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|| Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha ||


It is customary to invoke the name of Lord Ganesha before beginning

spiritual prayer, anything.


In celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi


DATE; August 23 2009

TIME;: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

PLACE; 208 Conover Road West Windsor NJ 08550 [u.S.]

For directions please call (609) 936 0263



24 hour Rudrabhishek, 24 hour MahaMritunay Jaap and Sri Yantra poojan (Mahakali

MahaLaxmi Maha Saraswati Awahan & poojan)


DATE: October 10 2009, 10)) AM – October 11 2009 10:00 AM with Poorahuti Havan

on 11 October 2009.

PLACE: Manapalan, NJ



24 hour Rudrabhishek, 24 hour MahaMritunay Jaap and Shakti Havan


DATE 26th Dec 2009 – 27th December 2009

TIME 26 Dec 10.00 AM – 10 AM 27 Dec with Poornahuti Havan on 27th Dec





Be part of this auspicious occasion and sojourn into the new year

with the blessings of Divine Goddess Ma Shakti & SadaShiv Mahadev.


|| Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha ||

|| Om Shri Mahadevya Namaha ||


Om Trayambakam Yaja Mahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam

Oourva Rukhamiva Bhandhanat Mruthiyor Mrukshiya Mam Amrutat.


This mantra has divine power to save the humanity from all kinds of




Every one will participate in the Abhishek of Lord Ganesha. First we

will perform Ganesha pooja, Kalash poojan, Navgrah shanti poojan, 16

Matrika poojan, Om Poojan and then every one will recite

Athrvashirsha and Abhishek of Lord Ganesh.


This is to be followed by the Meditation on Om. Lord Ganesh is Om

itself. He takes you from 3 to 1.



Please bring Red Flowers, Naivedya (offerings), Fruits,


|| Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha ||


|| Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha ||


In the name of Lord Ganesh, we 'Ganpati ATHARVASHIRSHA' Atharvan Rishi, who has

had the 'DARSHAN' The direct experience of Lord Ganesha, has conveyed

these in poetic form, so that we can benefit from it. Atharvan Rishi States ;

Om Namste Ganpataye || Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi || Tvamev

Kevalam Kartasi || Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi || Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi || Tvamev

Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi || Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam || 1 ||


O! Lord Ganesha, I Pay my deep homage to you, the Lord of the Deva-

Gana You are the first facet of the Bramha-Tatva to arise. You alone have

created this Entire universe. You alone can maintain this universe.

You are indeed the all conquering supreme Lord. Indeed you are

the " ATMA " (of this cosmos).


Sage Mudgal, a disciple of Saint Jaimini wrote the 'Sammudgal

Ganeshsukta'. Thereafter Sage Mudgal's disciple Sage Ganak wrote

the 'Ganapati Atharvashiriha'. In most mantras, meditation on the

Ishta or deity is description of its idol precedes its praise. In

the Atharvashiriha however it is the reverse.


I will mention few special points regarding recitation of

Atharvashirsha; Tharva means hot, atharva means cool and shirsha

means head. Thus Atharvashirsha is that recitation by means of which

one acquires mental peace.1. The pronunciation should be correct and one should

concentrate on the meaning.


2. The recitation of the verse should be very slow and in one rhythm.


3. When it is to be recited more than once it should be recited only

upto 'Varadmurtaye namaha'. The recitation of the benefits obtained

from it, which follows later, should be done only after the last

round (avartan). Similarly, instead of chanting the Shantimantra

each time before the reading it should be chanted only once, in the



4. Twenty-one rounds of this verse constitute one consecration by

sprinkling with water (abhiihek).


5. One should bathe before beginning recitation of the verse.


6. Instead of a wooden seat, a folded cloth, deerskin, a woolen

blanket or a grass mat (darbhasan) should be used.


7. A simple sitting posture should be adopted so that one does not

have to change it till the entire recitation is complete.


8. Excluding the south, one can sit facing any direction.


9. One should sit in an erect posture, without bending the back.

10. Before commencing the recitation obeisance should be offered to

one's parents and Guru.


