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Yoni - The Principle of Creation

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This is a small attempt mine that sketches out the Principle of Yoni –

the Source of Origin – the Supreme Creatrix of the Universe. Given

below is the origin of cryptic script of 5 gross elements. From the

cryptic script of Ether and Fire, the cryptic script of Bhuvaneswari

Bija has been evolved. And this looks like the " Inverted Therefore "

symbol of Mathematics which is called Kamakala which is otherwise

called YONI. This Yoni in Tantra is represented with the

symbol " Downward Triangle " .


Akasa (Ether) Bija is Ham


During pronunciation of H a hollowness is formed in our mouth. In

phonetics, it is called " Aspirate " . Taking the case of hollowness,

Ham is denoted by Circle in Tantra


Vaju Bija (Air) is Yam


In phonetics, " Y " is called Palatal because this sound is produced

with the help of lower jaw and tongue. Vaayu resides in the body

as " Praana " (Vital Energy). This praana has shad (6) vikaras

(changes) ie., i) Jayate (takes birth) ii) Asti (Sustains) iii)

Viparinamate (changes) iv) Vardhate (Expands v) Akakshiyate

(contracts) vi) Nasyati (Get destroyed). Hence, these 6 vikaras are

denoted by `Shat Kona' or `Hexagon' in Tantrika Lipi.


Agni Bija (Fire) bija is Ram


As per phonetics, the `R' is Cerebral. This sound is produced due to

friction between Upper Jaw and tip of the tongue. Since, fire is

produced out of friction, `R'is the bija of Agni. It is denoted by

Triangle in Tantra as the fire looks broad at the bottom and conical

at the top.


Jala Bija (Water) is Vam


As per phonetics, it is labial ie., produced from Upper portion of

teeth and lower lip. Since, water requires support to stay steady in

its form, Upward Curve that denotes the support for water is denoted

for Vam in Tantrika lipi which denotes the support for water


Prithvi (Earth) Bija is Lam


The word " Bhu " is also called Prithvi. That which has 4 sides or

boundaries is called Bhu. Hence, in Tantra, a square represents the

Earth. In phonetics, it is Dental.



The Circle which is the Tantric Script of H is combined with the

Triangle, Tantric script of R. When Nada and Bindu are added to it,

it becomes Hreem Bija. This HREEM is the Bhuvaneshwari Bija Mantra.

The combination of tantric scripts of H, R & EM is denoted

by " INVERTED THEREFORE " symbol of mathematics.


This INVERTED THEREFORE is called YONI which is the Source of the

Origin of entire cosmos. This INVERTED THEREFORE is described in

the Saundaryalahar sloka " mukham bindum krutva…. " The upper two

circles of Inverted Therefore are the two breasts of Mother which are

the Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) and the downward circle of the

Inverted Triangle is the Agni (Fire).


This " INVERTED THEREFORE " is the great triangle which is called

Kamakala. The entire creation is in the form of triad. The entire

cosmos is just the combination of these three triads ie., Perceiver,

Perception, Object that is perceived or Knower, Knowledge, Object

that is Known. This is called Triputi (Triad).


This Triputi is formed from the great throb of Supreme

Consciousness. When the Supreme Consciousness (Prakasa in Srividya)

desires to become many (bahusyaam prajayeya and ekoham bahusyaam) or

the One that becomes Many, there is a gentle throb in the Supreme

Consciousness. This throb gives rise to Bindu. Bindu gives rise to

Raktha Bindu, Sukla Bindu and Misra Bindu. This Triad of 3 Bindus

forms a TRIANGLE. Sukla Bindu is Nirguna Brahma. Raktha Bindu is

Maya. Misra Bindu is the combined form of Siva and Sakti which is

Ardhanariswara Tattva.


The sloka " mukham bindum kritva... " in saundaryalahari encodes this

Tantric Script of INVERTED THEREFORE in the form of TRIANGLE which is

called KAMAKALA. The entire cosmos originates from this Kamakala –

the Great Triangle which encompasses the entire alphabets and

syllables which is of the form of AHAM (I-NESS).


Vedas declare that " Agnisomiyaatmakam idam Jagat " . The cosmos is the

product of Sun, Moon and Fire. It is this Triangle in the form of

Inverted Therefore which the Vedas declare as the form of Supreme

Bliss (Anando Parabrahmeti Yonih).


