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Mairan Initiation

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Mind in Mayai has to think of form. In form comes the quality. The

> soul in the dog lusts after another dog. The soul in human lusts

> after another human. The bliss of orgasm is the same. It pulls


> towards sex.


[Moderator's note: Reference to paedophiles removed. Removing the lines did not

affect the total content of this post.]



> In truth all joy comes from the Self,

> It is Mayai which makes us think and feel that it comes from the

> form,

> And it appears true in the physical plane.


> Mayai is that which masks,

> The truth,

> It is the partial truth,

> Like the moon Kali wears,

> Which waxes and wanes.


> But jnanam is like the sun,

> Which shines on its own accord,

> Not through borrowed light.


> To know the contents of the mind,

> We need to talk to our own selves,

> It is sounds which become meaning,

> Each race has its own language,

> It is the idea which gives value to the word,

> The mind attributes the idea to the sound,

> The idea came before the sound,

> Yet to know the contents of our mind,

> We need to talk to our own selves..

> but though this is not 'physical sound'..

> it is still sound all the same.


> This is the Saraswathy,

> The one which holds the Veenai, the instrument of music,

> Which when struck makes intelligent sound.


> The Brahma is the jivatma,

> Which signifies the anava,

> Its spouse is Saraswathy.


> Jivatma comes from manam.

> Manam is the Vishnu,

> The mind is spread throughout the body,

> Like water filling the vessel,

> It comes out through the five senses.

> Indian, Chinese, Caucasian or Alaskan,

> All humans sense the world through the five senses of touch, taste,

> smell, hearing and sight only.

> This is the five headed serpent,slept on by Vishnu (manam=mind)

> Through which the mind operates.


> The mind seeks to conquer,

> It seeks to be the king,

> In education, business, science,

> We pay homage to the man who has done best,

> hence he is the king,

> And who is the spouse of the king,

> Save opulence, glory, wealth, name or fame,

> It is what the mind in Mayai seeks,

> Hence the spouse of Vishnu,

> Behold lakshmi the bestower of these.


> The mace is like the nose, this denotes the sense of smell,

> It is a weapon wielded by the hands,

> Hence it signifies sense of touch,

> The conch is blown by using the mouth,

> This is the sense of taste, the sound arising thereof is sense of

> hearing.

> The cakram is the rotating thing emitting light,

> With the help of light the eye rotates to all corner, hence the


> of sight,

> this then becomes the weapons held by Vishnu - the mind in Mayai.

> Who holds the flower of the sense of 'I'.


> The mind has four compartments,

> Of manas - awareness,

> Of chit - likes and dislikes,

> Of buddhi - intelligence

> Of anavam - selfish ego.


> It is from the mind that the selfish ego stems forth, it denotes the

> state of jivatma. As such from the navel of the Vishnu does Brahma

> stem forth. The mind with four compartments is also Brahma, it is

> born through the womb (navel),and four faces Brahma has.


> All humans feel themselves as above,

> non feel themselves as the atom of the brain,

> Non are aware as the chemical reactions of the brain,

> Nor do they accept themselves as the body.

> We are living in the body.

> Through the body we can attain jnanam.

> That is the reason for the path of dhyanam.


> What are chemical reactions of the brain,

> But mere activites of atoms,

> Which behaves mechanistically outside the body,

> Yet becomes alive when the soul inhabits it.

> The reactions that happen in the brain,

> None resemble the thing seen outside.

> Seeing an apple,

> The brain fires in the occipital lobe,

> Not resembling the apple, nor made up of the same molecules as the

> apple,

> Yet to the mind it appears so.


> The hawk eats uncooked flesh,

> Dogs fed in the house yet ransack the dustbin,

> But to us the uncooked flesh nor the grass eaten by cows,

> Taste the same as it does to them.

> So know the Maya as Shakti. Denotes forms with qualities.Separates

> and divides.

> Whose spouse is Shiva.

> He burnt the anava (the selfish ego),And the manam which is Sati.

> That Visnu and Sakthi is the same only.

> By merging into OM (the kundalini),

> And soared till he reached Sindhu (top of head),

> Became fearless of death, realizing himself as deathless atma,

> So he wears the tiger skin to denote his bravery.


> That is the symbolization of Hindu deities,

> There is more to say,

> Of murugan, ayappan, etc.

> All symbolizes the truth of the being.