11. If possible, before commencing the recitation one should worship

Lord Ganapati and offer Him consecrated rice (akshata), durva, shami

and red flowers.


If ritualistic worship is not possible then one should at least

meditate on Him for a minute, offer obeisance and then begin the



Om Namste Ganpataye || Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi || Tvamev

Kevalam Kartasi|| Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi || Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi

|| Tvamev Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi || Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam (1)





Ava tvam Mam || Ava Vaktaram || Ava Shrotaram || Ava Dataram || Ava

Dhataram || Avanuchanamv Shishyam || Ava Paschatat || Ava Purastat

|| Avo Uttaratat || Ava Dakshinatat || Ava chordhvatat || Ava

Dharatat || Sarvatomam Pahi Pahi Samantat (3)


Tvam Vangmayastvam Chinmaya || Tvam Anandmayastvam Bramhamaya ||

Tvam Sachitananda Dvitiyosi || Tvam Pratyaksham Bramhasi || Tvam

Jnanmayo VijnanamayoAsi (4)


Sarvam Jagadidam Tatvo Jayate || Sarvam Jagadidam Tvat Sti Shastati

|| Sarvam Jagadidam Tvay Layamesyati || Sarvam Jagadidam Tvayi

Pratyeti || Tvam Bhumi Rapo Nalo Nilo Nabha || Tvam Chatvarim Vak

Padaini (5)


Tvam Guna Traya Atitaha; Tvam Avastreya Atitaha || Tvam Deha Treya

Atitaha || Tvam Kala Treya Atitaha || Tvam Muladhar Stiti Yosi

Nityam || Tvam Yogino Dhayayanti Nityam || Tvam Bramha, Tvam

Vishnustvam, Rudrastvam, Indrastvam Agnistvam, Vayustvam Suryastvam,

Chndramastvam Bramha Bhur Bhuva Svorom (6)


Ganadim Purvamuccharaya Varnadim Tada Nantaram || Anusvara Paratarah


Ardhendu Lasitam || Taren Hridam || Etatva Manu Svarupam || Gakarah

Purva Rupam || Akaro Madhyam Rupam || Anu Svaraschantya Rupam ||

Bindu Ruta Rupam || Nadah Sandhanam || Sa Hita Sandhih || Sesha

Ganeshvidhya || Ganal Rishi; Nichrud Gayatri chandah || Ganpatir

devata ||Om 'GUNG' Ganpataye Namah (7)


Ek Dantaya Vid Mahe vakra Tundaya Dhimahi || Tanno danti Prachodayat



Ek Dantam Chatur Hastam Pashmam Kusha Dharinam || Radamch Vardam

Hastair Bhi Bhranum Mushaka Dhvajam || Raktam Gandhanu Liptangam

Rakta Pushpaihi saupujitam || Bhaktanu Kampinam Devam Jagat Karnam

Achutam || Avir Bhutam Cha Shrasta Yadao, Prakruthe Purushat Param

|| Evam Dhayayati Yo Nityam, Sa Yogi Yoginam Varah (9)


Namo Vrat Pataye, Namo Ganapataye || Namo Pratham patye, Namste Stu

Lambodaraya Ekdantaya, Vighna Nashine Shiv Sutaya, Sri Varad Murtiye

Namo Namah (10)


Twenty-one rounds avartans of Atharvashirsha should be recited.



After Describing the Characteristics & Cosmic Attributes Of Lord

Ganesha, Atharvan Rishi Gives us the Sacred " GANESH VIDYA " i.e. the

Mantra which Reveals the Sacred Form of Lord Ganesh.

(The Letter " GA " is to be enunciated, following by " NA " This one

word Mantra is then Potentates with the " PRANAVA " " OM " . This is

Sacred Mantra. (In order to make it Simpler, Atharvan Rishi Present

the above easier FASHION, Remember that Knowledge was transmitted

orally in those days.) " GA " is the first part, " Na " is the middle &

end " UM " formed by the bindu is conjoined with the foregoing & all

of them form the Sacred word. This Mantra if pronounced properly,

has the power of revealing The Divine Lord Ganesh, The sage who

receives the Mantra is Ganaka & the Metre is " NICHRAT GAYATRI " The

Diety is Ganapati. || Om 'GANG' Ganapati My salutation to you. My

humble pranams to you O! my lord. Saying Thus, The Devotees should

bow to the Lord.


