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Seeking shlokas -- Ganapati

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Here's a CD:


No idea if it's nicely done or not.


And one at Amazon, with a sample:



And another on ebay:




I found these by googling using the following search term:

(ganapati OR ganesh OR ganesha OR ganesa) AND (atharvashirsha OR atharvasheersha

OR " atharva shirsha " ) AND CD


If you want to hang out online for a bit,

do some youtube searches for

ganapati atharvasheersha and variants.

If you're lucky, the video/music you prefer

might list its source CD and artist.



, Len Rosenberg <kalipadma108 wrote:


> Where can I purchase an audio CD of the Ganapati Atharva Shirsha, chanted

nicely with musical background, perhaps with English translation.  Other

mantras, gayatris, bhajans and kirtans can be on the CD as well, but I'm

particularly looking for a complte recital of the Atharva Shirsha.


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please find the attachment named as Ganapati Atharvashirsh.mp3




On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:18 AM, msbauju <msbauju wrote:




> Here's a CD:

> http://www.exoticindiaart.com/book/details/ICE020/

> No idea if it's nicely done or not.


> And one at Amazon, with a sample:

> http://www.amazon.com/Divine-Chants-Ganesh-Various-Artists/dp/B0002ONBK0


> And another on ebay:






> I found these by googling using the following search term:

> (ganapati OR ganesh OR ganesha OR ganesa) AND (atharvashirsha OR

> atharvasheersha OR " atharva shirsha " ) AND CD


> If you want to hang out online for a bit,

> do some youtube searches for

> ganapati atharvasheersha and variants.

> If you're lucky, the video/music you prefer

> might list its source CD and artist.


> <%40>,

> Len Rosenberg <kalipadma108 wrote:

> >

> > Where can I purchase an audio CD of the Ganapati Atharva Shirsha, chanted

> nicely with musical background, perhaps with English translation. Other

> mantras, gayatris, bhajans and kirtans can be on the CD as well, but I'm

> particularly looking for a complte recital of the Atharva Shirsha.

> >







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* *


Shree Ganapati Atharvashirsha


Hari OM Namaste Ganapataye |


Twameva Pratyksham Tatvamasi |


Twameva Kevalam Kartasi |


Twameva Kevalam Dhartasi |


Twameva Kevalam Hartasi |


Twameva Sarvam Khalvidam Brahmasi |


Twam Sakashadatamasi Nityam || 1 ||


You are the divine truth. You are the only creator of the world. You are the



protector of the world. You are the only destroyer of the world. You are the



supreme divine power. You are the only soul which is present partly in each

and every


living form.


Here the meaning of Brahma is related with unknown total universal

knowledge. The


origin of the total universe is sound. The first basic sound or knowledge is

self existent,


ever lasting and full of happiness, full of spirit. The pictorial form of

this original sound


is OM and an idol of Ganapati is a symbolic form of OM. All the matter is

created from


the original sound. (Matter is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons)

atoms which


are. It means original soul is present partly in each and everything and it

is the ultimate


supreme knowledge means it is the Brahma and. The Brahma (Lord Ganesha)



from birth till death.



Rutam vachami | Satyam vachmi || 2 ||



The great sage Ganaka is speaking the divine truth.



Ava Twam Mam | Ava Vaktaram |


Ava Shrotaram | Ava Dataram |


Ava Dhataram | Avanuchanavamshishyam


Ava Pashhattat | Ava Purasttat |


Avo Tarattat | Ava Dakshinattat |


Ava Chordhvattat | Ava Dharattat |


Sarvato Mam Pahi Pahi Samantat || 3 ||



(Oh Lord Ganesha) protect me. Protect the speaker, protect the listener,

protect the


donor, protect the sustainer and protect the learner and the teacher.

Protect me from


West direction, protect me from East, protect me from North and protect me



South. Protect me from top, protect me from bottom. Protect me from all

sides and


from surrounding.


