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sarvagah sarvavidbhanur

visvakseno janardanah

vedo vedavidavyango

vedango vedavit kavih


(Sarvagah) = He pervades all


 (Sarvavit) = He knows all


 (Bhanuh) = Brilliant as His own rays                         .


(Visvaksenah) = The leader of the army of the universe


jana rdanah) = He eats away all the beings in  his manifestation as time


  (Vedah) = wisdom


(Vedavit) = one who knows the wisdom


(Avyangah) = the one without any defective limb


(Vedangah) = the owner of the limbs of wisdom


 (Vedavit) = the knower of scriptures


 (Kavih) = the prophet poet





Invoke the Lord as the all pervading, all knowing and the one

brilliant as his own rays. He is the leader of the armies of the

universe and He eats everyone into Him since He is also time. He is

the wisdom, the knower of wisdom without any defective limb since He is the Lord

of the limbs of wisdom. He is the knower of the scriptures as well as the

prophet poet who composes them.


.. Explanation :


1. The presence of the Lord pervades each unit space and time. It

pervades each unit counterpart of the atom. The presence of the

different states of existence like matter, force, life, consciousness

etc., are all due to the folds of ignorance and the layers of

iimitation in the cognizance of the individual consciousness. The

difference between the dynamic and the static states, the living and

the non-living, the conscious and the unconscious are ap due to the

various layers that are objective. The Lord exists as the one

subjective presence of all these and hence, He is the Lord who



2 He.starts as the observer consciousness on the plane of objectivity

and hence, He plays the role of the ignorant one who starts His

journey of unfoldment in the living beings. This goes on until He

expands into the comprehension of the cosmic and supra-cosmic

expanses. Thus the Lord is the omniscient one, who knows everYthing before the

beginning and who goes on knowing everything as an



3. If we observe a sun-globe, we find that His brilliance is due to

his own presence as his rays. The same is the case with the

comprehension of everyone of us. The brilliance of comprehension is limited by

the concept of the individual while the brilliance goes on expanding the concept

as the urge of   knowing and realising the

unknown until the limitation of the concept breaks " and gives way to

the conte~t as the one all-brilliance.


4. The devas of one universe stand in a beaUtiful arrangement both in position

and in work. The intelligences and the energy centres that

manifest from these devas also stand in a pre-arranged discipline and

order which keeps the ultimate fitness of things in the pattern. This

order and discipline is manifesting itself through the pattern of the

solar system in the atom with the solar precision of the year as well

as the atomic structure and number. All these things reveal that there

is a particular manifestation of the Lord as the Commandant General

with all the devas as his armies. Such a one is called VishvaksentJ in

the Vaishn.ava symbolism. He is said to hold the rod in his hand and

lead the armies through channellised patterns to form the defence line of the

Lord's kingdom. In the Saiva symbolism, He is called

Subrahmanya, the first Kumara who holds Sakti (power) as his weapon and leads

the armies of gods.


5. Time is the one which dissolves forms and incidents. After

everything has served its purpose as a time-marker it will work oUt

its own removal from form and existence. This is done by virtue of the

time-sense through it. Just as we remove everything to its original place from

the table after the dinneI is finished, everyone in the universe is dissolved

into the background from its own place

temporarily decided. This is one of the properties of time which works out only

through the individual. The winding up of great institutions, the breaking up of

empires and governments and the individual deaths on the physicaJ plane are all

affected by this manifestation of the Lord as time.


6. One unit breath of the whole cosmos holds all the array of its own

detail as one unit of wisdom which is probed into by the individuals

according to the permitted windows of oomprehension. This un~t of the whole

wisdom of the cosmos is called Veda in Sanskrit. It is verily the photograph of

the Lord Himself


7. The knower of the Veda is also the Lord Himself in the guise of an

individual unfolding into the total pattern. For this reason, it is

understood in the Indian tradition that there is no difference in

quality between the Lord and a Brahmin who knows the Veda in its true



8. The limbs of an individual are his own counterparts. The Lord in

every one of us is a unit Lord who is provided with a complete set of

all the limbs to develop. Though sometimes the actions of the lower

natUre may render the physical development of the limb defective, any creature

is never created defective of the potential mechanism of the limbs, Above the

etheric plane, the body of every individual is

perfect and without any defect. For all the beings well-behaved, the

same perfection holds. good with the manifestation of the physical

limbs also. Perfection of manifestation is one of the splendours of

the Lord.


        9. The cosmic wisdom has six keys which work as the limbs of

the whole pattern. They are :


(I) Chandas, the periodicity and the ryrhm of the  universe expressed

in terms of time and space.


(II) Kalpa or the practical detail of one unit creation as it is

worked. out in the form of a ritUal by the creator. A knowledge of

these two branches give us the measures of time and space that are

revealed through the ancient scriptUre. It is said that the whole

expanse of creation  is having divisions of its active and passive

phases expressed as the day and night ofBrahma. The day is composed of one

thousand .divine years and is sub­divided into manvantaras each having

seventyone Mahayugas. The detail of all this is called Kalpa or the practical

unit ~f the total formula of creation worked out by creator as the grand ritual.


(III) Vyakarana The cosmic grammar which gives the utterence of the whole

creation as the one sentence with its subject, predicate and object as the

three­fold manifestation of the Lord Himsel£


(IV) Siksha or the process of utterence through the power of sound

which we call OM.


(V) fyotisha or the phenomenon of light and its splendours. This is

understood in terms of astronomy and astrology which is of a superior nature

when compared with the present mitigated understanding of astrology and



(VI) Nirukta or the meaning of words as a key to the cosmic wisdom. ..

All these six limbs of wisdom develop from the one embryo of wisdom who is the

Lord Himself, in His creative aspect. There are books in the various languages

which counterfiet the names of these branches but they are the partially copied

passages from the pages of the cosmic wisdom torn by each scholar according to

his own blind spots of comprehension.


11. Similarly we find the literary counterparts of the cosmic wisdom

which we call the scriptures of the world. The Vedic text as well as

any other scripture is a literary photograph of the vedic wisdom that

exists on the cosmic plane. For this reason the texts of the vedas are

also honoured as the exhalation of the Lord Himsel£


12. The word Kavi in Sanskrit means a poet in its ordinary sense. But when used

in the Vedas and allied scriptUres it means the sun-god who is the seer of the

whole universe. He is said to have a continuous, instentaneous glance of the

whole universe by the power of his rays of illumination. He is further described

as the poet who utters the splendours for the whole creation by the powers of

his own imagination and description as a poet. He is also described as the

prophet who prophesies the occurances of one spell of creation.








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