Lord Ganapati's Names, meanings and also the origin is fascinating.

Let us take one name Ganapati;Gana + pati = Ganapati. Pati is the



According to Maharshi Panini: Gana is a collection of the eight

vasus. The word vasu refers to direction, the guardian deity or the

deity of the directions (dikpal or dikdev). Lord Ganesh is Dikpal or

Swami of directions. Ganapati is the master of the directions. Other

ishta devata cannot reach the place of worship in any direction

without His permission. Hence, any auspicious occasion or

ritualistic worship (puja) is commenced with the ritualistic worship

of Lord Ganapati. Once, Ganapati clears the directions, all the

other devata can manifest itself there. This pooja is called



Gana is the collection of tiryak(raja) or visphutit or tamas

frequencies which are harmful. The one controlling them is Ganapati.

There are total 360 frequencies traveling continuously through

the eight directions. The collection of these frequencies is

referred to as gana.


Shri Ganesh is the master of the 18 vidyas hence before beginning

the study of any of the 18 vidyas or in the ritual performed for

their study, the ritualistic worship of Shri Ganesh is important.


Have you ever wondered why do we say Shri Ganeshaya namaha, Shri

Sarasvatyai Namaha and Shri Gurubhyo namaha, or why this order is



Knowledge in any subject is first acquired through the intellect and

Ganapati is the bestower of intellect. Hence Shri Ganeshaya namaha

is written first.


Saraswati's mission is to verbalise the knowledge acquired through

the intellect into words. Sarasvati is called 'abhinav vagvilasini',

the deity of development of speech 'Shabda mul vagdevata', the deity

of the origin of words, by Saint Samarth Ramadas swami. Hence, She

is second in order.


Since the Guru is the medium of acquisition of knowledge and

transcribes it into words, He is placed third in order.


Any rituals including house-warming or gruhapravesh can be performed

by chanting the mantra 'Om bhutburvaha svaha Mahaganapataye

namaha' after that a ritualistic worship with sixteen substances or

shodashopchar puja of Shri Ganesha is performed.


Vakratunda Mahakay kotisuryasamaprabha

Nirvignam Kuru me deva Sarva Karyeshu sarvadaa ||


O Lord ! You who possess a crooked trunk, a huge body, he is

Mahakaya He is huge, with the luster of a million suns, may all my

actions be free of obstacles. He is my vigheshwar


Vakratunda, generally the literal meaning of vakratunda implies a

crooked mouth or trunk. However, this is incorrect. 'Vakran

tundayati iti Vakratund' means Vakratunda is the one who punishes

those who follow the wrong, unrighteous path and leads them to the

righteous path. The one who straightens the acute tiryak raja-tama

predominant 360 frequencies and makes them sattvik (sattva

predominant) like the 108 frequencies by means of His trunk. There

are total 360 frequencies traveling continuously through the eight

directions. The collection of these frequencies is referred to as



Ganapati pooja on Chaturthi means turyavastha, a state beyond the

state of waking jagruti, dream (svapna) and deep sleep (sushupti),

the target of a seeker. He is taking you to the 4th stage, chatur,

of gyana, Turiya



One should not look at Ganesh Chatuthi Moon. According to Purans,

once the moon ridiculed Lord Ganapati by saying, 'What a big belly

You have, Your ears are like sifting pans, that trunk is weird and

those eyes are so tiny !' So, Lord Ganapati cursed him, 'Henceforth

no one shall look at your face. Whoever does will be accused of

theft'. Accordingly everyone would avoid the moon. Lord Ganapati

mitigated the curse later on by saying, 'None shall look at you on

the day of Ganesh chaturthi. However on sankashti chaturthi no meal

shall be eaten without

looking at you.'


The science behind the Lord Ganesh Murti; The moon symbolises the

head.The earth symbolises the abdomen. The seven nether worlds,

saptapatal, symbolise the legs.