Lord Ganesha you protect me from all the obstacles when I am praising about



appearance, when I am listening about your merits/qualities. When I am

passing the


merit of your worshipping to others you protect me. When I am learning your


worshipping from the Guru you protect me. The obstacles which will come

across in my


devotional worshipping you protect them from East, West, North, South and






Twam Vangamaystyam Chinmayaha |


Twam Anandmayastvam Brahmamaya |


Twam Satchidanandadvitiyosi |


Twam Pratyaksham Brahmasi |


Twam Dhyanamayo Vidhnyan-Mayosi || 4 ||



You are the real speech and you are the real awakening. You are the real

spirit of joy.


You are the real universal divine knowledge. You are the incomparable

everlasting real


supreme joy. You are the perceptible/actual divine (substance) or as cause

of the


universe or an enigma. You are the actual knowledge and actual science and


intelligence.(the meaning of science is spiritual experience)


Please send corrections to Mandar M. Joglekar (Mandar).






Sarvam Jagadidam Twatto Jayate |


Sarvam Jagadidam Twattas Tishthati |


Sarvam Jagadidam Twayi Layamesheti |


Sarvam Jagadidam Twayi Pratyeti |


Twam Bhumiraponalo Neelo Nabhaha |


Twam Chatwari Wak Padani || 5 ||



The whole world is produced from you. The whole world exists because of you.



whole world merged into you. The whole world again one can experience in

only you.


You are the Earth, water, air, fire and sky (the panchamahabhutas-the five



You are the four states of speeches. Sounded soul which is the origin of the



Ganesha is the self existent everlasting unexpressed total universal divine



The three states creation, maintenance (taking care) and destruction are



from Lord Ganesha (Matter is originated from sound. The protons, neutrons



electrons are made up of atom. Atom is made from matter.) Proton, the

creator (God


Brahma), neutron the care-taker (God Vishnu) and electron the destructor

(God Shiva).


The five elements are originated from Lord Ganesha. From Ether the air is



from air the fire is originated, from fire the water is originated, from

water the earth is


originated. A human being is also originated from these five elements by



cosmic energy.


Lord Ganesha is the self existent original sounded soul. The knowledge of

sound is


visible or invisible. We can hear it but cannot see or feel it. Lord Ganesha

(sound) is


soul and the universe is the body. The source of words is from Lord



original sound. The four states of speeches are para, pashyanti, madhyama



vaikhari. The place of para is deep down inside the region of naval. The

place of


pashyanti is in the heart.


The 'Madhyanma' is the throat and 'Vaikhari' is the movement of tongue and

lips. It


means the presence of Lord Ganesha (sound) is present in all the objects in

the world.



Twam Gunatrayatitaha | Twam Dehatrayatitaha |


Twam Kalatrayatitaha | Twam Muladharasthitosi Nityam |


Twam Shaktitrayatmakaha | Twam Yogino Dhyayanti Nityam |


Twam Brahmastvam, Twam Vishnustvam Rudrastvam Indrastvam Agnistvam


Vayastvam Suryastvam Chandramastvam Brahmabhurbhurvaswarome || 6 ||



You are beyond the three human qualities (Raj, Satva, and Tam). You are

beyond the


three human states (waking, dreaming and deep sleep). You are beyond the



states of bodies (gross, stable and causal). You constantly exist in the

place 'Muladhara'


in human body. You are the three powers/Shakti (required for creation,



and destruction). The sages always meditate on Lord Ganesha. You are Brahma,



are Vishnu, you are Rudra, you are Indra, you are Agni/God of Fire, you are



of Air, you are Surya/Sun, you are Chandra/Moon, you are the Brahma (an



from all living being) and the Earth, the Sky, the Heaven and the OM.


Human being has three types of qualities- Satva, Raj, and Tam. Satva means



means pure, holy or God fearing. A person, who is satvik, has always pure,

noble clear


thoughts. He is always well behaved well mannered thinking for others. Any

type of bad


elements could not disturb him. 'Rajogna' means passionate. A person always



about what profit he will get if will do anything. He always accepts

positive results as


per his thinking. If he doesn't achieve it he gets disturb. Could not keep

control on his


thoughts and mind. 'Tamasi' means hot headed irascible. A person is very hot


tempered, selfish, his thoughts and his world are around eating, drinking,



They hurt to others; never take care for anybodies feelings and duties



anybody. Lord Ganesha is beyond these three gunas.


