trees whispered to him. He fed

the hungry and the hungry were satisfied. He calmed the distressed. He

got angry to set the things to tune, to merge with the cosmic flow. His

presence, his look brought together all only to understand the supreme

" self " . He always insisted upon the " Witness State " , and he was the

supreme witness. He never confronted with any so called Karmic laws. In

the present century this saint Sai Baba led the common man to real

spiritual journey. He respected all faiths. He upheld valid wholesome

customs. He proved efficiently that spiritual pursuit is not the

monopoly of the few. Even today, what we term as miracles that take

place in the common understanding, bring many devotees together to share

the cosmic feeling of oneness. Baba had all the qualities that are

defined in Bhagavadgeeta of a Purushottam. I feel Sai dharma is growing,

growing wildly to create more spiritual shelter to all. It has no ritual

barriers. It has no concrete walls of dogmas. It is like the " air " which

we breathe every second to hold our being. Let Sai truth prevail like

sweet aroma all over.

Pralhad Hulyalkar Masterjee


Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine June 1985





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