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Jayashri Ma and the Primordial Mother: Part 2

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Fusion of the Soul: Jayashri Ma and the Primordial Mother

by June McDaniel


" [Jayashri's guru] instructed her in spiritual practice

(sadhana), and they did meditation with tantric mantras

and visualizations before Adya Ma on matching

panchamunda asanas (seats made of five skulls: four

animal skulls and one human skull). She sat next to him,

and he transmitted his power to her. The power came

directly from heart to heart, and could only be felt; it

was not mediated by sight or touch. After this meditative

practice with her guru, Jayashri said that Adya Shakti

took up permanent residence within her. "


The Graceful Guru

Hindu Female Gurus in India and the United States

Edited by Karen Pechilis

Oxford University Press, 2004

ISBN: 0-19-514537-2


Part 2


Jayashri was born in 1948, in Darjeeling, West Bengal.

She came from a Shakta family, and her father was a

deputy magistrate and practitioner of tantra (tantra

sadhaka). He was a disciple of Taraksepa of Basirhat (in

South 24 Parganas) and a visionary who had many

religious experiences.


When she was eight years old, Jayashri met a friend of

her father, named Sudin Kumar Mitra. He was an officer

of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) posted to

Darjeeling, who came originally from Calcutta. He was

also a tantric practitioner, and a year after she met him,

Jayashri took initiation (diksha) from him. She said that

he chose her as a disciple for her spiritual gifts, and she

was his first disciple. She was fascinated by her guru,

and described her love for him, which later was

transformed into a love of Adya Shakti Kali.


Her guru, Sudin, claimed that he had been initiated

directly by Adya Shakti Kali. At the age of seventeen

years, he wished to have the respected Shakta

practitioner Nagin Bagchi of Tarapith initiate him, but

Bagchi refused. He said, " The Mother herself must

decide, I am not your guru. " After repeated requests,

Bagchi finally told Sudin to bathe, fast, and remain

alone in a room for the whole night. If Sudin were

willing to do this, then Bagchi said he would initiate him

the next morning. He went into the room at night, and at

2:00 A.M. the room was filled with brilliant light. He

saw a vision of Adya Shakti Ma, who said to him,

" Chant these mantras along with me. " He did so, and

then she disappeared. He did not realize this was his

initiation (diksha).


The next morning, he ran to Nagin Bagchi to get

initiated. Bagchi told him, " Don't you realize, you were

already initiated by Ma at 2:00 A.M.! " Nagin Bagchi

gave him two photographs, one of Bagchi himself and

another one of Adya Shakti Kali. He told him to do a

simple ritual of worship, offering incense to the photo

and praying for universal blessings. He was to say,

" Tomar jaya hok " , all victory to you, before her

photograph. Jayashri and her mother were both initiated

by Sudin Mitra, but her father was not. Mitra told him

that he was due to be initiated by another person, a

renunciant (sannyasi), who later turned out to be



During her school life, Jayashri was close friends with

her guru, and also with Swami Bhavesananda. By the

age of ten years she would visit them and do meditation

with them. Mitra told her that Adya Ma was always with

him, and that he had trouble sleeping at night because

Adya Ma would keep him awake. He said that Jayashri

would grow up to be a powerful woman, who would

help many people.


At the age of thirteen, when Jayashri began going to

temples for worship, she would fall into trances

(samadhi). During worship she would see images of the

goddesses Tara Ma and Adya Ma before her. She was

" drowned in dhyana [meditation], " subject to frequent

visions and trance states. When Adya Ma would come,

she would see the world turned to light, and she would

lose track of the physical world. Jayashri would then see

the goddess before her. She says that sometimes Adya

Ma looks like her picture (there is a set iconographic

image of the goddess), and sometimes she appears in the

image of Jayashri's body so that it is like looking in a

mirror. However, when the form (rupa) looks like

Jayashri, it is really the goddess beneath that form. Adya

Shakti cannot be described in words, but her power can

be felt.


When Jayashri was seventeen or eighteen years old,

Sudin Mitra was transferred to Allahabad for his IAS

posting, and she went along with him. She stayed with

him for a year. He instructed her in spiritual practice

(sadhana), and they did meditation with tantric mantras

and visualizations before Adya Ma on matching

panchamunda asanas (seats made of five skulls: four

animal skulls and one human skull). She sat next to him,

and he transmitted his power to her. The power came

directly from heart to heart, and could only be felt; it

was not mediated by sight or touch. After this meditative

practice with her guru, Jayashri said that Adya Shakti

took up permanent residence within her.


About a year later, her father was transferred to Birbhum

District in West Bengal, and she came there to live with

her family. She had wanted to take renunciant vows

(sannyasa), but her guru said that she had already

become a sannyasini inwardly, so no outward renunciant

initiation (sannyasi diksha) was necessary. She was to

be a householder holy woman, a grihi sadhika.


When she moved to Birbhum District, she became

seriously ill with dysentery. She soon developed

ulcerative colitis and heart trouble, which have stayed

with her to the present time. She got a college degree

and studied classical music, but the illnesses restricted

her movement and eventually made her stop her



She stayed in Birbhum District after her father's death,

but never married. She is now a primary school teacher,

working with children from five to nine years of age.

She is weak from her illnesses, and eats little food. The

doctors she saw at the time she first developed the

symptoms of colitis and heart trouble told her that she

would be dead in ten years, but she has survived for

twenty-five years thus far. This is understood as a

miracle by her devotees. Her guru prayed to Adya Ma to

allow her to survive and help others, and she credits

them both for her survival.


[to be continued]

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, " msbauju " <msbauju wrote:


> Fusion of the Soul: Jayashri Ma and the Primordial Mother

> by June McDaniel


Thank you dear Msbauju! I am always inspired and nourished by these

stories of the diverse and unique spiritual paths of the various

saints, sages, seekers and gurus, especially women. Not to exclude

the men's stories of course, I have just always been " hungry " to hear

women's experiences. Thanks again!


> " [Jayashri's guru] instructed her in spiritual practice

> (sadhana), and they did meditation with tantric mantras

> and visualizations before Adya Ma on matching

> panchamunda asanas (seats made of five skulls: four

> animal skulls and one human skull). She sat next to him,

> and he transmitted his power to her. The power came

> directly from heart to heart, and could only be felt; it

> was not mediated by sight or touch. After this meditative

> practice with her guru, Jayashri said that Adya Shakti

> took up permanent residence within her. "


> The Graceful Guru

> Hindu Female Gurus in India and the United States

> Edited by Karen Pechilis

> Oxford University Press, 2004

> ISBN: 0-19-514537-2


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