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We have the Modern Anotomy of understanding the human constitution.We know many

things relating to the same.Most advanced things are taught in Modern

Anatomy.Much more advanced things are taught in Ancient Anatomy.But we do  now

know them.The  ancient taught many more things which the moderns  never taught

and they  are yet  to know.We need not spend much time on Modern Anatomy

because any preliminary text book will give  it .For example, in Modern

Anatomy, we have bony system, musclar  system, cutaneous system, circulatory

system, respiratory system, nervous system,digestive system,excretory system and

lymphatic system.Both are consider the same .Glandular system is other wise

called the endocrine system.These glands are xalled the ductless glands.This is

only a little example  of the divisions of modern  teaching of anatomy.Each

division  has its own details much to teach .This  is a sepatate branch of

science in itself .For this, you can

approach any doctor who can teach you carefully.You can follow this subject

with his help, carefully read and make yourself sufficient with in two  or

three years , otherwise , you may become a qualified practitioner without

knowing .Either way, you can go.


Now what is the Anatomy of the ancients ? Everybody has two parts, Jiva and

Deha.This is the first division .Jiva  means the indweller and Deha means the

subsistence or the vehicle .The indweller  and his vehical are just like the

chariot and the person who is travelling, the traveler.We can say they are like

the traveler  and the van or the indweller  and his horse.This is a two-fold

division. The driver and the traveler are one before the  traveler  comes out

of the driver,because the whole creation was only one space before it came

out.Before the solar system come out, there was only space, but after solar

sytem comes out, there is space and solar system.Like  that, there is only one

indweller at first.Fron indweller, there will be a bifurcation again, the driver

and the traveler.The traveler is the Jiva and the driver is the Lord

–consciousness inside.And the indweller or Jiva is also  called purusha or

person.The word ‘person’ has come

out of the word ‘purusha’.Purusha means person,because person means

‘purusha  .Deha is called prakriti, that means  his nature.Purusha and

prakriti are person and his nature.His nature is to have a subsistence.





His nature is three-fold.Rajas,Tamas and Sattwa. Rajas is dynamism. Tamas is

inertia. Sattwam is poise . Suppose there is a cart drawn by a horse. If the

horse and the cart are well- suited to each other, i.e . , if the cart is that

heavy to be drawn by the horse and the horse is capable of drawing the cart , it

is called Sattwam or poise.But if the horse is very capable and the cart is

rotten, it is called Rajas or dynamism . In this context, the cart will fall

down. On the other hand, if the cart is very heavy and the horse is lame, then

cart cannot move.This is called Tamas or inertia.From Tamas, matter is born.From

Rajas, energy is born. In Sattwam, consciousness is not born, please remember.It

makes its manifestation . It was already there before all these came.Nobody need

say that we are waking up from sleep. We know ourselves. Knowing our selves is

what is called consciousness.It exists in degress. Thousands and thousands of

degress are awakening

from mineral  kingdom to the highest of human kingdom.


[Master, at this movement, has taken a pause and exhorted the students in the

following way.  ‘ ‘ Is this clear so far ? Is there any confusion ?  ‘

‘   Meanwhile one among the students sought clarification regarding some

term.Then Master clarified the distinction between teaching and conference thus,

what I am understanding is teaching.This is not a conference . There is

difference between teaching and lecture.In lecture , we can follow any order ;

but in teaching  we should follow an order which gives the student a clear cut

idea which can never be forget, so we follow the order].


Prakriti is three fold. That is, prakriti has three functions. Now let us take

up the term  ‘Jiva’ . Do you know why we call zoo ? What does it mean ?

Living beings. So the word ‘Jiva’ is the root  of all such words, ‘’

Ji’’ means to live .’’Jiva ‘’ means living being.We have another

word ’’ Zodiac’’.Zodiac is a guide which contains the mould of all

living beings .It contains the moulds [ the designs , the patterns] of all

living beings. In India, some idol- makes have with them a mould of the shapes

of Lord Vinayaka.They put the clay into this mould and brings out the idols. The

moulds of all types of living beings exist around the belt  of space above the

equator.That is why it is called Zodiac. It is due to these moulds in the Zodiac

that the matter on the earth takes the shapes of the physical bodies of living

beings. But for this phenomenon, how can the shape of physical body stand ?

These shapes are unable to

stand by themselves .This topic belongs Astrology.

We have  noted Jiva  and Deha . We find prakriti and its three functions.Now

something more about matter is being dealt with


Tobe continued…..



courtesy-Master E.K




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