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Why am I never satisfied wit anything? What is Contentment?

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, " NMadasamy " <nmadasamy



> All this thing about making a transition.... This is what ive been

> thinking for the last few days : Why am I not satisfied? I asked


> guru this question before. Why? Why cant i be like for eg my

> husband. He is so content with what he have. He do not have a

> guru... he dose his pooja everyday without any issues. He does not

> seek anything but what that comes to him. But NO I wanted more. I

> believe I deserve more because I wanted to believe there are more

> for me out there..... only to realise that this need to seek..

> brings in more pain. I create my own pain.


> I asked this question now everyday : why am I never satisfied with

> anything?


> Is it because I am seeking happiness.. and I think that through

> constant change I will be happey. Indeed ive been told many times,

> change is a normal process. We must change. To remain stagnant is

> death. So I move from one job to another, from one relationship to

> another, from one religion or ideology to another, thinking this

> constant movement of change will bring forth happiness.


> But do they?



Then I should be content with what I have. How does one achieve

contentment? IS it when you stop seeking? When you began to accept

who you are... and happy with what you have? or Contentment is when

one stop comparing, judging, evaluating and seeing the things before

you in its present stage of affair.

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Srividya teaches that Devi is at once the form, content and essence

of the Cosmos, whether seen or unseen. At the center of Sri Chakra

She is called Kameshwari, the Mistress of Desire.


People sometimes interpret this sexually, but that is only one

aspect of Desire. Whether we long for God, love, knowledge, wisdom,

world peace, a bigger house, a better car, more toys, more sex,

revenge on one's enemies; however high- or low-minded -- Desire is

the very stuff of Creation.


From this perspective, trying to overcome or defeat Desire is as

foolhardy as trying to overcome or defeat Hydrogen. You can't! It

simply is! Not only is the goal nonsensical, it is impossible.


As with so many things, we cannot control what is, but we can -- with

time and practice -- control our reaction to what is.


Once we start perceiving desires as not originating within ourselves,

then there comes inherently a detachment from those desires. We, as

individuals, do not desire anything. We are simply channeling and

manifesting the stuff of which the Universe is made. The task is not

to supress the desire or deny it, but to simply observe it and let it



Detachment, and thus contentment, is simply a side effect resulting

from this change in perception. And a lot of the effect of

sadhana is to slowly move that realization, that perceptual shift,

from the intellectual to the experiential plane.


aim mAtangyai namaH





> , " NMadasamy " <nmadasamy@>

> wrote:


> Then I should be content with what I have. How does one achieve

> contentment? IS it when you stop seeking? When you began to accept

> who you are... and happy with what you have? or Contentment is


> one stop comparing, judging, evaluating and seeing the things


> you in its present stage of affair.


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