> Most denotes the state one passes in spirituality,

> The state on transcends,

> And the final beautitude.

> But space is not enough to discuss this,

> Yet.


> Having realized is not to become superhuman,

> It is to become truly human,

> And able to use one's human capabilities,

> In full accord with conscience,

> As opposed to selfish gains.


> One can know the Iraivan (god),

> One cannot become the Iraivan.


> Dhyanam (meditation) of beginners is by focussing on a form,

> It is true for everyone.

> The mind always exposed to the same form,

> Will be attached to it alone,

> Regardless of whether it is beneficial or not is secondary.


> The Iraivan (god) is outside,

> But is within also.

> The anavam is inside, the mind is inside, as such Iraivan can be

> sought inside alone.

> It is not in the books, cannot be bought off the shelf.


> The path to it is the OM,

> It exists in the body,

> Spanning from the spine to the head,

> Entering it only,

> Can one know the Iraivan.


> To enter it,

> The mind is quited,

> Focussed on one singular thought,

> Trained on listening one sound,

> Or focussing one the light,

> Or any form one fancies,

> Rallying the thought which runs,

> Pull you through this,

> Add bhakti (love) to the thought of Iraivan,

> Till you can feel a sensation,

> Arising on the forehead like a throb.


> The Iraivan which exists as an idea,

> As an imagination,

> Will become a reality,

> Do not worry,

> Prod along.


> The Iraivan in everyone,

> Knows the prompting of the heart,

> Believe me my friend,

> For this is what we have seen,

> Yet we are brothers,

> All are children of Iraivan,

> None is above another.


> The mind is the guru,

> We listen to it only,

> Even when somebody instructs,

> The mind must be there,

> To imbibe the teachings,

> According to its promptings we act.

> When one is asleep,

> When the mind is sunk in layam,

> Lying in the region of moolam,

> Can we learn, do or aspire after anything?

> We can only lie prostate,

> like Shiva beneath Kali's (shakti) feet...

> The shakti is the awareness,

> It is the energy from the brain.

> The shiva is the witness.


> Focus on this throb,

> And watch the breath deepen,

> Then see the body move and perform mudras,

> As it assumes the form,

> Of patterns lying in OM,

> Like iron dust taking the form of magnetic pattern.


> Thereafter persist till one day,

> The breath stops on its own.

> And then you will enter the moolam,

> And see the light of Kartikai,

> Like millions of shining particles,

> This is the first experience,

> The rest which follows is beyond your effort,

> Its the grace of Iraivan alone. Like the ball which rolls on its own

> accord from the summit, effort is up to reaching there alone. This


> the moola-stanam (sanctum santorum).


> Now when you close your eyes you feel closest to the head,

> And the limbs further away.

> Entering mooloam you will feel yourself in the base of the spine,

> And moving upwards (sindhu),

> This is the meaning of being the hindu.

> The indhu (mind) merged with Iraivan which culminates in the 'sagala

> swarupam' (all encompassing) - sagaswaram.

> It is not following stupid rituals,

> And following women in trance,

> Nor is it following customs,

> Of a particular race known as Indians,

> But merging the mind into Iraivan,

> Who belongs to all like the Sun.


> Many people denote peace and calm,

> They use it as yardstick in dhyanam.

> These are only the beginning.

> Passing the exam, one feels calm,

> Coming out from a dreadful situation it feels calm also,

> Having drunk and enjoying a blissful spa,

> The mind feels calm all the same.

> Listening to blissful music, shaking legs in the pool and eating


> food,

> without a care in the mind,

> Peace is seeked and achieved by those with some affluence.


> Bliss from Iraivan is beyond all these.

> Dhyanam towards Iraivan is different from mass-produced one size


> all meditation as advocated by the foolish gurus.

> Can we sell Iraivan,

> Can we sell the knowledge Iraivan has given,

> For the sake of money?

> It is given free by Iraivan,

> Its like prostituting one's own mother,

> That describes the guru business.


> Guru is the mind,

> Parama guru is Iraivan's grace which makes the mind enter OM,this is

> para,

> Parampara guru is realizing one's true heritage as child of Iraivan,

> this is parampara.

> Paramesti guru is achieving abidance (stanam) with the param

> (iraivan) in Sindhu.


> Anyone who is outside is upadesa guru only. They can show the way



> the end.


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