Lord Ganesha always exists in place of 'Muladhara'. According to the yoga

there are


seven 'Chakras'(states) in human body. These 'Chakras' are situated in

various parts of


the body. Through meditation a person can awake the power of thinking of



Please send corrections to Mandar M. Joglekar (Mandar).





correct decision power, through the power of kundalini which is in the

'Muladhara'. Lord


Ganesha the supreme power is situated in 'Muladhara'.



Ganadhim Purvamuchharya Varnadim Tadonuntarin |


Anushwara Parataraha | Ardhendulsitam |


Tarena Ruddham | Etat Tav Manuswaroopam |


Gakarah Purvaroopam | Aakaro Madhyamarupam |


Anuswaraschyantyarupam | Bindurutteirrupam |


Nada Sandhanam | Sanhita Sandhihi |


Saisha Ganeshvidhya | Ganakrishihi |


Nichrudgayatrichandaha | Ganapatirdevata |


OM Gam Ganapatye Namaha || 7 ||



Having recited the letter 'Ga' the first letter of 'Ganadhim' in the

beginning, followed by


the first alphabet 'A' and thereafter a dot means a crescent and with the

sacred 'Om' up


to these. This is the way of complete the pronunciation. 'Gakara' is the

first part 'Akara'


is the middle part and a dot 'anuswar' is the last part and 'bindu' is the

latter form


(pronunciation) .This is the 'Ganesh Vidya'(knowledge about Lord Ganesha) of



Rishi (a sage) Niert Gayatri is its meter. 'Ganapati' is the God and

symbolic form in


words is 'OM Gam Ganapataye Namaha'. The word Gam having the following three


parts, 1) ga 2) a 3) a dot above the letter to denote the nasal sound.



Ekadantaya Vidmahe | Vakaratundaya Dhimahi |


Tanoo Danti Prachodayata || 8 ||



(This Is The 'Ganesh Gayatri' Which Is Introduced After Knowledge Of

Ganesha. By


Chanting This 'Ganesh Gayatri' God Ganapati Will Take Care Of The Devotees



Wealth And Property). We Know Ekadanta. We Meditate vakratunda .May he

inspire us


for Meditation.



Ekadantam Chaturhastam Pashmankushdharinam | Radam Cha Varadam


Hasteibribhranam Mushakadwajam | Raktam Lambodaram Shurpakarnakam


Raktavasasam | Raktagandhanuliptangam Raktapushpai Supujitam |


Bhaktanukampinam Devam Jagatkarnamchutam | Aavirbhutam Cha


Shrushtyadou Prakrute Purushatparam | Evam Dhyayati Yo Nityam Sa Yogi


Yoginam Varah || 9 ||



First Nam mantra, then one letter mantra, then Gayatri mantra. After

finishing these three


mantras a description of Ganesh idol for meditation is said as follows, Who

has one tusk(on


right side), who has four hands, in upper right hand who is holding noose,

in left upper hand


goad. In lower left hand, who is holding elephant's tooth(ekadanta), right

lower hand is


giving blessings, granting boon, having the mouse as him emblem, red in

color, who is


having big stomach, whose ears are like a small sift pan, who is wearing red

colored cloths,


who's body is smeared with red sandalwood paste, who is worshipped with red

flowers, who


is always does favor and keeps kindness towards his devotees, who created

this world, who


is everlasting and who is the cause of the universe, who is beyond the

primordial energy and


individual soul. Whoever meditates on him, always be a yogi and is the best

amongst the





Namo Vratapataye Namo Ganapataye Namaha Pramathpataye Namaste Astu


Lambodaraya-Ekadantaya Vighnashine Shivasutaya Shri Varadamurtaye Namo


Namaha || 10 ||



Salutation to the Lord of gods. Salutation to Ganapati (the supreme

authority of total


divine knowledge). Salutation to leader or chief of the soldiers and sages.

Salutation to


the big bellied (Lambodar), who is having one tusk, Salutation to Ekadanta.

Again and


again Salutation to God Shiva's son who destroys all obstacles and

Varadmurti. A lord


who always give blessings to his devotees.





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