The Spiritual Science behind placing the Statues of your ishta



When you are arranging the altar, and you are placing the picture or

statue of Lord Ganapati, you should place it in the center. Worship

of Lord Ganapati activates both the Sun channel (Surya Nadi) and the

Moon channel (Chandra Nadi) of the spiritual energy flow system or

Kundalini shakti. The Sun channel is on the right side of the Lord

Ganesha and the Moon channel on the left. The Sun channel has action

which promots rajasik spiritual energy, while the Moon channel has

soothing sattvik spiritual energy flowing through it.


Have you ever noticed Lord Ganesh is made of number 3 (Trinity, this

number three appears every where) Only the trunk is drawn with

number one rest of the body is drawn with number 3.


Lord Ganapati is made up of the numbers 1 and 3.


1 means the root or spiritual experience or OM the pranav naad and 3

means the creator, sustainer and destroyer. Such a deity which is

the creator, sustainer and destroyer and which endows spiritual

experiences is Ganapati.



1 means Brahman, 2 means the Great Illusion (Maya) and 3 means

nescience or agyaan and avidya. Ganapati is the one who brings 3

that is ignorance to the state of 1 that is Brahman.


1 means one dimension, 3 means the absolute earth or Prithvi with

element having three dimensions. Ganapati is the one leading us from

three dimensions to one. In Spirituality, every one aims at going

from 'many to one' 3 TO 1.


The entire Lord Ganesh symbolizes Omkar, the unmanifested principle

or nirgun.


Modak does not mean laadoo like every one thinks. 'Moda' means Bliss

and 'k' means a small part. So, modak is a small part of Bliss. A

modak is shaped like a coconut that is it is like the cavity 'kha' in

the Brahmarandhra. When the kundalini or spiritual energy reaches

the 'kha' the spiritual experience of Bliss is obtained. The modak

symbolises spiritual knowledge.


Hence it is called dnyanmodak. Whe you start your journey of The

spiritual knowledge which is little, the tip of the modak represents

this); but as one starts studying Spirituality one realises its

Vastness. The base of the modak symbolises this. A modak is sweet in

taste and gives eternal bliss. Bliss acquired through spiritual

knowledge too is sweet.


The serpent wound around His waist: The universal kundalini spiritual

Energy, the hooded cobra: The activated or jagrut kundalini Shakti.



Some times when you are praying, chanting or reciting any shloka you

feel the subtle dimension, the means and the ability to perceive the

Supreme without the use of the five senses, mind, and intellect.

This subtle perception is called an anubhuti (spiritual experience).


Do not negate this Antar Spandan or the Inner Voice, let it come

forward and see what you will see.



Come forward all of you to the Supreme happiness of the highest

quality, an experience of the soul beyond the comprehension of the

mind and intellect. A Subtle Form that which is beyond the

comprehension of the five senses, mind and intellect. It does not

matter where but go some where, any place, at home, in your heart

but find a corner that is just for you and you will find me in

there. You do not have to leave your home, children, wife, friends,

relatives to find Me. I am near you all the time, open your eyes and

you will see me all colors forms and shapes. I am the Blue in the

Sky, Green in the Meadows, Red in the Flowers, Pink in the clean

rosy cheeks of kids, White in the innocent smiling faces.



'Ekadantam, Chaturhastam, pashamankushdharinam

radam cha varadam cha Hasteirbibhranam, mushakadhvajam,

raktam, lambodaram, shurpkarnakam, raktavasasam,

raktagandhanuliptangam, raktapusheirsupujitam'




One more thing, inspite of the existence of several sectsin Sanatan

Dharma, every sect including the Jain sect performs the ritualistic

worship of Lord Ganesh.


Do not always complain and seek me when you need me come to me when

you do not need me that is when you will be able to see ME because

your eyes are fully open at that time. They are not closed with

sorrow or anger or pain or what ever emotions are engulfing you at

that time. You are trying to swim or learning to swim, how can you

enjoy the water and the different techniques of swimming. When you

are a master swimmer you enjoy the water, you revel in it. You are

part of it. I am asking you to swim with me to a different ocean.



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