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aya talks on heaven and hell

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Bhakta: I have heard about heaven and hell. Is it true?


Aya: What do you think?


Bhakta: Many religion has talked about heaven and hell. So it must be

true. Surely the bad people must be punished.


Aya: Don't you see many handicapped, diseased and souls born into

pitiful conditions around you?


Bhakta: Yes.


Aya: Why must some souls be borne into such conditions while some are

born into good conditions?


Bhakta: Perhaps it is due to their evil deeds of their past.


Aya: If they have already suffered in hell or enjoyed in heaven, they

have already paid their due. Thereafter what is the need to get

punished by being borne into pitiful conditions? Is this not



Bhakta: So you mean heaven and hell is in this earth itself.


Aya: Yes it is. And we have the capacity to change it. If people shed

their ignorance and help each other, thereafter the hellish

conditions will be reduced for many souls. By doing such we ourselves

rise in spirit (towards Iraivan). But to do this one has to sacrifice

one's wealth and effort. One has to share it. This many are wont to



Bhakta: I have seen in some Puranams and even the Buddhistic

teachings describing hell. I have seen the drawings (illustrations)

of hell in it.


Aya: How is it described?


Bhakta: They have people cast into pans of boiling oil.


Aya: How do they heat up the pan? Is there any drawing of such?


Bhakta: They put a big pan and there's fire beneath it.


Aya: What else is illustrated?


Bhakta: People are also being cut by saw. In some they are bitten by

snakes or creatures, cut by axe and so on.


Aya: Whatever you have described actually are just imaginings. Even

in fantasy stories the authors have imagined creatures devouring

humans and so on. In those days people used the firewood to cook

food. Nowadays they use microwave oven. So why don't these hell

denizens be burnt in microwave instead. Also according to these

illustrations they use axes and other crude weapons to hurt the poor

souls. These are according to the tools used by men on earth at the

time. Nowadays men use electric chainsaw and guns. So the denizens of

hell also should upgrade accordingly, ha, ha, haa...


Listen. Beings in Mayai need shakti from jadam (gross fleshy body) to

think, act and perform its actions. Can you see without your eyes?


Bhakta: I can imagine with closed eyes.


Aya: Okay, so if I pluck out your eyes will you be able to maneuver

the roads or go to any place without any aid at all?


Bhakta: No...I guess.


Aya: You will never be able too. Likewise without the tongue, without

the physical ears and so on, the embodied souls will not be able to

function. Without gaining mukthi, they will be like in deep sleep

after death (unaware of anything, even one's own self). Even now the

soul inhabits the body and can't see without the eyes. With the loss

of the physical body in death, how will it be able to see then?

Likewise too if I damage your brains you will not be able to think.

With death the body will get destroyed. So how will the soul think

and feel. Understand the truth of this and forsake such silly beliefs.


Today the men of 'heaven and hell' religions are fighting with each

other in the middle-east. Each thinks he is the rightful heir of the

promised heaven in the afterlife. Due to this much oil, resources and

manpower are wasted. The economy by large will start to be affected.

So understand the foolishness of all this.


The bishops and pastors were sunk in ignorance. In the past they

burnt innocent women as witches and persecuted the masses. All this

happened during the 'Dark Ages'. They even persecuted Gallileo who

declared the world to be round. All this is more startling

considering it was carried out by the church fathers (holy men) who

were constantly pondering and living the life dictated by the bible.


Yet if you turn the annals of European history you will come to know

that the church is the main reason for establishing darkness of

ignorance. The Renaissance philosophers and artists dared to change

by again consulting Pagan works. These are the works by the earlier

Europeans who were in truth influenced by the earlier Dravidians. The

church fathers have branded these works as Pagan.


Hence the mythology of the Greeks and Romans are similar to the

Dravidians. The Greeks and Romans laid the seed of logic, reasoning,

debates, mathematics, philosophy and so on. If man were to have

continuously progressed from there on, mankind would have reached

greater heights. But due to the mind-clamping religious dogma adopted

by the power hungry rulers, the land sunk into a period of darkness

called the Dark Ages. The Renaissance happened when the thinkers

again consulted the Pagan works (Greeco-Roman) of their earlier

forefathers. The church tried to suppress this initially, but due to

the rise of Islam lost their degree of influence. Largely due to this

fact only men got hold of the Pagan works and started to think again.

Knowledge is built on knowledge alone. Science is the tool to

understand the external world. Likewise spirituality is the tool to

explore the internal world. Unlike the Indians, the Europeans did not

have caste and creed baggage. Hence they united and overthrew those

who oppressed them. They set sail and ruled the world.


But what happened to us? Even though we are the ones who set sail

first and therefore could monopolize trade and capital, we became

beleaguered due to caste and creed. We even have Sastras (book of

Manu) which condemns travel of seas. Then how could have the Chola

kings sailed till the Malayas? And understand that Hindu kingdoms

were already established in Srivijaya and Majapahit when the Chola's

fleet reached here. As such it must be understood that the Dravidians

even sailed before that. This was long before Christianity and Islam

were even born.




Understand that for beings without mukthi they will be cast again to

this world of Mayai with rebirth. There is no such imaginary hell or

heaven anywhere. Only by rebirth they will experience the fruits of

their actions and could pursue their desires. Different souls have

different desires according to its free will. In pursuing its desires

it will succumb to selfish exploitation and manipulative ways if it

heeds the anava. Thereafter it suffers the consequences.


Only by attaining mukthi one is liberated from this cycle. Thereafter

one doesn't need the jadam (physical world) to express one's atmic

nature. As far as one is concerned, the attachment to the physical

world is destroyed forever. This is the symbolic Shiva Tandava (dance

of destruction by Shiva).


For more please visit



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