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+Hinduism and Kama

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Most of the gods have two or more consorts. Hinduism does not object to

sex. It is the ascetics who discourage others. Tantra is a part of

Hinduism. Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. And it does not

come in the way of good living and good living consists of everything that a

man or woman does. Sure, too much of anything is not good and maybe that is

one of the reasons that ascetics discourage sex.


As rightly said, Krishna did have lots of lovers and still people follow his

teachings. But are they following his love life ? No, it is up to people

to decide what to take and what not to digest from Hinduism.


Hinduism does not compel anyone to take sanyas or abstain from sex. Sex

outside the family is a no no but what is the point in marriage if there is

no sex with your partner for life ? Why undergo the entire exercise of

getting married and then abstain from sex ?


If you follow Hinduism as a way of life, sex will become a routine in that

way of life...



With Best Regards


Baalaaje Krishnaswaamy




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Hinduism is the most democratic code of living left behind by our ancestors.

Sex is infact so sacred that Sivalinga is a symbolic glorification of the

same. However why rishis advice satviks to refrain from sex is because 1)

it is very addictive 2) it prevents our mind to focus on a point during

meditation. Sex is a union of two souls which communicate with each other at

the highest level when practiced as a union for exchanging energies. It

harms both when practiced for physical pleasure alone. When sex is pure

practiced with the same partner it energises both their body , mind and the


Reaching God is possible through low frequesncy while in meditation. It is

also possible while in highest frequency (tantra and sex) Therefore sex for

pleasure alone develops tamasik qualities while practiced as a holy union

where pleasure is supplemented with spiritual and mental development helps

build satvik qualities. Thats why all the great sages except Vishvamitra

were married. Sex practised for spiritual development will develop healthy

and happy individuals as found in India during the golden ages of

Chandragupta Maurya. It was restricted once the moghul invaders and later

the Euroeans tried to convert as many as possible through all means

including force. The society had to become closed and lose all the benefits

of a free society.


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