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women in indian society

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Dear abhijith

You are completely wrong while stating that there was no place for women in

society, maybe you cant find any female goddessess in the vedas but in society

the place for women was not as you said. Iam sorry that you are unaware of so

many other texts and literature which corroborates this point. Iam also

surprised what you exactly meant by the eastern influence? Ancient India did not

have any influence at all from any of the 4 sides.....The  place given for

mother, wife etc was " poojyaneey " and not like in other societies which is

incomparable. I need not explain here those things.


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wifes were called Ardhangini - half the body.


Women had equal status -  upanayanams were performed on them


Sriram Medepalli


--- On Tue, 3/11/09, aswin menon <asmenn15 wrote:


aswin menon <asmenn15

Dear abhijith


You are completely wrong while stating that there was no place for women in

society, maybe you cant find any female goddessess in the vedas but in society

the place for women was not as you said. Iam sorry that you are unaware of so

many other texts and literature which corroborates this point. Iam also

surprised what you exactly meant by the eastern influence? Ancient India did not

have any influence at all from any of the 4 sides.....The  place given for

mother, wife etc was " poojyaneey " and not like in other societies which is

incomparable. I need not explain here those things.






























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Dear Mr. Menon,


You are right as long as you consider India from Kandahar to Kanyakumari and

Baluchistan to Tripura.


However, if you consider the Vedic period, the area as  derived by the

researchers/historians  are from Sarahswati river to Gomal river in present



Besides this, they also opined that initially it was from Sarahswati river to

Dristadvati river, means the area is modern Haryana ,little of Rajasthan and

Punjab. Even today the female child is not welcome there.

The culture of that place is not like south India or Banga Desha.


The Eastern India means  the place from Allahabad onwards along the river Ganga.

This includes present Eastern UP, Bihar, West Bengal and Bangla desh.

Of course I have not considered South.


If you find anything can be corrected, please inform me and I will be grateful

for your action.









--- On Tue, 3/11/09, aswin menon <asmenn15 wrote:



You are completely wrong while stating that there was no place for women in

society, maybe you cant find any female goddessess in the vedas but in society

the place for women was not as you said. Iam sorry that you are unaware of so

many other texts and literature which corroborates this point. Iam also

surprised what you exactly meant by the eastern influence? Ancient India did not

have any influence at all from any of the 4 sides.....The place given for

mother, wife etc was " poojyaneey " and not like in other societies which is

incomparable. I need not explain here those things.



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Dear Sir,

I know about that.

I expressed about the status of woman with references to Vedic period of Vedic

society of Vedic places.


I have already replied on this issue. May kindly go through the same.




--- On Tue, 3/11/09, sriram medepalli <dikki52 wrote:


wifes were called Ardhangini - half the body.




Women had equal status - upanayanams were performed on them




Sriram Medepalli

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