My salutations and prostrations to the YONI which is the GREAT




Srinivas Rao

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Dear Srinivsa Rao garu

it is very good explanation

as told in Vedas

 any Sakti Sadana Upsak must feel this at every point in their part of their

body during mediataion.....with utmost secrecy of truth  after strong


this is exactly what we have to achieve thru self realiastion ...but just not

knowing only academic interest....by joining this group

u know many foreigners are learning and struggling to get thru this....

let us at leaest hold this.....in years to come.......this great upsana







srinivasrao197080 <srinivasrao197080


Thursday, 22 May, 2008 12:13:02 PM

Yoni - The Principle of Creation





This is a small attempt mine that sketches out the Principle of Yoni –

the Source of Origin – the Supreme Creatrix of the Universe. Given

below is the origin of cryptic script of 5 gross elements. From the

cryptic script of Ether and Fire, the cryptic script of Bhuvaneswari

Bija has been evolved. And this looks like the " Inverted Therefore "

symbol of Mathematics which is called Kamakala which is otherwise

called YONI. This Yoni in Tantra is represented with the

symbol " Downward Triangle " .


Akasa (Ether) Bija is Ham


During pronunciation of H a hollowness is formed in our mouth. In

phonetics, it is called " Aspirate " . Taking the case of hollowness,

Ham is denoted by Circle in Tantra


Vaju Bija (Air) is Yam


In phonetics, " Y " is called Palatal because this sound is produced

with the help of lower jaw and tongue. Vaayu resides in the body

as " Praana " (Vital Energy). This praana has shad (6) vikaras

(changes) ie., i) Jayate (takes birth) ii) Asti (Sustains) iii)

Viparinamate (changes) iv) Vardhate (Expands v) Akakshiyate

(contracts) vi) Nasyati (Get destroyed). Hence, these 6 vikaras are

denoted by `Shat Kona' or `Hexagon' in Tantrika Lipi.


Agni Bija (Fire) bija is Ram


As per phonetics, the `R' is Cerebral. This sound is produced due to

friction between Upper Jaw and tip of the tongue. Since, fire is

produced out of friction, `R'is the bija of Agni. It is denoted by

Triangle in Tantra as the fire looks broad at the bottom and conical

at the top.


Jala Bija (Water) is Vam


As per phonetics, it is labial ie., produced from Upper portion of

teeth and lower lip. Since, water requires support to stay steady in

its form, Upward Curve that denotes the support for water is denoted

for Vam in Tantrika lipi which denotes the support for water


Prithvi (Earth) Bija is Lam


The word " Bhu " is also called Prithvi. That which has 4 sides or

boundaries is called Bhu. Hence, in Tantra, a square represents the

Earth. In phonetics, it is Dental.


The Circle which is the Tantric Script of H is combined with the

Triangle, Tantric script of R. When Nada and Bindu are added to it,

it becomes Hreem Bija. This HREEM is the Bhuvaneshwari Bija Mantra.

The combination of tantric scripts of H, R & EM is denoted

by " INVERTED THEREFORE " symbol of mathematics.


This INVERTED THEREFORE is called YONI which is the Source of the

Origin of entire cosmos. This INVERTED THEREFORE is described in

the Saundaryalahar sloka " mukham bindum krutva…. " The upper two

circles of Inverted Therefore are the two breasts of Mother which are

the Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) and the downward circle of the

Inverted Triangle is the Agni (Fire).


This " INVERTED THEREFORE " is the great triangle which is called

Kamakala. The entire creation is in the form of triad. The entire

cosmos is just the combination of these three triads ie., Perceiver,

Perception, Object that is perceived or Knower, Knowledge, Object

that is Known. This is called Triputi (Triad).


This Triputi is formed from the great throb of Supreme

Consciousness. When the Supreme Consciousness (Prakasa in Srividya)

desires to become many (bahusyaam prajayeya and ekoham bahusyaam) or

the One that becomes Many, there is a gentle throb in the Supreme

Consciousness. This throb gives rise to Bindu. Bindu gives rise to

Raktha Bindu, Sukla Bindu and Misra Bindu. This Triad of 3 Bindus

forms a TRIANGLE. Sukla Bindu is Nirguna Brahma. Raktha Bindu is

Maya. Misra Bindu is the combined form of Siva and Sakti which is

Ardhanariswara Tattva.


The sloka " mukham bindum kritva... " in saundaryalahari encodes this

Tantric Script of INVERTED THEREFORE in the form of TRIANGLE which is

called KAMAKALA. The entire cosmos originates from this Kamakala –

the Great Triangle which encompasses the entire alphabets and

syllables which is of the form of AHAM (I-NESS).


Vedas declare that " Agnisomiyaatmakam idam Jagat " . The cosmos is the

product of Sun, Moon and Fire. It is this Triangle in the form of

Inverted Therefore which the Vedas declare as the form of Supreme

Bliss (Anando Parabrahmeti Yonih).


My salutations and prostrations to the YONI which is the GREAT



Srinivas Rao





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