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rudro bahusira babhrur

visvayonih sucisravah

amrtah sasvata sthanur

vararoho mahatapah


Word Meaning:


(Rudrah) = The Lord who manifests Himself as Rudra; the Lord of vibration


(Bahusirah) = He possesses many heads


(Babhruh) = He has varigated pattern as his form


(Viswayonih) = womb of the universe


(SuciSravah) = He listens to only clean things


(Amrthah) = The immortal


(Saswatah) = the eternal


(Stha'nuh) = the static


(Vararohah) = born as a highclassed being


(Mahatapah) = The great penance.




Invoke the Lord as the form of Rudra, as having many heads,

manifesting as the pattern of varigated colours. He is the birth place

of the whole universe and the whole universe is his birth-place. He

listens to only clean things. He is immortal, eternal and static. He

takes a high birth and conducts great penance while He manifests as

the urge to do great penance.




       1. The gods of each universe operate as three groups:

Adityas, (devas of radiation), Rudras (devas of vibration) and Vasus

(devas of materialisation). Among them, the Rudras fill the volume of

space (Rodasi) to manifest in all groups presiding over form,. colour,

and sound etc. All these devas are to be understood as the

manifestations of the same Lord who is the background. " I am Sankara

among the Rudras " says the Lord in the Bhagavadgita. It means that

Sankara is the manifestation among the Rudras which leads to the Lord




2. The heads of all the created beings are to be meditated as the

heads of the Lord in various bodies. " The Lord has thousands of heads,

eyes and feet " says Purusha Sukta. Head means a vonex of His'

manifestation. The space-globe, the sun globe and the various

planetary globes as well as the atoms are all his heads.


3. Everything in this universe is a pattern in space made up of the

matrix of space which manifests as Rudras or vibrations. Hence each of

the five states of matter as well as their secondary and tertiary

manifestations is a pattern of varigated colours like the spectrum. It

is also a pattern of varigated sound vibration, for example, a musical

note which manifests as the periodicity of the solar system and its

planets, the heart-beat, respiration, an uttered syllable, a word,

sentence or its meaning.


4. The Lord is the birth place of the whole universe since everything

springs up from space in time in the pre - atomic state. Space and

time are manifestations of the primordial substance ( moolaprakriti)

which in its tUrn emerges from and merges into the background as the

Lord in the form of the cosmic breath or pulsation. Also the

background manifests itself as the whole universe and hence, the whole

universe is the one womb which hatches the Lord into concept, form and



5. The power to hear is one among the five senses and it manifests as

sound consciousness. Living beings speak and hear things clean and

unclean as they think with their mind, but the power to hear, receive

and grasp only sound vibrations through sound principle, that are

heard by the ears contain nothing except the presence of the Lord and

hence, they are always clean. The ears hear only sounds that are ever

clean while the mind hears things clean or unclean. Also the aptitude

and the capacity to hear passages of wisdom from the scriptures as

well as £rom the universe are caused by the Lord Consciousness in us.

The grace of Lord makes us like the various paSsages that contain the

grand wisdom of the universe and this leads to liberation.


.. 6. Time starts only after the beginning of the first stir of

creation and ends with the last stir of merging. The Lord is the

background of both and is hence, beyond time.


7. We have an impression that things like stone, mountain and tree are

static. We also take it for granted that the earth is static. This

sense which cognizes things that are static is only false though it is

true relative to the mind. This false sense of static natUre in things

makes beings live in their own sense of relativity which gives a sense

of location and identity. The Lord works as this false sense of static

nature which protects things through a false sense of security.


8. The birth of any creature is to realise the Lord through a constant

process of purification which is worked out through evolution. Hence

every birth is clean in its own way since it helps the breaking up of

a limitation of that particular stage iike the breaking. of the

egg-shell to the chicken inside.


9. Great saints and devotees take birth in His higher natUre which

spurs them into conducting great idea of doing penance even from quite

an early age like Prahlada and Dhruva. By dint of their penance they

realise the Lord and stand as His cosmic counter-parts or principles.

All this is due to the grace of the Lord. Hence, the Lord Himself is

the great penance the doer of the penance and the object of










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